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(I couldn’t think of a name so I googled names; I picked Min, meaning fast/quick in Korean,

according to Google)

Wifi Issues
Min begins his day by raising his phone high into the air just after he wakes up. Soon,
after a few long and tedious minutes of waiting, Min’s phone receives one bar of wifi signal and
he lets out a long sigh of relief. He never spent a dime on a wifi router because of the faint wifi
signal from the room above, and the fact that it isn’t protected by any sort of password. Min
slowly gets off his bed after checking and replying to some hanging messages; he still holds his
phone above his head as he brushes his teeth, as if not realizing that all the toothpaste foam is
sliding down his throat.
The clock hits 1 pm when Min steps out of his bedroom, just like every other weekend.
He plops himself onto his old bean bag of his and opens Netflix while keeping a lying position
with his phone glued to his hand. However, the Netflix page flickers a few times before turning
completely black; today’s signal has been exceptionally choppy. Min lets out a grunt as he turns
his phone off after a few useless tries to reconnect.
“Must’ve swapped their floor. Somehow can’t connect to the wifi today.”
Min thinks to himself as he drags his body to the balcony, hoping for the possibly better
signal as it is a relatively open space. However, his phone stays disconnected, which agitates
Min. He mutters out a few curse words and reaches his hand out of the balcony while holding
his phone above his head for a better connection.
Suddenly, Min feels a loss of weight in his hands; his phone has accidentally slipped out
of his grip. He watches helplessly as his phone falls to the floor and crashes into countless

(I plan on adding a transition here but don’t know how)

“Perhaps I should just stay indoors.”

Min thinks as he turns on his laptop, hoping for a better connection today.
However, after a few tries of refreshing, the wifi was nowhere to be found. A confused
and slightly irritated Min sits on his couch, wondering what happened to the internet signal
Meanwhile, on the floor above, the owner muttered to himself, “didn’t know I could
access the wifi from the floor above this whole time without having to put a password.” He then
picks up his phone, makes a listing of his wifi router, and with a sharp click, he shuts down the

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