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Before beginning this, I recommend you read the pdf titled “ What Is Hypnosis”, you will

find this in your downloads folder. This pdf will give you a very clear idea of what

hypnosis is, and how it works. By clearing up any misconceptions of hypnosis and what

to expect you will see a remarkable increase in your levels of fun and pleasure.

Make sure you are laying down or reclining while listening to these mp3s and use


Do no eat large amounts of coffee or sugar before listening because it will keep

you wired!!!!!!!

Step 1: Sophia’s Blue Snowflake

This file is designed help condition you into reaching a deep level of hypnosis known as

profound somnambulism. This is important because this state will help you maximize

the experience of Snow Bound. This mp3 is important for people who have never been

in hypnosis before because it allows you to go into this blissful level of hypnosis. By

listening to this mp3, you will then be given a trigger word that will allow you to return
immediately to this profound level of bliss. This mp3 is based upon the Ultra Depth

Healing mp3. Listening to this mp3 in itself will provide extreme levels of healing and for

your body and soul. While you are in Ultra Depth your body and mind heals ten times

faster than normal. Many listeners have reported spontaneous levels of healing just by

listening to this mp3 alone. Each time you listen to this mp3, you will find that you go

deeper and deeper into blissful relaxation. Once you are in this blissful state you will be

given a keyword by Sophia. This keyword will help you return back into this blissful

state within seconds. This is important, because the Snow Bound mp3 will begin with

this keyword allowing you to return back into bliss within seconds. Because of this, you

will instantly be in the level of depth needed to maximize the incredible amounts of

pleasure. You will know when the Blue Snowflake conditioning is working when you


Feel like you are floating

Feel Euphoria and Peace

Feel like you can’t move because of the blissful relaxation

Feel deeply rested

Elimination of Stress during the day

Unimaginable Peace

For some people this could take place in about a day, some people need a week or so.

I recommend listening to the Blue Snowflake file no more than once a day, remember its

supposed to be a fun getaway experience.

Once you are conditioned with the Blue Snowflake file, this conditioning will stay with

you for life, so think of it as a one time investment. The biggest mistake people make

when starting off is that they rush through step one without being properly conditioned.

If you move to the main file Snow Bound and it doesn’t work then I suggest you return

to the Blue Snowflake files a few more times to make sure you are going deep enough.

If you’ve already conditioned yourself to Blue Snowflake from Sophia’s past

products than you can skip to step 2.

The secret to make this work is just to focus on the relaxation, your conscious mind

can’t force it to happen. People have problems when they try to force it to work. Don’t

force it, just enjoy it...that’s the big difference. Your biggest job is just to enjoy the

relaxation, that’s all you have to simple is that?

You will know for sure you are ready to move from step one when

You are unable to move when asked to in the mp3

You are unable to say the letter C

You cannot feel your body or you feel euphoria

Step 2:
Listen to the following mp3 of your choice and enjoy! They all will provide the same

experience with different variations which are listed below ‘

Sophia's "Snow Bound" is her newest creation which takes the experience even

further. As you listen to this mp3, you will find yourself transported to a cozy cabin

in the middle of a snow storm where you are visited by a uniquely powerful, and

beautiful stranger. From that point on, we will leave it to your imagination as you

experience even higher levels of erotic bliss that will leave you feeling better and

resonating at a higher level of consciousness.

Sophia's Snow Bound mp3 v1 - This version has a Schumann Frequency for deep

Sophia's Snow Bound mp3 v2 - This version "thought sounds" for those who really
want a existential experience.

Sophia's Snow Bound mp3 v3 This version has a beautiful forest melody.

If you have any questions on this process, feel free to contact me

Talmadge Harper

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