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Lengua Extranjera

LIFE IN 1970’S

What happened in
Gen. Alfredo Ovando Candia 1969 - 1970
Bolivia in the 70’s? He became president of Bolivia on September 26, 1969.
In his government, important measures were taken such as the
During 70’s nationalization of oil and the expropriation of the Gulf Oil Co., which allowed
Bolivia to own its resources.

Gen. Juan José Torres Gonzales

He assumed power through a popular uprising, with the participation of
During the 70’s Bolivia had workers, the university movement and a sector of the military loyal to Torres.
many governments. Almost During his brief administration,he nationalized the Matilde Mine, and
a different president each ordered a significant budget increase for Bolivian universities.
year and most of them were
dictators. 35
Gen. Hugo Banzer Suarez
Read what happened in He assumed president after a coup in 1971 and established a dictatorship
those years, underline the througt seven years.
past verbs and write What He was overthrown on July 21, 1978, after a long hunger strike initiated by
event or events caught women miners among they, Domitila Barrios.
your attention the most?
............................................. Gen. Juan Pereda Asbum
............................................. He was a candidate for the presidency during the faul national elections on
............................................. 1978. Elections annulled when an electoral fraud in his favor was verified. Two
days after the annulment he organized a coup against Gen. Banzer whom he
............................................. overthrew. He held the Presidency for just over three months. In November
............................................. 1978 he was overthrown by General Celso Padilla.
............................................. Walter Guevara Arce
In 1979 he was appointed by Congress as interim president, with one-year
mandate and with the task of calling new presidential elections. During his
government, Marcelo Quiroga Santa Cruz initiated a responsibilities trial
against former dictator Hugo Banzer Suárez, which was filed later.

Col. Alberto Natush Busch

On November 1, 1979, he carried out a bloody coup against president Wálter
Guevara Arze and assumed the presidency. He ordered the use of military
weapons against civilians, which caused the death of hundred people and half
a thousand wounded. He resigned on November 15, 1979 after only 16 days.

Lidia Gueller Tejada

The congress elected Gueiler as interim constitutional president of
the Republic, after the flight of Alberto Natush Busch. On July 17, 1980,
the democratic process was again interrupted, when Lidia Gueiler was
overthrown and exiled by Luis García Meza in a new bloody coup.

Educación Secundaria Comunitaria Productiva

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