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I killed myself.

That night, at the bridge where cars light zipped past under me like time itself
telling me to hurry up and die.
The world is too hard for me, for I am too weak, too naive, too trusting of the people around me.
Father and mother threw me away at thirteen, then I was transferred from orphanage to orphanage
because of my ethnicity.
I cried and cried telling the god that I am sorry that I cannot live no more in this world. I am tired of
scrapping for food in the trash can, I am tired to be kicked around and mistreated by everyone
around me.
God. If you really are there, if reincarnation really exists, please give me a life I can be grateful for.
My feet left the railing, then all I heard was the honking of cars and people screaming.
A hundred gods stood in the air with closed eyes.
"I and my wife have conquered a million worlds for you, convincing all the people there to kneel
and bow under your statues. I killed all the demons and the devils from hell, so they won't disrupt
the people's faith. I kill my own kind! To satisfy you! Now give me what you have promised!"
The demon king, Hujarar stood in the middle of the flying platform in the sky.
Suddenly, the gods opened their eyes, glowing bright like the light of the holy sun itself. "You have
done well, Hujarar. Your prayers have not been forgotten. We shall give you an answer. You prayed
for your life to no longer be hunted by our chosen heroes, you prayed to have a calm life with your
wife, you prayed to have a grateful and powerful son. You prayed to give our holy blessing to him.
We heard your prayer, then you shall receive."

Aldred saw light, shining brightly upon his eyes, and he couldn't help but cry, but then he saw a
woman with the depiction of an angel without the wings, fondly looking at him with a pair of lovely
Her facial was graceful, and so did her smooth skin of flawless beauty. Her pristine black hair
flowed down like a heavenly river. The way it glittered while reflecting the sunlight reminded him
of a black polished, finely carved diamond. Looking at her figure, she might as well be the most
beautiful of all diamonds.
She brought him into her embrace, lifting her clothes, and putting her breast inside his mouth.
Aldred was too stunned to speak. 'Who is this beautiful woman?
Warm liquid entered his throat, it felt so refreshing like much-needed water after three days in the
throat-burning deserts. She caressed his cheek with her soft and slender, leaning forward, and
whispering to his ear. "Welcome to this world, my baby boy."
Aldred was shocked, his whole body trembled. He couldn't help but cry again. It was a baby cry.
The mother lovingly smiled before breastfeeding him again to calm him down.
Her soft touch and the warm liquid entering his throat did calm him down.
The situation didn't let him think clearly at first, but now he understood.
He was reincarnated, but still with his memory intact?
'Why? I prefer if I would forget all the nightmares of my past life. Why does God leave me with
these scars when he can remove them why?'
"He's a strong boy," a handsome man said, standing beside the woman.


The woman sat down on a chair. The man leaned in to take a closer look. "You resemble your
mother, little baby."
The mother smiled. "And you are as handsome as your father."
The man kissed the woman on the head. "We finally get our happy ever after, Eve."
She kissed back. "It's all because of you, Hujarar, my dear."
"It cannot be done without you, love."
Both of them went in each other's embrace like a loving family.
"Mom, Dad, can I come inside now?" A voice beautiful voice asked.
"Yes, dear," Eve said.
A woman around twenty years old of age with the same appearance as Eve opened the door before
excitedly approaching him. "You're so cute! Who's a good boy! Who's a good boy? Can I name him,
"No, dear. The name will be given by the blessing of the gods," Eve said. She nodded to Hujarar.
Hujarar pulled some sort of golden jade out of his pocket, then he place it on top of Aldred's head.


It shone with brilliant light mixed with various colors, creating rainbows as they moved about in the
air before entering his body.
Aldred felt like he should be panicking right now, but instead, he felt calm. A voice entered his
head. It was so ancient so divine. Then more voices came.
[You have been blessed]
[You have obtained unlimited potential. Nothing shall bound your strength]
[You have obtained divine dimension. In this dimension, you are the god]
[You have obtained affinity in all elements: fire, water, wood, earth, air, dark, time, space]
[You have obtained limitless energy. The whole universe will give you energy]
[You have obtained Necromancy. The soul of the dead is for you to command]
[You have obtained extreme charm. Even a rock would blush just by looking at you]
[You have obtained magic affinity. Any spells will be yours to master]
[You have obtained Martial Arts affinity. Any techniques will be yours to master]


[You have obtained Divine Genital. You can control its length and thickness however you want]
[Your name shall be Aldred]
Aldred felt a divine aura wash all over him, and even though he was still a baby he believed he
could lift a large boulder with his hand alone. He wasn't sure if this was overconfident of him or
not, but he definitely felt strength and power inside of him.
And not only that, but he also saw these weird stats floating around everyone.
Level: 978
Titles: The Demon King, Betrayer, World eater, God of War, killer of men, Hunter of Heroes,
Cutthroat, Vicious Phantom, King of Hell, Mass Murderer, Universal Level Threat
Power: Immortality, Control Reality, Domain Administrator, Universal Gate...
History: Demon King Hujarar was crowned as the King of Hell at the age of 7 when he killed the
king of that era. He was feared by many and proved to be a lethal threat to the universe. A thousand
ancient beings felt threatened by his existence, but only a hundred of them stood up and fought
against him. After countless millenniums of battle, Hujarar made a deal for peace, conquering more
than a million worlds and presenting them to the ancient beings as the price for his peace.
Aldred got dizzy from the long list of titles, skills, and ten thousand paragraphs worth of history.
Alright, this man was powerful. He got it, and that was enough. Why did it need to tell him about
the man's whole life?
When he wanted the writings in the air to be gone, they disappeared just like that. That was very
"Aldred," the man said. "What a beautiful name. You will be a wise boy when you grow up. I am
sure of it."
Aldred was touched by his fatherly gaze but he had to apologize for not coming up to the
expectation because he didn't plan to be wise at all, he wanted to have fun.
His past life was miserable, the only escape he had from reality was reading old books that he had
downloaded on his old phone which he received from someone who did not want it. It was cracked
and the screen was about to fall off, but it was the only thing he had.


Fantasy books always made him smile, they brought him into the imagination of the writer.
It helped him in forgetting about the bitter reality which was his past life, but now since his fantasy
had come true, he didn't plan to waste it.
'Thank you, God, For giving me a chance, and for giving me a life that I can be grateful for.'
The twenty-year-old woman smiled. She caressed his head. "Aldred. A lovely name."
Eve kissed his forehead and stood up from her seat. She softly shook him up and down while
singing him a lullaby song. Her voice was ethereal beyond measure like it came from heaven itself.
It was of nature, calm like the water, yet fresh like the sensation of the morning air. Aldred felt
sleepy. He couldn't help but closed his eyes as he drifted into a dream.
Four months had passed.
Time worked differently for Eve and Hujarar. For them, four months was a blink of an eye, but for
Aldred, it was quite a long time.
His life was very comfortable in his new home. His mother provided him with milk and love every
single day. His father had never whipped him with a belt or hurt him in any way.
His sister would play with him whenever she got home from school.
What was more interesting was that his 'home' was actually a large floating castle that drifted above
the clouds.
Eve picked him up as he crawled on the ground. She strode to the balcony. The sight in the sky was
beautiful with countless stars and moon. A streak of color ran straight in the sky.

The sun was always rising, this was because the castle always moved away from the sun. His father
and mother found out that sunrise was his favorite time of the day, so they control the castle for
He had heard that they could just stop the planet from rotating or just put the sun in a different place
but that would disrupt the native beings on this planet.
Aldred sighed in relief for all the innocent lives that were saved.
His mother smiled on the balcony with her arms wrapped around him.
His father came from inside and hugged her from behind. "Beautiful isn't it."
Eve nodded.
"Say, Aldred, do you want to fly?"
Aldred was nervous. Even though he had killed himself by falling from a bridge, he actually was
afraid of heights.
Eve laughed. "Of course, he wants to. Look how excited he is."
Hujarar smiled. "Then let us fly."
Aldred was nervous at first. He closed his eyes as the three of them slowly floated, leaving the
flying castle.
The wind softly brushed against his face, and his mother held his little hand. "There is nothing to be
afraid of."


Aldred opened his eyes and feasted upon the wonders of the world. Colorful fluffy clouds floated
around them, along with horses streaking around.
His eyes glittered. Something he only saw in books was now presented in his reality. Aldred
couldn't believe that this was now his life.
It was like yesterday he was still begging for food, but now...
Now life was good.
He felt thankful. All the sufferings he had experienced were worth the price for this paradise. He
had two loving parents, a dream-like world, and reality-bending power that he didn't dare to
Tears fell from his eyes.
Hujarar panicked. "Aldred why are you crying. Eve, what should we do?"
"We should return. Maybe the horses scared him."
Hujarar nodded. "Let me make those horses extinct first."
Eve grabbed his hand. "Don't show violence to our baby."
Hujarar scratched his head apologetically. "Sorry."
The three of them returned to the balcony and his mother sang him a song to calm him down.


"Johny. Johny. Yes, papa."

It was such a wonderful song.
As his mother sang him a lullaby song, something rang from Hujarar's pocket. It sounded like a
His father put his hand inside a pocket and pull out a phone with the naked picture of his mother on
the lock screen.
He immediately covered it with his hand and made sure no one saw that, but it was clearer than the
Nile river itself.
'Come on, bro. I know she is your wife but why do you have her naked picture as a lock screen.'
Aldred started to question if his family were truly normal or not.
Oh wait, they weren't normal in the first place.
Hujarar looked at the phone and clicked his tongue in annoyance. "Tech support, how may I help
Pffft. Aldred couldn't hold it and gave out a baby giggle which surprised his mother.
"Stop playing with me," an old voice came from the phone. "I am sure I called the right number."
"New phone, who dis?"
"Hujarar! I know your voice like the moan of my wife! So don't play any game with me."
Pfft! Aldred laughed again which surprised Eve even more.
Hujarar then snapped his fingers and then the magical wind blew around the phone. "It's a whole
storm out here. Sorry but I think you can call at another time. And I am running out of data too. Oh,
my battery is going zero."
He then turned off the call. Hujarar sighed.
Eve looked at her husband and smiled. "The gods are calling again?"
"Yeah. They really love to pester us like a bunch of old men. It makes me want to kill them."
"Hujarar, no. You promised that we will live a happy and peaceful life."
"I know, dear." He approached her and kissed her forehead. "Old habits die hard."
Aldred flinched. 'Is killing god your habit or something?'
"Also, dear, I think our little Aldred can understand us."
"What? He's only four months old."
Hujarar approached him and looked at him in the eye. "Can you understand us?"
Aldred blinked and then giggled like a normal baby. "Eyah! Gugu Gaga!"
He wanted to enjoy his time as a baby. If they knew he could understand them, who knew what they
would do.
When he grew up, he would like to go on an adventure, kill beasts and collect harems, but for now,
he would like to enjoy his moments with both of his parents.


It would be such a fun adventure! After all, he has so many powers that he could use.
"I think he wants to sleep," Eve said. "Come. Let us return to your bed."
His mother sweetly looked at him and fondled her small nose with her own. They return to the
floating castle, and Eve strode to the bedroom.
Once again, a warm heavenly liquid entered his throat as his mother sweetly looked at him. It was
in direct contrast with his past mother who didn't even bother to look at him when talking.
Aldred smiled inside. 'What a great family. This is the thing I have dreamt of for twenty grueling
Afraid of tiring his mother, Aldred pretended he was asleep. Eve noticed that his little baby boy was
already fast asleep, so she put him in his own small bed boxed by wooden fences.
"He's quick to sleep," Hujarar said.
Aldred snored.
"Oh, look at our little baby snoring. don't you think that's cute?" Hujarar said.
Then Aldred opened his eyes and closed them again.
Eve giggled. "It seems like our baby is not fully asleep yet. Why don't we play some toys for him?"
Hujarar smiled. "That's a good idea."
Aldred raised an eyebrow. 'What are they trying to do?'
When he slightly opened his eyes, Aldred was shocked at what he saw. His parents did something…
childish yet wonderful.
"Brooom!" Hujarar moved a car toy in the air as he made a car noise in his mouth.
Eve giggled and raised her hand. A couple of airplanes flew around. They glowed and left a
sparkling trails of stars. Suddenly, Hujarar summoned small planets, and galaxies on the ceilings.
And then a tiny Ctulhu appeared devouring the planets around it. Space ships came from the planets
and attacked the monsters. So many things happened at once, and Aldred watched in wonder and
Aldred wanted to close his eyes and get some sleep, but he couldn't. The sight was just too good to
pass for.
After a few hours, Aldred thought his mom and dad might get tired, so Aldred pretended to sleep
"Our boy has fallen asleep," Hujarar said.
"It seems that he liked our little magic show. We should do it more often."
The door opened and his big sister caught both his mom and dad playing with toys.
"Is Aldred awake?" Dina asked.
"He's asleep," Hujarar said before all the planets and galaxies on the ceiling disappeared.
'Magic is very convenient,' Aldred thought. He looked at his sister and wanted her attention. Aldred
pretended to cry to make his bigs sister come to him. "Uwaa!"
"Awhh, you pitiful little baby boy." His big sister approached and brought him to her chest. "There,
there. Come and play with big sister."


She strode out and Aldred cried as his big sister brought him to her room. She put him on her bed
and tucked his body with a warm blanket. "Ohh, you're such a cutie. Mom and dad is too cruel to
keep you away from me."
She then rained his face with kisses.
Aldred was overwhelmed. He likes being kissed by a beautiful, busty girl, but even this was too
much. He even thought he might die from the lack of oxygen.
She stopped and looked at him with a sweet smile. "Mom and dad is so happy to have you. I as your
big sister will surely protect you, after all, that is why they adopted me."
Aldred was surprised. His big sister was adopted? Then why did she look so similar to his mother?
'It was probably face-changing magic or something. Anything can happen in this fantasy world."
Time passed and Aldred was now six months old.
After spending time with his family every day, Aldred found something that he wanted to do. He
wanted to become stronger just like them and lead an easy and fun life.
It was so cool to see his mother, father, and sister throwing cool spells in the air. He wanted to do
that too.
But for that, he needed to learn, and the only place he could learn right now was through books.
Aldred climbed one of the wooden bookshelves and randomly grabbed one of the books. It was
called 'World Devouring Flame'.
He didn't know how he could understand all of this, in fact, he didn't even know how he understood
his parents' language.
Though, he couldn't speak yet, which was not surprising.
[World Devouring Flame]
The world shall be consumed by fire. Train this skill to the peak and you will be the sovereign of
If he learn this he would be as powerful as his father. With the blessing of the god, surely he could
learn this in no time.
[Learning Failed. Insufficient Level]
Level: 1
Titles: Depressed baby
History: A depressed and sad soul reincarnated into a baby of a powerful demon king. This baby
also loves to see their parents having fun.
'Hey, what the hell! Why does my history sound like a loser.'


'And where is my power? I am sure I got a bunch of blessings. What was it called again? Divine
Suddenly, everything went bright and Aldred entered some kind of dark place.
'I need some lights. It's too dark in here."
And there was light, an orb shining in the sky, then Aldred realized that he was floating
'Ahh! I need to touch the ground!'
And there was ground under his feet.
'Wow. Everything follows my wishes. This place needs more ground. It's too empty.'
The space around him turned into an expansive world. The sun shone in the sky and all around him
was a flat dirt ground.
'Nice. Now give it some variety like grass, river, and other stuff.'
Grass and trees grew out of the ground, making everything green, and then the earth split apart with
a large hole before the water filled it up from down below and then flowed into the distance.
He then willed the world to plant some seeds and it quickly grew, not in an instant, but it was quite
fast. He grew some good-looking stuff like corn, radishes, and tomato. He also grew some fruits. He
didn't actually want to eat them, he did it just to make his space look beautiful. He would consider
this as a second home or something where he might spend his alone time.
He covered the sky with a blue atmosphere and a lot of clouds. It was amazing.
"Haha! I got the power!" He willed for the world to make rainbows explode in the sky.
It was so colorful and fantastic like watching a fireworks show in the new year, but much more
Aldred was so excited. But then he still saw some empty space in the distance. 'Hey add more stuff
to that.'
[Insufficient Level]
'Oh... It gave the same notification about the book too. How many levels do I need to expand the
[Level 10 required expanding space by 10 meters]
'Then how much for the book?'
[Level 100 required to learn 'World Devouring Flame' skill]
'Crap! I need a hundred level for that? That's too much! How do I increase my level anyway?'
<Exp: 0/100>
'Ahh. I see where this is going.' Aldred had read tons of similar novels just like this. This was the
part where he went for an adventure and leveled up as many times as possible.
'But I still want to enjoy some time with my family.'
[Divine Dimension: Monster Dungeon]


'Shit! Here we go again.'

Aldred stared at the floating screen in front of his face.
[Divine Dimension: Monster Dungeon]
He was tempted to go, but currently, he was just a baby. A six-month-old baby to boot! If he met a
goblin or something wouldn't he get eaten? It wasn't like he had a goat to help him fight monsters
like some storied he had read.
[Diving Dimension: Monster Dungeon level adjustment…]
[Level Adjusted]
[Monster Dungeon level 1: Baby Ghoul Lair]
Aldred had his jaw dropped. Why did it seem like the screen was trying so hard to push him into the
"Let me remind you again. I. AM. A. BABY. Even if the ghoul is a baby too, that is still a
He was a sad and depressed man, but he wouldn't throw himself into the mouth of a ghoul thank
you very much.
[Quest: Kill 3 Baby Ghoul]
Reward: 200 EXP
"Jesus fucking christ! How many times do I need to say it. I'm a powerless little baby. What the hell
can I do?"
[Demon baby starting kit: Fireball skills]
[Congratulations you have obtained the skill 'Fireball']
[Now you can defeat the Baby Ghoul in the dungeon]


Aldred was speechless right now. The way the system forced him to enter the dungeon was very
Now for the question of the day; should he enter or not? He wanted to get some EXP and level up,
but he still wasn't sure.
"Ahh, fuck it! It's not like I am the first baby to enter a dungeon before. Hey! System or whatever!
Get me into that dungeon!]
Aldred's vision went blank, and then after a single blink, he was inside some kind of dimly lit
hallway. The bricks below his hands and knees were dirty and rough, the hallway was tight too,
boxed in between a wall, and a few torches on it.
Aldred caught a scent and winced at the strong odor. It was the smell of rotten meat. "Yuck!
Disgusting. The landfill smells better than this. Now, where is the baby ghoul?'
At the end of the hallway, there was a shadow that come from the left. The shadow was huge, and it
seemed to be eating something. It viciously bit and ripped before chowing it down into its throat.
Uhh… 'I thought the system said the ghoul would be baby-size.'
The shadow turned its head to the side. It felt like it was staring directly at him.
Suddenly, a small ghoul came out of the corner. It looked so similar to a human baby but with a red
dot as eyes and then the rest were filled with black.
The baby also had white hair. It slowly crawled towards him.
"Haha. It's just a little baby. I can defeat this."
The ghoul baby opened its lips. "Oshieteyo oshietyo, sono shikumi wo."
Aldred widened his eyes. This was the moment where he knew—
He fucked up.
The baby's back burst open, and nasty red tentacles came out. They gripped the ground and pushed
the baby towards him at a flying speed.


'Holy shit!' Aldred panicked. He immediately pointed his palm at the ghoul. "Fireball!"
A ball of flame sparked to life on top of his fingers. Aldred's expression was elated when he saw the
fireball. "Nice!"
The fireball then shot upward, blasting the ceiling.
"Crap! It shot from the finger, not the palm!"
Aldred was in a panic and quickly pointed at the ghoul as it flew towards him.
A bright flame sparked at the end of his index finger, he stared at the ghoul. "Fireball!"
The fireball blazed through the air and struck upon the ghoul. The impact blasted the ghoul's chest.
It burst with blood, and the baby ghoul fell to the floor.
The ghoul twitched around on the ground, but it still breathe. It also cried in so much pain, not the
baby cry type, but the monster cry type. It was such a scary sound.
Aldred raised his index finger and blew the smoke away.
He pointed his finger again and closed one of his eyes to aim. He even pretended to cock his finger
like a gun. "Time to die!"
Another fireball blasted the ghoul and it was disintegrated completely.
[+ 30 EXP]
"That's it? I work too hard for this."
[Quest: Kill 3 Baby Ghoul]
Reward: 200 EXP


Completion: 1/3
"Alright, you don't have to remind me. Time to crawl my way into the dungeon."
Aldred crawled through the dark, damp, wet, disgusting, smelly, dimly-lit hallway. It was too much
for a baby like him, but he gotta pushed through for some EXP.
A few minutes later, he found two baby ghouls devouring a rotten dog. He also noticed something
that he did not realize earlier. The baby ghoul looked so handsome and smooth. If they grew up,
Aldred was sure they would be a good-looking guy.
At least, he wasn't ugly anymore. His mother was beautiful, and his father was handsome, so surely,
he would grow up with a good face too.
Aldred pointed with his right hand at the baby ghoul on the right. "You're dead."
The fireball shot towards it, but surprisingly it dodged. Well, that was new.
He send more fireballs towards them, and both of them dodged all of his fireballs with tricky
movement. The fireball came at their face, then they bend their upper body to slightly missed the
They ducked, rolled, twisted, turned, doggy style, and backflipped. Their movement was similar to
a gymnast but on steroids.
"What in the hell." Aldred couldn't believe none of his fireballs hit. Thankfully, he had the blessing
that gave him unlimited mana.
[Limitless Energy]
Aldred laughed. "I can do this all day."
He kept on shooting fireballs for hours until the baby ghoul got tired and their movement slowed
down considerably. They were out of breath, chest up and down quickly like they had just run a 200
KM marathon.
But both of them still dodged his fireball. Aldred was enraged. If they could dodge one fireball at a
time, then what about two at once.
Aldred smiled with sly. He stood up and plopped his baby bottom on the ground. Raising both of his
hands, he pointed both of his index fingers at the ghouls.


"Have you guys heard of dual uzi before?"

"Pew. Pew. Pew." Aldred made a pew pew pew sound as fireballs came out of his fingers.
The baby ghouls in front of him were dancing around with ragged breath. It was so much fun seeing
them in distress, but all fun things had to come to an end eventually.
[You have killed two Baby Ghouls]
[+ 30 EXP]
[+ 30 EXP]
[Quest: Kill 3 Baby Ghoul]
Reward: 200 EXP
Completion: 3/3
[You have completed the quest]
[+ 200 EXP]
[You have level up]
[Level 1 -> 2]
[Level 2 -> 3]
Two level up at once. Nice. Aldred wondered what he received from this level up. He should have
earned some kind of attribute stats or something.
Health Points: 10/10


Level: 3
Titles: Depressed baby
-Fireball: Lv. 1
-Strength: 0
Vitality: 0
-Intelligence: 1
-Dexterity: 0
Stat points: 4
Skill points: 4
Aldred didn't like what he saw. Why was he so weak? As a baby that was born from demon king
and demon queen, his stats should be 999 from the get-go. This didn't make any sense at all.
Even the system was speechless from his remarks.
Aldred yawned. 'I am sleepy. I want to return.'
The world flashed, and he returned to his parent's room again. The 'World Devouring Flame' book
still sat on the ground.


Both of his parents were still sleeping. They slept so soundly. Aldred recalled that his past mom and
dad had never slept in the same bed.
So this was what it felt like to have a normal family.
Aldred climbed onto their bed and made himself comfortable between the two of his parents. His
mother was beautiful as always up close. Aldred also looked at his father.
He looked so handsome and charming too. He had nice short black hair, smooth skin, and a well-
muscled body. Both of them were the perfect couple for each other. Aldred wondered how they met.
Did they meet by the lake under the bright beautiful moon? Or maybe in fall seasons where the air
was always fresh, with a bunch of leaves falling around.
However they met, it had to be so romantic and lovely.
Aldred closed his eyes as he slept in between them. It was a warm and comfortable place to be in,
and he wished for it to last forever.

Hujarar gritted his teeth as ten divine figures with white robes floated before him. The world around
them was in chaos. Flames, lightning, winds, and water all floating around creating destruction
upon the landscapes. The mountains, trees, and rivers were snapped, destroyed, or flipped
Even time and space were unstable.
"You have never learned your lesson did you?" Hujarar stared viciously at them. Lightning struck a
distance away, flashing his figure with terrifying shadows. At that moment, his two eyes were
shining bright red.
The ten gods could feel their souls being stared at. If not for the numerical advantage, they would
all run away as far as possible from this monster.
"Your existence is a threat to our ten commandments." One of the divine beings said.
Hujarar snorted in disdain. "In that case make it one hundred commandments! You old fools always
ganged up on me. I am sick of you all!"
The ten gods felt a powerful force permeating from the Demon King. A red and black aura burst
forth from him. The landscapes around them became even more chaotic. Tornadoes of flames and
water bashed against each other, with mountains rolled around like giant wheels.
"You have gone too far!" One of the gods said. They all pointed at him and chanted; "Die demons!"
Hujarar and the ten gods rushed against each other. Their battle shook the sky and the earth.
Crevices kept on appearing, with the hot liquid magma inside the earth shooting upward into the
The battlefield was like the scene of hell. Chaotic laws and energies kept on destroying space and
time before it reconstructed itself, stabilizing the reality they currently fought in.

Hujarar summoned his sword, 'Hell scream'. It was a super powerful sword made out of an entire
floor of hell itself. It could elongate or shorten as he liked, but its most powerful ability was to
summon hell upon the world.
"Hell's Gate!"
A large part of space bent and then shattered before revealing a circle of hellish flames. Billions of
fiends and demons rushed out of the circle and swarmed the ten divine beings.
Hujarar laughed. "You old fools always fell for the same trick. See you later, sucker!"
The ten gods snorted, killing a few billion demons with the snort alone. "We have prepared
something for this occasion!"
Hujarar turned around and saw the ten gods gathering in a circle and thick white energy siphoned
out of their body. The thick white energy spun around and then condensed itself in the center of the
"With this much power, you will surely die."
Hujarar laughed and raised his middle finger. "Why don't you give it a try!"
The ten gods frowned, and then suddenly the small ball of bright white light appeared in front of his
Hujarar sneered. He had a lot of defensive skills too. Did these old fools think he wouldn't defend
"Mighty Protection: The wall of hellish flame!"
Suddenly, a vast barrier appeared between the white ball and Hujarar. His lips curled. This spell
wouldn't block the impact but actually split reality for a short moment of time, preventing any spell
of space or time from intervening on the other side.
But then Hujarar was shocked. His wall of flame was pierced by the bright light, and then it
exploded. The explosion condensed into a single point, making a beam, and it directly hit his
Hujarar was dragged in the air by the beam, and with gritted teeth, he quickly cut off his lower body
to escape.
The top part of his body fell to the ground and slid a few kilometers away before he finally saw
some sort of small hole. But when he looked up, he realized it was not just a normal hole.
A beautiful woman stared down at him with widened eyes. "Pervert!"


"And that is how I met your mother, Aldred."
Aldred was speechless right now. He looked at his father calmly sitting on a couch with a proud
smile, while his mother blushed with shame beside him. She didn't even dare to look at anyone due
to how embarrassing it was.
"Why do you have to tell him that?" Eve hit her husband.
"So what. Let him know how we met."
"It's too embarrassing."
"How many millennia had it been? You're still embarrassed by it even when I dig the hole almost
Eve bit his shoulder.
"OW. Ow. Ow. That hurt."
Eve stared at him and pouted. "Don't say such a word in front of our baby."
Four years had already passed now, and Aldred could already speak, write, and even read. That was
how he could ask his father his story of meeting his mother. To be honest, he didn't expect it to turn
that way at all.
It wasn't romantic in the slightest! He would expect love at the beach, saving a damsel in distress,
and other types of heroic scenes. This… this kinda disappointed him. But oh well, at least their
relationship had gone well for whatever millennium.
Anyway, he had been accumulating some EXP in the dungeon, though he was very lazy about it
because he had too much fun with his family.
Health Points: 15/15
Level: 8
Titles: Depressed baby


-Fireball: Lv. 1
-Strength: 1
-Vitality: 1
-Intelligence: 2
-Dexterity: 1
Stat points: 14
Skill points: 14
He hadn't used a single point yet because he didn't know what to increase. Leveling up in the future
would get much harder, this meant that stat points would become a precious commodity. He should
wait for some time before deciding what to do with it.
His attributes increased by itself as he grew older anyway. Who knew his stats might increase
exponentially since he was the son of a demon king. Also, his health point increased by five because
he had one point in vitality. That was nice.
"You guys are disgusting," a woman's voice said. It was his big sister, Dina.
He reached out both of his hands to get her attention. Dina was happy to see him and immediately
picked him up. "Are you excited to see me, little Aldred?" She stuffed her face into his which made
him giggle. "Come on. Let's get you some hot chocolate and some storybooks to read."
Aldred frantically nodded his head. He loved spending time with his big sister because she always
spoiled him with everything. Both of them would stay in her room and read some story books while
enjoying a cup of hot chocolate milk, and sweets.
And sure enough, When Aldred was brought into her room, there were a lot of sweets on the table.
His favorite was the one that was sprinkled with sugars on top, and dark chocolate inside.
Aldred pointed at the sweets and looked at her. "Sweets."


"Oh, you little baby boy. You're so cute. You want some sweets?"
Aldred nodded.
Dina sat on the edge of the bed and grabbed the one with chocolate inside. Aldred smiled and gave
her a kiss. She always knew what he liked and it made him like her even more.
"Thanks, big sister."
"Ohh," Dina said. "You're planning to kill me with your cuteness, aren't you." She pinched his
cheeks. "You little sweet boy."
Aldred rubbed his cheek in pain, but he didn't mind. He got pinched almost everyday, so he got used
to it already. He looked at the stack of books beside the plate of sweets. He then waved his hand and
pointed at the books.
"You want to read books? You have the same hobby as me. I will buy more storybooks for you,
Aldred nodded like an obedient boy which made Dina so happy and she stuffed her face into his
again. She couldn't have enough of it. If she could, she wanted to stuff her face on his all day.
Dina grabbed his favorite book that he hadn't finished yet. It was a story about a man who had to
return a ring to a weird old man. Together with a bunch of weird short dudes, they went past many
hurdles and trials. Oh, and they also got help from an old white-bearded dude, also a long-eared
dude helped them too. There were a lot of dudes in that story.
Aldred read the title of the book again 'Bitch, Where's My Ring?'
Who wouldn't read a book with this title slapped at the center of the cover.
He opened the book and continued where he had left off.

In the story:
The old man stared at the beast, holding the staff with both of his hands. He raised his staff high and
shouted. "You shall not fart!"


The old man widened his eyes and fell down in tears. "NO!"
The bridge under his feet snapped into two and the old man fell into the abyss.

Aldred huffed. He closed the book and threw it away. It was such a cliche. He signaled for Dina to
pick him another book instead.
"You already got bored of that one?" She said as she looked away from her book. She was quite an
avid reader too, although her taste was too much for him to bear.
Aldred read the title of the book in her hand: 'Fifteen Shade of Gay'
Ugh. Although Aldred loved her with all his heart, her taste in books needed a little bit of fixing. He
wouldn't judge though, she could read whatever she wanted to read.
Dina rummaged through her stacks of books. "Which one should I pick for you? What about this;
'Bolly potter and the useless stone'. Sounds interesting right?"
Aldred shook his head.
"The hungry games?"
He shook his head again.
"Okay, what about 'Jercy Jackson, the lightning burglar'
Aldred nodded. That title sounded interesting. He wondered how someone could become a
lightning burglar. The author must really have something wrong inside his head.
Dina passed the book to him and both of them continued to read in bed. Sometimes they would
change position; sitting, or laying down. Most of the time, Aldred was on top of her, and used her
chest as pillows.
It was the best pillows a four-year-old boy could ask for! Divine quality right here! Go get it now at
only 1.99$. Oh, what was his thinking? This pillow was for him and him only. No other men shall
have it.
Aldred crawled to the corner of the bed and grabbed a cup of hot chocolate. The smell and taste
were nice and sweet. Also, he grabbed another bun and took a bite. The chocolate melted inside his
mouth, and Aldred closed his eyes in satisfaction.


"Aldred, you should eat more carefully. Look, your lips are all dirty now."
Dina approached and then licked his lips to clean the stain.
'Yep totally normal. It's just a big sister cleaning her little brother's lips. That's it… That's it my ass!
A few days ago…
Eve and Hujarar sat in the living room as they watched Aldred play with some magical toys.
"Dad, I am bored. I want to see galaxies fireworks again."
Hujarar snapped his fingers and they were suddenly in space. Ahead of them was a large glowing
disc—the galaxy.
"Are you ready?"
Aldred nodded frantically.
Hujarar snapped his fingers again, and the galaxy exploded into blinding lights of colorful gas and
Aldred watched in awe. He laughed and hugged his father as he watched the explosions expand at
light-year speed.
They then proceed to have fun in space, riding galactic worms, and entering the inside of a black
hole. It was a weird experience, and Aldred felt nauseated. Hujarar deleted the black hole
After having so much fun, Aldred came back home and Eve lifted him to his bed. She smiled
sweetly at him.
"Look at him. So adorable and cute," Hujarar said.
Eve smiled as well, then her smile disappeared. "I love our current life, Hujarar, but do you think
we spoiled him too much?"
Hujarar was deep in thought before he nodded. "I guess we are. He's still our little baby boy who
hasn't spread his wings yet. Maybe we should do something."
Eve looked worried. "Maybe."

Back in Dina's room.
Aldred yawned. Even though he wasn't exactly a baby anymore, he still tended to sleep a lot. Dina
knew this and immediately made the bed comfortable for him. He put a pillow on his right side as
Dina lay on his left side, caressing his head.
She sang him a lullaby song and he quickly fell asleep. This was his everyday life. Being a baby
sure was nice.


After having a sweet dream of sweets and milk, Aldred woke up with new energy.
'Woohoo! I'm ready for a new day, Baby! Oh wait, I am the baby. Hahaha!'
The door of the room opened and revealed his mother. "Your big sister is asleep?"
Aldred nodded.
"Too bad. We're about to go sightseeing. Wanna come?"
Aldred smiled and nodded.
Eve giggled and beckoned with her finger. Little Aldred floated up, arched in the air, and then
landed in her embrace. He giggled when he was so close to her face.
His mother snapped her finger and the door slowly closed by itself. She brought him to the balcony
where his father already waited with a fishing rod. Oh, were they going fishing? That seemed
"Come on, Aldred. Let your father teach you how to fish," Hujarar said.
Aldred was put down and he excitedly ran to his father's leg. "Fish. Fish."
"Hahaha. I will catch a big fish for you. Just wait."
The castle was currently floating on top of an ocean, high above the clouds where the birds couldn't
reach, but his father's fishing rod didn't have a problem with that.
His father heaved back the rod and then swung it forward. The hook jolted towards the water with
supersonic speed and then blasted a huge wave of water.
"You use too much power, dear," Eve said.
His father scratched his face. "Sorry about that. I was too excited. Hahaha."
As weird as his father was, Aldred still wanted to see what kind of fish he would get. A salmon
would be nice.
Suddenly, the fishing rod jerked, and the reel spun. Hujarar immediately grabbed the reel and
prevented it from moving. The tip-top of the fishing rod bent and threatened to snap.
"Seems like we got something big," Hujarar said.


Aldred and his mother were excited. They wondered what kind of fish they would get.
Hujarar's feet slid forward and then got stuck on the bottom of the railing. Aldred was shocked that
the fish could force his father to do that, after all, his father was a universal level threat. Just what
kind of fish was down there?
The reel slowly went forward despite Hujarar holding it down.
"Dear, what are you acting for? Hurry up and pull it."
"You said I use too much strength."
"Come on hurry up before the fish get away."
"Alright, fine."
Hujarar gripped the reel and it immediately stopped moving. It couldn't even budge in the slightest.
His father took a few steps back and then yanked the fishing rod up.
The fishing line quickly went up, and then a large shadow covered the whole balcony. It was a giant
beast with 72 tails covered in pristine, glistening scales. Water fell off its body as it got thrown
upward into the sky.
"Wah!" Hujarar and Eve exclaimed.
Meanwhile, Aldred was shocked. He expected his father to catch a fish. An ordinary fish. Not
something gigantic with 72 tails.
The beast flipped in the sky and gave a world-shaking roar. It opened its maw and bright crystal
water spun inside his mouth in the form of a ball.
Just as it was about to blast the entire castle with its super powerful jet stream, it saw a scary being
staring at him with two red eyes. Those eyes felt like they looked directly into its soul.
It trembled and then immediately canceled the spell by gulping the spinning water ball.
The beast then dived into the water, and blasted the water upward, almost reaching the castle.
"Hahaha," Hujarar and Eve laughed.
"Isn't that fun?" Hujarar asked.
"What is that?" Aldred asked.


"It's a fish of course," his father said.

Aldred was speechless. There was no way that thing was a freaking fish. It was so huge. Even when
it swam around under the water, he still could see its large silhouette. It was at least twelve times
larger than a Mosasaurus.
His father then proceeded to catch even more bizarre gigantic fish. He even cooked one of them for
him which he kindly refused.
'There is no way I'm eating tentacles with eyes all over it.'
After they got bored catching fish, Hujarar controlled the castle to float above a continent. Aldred
narrowed his eyes and he noticed a bunch of swarming dots going at it against each other.
"The weak humans are fighting," Hujarar said with a mocking smile. "Look at those fools charging
ahead and raising their swords against the people they don't even know. They're merely pawns
controlled by their king."
Aldred nodded in agreement. War was a terrible thing for everyone except the kings and the lords.
Putting people on the battlefield and then telling them to fight for something they didn't even
believe was unacceptable. He didn't care that much about it and enjoyed the scene.
After all, the people down below weren't related to him.
Out of curiosity, Aldred decided to ask his father. "Father, why are they fighting?"
Hujarar laughed. "You're still four years old, so you might not understand, but I will tell you. Those
ants down below fight because their lords wanted some dirt and water."
"But we have a lot of those."
"I know, but their lords never have enough of those. Anyway, watching them is boring. Let's do
something else."
"What about cooking?" Eve asked. "I read a delicious recipe book yesterday, I am sure both of you
will like it."
Aldred nodded frantically. "Cook."
Hujarar sweated. Eve's cooking was terrific, to say the least, and Hujarar never used the word
terrific so lightly. "Maybe next time honey, why don't we get down and take Aldred to walk around.
Maybe a change of atmosphere will do good for him."
Aldred was excited. He wanted to know what was down there. 'Is there adventurers? Cultivators?
Supers? Espers? X-gay? guardian of the pussy cat?'
He turned around and looked at her mother with big, cute, teary eyes.


Eve smiled and caressed his head. "Okay, let's take a walk.
The planet where Aldred and his family currently reside was called Penanterra. It was a huge planet
with powerful magical laws. This meant that anyone could use magic and powerful martial arts.
Although the majority of people didn't have the talent to develop it to greatness.
Most of them stayed mediocre and did odd jobs, while those who succeeded joined the army,
became adventurers, joined guilds or served under a noble.
This world only had three moons. Apparently, the countless moons that he saw a few years ago
were just illusions made by his father. He said that he could pull some moons from other planets,
but Aldred didn't let him. He was afraid that it would disturb the planet's gravity.
The three moons were very large and they had a distinctive color on their own. They were starry
blue, dusty yellow, and bright red respectively.
They currently were in a fairly large town called Timouy. It was located near the coastal line,
southeast of the Ceraisian Empire.
The one they saw fighting earlier was this Empire against another powerful state called: the Holy
State of Montcresia. Just by hearing its name, Aldred knew it was a super religious state that
controlled its citizens through the bible and the word of gods.
And unlike back on earth, these gods existed in this world. They just didn't intervene directly so as
to not disrupt the stability of this planet. His father didn't have this restriction, if Hujarar wished to
destroy this planet, then he could do it with a snap of his finger.
It was unfathomable how powerful he truly was. Aldred hoped he could reach his strength someday,
and with the blessing of the hundred gods, he believed he could do it.


As the three of them arrived near the town, Aldred noticed a wide expanse of farmland. Some
farmers tend to their crops, bending their backs as they plant the seeds.
Aldred walked with his father and mother on a small road as he looked around. Fresh morning air
breezed through the golden wheat, ready to be harvested and processed.
They entered through the south gate with four guards in iron armor guarding the gate. There were
more guards on top of the wall, but they leisurely sat around and played cards with each other. The
war was too far away from them, so the soldiers here didn't have to worry about anything.
Still, this small town still had to be protected with a lot of guards because it was near the sea,
although it wasn't a port town, an enemy might land their ship nearby, storm the town, take it over,
and use it as the spearhead for the enemy.
Aldred shook his head. As a four-year-old, he shouldn't be thinking about the possible scenarios that
might happen to this kingdom, instead, he should focus on having fun.
The three of them entered the market district. It was filled with people, but Aldred saw that the
people didn't seem to notice them, yet they walked to the side to give them way. It was like both his
mother and father exuded an invisible yet impenetrable aura.
Aldred saw a candy with the shape of a dragon and immediately took interest. "Father, I want
"You want some candy?" Hujarar raised his finger which made Aldred float into his arms.


He then went to one of the stalls that sold candies and asked him: "Which one do you want?"
Aldred pointed at the candy he wanted. It was red in color with a dragon shape expanding its wings
about to fly in the sky.
"Such a charming boy." The seller said. He was an old man in his seventies with a white beard. "I
also have a young boy like you. Sadly, he's very sick and couldn't walk around."
The old man sighed in sadness. "If I could pay a doctor or a healer to heal his wound, he won't have
to suffer." He sobbed in tears.
Hujarar grabbed the candy that Aldred wanted and threw a small crystal on the table. "Will that be
The old man was confused at first as to why he was paid with a crystal, but then he was shocked.
"This is…. This is an Eternal quality mana crystal!"
The old man looked up at his father. "Young man, are you sure you want to give me this?"
Aldred laughed inside for this old man calling his father 'young'. He might look young but he had
lived for millenniums already.


"It's just a rock."

The old man almost got a heart attack by that comment. The thing that he called a rock was an
Eternal quality mana crystal, the highest quality of all, beyond Mythical and Supreme. It was said
that the Eternal mana crystal contained unlimited power and energy, but its most important property
was to strengthen the holder and improve their talent!
He knew this from the numerous fairy tales and stories. Most of these stories had their heroes
obtaining an Eternal mana crystal and rising to the top.
This meant that his grandchild could walk and be healthy again, and possibly become a powerful
man in the future! The old man exited his stall and groveled on the ground. "Thank you!" Tears
wetted the ground.
Hujarar and Eve ignored the old man and walked past him. Aldred followed as he turned around to
take one last look at the old man.
In addition to improving talent and strengthening their body, the crystal had a vast amount of mana
within and the holder could absorb the mana inside at any time. This meant that the holder would
have unlimited mana to cast spells.
If his father could give away such a powerful item to a stranger so easily, he could give him
something much better later on. Aldred laughed inside. He couldn't wait for that day to come.
Aldred had a lot of fun with his parents. They saw the unique culture of the village which involved
picking a random virgin woman from the street, tying her up to a pole, throwing her eggs, and then
cleaning the eggs on her body by licking them.


Aldred was speechless at first, but he shouldn't judge their culture. As long as it didn't happen to his
mother or his sister, he was fine with it.
The men wiped their mouths and turned around. When their eyes caught the sight of Eve, they
twinkled like stars and pointed. "Look! A virgin woman! Catch her!"
Aldred shook his head. He knew this won't end well.
Just before the men could get their hands on his mother, a powerful force burst forth from her
forehead, and then the whole village was flattened. Aldred for a flash of a moment saw a powerful
hammering force that slammed into the people and the town. Yet there was no sound, there was no
There were no scraps, broken woods, or cracked stone. The whole land was flattened. Boom.
Disappeared just like that into a smooth ground. Just what kind of magic was that? Aldred
wondered. And his mother controlled her magic so perfectly that the old man's home wasn't
In the distance, the old man was in shock because everyone's house except him was destroyed. Even
the Baron's castle was destroyed. This wasn't something that could be taken lightly, but he was just
a powerless old man, so he entered his home and hide.
Aldred was reminded that his parents weren't normal humans, but literal demon king and demon
queen. God knows how many lives they had taken before his father put sperms inside his mother's
Other humans seeing this might think his mother was cruel to destroy the whole village, but at least
the old man was saved.
Aldred saw her mother had a scary serious expression. It was the first time he ever saw her show
that face even after four year, but then she smiled at him and picked him up.
Hujarar coughed. "You said no violence."
"That's not violent. That's self-defense."
Hujarar scratched his head. "We should return to the castle."
Aldred nodded frantically. He didn't want to see any human settlement being destroyed just because
his parents got mad.
The town of Timouy deserved it though. It was so obvious that his mother wasn't a virgin anymore.
She literally had a man and a baby walking side by side with her. This town was filled with
perverted people.
Eve lifted Aldred into her embrace and said to him; "In the future, you should also learn to stand up
for yourself. Don't let others push you around, okay?"


Aldred nodded.
Hujarar approached him with a smile and caressed his head. "Let's go."
The three of them flashed with bright light and disappeared.

A squad of fifteen soldiers on horses arrived at Timouy and were confused.
"The map says the town is right here," a knight leading the fourteen squires said. Just like many
kingdoms, the squires were fully trained twenty years old men that were trained meticulously. All of
them desired to be a knight, but they had to prove their worth first.
"Sir, I think this is the correct place. Look, there's a lot of farms there."
The knight scratched his mustache. "But where is the town?"
None of them could answer that question. The knight was also very confused before he noticed a
small shed in the distance. He led his squad of cavalry to approach the small wooden shed.
The knight pointed to a random squire. "Go check who's inside."
The young man nodded and quickly got down from his horse. He walked to the door and kicked it
The young man saw an old man with a shocked expression sitting beside a bed with a small child.
"It's just an old man, sir."


The knight dismounted from his horse and entered the small shed.
The old man trembled when he saw the thick and large armor that covered the man. 'This is a
knight… a knight is someone one step away from becoming a noble. I must not offend this person.'
"Respected sir, how can I help you?" The old man weakly said.
"What happened here? Where is the town?"
The old man hesitated. "I don't know, sir. I suddenly saw the whole town disappear except me, so I
decided to stay inside my home."
The knight snorted. "You call this a home?"
He looked around in disgust. He set his gaze at the sleeping child on the bed. "His face doesn't look
so good."
"My grandchild is currently very sick, sir."
"Where are the parents?"
"They left years ago. Said they don't want the kids and left him to me."
The knight spit at the ground. "Typical commoner." The knight circled the bed and saw something
shining under the kid's hand. "What is that?"
The knight approached and was about to lift the child's hand before the old man blocked his way
and respectfully said. "He is very sick, sir. I don't want you to have his sickness."


The knight pushed him out the way, throwing the old man to the floor. He lifted the child's hand and
saw a deep dark, glowing crystal.
The knight's eyes lit up. "How is this possible? This is the legendary Eternal mana crystal."
He grabbed the crystal and suddenly the child's countenance became worse.
The old man stood up and pleaded: "Please wait, sir. My grandchild needs that crystal, but I promise
you, after he healed, you can take the crystal."
The knight kicked the man away. "You dare hide this crystal from me? You deserve to die!"
The knight turned to the child. "This kid is going to die anyway. There is no use in keeping him
alive in this world." He pulled out his sword from his waist and stabbed the child's stomach.
The child jolted awake, eyes open wide staring at the man with blood in his hand. He was shocked.
Just now he was feeling better and stronger, in fact, he felt he could stand up again and help his
grandfather in tending the farm. He had always been feeling guilty for being a burden to him. He
wished he would just die many times so as to not burden him anymore, but he couldn't even kill
himself. Yet now, someone did him a favor. He smiled one last time, tears streaking on his cheek.
Weakly, he closed his eyes once again. His breathing stopped.
"NO!" The man rushed to the bed, but the knight kicked him again. The old man crashed to the
The old man cried. "He's the only family I have. My son and daughter left me, and so does my wife.
You evil! You killed my grandchild!"
The knight clicked his tongue. "Go kill him."
The squire exchanged glances and hesitated. The knight stared at them. "Are you disobeying my
"We will obey, sir!"


The knight nodded as he exited the shed. The old man screamed in pain as swords tore through his
The knight didn't care about that and raised the crystal to meet the sunlight. He felt unlimited power
within it. "Hahaha. With this thing, I'll surely become a duke in no time."
Six years passed in a blink of an eye. During those six years, Aldred traveled to many planets,
galaxies, and even other universes. His father even brought him back in time.
He was so excited about it that he asked his dad to go back in time on earth and killed a particular
man with a stupid mustache.
Aldred had so much fun with his family. Every day was a play day. He played a lot with his father
and mother since they didn't have to work 8 hours a day, and just laid around inside the castle with
Dina, his sister, was in college. She wasn't very serious about it though, because she only did it for
fun. She went to class whenever she wanted. Well, it was fine since she was adopted by two
powerful beings who could eat planets for breakfast.
'It's true. I saw it with my own eyes,' Aldred thought. 'Wait, who am I talking to?'
Anyway, playing with his family was so much fun. Everyone spoiled him rotten left and right. If he
wanted to destroy a planet, then his father would explode one immediately. If he wanted to read
books, his sister would come with a big hug and a huge pair of jugs.
His mother would sing him a lullaby song every night, caress his head and give him milk.
He had everything. Milk. Love. Hobbies. Fun time. Loving family. Loving big sister. Loving hot big
sister. Oh, and hot mother too.
Well, now that he was ten, his parents told him to have his own room. And they did make a room
for him, but it was so lonely there. What was he supposed to do in a room alone? Doing solo
calisthenics? No thank you. He'd rather watch his parents do that.
Aldred sighed and put his right hand under his pants. He went up and down as he stared at the
ceiling. "It's so boring here. Why did mom and dad not let me in their room again?"
Aldred pulled his hand out of his pants and walked to the wall. He wondered what his parents were
doing right now. He put his ear on the wall.
"Let it out, honey," Hujarar said. "Now that Aldred is not in our room, you can let it all out."
Aldred pulled out his ear and sat on the floor. He was sulking right now. Why didn't they let it all
out when he was a baby? All these years, he felt like watching a movie without a sound. The scene
was good, but it would be better with some sound effects.
Aldred was sad, but he had never been so sad until the next morning.
"You guys are going somewhere?" Aldred asked in the living room as both his father and mother
packed their suitcase.
"Yes, honey. But we'll return soon," Eve said.
"How long will you leave?"
"Not for long, honey. You will be fine on your own right?" Eve lowered her body and faced him.
She gave him a hug. "I know it's hard on you, but we have to leave for now."
Big sister Dina came out of her room with a suitcase.
"Big sister, you're going too?"


Dina sighed and hugged him. Her breast pressed into his face. She smelled nice.
"I am. Sorry, Aldred."
"Where are you going anyway?" Aldred asked.
"The annoying old gods called us for another 'divine missionary'," Hujarar said. "It involves
entering another universe, becoming the villain, make everyone there miserable, kill all the atheists,
and then when the people start praying, I should pretend to lose, and, in the end, I will be killed by
the hero."
"So a universe-level propaganda?"
"Yep, very much."
"But I will be lonely without you."
Hujarar approached him. "We'll give you something before we leave."
A large red flaming sword hovered on top of his palm. "This is the Blade of Asura. With this, you
can kill anyone and send their souls directly to hell."
"No, dad. That looks lame."
A deep black long sword replaced it. "What about this? I called it Devil's Abyss. With this, you can
absorb anything around you."
Aldred shook his head again. "Lame."
The sword disappeared and a golden large teardrop floated on his palm. "This is the Godly Eye
Tear. With this you can see the weakness of your enemy, predicting their movement, calculating the
trajectory of moving objects, their strength, their weakness, their talent. You can also know the
quality of something."
Aldred sighed. "That is the worst, dad."
"It can let you see through things."
"Give it to me right now!"
The golden teardrop floated in front of him.
The teardrop disappeared and entered his inventory.
"Thanks for the gift, dad. I will use it wisely."
The three of them sighed and hugged him.
Aldred wasn't happy anymore because of the gift and returned the hug. He started sobbing and then
cried. "Uwaa. Make sure you all return quickly."


"We will, darling," Eve said. "We will."

They released the hug and smiled at him.
Hujarar raised his finger and grabbed something out of the air. It looked like some sort of weird
trinket in the shape of a triangle with three blades pointing to each point.
"This is the remote controller of this castle. Use this to move around."
[Castle Steering Wheel]
Aldred received the item.
The three of them stood up. Hujarar made a small circle with his finger and a red vortex appeared
that sucked the air around them.
"We will leave now, Aldred," Eve said.
Big sister Dina had tears in her eyes. "See you later, Aldred."
Aldred cried as he waved them goodbye. They entered the portal, and then it retracted into a single
atom before disappearing.
The ten-year-old boy was left alone in the large castle. "Let's look for something fun to do."
Aldred went to the balcony and looked at the steering wheel. "How do I use it?"
He tried to spin it like a car steering wheel, and sure enough, the castle moved left and right. "But,
how do I move forward?"
He kicked the ground. Nothing happened. He tried bending it forward, but it still didn't move. He
then tried pressing the blade, and the castle sped up.
It was so fast the castle zigzagged uncontrollably in the sky.
A white bird calmly flew in the clouds, suddenly, a large castle slammed into it, knocking it off the
"Ahh!" Aldred screamed. "I cannot stop this thing."
The castle abruptly stopped, the inertia pushed Aldred off the balcony and he accidentally let go of
the steering wheel.
"AHH! I'm falling! The steering wheel. I have to take it!"
He must use the steering wheel to control the castle and land on it. If not, he might die by falling to
the ground. He didn't want to die. He just had a normal happy family. He didn't want to lose that!
The steering wheel fell along beside him. Aldred tried kicking the air and reached out with his hand,
but he still couldn't get it.
The wind blew from the side, and the steering wheel was pushed far from him. "No!"


Aldred looked down. There was a net below him. "Ahh!"

Aldred landed on the net, it bent down and snapped before he landed inside the water.
After he pulled his head out of the water, he realized he was in a public bath. There was a small hill
with water pouring out of the hole from the center, but more importantly, there were dozens of
beautiful naked women staring at him.
"It's just a child," one of them said. Their breasts were clear for him to see. They didn't wear any
clothes at all. Some did have their towel on their private parts. Bah, what a cheapskate.
"I am sorry," Aldred said.
The woman approached and took a closer look, and after seeing him, they were charmed by his
"Oh, my. What a cute little boy. How did you fall in here?"
One of them went ahead and hugged him. He was still ten years old so it was okay. Hehe.
The other woman surrounded him while still naked.
"I was lost and fell into a hole, suddenly I'm here."
The beautiful, wet women exchanged gazes. "But this is the tenth floor."
Aldred blinked. He didn't know what lies to say next.
"I am sure he's just confused. The fall must have hurt his head."
"Oh no." Another woman grabbed his head and shoved him into her chest. "That's not good. I will
take care of you. Are you willing to come with big sister?"
The door to the bathing place blasted open. A group of women in armor entered and stared at him.
"This is no place for men. You have been summoned to face the emperor for disrupting his royal
Royal harem? All of these beautiful women were the emperor's harem?

Eve and Hujarar was floating with invisibility in the air.
"Is this a wise decision?" Eve asked her husband. She was worried sick for her son.
"We will watch over him, Dear. He has to learn to fly on his own."
Eve sighed, and the both of them vanished.
The naked women felt pitiful, but they couldn't stop the guards from taking him away. Aldred was
nervous. He didn't know what they would do to him. But he shouldn't be that nervous, after all, he
was just a child, surely they wouldn't punish him so severely right?
He was wrong.
"Execute him," the emperor said as he sat on his throne with his empress closing her eyes beside
Aldred widened his eyes. "Wait! Old man! I'm still a child, you can't kill me. Is your head so full of
shit you can't even comprehend that?"
He gasped in shock at himself. How could he say such words to the emperor?
The emperor gripped the hand rest and trembled in anger. "You filthy commoner dare to insult me?
Guards take him away!"
"My father is the demon king! He'll kill you and send your soul to hell!"
The emperor burst into laughter. "Demon king? Go call him for me. I want to see this father of
"He's not here."
"So you're a fatherless child. Then you deserve to die."
Aldred couldn't believe what he just heard. If a child didn't have a father, they deserve to die? What
kind of broken logic was that?


"You perverted bitch! Release me this instant!"

The empress sighed in annoyance. "Just kill him quickly."
She slowly opened her eyes and set her beautiful gaze at the boy. What she saw was a charming
cute boy at the age of ten with short black hair. She widened her eyes in shock because of how
handsome this boy was. She felt like a mother again, wanting to protect this child with all she had.
But she immediately masked her expression.
Just as the guards were about to take him away for execution, the empress raised her hand. "I
changed my mind. Don't kill him."
The emperor was angered inside. As an emperor, no one should contradict his order or it would
make him look weak, but why did his empress of all people do the thing he hated the most? He
couldn't argue with her or he would lose his dignity. As a royal, he should do everything in a calm
The empress stayed calm like a silent lake in the forest. "This child has potential. It would be a
waste of talent if we kill him."
The emperor sneered inside. "If that is the case, then he will become a soldier. Surely with his
potential, he would grow to become a strong fighter and fight for our Empire."
Humph. He'd sent them to the front line and let the boy die.
The empress grimaced inside. The boy in front of them was a rare breed. She had never seen a boy
as charming and exquisite as him. It was her longest dream to have a boy like him in one of her
collections. But she couldn't argue much with the emperor. Her supporters might take that as a
signal to begin an unwanted rebellion that would shatter the whole empire. She could only send
someone to his aid later on the battlefield.
Aldred was shocked. "A soldier? Hell no, I won't be a soldier. Just let me become a singer instead."


"A singer? Who are you kidding, boy? Your voice is ugly."
The empress raised her hand. "Let the boy show his talent."
The emperor rolled his eyes and let it be.
Aldred cleared his throat and started singing. The empress widened her eyes in shock. Her heart
beat fast and she recalled all the loving memories she had. She felt calm and tranquil. It felt like all
the burdens rooted on her shoulder finally disappeared after a long time. It was so beautiful that she
might start tearing up if not for the audience that was here.
She recalled her former lover who she truly loved dancing with her under the three moons as the
stars lit up the rooftop. She remembered his sweet smile and his warm embrace. Her heart ached
because a few days after that, he was captured and killed by her own family, and she was then
married to the emperor.
"Jame to kosita ah! Ah! Jame to kosita Ah! Ah!" Aldred moved his waist back and forth as he sang
and danced.
"Enough!" the emperor shouted. "Send him to Ruandeurtin."
The empress skipped a breath. Ruandeurtin was the closest to the Holy State of Montcresia, and it
was so close to two enemies' cities. Not to mention it was currently the only defender of the
Champs River. This was an important river for the Cresian because it led directly to their naval city;
Cortbouy which earned a lot of money out of their sea trade.
Meaning that the soldiers there would have to fight a lot of battles and face off against fierce
opposition from the enemy. The river was too important for them and it represented a major
weakness on their part. But that was exactly the reason why the enemy would fight tooth and nail to
defend it.
Although it was normal for a ten-year-old boy to start training to become a soldier, they were
usually trained in a safer area.
The empress felt like crying. She didn't want the boy to die. His song and his voice were magical
like stars and moons in the sky. She might not understand the lyrics, but the meaning behind them
must be beautiful and meaningful.


She had to help him survive no matter what.

The emperor looked at his empress, expecting further retaliation, but there was none. She just sat
there with a nonchalant expression like what she usually did in bed even with him moving up and
down on her.
He hated that expression. It felt like his manhood was so weak that it couldn't even make her react.
'At least make a noise or something to make me feel good.'
The fact that he couldn't last longer than five seconds added more pain to his heart.
A soldier then entered the throne hall and respectfully bowed in front of the emperor. "Your
Majesty, I found this falling in your room and made a hole in the ceiling."
Aldred saw what the soldier offered the emperor. "Hey! That's mine. Give it back to me."
"Hah! Who you try to order around, boy!" The emperor took the steering wheel and inspected it.
"It's not a chakram. It has blades, yet they couldn't be used. Just what the hell is this?"
"None of your business. Now give it to me!"
The emperor sneered. "No. Guards, take him away."
Aldred clicked his tongue in anger.
The guard grabbed both of Aldred's arms and dragged him away. "Hey! Hey! Get off me! My father
can eat planets for breakfast. You guys better pray he won't eat yours."


Aldred stared one last time at the emperor angrily. 'I'd kill you and fu*k your wife in the future.'
The soldier dragged him out of the gate, and it closed with a thud.
The guards kept on dragging him through the wide and tall hallway. Aldred wanted to pew pew
them with his fireball, but if he did that he would be hunted by the whole empire. He didn't want
that result.
The soldiers brought him outside, and then put him inside a carriage. The soldier knocked on the
side of the carriage with his knuckle. "Treat him rough."
Aldred was scared when they closed the door. It was dark inside. The only source of light was from
a bunch of holes in the carriage. He sighed. At least the worst case didn't happen. He was still alive.
A large part of it might be because of his singing. The emperor could have killed him here and
there, if not for his song.
The carriage shook and Aldred heard horse hooves before the carriage moved forward. Being a
soldier didn't sound that bad. He had thought about enlisting as a soldier before to get away from his
parents, but he wasn't allowed because his race was a minority in that nation.
Those racist fucktards!
He should have killed them too when his father brought him back to the past. He missed his chance,
but that was fine, he didn't think much about it anymore. What he should think about was how to
stay alive. He was about to become a soldier now, which meant he had to fight.
And after reading some dark fantasy set in medieval times, he knew war wouldn't be a pretty sight.
Suddenly, a small square of the wall in front of him opened, revealing the female guard that took
him to the throne. "Who are you?" She asked. Mary was told by the direct subordinates of the
empress to take care of the boy and prepared him for battle. This annoyed her. The empress had
never taken interest in a boy or any other man before.
She was cold, nonchalant, apathetic, and indifferent to men. Mary liked the empress and secretly
thought of her every night in bed. She hated every man that sullied her, this included the emperor. If
she was powerful enough, she would kill the emperor and take the empress away to a far land
before living happily ever after.
Aldred frowned. 'Is this a trick question?' Whatever that was, he decided to look away and ignored
her. She was the one who took him to the throne hall. Everything that happened to him today was
because of her.
Mary's nerves on her forehead bulged. "Are you deaf? I'm talking to you!"


"So?" Aldred said.

"So?" Mary was confused.
"So, do I look like I care?"
Mary gritted her teeth. If not for the empress' order she might have gotten inside there and kill the
boy. "You're still alive right now because of the empress. Remember that, or I will kill you myself."
She slid the small wood, closing the hole.
Aldred frowned. 'What is she talking about? Obviously, I was saved because of my singing skill.'
The carriage went on rolling in god knows where. Aldred couldn't see anything through the holes
because they were too tall for him. The carriage was quite expansive, so he had a lot of space to roll
Also, he tried to enter the divine dimension space and hide, but…
[Divine Dimension: On Maintenance. Please wait for the next update while we fix some bugs; One
in particular where the ghouls can sing weird songs.'
Aldred sighed. The space went on an update in such a terrible time like Minisoft. Their Windshield
XP operating system always updated automatically, and never at the right time. He missed a lot of
homework because of that.
After a few hours of traveling, Aldred felt his stomach rumbling. "I am hungry," he said, holding his


He smiled bitterly at that. When was the last time he felt hunger? For ten years he had received a lot
of love from his family. All the food in the world magically appeared before him every single day.
There were no hours, minutes, or seconds that he felt the sensation of hunger with his family, but he
was reminded again of the cruelty of the world.
Aldred calmly let out a breath. He was too spoiled. Too spoiled that he forgot all the sufferings he
received in his past life. Maybe this was God's way of making him remember, reminding him to
always be grateful for the life that he had.
He lay on the floor and breathed, closing his eyes as he thought about all the fun days he had with
his father. It helped him to forget about the hunger gnawing inside his stomach. He had done this
many times before in his past life. At that time, he would think about cool adventures and magic
power, but now, all he wanted was his family back.
The carriage slowly came to a stop. Aldred opened his eyes. "Have we arrived?"
The square wood on the wall slid open, and a hand threw something inside. It landed on the floor
and rolled in front of him.
"Eat. We will train in a few minutes."
"Train? For what?"

Mary stood straight in front of Aldred as he swung the steel sword for the fiftieth time. Sweat
poured out of his body, drenching his clothes. His limbs were weak and tired. He felt like releasing
the sword and gave up.
"Straighten your back!" Mary shouted and whipped his ass with the dull side of her sword.
Aldred winced in pain and straightened his back.


"Your grip is too weak!"
"Put more strength into the swing!"
"Stop looking at my breast!"
"Why? I need motivation!"
After a few hours of training, Aldred fell to the grass. His arms hurt from all the swinging. The
sword was too damn heavy at the tip. It was too unbalanced. He groaned as he looked at the sky
with ragged breath.
"Ahh… I felt like dying again."
His butt in particular was terribly in pain. It was worse than the pain he had in his other body parts.


"Put your ass off the grass. We continue our training now!"
Aldred was shocked. "I just put my butt on the grass for a few minutes."
Aldred rubbed his ass in pain before he did another swing with tears welling up inside his eyes.
Apparently, Mary was told to train him up before going to Ruandeurtin.
She said that the place was a slaughterhouse where soldiers died every week. Many unwanted
soldiers were sent there to die. It didn't matter if they were weak or strong, the empire had no place
to attack that place in the first place. It was just a distraction so the enemy would send the majority
of their soldiers there.
That strategy made the other points much weaker and made it easier for the empire to attack.
"That's smart. Who thought of that strategy?"
"The empress of course. The emperor is just a good-for-nothing man who inherits the throne
because his parents couldn't make any more babies. If not for that, the internal dispute between
princes would remove him in no time." Mary snorted. "The empire lay on her shoulder, but
everyone praised the emperor."
Aldred sat down on the grass. "I see. The empress must be so amazing."
"Of course. She is the most amazing woman I have ever known. Her cold expression and
nonchalant manner are so beautiful. No man is worthy to have her. No men! But women are
allowed. Women like me."
Mary blushed, then turned to the side as she looked at Aldred grinning.
"You're a lesbian."
"What's a lesbian?"
"Lesbian is a female that liked other females sexually."
Mary looked down and thought for a moment. "No. I only like the queen. The place inside my heart
is only there for her. No other woman is allowed to stay in it."
Aldred rolled his eyes.
"Why are you sitting down?! Continue your training!"
"OW! It hurt!"

Aldred fell on the grass again. This time, he was so tired that he just looked at the sky in a daze.
[Swinging 12 KG sword for 210 times Completed. EXP reward: 210+ EXP]
[EXP: 210/240]
Aldred didn't even notice the screen. He was so tired that his mind went blank.


Water poured onto his face, waking him up from his open-eyes slumber.
"Wake up! The enemy will kill you if you sleep on the battlefield," Mary said.
"Does this empty plain of grassland look like a battlefield to you!?"
"Do you want to get whipped that bad?" Mary asked, staring at him.
Aldred looked down in fear. "No, mam."
For a few days, Mary kept on training him with a strict routine. Morning: 100 swings, noon; 12KM
run, evening: Conditioning by whipping the stomach
Aldred lifted his clothes in tears. "Please don't do it too hard."
Mary drew the blade over her head and swung it with all of her weight.
Thankfully, he could rest as much as he wanted at night. Throughout the training, his stats and exp
had increased.
[Your strength increased by 1 point]
[Your strength increased by 1 point]
[Your vitality increased by 1 point]
[Your vitality increased by 1 point]
[Your dexterity increased by 1 point]
[Your dexterity increased by 1 point]
[You have level up]
[You have level up]



Health Points: 40/40

Level: 10
Titles: Depressed boy
-Fireball: Lv. 1
-Strength: 8
Vitality: 8
-Intelligence: 2
-Dexterity: 4
Stat points: 16
Skill points: 16
[You've reached level 10. Awaiting reward…]
[Martial Art: Bone Breaking Fingers]
[Sword Art Offline]
[Magic Art: Flame Jet]
[Please choose only one]
Aldred lay on the floor of the carriage as he looked at the screen. 'I get to choose a skill every ten
levels up?'
'Why not?' Aldred asked.
The system then explained that he would only get to choose some skills after getting the next grade;
Copper, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Adamantite, and Mythical. There were many more grades
after that, but they were so far away to reach, that Aldred didn't bother to look at them.


For now, he was a copper grade by the definition of this planet. The system had its own definition;
Which literally meant; extremely small, or a value close to reaching zero. If it was translated to
human words then the system basically said he was so weak and tiny as dust.
"At least my PP is big, hahaha!"
"Aldred, do you want me to whip your head to help you sleep?"
"…" Aldred immediately went to sleep. Cih! Even his mother didn't force him to sleep. If he woke
up all night, then she would give him milk until morning. On the other hand, this lady wouldn't be a
good mother in the future.
He pitied her future children if she would ever have one.
Anyway, Aldred had long been thinking about having an epic adventure in a fantasy world back in
his past life. Maybe falling into the world where mortals reside wasn't so bad. He might as well
level up and strengthen himself while exploring the world until his family return.
He also had that blessing where he could control the undead. Hehe. His father would be so shocked
if he had thousands of undead army with him. Aldred couldn't wait to give them the shock of their
Aldred ignored the reward screen and slept. He would choose tomorrow after he got his mind
The carriage continued its travel during the night. Mary wanted to drop the boy quickly. She didn't
care about him at all, in fact, she hated him for getting the empress' attention. All her attention was
supposed to be for her, not some random boy.
She regretted taking the boy to the throne hall. Maybe she should have just shooed him away at that
Now, all she wanted to do was quickly throw him away on the battlefield. Mary didn't know why
the empress wanted her to train him though.
She hesitated. She could do more to train him, and help him survive on the front line, but she didn't
want to. Yet, her feeling contradicted what the empress wanted. What if the boy was the secret
weapon of the empress for rolling the empire to its knees, and for her to finally take control.
Could that be possible? A young annoying, dumb-looking boy became the sword of the empress?
She released the rope, and let the horses pull the carriage. She grabbed the small handle on the small
wood before pulling it to the side. Inside the carriage, she saw the little boy was fast asleep. His
body glowing with bright fairies flew around him. Not only that, beautiful plants and flowers grew
from the floor, lighting up the room and wrapping the boy in warmth and comfort.
Mary was shocked. She had never seen this type of magic before. It was so beautiful like the
paradise she had always dreamed of. She turned her gaze to the boy and noticed his leap in
progress. "He entered the bronze stage?"
It was only yesterday that the boy didn't have any stage yet, but now all of a sudden he has it? Was
it these fairies' doing?
She shook her head. She had always felt the boy's progression was weirdly quick, but she didn't
think much about it, because a lot of young boys got stuck right before the bronze gate. Usually,
only when someone reached the age of twenty years old could they break through the bronze stage.
Mary flinched when she heard Aldred groan as he rolled around on the floor. Saliva trickled from
his mouth. He reached out both of his hands. "Mama, give me your breast milk."
Edeline Rose Wildingham, the empress of the Ceraisian Empire, put her slender hands on the
luxurious texture of the railings. The balcony overlooked the sea where sailors boarded their ships,
bringing tea, coffee, and other products to sell.
The war between Ceraisian and Montcresia started with a ridiculous and perhaps nothing too
serious event. But the effect of the war was still felt by many families who had their sons and
husbands never return after battle.
The boy that was sent to the frontline by the emperor was just one out of many. Many young men at
the age of fifteen, when they should play in the field, had to lift their sword and drive it to the
enemy's heart
War was inevitable. The rich state of the Ceraisian Empire, highly contributed by its naval cities,
was eye-hungering, to say the least. Montcresia was rich in its natural resources of metal and
copper, but they couldn't trade directly to the east without passing the border.
Her wish was to end the war quickly so may the sons and husbands return to their lovely dwellings.
As for how that goal might become a reality, only time would seek.

The birds chirped, singing a song as sunset blessed the land with its light. Fresh morning air blew,
making the grasses dance. The animals came out of their home and started their day by stretching
their body.
All that, while Aldred was still sleeping, snoring.
Mary opened the door to the carriage and crossed her arms while she saw his saliva flow to the
floor. She still couldn't believe what she saw last night, but after taking a closer look, she realized
that his strength was really at the bronze stage.
His talent was impressive. Mary had heard all kinds of rumors about talented young boys around
the kingdom. But, she had never heard about a young boy, ten years of age, who reached the bronze
"Maybe he really is the empress' weapon." She decided to be a little nicer to him since that was the
She tapped Aldred's shoulder. "Young boy, wake up. It's time to start your training," she said in a
low tone, in contrast to her usual loud voice every morning.
"KAKH," Aldred snored. More saliva trickled from his mouth.
"Young boy." Mary slightly shook him.
Aldred turned around. "No mother, don't. What if father sees us?"
"Hey wake up, you little brat!"

Aldred abruptly woke up, panicking. "Run! There's an earthquake!"
He paused and saw Mary staring at him with both hands on her waist.
'Ahh. I came back to reality.'
"Sweet dream you got there, huh?" Mary asked.
"Dream? What dream?" Aldred turned his head and whistled. "I never dream in my life."
Mary snorted. She couldn't be soft with this kid. "Today, we're increasing the training. After you
swing one hundred times, do one hundred push ups with two swords on your back."
"Oh god. Give me some break already."
"I'll break your leg then you can take a break forever."
"Yes, mam. I will do the training right now," he reluctantly said.
Aldred hopped off the carriages and started his training. As he swung the sword forward, he willed
the system to show him the reward panel.
[Martial Art: Bone Breaking Fingers]
[Sword Art Offline]
[Magic Art: Flame Jet]
[Please choose only one]
'Which one should I pick? System, could you explain what is Sword Art Offline?'


[Sword Art Offline]

A sword art that came from a powerful universe with the shape of a floating castle. The beings
within this universe were locked inside, and it was said that this sword art is the key to their
'That sounds so lame. Explain to me the bone-breaking fingers then.'
[Martial Art: Bone Breaking Fingers]
Break bones with your fingers.
"… That's it? No further explanation?"
[The skill itself is self-explanatory]
Aldred was speechless. He believed there was more detail in the martial arts, but the system was too
lazy to give it. 'What about the last skill?'
[Magic Art: Flame Jet]
Created by a powerful wizard in a chaotic universe, this skill has consumed many lives yet saved
too many at the same time.
-Using this skill will let you shoot out a jet of flame from your hand. You can use it to attack, or lift
yourself from the ground.
'This is bullshit. The system explained this one in detail while the others are only given some crap
"Whatever. Give me this Flame Jet thing."
[You have received the skill: Flame Jet]
Wanting to quickly try the skill, Aldred finished his training and returned to his carriage at night. He
was like a teenager that couldn't wait to play with his laptop after a tough day at school.
How could he not be excited when he saw this.


[Divine Dimension: Update complete. Installing…]

[Install complete]
[Divine Dimension: Available]
Aldred immediately entered his dimension, and suddenly, he returned to the world he created. The
plants and vegetables were still there. They looked fresh. It made Aldred want to grab on and eat it.
But he had something more fun to do; trying the jet flame.
If his speculation was correct, then this skill should let him fly. Aldred pointed his palm downward.
"Jet Flame."
His palms grew bright red. He didn't feel any pain or anything, but looking at his hands still made
him nervous. Slowly, flame spew out of his palms, and they lifted him up.
He had a hard hard time balancing in the air. His palms shook, and went in the wrong direction. He
sped up into the sky.
"Ahh! How do I turn this off?!"
Aldred zipped here and there in the sky before the flames in his hand died. He then dived headfirst
into the river.
Aldred's head popped out of the water. "That was awesome!"
He climbed up to the ground and walked to a nearby tree. He put his palms forward. "Jet Flame."
A concentrated jet of flame shot out of his hand and struck the trunk of the tree. The hole sizzled
with smoke. It was quite deep too, still with a red hot surface.
"So I can fly and shoot a jet of flame from my hand. And don't forget the fireballs."
That was nice. This way, leveling up should be a lot easier. In fact, he might be ready to challenge a
stronger dungeon that gives more EXP.


He had enough of fighting against baby ghouls. They gave so little EXP.
'Divine Dimension, show me some dungeons.'
[Divine Dimension: Ogre]

"Lalalala. I want to go to the sea. So I can take everything I see. Squidbop Squarepants!" Aldred
pointed with his finger. "Pew pew Pew."
Three fireballs shot towards a green fat ogre. The fireballs blasted its face and pushed it back a few
steps. The ogre roared and then dashed towards him.
"I believe I can fly." Flame jetted out of his palm that pushed him back, narrowly dodging the ogre's
wooden club.
As Aldred was in the air, he pointed with both fingers and fired. "Pew pew pew."
The fireballs blasted the ogre's face, and then it fell to the ground.
[EXP +60]
"This is too easy. Let's go to the next floor of the dungeon."
Aldred reached the end of the of the dungeon and saw a staircase that led down into the darkness.
He stepped in, then suddenly he was in another floor.
Two large ogre with hideous face turned towards him. They brought a large clubs in their hand,
wrapped in barbed wire. A pair of tusk came out of their mouth.
"Hello, fellas. Do you have any dinner tonight?"
Both of them charged towards him with thundering steps. He pointed both of his fingers at them.
"Pew pew pew."
The ogres were barraged with fireballs over and over again. As they approached Aldred, they raised
the clubs above their head.
Aldred quickly rushed forward and touched their disgusting, slimy, fat, oily body with his palm.


A jet of flame pierced through their stomach. The ogres roared in pain. Their clubs fell to the
ground with a thud. The ogres staggered and then fell.
"Haha. This Flame Jet skill is so good in close range. Sadly the flame can only come out of my
[To make the flame come out of the user's feet please upgrade Flame Jet to level 2]
"Ohh, you can do that? How much skill points do I need to upgrade it to level 2?"
[Three skill points]
Aldred hesitated. He had learned that to upgrade a skill level it might consume more than one skill
points depending on each skill. Upgrading fireball to level 2 cost only two skill points. But there
was a problem, he didn't know which skills to upgrade.
Obtaining skill points would definitely be harder in the future.
[User can earn skill points through mission as well. There is a chance to obtain skill points or stat
points through defeating an enemy]
"Nice. What about increasing my skill level?"
Aldred could increase his attributes by training, surely he could improve his skill through training
[User can learn and practice the skill to increase its level]
"I know it! Hahaha!"
Aldred looked down at the two death ogres under his feet. He recalled that he also had necromancy


The soul of the dead is for you to command

Aldred cleared his throat. If he recalled in the novels that he had read, to something become his
soldier he had to chant something. He lifted his hand and stared at the corpse. "Powerful warrior.
Rise and be my slave."
Nothing happened. Aldred was confused. 'Did I chant the wrong thing?'
He tried again. "Mighty warrior, rise and become my subordinates."
Still nothing.
Aldred sighed. He kicked the corpses. "You little bitch! Wake up and become my undead!"
Black energy enveloped the two corpses and engulfed them before it turned into smokes that
elongated above Aldred's height. A leg came out of the shadow, stepping onto the stone, then slowly,
an ogre came out with black skin and glowing purple lines around its body.
Another ogre came out from the other shadow. Both of them knelt, head facing the ground.
Aldred was smiling wide. "I have two ogre soldiers now. Hahaha. I will clear this dungeon and
return with a million ogre or something. Then I will invade the empire. Kill the emperor and take
his wife along with his whole harem! Muhahahaha!."
"What? Don't disturb my amazing plan."
[Undead limit: 2/10]
"You mean I can only have 10 undead? Are you kidding me? What kind of necromancer only has 10
undead? This is nuts!"
[User can increase the limit by leveling up]
"How many limits can I get if I am at level 29?"


[User will get the maximum of 29 undead]

"What?! I will only get 1 per level?"
[The limit will doubled. Starting at level 30, user can have 60 undead]
"That's not a lot. I need more."
[Starting at level 60, the limit will be tripled. At level 60 user can have 180 undead]
Aldred shut his mouth to think. The limit kept on increasing exponentially as he grew in in rank. If
he recalled correctly, level thirty was the start of the Silver stage, and level sixty was the start of the
Gold stage.
So every time he increased his ranking or stage, his undead limit would be quadrupled or even
more. But even if that was the case, that was still far away from a million undead that he'd dream of.
"Is there any other way to increase my limit?"
[Yes. By defeating other necromancer, user can absorb their undead limit]
"… That's cannibalism."
Realizing that the system ignored his comment, Aldred told the two undead ogres to move forward.
Their large body blocked the entire view, so he told them to do a crab walk instead.
'Now, that's better,' Aldred thought as the two ogres awkwardly move forward with their backs on
the wall.
An ogre appeared ahead of them. Perfect chance! "Go kill it."
The two undead ogres rushed forward. The ogre ahead of them didn't show any fear. It roared and
bashed one undead in the head with its club.
The two undead were unaffected. They raised their clubs and slammed its head. The ogre fell to the
ground. Green blood leaked out of its head. The two undead raised their clubs high over their head,
then with a powerful force, slammed it downward.


[EXP +60]
Aldred kicked the corpse before turning the ogre to become his third undead.
He gazed forward and noticed another stairs. "Let's clear this dungeon."
Aldred kept on defeating floor after floor until he reached the tenth floor. Instead of stairs, he saw a
large pair of wooden gates. The torch on the walls flickered, creating shadows on the wooden
He knew what was behind that gates. It had to be a boss. The question now was, should he fight it?
He already had fourteen ogres under his belt. But what if it wasn't enough? Could he even die in
this dungeon? After all, he owned this thing.
"System If I die here? Will I die in real life?"
The system didn't answer. Aldred was annoyed. When it was about the less important question, the
system always answered, but now it didn't. What a bastard.
He sighed. For now, he should leave the dungeon while thinking of a way to increase his strength
before fighting the boss. Aldred left the divine dimension. The wooden ceiling was back, along with
the wooden texture of the floor. The carriage was still on the move. Stars and moons light up the
Suddenly, the carriage stopped.
"Dire Wolves!" Mary said.
Wolves? Aldred slightly opened the door. Peeking through the gap, he saw a large horde of vicious
wolves with silky fur. They bared their vicious teeth with saliva dripped off their mouth.
The carriage shook as Mary leaped off. She landed on the ground before pulling brandishing her
sword. The wolves growled. They circled around her while still baring their teeth.


Mary was ready for an attack in any direction. A wolf behind her sprinted towards her. It pushed the
ground, leaping while opening its jaw wide.
Mary narrowed her eyes. Tightening her grip on the sword, she spun and slammed the wolf away.
The wolf got thrown onto the ground. It rolled a few times before standing up with blood all over its
The wolf shook its head and joined the pack once again. There were at least twenty wolves around
her. With that number, they could attack one by one, eventually overwhelming her. Aldred couldn't
let that happen. He had to help her. Although she was strict, annoying, and bossy, she did train him
to become stronger.
Aldred opened the door.
"Boy! Stay there or you will die!" Mary shouted. She didn't know what was inside the emperor's
mind when he send a little boy to the front line. No one could question his order, but at that time,
his reputation must have suffered among the soldiers. Someone at his age was supposed to be
trained. Only when at the age of fifteen would he be eligible for fighting a true battle.
In the Ceraisian Empire, it was normal for fifteen years old boys to be involved in a battle. But there
had never been a case where a ten-year-old directly went to battle. At most, they would go on a spar
with their peers or be told to kill prisoners. That was the training to harden their will and let them
get used to seeing corpses and blood.
"I can help!" Aldred shouted.
Mary slammed another wolf with her sword. "I'll let these wolves eat your ass if you don't get inside
the carriage right now!"
She turned around. The wolves started to approach the boy. If she let that happen, they would tear
him apart. That must not be allowed. He was still a young boy, he had a bright future ahead of him.


Mary couldn't believe herself. Since when did she start to care about the boy. 'He better thank me
Just as she was about to come to his rescue, Aldred raised both of his hands and said; "Rise."
Suddenly, a mist of darkness rise from the ground. It wiggled around the boy. Slowly, something
came out of the mist. It was a creature with a tall and large body They gripped their club and roared
at the wolves.
Mary watched with widened eyes. "Ogre? Is the boy a summoner? No, looking at the ogre, none of
them are alive. Is he… a necromancer?"
Necromancers weren't rare, but they weren't abundant either. People were scared of necromancers.
Their ability to turn the dead into their slaves was very heart-wrenching to a lot of people. The
military didn't see them in a bad light, so the boy wouldn't have any trouble when he become a
soldier. But she still couldn't believe the boy was a necromancer.
The wolves charged at the undead, biting their legs and thigh. The undead ogres didn't react. They
slammed the wolves away, throwing them to the ground before the ogre stomped on their heads.
As the ogres distracted the wolves, Aldred used his fingers to support them. "Pew pew pew."
"He's also a flame mage?" Mary asked herself. There were mages that learn a lot of spells type, but
they rarely became good. Only mages that focused on one thing could usually attain a higher rank
such as gold or platinum. There was a talented mage that reached Adamantite rank while mastering
a lot of spells, yet in history, only one of them ever exist.
Orbs of flame barraged the wolves, distracting them. With flames covering their face, the ogres'
attacks were unseen. With a powerful swing, the wolves were killed fairly quickly.


[EXP +90]
[EXP +90]
[EXP +90]
[EXP +90]
"Pew." Aldred fired one last fireball at a wolf. He blew the smoke that came out of his fingers.
"Hasta la vista, baby."
A large wolf appeared in the distance. Along with it, another horde of wolves stood behind it. The
large wolf growled. With anger, it barked, telling the other wolves to attack.
"Aldred. You take care of the small wolves. I will kill that large one."
"Sure do."
Mary leaped supernaturally and arrived in front of the big wolf. The wolf stared at her, angry that a
lot of its subordinates were killed. It directed its gaze at the boy. The boy was the one who killed its


It jumped to the side, about to rush to the boy until Mary blocked its way.
"Pick on someone your own size."
As Aldred fought off the wolf pack, Mary battled it out against the large wolf. It was as large as an
elephant, yet strong, agile, and quick as a lion. Its magnificent fur breezed by the wind.
The alpha wolf roared. Violent wind came out of its mouth. It swept out a rippling force that pushed
the grass out beneath its feet.
Mary tightened her grip on the sword. She stared at the wolf as it circled her. Both were looking eye
to eye, waiting for the chance to attack. Yet the wolf didn't seem to take this battle seriously. He was
calm like a wise king.
[Alpha Dire Wolf]
Level: 48
Power: Lunge, Claw Attack, Three Moon Image
Aldred was shocked to see the level of the wolf. Its level was more than double of his.
But thankfully, Mary almost matched it in strength.
Level: 45
Power: Quick Slash, Heavy Blow, Parry
Aldred fired a few fireballs at the wolf pack. He turned his gaze at Mary and the Alpha Wolf again.
Mary did not feel any fear. In fact, she felt excitement rushing through her body. For years she had
become a guard in the Royal Palace, so she didn't have the chance to fight anyone worthy of her
strength. None were so stupid to do so. Except maybe the little boy.
She raised her right hand and beckoned with her fingers. The wolf growled. It understood it was
being challenged. To give a reply, the wolf bared its teeth, then lunged at Mary.
Aldred understood that the wolf used the skill, but he didn't expect the lunge to be so quick.
Usually, a predator had to accelerate for a few seconds before they reach the optimum speed. Only
when they reach that speed would they lunge at their target. The acceleration and their weight
would help them dig their teeth or claws into the skin.
The wolf did not need that. Without any wind up, it lunged with the maximum speed of a cheetah.
Mary was calm. With a slight turn, she completely dodged the attack.
Aldred was shocked when Mary made it look easy. What a movement! It's one of those moves that
the boss in video games did to show the players that they could dodge their attacks with just one


It was a show of strength and an insult at the same time.

As expected, the wolf felt its honor sullied. How dare this woman dodged its attack with one move.
She should roll on the ground and make herself dirty. As an alpha, it couldn't let this slide without
doing anything.
Mary smiled. The wolf turned around and rushed towards her. With a ferocious movement, it leaped
into the sky before opening its jaw wide.
She snorted as the wolf was about to fall on her. With a calm manner, she raised her sword, slashed
down, and spun around.
"Quick Slash!" Mary shouted.
A line of sharp light went from above to the ground. The line went through the Alpha Wolf.
Suddenly, blood spurted out of the wolf's face. Blood dripped on the ground as the wolf landed.
The Alpha Wolf winced in pain, then turned around to claw attack at her. Mary raised her sword and
parried the claw. Their clash created sparks in the air.
She kicked the wolf right in the face, staggering it back. Before it could reorient itself, Mary moved
forward, sword high above her head, and swung down.
"Heavy Blow!"
Her sword seemed heavier at that one moment. The blade slammed against the wolf's head, crashing
it to the ground.
The Alpha Wolf leaped forward, and slashed at her. Blood came out of her right cheek.
"You're a disappointment to your parents," Mary said. She rushed forward and barraged it with a
powerful attack. She slammed at the stomach, shaking the organs inside. Then as the wolf tried to
counterattack, she drop the sword as a distraction and punched it right in the face.
The fist slammed against the wolf like a sledgehammer.
That was a wrong comparison.
It was like a fucking train.
"Is she human?" Aldred asked. How could anyone punch a giant wolf in the face? Who had the guts
to do that?
Mary was weaker than the Alpha Wolf, but her skills and battle experiences were far more than the
wolf. That was the tricky part about fighting someone or something intelligent. They couldn't be
defeated with brute strength alone.
The Alpha Wolf and Mary go at it against each other. She dodged its attack and returned her own
anytime she had the chance. This time, the Alpha Wolf couldn't even touch her clothes.


"Damn. That girl is too OP," Aldred commented.

Mary pushed the ground with her feet and pummeled the Alpha Wolf as if it was cookie dough.
Slamming left and right, the Alpha Wolf could only cry in despair.
Soon, she noticed the wolf's limb trembled in weakness. But, even with that, the wolf sped up and
circled around her. Suddenly, the wolf blurred and there were two of them now. And then another
one appeared.
Three Alpha Wolf? That had to be the skill Three Moon Image. So which one was real?
The three wolves lunged at her. Mary kept her calm. She breathed in and closed her eyes. Like a
dance of nature, she twisted to the left. Wind breezed through her, fluttering her short, black hair.
She stepped forward. Cold wind narrowly passed her nape and back.
With two movement, she dodged all three Alpha Wolf!
The Alpha Wolves attacked relentlessly. But her dance was unobstructed. Just as the wolves were
about to attack once again. Mary slammed the real Alpha Wolf with her shoulder. Then with blurry
speed, she slashed to the right, across the wolf's nose.
The wolf howled for one last time before it fell to the ground.
"Wow," Aldred said. "She's so powerful."
"Hey!" Mary shouted. "Don't get distracted!"
"What?" Aldred asked.
A Dire Wolf lunged at him, biting his arms.
"Ah!" Aldred placed his palm on the wolf and blasted its head with a flame jet. He was surrounded
by the wolves. They attacked his undead ogres with better coordination. Some of the ogres were
even locked to the ground, unable to move. They ripped its limbs apart.
"Damn it!" Aldred raised his hand. "Become my undead!"
The dead wolves around him were engulfed by darkness. It expanded and undead wolves came out
of the black mist.
"Haha! This is the power of a necromancer!"
The undead wolves rushed forward and ferociously bit on the wolves' neck. Wolf against wolf, now
this was a show to see.
Using his magic, Aldred fired fireball upon fireball at the wolves. But something unexpected
happened. All the wolves stopped attacking the undead ogres and undead wolves. They leaped away
and rushed at him.


Aldred flinched. He quickly reacted and activated flames jet on his palms. Flame spewed out. He
flew into the air, but the wolves already leaped at him. They caught his leg, making his hand aimed
at the wrong places. His flight became uncontrollable and he fell to the grasses.
The wolves dug his skin with their teeth, pulling out a chunk of meat.
"Ahh! You bastard!" Aldred blasted them with his flame jet, but more wolves came.
Mary saw this and hastened her movement. She rushed with incredible speed. She must not let the
kid die. He was the empress' weapon. When she arrived, her swords spun with blood. The wolves'
necks were cut off.
Their heads went to the sky before they rolled to the ground.
Mary set her gaze on the boy and noticed he was fatally wounded. He trembled in pain. His
breathing was weak. Blood drenched his clothes.
Something triggered in her heart. She looked at the boy with pity, and it tore her chest just looking
at him. His life was in danger! She had to help him!
Quickly running to the carriage, she grabbed a bag of first aid before returning to his side. She
wrapped the wounds with bandages before giving him some painkillers. The pain would still be
there, but at least it lessened a little bit.
Tears came out of his eyes. "Will I die?"
Her heart thumped in sadness and despair like a mother watching her son on his deathbed. Why did
she feel like this? Why was the boy in front of her looked so important right now?
She grabbed his hand and held it tight. "You will be fine. Let me bring you to the carriage."
"No. Stay here. I don't want to stay in the dark."
"Yes." Mary kept watching him. His breathing improved. His wound was fatal, but he shouldn't die
anytime soon. That was good. She felt relief.
"Lady," Aldred called.
"Yes?" Mary said with a sweet tone.
"I never once got your name."
"It's Mary."
"Mary," Aldred smiled. He closed his eyes. "What a beautiful name."
Aldred lay on the grass as the fresh morning air blew his black hair away. Caressing his face was a
slender smooth hand. Mary caressed the boy's head like he was her child. She didn't know why she
felt this way. It was unthinkable, unimaginable even. But she couldn't hold this feeling of love.
"Mother," Aldred called in his sleep.
Mary knew the boy wasn't calling for her. Yet her heart trembled nonetheless.
"Yes, dear," she replied with the tone of a mother. She still didn't understand why she felt this way.
Her heart was filled with the empress alone, or so she thought.
"I am thirsty, mom," Aldred said. "It burns."
Something moved within her chest. It told her to undress her breast. She did. She opened her shirt
and grabbed the boy's head into her embrace. Slowly, she set his lips on her plump, breast. Her
graceful pink nipple went into his mouth.
Aldred instinctively sucked in. He was still asleep. But even in his dream, he still felt the motherly
love given by Mary.
The boy raised his right hand and fondled her left breast as she sucked her left nipple. Mary was a
virgin, so her breasts weren't supposed to have milk. But magically, warm liquid came out and
entered the boy's mouth. Her left breast spurted milk to his face.
Mary smiled. She didn't feel embarrassed. Her gaze focused on the boy and the only thing that filled
her mind was how to take care of him as much as possible.
Her heart and mind were in great turmoil. On one side, she wanted to take care of the boy as much
as possible, on the other side, she didn't understand why she felt this way towards the boy. It didn't
seem right, but…
She couldn't answer. She kept breastfeeding him because it felt like the right thing to do.
Time passed, and the morning became night. The sun went down over the horizon with three moons
rising into the sky, dotted by twinkling stars.
Sacha, the bright, red moon, was closer tonight. It dwarfed the other moons as it shone in a
beautiful red hue.
Aldred pulled out his mouth. He frowned and groan like he experienced a great nightmare? Mary
was worried. She checked his forehead to see if it was hot. It wasn't.
It was cold. Abnormally cold.
His skin became pale, then suddenly, a pair of fangs grew from his teeth.
The boy grabbed her shoulders and went for her neck. She was about to stop him, but his teeth had
already sunk deep inside her skin. It gave her a feeling of great ecstasy. Her limbs became weak and
heavy. She couldn't move and her body trembled.
"Ahh," She moaned. She couldn't hold it in. The desire was too strong and she moaned the entire

Aldred opened his eyes. He was shocked to realize he bit Mary's neck. He pulled out his teeth and
saw Mary helplessly blushing in front of him.
He looked at her neck and saw a pair of holes. Blood came out of the hole, and for some reason,
Aldred had a strong urge to consume it.
'I am a vampire? But how? My father is a demon king, so how could I become a vampire?'
Aldred recalled that his mother never actually reveal her race. 'Is she a vampire? It has to be, or it
would be impossible for him to be a vampire.' Aidan hadn't checked her status and history too. He
just thought that his mother would be as strong as his father, and he also thought that she was a
demon too. Because why would a vampire marry a demon? That did not make any sense at all.
He noticed all of his wounds disappear. From that, he concluded that drinking blood would heal his
Mary breathed raggedly and looked at him with an enticing gaze. Her shirt was wide open, making
her breasts all clear for him to see. It was so beautiful as her smooth white boob reflected the
moonlight. Her pink nipples were flawless and they beckoned Aldred to come.
"Mary? What are you doing?"
She ignored his question and pulled him into her embrace. She caressed the back of his head. "You
will be fine, dear. Mommy is here."
'Mommy?' What the hell happened?
[Extreme Charm activated]
Oh… So that was what happen. She was charmed by my handsomeness. But why did she call
herself mommy?
"Are you thirsty, dear?" She gently put his lips on her nipple.
'This isn't so bad.'
Aldred sucked on her nipple and enjoyed the warm liquid. It wasn't as heavenly as her mother's
milk, but it still tasted good. Mary grabbed his right hand and put it on her left breast.
He squeezed.
"Ahh." Mary moaned into the sky as her cheeks turned red.
Her moan made Aldred excited. He fondled her breast more and sucked her nipple harder.
"Ahh! Are you enjoying yourself, dear?"


"Yes, mommy," Aldred played along. He didn't know her age, but she seems to be qualified as his
mother. Based on her looks, Aldred would guess she was at least twenty-two years old.
After some hours passed, Aldred became sleepy. He recalled that he always wanted to go to bed
after a breastfeeding session with his mother. He closed his eyes.
Mary noticed that the boy was fast asleep. She smiled and lay his head on the grass. She lay beside
him and caressed his face. "Good night, boy."
Suddenly, bright blue flowers sprouted from the ground. Glowing butterflies and fairies flew around
them. Plants came out and wrapped around the boy.
Mary looked at this magical scene in wonder and amazement. 'What magic is this?'
One of the fairies floated in front of her. Her fluttering wings left a trail of sparkling lights.
"Thank you," the fairy said.
"What are you?"
The fairy smiled. "I am his mother." She zipped inside Mary's head, shocking her.
Powerful energy circled inside her mind, then it went throughout her whole body. She glowed in
bright blue as the plants around her crawled and wrapped her tight. A Blue stream of light streamed
from the plants and into her body.
The cocoon of plants, roots, and flowers burst open. Mary slowly opened her eyes. They glowed
bright blue for a while then dimmed down.
"What did you do to me?"
The fairy floated in front of her. "I want you to accompany him on his journey. My husband and I
have spoiled him rotten, and we cannot have that. At the age of seven, he should have conquered at
least a galaxy or two, but his vision is boxed within the castle. It is my fault. If I didn't spoil him,
my son wouldn't be so weak and miserable as he is right now. I have failed as a parent."
"What do you want me to do?" Mary asked. For some reason, she felt a great urge to listen to the
fairy's request.
"I have expanded your potential and increased your rank to gold. Help my boy grow. Don't let him
die. Also, don't spoil him too much as I did. Are you willing?"
Mary nodded. "I am. In return, can you help me overthrow the empire?" She still wanted to remove
that stupid emperor and let the empress rule the empire alone. The fairy in front of her must be so
powerful if she could increase her strength to gold rank so easily. Normally, it would take a few
decades to reach it. In fact, she might not get to gold rank at all in her lifetime.
The fairy smiled. "If you help my son grow, he will conquer the empire for you."
Eve knew the emperor took the steering wheel. Without it, her son couldn't return to the floating
The fairy and the bright glowing plants disappeared.


Eve floated in space. She approached her husband who was staring at the bright green planet.
"How is he?" Hujarar asked.
Eve smiled and showed her fangs.
Hujarar smiled back. "Our son grows so fast. It felt like yesterday I held him in my arms."
Eve wrapped her arms around his neck. "Did you know he already got a virgin girl's blood?"
Hujarar laughed. "That's my boy. I raised him well. In the future, he has to bring a lot of wives."
Eve flicked his nose. "Then why don't you have a lot of wives?"
"Of course not, darling. You're the only one worthy of me."
He hugged her. His phone rang. With an annoyed groan, Hujarar pulled out his phone and stared at
the lock-screen of his naked wife for a few seconds before answering the call.
"Yo, wasup?"
"Wasup my ass! We've been waiting for you to destroy that planet of heretics. The news outlet;
BBK, KNN, and Dragon News are ready to air your power, live on television."
Hujarar sighed. "Do we really have to kill these atheists? There are a lot of hot girls in there. You
sure don't want to have some fun with them first?"
"Shut up! My wife is here so don't say something that would trigger any misunderstanding. No,
dear. It's just the demon king. No, I don't plan to go have fun with any girl. What about the angel
last night? Ah, I just taught her some basic knowledge about human anatomy. I swear. I don't lie.
When Have I ever lied to you? Oh, you want to go to heaven? Alright, see you at home."
The old man on the other side sighed. "That was a close one. Watch your mouth next time. She
almost got me having fun with that angel, Alex, last night. Wait! No, Dear! I was joking. I don't
know anyone named Alex. No, don't cut my PP in front of my worshiper. You'll still do it? Fuck!
Hujarar! You better destroy that planet. I have to go now, bye!"
The call ended.
Hujarar scratched his head. "Well, that was something."
Eve chuckled. "You don't plan to have any fun with other girls right, dear?" She whispered in his
Her eyes became crimson sharp.


Hujarar sweated. It wasn't supposed to be possible in space, but the cold threat was too much.
"Of course not, dear."
Aldred woke up on Mary's lap. The sky was bright with the sun shining on the sky. Clouds passed
with birds chirping in the distance.
Mary caressed his head as she controlled the horse pulling the carriage.
"You've woke up."
Aldred nodded and sat up. "Thank you for saving me. I don't know what I would do without you."
He said his thanks to her. Even though she captured her and brought her to the throne hall, it was
her job in the first place, yet the fact that she saved him couldn't be denied. Aldred owed a life to
her. He finally got a second chance in life, a life he could be grateful for. Mary didn't just saved his
life, she also saved his dream.
"Also, sorry for sucking your blood."
"It's fine," Mary said, blushing as she recalled the event yesterday. She couldn't believe that she
would say this, but she actually enjoyed the feeling.
"Mary. May I know why you liked the empress so much?"
"She inspired me to become a soldier. In fact, she inspired a lot of women."
"Inspire you? How?"
Mary sighed. "Women aren't very well respected because we tend to be useless in battle. This make
men think they can do whatever they want with us. The empress got her past lover killed and she
was forced to marry the emperor. They passed her around like bread, not even considering for a
second how she felt about that. With a single word, her world was shattered and changed for the
worse. Yet, instead of breaking down and accepting her fate, she raised many powerful women and
put them in various positions. In the military, there is a position called Commander of Knights. This
position used to be all men, but now, almost half of them are women. All of these women answered
to the empress. If she willed it, she could cause a terrible civil war inside the empire."

Aldred was shocked. He didn't know the empress was that powerful and influential. She was
inspiring instead of breaking down in the face of challenge. He sighed. If he was that brave, if he
was that courageous, would his past life become any different? Instead of fighting for his survival,
Aldred jumped off a bridge and killed himself.
Compared to the empress, he was nothing but a loser.
"She's an amazing woman," Aldred said.
"She is. I almost suffered the same fate as her, but I trained myself every sunrise and every sunset.
This pair of hands had swing a sword for millions of times. With my exponential growth, I ran from
home and joined the army. Eventually, I became a guard under the empress herself."
Aldred smiled. "Both of you are awesome." His smile disappeared and disappointment washed over
him. He sighed. Mary fight with everything she had, and so did the empress. 'I truly should learn
from them. No matter what the situation, no matter what the hardship, I must keep on fighting with
everything I have.'
"Thank you, Mary. For telling me this. You've changed my whole perspective about life."
"What about you? Who are you? How did you enter the bathroom for the concubines?"
"Me? I am nothing special compared to you. I am just a depressed boy."
Mary chuckled. "What are you talking about. You always seem to not take things seriously. Isn't that
the cause why the emperor send you to the front line?"
Aldred scratched his head. He might act a little too childish there. He couldn't help it. He was
spoiled so much by his parents. "You are correct. I apologize for that."
Mary smiled. "At first, I saw you as an arrogant, naive boy who doesn't know the reality of this
world. Yet now, you seem to be a man who experienced a lot of things. You truly are something


Aldred laughed. "I think I am a little arrogant and naive. Don't forget to add depression into the mix.
So, I guess I'll be counting on you until we arrive."
Mary shook her head. "I will take care of you until you become stronger than me."
"I thought you're just going to drop me on the front line? What about your job as a guard? Don't you
want to be close with the empress?"
"Someone important told me to take care of you."
"Who? The empress? You did say that she told you to take care of me." Aidan wondered why the
empress told her to do that. Did she like my song?
Mary ignored his question and kept her gaze forward. She believed Aldred's parents did not want
their son to know about the truth. Mary did not know who that fairy was, but she understood that
Aldred must be a child of a powerful being.
They went on a journey for a few days. And then they ran out of water.
"I am so thirsty," Aldred said as he tried to get the last drop out of the water bag. The water fell to
his tongue and disappeared. He couldn't even taste the water. With his throat so dry, Aldred gulped
his own saliva. His lips was dry too, so he licked it.
"Stop licking your lips," Mary said. "It will make it worse."
"What can I do? It's been three days since I have water."
Mary beckoned at him and told him to sat beside her on the driver seat. Aldred complied. He was
confused by what she was about to do. Only when Mary opened her shirt did he understood.


"Drink from my breast. It will relieve your thirst."

"Are you sure?"
"You did it before, no reason not to do it again."
That was a weird logic but okay. Aldred grabbed her breast and sucked on her nipple. Mary put him
on her lap, then held his head. Aldred heard her urging the horses to move forward while a warm
liquid entered his mouth.
The liquid was much better than before. Something about the quality changed. It felt like there was
some sort of power within it. Aldred couldn't explain it. The taste was sweet too.
Mary smiled when she saw Aldred excitedly suck on her nipple. She didn't feel embarrassed even if
she show her breasts to the outside world. Men could show their nipples so proudly, then why
women couldn't?
If Aldred heard that logic, he would definitely support it one hundred percent. If there was a civil
movement saying that all women could show their breasts however they wanted, Aldred would be
rising the biggest and tallest sign as he shouted at the top of his lungs for the government to pass the
law, allowing women to show their breasts without censorship.
He continued on sucking her nipple. After a while, he switched to sucking on the other nipple while
fondling the other one. He squeezed, knead, push, and pulled it like a dough.
All this while, Mary kept on smiling as she caressed his head lovingly. She still didn't understand
why, but she liked this boy more and more. Something about him resonated with her heart.
The sun fell and rose a few times before both of them arrived at Ruandeurtin.
"We have arrived."
Ceraisian Empire was located in a super continent called Coureroy. It was home for many races;
Vampire, Aarakocra, Bugbear, Lizardfolk, and many more.
Each race had their own nation, and generally they avoided war with each other. Especially against
the human. Humans had the never-ending thirst for achievement. After they got one, they asked for
two, after they got two, they asked for four. Their relentless strive for greatness was something the
other races avoided. They didn't want to become the trophy for the human. And so currently, only
humans were in major war, while the others only involved in small skirmish.
The Thignia Kingdom was located to the north of Ceraisian. Their border touched shoulders to
shoulders, and both nation frequently traded with each other. Humans offered their blood, while
vampires gave anything else they had.
The strongest being in this super continent was at Adamantite rank. Each nation only had one of
these beings, and they usually did not move around because each of their step could shook the
world. They weren't involved in battle unless it threatened the existence of the race.

Aldred sat on the carriage as the horses pulled it through the gate. Ruandeurtin was a highly
defended fortress. It was surrounded by thick and tall walls with hundreds of guards present at all
times. They stared at him with suspicious eyes. It seemed they were wary of spies for fear of
The blacksmith hammered down on a sword in front of the armory. Sparks came out every time he
hammered down. Soldiers walked with certain steps like they knew where they were going and
what they were about to do. It didn't look like a normal town where the people walked around in
leisure. Everyone was at work. A lot of them stared at him with suspicion.
They whispered something. Some of them went away to report him to the higher ups. He might not
be caught, but the knight and other soldiers would certainly kept and eye on him.
Ruandeurtin was governed by a captain. A captain's rank was right below Commander of Knights,
but their influence and power were insurmountable. A captain could only lead five thousand
knights, while a Commander of Knights could lead more than forty thousand knights.
In a large battle, each of these knights could lead one platoon or fifty squires, and a High Knight
might lead more than 250 Knight.
The fort wasn't that extravagant thankfully, or the enemy might take it as a great offense and add
more soldiers to their own forts.
The total population of this fort was around twelve thousand and six hundred. Five thousands of
them were Knights. Seven thousand of them were Squires, and the rest were blacksmiths,
alchemists, cook, and servants.
As the carriage went forward. A Knight with thick armor approached them. "Stop right there! Show
me your identification!"
"Did you already forget me, Bartrem?"
Bartrem narrowed his eyes and stared at her. "Mary? What are you doing here?"
"This is no place to talk. Bring me to your place."

Bartrem, Mary, and Aldred sat inside a room.


"It might not be as spacious, but believe me when I tell you that a squire will kill for this bedroom.
And I mean that very literally."
Bartrem was right. The room wasn't that spacious, especially if compared to his own room in the
floating castle. The room was made out of bricks without even being covered with paint or anything
else. Aldred guessed they didn't have time and resources to think about decoration.
The room only had a bed, a table, and a few chairs. The floor of this room was made out of rough
"Now," Bartrem said, sitting on the bed. He played with his mustache. "What is your business
"Let this boy enters your platoon," Mary said.
"Impossible. He's at least ten. You want me to bring him to his death? Bring him back and let him
return when he's twenty."
"I cannot do that. The emperor gave this order."
Bartrem clicked his tongue. "That fool. He thinks he can throw away lives like duck food. Then I
can only hide him here and train him until he's strong enough."
Mary shook her head. "Do you forget that the captain of this fort is Pharder?"
Bartrem sighed. "How could I forget. That man is giving me nightmares every day." He looked at
the boy. "You better be ready boy—wait. You're already at bronze rank?"
Aldred nodded.
"Incredible. What a talent. You might not have much experience as a ten-year-old, but your strength
is enough for you to survive on the battlefield.
Level: 35
Power: Endurance, Decisive Attack, Tenacity, Rampage, Mighty Strike.
History: Bartrem was an orphan thrown away by his parents when he was still three months old.
One of the empress's maid picked him up and reported her findings to the empress. The empress
ordered the maid to take care of him. Years passed and he became a knight with eternal gratitude to
the empress, but his association with her led Pharder, the captain and ruler of Ruandeurtin, to hate
him. He was thrown into the most dangerous platoon with the highest death rate called Pressure
Platoon II with fifty squires that was replaced every battle because all of them died. Yet ever since
Bartrem took the lead, the casualties reduced significantly.
Aldred didn't bother to read more. Just by glimpsing at it he could get the general idea of who the
man was. So Pharder was the big bully around here, and the target was Bartrem because he was
associated with the empress. This was some political stuff that Aldred shouldn't get himself into. He
just wanted to kill the emperor and get his steering wheel back.
"You are the only Knight I can trust," Mary said. "Much of the empress' fingers here were cut off by
Pharder. Her control over this fort was zero to none, but I will stay here and help you too."


Someone opened the door of the room. It was a man with hazel straight hair. The man held his head
high while staring down at them.
Mary bit her lips. "Pharder, you sure come quick."
Pharder moved his brawny hand on the wall. Unexpectedly, his fingers peeled off the bricks as their
fragments fell to the floor. The man approached and pulled his hand back.
"You are stronger than I last saw you, Mary." He narrowed his eyes. "I wonder how you increase
your strength."
"Not of your concern," Mary coldly said.
"I don't remember calling for a gold-ranked warrior to my fort. You are not needed. Leave
Mary sneered. "I came here from the direct order of the empress. Are you questioning her order?"
"Then who is this boy? Don't tell me this is the secret son of the empress by the result of her affair."
Mary gritted her teeth. "Don't you dare sully her name! If your words are exposed you will be
executed! She found this pitiful boy on the street. He is under the empress' protection and in no way
you can touch him."
"Not directly I cannot," Pharder replied. "Tomorrow, we'll attack Coinnerelle. Let's see how this boy
fair when I put him at the front."
Aldred was pissed of by how arrogant this man was. Who did this man think he was?
Level: 125
Power: Defend Smash, Powerful Charge, Trembling Shockwave
'Oh… This man does have the strength to be arrogant. Damnit!'
The man stared at them one last time before leaving the room. Aldred clenched his hands in anger.
He was about to do something awful and he might regret it later.
"Mary, he cannot touch me directly, correct? What would happen if he kill me?"
"For disobeying the empress' order, the Commander of Knight themselves have to move and
execute him. No one should disobey her order."


"Can the emperor bail him out?"

"Unlikely, unless he wanted a civil war."
Aldred took a deep breath and walked out of the door. "Hey!" He called.
Pharder turned around. "What, boy? You have no chance to run away."
"No. It's just. You forgot to bring these with you." Aldred threw the brick fragments at his face.
It hit straight at Pharder's face and stain his skin and clothes. The man stared at him in trembling
rage. 'How dare this little boy!'
Mary and Bartrem were shocked.
'Just what the hell was he thinking!' Bartrem thought.
Even Mary couldn't say anything.
Pharder was about to kill this boy right here and there, but it would be too obvious that he was the
killer. Everyone knew he hated the empress and used all the chance he got to remove her influence.
He had done it successfully without giving the empress a reason to remove him. If he killed the boy
now, the empress would have a reason to kill him. All the things he had done would be useless.
Aldred stepped backward and got ready to enter his Divine Dimension. He wasn't stupid. He had
read a lot of arrogant main characters in novels and all of them got into trouble for their arrogance.
He didn't want to lose his precious life, so he was prepared to escape from any slight movement.
Pharder, on the other hand, could only hold his rage. "You have done well, boy. Pray the enemy
won't cut your head in tomorrow." He turned around and walk away.
Mary approached him and knocked his head. "What are you thinking? He could have killed you."
"You said he couldn't unless he wanted a civil war."
"Even if that was the case, he might forget about the consequence and do it anyway."
Aldred waved his hand. "Don't worry about it." There was no way he would tell them his secret.
Aldred only met them for a few days. If it was his family the one who was asking, he would tell
them openly.
"You hurt his feeling, boy," Bartrem said. "He will remember that."
"I don't care about his feeling. He can suck my PP, and I still won't care."


Bartrem looked at Mary. "Are you sure this guy is ten years old?"
Aldred entered the barrack for Pressure Platoon II. Because Bartrem was only a knight, he could
only lead one platoon consisting of fifty squires. In this empire, all official soldiers were considered
squires. If they had competence and skills, they would be promoted to a knight. Squires were
trained since they were a child. Generally, they were the sons of a knight. These children would
learn how to become a soldier from their fathers.
Unlike the modern world where people could go to school learn what they want and have a career
of their choice. The children only had their parents as a source of information. So they were in some
kind of apprenticeship without their choice. Most of them didn't complain much, because they didn't
know what other jobs there were.
Their knowledge and wisdom was too small. This led them just to accept whatever their parents
Farmers also rarely drafted to become a soldier. Ceraisian was in war for a while. They knew that
having farmer in the battlefield weren't that good. Only properly trained soldiers could be relied
upon in the battlefield.
These were what Bartrem told him. He was really kind to Aldred, telling him a lot of things about
the world. Just like any other children, Bartrem did not know anything else except swordsmanship.
That was because he saw a lot of soldiers training in the Royal Palace where the empress kept him
when he was a child.
Only when he got older did he knew more things, but he did not plan to change occupation anytime
soon. If he had a child, he would teach that child how to fight with a sword, because that was the
only thing Bartrem know a lot of.
And that was the entire cycle of a family. They born, enter apprenticeship, and then teach their kid
what they know.
Aldred did not know if that was good or not compared to the modern world. Would it be better if
parents taught their child what they knew, instead of forcing them to go to medical schools? Parents
put their dreams of success upon their child, not knowing what they had to go through.

"You stupid child. Your exams score is terrible. You won't get any scholarship this way." His father
punched his face.
"Dad, it hurt! Please! Stop!"
"Then do better next time."
"I am trying, dad. I study as hard I can, but I can only get 80 in the final exam."
"Study hard? Our neighbor got 95 in his exam. If he can do it, then why can't you? Stop being lazy!
You will have no food for three days. Don't go out of your room and use that time to study."
Aldred cried as he open his math book. All the numbers, all the formulas, all the find X and Y made
him sick. He felt so sick he wanted to die.

Aldred sighed as he stood inside the barrack.
"What's wrong, Aldred?" Mary asked. She looked at him with a worried gaze.


He swiped his tears with his arms. "I am fine."

Bartrem sighed. "Mary. Can I talk with you for a few seconds?"
Mary looked at Aldred. "Stay here okay?"
They went outside the barracks. Bartrem closed the door.
"What do you want to talk about?" Mary asked.
"We cannot do this. He's only ten," Bartrem said. "You see he cried the moment he entered the
barrack. He must be so scared."
"He wasn't scared when he throw those dust at the captain."
"Those must be momentary confidence. Now he realized that he has to stay here for a long time. He
will break before I can put him on the battlefield."
"I will protect him," Mary said. "That boy has talent beyond anyone I know. Besides, the empress
told me to protect him. He will get through this. I know he can."
Mary spoke with such a conviction that surprised Bartrem. "I know the boy is talented. Reaching
Bronze Rank at such a young age is an amazing achievement. But he is still a boy."
"I will go with him on the battlefield. Wherever he goes, I will be there."
"No you will not!" a man shouted. He walked haughtily like he owned the entire place.
Bartrem grimaced when he saw who the man was. It was a middle-aged man. Standing around 180
CM tall, with a sword mark on his mouth. He wore his Knight Rank armor that was ensued by the
brigade. He was the leader of Pressure Platoon I.
And he was Pharder's toes.
"Simond. This is not your barrack. Go wherever you came from," Bartrem said.
Simond snorted and domineeringly approached them. He crossed his arms. "I am sent here by
Captain Pharder. Mary, you will not go to the battlefield because the captain assigned you to protect
the fort."
"I'm more useful on the battlefield than staying in here!" Mary shouted. This man pissed her off. If
this was outside the fort, she might kill the man with her newfound strength.
Simond analyzed the woman in front of her and gritted his teeth. 'Gold Rank. This woman has the
strength of High-Knight.' He clicked his tongue. "You're not in a position to decide. Are you trying
to disobey the order of a captain? You're just a woman."


Mary wanted to blast the man's face right here and there. 'So what if I am a woman? I'm stronger
than you.'
The man turned around and was about to leave. His step halted. "Even if you are a Gold Rank, you
are still a woman. We, men, are better at fighting than you. You are just a burden in this place."
Mary gritted her teeth and stepped forward. She'd kill this man. She'd mince him to pieces and feed
him to the dogs!
Bartrem held her. "It's not worth it. Remember why you are here."
She stared at the man as he left. Rage boiled in her chest. "I will kill that man someday."
"Who do you want to kill?" A girl said from behind. Her chest bounced as she slowly strode to
them. When she arrived, she crossed her arms below her breast and pushed upward, making her
chest seem bigger than it already looked. Her body was voluptuous.
Her rosy cheeks smiled. "Hello."
"Who are you?" Mary asked.
"She is Sophia," Bartrem said. "She is a magician High-Knight that leads Magician Company III."
"Nice to meet you, beautiful," Sophia said. She approached Mary. She smelled like flowers. She
brought a magic staff with her. It was beautifully made out of birch wood. It was straight, and end
with a little crystal on top.
"Yes, nice to meet you too," Mary confusingly said. She didn't know how to behave in front of this
seemingly-aggressive woman.
Sophia chuckled. "Your breast is so big." She grabbed her left breast. "Men will love fondling it and
sucking it. Oh my, it's so plump too."
Sophia moved her gaze to her confused expression. She smiled sweetly. "You don't mind me
playing with them don't you."
Mary didn't know what to do. Except for Aldred, she never had anyone touching her breast. "I don't
mind," She hesitantly said. Sophia was a woman, after all, so she thought it was fine.
"You're such a kind girl. Men love a sweet and caring girl like you. Oh, you're a virgin, yet you
already have breastmilk. This is a rarity, a lot of men will want to have you in bed, I am sure of it."
Mary was shocked. 'How the hell does this woman know I have milk in my breast. And she also
knows I'm a virgin?'
Sophia played with her nipples. "Don't be too surprised. I am a magician."
She turned her gaze to Bartrem.


Bartrem flinched in fear and he took a deep breath.

"If isn't this my lovely Bartrem." She released her hand from Mary and put both of her hands on his
shoulder. Ohh, why are you closing your eyes, Bartrem? Come on, look at my breast."
Sophia used her left hand to slightly open her robe, revealing part of her breast. "I know you want
it, Bartrem. All men wanted it. Come on, Touch it. Feel it."
She leaned in onto his left ear. "You can also suck it if you want."
Bartrem was trembling, eyes closed as he clenched his hand. 'Get yourself together, Bartrem. She
will get bored and walk away. Don't say anything!'
Mary did not know what to do in this situation. If a man did this to a woman, she would apprehend
him, but this was a woman doing it to the man. Bartrem seemed uncomfortable, though. She
wondered if she should do something.
Sophia covered her mouth with her hand and giggled. "That's Bartrem for you. Strong as always."
She licked Bartrem's ear before turning to Mary. "It was nice meeting you. I believe we will meet
again soon."
When she left, Bartrem opened his eyes and breathed haggardly. He pushed out air from his nose
and inhale through his mouth.
"Why are you so troubled?" Mary asked. "Doesn't men enjoy that sort of thing done to them?"
Bartrem breathed out. "I tried to hold my masculine urges and not treat women as such."
Mary smiled. Bartrem was raised by the empress' maid. During that time, he must be taught how to
treat women properly. Now he become a gentleman and also a Knight.
"I wonder if Aldred will grow into someone who can respect women," Mary whispered under her
"What was that?" Bartrem asked.
Mary shook her head. "Who is that girl earlier anyway? You said she was a High-Knight magician?"
Bartrem nodded. "She's a High-Knight, but none of her behavior and personality fit for the position.
She's a crazy woman. Everyone knows about it."
"How crazy?"
"A few days ago, she came out of her room naked. She walked around with no clothes on a bright
day. The other day, she even went to the battlefield with no clothes. At that time, she climbed on
someone's shoulder and went around, shooting distracting spells at the enemy. A lot of people
believed she didn't even need to cast distraction spells."

Mary was shocked. "Everyone is fine with this?" She was fine with showing her breast like men did
but fully naked was too much. Even men couldn't show their dongs so blatantly, not to mention on
the battlefield.
Bartrem sighed. "she's also Pharder's woman."
Aldred lay on one of the bed before Bartrem and Mary entered the barrack.
"Are you comfortable, Aldred?" Mary asked.
It wasn't as comfortable as his bed in the floating castle, but it was better than the cold and hard
brick that he used to slept on in his past life. "I am comfortable."
"Comfort is not our first priority as a soldier," Bartrem started. "I hope you keep that in mind."
Aldred smiled with a sigh. As a homeless, comfort wasn't his first priority either. He would sleep
near the landfill, or under the bridge. Anywhere he wouldn't be seen by people. People were evil.
They'd kick him for no reason and threw rocks at him. Aldred just arrived here less than an hour and
he was reminded of his past life all over again.
All the rainy days where the ground was cold, and all the summer heat where his throat burn. He
was humbled again in less than a week. The world was harsh. His parents gave him a childhood
fantasy where parents and siblings love each other unconditionally. That made him forgot who he
really was for a moment, but he was back again to the shit hole of reality.
But this time he could fight. He had a purpose. Taking the steering wheel and returning to his
floating castle. If he do that, he could wait for his parents in comfort.
Bartrem felt bad to say such word to a ten-year-old child. The emperor was too ruthless this time.
Thankfully the empress saved this boy's life even with the risk of a civil war. The emperor and the
empress might look like at peace at one glance, but their subordinates were like two silver back
apes. They were battling out constantly to dominate each other.
"You have to be strong, Aldred. Stronger than most of us. Thankfully, your strength are higher than
average. So can you use a sword or a spear?"
"He's a magician," Mary said. "And a necromancer." She left out the vampire part.
"A magician isn't compatible with my unit. Our job is to push through the front line, and shock the
enemy to let our rear deal the killing blow." Bartrem didn't even mention the necromancer part
because it took a long time for necromancer to have a strong undead. Aldred was just a child,
Bartrem did not have any expectation about his undead at all.
Aldred strengthened his will inside and stop being the naive kid that was loved by his parents. Now,
he was the kid that was thrown into the street. He was the kid that survived for many years
scrapping for food in the trashcan. He was that kid who fight other homeless people because they
tried to stole his things.
He was the tough kid.
"I can do it. My undead is quite strong." He raised his hand. "Rise my slave."
Three clump of black mist formed around him. Bartrem narrowed his eyes as three tall and large
ogres stepped out. They looked at him with hollow, lifeless eyes. In their hand was a big club
covered with nails.
"How is this possible," Bartrem said. "You have three Copper Rank ogre?"


"Actually." Aldred summoned more of his undead.

Following the ogres, pack of wolves stepped out of the mist. Bartrem's eyes widened as they filled
the cramped barrack. All fourteen of them stood strong.
"Copper Rank dire wolves?" Bartrem was shocked. Not only were all of these undead at Copper
Rank, Aldred had fourteen of them.
Only a New Knight could lead a squad of fourteen Copper Rank soldiers.
"Is it enough to help you?"
Bartrem nodded a few times. "It's more than enough. Although each one of them are not as good as
a proper soldier, their strength should be useful."
It was no surprise. Human had intelligence and creativity, while undead only used their instinct to
fight. Also, human learned from their mistake, while undead kept on being the same undead, unless
it was high ranked undead who could even invent a new spell or technique using its own
Their stupidity was also the reason why they failed to kept Aldred safe when fighting against the
pack of wolves.
Mary sighed. "I wish to accompany you on the battlefield, but Pharder ordered me to stay in the
fort. I cannot disobey his order because he is the captain of this fort and the Troxir Brigade."
The door to the barrack opened. All fifty men of the Pressure Platoon II entered the barrack after a
long day of training.
"Perfect time," Bartrem said. "Let me introduce you to our new member. Aldred."
Aldred stepped forward. "Hello. Nice to meet you all."
All the soldiers stood with confidence and mighty bearing. They seemed to be good at what they do.
All of them had the body of a medieval soldiers; fit, healthy, and full of muscles that wasn't too
large or too small. Of course, they couldn't be compared to Bartrem who was very bulky. All the
knight seemed to be bulky, or that might be just because of their armor.
The soldiers were shocked at first to see a ten-year-old joining them on the front line. But they
understood that every soldiers had their own circumstances, so they smiled and accepted the boy
with open arms.
Aldred shook hands with them as they tell their name. He didn't remember any of them except the
last two. Joseph and Jeffery were always looking down. They weakly shake his hands, and
immediately left.
Bartrem nodded and changed his bearing to that of a strict leader. As a knight, he had received basic
training in how to behave in front of his subordinates. "You all have heard about the plan for


Aldred blinked. He hadn't heard anything at all. Thankfully, Bartrem explain it again.
"The enemy is planning to make an outpost in our border. Our task is as usual to do the most
dangerous job and that is spearheading the brigade. We have survived many times, and we will
survive again. Do any of you have any question?"
"No, sir."
"Then go to sleep. You body will thank you tomorrow."
"Yes, sir!"
Bartrem patted his shoulder as he walked past by. "Welcome to Pressure Platoon II." He stepped out
of the barrack and closed the door.
The soldiers strode to their bed and lay down. None of them made any noise and calmly tried to
Aldred sighed again. 'This will be my life from now on. They will be my comrades and I will fight
together with them on the battlefield.'
He turned to look at Mary. "I will go to sleep now. Thank you again for saving me."
Aldred was resentful of Mary at first for whipping him with her sword, but he would never forget
that she saved his life. That alone was enough to remove any resentment he had. And not to mention
she let him do that 'thing' to her.
Mary raised her hand and ruffled his hair. "Silly boy, you don't have to thank me for anything. And I
am not letting you sleep alone. I will sleep with you."
All the soldiers flinched when they heard that. They hid it as best as possible, but they couldn't
pretend to not notice Mary's voluptuous body. Her big chest, curvy hips, enhanced by the tight
armor that wrapped around her was enticing.
She was so enticing that it made their pp hard. That was why they still wore the armor that covered
their lower part. If they didn't wear it, it would bulge like a toad's throat.
"You will sleep with me? Is that allowed?"
"Only the captain can prevent me from sleeping with you. But he didn't say anything about it. And
he doesn't need to know."
'Why does Mary sounds like a naughty wife that cheated on her husband.' Well, Aldred did not mind
that at all. He liked Mary. She was nice, kind, caring, and she's beautiful and sexy.


The last two part was very important for a cultured men like Aldred.
"I would be happy to sleep with you, Mary. I like you." Aldred innocently said like a proper ten-
year-old boy. He was glad that he was a ten-year-old in this situation. This made it less weird.
An adult, beautiful, sexy, big-chested, curvaceous woman was sleeping with a ten-year-old boy?
Oh, that was very normal. Nothing to worry about at all.
Nothing to worry about. Hehehe.
Mary nodded. She picked him which surprised Aldred. Like a baby, he was lay down on the bed,
then Mary lay beside him.
Slowly, she opened her breast and put it in front of his face.
"Uh, Mary what are you doing?"
"You don't want my milk?"
The soldiers bit the inside of their lip. What milk? What were they doing? The soldiers wanted to
open their eyes and look, but they were too scared. Their imaginations run wild during this time.
"I want it."
"Suck it then."
Aldred was shocked at how straightforward Mary was. But he liked it that way. If every women in
the world was as straightforward as her, a lot of nipples would be sucked every day. Mary gently
put her hands on his head and pull it towards her chest. His lips touched her left nipple.
It tickled him, but it also enticed him at the same time. Aldred put the nipple inside his mouth with a
plot sound.
Mary slightly moan. His tongue tickled her nipples. It aroused her slightly, but she did not say
anything. Aldred kept sucking while his left hand went for her breast. Warm liquid entered his
mouth. Mary moan once again. The boy had the tendency to play with her breast while he drank the
milk. She kept on moaning uncontrollably.
Meanwhile, the soldiers hearing all of this couldn't sleep for the whole night.
'Please stop. Please. I don't want to be horny anymore. I just want to sleep.'
Bartrem opened the door to the barrack. "Square up!"
The soldiers get out of their bed and quickly don their armor before lining up. Bartrem noticed
some sluggishness in their movement. "What's wrong with you, soldier?"
He noticed black bags under their eyes. "For the hair of my armpit. I told you to sleep properly
yesterday. Go now! Wash your face and gather at the field!"
"Yes, sir!"
The soldiers exited the door with a jog. Bartrem turned his eyes and looked at Aldred about to leave
the barrack. "Except you, boy. You seem to have a good sleep."
Aldred nodded. "I sleep well last night."
Bartrem set his gaze on Mary. She wasn't supposed to be here, but he did not say anything. Maybe
she wanted to take care of the child for a while. But eventually, the boy had to grow up.
"A little briefing for you, boy. Since you're a magician, just stay at the back of the formation and
cast your spells. What spells do you know?"
"I can cast fireball and flame jet."
"Simple but effect." Bartrem nodded. "You stay at the back and cast fireballs at the enemy. We will
do the rest."
Aldred nodded. He believed he was good enough for close combat with flame jet, but he did not
want to question his leader on the first day.
"Go to the south gate and wait for me there. I will give your fellow comrade some scoldings. They
should have shown a proper example of a soldier."
Aldred nodded, said his goodbye to Mary, and jogged his way there. On the way, he passed by
many soldiers with light armor. They jogged with their own platoon. Swords dangled on their waist,
jiggling every time their feet hit the ground. Most of the building here was for housing, storage,
armory, and restroom. There were no merchants, or markets here. This entire city was a complete
Also, Aldred realized that he forgot something in his inventory.
[Godly Eye Tear]
Consuming it will allow you to see the weakness of your enemy, predicting their movement,
calculating the trajectory of moving object, knowing their strength, their talent, and determine the
quality of an object. Lastly it can let you see through things.
Aldred pulled out the item from his inventory and consumed it. As he jogged to the south gate, his
eyes glowed momentarily. It was only for a moment, and no one noticed anything weird. The
soldiers were too busy doing their own stuff.
After a few seconds of adjustment, Aldred could see through the armor of every soldiers that passed
him. He knew their weak spots indicated by red dots on their body. He could also know why those
spots were weak. Some of them because of genetics, some of them because of wound.
A bunch of women passed through and he could see what they wore underneath their tight armor.
'Pink panties, yellow bra. Hmm there are varieties of colors, shapes, and sizes. Most of them are G
cup thankfully."
It seemed women warrior always had big chest. Maybe the weight of their breast would help them
Aldred arrived at the southroad. A lot of soldiers ran and entered into a square formation as their
leaders shouted at them. Their armors rattled. Not only warriors, magician also came running. They
scattered to different platoon. They stayed mostly in the middle or at the back of the formation.
Magician were vulnerable in close-range battle, but give them time and range, then they would be a
force to be reckoned with.
A few minutes later, the Pressure Platoon II sprinted towards the road. Bartrem shouted for Aldred
to come to them. He did. They rounded a large square formation and stayed at the front. Bartrem
said that their place were in the front of the formation. Their task was to cripple the enemy to let the
soldiers on the back deal the killing blow.
That was a very risky place to be. It was like being the tip of a needle, after an injection, the tip
would be broken or bent.
Bartrem succeeded in saving his men a lot of times, according to the history given by the system.
That meant he wasn't just a normal knight, but a very talented one. In a war, it was hard not to lose a
comrade or two, especially in a medieval war where men went face to face against each other.
Aldred scanned his comrades with his eyes. None of them had any glaring weakness on their body.


He wondered how was that even possible. As someone who were put in the front of the formation,
they should be the one who suffer the most.
Someone rode a horse to the front of the formation. It was a man with a yellow-spiked hair. He
strictly faced the army and inspected them one by one.
He was the High-Knight that will lead this operation. The goal was simple. Attack and destroy the
outpost. Now the problem lay in the execution.
"All of you fight well and you will survive, Jataboyo."
'What?' Aldred thought. He felt like he had heard that style of speaking before.
The yellow-hair High-Knight gave them a few minutes long speech, with each sentence ending in
Eventually, the speech ended.
"March forward, Jataboyo!"
The army consisted of two hundred fifty knights marched forward. All these knights brought a
bunch of squires with them. A knight at maximum could bring fifty squires, but not all knight could
be allocated with such number of squires. Usually, only the most important platoon will have a high
number of squires.
The Pressure Platoon II was one of those important platoon. With fifty squires leading the charge,
the formation was like the shaft of the spear that drive the tip forward onto the enemy line. Aldred
was nervous within each second of the march.
This was the first time he went to war. A literal war where thousands of men will clash swords
against each other. This wasn't a solo type dungeon. He'd expect chaotic battle.
Aldred looked around. Everyone was calm like they'd done it for a hundred time. It was weird for
him to see the nonchalant expression on their face. They might die. Weren't they afraid of that
He turned around. A man he did not know stared at him. He had a slash mark of a sword on his
mouth. It was a ragged line started from the chin to below the nose.
The man needed great luck to survive that. But Aldred did not understand why the man kept staring.
Maybe because he was a ten-year-old? The man pitied a child like him had to go to war? That was
probably the case.
The army marched alongside the river. Fish jumped out occasionally. The soldiers nearby started
erecting their flag. The flag was an image of four pointed star, and the background was split
between red and white. That was the flag of the Ceraisian Empire.
They raised it up high, and it made the marching even more grander.
After a few hours, Aldred saw an army ahead of them. He guessed the numbers were the same.
They also raised a flag with a blue cross and white background.
Each army halted their steps a few hundred meter from each other.
Aldred felt his heart beating hard. He couldn't believe that he would go to war. Not to mention a
fantasy war where magic and super power exist. He was excited and nervous at the same time.
The yellow, spiky hair High-Knight rode his horse forward. Another man with a horse on the other
side also rode forward.
The man had black eyes, black spiky hair that was long enough to hang over over his face.
"What are they doing?" Aldred asked.
"The usual," one of the soldier replied.
The yellow haired guy frowned and pointed. "Everyone is worried about you, Jasuce. Come back to
the village."
"Humph. An orphan like you know nothing."
The yellow haired guy gritted his teeth in anger. "Everyone wants you to come back. So stop
bitching around because you lost a brother."


"Fuck you! My brother kill all of my clan member!"

"I don't have a clan, and do you see me bitching about it?"
"You know nothing, Jabuto!"
"It's you who know nothing, Jasuce!"
"He took everything from me. Including my parents."
"Fuck that! I never see my parents and they put a fucking cat inside my stomach. Your parents just
got killed and you ran away like a little bitch!"
Jasuce stared at him with anger.
"Fuck you Jabuto!"
"Fuck you Jasuce!"
Both of them charged towards each other. They raised their hand. The yellow haired guy had an
spinning orb in his hand. While the other guy had lightning.
"Fuck you Jabuto!"
Fuck you Jasuce!"
Their power clashed and exploded. Dust and dirt covered the battlefield.
"That's our signal! Attack!"
The army charged forward with a resounding roar. The armor clanged against each other. The
soldiers brandished their sword and erratically run forward. It was as chaotic as he imagined it
would be. Aldred was constantly bumped around by solders. It was lucky enough that he wasn't
being stomped.
The Pressure Platoon II rushed forward with conviction. Bartrem at the front, leading the charge
with valor. They moved into a V position that pointed towards the enemy. When their formation
clashed against the enemy, it was like finger through water.
Bartrem easily cut down anyone in his path without slowing down his speed. The soldiers behind
him slashed their sword to the side, cutting off their arms and heads. Blood spurted on his face.
Aldred was shocked. He did not realize that war could be so gory. He stared at the falling head that
rolled on the ground. It looked at him with lifeless eyes.
"Hii!" Aldred stepped back.
"Aldred!" Bartrem shouted as he cut down a head. "You're a soldier now! Act like one!"
Bartrem knew the boy was just ten-year-old, but he had to say what must be said. It was pitiful the
boy couldn't grow first before he was put into the battlefield. It made him recall the first time he
was in a battle.
Aldred looked at this platoon fighting and all the other soldiers that fought against each other.
Bartrem was right. He was a soldier now. Even though he had the body of a ten-year-old, he was
twenty in soul and mind.


Come on Aldred. Remember those days fighting against those bum that tried to steal your food.
Remember that feeling!
He opened his eyes and stared viciously. To not be scared you had to be pretend to be brave. Aldred
was scared out of his wits, but he needed to be strong.
"Rise, my slave!"
Fourteen blob of mist appeared from the ground. The ogres and the wolf stepped out. They looked
at him, waiting for his command.
Aldred pointed at Bartrem. "Help them!"
The wolves sprinted forward while the ogres thumped their way there.
The enemy soldiers were shocked to see wolves and ogres on the battlefield. Some of the allied
soldiers were shocked too, but they realized the undeads were allies.
The wolves pounced on the soldiers, making him fall. Bartrem stabbed the man's chest. The ogres
slammed the helmet of the enemy. The man's sight turned dizzy. Before he could turned sober, a
soldier from Pressure Platoon II stabbed the man's throat.
This scene kept on repeating itself over and over again.
Pressure Platoon II kept on pushing through the left wings. Their plan was to penetrate the wing and
then went around it to attack the middle from behind. Pressure Platoon II was only tasked to
penetrate the first layer, and they almost succeed.
Until Pressure Platoon I rushed in too early, they bashed the soldiers of Pressure Platoon II making
them fall to the ground.
Bartrem realized this and turned around to save his comrade. "Simond, you motherfucker!"
Aldred realized that was the guy who had stared at him earlier. So it was not pity, but resentment
that he feel. Even within the battlefield these guys still had the time to fight with each other?
With the help of his undead, and Bartrem powerful strength, they succeeded in saving all of
Pressure Platoon II member.
"Our job here is done. Retreat!" Bartrem shouted.
His men jogged away, first. Only when they were a few meters away did Bartrem started retreating.
Pressure Platoon I continued on pushing the left wing.
Aldred did not care about that anymore and followed Bartrem.
Bartrem brought them near the archer formation. The archer kept on firing arrows at the sky, and
raining them down upon the enemy.
The soldiers were exhausted from that short fight. It might not look like much, but their armor and
swords were quite heavy. Not to mention they had to used all their strength in every swing to
penetrate the armor of the enemy.
And because of Pressure Platoon I disrupted their rhythm and even pushed them to the ground.
Some of the soldiers were terribly wounded.
Joseph had a large sword hold on his shoulder.
"Can you hold it, soldier?" Bartrem asked.
Joseph nodded with a painful expression.
Aldred frowned. That was really weird. The other platoon were treated by a healer immediately, but
why no one came to treat this platoon?
Bartrem noticed his expression. "You know why we are known to be the most deadliest platoon,
boy? It's not because we are deadly to the enemy, it's because anyone who join this platoon would
surely die."
Aldred understood the situation. Captain Pharder must have told the healer not to heal them, after
all, Pharder did not seem to like Mary and Bartrem. Well, the real reason was because they were
affiliated with the empress.


He sighed. As long as he stay in this place, everyone around them would bully them because of
Pharder. Looked like he would be in a tough ride from now on.
Aldred was disappointed that he did not do much to help. If he wasn't freezing in fear earlier, he
could have helped more. If he'd controlled his undead, he could have helped his ally when Pressure
Platoon I tried to sabotage their operation.
Suddenly, the enemy army roared for a retreat. The left-wing had been penetrated and rounded to
the back of the enemy. That made them panic and in disarray.
The army did not chase them as they ran to the west. Their target was the outpost located south of
the border between Ceraisian and Montcresia. They arrived. The outpost was a small fort, defended
by a short wall. There was no one there, so the magician quickly blasted the gates with fireballs.
The soldiers cheered and stormed. Destroying any structures they can and pillage the supplies. The
supplies contained food, armor, and weapons. There was also some medicine useful for first-aid
should there be no healers nearby.
After an hour of pillaging, the army retreated with as many supplies as they could. As they return,
Aldred noticed that the soldiers were picking up something from the enemies' bodies that littered
the battlefield. Bartrem and his men also do it.
"Go on, Aldred. Take something as a memento. In the future, you can tell your kids or grandkids
about your battle."
Aldred nodded. Even though he was uncomfortable near the dead body, he still do it. He took a
necklace from a man. It was a locket with a heart shape engraved with beautiful carvings.
Bartrem nodded at him and invited him to walk along with them. The battle was short, but intensive
Soon, they arrived at Ruandeurtin. His comrades groaned in pain because of their wounds. It looked
so terrible, but they did not whine about it, just a slight groan. These guys were true soldiers. Aldred
wondered if he could hold the pain of such a nasty wound.
After they passed the bridge over the river, Bartrem told them to return to the barracks. They did not
enter the barrack, instead, they lay down on the grass.
Bartrem pulled something out of his pocket. It was a small container. The man rotated the lid, and
pull it open. He dipped his fingers onto the cream and smeared it onto the wound.
The soldier gritted their teeth. He must be in so much pain.
"Hold it, soldier."
Bartrem looked at their wounds. Most of them were on the shoulders. Luckily, it wasn't that fatal.
He took a closer look at the armor and noticed that the shoulders were thinner than they looked.
That was not supposed to happen. Even though a squire wore less armor than a knight, it should not
be as thin as a cloth.
He clicked his tongue. These soldiers were lucky the wound wasn't that deep or they might lose
their arms.
"Bring your armor to the blacksmith and get some rest."
The soldiers stood up with a groan.
Bartrem set his gaze on Joseph and Jeffery. Both of them did terribly on the battlefield.
"Joseph, Jeffery. Both of you need to train your swords more."
Joseph looked down while Jeffery nodded.
He did not want to say it because both of them were quite hardworking, but he had to pressure them
more. Their talents were very mediocre, so even though they worked harder than the rest, they still
did terribly in using the swords.
"The rest of you go get some rest. We will practice at noon."
Aldred sat down by himself and checked his status. His level increased exponentially after that
Health Points: 40/40
Level: 19
Titles: Depressed boy
-Fireball: Lv. 1
-Flame Jet: Lv. 1
-Strength: 8


Vitality: 8
-Intelligence: 2
-Dexterity: 4
Stat points: 34
Skill points: 34
Wow. Ignoring the title, he got a lot of experience during that battle. It was just a single battle yet
his level increased five times. What would he do with all these stat points? He had to put them
somewhere. Since he had flame jet and fireball shouldn't he increase intelligence instead? Strength
and vitality could be trained with physical exercise and those were easier to do compared to
'With more intelligence, will my undead become stronger?'
[The user's undead will become slightly smarter. If the user is smart enough, the undead might be as
smart if not smarter than a human]
So he can have smart undead? Aldred imagined his undead doing math in his room. He laughed to
himself. Maybe he could tell them to invent a technology from earth if they became smart enough.
[Intelligence does not increase creativity]
Did that mean his undead could not become the next Einstein?
Well crap. That was disappointing. Imagine if he had an army of Einstein or a thousand Napoleon.
Each one of those undeads could become the most valuable treasure for a nation. One to lead an
army, and one to invent technology.
Sadly that wasn't the case. Intelligence did not equal creativity. Being smart only let you understand
complex concepts much easier while creating or solving problem required creativity.
Enough about that. Aldred wanted to consider what stat to increase. Intelligence was a must. But
what about skill? Which skill should he increase? Fireball or Flame Jet.
Flame Jet gave him a close-range magic attack, and also great mobility since he can fly with it. The
control was hard though so he needed to practice with that.
The Fireball on the other hand gave him mid-range attacking capability. But this spell was boring. It
only shoot a ball of fire from his finger that was all. Maybe he should drop this skill altogether.
[Leveling up Fireball to Lv. 2 will evolve it to Fire Projectile]
'Fire what?'
[Fire Projectile is a skill that let the user manipulate the fire element and turned it into a projectile]
'So flaming arrows? Fire javelin? Fire bullet and the like?'
'That's lame. Isn't that just like a fireball but with a different shape?'
[… The shape and size affect the damage it inflicted on the target]
'Still lame.'
[Leveling up fireball could allow the user to cast Fireball Artillery]
'Explain it to me.'
[Fireball Artillery let the user fire a high-explosive ball of flame to a long-distance target]
'Wow. And how can I have that?'
[By leveling up the skill]
'At what level?'
The system ignores him which pissed him. When asked important questions it would ignore him.
Aldred asked a few more times but still receive no reply.


He sighed. He would think about allocating his points later.

As their comrades entered the barrack to rest, Joseph and Jeffery picked up their swords and started
swinging. Aldred watched in wonder. Didn't they feel tired after that battle?
After swinging the sword, they lay on the ground and do push up. They did not talk. They did not
count. All they did was grit their teeth and repeat what they were doing. After a session of push-ups,
they picked up the sword again.
They did more than a hundred swings. They jogged around with full-body armor, and two swords
hanging on their waist to add the weight. A few minutes later, they picked up a rock and jog around
with the extra weight.
Their training put Aldred's hard work during the travel with Mary in shame. Compared to them, he
had done nothing at all.
They were drenched in sweat. Breathing started to get hard for them. Soon, they dropped the rock
and lay down. Aldred thought they would rest, but no, they started to do sit up a few hundred times.
With both hands behind their head, they pushed their stomach up, then slowly went down. Their
muscles felt burning. It cried for them to stop. They did not stop.
They kept on pushing their body.
Aldred could see with his new eyes that the muscles on their body were forced beyond their limit.
Both of them did not have any glaring weak spots because of genetics or wounds. So they were
healthy, but why did Bartrem say that they need to train their swords more?
The both of them swung their swords once again. This time, Aldred analyzed their movement,
posture, and motion as they swung their swords. His eyes detected a glaring weakness. First of all,
Joseph and Jeffery failed to use their strong muscle to create the most amount of momentum. Their
footings were wrong and imbalanced. That was why they were scolded. With that posture, they
would not be able to pierce through the armor of an enemy.
A peasant looking at both of them would not find that out. Even Aldred could not find what was
wrong until his godly eyes told him so.
He could not let this be. If they keep doing that, their strength would weaken no matter how many
times they trained.
"Hey, you guys." Aldred approached. He wanted to help them in fixing their technique, but Aldred
was a magician. Would they believe something he said about sword techniques?
Probably not. And he might offend them if he bluntly said their technique was wrong.
The only other way was to let them teach him. "Can you guys teach me how to use a sword?"
Joseph looked down at the ground, avoiding his eyes. That kinda annoyed Aldred a bit. 'I am right
here, fella. Look at me.'
Jeffery stood nervously in front of Aldred. This boy was a talented one. At the age of ten, he had
reached the bronze rank. That made him feel small and unimportant. Sighing inside, he looked at
the boy. "Why? You're a magician."
"My arms get stiff from time to time, so I thought a little sword exercise might be good. I want to
do it properly. Can you guys teach me?"
Joseph nodded while still looking down. "Here, use this sword."
Aldred received the sword and held it with two hands. It was quite heavy, but he could manage.
"Raise your sword up, tuck your waist, and put your left foot slightly forward."
Aldred clumsily pretend to not understand the instruction and instead followed the instructions
given by his godly eyes. He put a wide stance, waist relaxing, and then with his whole upper body,
swung down the sword in a powerful horizontal arc.
He scratched his head and looked at them with a smile. "Hehe. I think I did it the wrong way."
Both of them stared at him in shock.
"How did you do that?" Joseph asked. That swing earlier was powerful enough to cut a squire's
armor. But that wasn't supposed to be possible for a magician to do it. And he had to remind himself
that the boy was a short, light, ten-year-old kid.
Jeffery wanted to know as well. It was not supposed to be possible for Aldred to do that.
Aldred smiled inside but showed a clueless expression to them. "I just do it like this."
He showed his stance just like earlier and slowed down his movement so they could see.
Both of them frowned at first, but then they tried what Aldred did and it proved to be effective. All
they did was change their stance, and their power increased by a leap.
Aldred smiled when he saw their eyes lit up in revelation. It was as if they found a treasure map.
Joseph glanced at Aldred. He had been taught by Bartrem a bunch of times, but he never succeeded
in mastering his technique. He thought that it simply needed time and effort. But after his comrades
mastered the technique quicker than him, he realized that he was stupid. A soldier could learn it in a
month, he'd been here for far longer than that.
He wanted to give up and quit many times. He felt that he did not belong in the army. But he always
recalled why he joined the army in the first place. And every time he play it back inside his mind,
the flame inside his heart washed away all the thoughts of quitting.


Yet even with all of his efforts, he still failed to master the technique. And then came the boy. He
only showed the stance once.
It was such a simple stance unlike what Bartrem taught him.
"Aldred," a woman's voice called.
Aldred looked to the side and his eyes lit up. "Mary!"
The woman rushed to his side and pulled his face onto her breast. Aldred was stuffed with fluffy
and bouncy texture. He loved it, but it suffocated him. "Mary, I cannot breathe."
Mary pulled him out. Aldred gasped in the air from his mouth like he almost got drowned.
"Bless the empress, you survive your first battle. I was worried sick, anytime later I would have
come to your aid."
She hugged him again. His face pressed against her breast. For some reason, she became very
affectionate to him. It reminded Aldred of his mother.
Jeffery flinched and blushed at the sight. It was the beautiful woman again. She slept in the barrack
yesterday which made him feel very awkward, but now she came again.
Mary also could not explain the feeling inside her chest. She truly felt like Aldred was her son.
When he entered the formation and marched towards the south, she was worried that he would get
That reminded her. "Aldred, did you feel pain anywhere?"
Aldred shook his head. Her motherly attitude made him act like he was her son. "I stay at the back."
He recounted the event and felt disappointed in himself. What he showed on the battlefield was
cowardice. He was not a true ten-year-old. How could he show that part of him to the world?
Mary noticed his expression. "What's wrong, child?" she asked with the softest tone she could
manage. It just naturally came out of her. That was weird. All this time, she always tried to sound
harsh and tough so men would not underestimate her.
Her tone moved him. Unconsciously, he started telling her what happened.
Mary smiled and ran her hand through his hair. She gently bring him to her chest and caressed his
head. "It's okay to be afraid, Aldred. Everyone is afraid."
Aldred looked at her. Tears in his eyes because of his disappointment in himself. "Are you afraid
too, Mary?"
"All the time," she said. "Bravery comes from the heart, Aldred. So whenever you feel scared,
remember those who you hold dear."
Remember those who you hold dear. The image of his mother smiling flashed in his mind along
with his father inviting him to have an adventure in another galaxy. Then there was his big sister,
always spoiling him with chocolate milk, sweets, and books. He can tell them everything. He can be
a child who he always wanted to be in the past. They realized that dream for him.
Aldred cried. He could not hold himself.
Mary did not say anything and let the boy cry in her chest as she hugged him dearly.
Joseph and Jeffery stood on the spot. They were reminded that even though the boy was talented, he
was still a boy who needed love from his parents. It must be hard for him to be away and go to the
front line at such a young age.
Jeffery wondered how Aldred become a soldier at such a young age. Bartrem or even Captain
Pharder shouldn't agree with this.
"For the smell of my armpit!" a man shouted.
The four of them looked to the side. Bartrem was in a rage. He stomped the ground along with the
other soldiers from Pressure Platoon II.
"What's wrong?" Mary asked.
Bartrem gritted his teeth and snorted. "Those blacksmiths tried to sabotage our armor. The reason
why my men got injured was that they thinned out the shoulders plate."
"That's too much!"
"Humph. Nothing is too much for that bastard. If he could, he would go down here himself and kill
us all."
"Why is that man has to be so harsh," Mary said. "He is a Captain while you are just a Knight. He
shouldn't bully his subordinates this much."
Bartrem clicked his tongue. Aldred believed the man had a hard time controlling his emotion right
now. "I wished one of his subordinates would kill him one day."
"With the way he treated his subordinates, that day might come," Mary said.
"I will go look for other blacksmiths later," Bartrem said. "What I need now is a healing potion. The
wounds they suffered won't heal."
Aldred looked at his comrades who had their shoulders wrapped in bandages. His godly eyes told
him that some strange substances are gnawing at the wound.
He frowned. That substance looked familiar. "Bartrem, can you show me the ointment that you gave
them earlier?"
Bartrem thought he should teach the boy about military ethics. It was strictly said that anyone under
the Knight Rank should call them sir. If they did not do it then the Knight Rank had the permission
to punish them.
Even though Aldred was still a boy, the other Knight Rank might take that chance to punish him
because he was under the empress's protection. Pharder could not punish him because everyone
watched his every move, but a random knight might still punish Aldred to give him a bad time.
Bartrem took out the small container and gave it to Aldred. "Boy, if you want to call a Knight Rank,
make sure you call them with sir. This is for your own good."
Mary was about to tell him that. It seemed Bartrem cared about the boy. That was good. She didn't
have to worry too much about his safety then.
Aldred nodded. He kept in mind what Bartrem said. The military usually had strict rules. If Bartrem
told him to call a knight sir, then he had to from now on.
"Yes, sir."
He opened the container and scanned the ointment. And his suspicion was correct. The substances
that damaged the tissue of his comrades were from this ointment. "Sir, where do you get this
"I got it from the alchemist. Why?"
Aldred pulled out a strand of grass. "Take a look at this." He smeared the ointment onto the grass.
At first, there was nothing, but in a few seconds the tip of the grass shortened, then it got even
shorter like something was eating it.
"How is this possible?" Bartrem widened his eyes.
Aldred dropped the ointment and let the content fall to the grass. Immediately, all the grass around
it got devoured and then it spread.
All of them looked at each other. They all understood the cause of why the wounds would not heal.
The question was, who gave Bartrem that ointment?
"It was given to me by the alchemist."
"Seems like everyone is out to kill us," Aldred said.
Bartrem frowned, not just because of the situation, but how Aldred stayed calm. The more he
looked at him, the more he doubted this boy was ten-year-old.
Aldred was used in a situation like this. Back then, everyone was out to rob him and made his day
terrible. That time he slept under the bridge peacefully, yet someone grabbed a rock and threw it at
his head. He never did anything to them. He did not even know who they were. But one thing he
sure know was that the world always find a way to fuck him up.
Getting angry every time might fuck him up even more. What he needed to do now was to learn the
lesson and tried to find a solution. At first, it was hard not to feel resentful toward the people that
did him wrong. But the more he think about it, he realized it was not their fault. Their mindset and
behavior were shaped by their environment. A flower would grow well with healthy soil and
enough water. But it would decay without sunlight.
The environment, in this case, was the government. In plain sight, they looked like they care for the
minority like him. But whenever he asked for help, they showed a smile to the media and said yes,
but their help never came.
The donation rounded from all over the world was taken by them. It was simply a show. A show to
make the image of a hero for their nation, but what lay beneath was darkness and suffering.
Aldred did not have the power to do anything at that time. No. He lied. He did not have the courage.
Mary was once a simple woman, now she was a warrior with power. The empress was forcibly
married and once was a doll for the emperor, but now she was a powerful woman with great
What did they have that he did not. Was it wealth? Was it talent? No. It was simply bravery.
Bravery to take that step forward.
Aldred had decided. He wanted kill the emperor and change the system. He'd ensure that all live
well whether they were a peasant or a squire, whether they were male or female. All should be equal
under the sky. Only with talents, competence, and drive shall people reach the top.
"We should wash the wound with water. We cannot let that ointment stay inside the wound or it will
eat your whole arm."
The soldiers nodded in pain.
"No need to do that. I can fix the problem," Aldred said. "Please open the bandage for me."
The soldiers were skeptical. Aldred was after all a boy. What could he do to help them?
"Do what he said," Bartrem ordered. Aldred found out the cause of the problem with a glance.
There was something special about this boy.
The soldiers nodded and opened their bandages. A nasty smell permeated the air. The wound had
become much larger than before. Green pus leaked out of the wound.
"Quick, boy! Whatever you planned to do, do it now!" Bartrem worried for his soldiers. It was his
fault that they suffered like this. If he wasn't their leader, Pharder would not do this to them.
Aldred put his palm over the wound. His hand glowed. "Brace yourself."
A hot beam shot out of his palm for a fraction of a second.
The soldiers let out a groan of pain. Veins bulged on his forehead. The beam seared a part of his
wound. It was very painful. Aldred could tell that by his expression. But the substances disappeared.
The wound looked much cleaner and the pus was no more.


"It worked!" Mary said.

The other soldiers immediately knelt on one knee to make it easier for Aldred to use his magic. He
fired at their wound one by one and they then gritted their teeth in pain.
Bartrem checked their wound and nodded. "It looked much better now."
Mary, Bartrem, and the soldiers looked at him.
"How did you know that the ointment was the cause?" Bartrem asked.
"I don't think a wound that shallow should be any problem. Without any ointment, it will heal by
itself. So I speculated that the problem must be in the ointment," Aldred lied.
"That bastard," Bartrem raged. He calmed himself down after a few seconds. He act this way
because Aldred was so calm. It affected him in someway. Getting angry wasn't good either. What
would he do? Punched the alchemist in the face? Pharder would laugh as he gave him an excuse to
remove Bartrem from this fort.
"I know an alchemist we can trust. He's new here, so Pharder might not influence him yet."
Aldred wanted to see what an alchemist do, so when Feval brought his soldier to the workshop of
alchemist, he followed. The place looked liked a medicine store but in medieval style. Wood was
the primary material for most of the structure. The furniture, shelves for all kinds of bottles were all
made of wood. A medicinal scent entered his nose.
He had only smelled something like that once in his life, because he never had enough money to
afford medicine. Most of the money he spend on food. Even with that, he only afford one meal a
"Frey," Bartrem called.
An old man strode out of a room with tall and proper stature. He stood like a trained butler with a
dignified bearing. Maybe he served a noble before he was sent here. His skins was pale white with
short, gray hair. His body was slim, but not skinny. More like lean athletic.
"How can I help you?" he said with a tone nice to the ear.
"My men need some healing potion. Tell me you have some."
Frey nodded. "Certainly." He rummaged through the shelves and grabbed a green potion. "Pour this
to the wound and it will heal in no time."
Aldred wanted to know more about these potions. He wondered if there was a potion for back pain.
Back in the day, he used to a stiff back. "Excuse me."
Frey moved his eyes at him. Suddenly, he felt threatened. It was like being stared down by a snake.
But the feeling was only for a moment, so Aldred was not sure.
"What do you need, young boy?"
"Is there any potion for back pain?"
Bartrem looked at him. "You have back pain? At such a young age?"
"Since when did you have it?" Mary asked. Aldred seemed healthy since the first day she saw him.
Was it because he fell to the bathroom? His backbone might break on that day. Mary felt bad for not
considering that.
"I don't have it. But I want to prepare for the future."
Mary sighed in relief to hear that. It'd be terrible if Aldred got a broken spine or something. "You
worried me there."
Aldred smiled at her. He was touched by her affection. Not only did she save him from the wolves
that day, but she kept on caring for him. He'd had to pay her back someday. She had done so much
for him.
"In that case, I have something for you," Frey said. He explored the shelves again and picked a
small bottle. "Just drink this before you sleep. It will do good for your spine."
"Can I have some?" Mary asked. "To be honest my shoulders have become very stiff lately."
What she did not say was the cause of her stiff shoulder was her breast. Ever since she breastfeed
Aldred, her breast produced more and more milk, and it became heavier by the day. The only way to
relieve the pain was to breastfeed Aldred. She had to do that later tonight.
Frey grabbed another bottle with a different color. "Because you are much older than the boy, you
will have to use this potion."
Medicine was quite advanced here. They even split the medicine by age. Maybe they also split it by
gender, but Aldred did not want to ask that since it was quite a sensitive topic in this empire. That
reminded him of the real world. Didn't the country also have a fierce debate about gender equality?
Meh. He did no want to think much about his past life. It was all filled with misery. He should think
about the fun stuff such as sleeping with Mary. That was a good start.
Bartrem opened the lid on the potion bottle and held one of the soldier's arms. He pour it slightly,
the green liquid fell on the wound, then it washed over it. Tissues, fat, cells, and muscles
regenerated. It happened quickly. The skin covered it at the end.
Aldred took it back. Medicine here was much more advanced. Modern earth did not have the
technology to regrow tissue that fast. With that wound, the doctors would probably suggest the
patient to amputate the arm.
Bartrem poured it on all the soldiers. They moved their arms up and down and rolled their
shoulders. They smiled after feeling no pain or discomfort.
"Thank you, Frey," Bartrem said.
"It is my duty to help you regarding medicine."
Bartrem sighed. "And this might be the last time you treat us properly."


Bartrem brought the others to leave the workshop. Aldred called it a workshop because he did not
know what to call it. Drugstore? Pharmacy? He asked Bartrem.
"You can call them whatever. Medicine place. Potion store. Calling it a store isn't right either since
we're not buying. The potions are there for the soldiers, so we don't have to pay anything."
Aldred shrugged. He'd just call them medicine hall, alchemy workshop, or something like.
They returned to their barracks. His comrades went inside to rest. Bartrem promised them to train
later by noon so they took some time to sleep before that. Meanwhile, Joseph and Jeffery were in
the stances that Aldred had shown them. They repeated the swing, the posture, and the footings.
"They're so hardworking," Aldred said.
Bartrem nodded. "They are. They worked more than anyone I know. Yet, their skill never impro—
Hmm? That stance. I never see that stance before."
Joseph swung forward with a powerful force that surprised Bartrem. That was not the stance that he
taught. Joseph and Jeffery had always failed to follow his lesson. They never understood his
movement or his stance. And yet, where did their stance come from? It effectively fit their stature
like someone made that stance just for them.
Bartrem wanted to ask, but he did not want to disturb them. It was already good enough that they
already improved.
Noon came and Pressure Platoon II started their training. Despite working out since morning,
Joseph and Jeffery were energized. They managed to keep up with the others as they jogged, push
up, sit up, lifting boulders, swinging a sword for hundreds of times, etc.
Aldred was training with them. Bartrem told him that he did not have to, but he wanted to join
anyway. Mary was with him. She trained him in swords before because she did not know he was a
Aldred could learn martial art too because he was blessed by the hundred gods so he had talents in
very much anything. But martial arts were lame. Swords were lame too. He better focus on his
That said, he decided to upgrade his Fireball skill into Fire Projectile.
"Fire arrow."
His palm lit up and blazed in flame. The flame moved and condensed before turning into an arrow.
It shot forward, stabbing a wooden target. The arrow disappeared immediately after. It looked weak
at first, but it was much stronger than the fireball. The wooden target had a burt hole in them. If it
hit a human, they would surely be in great pain.
After seeing the result, he decided to pour all his stat points on intelligence.
Health Points: 40/40
Level: 19
Titles: Depressed boy
-Fireball: Lv. 2
-Flame Jet: Lv. 1
-Strength: 8
Vitality: 8
-Intelligence: 36
-Dexterity: 4
Stat points: 0
Skill points: 32
"Fire arrow!"
Powerful energy condensed in his palm, turned into a flame, then it became an arrow before zipping
towards the wooden target. The fire arrow went deep inside, then consumed the wood in fire.
His comrades were shocked. For a few seconds, they stopped their training and looked at him.
Bartrem shouted at them to continue. Aldred's development was too fast. One time he cast a normal
fire arrow, the next his arrow was so powerful that the entire wood was consumed by fire.
Aldred realized something. When he increased his intelligence, he understood all the laws and all
the concepts about his Fire Projectile skills. The skill let him manipulate the fire element into
projectiles such as javelin, arrows, or even bullets. It depended on his imagination and
understanding of its laws.
Upgrading the skill did not necessarily increase the damage output, but it revealed a variety of
control. The system told him that he could control the movement of the projectile in mid-air when
he upgraded his skill to level 3.
Sadly, that required more points in intelligence.
Upgrade cost: 5

Fire projectile = level 3

-Able to divert or change the direction of the projectile in mid-air. Also able to make it spin to create
more damage.
Requirement: 45 intelligence
Night came, and Pressure Platoon II entered their barrack.
A young beautiful woman stared at the boy with a sweet smile as she stood on the rooftop. The
three moons lit up her silver hair as it fell down to her waist. The boy entered the barrack with a
woman who seemed to be his mother.
"What is his name, Frey?"
"Aldred." She smiled. "What a beautiful name."
"Princess Velika, why do have to disguise ourselves just for this. That boy is not good enough for
"You always said about every else."
"And I was correct. I was correct about all of them."
Velika snorted. The moon shone on her pale white skin. Frey was right. All of them betrayed her.
She glanced at the barrack. "That boy is different, Frey. I can feel it."
"You said the same thing about the others, Princess."
"No. I truly can feel it here." She held both of her hands on her chest. "My heart beat like never
before when I see him."
Frey sighed. He did not want Princess Velika to cry and be disappointed again.
"By the way Frey, what medicine did you give to the boy?"
"It was a simple medicine, Princess."
Velika stared at him as she raised an eyebrow. Her expression told 'I wasn't born yesterday.'
Frey sighed once again. "It was an arousal medicine."
"That's so cruel. He wouldn't sleep all night because of that."
"He could if he do that," Frey gave the princess a side glance.
"Ugh. That's his mother."
"Not from what I hear."
"She's not the mother?"
Velika frowned. She stared hard at the barrack. Her eyes spun and it turned crimson deep. The
rooftop became transparent to her eyes, and she saw Aldred drinking milk from a… milk source.
The lady was asleep.
Suddenly, Aldred frowned and stopped drinking the milk. Apparently, the boy was asleep too when
he suc… consumed the milk from the milk source.
Sweat streamed from his forehead. The boy must have started dreaming because of the arousal
medicine. It was a very well-known medicine, but rarely did anyone openly admit using it. The
effect of the medicine was to create a wet dream for those who consume it. It was quite popular
with men, but this medicine was also infamous to disrupt the sleep pattern, so people limit how
many times they used it.
The boy's pants bulged. It had started.
"Poor boy. Having a wet dream before he could even turn into a teenager," Velika said.
Suddenly, the bulge in his pants grew bigger again. Velika raised an eyebrow, but something
happened that shocked her even more. His dong-dong tore through the fabric, and then grew so
large and so long it broke through the rooftop, it kept on going to the sky, piercing through a cloud.
Eventually, it struck one of the moons and created a small hole in there.
Frey got his jaw dropped when he saw this.
And Velika's white pale skin got even paler.
The dong-dong retracted, and there was a sticky liquid that fell on Velika's hand. It was sticky,
slimy, and a little bit smelly too.
"This is not ordinary rain," Velika said before licking the white liquid thing.
"Princess, don't! Haish, too late."


"What? What is it?"

"No, it's better for you not to know, Princess." Frey sighed. Even though Velika knew about the wet
dream, she did not know what a boy or man produced after that dream.
"All of you, wake up!" Bartrem shouted with a stern face. Both hands on his back.
Aldred immediately wake up from his sweet, delicious, creamy, steamy dream. His comrades and
Mary woke up too.
Bartrem strode in between the beds. His steps stomped the ground.
Aldred rubbed his eyes. What happened? Why did he seem so angry? Did Pharder do something
"I only have one question." He pointed at the ceiling. "Who the hell made that hole?"
"We don't know sir,"
Bartrem snorted. "Today, we're starting our training early. Since no one admit it, then all of you will
be punished."
The soldiers immediately leaped out of their bed and wore their shirts. He noticed something these
days. The squires had a brown string on the shoulders of their shirt, while the knights had yellow
strings. Aldred wondered if there was a meaning to it.
"Let's train together, Mary."
Mary nodded and gave his forehead a kiss. They wore their military shirt. He noticed he had brown
strings on his shoulders too. Mary, just like Bartrem, had yellow strings on the shoulders of her
"Mary, what is this brown strings for?"
Mary donned her armor. "That is the hierarchy string. Brown means you are below a knight. Only
nobles can use brighter strings and clothes. So if you are not a noble, do not wear them, ever."
"Why is that?"
"The nobles think that brighter color symbolized the sky, and darker color symbolized the dirt. So
the peasants and normal people like us cannot wore bright clothes. They say nobles are smart and
educated, but this is probably the stupidest rules they made."
Aldred nodded. The rule was an insult to the lower class. It was like saying 'You're a dirty dirt, so
you must not wear bright color clothes'. They really need an ego check.
After wearing their clothes, he and Mary ambled out of the barrack. "Today, we're going to run
around the fort. You need strength and power to win a battle, but you need endurance to survive."
"Yes, sir!"
Bartrem started jogging. As an outcast platoon, the Pressure Platoon II did not deserve to stay inside
the fort. Their barrack was located a few meters beside the south gate. Should an army siege the
fort, their barrack would be destroyed first. Aldred passed by fisherman on his way. They wore
charcoal-colored strings on their shirt. They were slaves.
Aldred asked Mary about homeless people in the empire. She said they had none. He thought it was
a good thing until he was told that the homeless were forced into slavery. It was very easy to
become a slave. A noble decided to take your home and your farmland. You are homeless.
Automatically, you become the noble's slaves.
That was simple and easy to do 3-step tutorial.
Nobles had everything under their control. The land, the lives, the building. As long as it was their
territory, their words must be followed. If Aldred lived in a city owned by a noble, his whole life
was basically owned.
That made it seem like this whole male and women debate to be useless. It wasn't just the woman
that suffered, the male too. People could become slaves with a snap of a finger, a spoke of word, a
spark of anger. Instead of debating about this, shouldn't they fix this whole slavery system first?
Aldred thought for a moment then realized that it was impossible. The peasant, unlike back on
earth, did not have any power, politically or physically. Magic existed. And those with powerful
magic and power ruled the weak.


Back on earth, people could protest and overthrow the government with numbers, but numbers
meant little here. Captain Pharder for example, he could kill a thousand peasant in less than a
minute. Aldred was confident he could defeat any number of peasant with his power.
He could fly and shoot fire arrows from his hand.
All he had to do was fly around and cut down their numbers. How could a powerless peasant with
limited talent fight against their owner? He even believed those who had talent would join the noble
side, because it was much nicer. Why fought for the talentless, weak, useless majority when you can
enjoy great wealth, power, and influence.
The platoon jogged along the wall. On their left, river streamed to the south. The view here was
amazing. Bartrem was angry that they put his barrack outside the fort, but Aldred like it. He had so
many space to practice his flying jet flame and fire arrows. The fort was very cramped. A lot of
buildings were put side by side leaving only a narrow roadway for people to pass. Except the main
road for supplies, the other pathway was very tight.
Aldred did not want that. He preferred the vast and peaceful barrack outside the wall.
They arrived at the north side of the fort. The horizon was filled with farmland. Farmers bend their
back as they planted the seeds. A road stretch from the north gate and then far onto the plain. Under
the soft light of sunrise, they jogged past the crops.
Aldred used his eyes to analyze the farmers. Their stomach was infested with worms while the
muscles in their stomach grumbled in hunger. That was very terrible. These farmers looked normal
from the outside, but inside they were suffering an immense amount of pain.
Yet they were strong enough to plant these seeds and kept going with their lives. Aldred could only
imagine their pain when they go to sleep at night. The worms gnawing at their stomach, consuming
every bit of nutrient they consumed.
He wanted to cry. The life here was so horrible. Compared to his past life, these farmers had it much
Aldred stopped and he looked at the farmer with teary eyes.
Mary halted. "Aldred, are you tired?"
Bartrem noticed them stopping, but he kept going instead.
Aldred had so many things in his mind that he did not hear what Mary said. He approached the
farmer. The farmer was an old man with tanned wrinkled skin. The heat from the sun made his skin
got patches of sunburn. More tears welled up in his eyes as he approached the man.
The man looked at the boy and noticed the string on his shoulder. He stepped back in fear. "Sir, how
may I help you."
Aldred's tears finally fell down to his cheek. "Do you feel uncomfortable in your stomach?"
"Yes, sir."
"I can help you. It will hurt so bear with me."
The farmer was scared so he obeyed.
Aldred scanned the farmer with his eyes. The worms moved around in the intestines. He put his
palm on the the man's belly. Aldred theorized that heating the stomach will kill the worms. He did
not if this will work or not. Asking for help was useless either, slaves did not have the privilege to
meet a healer or consume potions.
If they were injured terribly, then they will be left to die. That was how cruel this world was.
"What's your name?" Aldred asked, trying to distract him from the pain.
"My name is Bernard, sir."
"Do you have any family, Bernard?" Aldred activated his flame but just slightly to warm the


"My wife died three years ago, sir. I only have my son with me. He is currently nine years old."
"What's his hobby?"
The farmer was confused why the boy asked him this question but he replied. "He seems to like
spear fishing, sir. He cannot plow the land like me, because he doesn't have a left hand."
"He must be really good in spear fishing."
The farmer smiled and his eyes lit up. "He is. A week ago he snuck— I mean a week ago he caught
a lot of fish for the soldiers."
So they couldn't even eat the food they caught and had to give it to the army. They had to sneak in a
fish or two so they can eat properly. Aldred couldn't blame them. The man was clearly hungry from
all the bones that protrude from his skin.
"I'm done," Aldred said. "Are you feeling better now?"
The man rubbed his stomach, feeling the warm. But then he realized the pain in his stomach was
gone. All these years, he felt like something was moving inside him. The farmer thought it was just
because he was hungry most of the time and maybe that was the stomach moving. But then the boy
touched his belly and the pain disappeared.
Did that mean something was inside him?
"I am, sir. May I ask what did you do to me?"
"You have worms in your stomach. I killed them with my fire spell."
The farmed widened his eyes. It was worms all this time? He did not know that a worm could stay
inside the stomach.
"If you don't want this to happen again, I suggest you heat the water before you drink it. Don't drink
it directly from the river or any water source. Also, if you can, find a container, put a cloth on the
container, and put pebbles on top of it. After that you can pour water over the pebbles and into the
container. Still, if you want to be truly safe, heat the water with fire."
The farmer noted everything the boy said in his mind. "Thank you for this knowledge, sir."
Slaves generally didn't know anything except their own profession. If they were a farmer, then
farming was the only thing they know. Who bother to teach slaves things about politics?
Aldred nodded and looked for other warmer who had the same problem. He killed the worms inside
their body and told them how to filter water. Mary did not say anything and merely followed him.
After they were done, Aldred and Mary continued their jogging.
"Why do you spend your time helping them, Aldred?"
"When you are at your lowest, won't you feel so relieved when someone come and pull your hand
to get up?"
Mary recalled her lowest moment. It was the day when her parents decided to arrange a marriage
for her. She hated the idea of her freedom being taken. That was when stories about the empress
spread wide, and she was pulled out of despair. She ran away and became a warrior. Now she was a
free woman, and she'd stay here to make sure every woman ,just like her, to be free of making their
own choices.
"You're a good kid, Aldred. I wonder who's your parents are." She really did wanted to know about
his parents, but she felt like she shouldn't dug too deep.
Aldred simply shook his head. A few weeks ago he might have said his father was the strongest
being alive and show it off, but he got humbled now. "They're good parents, and I love them with
all my heart."
Mary smiled. The boy grew so fast. It felt like yesterday he sulked and complained about the
training during the travel.


After a few hours, they arrived at the barrack again. Bartrem and the rest were swinging their
"You need to train your stamina more, Soldier Aldred. Don't be left behind again."
The boy glanced at Bartrem. He understood that Bartrem was just protecting him. Pharder's men
might watching them helping the farmers and marked them as spies of the empress. He did not want
to give the farmers a bad time.
"Apologize, sir." Aldred grabbed the sword and started swinging.
Bartrem was impressed that the boy understood his meaning immediately. He expected the boy to
throw a small tantrum and say that he was just helping the farmer, and then Bartrem would scold
him about it.
The boy exceeded his expectation.
Mary approached him. "Why are you training your sword? Shouldn't you practice your magic
Aldred smiled. "I need endurance to survive."
Mary and Bartrem smiled. The boy had now grown to become a true soldier.
[New title received: Tough Boy]
Someone came to Bartrem and informed him that the brigade will tomorrow. The enemy made an
outpost on the border again.
Aldred's heart thumped. Was he nervous or excited? It might be both.
After training for the whole day, Bartrem decided it was enough. They had their clothes drenched in
sweat, so they hang it on a wooden hanger. Aldred put his small clothes among the big ones. Then
he was shocked to see a bra fell on his clothes.
With widened eyes he looked at Mary. "Mar…Mary. What are you doing?"
"I want to take a bath first. Let's go." Mary grabbed his hand.
The soldiers looked away when they noticed that Mary was half-naked. But the image of her busty
chest got stuck in their mind. Their cheeks turned red just by imagining it.
'Why is she naked?!'
Even Aldred started to blush because the soldiers were blushing. Mary got him inside a public
bathroom made out of bamboo. And let him just say the experience was wonderful. A lot of
fondling and sucking during that bath scene which made the experience even more amazing.
After they were done, Mary and Aldred entered the barrack to sleep.
Sophia peeked from behind the wall with a naughty smile on her face. She giggled. "I am such a
bad girl. Disrupting their sleep before a battle is the most evil thing. Hihihi."
She raised her staff. "Dreamcaller," she called its name. "Make them restless."
A wave of copper-like particles floated like butterflies to the barrack. Suddenly, something long and
thick pierced out from the rooftop and elongated far into the sky.
Sophia widened her eyes. She knew exactly what that was. And she only had one question. "Will it
fit in?"
"Why is there a hole in the ceiling again?!" Bartrem stared at the soldiers one by one as they stood
straight beside their bed. Aldred was standing too with Mary behind him.
Bartrem approached a soldier. He noticed dark bags under their eyes. "I told you there will be a
battle today. Why are you staying up late?"
The soldiers looked at each other. Aldred looked down. Yesterday, he could not fell asleep and
greatly aroused. It was weird. He did not know why that happened. He tried sucking the milk from
Mary's breast to relief the sensation but it did not for the whole night.
So, just like the other soldiers, he had dark bags under his eyes as well. His comrades could not
possibly said that they got aroused all night. That would be too embarrassing.
"We don't know, sir."
Bartrem snorted. He looked at the ceiling. Who the hell made this hole. It happened yesterday, and
now it happened again. Was it one of Pharder's men? What were their intention in creating holes in
the ceiling?
"Prepare yourself and eat some breakfast."
"Yes, sir."
The soldiers did their usual routine; wear the shirts, don the armor, and strode out of the barrack.
They went for the cafeteria where the soldiers eat. Pressure Platoon II had their own place at the
very quiet corner. The other soldiers gave them a side-mocking glance.
A total outcast.
Aldred did not expect it would be that bad. He followed Bartrem walking to the table and sat down.
Mary sat beside him.
"Will it be the usual bland soup and hard bread?" Aldred asked. He regretted asking it because the
atmosphere was already depressing enough.
The server came with a tray of plates. He put down of what Aldred expect to be baby food but
wasn't. It was roasted chicken with vegetables and rice, dressed with curry on the side. Steam came
out of the bowl. It smelt so nice. His stomach growled just by looking at it.
"This is new," Mary said. "Isn't that good, Aldred?"


Aldred nodded. "All this time we have never been served something like this before. Did Pharder
"If he died, then this fort would be run over," Bartrem said.
"Shouldn't we start eating?" Aldred asked.
"Yes. Eat quickly. We gather at the south gate after that."
Aldred nodded and grabbed his bowl. The smell became stronger. He grabbed a wooden spoon and
scoop in the rice, meat, and curry. His eyes stared at the food. It was unbelievable that he could be
so happy by looking at what should be a mediocre food back in his floating castle. Maybe this was
what called being grateful.
He put the spoon in his mouth. His mouth jerked, and blew the heat out. The rice was too hot for
"You have to be careful, Aldred. Let me feed you." Mary took the spoon and put the food in her
mouth. She chewed, and then kissed Aldred before inserting the food in.
'Ay, yo what!?' Aldred widened his eyes as Mary inserted the food in his throat. Her tongue moved
around in his mouth as it pushed the food inside. It felt smooth and sweet. His lips moved by itself
and suck it on her tongue. He gulped, pulling the food inside and making more room for their throat
to play.
Mary liked how small and cute Aldred's tongue was, so she continued to play with it.
Their comrades watching this forget about the food and stared in a daze. Jeffery blushed when he
looked at this scene.
Bartrem scratched his head while pressing his lips against each other.
Mary pulled her tongue out. A sticky saliva connected from her tongue to his. "Is the food still hot?"
"It was good."
"Want me to feed you again?"


Why not. He only lived once. Or twice in his case. Mary considered herself to be his mother, then
why not become her son? It was okay having more than one mom.
Mary fed him again the same as earlier. She did this until Aldred's bowl was empty.
Bartrem cleared his throat. "Since everyone is done. Let's gather at the south gate."
Aldred said his goodbye to Mary. She could not go with him on the battlefield because Pharder told
her to guard the fort. Everyone knew the captain just want to prevent her from protecting the
The cafeteria was located in the Winesquare district. There were three district within the fort;
Fogpark in the west, Elm Orchard in th east, and Winesquare in the south.
Soldiers from other platoon, and companies jogged their way to the south gate. Most of them were
squires with thin steel armor. Because Winesquare was close to the south gate, it did not take them
long to arrive. Magicians ran along with them with their sport-type robe that stuck close to their
body and only went below their knee slightly. Under the robe was long trouser, covering the whole
It certainly enabled more movement than the robe he used to see in movies.
They arrived at the south gate. The soldiers here only numbered about three hundred. With such
numbers, the army did not seem to plan for an all out attack. So probably just a little skirmish.
Skirmish that took lives.
Under the High-Knight's command, the army marched forward. Their target was the same like
before; defeat the enemy and destroy the outpost. The enemy was quite persistent in building that
Just like before, the two sides met a few hundred meters away from each other.


"That's our signal! Attack!" Bartrem led the charge. He pulled his sword from his waist, making the
sound of screeching metal. He put his fiery gaze forward. "Brace yourself!"
He bashed against the enemy formation. Aldred was following behind him. He summoned his
undead. They stepped out of from the dark mist and charged forward. He had nineteen undead now.
They were comprised of ogres, wolves, and humans.
An enemy soldier ran towards the undead ogre and slashed at its left shoulder. The ogres growled as
the wounded shoulder regenerated.
The soldier widened his eyes. "Impossible! You vile creature should be damned by our prayer!"
The ogres did not care about the crap he said and slammed the man's head with its club. The nails
on club gnashed through the man's face, killing him in an instant.
[EXP +350]
Aldred took a deep breath when he saw the corpse fell to the ground. 'I am a soldier now,' he told
himself. 'I must fight. I must kill or I will trouble my friend.'
An enemy knight charged towards him and swung his sword towards Aldred. He panicked and
closed his eyes. Another knight came from the side and blocked the attack. It was Bartrem. "If you
cannot kill for yourself, then at least kill for your comrades, boy. None of us really have the time to
save your ass every time."
Aldred nodded. He had to kill. He had to fight. He did not want to, but he had to. With a resolved
roar, he charged upon a man and blasted his chest with a jet of flame coming out of his palm. He
willed for the undead to come to his aid. They came towards him and protected him from all sides.
"You guys protect my blind spot while I fight."
Something told him that the undead understood his command, and so he attacked, charging forward
and pointing with his index finger.
"Fire bullet."
A flame the shape and size of a small bullet shot forward. It clanged against the armor. The soldier
turned to look at him, frowning. The man slashed to the side, killing one of the soldier on Aldred's
side, before making his way towards the boy.
"So you are the master of these vile creatures. May our god, Zalous, shine the light of hope upon
your soul. You're a young boy, so it is most likely your sin will be forgiven." The man's sword was
long and thick, edged on both sides.
It cut through Aldred's left shoulder. He fell on his back. Aldred looked at the silhouette of the man
raising the sword high.


"Pray that you'd born as the worshiper of Zalous in your next life."
Blood splattered.
"Stay away from that boy!" A woman's voice shouted.
A large blade slashed at the man's chest, making him roar in pain, and took a few steps back. A
group of female warriors in squire armor stood in front of him.
One of them turned around. She had a petite build and a cute face. "Are you okay, boy?"
Aldred nodded. "I am fine, Thank you."
She helped him stand up. "My name is Mareona, I am the knight of Red Rose Platoon I. How did a
little boy like you end up on this battlefield?"
Aldred was about to answer before, Mareona interrupted him.
"Oh, I know. You must be here to hit on me. Hehe. You're cute, so I will take care of you." She
kissed his left cheek. "Now stay behind me, boy. I will take care of this man for you."
The enemy soldier gnashed his teeth as he stared at the Red Rose Platoon. A huge gash of wound
streamed out blood from the left shoulder to his right waist. It was a wonder how he still stand on
both feet with that wound.
"Women?" The man said. "The Ceraisian Empire is a true heretic, letting women go to the
battlefield. What are they thinking?"
"What's wrong with having women on the battlefield?" Mareona glared at the man. Her gaze was
that of a fierce predator.
The man snorted. "You are soft and kind creatures. Your place is at home with the children while we
men go to the battlefield and die for your peace. That is how it is supposed to be."
"And who you think you are to decide how I live my life?" Mareona stepped forward. The sword on
her right hand sheened with sharpness. "I am not a doll you can tie to a string and move around. I
am a person. I can do whatever the fuck I want."
'Wow, she's so fierce,' Aldred thought. At one moment she was a kind, lovely, beautiful big sister,
now she was a lioness out for prey.
"It is not me who decides this, but Zalous the God of Hope. When your husband went to the
battlefield, it is your job as a wife to pray and hope for his safe return. But here you are. Fighting
and risking your life on the battlefield, leaving your child to tend for themselves."
"If that is the case then you can fuck your own god!"
A sword stabbed through the man's chest, and out from the back. The man opened his eyes wide.
Blood came out of his mouth. Mareona pulled her sword and spun along with her blade.
The head fell to the ground.


Mareona walked back to him. "There. I killed him for you. Now give me a kiss." She grabbed his
face and kissed both of his cheeks."
Aldred was overwhelmed by the barrage of kisses. It was to the point that he couldn't breathe.
Mareona giggled. "You're in Pressure Platoon II right?"
Aldred nodded.
"We're actually a new platoon here, so will you show me around later?"
"You guys are new here?" Aldred asked. They seemed so used in battle.
Mareona stabbed another man that came from the side. "Yep. So go on a date with me," She said as
she slashed a man's arm.
"Ohh… Okay."
"Great!" She looked at him. Her sword went through a throat. "So later after the battle?"
Aldred nodded. "Sure."
"Perfect!" She kissed him on the lips and then rushed towards the enemy line. "Red Rose! Spill
blood for me! I am having a date later!"
Aldred scratched his cheek. An undead ogre looked at him. He shrugged. "I can't say no, can't I?"
Bartrem was fighting through the enemy line. Aldred approached with his undead. He ordered them
to assist his comrades.
"Let me help," Aldred said. He fired a few fire bullets at a man's face. The man fell to the ground.
[EXP +385]
"Good job, Aldred!" Bartrem shouted.
Aldred smiled. Then he felt the lack of sleep strike his eyes. He felt weak, the excitement in his
blood disappeared. The other soldier felt that too. They still had dark bags under their eyes. The
weakness slowed their advancement, and it made the enemy push them back.


"Fuck! This is why I told you to get some sleep! Retreat!" Bartrem shouted.
Suddenly, their stomach growled, and it felt like something squeezed it.
The pain distracted them from the enemy which they took the chance to attack.
Bartrem frowned. He felt his stomach rumbled abnormally. Why all of a sudden? Then he widened
his eyes in realization. "It was the food! Those fucker! I know it was too good to be true."
Aldred felt pain in his stomach too. He shot a fire arrow at the enemy as he held the pain. Their
retreat became rather slow and painful because of that.
"Get out of the way!" Simond grinned as he and his men knocked onto Pressure Platoon, making
them fall to the ground as he charged forward.
"Fuck! Watch where you are going!" Bartrem shouted.
Simond did not reply and kept going forward.
"Cih!" Bartrem was about to save his comrades until he saw Aldred and his undead came to their
aid. Joseph and Jeffery also struck the enemy with better technique than before.
Joseph's movement was that of a graceful soldier. And every attack was like a vicious snake, with
each swing taking a man's life. On the other hand, Jeffery used his body to create powerful
momentum. If his attack failed to cut the armor, it'd knocked the enemy so hard they spat out blood.
Aldred blasted all the soldiers nearby, protecting his comrades.
[EXP +385]
[EXP +420]
[EXP +350]
[EXP +490]
They stood up and retreated to safety. Bartrem came to them and nodded. "Good job, You three."
They retreated to the archer formation and sat on the ground. They groaned and held their stomach
in pain.


"They put something in the food," Bartrem said, grimacing.

"Those fucker!" One of the soldiers said. "How are we going to eat from now on. We cannot eat in
the cafeteria anymore after this."
Bartrem let out a breath. "It's fine. We shall hunt for our own food. The Champs river is filled with
fish. It's just food, don't think too much about it."
Aldred nodded then looked at the floating, transparent screen.
[You have level up]
[Level 19 -> 20]
Health Points: 55/55
Level: 20
Titles: Tough Boy
-Fireball: Lv. 2
-Flame Jet: Lv. 1
-Strength: 9
-Vitality: 11
-Intelligence: 36


-Dexterity: 4
Stat points: 2
Skill points: 34
After the battle, Pressure Platoon II walked to the river with a sword.
There were quite a lot of people with torn black clothes, and charcoal-colored strings tied to their
shoulders. They bend their back and put their hand inside the water, looking for fish. One man
snapped forward and caught a big fish. He made it look so easy.
Bartrem and the rest didn't wear their armor. They didn't even wear any shirts, so their muscles were
completely exposed. This made the fisherman look at them in awe. Aldred smiled and started
flexing his muscles. This was the result of his hard work with Mary.
Mary laughed from behind. "You're muscles are not developed enough to show off, boy."
He smiled like he got caught stealing candy and scratched his head. Aldred took a look at her figure.
Accompanying her busty breasts were the defined muscles on her arms. The toned biceps
strengthened her forearms from all the sword-swinging, and powerful yet smooth legs made her
look like an angelic warrior. Beautiful yet fierce. Rough yet graceful. That was Mary.
"Does any of you know how to fish?" Bartrem asked.
The soldiers shook their heads. Most of them were the son of a farmer. The soldiers in the other
platoon were the sons of former knights, but the Pressure Platoon II was treated as a dumpster for
outcasts. A soldier without knight heritage was usually frowned upon because they think it will
weaken the army. This was after all an era of apprenticeship where children learned from their
parents how to do things.
"We can ask them," Aldred pointed out.
The fisherman scurried away, seemingly scared. They hopped off like they did not hear what he
said, and looked for fish when they were far enough.
"Why are they running?"
"Soldier bullied the slaves and the peasants a lot," Jeffery said, his eyes distant like he recalled the
past. "That is why they are scared of us."
"It's fine. We are soldiers," Bartrem said. "We can adapt to anything. Catching a fish is easier than
killing a man."
They walked, feet through the grass before it entered the water. It sparkled under the light of the
morning sun. Aldred on the other hand test the water first by dipping his toes. Like the chilling air,
the water was cold. He shook just by feeling it. The hair on his body tensed.
Mary slowly entered the water. As she descended, the water rises to her knee. "Come, Aldred. It's
not that cold."
Aldred took a deep breath and blew it out. He dipped his feet all the way and stepped forward. The
water went above his waist. He was shaking in cold.
Mary laughed. "Come here. I will make you warm."
She grabbed him in and hugged him. Her slender body mold against him. She smelled nice; of
flower and honeydew. It was delightful.
Mary smiled happily and caressed his hair. She looked at the boy as he sunk in her breast. For some
reason, she started to recall that night when Aldred sucked in her blood. She wanted that feeling
again. It was weird that she even wanted it in the first place, but that was the truth.


She lifted her shirt.

Mary was a beautiful and charming woman with a wonderful-sized breast. Her curvy waist of an
hourglass complemented by her round butt would make her a fantastic housewife.
So when she lifted her shirt. The fisherman that avoided looking at them was now locking their eyes
in her direction. Aldred looked at the pair of smooth divine rounded breasts and instinctively
grabbed one with his hand. Mary pulled his head and let him suck on her right nipple.
As the warm and sweet liquid entered his throat, his right hand sunk in her left breast. It was a little
firmer than usual, but when he squeezed, milk squirted out.
This went on only for a short moment because they had to get some fish.
Aldred coughed. "Thanks for the meal."
The fisherman looked away again, though the image earlier was carved inside their mind and will
never forget until the end of time.
Joseph raised his sword and stabbed the water. The fish below twisted and dodged the sword.
The soldiers all tried to stab the fish, but they never got one.
Aldred summoned his undead. The undead ogres, wolves, and humans hunted for the fish. But their
lack of intellect was much to be desired. Same as the soldiers, they could not get a single fish.
"Let me try my magic. Fire bullet."
The water splashed. Aldred approached and looked closer, but there was no fish. To the side, he saw
one again. He took a deep breath and aimed with his index finger. "Pew pew"
Two fire bullets went deep into the water, but the fish was long gone.
"Gahhh," Aldred was frustrated. "This is harder than I thought."
Bartrem swept the water off his forehead. "Soon we'll master it. Keep going."
The soldiers started to attack more viciously. They ran at the fish and slammed the water, trying to
knock them out.
Aldred with his unlimited mana power spammed his skills at the fish. "Pew pew pew pew pew pew
Water splashed around them. The fisherman got scared and ran farther. It was like a battlefield.
They wondered if these men come here to fish or fight.


After a few hours, the soldiers stopped, yet not a single fish got caught.
Aldred lay on the river. His body floated as the sun shone on his eyes. A silhouette came. It was a
boy. Maybe the same age as him.
Meekly, he said: "I can help,"
Aldred stood up. Unlike him, the boy was skinny, although his forearms seemed toned as it held the
small spear. A particular detail that he noticed was the left hand. The boy did not have one.
"Do you perhaps know a farmer named Bernard?"
The boy nodded. "He is my father."
"What's your name?"
"I am Juhel."
Aldred smiled. "My name is Aldred. Your father told me about you. So you like spearfishing right?"
Juhel nodded. "He also told me about you."
That was the reason he dared to approach the soldier. His father told him that a young soldier helped
in curing his father's disease. It had been years since he was in pain. Especially before bed. His
father would sweat and hardly get any sleep. But last night, his father slept like a pig. If not for him
dragging his father to the farm, the soldiers would punish him.
Juhel looked at his left hand that wasn't there anymore.
He shook his head, removing the terrible memory.
"Aldred, ask him how he can help us," Mary said.
"Right," Juhel started. "I see that I can be of help to you." He picked his words carefully. If he said
that they looked like they needed his help, then that might be an insult to the soldiers. He might be
kicked, or hit in the face for that.
Aldred noticed that the boy was very tense. "Yep, we really need your help. We've been hunting the
fish like a madman, but we still got none."
"Uhh… Let me show you how I do it." The boy moved slowly to a nearby fish, only creating a
slight ripple in the water. "When you are near, don't move so quickly as that will scare the fish.
Instead, slowly dip your weapon into the water. Put it close enough to the fish, then."


Juhel pulled the spear out of the water, revealing a fish flapping its tail as it tried to escape.
The soldiers immediately tried it. They dipped their sword and sunk it near the fish. Then they
All of them missed.
"When you stab, don't tense your arm. Be relaxed as possible."
They tried it again.
"Don't get too close to the fish."
Aldred wanted to try. He dipped his finger near the fish. And then with a low whisper; "Pew."
The fire bullet pierced through the fish before it could run away. Aldred was excited. He grabbed
the fish and raised it up high. "I got the fish!"
The other soldiers got motivated and moved more carefully. They took a low but deep breath,
before stabbing into the fish.
"I got it!"
"I caught the fish! Hahaha!"
The soldiers were excited when they got the fish. Juhel was surprised by their reaction. It was just
catching fish, but seeing them all got excited made him happy.
Aldred turned around and looked at Juhel. "Thank you."
The soldiers smiled at him and said their thanks.
Juhel widened his eyes. He couldn't believe there will come a day when a soldier would thank him.
He always saw them as scary monsters. But their genuine smile was right in front of his eyes.
His eyes got wet, then tears trickled down. He sobbed and hid his face. "I should be thanking you.
You cured my father. It's been years since he has a good sleep. You make his life much easier now.
Thank you."
Bartrem and the soldiers had always wondered what Aldred was doing when he got left behind
during the jogging. So it was helping the farmer. And that farmer was this boy's father.
Aldred smiled and held his shoulder. "Hey, Juhel. Let's be friends."

The boy looked at him still in tears. He nodded immediately.

Aldred was having fun spearfishing with his comrades until someone shouted for his name.
He turned to the side and saw a petite and beautiful woman pouting with both hands on her waist.
She wore a simple shirt that revealed her smooth belly and tight pants with a rope around it. On her
shoulder was a yellow string.
"Did you forget about our date?"
Aldred felt panicked. He didn't think the lady was serious at that time. Mareona strode with large
strides. Her feet splashed in the water as she towered over him. She raised her fist and knocked his
"Ow. That hurt." Aldred rubbed his head.
"Aldred, who is this?" Mary asked. She looked at the woman with a polite smile.
Mareona smiled back. "I am Aldred's girlfriend. Isn't that right, boy?"
"Uhh… Maybe."
She knocked his head again. "What do you mean maybe. You took my first kiss already."
Aldred rubbed his head in pain again. "But it was you who kissed first."
"We're going on a date right now. Show me around the area."
"I cannot. I must help my friend catch fish."
Mareona looked at the soldiers stabbing their swords into the water. The swords pierced through the
fist as it wiggled around. Carefully, they put the fish inside the basket.
"That looks fun. I will help you."
And so Aldred taught Mareona how to fish with her swords. He remembered what Juhel taught him
perfectly. "You have to slowly move forward, and then dip your sword into the water."
"Like this?"


Aldred shook his head and grabbed her hand. His hand suddenly slip and caught her breast instead.
He blinked as he squeezed a few times. It was soft, and squishy.
"Ow. That was an accident."
Mareona snorted while her cheeks turned red. "You naughty boy. Quick. Teach me how to fish
Aldred approached her and grabbed her hand. "Put it closer to the fish like this. Just imagine that
rock right there is a fish." He grabbed her waist. His hands slipped a little to her butt.
Mareona felt something wrong, but Aldred's serious look convinced her otherwise.
Meanwhile, inside Aldred's head. 'Man, this butt is to die for.'
He cleared his throat, and then guided her whole body to relax while stabbing the rock. "And that is
how you do it."
"Are you sure?" Mareona asked. She glanced at a soldier with powerful arms and big chest. It was
Jeffery. "Hey you."
Jeffery looked up at her, blushed then continued looking down. "Yes?" he nervously replied.
"Can you teach me how to fish?"
"Uhmm… It was Juhel who taught us how to fish, but Aldred is the one who fixed our technique."
Mareona looked back at him. "Is that true?"
Aldred raised his head proudly. "You might not know this, but I am a genius myself. I can through
anything with a glance."
Mareona smiled and raised her sword. "Then can you see through this?" She moved like a snake
snapping onto a target. Her sword cut through the water without obstruction and stabbed into a fish.
She showed Aldred the fish with a proud smile.
Aldred narrowed his eyes and nodded a few times. "Yellow panties, bright blue bra. Interesting
Mareona knocked his head again.
"Ow. What was that for?"
"How do you even know that?"


"I told you I can see through anything."

"I thought you mean see through my skill."
"It's not my fault that you misunderstand."
"Damn, you little perverted boy!" She started chasing him.
Aldred started running. The fish around them scattered. Water splashed.
Mary looked at Aldred with a smile. It felt like seeing her own son having fun, sadly he had to grow
too soon. But why did his parents put so much expectation on him? Aldred was a smart and talented
kid, but putting them directly on the battlefield was another matter.
'Maybe they protected him from the shadows,' Mary thought. She still recalled that blue fairy who
appeared occasionally during her travel with Aldred.
At that time, Aldred was still a lazy boy who had to be spanked every day. He was also goofy and
perverted kid.
Mareona caught Aldred and they fell into the water. The boy came out of the water waving around a
thin piece of yellow cloth.
"I got a treasure!" Aldred shouted happily.
"No! That's my underwear!"
Mary giggled. Well, he was still the same perverted kid as before.

Aldred's cheeks were swollen red as he sat down on the grass. He looked at Mareona who gave her
a sharp glare. The fish filled up the twenty baskets in front of them. All of them were freshly caught.
They look so meaty, colorful, and delicious. They weren't even cooked, and yet, Aldred was already
salivating at it.
Bartrem led the soldiers in creating the fire, and then each of them stabbed one fish by the mouth
with a stick.
"Wait," Mareona said. "You guys, are just going to eat the fish like that?"
"What's wrong with that?" Aldred asked. He couldn't wait to eat the fish because he was so hungry.
"We need to enrich the flavor."


Aldred nodded. "With spices right?"

"No. With flowers." She showed a handful of purple and white flowers.
Where did she even get that? Did she pull them out of her butt hole or something?
"How can we increase the flavor with flowers?"
Mareona approached him and squeezed the flower above his fish as it got roasted above the fire.
Her slender fist produced purple and white liquid as it dripped and washed over the fish.
"Try it," Mareona said.
Aldred was skeptical, but he bit into the soft meat. And that was when he truly experienced the taste
of heaven. The flavor of the fish enriched that it tingled every atom of his tongue. It tasted a bit
sweet, salty, and juicy, combined with many other flavors that could only be considered divine.
"Mareona, this is so good," Aldred said. "Where did you get all this flower?"
Mareona reached out inside her pants and pull out another handful of flowers.
Aldred raised an eyebrow in confusion. Did… Did she just really pull out flowers from her ass
hole? That was impossible. His godly eyes should have detected them.
"Here if you want to have more."
"Uhh… no thanks. This is already enough."
Aldred looked at the fish and wanted to decide whether or not he wanted to eat a fish that had been
washed over with flowers. Flowers that came from her—
Well you know.
Mareona handed the flowers to everyone, and they squeezed the liquid onto their fish.
Aldred shrugged and decided to finish his fish. He gulped a big chunk of meat and then felt
something stuck in his throat. It was a bone. Aldred gagged. He thumped his chest repeatedly, trying
to get it out.
Mary immediately came to the rescue. She went behind him and pressed his stomach with both
hands. The bone came out immediately.
Mary looked at him worriedly and gave him a canteen of water to drink from. Aldred sighed in
relief after the pain in his throat disappeared.
"Thank you, Mary."


She caressed his head with a smile. "You have to be more careful next time."
Then gave him a kiss.
A few days have passed, Aldred just realized that he hadn't do much in the Divine Dimension
When he entered his dimension. The crops already grew. It still looked like how he left it before.
Blue atmosphere, calming river, and sprawling trees.
[Would you like to increase the space by ten meter]
Oh, Aldred almost forgot about this one, but why only ten meter? Shouldn't be ten planet?
[… User can expand the divine dimension at Silver Rank by 100 meter. At Gold Rank, user can
expand the space by 1 Kilometer]
'So the higher my rank, the more space I can expand.'
[Yes. At Gold Rank, user also received the option; Teleportation Points]
That intrigued Aldred. 'Explain more to me.'
[User will receive 3 Teleportation Points that can be placed anywhere. When the user entered the
divine dimension, user can teleport to that Teleportation Points]
'Wow. That's awesome! Alright, now increase the space for me.'
[Increasing space by 10 meter… Success. Congratulation for reaching the copper rank. Processing
'I got a reward? Nice. I wonder what will it be.'
[Reward obtained: Pongo the penguin]
A small stupid-looking penguin materialized and looked up at him. "What you looking at, bitch?"
"Fuck. You have a shitty mouth for a little penguin."
"Who you call a penguin?" The penguin flapped its fins/wings/hands. Let's just call it hands.
"You are pongo the penguin, not pongo the bitch."
"Hmph! You have a shitty mouth yourself."
"It's you who started first. Did you eat too much fish?"
"Your breath stinks."
"Fuck you!"
"No, fuck you! Hey system. I don't want this shitty reward. I want a return. And some compensation
for the emotional damage I got."


"Fuck you. You think I am a pet that you can return?"

Aldred ignored him and shouted at the sky. "System! Get this little shit out of my sight."
The penguin trembled in rage. "Fuck! Check out my pro gamer move!" He dashed forward and shot
towards Aldred with a high speed.
The penguin narrowed his eyes. His target was as clear as the sun during the day—his crotch.
Aldred just realized where the penguin was heading, and that was when he knew— he'll be an
"Ahhh!" Aldred screamed. "You little shit! Come here!"
The penguin throw up a wrench and slammed his left leg.
"OW! How the fuck did you get that?"
"Back in my early days, I am known as Rico the Demolition Master. I fought in a war called the
Battle of Madagascar. You don't know how many penguins I killed with these hands, so you better
be careful around me."
"Fuck you and your Madagascar." Aldred kicked the penguin to the sky.
"Shame on you! Penguin can fly! Dive attack!"
The penguin performed a barrel roll and spun as it dived towards him.
"Hmph! You're courting death!" He raised both of his fingers. "Pew pew pew pew pew pew pew."
Fire bullets came at the penguin, but Pongo the penguin was a veteran in dive bombing an enemy.
Thousands died upon his dive, and he had never missed his target. He dodged the fire bullets with
such precision that only a master in the art of dodging could comprehend.
He twisted to the side. Roll over. Butterfly style, Backstroke, doggy style, freestyle.
"Shit!" Aldred activated his flame jet and flew towards the penguin. Pongo was surprised that his
enemy could fly as well, but he never backed down from a challenge.
"Bring it then!" Pongo shouted.
"Hell yeah, I'll bring it to you!"
They both crashed against each other with such speed that every beings in the multiverse felt
something in their stomach.
Their battle inspired many myth, and yet, no one knew who who the true victor was.
Both of them fell to the ground, laying beside each other.
They both got exhausted. Chest went up and down with sweats all over their body.
"You're not that bad," Aldred said.
"You too," Pongo said.


Then they shook hands and became brother for life.

Or at least, that was how it supposed to be.
"Fuck you! Monkey Peach Grabbing Ball Technique." Aldred executed his technique with lightning
"AHHH!" Pongo screamed.
Aldred stood up with a smile as the penguin trembled in pain on the ground. He stepped on the
penguin and stared at him. "Your whole life has been written, and I have seen the end of it. And this
is exactly it. Laying on the ground with my feet on your tiny little stomach."
Aldred laughed. "Now be my slave or die!"
Pongo the penguin gritted his teeth. "Never!"
"Do you not fear death?"
"I never was, never is, and never will. The only fear I have is not taking a shit on your corpse one
"Even in the face of death your mouth still stinks of shit."
"Fuck you!"
Aldred sighed. "I will give you fish if you be obedient."
Pongo narrowed his eyes and stared at him. Aldred stared back.
"You think a fish is enough to satisfy my ambition? My goal is beyond your understanding, mortal."
"What about three fish every day?"
Aldred rolled his eyes. He wanted to check his status and history, but nothing popped out. "Tell me
about you. Where do you come from. How did you become my reward."
"I don't know, man. I was doing a covert operation in trying to find the Russian super duper secret
submarine in antarctic, then when I am about to throw up a super duper deep-sea bomb to make the
super duper secret submarine come to the surface, a flash of light filled my sight, and here I am."
"I don't believe a single word you say."
"Hey, your brain, your choice. I am not going to judge."
"The hell is that even mean?"
"It means you're stupid."
"They should have called you Pongo the Piss Maker. Because you're pissing me off!"
"Whatever you say, Karen. Just don't call the manager on me."


Aldred got veins popped on his forehead. "What about your power? You seem weak and useless."
The penguin made a look of 'are you underestimating my power?'. "I am a tactical penguin,
genetically-modified by the best super duper secret scientist ever existed. My stomach is known to
hold a myriads of super duper tactical weapons such used in super duper covert, secretive, and
winky-winky operation."
"What's winky-winky operation?"
"I cannot say. I am genetically super duper engineered not to say anything. In fact, I shouldn't be
talking at all."
Aldred took a deep breath, holding the urge to kick the penguin again. "I still don't know about your
"I just fought you to a draw. Do we need other proof?"
"Fuck! I went easy on you!"
"Fine! Because I'm a tactical super-genetically-modified Spheniscidae, I am mostly tasked to obtain
valuable items and information through covert and secretive operation."
"You talk too much. What item have you been stealing?"
The penguin snorted. "Behold, my collection."
He vomited a what seemed to be human feces.
"What the fuck is that?"
"It's a human feces."
So it really was a human feces. "Why would you steal something like that?"
"You don't understand. This feces is manufactured by a controversial woman code named: Amber
Hard. This feces is supposed to be a powerful proof that she indeed stain the bed, but because of
you, the proof has to disappear along with me. Now the case has to be prolonged with objection
hearsay every time our ally speak."
Aldred sighed heavily. "Is there anything else?"
The penguin vomited out a piece of paper.
"What is this?"
"It's the list for the talent and skill of a woman named: Kim Jardhasian."
"But it's blank."
"Stop making me angry. Where is the weapon? Since you are so tactical, you must have a tactical
nuke or something."
"Why would I have such a thing?"
Aldred glared at him. 'You have all this useless things, yet you don't have a single weapon? Should I
roast this penguin and eat him?'


"Enough about all this tactical bullshit, man. Where the fish at?"
Aldred returned to the real world with Pongo in tow. The dumb penguin wanted to eat fish, and he
had to deliver on his promises. Mary was still sleeping. Her breast pressed on one side, making it
bigger than normal. He did not want to wake her up, so he tip-toed from the bed.
He opened the barrack door and the morning shine greeted him with its refreshing wind. He smiled,
enjoying the sensation.
Then he saw someone looking at him, pouting.
"What took you so long?" Mareona asked. Her petite body looked amazing under the tight she
wore. And the outline of her smooth and soft breast threatened to burst as crossed her arms, pressing
her chest up.
"I don't remember we have any plan."
"Hmph. Every day is a plan." She gazed to the side and noticed a penguin. Her eyes lit up. "What
creature is this?"
She picked Pongo up and pressed him to her chest. "You're so cute. How can something like you
Aldred sneered. Just wait when she heard the penguin talk. She'd definitely beat the penguin to
death. Kekekek.
"Pongo pongo."
"Awhh, you're so cute." Mareona barraged him with kisses."
Aldred bit his lips. How dare this penguin pretended to be cute in front of Mareona!
Pongo side glanced at him and sneered. He then rubbed his head on her breast, and then looked at
him mockingly.


"Mareona, don't touch him. I found him stuck inside the hole of a toilet, and have not cleaned him
"Oh, really. So that's why he smells so fishy."
Aldred smiled as he grabbed Pongo from her. Pongo gritted its beak. Just when he got a nice pillow
to rub on, his owner just had to disrupt him.
"Come on, Aldred. Let's take a walk inside the fort."
"Are you sure?" Aldred asked. The captain, Pharder, hated having women as a soldier, so every
woman and those who supported women on the battlefield were thrown outside the fort. Just like
the Pressure Platoon II, Red Rose Platoon I led by Mareona also had a barrack outside the fort.
They were very close actually, divided by the southwest road.
"Yes. Just ignore those haters. You will get used to it eventually."
They walked to the gate. The two male guards looked at them but said nothing. They raised an
eyebrow when they see Pongo following them.
They walked through the busy streets of blacksmiths pounding on steel, and carriages going in and
out of the gate. Soldiers jogged with their Knights at the lead. They went outside the fort to train.
Most people preferred to train outside the busy fort. The fort seemed to focus on military
construction such as housing, storage, and cafeteria. There was no market, or merchants, as
everyone here was military personnel. But there was some small exception.
The inn in front of them was one such exception.
The Jovial Harlequin.
Mareona giggled. "What a weird-sounding name for an inn."
The inn had no window, so when they entered, it was dimly lit. And instead of the usual torches, the
pillars were embedded with glass beads that shone the room. Inside the glass beads, a small
sapphire was inside. They look like marbles that he'd used to play around with when he was a child.
Their size was slightly bigger than his thumb.


The inn was buzzing with people. Waitresses ran around nonstop, bringing wooden trays filled with
plates of food and drinks. They put it on the table, and the customers cheered. A singer was singing
on the stage placed in the center of the inn. Everyone happily listened to his song as he sang it like a
master. His song described the message of the heart and soul of a person. This made the audience
sympathize with the singer, and not only that his, rhyme was so good that even Pongo started to nod
his head back and forth.
"Dadadada, it's the fucking G-O-double-y. Snoop Gayy!"
"Pussy thick, pussy slick, pussy flesh. She got a surgery in bang—ladesh…"
Aldred started vibing to the song. He moved his head back and forth and raised his hand in the air.
Mareona thought it was so much fun so she followed, moving her hips side to side and dancing
around Aldred. Pongo the penguin jumped around them happily.
"Hands on' mi thigh then you ram inside me. Juice kept flooding like a tsunami."
The other people saw them and stood up before starting to dance.
Mareona looked at him with a naughty smile as she danced around him.
"Call my mommy after you nuttin in me…"
Aldred started vibing harder. The beautiful face of Mareona looked even more enchanting under the
dimly light. Mareona also couldn't help herself but dance seductively. Her hips moved even harder.
She even turned around and wiggled her full butt at Aldred.
"Wet my pussy like a melting ice…"
She did not know what possessed her to do this. Her cheeks became rosy, but she did not want to
stop. The song became louder and her dance became even more intense.
Aldred danced as well. His eyes locked on her enchanting figure as it swayed to the left and right,
beckoning him to come. Tempting him.


Aldred put his hands on her waist. Mareona blushed, but she kept dancing. As the song became
louder and louder, their dance became synchronized and more touchy. Aldred ran her hands around
her butt and crotch.
Mareona blushed even more. Aldred could feel it was wet down there. They continued to dance.
Mareona softly moved her hands around Aldred's neck, and chest.
Their body heated up. Aldred's heart thumped.
Mareona lowered her face and closed her eyes. Aldred closed his eyes as well and approached her
Just as they were about to kiss, someone grabbed their shoulder.
"Both of you shouldn't be here."
Aldred looked to the side, and noticed a middle-aged man around 182 CM tall, with a sword mark
on his mouth. It was the same man who always disturb the Pressure Platoon II. It was Simond.
Aldred was enraged. He hated this man to the core. If not for him, his comrades wouldn't have been
in trouble during the battle.
"Who the fuck are you telling us what to do?"
"Hmph, shut your mouth, bo—"
Something came from the side. It was Mareona's fist. It moved like a hammer falling from the sky,
casting judgment upon the sinner below.


Simond was thrown to the floor. His teeth fell. He looked at the woman in disbelief.
"How dare you ruin my date!"
Simond stood up and glared at them. He clenched his fist and snorted. "Women don't belong here."
"Well, I'm staying. What you gonna do about it?"
Aldred smiled. That punch was so satisfying. If he could, he wanted to punch Simond in the face
personally. But he was fine with Mareona doing it for him.
"Good luck surviving on the battlefield," Simond said before leaving the inn.
Mareona put her hands on her waist. "That guy pissed me off."
"Believe me when I say he pissed me even more."
"If he dares to ruin my date again, I will skin him alive." She sighed. "It's noon. I have to train with
my platoon. Why don't we leave?"
Aldred nodded. They both exited the inn. The music and songs were muted by the wall and door.
They went to the southwest gate and stood still on the pathway.
"It's time for us to part way," Mareona said.
Aldred nodded. "I guess so."
Mareona hugged him. "That was a good date. I am happy today. Let's do it again."
"Sure." Aldred smiled, returning the hug. She smelled nice.


Mareona released the hug and gave him a kiss on the cheek before running away and waving at
him. Aldred waved back before he turned around and jogged back to his barrack.
His comrades had both of their arms on the ground, doing push up. He had never see them going to
the inn, or having fun. All they did was train, eat, sleep, and repeat. Even after a battle, they would
train the next day. He did not see the other soldiers doing the same thing as them. Was that why they
could ram through the enemy formation so easily?
"Aldred," Mary called. She caressed his head. "Where have you been. When I woke up, you were
"I went and play with Mareona."
"Do you like her?"
Aldred blushed, recalling what he did with her in the inn. It wasn't that dirty, but the music, the
vibe, and her seductive dance made him shy nonetheless.
"She's nice to me."
"That's good." Mary smiled and kissed his forehead. "Then be nice to her too."
Aldred nodded. "I will." He smiled and tell her about the event earlier. "Simond was punched by her
"Oh, really?"
"Yeah. Mareona was so fierce. Simond couldn't even react before he fell on the floor."
Bartrem overheard their conversation but said nothing. Aldred thought it was weird. He expected
the man to say something like 'serve that man right.' Or maybe Bartrem would laugh about it. But
he kept his calm and continue to train with his men.
A few days more passed, and another battle came. This time it was within the thick forest. The
leaves blocked the sunlight, casting shade upon the army as their armor rustled against each other.


The army slowly moved in, using the bushes and trees as disguises. Bartrem looked ahead, his gaze
serious. His bulky armor was much left to be desired in this covert battle. The army was currently in
the Melanian Forest, located to the south of Ruandeurtin. Their mission was to find and ambush an
enemy camp that was said to be nearby. Because they wanted to surprise the enemy, they had to do
this slowly and carefully.
But, being sneaky wasn't the only problem.
Bartrem stopped. The other platoon also stopped in their track. Bartrem narrowed his eyes, and
whispered; "Don't make any noise." Sweat trickled from his forehead.
Sloth-like creatures hanging on the trunk and branches of the trees. They tilted their heads and
smiled. Their face looked cute, but their long limbs and claws were nothing of the sort. They might
be the most terrifying creatures if they were quick. But why was Bartrem so worried about these
"Pongo," Pongo said, wondering why everyone was so quiet.
"Shit." Bartrem brandished his sword. The other soldiers also looked up and pulled their swords out.
The sloth-like creatures smiled at first, but then their expression turned vicious.
They leaped like monkeys on steroids, reaching out with their long limbs. Their face looked scarier
than a lion hunting its prey.
Pressure Platoon II gritted their teeth and cut them down. Blood splattered on the tree trunks as
more creatures jumped from the trees.
"There's too many of these lekidaes."
So they were not sloths, but lekidaes. A weird name for a weird creature. The sloth crawled on the
ground. Their movement resembled those ghosts in horror movies.


Aldred summoned his undead army. Twenty undead comprised of wolves, ogres, and humans
rushed forward, brandishing their weapons of choice and slamming them to the lekidaes.
The lekidaes screeched in pain. Aldred did not stay still. He aimed with his fingers and shot fire
bullets at them.
"Pew pew pew pew pew pew pew."
The fire bullets shot them down. A small burnt hole leaked out blood as the lekidaes fell down.
They looked at Aldred with unwillingness and despair.
'Sorry little guy, but you left me with no choice,' Aldred fired a fire javelin at a target. The javelin
went through a lekidae, then stabbed through another one before it got stuck into a tree trunk. He
shot a fire arrow and it pierced through a creature's head.
The javelin had more damage than the fire bullets and arrows, but its range wasn't that far. The fire
bullet was more effective at close range, but it wouldn't kill an enemy if the target was too far. An
arrow had a longer range and more damage, but it was hard to be accurate.
And because it was slower than the bullet, it could be dodged more easily.
But Aldred used the skill interchangeably. When the enemy got close he sprayed them with fire
bullets, when they were in mid-range, he fire javelin at them, and for long-distance, he used fire
He spun around, aiming both fingers, summoning fire bullets, arrows, and javelins. The lekidaes fell
one after another.
Bartrem looked at him. The boy grew in strength so fast. It was around two weeks ago the boy just
entered the Copper Rank, but he increased exponentially after that. He also noticed that the boy
learned much faster during battle than in practice and training.
What a terrifying talent, no wonder Mary, a Gold Rank, was sent here to protect him. He looked at
the little creature that Aldred brought. Where did he find it?
"Pongo pongo pongo." Pongo raised his weapon, a baguette, and slammed at the creature's head,
blasting it to pieces.
"PONGO!" he roared at the group of creatures, making them look at him in fear.
[EXP +180]
[EXP +180]
[EXP +180]
[EXP +180]
Aldred kept on firing the fire bullets and killed all the creatures in his sight. His undead squad
bulled through the lekidaes, flattening their heads, and breaking their bones. The wolves rampaged,
ripping their skins and flesh. His human undead on the other hand seemed much smarter. They used
crude teamwork and formation to kill the most amount of monsters they can.
Eventually, all the monsters died. It wasn't a hard battle. But the problem was not that.
"The enemy spotted us!" Bartrem shouted. "Don't give them any more time to prepare. Attack!"
Bartrem stared at the retreating enemy and rushed towards them. The Pressure Platoon II ran behind
him. Aldred and Pongo followed from behind. The rest of the army also charged forward,
commanded by the knights.
They pushed through the forest. The river streamed south on their right side. Ahead, the enemy was
retreating. A camp was farther away, around one hundred meters from them.
"That's their camp. Attack!"
Pressure Platoon sped up. Aldred found himself speeding up as well. Archers positioned themselves
in front of the camp.
"Watch out for those arrows!" Bartrem shouted.
The archer released their finger. Arrows zipped into the air, arched, and were about to rain upon
Aldred raised both of his index fingers and fired at the arrows. The fire bullets knocked the arrows
away. They snapped or deflected, before falling harmlessly to the side.
In Aldred's sight, the god's eyes calculated all the trajectories of the arrows. All he had to do was
point at the spot where they would arrive and shoot, that was how he deflected all these arrows.
Some arrows still find their way and stabbed through their shoulder. They kept going forward with
gritted teeth.
The archer retreated to their camp while the infantry charged. Bartrem raised his sword. "Brace for
Like a powerful spear, Bartrem cut through the enemy rank and split their formation into two. His
comrades slashed at the disoriented enemy, cutting off their heads with a single swing. Joseph and
Jeffery fought beside Bartrem. Their new technique let them best the other soldiers, and their
strength seemed to increase as the battle progressed.
Aldred's undead squad assisted the platoon. They shocked the enemy with their hideous
appearances. The ogres swung their club. The nails on the club ripped the fleshes and bones.
And then surprisingly, thick dark mist leaked out from their bodies. It engulfed them for a moment,
and when they came out, they became bigger. The enemy soldiers were shocked when the undead
became stronger and more ferocious.
Aldred was surprised by this development. But he understood. His undead got stronger the more
they kill. The undead squad roared and attacked the enemy with greater destructive power.
Bartrem noticed the increase in strength of the undead, but he ignored them and kept going through.
He kept his calm in the face of the chaotic battle. He waited. He waited for something.
"Move out of the way!"


There they came. Bartrem immediately react, he slashed at the enemy, and then shouted: "Retreat!"
Pressure Platoon II immediately turned around and ran back. They did not care about the enemy
Simond was shocked. He couldn't react, and both platoons crashed into each other. Bartrem
narrowed his eyes and shoved Simond away. His comrades also knocked shoulder against Pressure
I. Simond's soldier fell on their butt.
Aldred laughed and commanded his undead to knock against them as well. He ran in the middle of
the formation as he saw them being shoved away.
Pongo laughed. He vomited human feces and threw them at the soldier. "Pongo pongo."
"Hahaha. Good job, Pongo," Aldred said.
Bartrem finally laughed after a few days of being silent. Apparently, he had been holding his
emotion and waiting for this day to come.
"SERVED YOU RIGHT, MOTHERFUCKER!" Bartrem and his comrades laughed harder.
Simond was enraged. He pushed his hand off the ground, about to stand up, but the enemy was
already in front of him.
"On your feet!" Simond kicked the ground and fought the enemy, but his comrades were too slow
and got wounded.
Aldred and Pongo laughed as they retreated to the archer formation. The main army moved in a few
seconds later. They bombard the camps with arrows. The magicians manipulated the water from the
river and flooded them. The infantry charged after that.
They cut through the front line and attacked the soldiers in the back line who hadn't worn their
pants yet.
The enemy retreated. Their tents fell down, drowned.
The army cheered in triumph.
Aldred smiled and looked at the transparent blue screen.
Health Points: 55/55
Level: 24
Titles: Tough Boy
-Fire Manipulation: Lv. 2
-Flame Jet: Lv. 1


-Strength: 9
-Vitality: 11
-Intelligence: 36
-Dexterity: 4
Stat points: 10
Skill points: 42
[Skill tree unlocked. Merging…]
[You have received Fire Manipulation. The list of skills will be considered as part of the Fire
Manipulation skill tree; Fire Arrow, Fire Bullet, Fire Javelin, Flame Jet]
[All skills have been upgraded to level 2]
Flame Jet: Lv. 2
User can shoot out a jet of flame from the palm and from the feet.
Fire Bullet: Lv. 2
User can shoot fire bullets from the finger. The higher the level, the higher the damage and velocity
of the bullet.
Fire Arrow: Lv. 2
User can release fire arrow from the palm. The higher the level, the farther the range and damage.
Fire Javelin: Lv. 2
User can throw out a fire javelin from the palm. The higher the level, the farther the range and
Fire Ball: Lv. 2
User can shoot a fire ball from the palm. It can explode upon impact. Upgrading this skill to level 3
will increase the radius of explosion.
[Damage is calculated by intelligence times the level of the skill. Other factors such as shape,
length, velocity, and weight may affect the resulted damage]
[New skill obtained: Flame Fist]


Flame Fist: Lv. 2

User can release a fist of fire that will enlarge as it goes further. It will dissipate at a certain distance
(Depending on the level of the skill).
'Uhh…' Aldred did not know how to react to this. He wasn't sure if this was a good thing or not. It
seemed to be a good thing because he obtained a new skill. Flame of fist. So it would enlarge the
farther it goes?
Aldred wanted to try it. He raised his fist, stomped the ground, and then punched forward. A burst
of flame engulfed his fist. And then it flew towards the camp, buzzing with fiery flames as it
enlarged and then engulfed everything it passed through.
Aldred was shocked. He thought it would only attack one target, but instead, it went through the
target and burned everything it touched. Almost one-third of the camp was engulfed by the flame
before the fist disappeared.
The soldiers looked at him, and so did the magicians. The magicians were the ones who were truly
impressed by his skill. His control over flame was outstanding. If the boy wasn't part of the Pressure
Platoon II, they would have run up to him and discussed magic till night came.
Alas, they couldn't lest they were identified as the supporter of the empress. Pharder, the captain of
the fort, did not like the empress and had been trying to cut off her influence from this part of the
Aldred was happy with the new skill. He checked his status again.
Health Points: 55/55
Level: 24
Titles: Tough Boy
-Fire Manipulation (Click to show the list of skills)
-Strength: 9
-Vitality: 11
-Intelligence: 36
-Dexterity: 4
Stat points: 10
Skill points: 42
Aldred nodded. So all of his skills were merged into Fire Manipulation. Interesting. Maybe he
should learn the other elements as well.
Hujarar floated in space in front of a planet as he sang a song. The song was of the sea, and a
creature everyone was familiar with. If anyone heard the song, they'd remember their childhood and
"Baby shark, do do do. Baby shark do do do."
Hujarar pointed at the planet. "Do do do."
Three tiny black holes shot towards the planet. The black holes merged, and then sucked its way
into the core. The planet then was absorbed from the inside. The tectonic plates of the planet fell
into the abyss. The continents cracked. Earthquakes of great power shook every being that call the
gigantic orb home.
"That should be my last planet to destroy," Hujarar said. A black hole appeared and engulfed him
before it disappeared.
When he reappeared, he was in front of a galaxy-sized castle. He floated towards the castle and then
entered through the front door. Walking through the hallway, Hujarar found the room he was
looking for.
He kicked the door. The door got ripped from the frame and was thrown forward. "Zustus! I am
done with the mission."
When Hujarar entered, he saw the old man was hugging a young, naked woman with a pair of white
wings on her back.
The woman slapped the old man, covered herself with the bed spray, and ran off.
"Wait, Alexa. Damnit! Can't you find the right time? Or at least knock before you get in?"
Hujarar shrugged. "Whatever. I am done with the mission. I want to go back and see my kid."
The old man looked at him. "I don't think that's possible."
"Oy, are you planning to cheat me? I destroy all the heretics in four universes for every millennium,
isn't that enough? Not to mention I have to act as a villain."
"It wasn't that I want to cheat you. Everyone, show yourselves."
A thousand divine beings appeared. Their whole body glowed in bright light.


He glanced at the old man. His eyes turned deep dark. "Are you planning to kill me?"
The old man stared back. He stood up from his bed. "No. We found something or someone
powerful. And it threatened our dimension."
The old man nodded. "He came from the fourth dimension. We know his power. That is why I can
gather all one thousand gods for this."
Hujarar nodded. During his war against the gods, it was only one hundred of them who actively
fought against him. The rest were doing nothing but chill.
"You all can solve this problem by yourselves. I don't want to be involved in this." Hujarar turned
around and walked to leave the room.
"He conquered the fourth dimension," the old man said, making Hujarar stop on his feet. "With that
power, he can easily conquer our dimension as well. Think of your son, Hujarar. He won't survive
with his measly power."
Hujarar clicked his tongue. "Fighting something like that is tricky. We cannot use our full power."
"You are correct. But there is a way,"
Hujarar turned around and looked at the old man in the eye. "How?"

Eve and Dina rode a gigantic space worm that was currently eating through the countless stars and
planets in the galaxy. They were sitting on a chair with two cups of tea sitting on the table.
"I cannot wait to meet Aldred," Dina said, sighing. She looked at her mother who was in a daze.
"Why did you let him fall off the castle?"
Eve took a sip of her tea. "Hujarar and I believed that we spoiled Aldred too much. At the age of
seven, he should have already conquered thirty floors of hell or a few galaxies, but he was still the
little Aldred who ran around in the castle."
Dina slapped her own face. "Just because of that? Who cares about thirty floor of hell or galaxies?
Don't you want Aldred to be happy?"


Eve looked down. "Maybe you are right. But won't we be at fault for putting a stop sign in front of
his talent? He won't fly properly if I don't throw him in the air. He has to learn how to fly."
Dina couldn't answer to that. Her mother was correct. Yes, they were powerful enough to spoil him,
but was that the right choice? Spoiling Aldred meant that they were preventing Aldred from
standing on his own, and achieving his true potential.
Eve raised the teacup. Just as she was about to take a sip, her heart thumped. She widened her eyes
and stood up.
Dina looked at her. "What happen mom?"
Eve did not say anything. She waved her hand, and they teleported in front of a galaxy-sized castle.
It was in ruins. All the buildings and structures became rubbles.
"Isn't this the home of that old pervert?" Dina looked around the castle.
Eve didn't reply and floated towards the castle. Her heart thumped even harder. She rushed in
towards the hallway and entered a room. What she saw shocked her to the core.
Her heart beat like never before. Her whole body trembled as her eyes filled with disbelief. Grief
and sadness washed over her.
"No! Hujarar!" She ran and knelt beside her husband. Tears streaked to her cheeks. "How is this
possible? You are supposed to be immortal." She hugged him and cried.
Dina saw the scene and felt her heart ached. She ran to Hujarar with tears on her eyes. She took a
good look at her father. The once lively face full of smile and humorous remarks were now still as
She gritted her teeth and shook her head. She couldn't believe this. Not in a millennium year. They
were supposed to be together forever. They just had Aldred for ten short years. Their dreams finally
came true. Yet, why. Why did this happen?
Tears streamed down. She looked to the side and noticed something. She stood up and approached
it. It was the old man Zustus. Her eyes moved a few meters away and there was another god lying
on the floor, death.
Dina frowned and looked around the room. There were dead bodies. And not ordinary dead bodies,
but gods. "They all died. Did they fight against dad?"
Eve stood up still in tears. Her eyes turned crimson. "No. They killed themselves."
Dina still trembling looked at her mother. "Kill themselves? Why?"


Eve beckoned for her lifeless husband to float. She caressed his cheek. "I don't know. Your father
did the same thing."
"Father?" Dina was shocked. She didn't care about the other gods, but why did her father kill
himself as well? This did not make any sense.
A letter fell from Hujarar's pocket. The letter floated and Eve willed it to open:
Eve, I cannot say much because the more you know the less likely I can return. All I can say is that I
am going somewhere to fight a danger that can harm our family. Tell Dina and Aldred I am on a
work trip oversea. Anyway, I won't forget about you and our family. I still have your picture on my
phone. I will be sure to stare at it at least six to eight hours a day. I'm sorry that I have to leave so
suddenly, but it has to be done. Zustus showed me something I cannot ignore. I don't know when I
will be back, and I am not sure if I can even return, but I hope you can put a smile on our family
even without me by your side. Please be strong Eve. For Aldred. For Dina. And for me. I love you
since the first day I meet you, and I will forever love you even after I die. Goodbye, Eve.
-Hujarar, your favorite husband
PS: I left something for Aldred to help him become stronger. I know we make a hard choice in
leaving him alone and making him experience the dark truth of the world, but I believe we made the
right choice.
Eve took a deep breath after she finished reading the paper.
"Mom, what is in that letter?"
Eve handed the letter to her. She looked at her husband with longing eyes. 'You always did
everything by yourself. Why can't you bring me with you? I am sure if we work together as a family
we will pass through any hurdle, but you keep all the burden on yourself.'
Dina finished reading the letter and approached her mother. "Mom, what should we do now?"
Suddenly, the castle trembled. Hujarar's body was engulfed by dark mist and then disappeared. The
gods' bodies were engulfed by white light and vanished as well. The ceiling fell and then crumbled
into dust. Eventually, the whole castle disappeared.
A divine goddess floated down. It was Zustus' wife. "You already know?"
Eve nodded.
The goddess sighed. "Zustus might be a pervert and a cheater, but I hope he returns soon." She
Eve turned and looked at her daughter. "Let's go back."
Aldred stood up in front of the pair of large, black gate. It gave him the chill just by looking at it.
Something ominous lay beyond it—the dungeon boss. He took a deep breath and let it out. He felt
nervous like he had to give a power point presentation in front of the class. But he knew he had to
advance forward, if not then he wouldn't progress in his path to power. His father, Hujarar, became
the king of hell at the age of seven, while Aldred still weak as fly at the age of ten.
Comparing himself to his father made him felt like shit. He sighed again. 'Comparison is the killer
of all joy.'
But before he could fight the boss, Aldred had to increase his skill first. He currently had 42 skill
points and 10 stat points. For stat points he put it all on intelligence as it would increase his magic
damage. That bring intelligence at the total of 46.
And for the skills, he upgraded fireball to Lv. 4, Fire bullets to Lv. 4, Fire arrows to Lv. 4, and
Flame Jet to level 3. That consumed all of his skills points.
He stepped forward, reaching out with both palm to push open the door. The gate creaked with a
heavy strain, and thud when it was fully open. The gate open up to an arena at the tip of the
"Where is the boss?" Aldred asked.
"I don't know, man. I just want my fish," Pongo said. "I've been meaning to ask."
"What?" Aldred still looked around.
"You're a ten year old right?"
"Then why are you still drinking breast milk?"
"Is there any laws that says I cannot do that?"
"Fuck. Grow up, man. You wouldn't be a proper man if you keep drinking breast milk."
"Said the talking penguin who had human feces in its stomach."
"Keep my stomach out of your fucking mouth."
"Or what? You gonna throw human feces at me again?" Aldred stared at him.
"Oh you wanna try me?" Pongo stared back.
Something landed on the arena, but both Aldred and Pongo did not realize it.
"Try you? You're you just a little penguin."
"Who you call penguin?"
"You, dumb ass. Find yourself a mirror."
Pongo gritted his beak. He vomited a small human feces, and threw it at Aldred.
Aldred grinned and blasted the feces with fire bullets.
"Fuck!" Pongo aimed with his beak and fired a series of feces at him.
Aldred dodged it easily and blasted a bunch of them. His godly eyes scanned their trajectory, and it
made it easier to dodge all these feces.
"Take this! Pew pew pew."
Three fire bullets struck Pongo in the stomach, which made him winced in pain.
"Fuck you! Imma kill you right now! I am not known as Pongo The Conquerer for my generosity!"
Pongo vomited a slimy and smelly feces.
The beast on the arena roared.
"Shut up!" Pongo throw the feces at it.
It shot forward with great speed, and covered the beast's face with it. Some part of it trickled to the
Only then did they realize the monster had already arrived.


The monster was enraged. How dare did this puny little creature throw shit at it.
[War Torn Ogre]
Level: 29
Power: Dunk master, Penalty kick, Dribble legend.
History: War Torn Ogre was a former professional sport players that play for the lakers, and the
Manchester United. He had talent and fame, alas he was killed by a truck when he was having sex
in his room at the 41 Th floor of the apartment. He was reincarnated as an ogre in a world filled
with 99% hot female, but he also had to fight against alien invasion to protect it. Alas, the alien used
their most powerful weapons— throwing truck from the sky. And once again he was killed and
reincarnated as a dungeon boss.
Aldred was speechless. This War Torn Ogre had the time of his life. First he was a famous sport
player, second he was reincarnated in paradise, but unfortunately, at the end, he became a dungeon
boss that Aldred had to kill.
What a pitiful life…
No fuck that! This guy already live in paradise in two of his lifetime! For all the cultured men out
there, Aldred had to kill this guy. And because this had become a personal matter, he decided to
fight it alone with the exception of Pongo. Actually, the undead were just too weak to fight against
the boss right now.
"Pongo, let's work together to beat this guy."
"Hell no. Let me throw shit at you first."
"Fuck you! I'm going to roast you if you don't comply."
Pongo clicked his tongue. "Fine! You confront it while I stay at the back. I will give you support
whenever possible."
Aldred wanted to eat the penguin right then and there. "Fuck it!" Aldred stared at the beast and
pointed at him. "Come here and fight!"
The War Torn Ogre stood at three meters tall with a large axe in his right hand. He had a pair of tusk
coming out of his mouth, and green skin covered his body. When the boy taunted him, War Torn
was enraged. He roared and charged before leaping supernaturally and raising the axe high.
"Dunk Master!"
"Shit!" Aldred activated Flame Jet and dodged to the side.
The axe landed, cracking the ground and creating a two meter crater.
"Pew pew pew pew pew."
Because Aldred had upgraded his fire bullets to Lv. 4, his rate of fire was similar to that of a
machine gun. The storm of fire bullets flew at the beast, but it's thick skin mitigated most of the
Aldred activated his fire arrows skill. Instead of shooting one by one, Aldred fired three fire arrows
rapidly. The first two arrows deflected off the left shoulder, but the third one penetrated it slightly.
The boss ogre roared in pain. It struck, and Aldred flew to the side, stumbling before he balanced
himself. He took a few steps backward, both hands raised ready to attack. The ogre stared at him
with an aggressive posture. Despite its large size, it moved far nimbler than Aldred expected.
The small wound on the left shoulder was a start. Aldred wanted to focus his attack on that part. He
sent fire arrows trying to enlarge the wound. The ogre ducked, letting the fire arrows zipped above
its head.
It raised the large axe, six feet tall, and swung down, slamming onto Aldred. The boy aimed both
hands to left and the flame jet pushed him off. He rolled on the ground before standing up. Damn
The boss ogre started running at him. Aldred decided to bring the fight closer and approached.
Using his godly eyes, Aldred calculated the speed and trajectory of the axe, and dodged accordingly.
Aldred ducked down as the axe came crashing. He put his palm on the right thigh of the monster
and blasted it with flame jet.
Flame jet was upgraded to level 3, so the range and damage of the jet was strong enough to create a
bigger wound on the monster.
The ogre staggered. Its right leg limping as it took a few steps back.
The War Torn Ogre roared to the sky and forced its broken leg to rush at him. Aldred panicked and
quickly dodged away, but Pongo was standing behind him.
"Penalty Kick!"
The ogre's huge, green leg slammed onto the penguin's tiny, squishy body.
Pongo couldn't even say anything as blood came out of his mouth and then he crashed onto the
gates. The gates were destroyed. Pongo was laying down with his tongue out.
"GOAL!" The ogre roared.
[War Torn Ogre has made a goal. Evolving…]
"Oy, what the fuck!"


The ogre's body swelled. It became larger and larger until it reached five-meter tall. Suddenly, a pair
of green wings ripped itself out from the back of the ogre.
The ogre closed its eyes and took a deep breath. It then stared at Aldred with a hideous grin. "Time
for stage two, bitch."
It grabbed Pongo, and then bounce him up and down to the ground.
"Dribble Legend." The ogre moved much more nimbly as it approached Aldred while dribbling
Pongo with the left hand.
Its movement was so unpredictable. Even with all the calculations done by his godly eyes, his brain
couldn't keep up. In the end, the godly eyes were just a tool. If he did not master how to use it, the
tool would become useless.
It then flapped its wings, and jumped to the sky, raising Pongo high.
"Dunk Master!"
The ogre came crashing down like a meteor. Aldred dodged, but even with that, the force of the
impact was too strong that it blew him away.
The arena cracked. Aldred pushed himself off the ground.
Pongo had both of his eyes rolling inside his brain. Yeah, he was dead for sure.
The ogre sprinted forward. Aldred released fire bullets at him. The ogre leaped to the side, rolled,
and then flipped, shortening the distance between him and Aldred.
"Is this guy a fucking gymnast as well?"
Aldred was about to move away from the monster, but suddenly, its feet thundered the ground,
leaving a mark as it shot forward with shocking speed.
The godly eyes calculated the force and suggested a possible way to survive. Aldred panicked and
followed the instruction without thinking. He pushed his palm to meet the fist, and before both of
them touched, Aldred activated his flame jet, blasting the fist as his face got punched.
Aldred's back dragged on the rough surface for a few meters before he raised his body, trembling in
pain. His whole back was scraped, and it made it hard to stand. But he did. He recalled what Mary
said about the empress. She stood up even when life struck her down.
He had to do it as well. He gave up on his last life, but not this time. This time he had to become
strong enough so whatever life threw at him, he'd take it with open arms.
The ogre eyed him with determination as well. Its right fist was destroyed. Aldred could tell the
ogre must be a man who never gave up. Aldred smiled.
"No matter who is the winner in this fight, let us respect each other."
The ogre nodded. It considered the boy as its peer.
Aldred activated the flame jet on his palm and feet. At level 2, flame jet already allow edhim to
shoot out jet from his feet. He flew to the sky.
The ogre flapped its wings and followed.
They both stared at each other in the air. Then at the same time, they both bolted at each other.
The ogre swung its axe, while Aldred shoot it with flame jet.
They both went past each other and went at it again. The ogre kicked Aldred's stomach. He spat out
blood and gritted his teeth as he aimed. "Fireball. Fireball. Fireball."
Since the fireball was upgraded to level 4, it was larger and more powerful than before. But that was
not it.
The ogre flew to the side, trying to dodge it. But shockingly, the three fireballs followed.
Aldred laughed. He aimed once again. "Target locked. Ready to fire. Firing! Pew pew pew pew pew
Dozens of fireballs shot out of his fingers and chase the ogre.
The ogre was overwhelmed by all the fireballs chasing it. It roared and slashed at one of them. It
exploded, followed by the other fireball, and created a series of explosions in the sky.
Aldred did not want to let any chances go away. A hail of bullets whistled towards the explosion.
The ogre's body came out of the explosion, falling. Its body was tattered with wounds. The wings in
particular were full of holes. It landed on the ground with a loud thud. The axe clanged beside it.
Aldred floated down before deactivating his flame jet. He approached the ogre. "That was a good
The ogre smiled. "I have lost more than a thousand times. I have failed even more. But I keep
going." The ogre looked at Aldred. "I hope you keep fighting as well. No matter your goal. No
matter your dream. Fight for it."

Aldred looked at the ogre and sighed. "I know this is where I should be crying and hugging you, but
you are too hideous. I am sorry."
The ogre laughed. "You're a funny kid. It seems like I got another chance to be reincarnated. Maybe
we can meet again."
"Oh yeah? What will you reincarnate into?"
"It says here I am going to reincarnate as a tree."
"Shit! There's gazzilion of trees in this world, how would I know which one is you?"
The ogre smiled and started to dissipate into light. "May we meet again."
The lights flew to the sky and disappeared.
"Cough cough cough." Pongo woke up and looked around. "Where is that ogre? I am going to kick
his ass for playing me rough."
"You still alive?"
"Why the fuck do you sound disappointed?"
"It's that obvious huh."
"Fuck you!"
Aldred ignored the penguin and looked at the screen.
[You have level up]
[You have level up]
[You have level up]
[You have level up]
[Congratulation you have defeated the boss on the first stage. Obtaining reward…]
[You have received Ruby Mana Crystal (Rare)]
Health Points: 35/60
Level: 30
Titles: Tough Boy
-Fire Manipulation (Click to show the list of skills)
-Strength: 9
-Vitality: 11
-Intelligence: 46
-Dexterity: 4
Stat points: 12
Skill points: 12
[Congratulation. You have entered the Silver Rank. Processing reward…]

[Necromancy undead capacity doubled. Undead capacity: 60]

[Divine Dimension expanded by 100 meters. Time relativity increased: 2 days = 1 hour on the
outside world]
After being satisfied with looking at his status screen, Aldred pulled the Mana Ruby Crystal out of
his inventory.
It was larger than the size of his hand. Of course, since he was still a ten-year-old. But what use
would he have for this crystal?
[Mana Ruby Crystal (Rare) let the user amplify the damage for fire type spell]
'Oh, so with this my fire spells will become stronger?'
[Yes. There are other types of crystals; Sapphire, Diamond, Emerald, Heliodor, Amethyst, Onyx,
and Opal. Each crystal can amplify different elements]
'That's interesting.' Aldred looked at the crystal. 'How do I use it?'
[User must absorb the mana from the crystal and use that mana to cast the spell]
Aldred did as instructed. The crystal glowed then red mist entered his body. He could differentiate
the different types of mana in his body. One was his limitless mana, while the other was much
His eyes glanced at a boulder and decided to use it as a target. Raising his index finger, Aldred cast
a fire arrow. His finger sparked, and then blazed in flame before three powerful flaming arrows shot
towards the boulder with the speed of a bullet. It punctured through the boulder, creating three large
holes with burnt marks.
"Wow." Aldred was impressed by the effect. His normal-looking flame arrows turned into
something so powerful and fierce. He looked at the crystal again. It reminded him of the marbles
that light up The Jovial Harlequin.
"What is that?" Pongo asked, looking at the crystal. He tried to grab it, but Aldred reacted quickly.


"Keep your filthy fish hand away from my crystal."

"Cih." Pongo crossed his arms.
They returned to the real world. One day there was one hour in real life, so when he returned,
everyone was still sleeping tight.
Aldred made himself comfortable in Mary's breast. Mary gently hugged him even though she was
still sleeping. He gave her cheek a kiss and closed his eyes. Pongo made his way and slept in the
The next day.
Mary woke up and looked at him in shock.
Aldred rubbed his eyes still slightly sleepy. "What's wrong, Mary?"
"Aldred, are you at silver rank already?"
Aldred recalled that he had leveled up to level 30 yesterday. He nodded. "Yes." He sunk onto her
breast and slept again. Saliva poured out of his mouth.
Mary couldn't believe her eyes. How did Aldred reach Silver Rank this quick? Only a few weeks
had passed, so how was this possible?
She kept the thought to herself and hugged Aldred close to her body. Her hands moved and caressed
his head softly. Mary recalled her talk with the fairy. She said that the boy would help her take over
the empire. After seeing his progress Mary was convinced.


'The boy will change the empire in the future. I have to protect him at all cost.'
Aldred unconsciously moved his lips and went to her nipple. He sucked in the milk. Mary giggled
as she caressed his head. 'No wonder the fairy said she spoiled you too much. You act like a baby.
But I think you deserved it because you have a great burden on your shoulder.'
Mary thought of the future when Aldred will topple the emperor. 'I hope that day can come.'
Bartrem came a few hours later, shouting to wake the soldiers and brought them to train. Aldred
woke up as well along with Mary. Both of them did not have to train because Mary was a gold rank
while Aldred was a magician, so Bartrem did not force them to train.
Aldred wanted to increase his strength and vitality, so he had always trained with the soldiers. But
today, Mary looked so beautiful. Her smooth and pink nipples lay bare without cover in front of
him. A drop of milk leaked out. Mary looked at him with a smile. Her sky blue eyes were like a
world of wonder. Aldred could stare at them for hours and he wouldn't be bored.
Suddenly, he felt a pain in his gum. He felt sleepy, and his eyes gazed at Mary's neck. Aldred
immediately pounced on her. His fangs grew and penetrated it.
Mary moaned as she held his head. Her cheeks blushed and her big breast trembled. She wiggled
her curvy hips. Aldred's bite tickled her, making her whole body shake uncontrollably. But she did
not feel pain. Only pleasure. Thankfully the soldiers had gone out to train. Though she was fine
with showing her breast, letting other see her moaning was a different thing.
Aldred kept on sucking her blood, making her moan repeatedly. His hand went on her left breast
and squeezed. Milk spewed out.
"Ahh." She hugged Aldred ever tighter.
They kept doing this. Mary felt weak. Her cheeks were still blushing, and she kept moaning
throughout. Her life sapped out as her hand weakly released its hold off Aldred's head.
"Aldred?" An angelic voice called.


Aldred turned around with crazed crimson eyes. His mind was blank, and only his instinct made
him act. He pounced on the woman that came out of nowhere.
Eve raised an eyebrow as Aldred pounced at her in mid-air. The scene was in slow motion for her.
She looked at her boy who had grown mentally strong these past few weeks. Her heart thumped in
pain when she recalled how Aldred fell from the sky. Though she knew where Aldred would fall, it
still worried her to death.
Eve cried with a smile and embraced her son as he fell onto her chest. Aldred bit onto her neck. It
wasn't supposed to be possible, but Eve softened the skin of her neck and let his teeth penetrate it.
He sucked in her blood. She transformed her blood type. If her son drank her pure blood, then he
would die. Eve closed her eyes and hugged him. She caressed his head like she always used to do.
Dina and Mary flinched.
Mary was shocked. Who was this woman?
Eve smiled at her and transmitted the message through her mind. 'I am his mother. The fairy that
you saw that day was my spell. Please be quiet while my son is drinking my blood.'
Mary blinked in confusion but nodded nonetheless.
Aldred felt the sweet taste of the blood and sucked even harder. Eve blushed. Her boy seemed to be
the aggressive type. Even though she had lived for millenniums, she still felt embarrassed and
aroused. The main reason was that this was the first time she got her neck bit and her blood sucked.
Her cheeks turned even redder as Aldred sucked harder. His hand then moved inside her clothes and
pinched her nipple.
Eve closed her eyes and held herself from moaning. Her body trembled. Eventually, she couldn't
hold herself and—
Aldred kept on sucking intensely. Eve let herself moan from the pleasure. The boy kept on sucking
until his sanity returned.
He was surprised and looked at the woman who was hugging him. His eyes filled in tears.
He hugged her and cried. "Waaa! Mom! You finally return. Waaa!"
Eve smiled and patted his head from the back. "Don't cry anymore, Aldred. You're a big boy now
aren't you?"
Aldred heard her. He wanted to be strong. He wanted to stand on his own two feet and not rely on
anyone else. He wanted to be just like Mary, and the empress who would keep on fighting. He
wanted to be a proper man. A proper soldier like Bartrem who would charge forward with bravery,
inspiring everyone to do the same.
He wanted to be all that. He truly wanted it. But…
But he couldn't hold himself and kept on crying on her shoulder. "I am sorry, mother. I want to be
strong, but I cannot. Please let me cry on your shoulder. Please."
Eve's heart melted. After what she did to Aldred, she did not have the heart to force him to release
his hug. And she missed her boy as well. Even though it was a few weeks in this world's time, the
universe where she returned from made it a lot longer. That was because time worked differently in
each universe.
What Aldred felt for a few weeks, she felt it for more than thirty thousand years. Time used to pass
like a fly. A blink and they would pass. But each second she was away from Aldred was another
millennium for her. That was how much she missed her boy.
Tears streaked from Eve's eyes. She shouldn't be spoiling Aldred, but her heart wasn't strong enough
for that. She hugged him tight and cried.
Dina hugged both her mother and her brother. "It's okay to cry, Aldred. A man must be strong. A
man must be great. But whatever a man must become, they are still allowed to show emotion."


Aldred looked at his sister and hugged her as well. "Thank you, sister."
Dina kissed him on the cheek. "I found that quote on page 69 of Fifteen Shade of Gay. Maybe you
should try reading it."
Aldred choked on his own saliva. He coughed a few times. Eve's neck leaked out blood.
"Did I do that?" Aldred asked, feeling bad.
Eve smiled. The blood moved back into the wound before it closed. "It's fine, Aldred. You are still
young, so you cannot control it yet."
"Still, I am sorry, mother."
Eve sighed, smiling. "You can drink my blood anytime, Aldred. You are my son." She caressed his
cheek. Her eyes looked at him with the gaze of a loving mother. Then her expression turned
"There is something I have to tell you."
"What is it, mother?"
"It was intentional."
"What is?"


"You falling from that castle."

"I am sorry, Aldred. I and your father think that our treatment of you will impair your talent and
growth. And so we did what we did."
Aldred looked down, seemingly in thought. Then he looked at them with a bright expression. "I
understand, mother. I know you did it for my own good. I know you have always protected me."
"How did you know?"
"Uhh… I sometimes meet you in my dream." Aldred cleared his throat.
Mary held her laugh. Back when Aldred was traveling with her in the carriage, Aldred had a weird
dream about his mother.
"Anyway," Aldred started. "Where's dad?"
"He's having work oversea," Eve said.
"Huh? What sea?"
"Mom was saying that dad is still working. He's out there in other universe being a villain so the
gods can obtain more worshipers," Dina explained. That was of course half true.


Aldred nodded and did not question it anymore. He did not want to be a nagging baby asking for
mom and dad all the time.
"Also, Aldred," Eve said. "I cannot bring you back to the castl—"
"I know, mom," Aldred said with a smile. "I will find my way back on my own. I am not sad or
angry that you made me fall off the castle. In fact, I am thankful that you did it. I met Mary who
train me and told me stories about how to keep going in life. I met Bartrem who is brave and
inspiring. I met Pharder and Simond who is an ass hole. But they are the challenges that I have to
face. Only when I can face them on my own will I be worthy to return home."
"You grow so fast," Eve said. "I am glad that you understand. In that case, let me breastfeed you
before I leave." She pulled his head and put his mouth on her nipple.
Aldred was surprised, but he didn't want to deny the chance. His mother was beautiful, and so did
her breast. Bigger and smoother than Mary, the quality of her milk was sweet and tasty. The warmth
was also to his liking.
Eve smiled and recalled the day when she breastfeed her son for the first time. They were so happy
and complete. Aldred running around in the castle. Her husband brught them to an exciting
adventure. Dina spoiled Aldred in her room, reading stories with sweets and hot chocolate milk.
But Aldred had to grow up. To do that, he must explore the world on his own.
After a few hours, Aldred stopped sucking her breast and hugged her. "I love you, mom."
"I love you too, Aldred." She hugged him.
Dina hugged them again. "When you return, I will prepare some sweets for you again."
Aldred nodded and kissed her cheek.


Eve put him down and smiled.

They both disappeared immediately.
Aldred turned around and looked at Mary. "What do you think of my family?"
"I think they are wonderful and powerful."
She told the truth. Not just anyone can turn someone into Gold Rank immediately.
Aldred smiled and shook his head. "Let's forget about that. I will meet them again, to do that I must
kill the emperor and take the steering wheel." He slapped himself. "Yosha!"
"By the way, Mary. Do you know something about this?" Aldred pulled out his ruby mana crystal
from his inventory. It glowed beautifully in his palm.
Mary's eyes lit up. "Where did you find that?"
"It's part of my power."
Mary nodded. She understood that Aldred was more to the eye. He had powerful families and a
never-seen-before talent. It was unknown how many secrets he had. She did not have any trouble
with that.
"That is a mana crystal. From the color and shape, I think it's a rare ruby mana crystal." Mary
grabbed something from her pocket. It was the marble-like thing that he had seen in The Jovial
Harlequin. "This is called mana gem." Mary squeezed the marble and it glowed.
"When a mana gem is squeezed it will glow like this."
Aldred nodded. So that was how those marbles in the inn produced light. "Can you tell me all of its
"A mana gem is weaker than the mana crystal. That's because a mana gem is just a small part of a
mana crystal."
"So mana gem is made out of mana crystal?"


"Yes. The function of the mana gem is to absorb and contain mana. For magicians, they can absorb
the mana from the crystal or gem and use it to cast their spell. So whenever a magician ran out of
mana, they can pull out their mana crystal and use the mana within them.
"And they can amplify their spell as well."
"That is correct, but it depends on the crystal. If I remember correctly, ruby crystal empowered fire,
so that crystal suits you perfectly."
"What else?"
"A warrior like me can also use the crystal as a source of energy and power. But unlike a magician, I
can use any type of crystal and I will still be empowered."
"Can it run out of mana?" Aldred asked.
"Of course, it can."
"How do I recharge it?"
"Recharge? Ah, you mean restoring the mana? That's simple. Just stopped using it. It will replenish
the mana by itself. But, the rarer the crystal, the longer it takes to replenish its mana."
"That's very convenient. Why is not everyone has it?"
"Everyone can have mana gem. It's still pricy, but weak. It only strengthened the spell and empower
the body very slightly. And not everyone can have a mana crystal. Especially the crystal in your
hand. You have to be at least at Gold Rank to get one. But even with that, it does not mean you will
surely get it."
"I don't know this thing is so valuable," Aldred said.
"There is even a mana crystal that can increase power and talent very quickly, though I am not sure
what rarity or type."


It was probably the eternal mana crystal that his father had given to the old man that day. Aldred
wondered what happened to the old man's grandson. He must be big, powerful, and healthy right

Pharder kicked Sophia's face before he sat on his bed. He gritted his teeth in anger. "The empress is
sending more of her puppets to my fort. That woman is pissing me off!"
If not because of that woman, that terrible thing shouldn't have happened to him.
Sophia smiled even though she was just kicked in the face. She crawled onto his feet and licked his
toes. "Did you feel good, master?"
Pharder clicked his tongue. He stomped on her head, making her jaw hit the floor. "Don't tickle my
toes, bitch."
He raised his fist and punched her in the face. "It's because of you now I am in a bad mood."
He grabbed her hair and raised her whole body. Her face was filled with bruises, and her whole
body was battered. Pharder threw him to the wall.
Sophia's delicate body slammed against the hard wal. Her back cracked and Sophia trembled in pain
as she pushed herself and crawled to his feet again.
'Master is mad. I have to please him. I have to please him so he will give me love again.'
Sophia held the pain and smiled. She crossed her arms, making her plump breast look bigger.
Slowly, her slender fingers grabbed her dress and revealed more of it. "Do you want it master?"
"You dare to seduce me?" Pharder grabbed her neck, choking her.
She struggled to breathe. She tried to pull the hands away, but Pharder was too strong for her.


"Say the magic word, bitch!"

"Ma—ster, ple—ase ma—ke m—e we—t."
Pharder laughed like a maniac. "I wish I can do the same thing to the empress."

Aldred was training with the soldiers. Mary was doing push-ups in front of him. Her breasts
bounced up and down. Aldred was doing push-ups as well. When her breast went down, he went
down as well. When they went up, he also pushed upward. Her breasts were plump like peaches
with a speck of red blushes. It was so smooth.
"You really like looking at my breasts."
"It motivates me," Aldred said while he intently stared at her breast.
"If you can do one thousand push up, I will let you play around with it," Mary said.
Aldred took a deep breath and started pushing up and down much quicker. He felt the strain on his
arms growing heavy. His stamina went weak, and his head even turned dizzy. But he kept going.
Anything he would do to play around with her bre— to have some fun with Mary
"Muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda. Huryaaaaa!!!"
Mary blinked when she saw Aldred being so motivated. She had always let Aldred drink her milk
and play around with her breast, so she thought he would not be so motivated.


That was true. Aldred indeed could play and suck her milk whenever he wanted, but he sometimes
felt bad for it. It was a different thing when Mary gave it as a reward, and that was why he became
so motivated.
Alder kept on going up and down to the point it shook the earth. His mind was filled with the fire of
determination. And then, accidentally, he activated his flame jet and flew towards the sky.
Even so, he still did not care. He did the push-up in mid-air. "Four hundred sixty-three. Oraaa! I can
do it!!!"
Health Points: 70/70
Level: 30
Titles: Tough Boy
-Fire Manipulation (Click to show the list of skills)
-Strength: 11
-Vitality: 14
-Intelligence: 46
-Dexterity: 6
Stat points: 12
Skill points: 12
After training for a few days, his vitality, dexterity, and strength increased by two points. It wasn't
that much, but he'd take it.
Aldred put away his status panel and looked at the blue sky. His comrades were currently training as
usual along with Bartrem and Mary. Joseph and Jeffery focused on their technique. They had found
out that technique was much more important than strength. In some way, that was actually true,
because a technique was essentially a way to use the strength of the body. If they couldn't properly
use their strength, then they'd be defeated in every battle.
The other soldiers knew this and they did what they never expected they would do; asking Aldred
for advice. Aldred was just a boy with magic power, so he wasn't the warrior type, yet Joseph and
Jeffery improved so much. When they were asked how they improved, they said it was because of
Pongo also asked him. "Pongo pongo pongo."
The boy ignored the penguin which made him really mad.
"Aldred, can you tell me what's wrong with my posture?" a soldier said.
"Sure. Show me your moves."


The soldier stepped forward and swung. Aldred's godly eyes scanned for possible improvement and
even detected some blind spots and how the enemy could counter it.
"You aren't using enough leverage. When you swing, put one of your feet in the direction you are
about to swing, and make sure you use the waist as well. And I saw it earlier that while you were
attacking, your left waist is wide open for retaliation, so make sure your enemy couldn't hit that
before you swing."
The soldier listened to his explanation and followed his instruction. "Put one foot in the direction of
the swing. Use the waist."
Aldred nodded. "That's better, but you need to do it faster now."
The soldier did and the wind was sliced by his sword. "Wow. I don't know I have this power in me."
"Everyone has a great power inside them. We just have to know how to bring it out."
Mary looked at the boy with a smile. She flicked his forehead. "You talk like an old man."
The other soldiers asked for Aldred's help. The boy was happy to help. After all, all of them were
his comrades. They'd been fighting together a bunch of times now. It was unknown how many times
they saved his butt during battle.
Joseph and Jeffery wanted to ask Aldred for advice as well. They asked whether they could do more
to improve their technique. Aldred analyzed their movement and told them how to improve it even
more. He even made an exercise plan so they could improve their balance. Aldred did not know this
before, but apparently, balance training was very important. The armor and sword were quite heavy,
and it was hard to fight with proper balance with all the weights bearing on them. One way to solve
it was through strength training, but relying on strength wasn't good enough. It had to be
complemented by balance. If their balance improved, they could use more strength to put the enemy
Bartrem looked at the boy, astonished at how he could point out so many precise mistakes. Even
though Bartrem was a knight he couldn't tell the other soldiers what they did wrong because
everybody was different. Body stature, height, and weight affected the performance of a soldier.
Bartrem learned through practice and experience, no one really taught him anything because he was
an orphan. Same with his men. All of them were the son of peasants, shoemakers, or slaves. Unlike
other soldiers, they did not have Knight as a father. So they couldn't really ask anyone for pointers.
After practicing their technique for a few hours, the morning sun started to rise. The fresh air
became warm.
"It's noon, now," Bartrem said. "Time for a jog."
With armor clanging against the sword hanging on their waist, the soldiers jogged to the north.
Mary's breast jiggled as she ran beside Aldred. She wore a blue bra today. Wonderful.
As they passed the road, Juhel walked with a basket and a spear in hand. Aldred smiled and waved
at him. Juhel smiled and waved back.
"Got any fish today?" Aldred asked while he jogged.
"Yeah. I got a lot!" Juhel said.
"Nice! We will come to the river later! Let's fish together again!"
"Sure! I will be waiting!"
Aldred turned forward with a smile.
A group of females was training in the field. A woman with a petite body in her twenties noticed
Aldred and waved. Her long blue hair swayed as she smiled at him.


"Hi, Mareona!" He waved, still jogging.
Mareona giggled. "Let's have a date again, okay?!"
"Sure! We will go spearfishing later!"
"Count me in! I'll bring the girls with me."
His comrades shook in excitement.
"Hey, Aldred," a soldier asked. "Introduce us to the girls, would you?"
"Eh, why?"
"What do you mean why? Look. All of them are beautiful. We are men too, you know."
"No. All of them are mine."
The soldiers looked at him weirdly.
"I am joking of course."
They arrived at the north gate and passed by the farmland.
"Hey, Bernard! Is your stomach fine?" Aldred asked.
Bernard was planting seeds before he heard his voice and said with a bright smile. "I am fine!
Thank you for the other day! My son said he met you!"
"Yeah! He's really good at spearfishing!"
Bernard laughed. "He said you learn very quick!"
"Well, I am known as the smarted kid in the army."
Both of them laughed because both of them know he was the only kid in the army.
That was funny and sad at the same time.
An old lady stopped by the road in front of them. He brought a basket filled with some sort of
potatoes. "Young, Aldred. Thank you for fixing my back the other day. Here take this basket and
share it with your friends."

Aldred took the basket politely and bowed his head. "Thank you, lady Tamaca. Have anyone said
that you look beautiful and young today?"
The old lady blushed and flicked his hand. "You're such a flirt for a young boy. I am sure a lot of
women like you."
"Well, I am the most handsome kid in the army."
He talked some more with the old lady, and asked how her back was and how her sick husband was
"Oh, he's in great condition ever since I told him to drink filtered water. I'd love to talk with you
more, but I don't want to take your time. Go. Go and train."
Aldred smiled. "Thanks again, Tamaca."
The other farmer also looked at him and waved.
"Hey, Aldred. Thank you for the help that day!"
"Young Aldred! Thank you! My hand feels much better now!"
"Young boy! I have a lonely daughter at home, why don't you come and visit?"
"I have a sister you can play around with!"
"I have a wife you can finger."
"Bro… not cool."
"Right… That was supposed to be a joke."
Aldred laughed it off and kept jogging. He was so happy that these farmers could go on their day
with a bright smile on their faces. He was glad that he could help them. Looking at his hands,
Aldred realized that his power was better used for helping people.
Bernard, Tamaca, Mareona, Bartrem, Joseph, Jeffery, and everyone else was just like him;
unwanted and oppressed. He wanted to blame it all on the so-called society, but society was run by
people, so it was the people in charge that he should blame.
When they return to the barrack for strength training, Bartrem noticed something. "Aldred, you're
already at Silver Rank?"
The other soldiers looked at him as well. Aldred nodded. Their gaze lit up.
"Congratulation, Aldred."
All of them congratulated him. Joseph and Jeffery came and said their thanks again.
"Without you, both of us will still be a burden," Joseph said. "Thank you for that, Aldred."


"Don't mention it. I am happy to help you all."

They all smiled and were grateful that Aldred was here. At first, they pitied him because he was a
young boy that was forced to go to war. War wasn't a walk in the park. They had been here for a few
years, and they were still afraid every time they went to a battle. But now, they admired and
respected him.
The next day.
The morning sun gave a refreshing soft light, removing the chill and warming his skin. Aldred wore
his brown tunic shirt and trouser. His comrades wore their armor and came out of the barrack to
As usual, they trained first thing in the morning before hunting for fish just like yesterday. He had
fun the day before with Juhel, Mary, and Mareona, catching a lot of fish and splashing water at each
Maybe they'd do it again later.
Or not.
"Men, gather around," Bartrem ordered. The soldiers stopped their training and ran to the Knight.
Bartrem wore his thick Knight armor. Aldred almost never saw him take it off.
"We have a mission," Bartrem said. "The scouts told us that a small enemy caravan is passing the
south side of the Melanian forest. Our mission is to intercept this caravan."
"Pongo pongo pongo?"
"What did he say?" Bartrem asked.
"Is the other platoon going to join us?" Aldred asked.
"How did you even understand that?"
Aldred shrugged.
Bartrem shrugged as well. "No. We are the only platoon that will move in this operation. The plan is
simple. We wait in the forest, and when the caravan arrives, we attack it from behind. Do all of you
"Yes, sir!"
"We will leave immediately," Bartrem said. "Make sure to bring everything you might need."
Aldred checked his water bag on his waist and tapped it a few times to make sure it was filled. He
tapped his left waist and it knocked against his first-aid box. He opened it and grabbed a bandage
and a small container before putting it back again. The small container had a cream to relieve pain.
There were other creams as well, unlike before, the creams were legit because Aldred and Bartrem
had tested them before.
"Be careful out there, Aldred," Mary said with a smile. She was sad that she couldn't go and protect
Aldred directly.


Aldred nodded. "I will, Mary. Don't worry about me. I will return with the other without a wound."
He laughed with confidence.
Pressure Platoon II set off to the south. Aldred waved and said his goodbye to Mary. He did not see
Mareona or Juhel on the way. That was normal because they were at the north of the fort.
Aldred approached Bartrem. "Sir, who do you think is the enemy?"
"Montcresia. Who else is our enemy?"
"I mean. Why would a small caravan enter our border?"
"It's probably for espionage missions. They send a lot of spies to our empire over the year. We send
ours as well. With both sides knowing and seeing everything, it is hard to attack with full force.
Since everyone knew everything, they can fight with the same amount of force as well."
Aldred looked forward. That made a lot of sense. Ceraisian Empire and Montcresia Holy State had
been at war since he was a baby, and yet their border didn't even change.
They arrived at the forest, but they went further south and when they saw an expansive grassy plain,
they laid low, using the dried leaves as cover.
"Aldred," Bartrem said. "When I told you to attack, throw your fire fist at the enemy. After that, the
rest of us will attack."
"Yes, sir," Aldred replied.
Aldred and the rest waited. Looking from above, they'd only see an uneven yet natural pile of
leaves, but under it were the soldiers, already pulling out their swords.

Mira Belle rode atop the carriage with a wooden roof that shaded her from the sun. She put her
glistening gold Staff of Hope on her lap and untied her blonde hair. Her graceful wavy hair fell
down to her back like a golden waterfall. She took a mirror and saw her deep green eyes, petite
face, and smooth skin.
She put the mirror down and fixed her black and white clothes.
"Sister Mira," a soldier called bowing his head. He did not dare to look at her, because, unlike other
nuns, Sister Mira wore much more revealing clothing. He feared that he'd sinned for feasting his
eyes upon her. And maybe this was also a test given by her to their unit. She was a famous
rassaphore after all, known for her compassion and strict teaching of the Foido gospel.
"How can I help you, Andrew?" She said with the softest of voice he ever heard in his life. It was
very contrasted to his loud and nagging wife at home. If he could listen to her voice every day,
that'd be a bliss for him. And the fact that she remember his name confirmed the rumor about her.
She treated each individual as of the highest importance, not giving judging eyes before she knew
the person more deeply.
In front of a such person, how could he not be pressured to act like a pure obedient boy.


Andrew knelt on both knees and put his forehead on the floor of the carriage. "I apologize sister! I
have sinned!"
The carriage was still moving along with other carriages beside it, but there was only Andrew and
sister Mira there. That was why he dare to confess his sin to her.
Mira still had a smile on her face. Andrew immediately put his gaze on the floor again. His heart
beat nervously. He was afraid. Yet he regretted nothing.
"Tell me. I wouldn't know if you don't tell me yet."
Andrew took a deep breath. "Sister," he started. "I have a wife and two kids at home. I should be a
loyal husband, and shan't look at other women, but when I set my gaze upon you, sister, my heart
was tempted. I have sinned, sister. Please punish me."
Mira smiled and chuckled. "You have done nothing wrong, Andrew."
She grabbed his chin and looked at him closely. His heart beat again. Butterfly flying in his
stomach. Andrew blushed as he looked at her exquisite body.
"Feelings and emotion cannot be controlled." She caressed his cheek. "Hatred, temptation, jealousy,
greed, and anger is out of your control, Andrew. They are simply a test given by the gods. It is only
when you act upon those emotions have you truly sinned."
She pressed her breast and smiled at him. "Tell me what you feel right now."
"I feel hard and tempted, sister. My mind keeps telling me to pounce and ravaged your clothes," he
said with deep honesty, though he felt a tinge of shame doing it.
"There is no shame in honesty," Mira said. "Honesty is bravery. Bravery to face the truth."
She turned around and walked a few steps forward. Andrew could see her plump butt on her tight
clothes. He blushed even more. His manhood hardened.
"You told me that you are tempted. But why did you not act upon it?"
"Because it's wrong, sister. Because it is a sin to act upon these emotions."
Mira smiled. "That is true. In life, you will always be tempted by these emotions. They're like
demons inside your head and heart, relentlessly beckoning you to join their side, what's worse is
that it only takes one step into the abyss, and you will never return."
"How do I strengthen my conviction, sister? Please help me."
"Like everything else, you can train your mind and heart."


"How do I train them, sister?"

"By staring at the abyss." Mira grabbed her clothes and showed her breasts. "Look at me, Andrew."
Andrew trembled. His manhood hardened even more. His face reddened. Her voluptuous body was
very tempting. Saliva trickled from his mouth. He wanted it. He wanted to have her.
"Keep looking at me, but don't fall for the temptation. Others might tell you not to listen to the
demons, but I want you to listen. Open your ears and listen to them. Now turn those whispers into
music. Show them that you are not disturbed. Show them your heart and mind can turn into steel in
the face of the enemy and turn soft and weak in the embrace of your family."
Andrew shook his head and closed his eyes.
"Open your eyes, Andrew!" Mira approached.
Andrew trembled even more. "Sister, please, enough."
"No, Andrew. Keep staring. This is your test."
Mira grabbed his head and opened his eyes with her fingers.
Andrew was forced to look at her pink nipples. His mouth salivates even more. "Sister, please."
"You will face an even greater temptation in the future, Andrew. Be brave and face it."
Her pink nipples approached his lips. Andrew's breath became heavy. It took all his willpower to
stop himself from moving and grabbed her breast before raping her. But he held it. This was a test.
He had to pass it.
After a few minutes, Mira stood up and stepped back. "You've passed, Andrew."
Andrew let out a breath and fell to the floor. His chest still thumping hard and quick.
Mira wore her clothes. "Many people out there still felt by their temptation thinking that it was
normal. Say, Andrew. Don't you think the world will be better if everyone knows how to control
their emotion?"
Mira continued: "Imagine, Andrew. Your son and daughter walking in the alley at night, but nothing
happens. An old lady walking with her valuables, but no one tried to steal them. A beautiful woman
in a vulnerable situation, but no one takes advantage of her. Or riches of great value yet no one does
corruption. Wouldn't be better if we first think about the consequence of our action before the
benefit it can bring to us? I dreamed of that world for so long, Andrew. I dream it every night. And I
kept praying and hoping that the world I imagine will come to be. Years passed and that is when I
realize that the world will not change by itself."
She turned and looked at him. "I took it upon myself to change the world. All violence in the world
must end before my own life."


Suddenly, they heard a crashing sound and a burst of flames.

"At arms! We are under attack!"
Aldred absorbed the mana within the ruby crystal. He stared at the caravan ahead and punched.
"Fire Fist."
A fire the shape of a fist shot forward, then it enlarged, blazing with huge, violent flame before
engulfing four carriages at once. The flames blazed to the sky, burning the grass and plants around
"Attack!" Bartrem jumped out of the leaves and charged forward. Joseph, Jeffery, and the other
soldiers charged as well.
"Pongo!" Pongo the penguin raised his baguette and charged at the enemy. His eyes were as fierce
as an eagle looking for prey.
There were fourteen carriages at first, now there were only ten left. Aldred summoned his undead.
Currently, he only had twenty-nine undead, most of them were humans. His undead capacity was
sixty, so he wanted to increase that number during this battle.
Archers came out of the carriages and fired arrows at them. Just like last time, Aldred deflected all
of them with an even greater speed and precision. His skills had leveled up which increase the
velocity and the rate of fire his skill had.
Currently, his fire bullets skill was at the speed of a submachine gun. If he levels it up again, could
it reach the speed of a mini gun? Aldred hoped it could go even faster than that.
Bartrem and his men charged under the rain of broken arrows. There were around sixty enemies.
Fifteen of them were archers. And six of them were water magician.
A huge blob of water floated in the sky. It burst into icicles and rained at the army. Aldred gritted his
teeth as he fired even quicker. The icicles were much faster than the arrows, so it was much harder
to deflect.
An icicle stabbed Joseph's shoulder. He gritted his teeth and cursed under his breath. "We have to be
quicker or we need something to distract them."
"I can do that!" Aldred said. His fingers shot three fire arrows in quick succession into the sky. The
enemy was shocked. The water magicians stopped their offensive spells and started chanting a
defensive spell. A blob of water turned into a wall that blocked his arrows.
Aldred snorted. "I will fly around to distract them."
He activated jet flame on his feet and hand, streaking into the sky. When he was high enough, he
sprayed fire bullets at the enemy. They retaliated with arrows. Aldred laughed. That was his
intention. Now, Bartrem and the others did not have to face the long-range attack.
Bartrem arrived and fought against the infantry unit. As a Knight of Pressure Platoon II, he was
used to breaching against strong and tight formations, but the enemy he fought today was
disoriented and unprepared for their attack. Together with his men, he swung his large swords,
killing three men at once.
Joseph moved in from beside him, like a snapping snake, his sword struck precisely at the man's
neck. Jeffery came in, slamming his sword with powerful momentum, throwing them to the side
with a broken waist and shoulders.
Aldred locked his eyes at the fifteen archers. Fireballs came out of his fingers and crashed against
the water screen before disappearing. He sighed. 'I guess I have to use the crystal again.'
He absorbed the mana from the crystal and summoned a larger and fiercer fireball. It stood on top
of his index finger above his head. Aldred smiled and looked at the enemy below. "Sunshine!"
The archers and magicians below stared with widened eyes. "Impossible. How could this boy
conjure such as powerful fire ball?"
"He has a mana crystal in his hand."
"Fuck! We cannot survive that."
"Sister Mira is here. We have to defend it no matter what."
The fireball flew down, crashed against the screen of water, and then exploded. The screen of water
shattered. And then it was followed by a storm of bullets. After making sure all of them were dead,
Aldred aimed at the enemy infantry troops. And attacked them.
Suddenly, another caravan came from behind. It was larger than the first.
"Our reinforcement came!" the enemy soldier shouted!
The soldiers hopped out of their carriages and roared. They raised their swords as they ran towards
Bartrem and the others.
Pressure Platoon II was sandwiched between two sides. Bartrem ordered the back line to fight the
reinforcement unit while he tried to quickly kill the enemy at the front. Aldred helped. He shot fire
arrows, fireballs, and fire bullets at the enemy. He did not use fire javelins because that was only
useful for penetrating thick armor. And Flame Fist was an area of damage spell, he was afraid that
his allies might get hit as well.
Eventually, the enemy at the front was all dead, and Bartrem rushed to the back. Aldred flew
towards the back as well. With Bartrem reinforcing the line, the back became the front now. Pongo
and the undeads fought valiantly. The reinforcement unit was at least seventy men with a knight
leading the charge. He fought Bartrem to a standstill.
A group of soldiers with open chest shirts stomped the ground. The ground below their feet abruptly
raised high.
"Earth magicians?"
The ground pushed them into the air. The six of them formed rock vambraces on their arms and
punched at him. Aldred easily dodged the attack. War Torn Ogre was much faster than them. With
that experience, dodging their attack was very easy.
But surprisingly, the ground below him shot upward and knocked his chin. Blood came out of his
mouth, and his flight became unstable. Aldred quickly stabilized himself, but the magician did not
give him any chances. They hopped on the ground, and a skateboard without wheels formed under
their feet. They surfed the ground like they were surfing on the ocean, and chased after him.
"Shit!" Aldred sent them a storm of fire arrows. A wall of rocks formed in front of them, blocking
all the projectiles.


"These earth magicians are more troublesome than the water ones."
"Fire javelin!"
A long javelin made out of flame shot out of his palm and they zipped through the wall of rock,
stabbing through the chest of the magician.
[EXP +1015]
"Got you! Hahaha!"
The five earth magicians became warier and they started to work together. Whenever Aldred threw
a fire javelin at them, they'd stopped and thickened their rock wall. It was quite effective since
Aldred couldn't kill them after a few hours of battle.
Aldred felt the battle drag out for too long. He had to use the crystal. He grabbed the ruby crystal
and absorbed the mana within it. Red mist entered his arms, but then it stopped and the crystal
"What?" He inspected the crystal and realized it had run out of mana already. "This is worse than an
iPhone's battery capacity."
If not for Mary telling him the value of the crystal the day before, he might have thrown it away.
He stared at the five earth magician. They were chasing him with their rock skateboards, surfing on
the ground. That was actually very cool. He had to learn them someday. But for now, he had to
finish them off.
One glaring advantage Aldred had over other magicians was his mana. Unlike other magicians, his
mana was unlimited.
With that in mind, he rushed toward one of the magicians and threw fire javelins at him. The man
cast a wall of rock, but the javelin kept on coming and destroyed it. Aldred immediately sprayed
him with fire bullets, killing the man.
[EXP +1015]
Four left. Aldred increased the power of his jet, making him speed up, and arrived right in front of
another enemy. The enemy flinched but quickly conjured his earth shield. Aldred smiled and put his
palm on the shield.
"Flame Jet!"
A jet of flame penetrated through the rock and blasted the man's chest.
[EXP +1015]
'Three to go'
Then suddenly something happened. The three earth magicians hopped into the air. A large rock
bulged under their feet, and quickly they used it as a surfboard while it moved towards him like a
gigantic bull.
The earth magicians created a large wall of rocks in their path. Suddenly, the walls expanded
upward and enclosed Aldred before he could fly out. Only some lights entering through the gaps on
the rocks let him see the place around him.
Aldred frowned. He heard the sounds of rocks scraping against each other. That was when a volley
of rocks came at his face. Aldred turned his body to dodge. But more rocks came from all
Aldred fired flame jet at the rocks to destroy them, but there were too many of them. One rock hit
his stomach, making him fall to the ground.
The earth magicians rushed at him with their surfboards and buried him in rocks.
Aldred blasted the rocks to free himself with a flame jet, but another volley of rocks was already
flying at his face. He was thrown a few meters because of the impact.
The three magicians lifted three large boulders into the air. Aldred could only watch as they came
crashing down at him.
The three magicians approached the boulders and lifted them back into the air, but they saw
nothing. Suddenly, Aldred came out of thin air at the same spot and sprayed fire bullets at them.
"Take this sucker!" His feet shoot out flame jet, pushing him into an earth magician. Aldred quickly
blasted his head, before firing a few javelins at the others, destroying their rock shields.
[EXP +1015]
He punched out a fire fist that enlarged and covered their whole sight with flames. But that was
merely a distraction, Aldred flew to the sky and landed behind their back before penetrating their
body with a fire javelin.
Both magicians fell with a thud.
[EXP +1015]


[EXP +1015]
Aldred breathed in and out because of exhaustion. The six earth magicians were really good at
fighting. And according to his analysis, they were at least at level 29. That meant they almost
reached the Silver Rank.
That was why they were so hard to fight.
He was so exhausted. The battle earlier nearly took his life. Luckily, he could enter the Divine
Dimension to avoid the boulders, but there was a limit to this ability.
[You cannot enter the Divine Dimension. Duration: 23 hour 59 minutes]
Aldred took a deep breath, flew into the air, and blasted through the rock sphere. He had to help his
allies. When he came, he saw his comrades were in a hard battle. The enemy had larger numbers,
and they were already exhausted after ambushing the first caravan.
He was tired as well, but he had to do something. And he did what he did best; He sprayed the
enemy with fire bullets from above. He was like an attack helicopter that rained bullets upon the
ancient soldiers.
With a surprise attack from another Silver Rank, the enemy knight ordered his men to retreat.
Aldred did not let that happen. He flew behind the man and fired a flame jet at his face.
The enemy knight dodged and rolled away.
"Good job, Aldred. Let's take out this knight together."
"Pongo!" Pongo stepped beside them, staring fiercely at the knight as he held tight the baguette in
his hand.
"Fuck! Why did you bring bread as a weapon?"
"Pongo pongo (My bread, my rules!)"
"I am going to cook you after this battle."
The two— the three of them rushed at the enemy knight. Bartrem ran with power and vigor as
usual. He clashed swords against the man, while Aldred sneaked from the side and send a storm of
fire bullets at close range.
Numerous holes in the armor leaked out blood. The Knight stepped back and was about to run
But something came from the sky. It arched through the air and slammed a bread on the man's head.
The man fell to the ground, unconscious.
"I can't believe I would say this, but good job, Pongo."
Pongo hit his chest as he squeaked proudly. "Pongo pongo pongo (You guys cannot do anything
without me)"
Aldred took a deep breath to contain his anger. He walked to the knight and blasted his head.
[EXP +1200]
[You have level up]
Looking at the Silver Rank enemy on the ground, Aldred thought about making him an undead.
Dark shadows engulfed the knight, and then a human undead stepped out.
"It worked."
Bartrem widened his eyes. "You can make a Silver Rank become your undead that easily?"
"How does it work usually?"
"I am not sure. I never see a necromancer at work personally."
Aldred nodded. Maybe the necromancer in this world worked differently than his power. "I am
going to fly to check if there is any survivor." Aldred flew to the sky. His comrades were cleaning
up the retreating enemy. It seemed the opposition did not have any chances against his comrades.
But then he noticed a soldier and a woman sneakily running into the forest.
"Hell no, you won't get away." Aldred flew above them as they were about to enter the forest.


Aldred landed in front of them, one fist on the ground. He tilted his head upward, looking at them.
"I am… iron dude."
Andrew brandished his sword and stepped over the woman who was in very revealing clothes.
"Are you a nun?" Aldred asked.
"Sister, Mira. Please run into the forest and hide. I will buy time for you."
"No." She walked forward and looked at the boy. "This boy is stronger than you. There is no need to
sacrifice any more life for me."
Bartrem and his troops came.
"Good job catching up to them, Aldred," Bartrem said. "Now, close your eyes. I will try to make it
less painful."
"I come in peace," Mira said. "Please stop your violence act."
Bartrem thrust his sword through Andrew's heart. Mira looked at the man with widened eyes. "I said
no violence! Why did you kill him when we are obviously surrendering?"
"Simple. You are spies. Of course, you will surrender yourself to us, that way you can gain
information that you can give to your ally. We have been at war for years, why do you look so
"I am surprised at how easy you can take someone else's life. Those people you kill are father, son,
and brothers of a family."
Bartrem clicked his tongue and scratched his head. "Are you a nun?"
"Yes, I am."
"That explains it."
"What do you mean by that?"
"Nothing. Ahh, this is difficult. We are not supposed to kill a nun. And you are not supposed to be at
our border. At least without your bishops or whatever they are called."
Aldred was surprised. He thought this medieval world did not have any morality such as not killing
a nun. "So what do we do now?"
Bartrem sighed heavily. "We cannot kill her, but we cannot send her back either."
"Why is that?"
Bartrem pulled Aldred a distance away from the nun to prevent her from listening. "We cannot kill
the nun, because the heroes will rampage our border. And if we return her, our political enemy will
say that we are a traitor and use that chance to pull out the empress' influence from many places."
"Who are these heroes?"
"The heroes are powerful magical warriors that have received the blessing of the god."
"Magical warrior?"
Bartrem nodded. "They can use martial arts and magic. They are very good at it as well. If you are
the same rank as them, you will not likely win the battle."
"How do you know our political enemy will call us a traitor if we return the nun?"
"That's because the empress had done it before. The reason why she has fingers everywhere was
because of that one mistake the emperor's camp made. If we do the same thing, the empress'
influence will deteriorate." Bartrem felt like he shouldn't explain this to a ten-year-old, but he was
afraid that Aldred would keep asking questions. If that happened, Pharder's men might hear them
and report it to him.
"So we will hide her?"
"Yes. Not only from the enemies, but from our allies as well. The enemy will investigate this place
later, and they will not see the nun's body. They will speculate that she ran away, because last time
we return the nun immediately."
"Will it be that simple?"
"Absolutely not. This is just speculation. Who knows what the investigator will think. Maybe they'd
know that we keep the nun hostage, but as long as we don't ask for ransom and no one else knew
about the nun, we can be safe."
Aldred scratched his head. "This is very complicated."
"That is why I said this will be difficult. Now how do we hide her from the army?"


"Why don't we disguise her as our mage? Pharder hates women right? He wouldn't care if she
became our mage."
"How do you know she's a mage?" generally, a nun was someone who did not have any talent in
magic. They spend the majority of their time doing… nun stuff.
"I have good eyes." He also knew that the nun did not wear any underwear, but he did not need to
tell Bartrem that.
Because Pressure Platoon II was attacked in two different directions, their firepower was split,
resulting in many wounded soldiers. None died, but almost half of his comrades were terribly
Aldred, Bartrem, Joseph, Jeffery, and the others were tending to their comrades' wounds. Smearing
cream to relieve the pain before wrapping it with bandages. Throughout the process, the soldiers
kept a stone-cold faces. In the military, you had to prevent yourself from whining or you'd be seen
as cowards.
Especially about pain. Being a soldier involved a lot of pain and suffering more than any other
Aldred finished wrapping up the bandages, but some of his comrades had larger wounds and were
hard to be tended to.
Blood trickled like a stream. They did not show it in their expressions, but their pale skins, sleepy
eyes, and weak limbs were apparent.
"Sir," Aldred called. "I don't think they can return with their condition."
Bartrem nodded in understanding. His men currently had their armors wrecked and tattered. The
distance from here to the fort was around 45 miles. They would die if he make them walk that far.
"For those who are not fatally wounded, drop your armor and carry your comrades."
The soldiers obeyed immediately. They would never leave their allies, after all, they had gone
through so many things together. Armor started falling to the rough dirt with a thud. The fatally
wounded soldiers looked at them with a guilty expression.
It wasn't their fault that they were wounded, still, burdening their friend made them feel terrible.
His comrades picked them up and carried them over the back.
"So what do we do about her?" Aldred asked, pointing at the nun.
Bartrem told his men to handle her, and they tied her hands and legs.
"You do not need to tie me," she said. "I will do you no harm."
"And you expect us to believe that? You might think you are some kind of pure, kind nun, but in my
eyes, you are the enemy."
Mira grimaced. "You poor soul. Becoming bitter because the world brings you down. Tell me. What
has it done to you?"


Bartrem shook his head. "Your preach or gospel won't work on me. March."
The nun kept her silent as the soldiers tied a stick to her back. They then lifted her up on their
shoulder; two soldiers lift her up with each end of the stick on their shoulders.
The wounded soldiers started to have trouble breathing. Their skins turned even paler. They didn't
even feel the pain anymore. It was cold.
"I can help you. Let me heal their wound," Mira said.
"Why would you do that for us?" Bartrem asked, narrowing his eyes.
"Trust me. I mean no harm."
"Sir, I think we should give her a chance."
"You don't have to call me sir anymore, Aldred. You are a Silver Rank."
Aldred nodded. "I think we can let her heal our comrades. If she tries something fishy, I will blast
her head myself."
The nun sighed. "You are suspicious of me because of my identity."
"That is obvious," Aldred said. "I know I am not supposed to assume what will you do, but
suspicion is what keeps people alive. Put down your guard, and people will take advantage of you
"Is that what the world did to you?"
Aldred looked at her for a few seconds. "Yes. I learned from my mistake and realize that only when
there is a consequence will people not try doing anything bad to me. Now heal my friends, but if
you try something else, believe me, that you won't even feel the consequence."
In other words; Instant death.
"I don't think this is a wise move, Aldred. I don't know anything about magic, but I know they are
very tricky. Who knows what will happen if we let her do what she wants."


That was true. Taking the risk for himself was fine, but was it okay for him to make the decision
that risked the life of his comrades? Not in the slightest.
Aldred nodded. "Then we should let the soldiers decide."
Bartrem nodded and asked all of them. They all did not accept. It seemed the hatred between
Montcresia and Ceraisian was quite strong. The soldiers looked like they were at the end of the rope
right now yet they still refused her help.
After a few hours, some of the fatally wounded soldiers couldn't hold it anymore and drew their last
"Sir!" The soldier who brought them called out in panic.
Bartrem approached and checked their condition one by one. Aldred followed along with Pongo.
"They died," Bartrem said. He saw the other fatally wounded soldiers were also on their last leg. If
they didn't arrive soon, they'd be dead.
"I am telling you. I can help," The nun said.
The soldiers refused again.
Mira wasn't even mad, but sad instead. The hatred and suspicion within their heart were too strong
that they became afraid of receiving her help. She understood them. They might be betrayed a lot of
times in life. She had met people like them. They trust nobody but themselves and they became
self-centered because everybody was outside their world.
The soldiers here had some exceptions. From what Mira saw, the soldiers trusted their comrades
with their life, but they won't listen to anyone else. For them, the platoon was their home and their
world; a place where they could relax and believe that everything would be fine.
They continued their journey. This time, they were in a hurry. They did not run, because that would
tire them out, but they walked faster than before. The dead soldiers still lay on their backs. They
deserved to be buried with honor near the fort.
Not long after, they arrived at the fort. The soldiers smiled, thinking that they could save their
friends. They were half correct as twenty people died immediately.
In total, twenty-seven people died during their march. That left the platoon with only twenty-three
people. That saddened the entire platoon, as they lay the wounded and deceased soldiers on the
Mira gritted her teeth. A thin stream of water circled her and cut the rope. She rushed at the
wounded soldiers who were still alive. Water flowed around her and then washed over the wounded.


"Stop her!"
Joseph and Jeffery slashed at her neck and waist, but Aldred came from the side and blasted their
swords to the sky.
"Wait!" Aldred shouted. "Look" He pointed at the soldiers.
Their pale skins turned healthy, and the wounds on their waist, shoulders, abdomen, and legs were
healed. Their breathing turned to normal.
Mira looked at them. "This is my power; Holy Water. I told you many times that I can help you, but
none of you listen."
They all looked at her with complicated expressions. But Mira felt the suspicion in their heart
strengthened instead. She sighed. She had seen this many times in her endeavor to spread
compassion and kindness to the world. Many thought that the goodwill of others always came with
a price.
She knew what they thought about her without even asking. They must be thinking that she did all
this to gain their trust, so she could obtain information from them. Just like what Bartrem had said
Bartrem ordered his men to bury the dead. He turned to look at the nun. "Joseph, Jeffery, look after
this nun."
He followed his men as they bring their deceased comrades to the Memorial Mountain. The
mountain was located east from the fort.
When Aldred arrived, he saw other soldiers from other platoons.
They moved their hands and talked with empty air. They even laughed and said goodbye like they
were talking to a friend in front of the gravestones. Some men just stood up seemingly in a daze,
and there were those who had tears in their eyes.
Gravestones dotted the base of the mountain. Carved on the stones were the names of the fallen
The Pressure Platoon II found an empty spot and dug the ground.
"Does all fallen soldiers buried here?" Aldred asked.
Bartrem shook his head. "If we are inside the enemy border, or if we are in active conflict, then we
can only bury our comrades whenever and wherever we can."


Aldred glanced as a group of soldiers came and visited their friends. They looked at the gravestone
and talked to it, smiling and laughing. Was this the culture here?
After burying their comrades and paying respect to them, they returned to the barrack. Mary stood
there with a look of worry on her face. She ran to Aldred and hugged him. "Are you okay?"
Aldred nodded. "I am fine. But a lot of my friends didn't survive."
"I heard from Joseph." She then decided to avoid the topic. "You said that we should let the nun
disguise as our mage. I think that is a good idea. Not because it's actually good, but because there's
no other choice. I consider killing her, but that is very risky. If the heroes found out that we kill their
nun, we'd be damned."
"Can't our empires fight against the heroes?"
"We can, but the heroes won't leave flowers in their trail."
He glanced at Mary. Her gaze was serious. The heroes of Montcresia were like nuclear weapons. If
they threw one at the Ceraisian Empire, they'd throw a nuclear weapon of their own, devastating
both sides as a result.
Aldred shook his head and approached Bartrem. "Bartrem, we cannot do this anymore. In the
future, we will fight more battles, and each battle will wound our comrades. We should get some
healing potions." Now they had the nun as the healer, but her identity was very sensitive, and the
soldiers were very suspicious of her.
"How could we make a chemical of our own?" Bartrem asked. "I never touch an ingredient myself."
"Let's ask from Frey."
Bartrem sighed. "I am sure Pharder has warned him about us. He will treat us just like everybody
"We can only try."
Bartrem, Aldred, and Pongo went to the medicine hall inside the fort. It was near the southwest gate
as well, so it didn't take them long to arrive. Aldred stepped on the wooden floor and entered
through the door. The familiar medicine scent entered his nose.
Bartrem called out for Frey, but he was nowhere to be seen. Instead, a man they didn't know stood
at the counter, looking at them with hostile eyes.
"What do you want?" the man asked with an aggressive tone.
"We want a recipe or a formula to make a healing potion."
"No. Go away."
'Fuck!' Aldred was so enraged that he might burn the whole hall right now. "If that is the case then
give me a few healing potions."


"10 silver for each small healing potion."

"What? Isn't it supposed to be free for soldiers?"
"Free? Are you kidding me? Only slaves work for free!."
A soldier came inside the medicine hall, greeted the man, grabbed a bunch of healing potions, and
"That man left without paying."
"He already paid the day before."
"If you don't have any money go away!"
Bartrem clicked his tongue. He handed out twenty silvers on the counter. "Give me two of those
small potions."
The man glanced at the silvers. "If you want to buy two at once, you have to pay double."
Bartrem slammed the table and stared fiercely at the man. "Don't do something you might regret.
You're a just puppet in this game, don't risk your life for it."
The man flinched and trembled in fear. "Fine. Take these two potions and leave this place."
Bartrem grabbed the potion and stormed out of the door with Aldred and Pongo.
"I cannot believe that guy is so rude," Aldred said.
"This is why I don't want to visit the medicine hall or any other facilities at all," Bartrem said.
"Is ten silvers a lot?"
"I only earn five silvers a month. The rest were only paid with coppers."


"Damnit! One of These small potions costs two months of your salary? I don't think it's even
enough for one soldier."
They arrived at the barrack. Bartrem sighed. "I don't want to return empty-handed after that."
"Shut up, Pongo. We're in a terrible situation right now."
"Pongo pongo." He vomited a bunch of potions out of his mouth.
"Eh. You stole the potions?"
"Shit! Quick, get inside the barrack. Don't let anyone see this."
They both grabbed the potions and entered the barrack. Slowly putting the potions on Aldred's bed,
they counted the potions to be at twenty bottles.
"Pongo what else did you steal?" Aldred asked.
"Pongo." He vomited more potions out of his mouth. Some had green colors of the healing potion
while others had purple, red, and white colors.
"So many," Aldred said. "What are they used for?"
"There's one for healing, strengthening attack, improving defense, and increasing speed. If we have
this in battle, we could break through the enemy formation much easier."
"Nice. Good job, Pongo."
Pongo raised his beak high. "Pongo pongo pongo (Bow before me, mortal)."
Aldred ignored the penguin. "Still. All of this will run out eventually. We have to make our own
potion to be self-sufficient."
"How can we do that? We don't have alchemists in our rank."


Aldred grabbed one of the healing potions. The green liquid swished inside the bottle. His godly
eyes activated and listed out the list of ingredients to make it.
"Green herb, salt, and water," Aldred said. "Where can we find green herb?"
"Are you sure that is the ingredient? Even if you are correct, do you even know how to make it?"
"We can only try."
Mary came inside the barrack with the nun beside her. The nun wore a new dress. It was blue in
color, though it still revealed her thigh, and stuck tight to her body which perfectly outlined her full
breast. Her slender fingers wrapped around a golden staff with intricate carvings. On the handle,
written the word: Hope.
"I got her a new dress," Mary said. "This way people won't know she's a nun." She turned around to
look at the nun. "Don't reveal that you are a nun."
"Why?" Mira asked.
"Your identity is very sensitive in this kingdom, and if others knew you will die."
"Why would they kill me even if I do nothing wrong?"
"You are mistaken. It is me who will kill you if you reveal yourself." Mary looked at her like a
lioness. Although the empire would be taken over by Aldred in the future, she wanted the balance of
power to stay this way. They already had a terrible life in the fort. If the balance tilted to the
emperor's side, they might get worse treatment.
Mira did not show any fear, but she did not want conflict or violence. "I will not reveal myself, but
let me move freely."
"Your movement will be watched by us, if there is no one watching you, then you are not allowed to
go anywhere."
Mira nodded.
"Now, to prevent you from running away." She grabbed a pair of handcuffs and locked Mira's hand
with hers. "At night, when we are about to sleep, I will handcuff your hand with mine."
Mira was surprised at how thorough the woman in front of her was in making sure she did not do
anything suspicious.
But it wasn't her that they should be worried about doing something suspicious.
Aldred looked at both women. 'Does that mean I get to sleep with both of them?'


It was Aldred.
At night, Aldred was in bed like usual. What wasn't usual was that Mira was sleeping with him
along with Mary on his right.
Their hands were still handcuffed together. Mary was asleep. On the other hand, Mira was wide
awake. She looked at the boy, curios.
"How did you become a soldier, child?" She caressed his head. "You are so young and talented, but
war isn't a place for you. At this age, you should be playing at home with your parents."
She grabbed his hand and ran her finger on his palm. "Rough and hard." She then ran her hand
along his forearm. "Sturdy and strong. This is the hand of a warrior, not a magician."
She gazed at him with beautiful deep, green eyes. "And certainly isn't the hand of a child."
Mira got closer to Aldred, making him nervous. She smelled so nice. Like flowers. And as Aldred
breathed in more, her smell became stronger in his nose. It was caramel sweet.
Her blue tight dress wrapped around her body and the outline of her breasts was wonderful. It didn't
lose out to her curvy hips and would make any men want to hold her and hug her.
A slender hand softly grabbed his chin and lifted it up. "My eyes are here, child."
Her beautiful face was so close to him. Aldred blushed. Even though he had been in the company of
beautiful women a lot of times, he still blush when he was found out of checking the goods.
Mira raised an eyebrow. The boy surprisingly had a great temptation of lust. It was normal for them
to feel embarrassed, but she did not see the innocence of a boy. It felt like she was in front of a
teenager instead.
"How long have you been a soldier, child?"


Aldred gulped, and nervously answered: "I think around a month now."
"Ten years old, a month on the front line, and already at silver ranks. Is Mary your mother?"
Aldred shook his head. "She is not. But she always takes care of me."
"Tell me who are you?"
Aldred was about to answer when Joseph brandished a sword at Mira's neck. He glared at her.
"Keep your question on hold, cresian. Remember that you are not in your own monastery, but in the
barrack of your enemy. I am watching you." He then left and returned to his bed.
Mira sighed. "Seems like sleeping is the only thing left to do."
"Tell me about you," Aldred asked. "Since you cannot ask questions, I will do the questioning."
"I am a nun from the Abbey of Kristiel, in other words, I am from Ocray, the capital and religious
center of Montcresia."
Mary, Joseph, and the other soldiers flinched. They only pretended to sleep.
Aldred grabbed the sleeping Pongo and hugged him as he looked at Mira. "Ocray is located far to
the west, right? What are you doing here?"
"To end the war without violence, child. So little boys at your age do not need to stain their hands
with blood anymore, so the fathers, husbands, and brothers of a family do not need to be buried as a
result of violence."


"Seems like a wonderful dream."

"It is wonderful."
"Sadly, it will stay as a dream. You cannot end the war without violence. To stop others from using
their power, you have to overpower them. How can you, a lone nun, expect to fight against an
"I do not intend to fight it. I intend to educate it."
"What will education do? Are you going to teach people how to be grateful, how to be kind, and
how to hold their anger? Let me tell you that will not work. Who you need to educate is the people
in power, but good luck in making the captain or the emperor listen to you."
Mira was intrigued. "You are highly knowledgeable for a child." Instead of accepting and nodding
to her teaching, the boy in front of her could argue against her logic which made her rethink how to
reach her goals.
"I'm merely a depressed child. Nothing special."
"Are you not interested in making the world a peaceful place?"
"Of course. I will be stronger and kill the emperor. That way I can take over the empire and
everything will be peaceful."
Joseph and the others were shocked to hear that. If Aldred said it a few weeks ago, they wouldn't
believe it, but they had seen firsthand his talents and his progress. All of them believed Aldred will
reach Diamond Rank in no time. And maybe he could even reach the legendary Adamantite Rank.
"World peace cannot rely on one person. You need everyone to act and behave according to the
teaching of the gospel to achieve world peace for generations to come."


"Why not? If I eliminate all evil people, the world will be in peace."
"And can you resist the temptation of becoming evil yourself?"
"Of course, I can."
"Then let's test it." Mira ripped her tight dress and revealed her breasts.
Aldred flinched as he stared at her beautiful tiny nipples. Though her breast was full, the nipples
were smaller than his pinky.
Mira smiled when she saw the boy was so intoxicated. She then rubbed her breasts and enticed him
even more by giving him a seducing smile. She opened her mouth and licked her fingers before
pressing her left nipples.
"What are you doing?" Aldred said while staring at her breasts.
Mira did not say anything. She kept fondling her own breast and ripping her dress more, revealing
her breasts in full form. She approached, making her breasts stop right in front of his face.
Aldred's cheeks were red. She licked her fingers again before rubbing them on her beautiful pearl-
like nipple. She started moaning to entice him even more.
Mira smiled inwardly. She was a philosopher at heart and had been studying people's behavior since
she was a teenager. As a philosopher, she would do anything to prove her point. She shouldn't have
to prove it to a ten-year-old, but her discussion with him made her take him seriously. Yes, she
tested the boy like she tested an adult. Maybe she should start to test boys at an early age, after all, it
was harder to change a person when they were fully-grown adults.


Or maybe not. She did not know what impact would it do on young boys. Now, she felt stupid to
test the boy in front of her. She sighed and was about to cover herself with a blanket until she felt
someone sucking on her nipple.
"What are you doing, child?" Mira asked as Aldred sucked on her nipple.
"I thought you want me to suck it."
"That was a test."
"Oh… can I still suck them though?"

At a little corner of the Thignia Kingdom, bordering between Montcresia, and Ceraisian stood a
mountain of incredible height. Its tall cliffs of sun-baked stones were gnawed by unceasing winds.
This was Mount Fargon. The source of many myths and legends. A wyrm flew near the mountain.
Suddenly, a giant basilisk snapped out from a cave and bit its neck. The wyrm screeched in pain as
the basilisk pulled its prey to the cave, and the scream of its prey was never heard again. The
climbers who were hanging on the cliff had a grim expressions when they saw this. Mount Fargon
was said to contain a treasure more valuable than others. Every year, brave and slightly crazy
explorers would come and try to climb its peak.
But it wasn't the wind nor the creatures that they should be worried about.
It was the guardian of this mountain. A powerful woman with the power of stars in her hand.
Stella Altum was standing at the edge of the fenceless balcony. Her dark-purple eyes gazed upon the
fools that disturbed her peace. A golden disc, slightly broken, floated in front of her. It turned and
faced the climbers.
She raised her slender and tan fingers. Her eyes filled with longing as she looked at the stars in the
night sky.
"Call upon the stars."
The stars in the sky lit up and sent a streaking light that entered the disc. The disc shone and spun,
exuding out star particles that glittered around it. She raised her dark-gold staff, ending with the
shape of a sphere at the end. At the center of the sphere was a tiny core of a star.
"Falling Star." Her staff pointed at the explorer, and the disc fired a beam of golden light that seared
and burn the freezing air. The explorer widened their eyes when they saw the golden beam headed
toward them.
Before they could make sense of the event, their whole beings were turned into dust particles.
The monsters within the mountain trembled in fear and scurried back to their caves. But they knew,
should the guardian deem them a nuisance, they'd be dead when they sleep.
But the explorers did not die. Their dust particles gathered at the foot of the mountain and formed
into human bodies.
The explorer did not have any clear memory of what happened, but every time they looked at the
peak, their whole body shook.
A magical voice whispered in their head: "Never return."
The explorer ran, and they'd never be seen again.
Stella sighed at finally shooing the intruders away. She patted her white and golden robe that
revealed all of her legs, while her upper body was covered by a thin, tight, intricately carved golden
armor that revealed a large part of her tanned breasts. She humphed and turned away from the view
of the clouds below to go back inside. The explorers had a terrible habit of breaking things at times.
All for the sake of the so-called treasures. She recalled what the explorers had done to her peak and
disturbed her peace. Shaking off bitter memories, Stella glanced at his attendant, standing and
staring at the stars with an astrolabe in his hand.


"Something changed in the formation of the stars," he said. "The fate of this continent will change,
though I am not sure if it is for the better or the worse."
"What is the cause?"
"It's not what, but who."
"Show me."
The attendant waved his hand over the astrolabe, and it shone in golden light, spinning and turning.
Golden particles flew out of it, hovered in front of them, clumping together, and then transformed
into a screen that revealed a boy who was sucking on a nipple.
"I think the device malfunctioned," the attendant said about to hit the astrolabe.
"It does not malfunction. It always worked the way we intended to, and it will always be."
"So this is the person that changed the destiny of this continent?"
"Perhaps, but I am not taking any risk. I will teleport the boy to another continent so he did not
disturb our peace."
She raised her staff. The tiny star core shone ever brighter. The stars in the night sky lit up. Moving
the staff left and right, up and down, the staff made a golden trail of glittering light, making a
golden engraving of a star in the air. Pulling the staff behind her back, she then thrust forward. The
engraving lit up. The stars in the sky fired a beam of light toward the boy.
That'd take care of the problem. The power balance of this continent must be kept, for if it tilt
slightly, there would be a great disaster ahead. She had been doing this for a while, after all, her
peace might be disturbed if the continent was in havoc.
A thin layer of red screen appeared, blocking the beam that came from the stars.
"What?" Stella stared at the red screen with wide eyes. "Who did that?"
Suddenly, she felt a cold and smooth hand moving on her neck. Her body froze in place, trembling
as fear seeped into her heart. Sweat trickled down her forehead. The attendant stepped back in fear
as well.
Eve smiled, fairly pleased at their reaction. She had known the existence of all the powerful beings
on this planet that may or may not threaten her son.
"You will not disturb my son anymore. Not until he matched you in strength or when he disturb
your peace."
She vanished.
Stella gasped for air. Never before had she felt such heavy pressure on her whole body.
She fell on her reclined chair, leaning back as she thought about the warning earlier. A castle floated
above the mountain and she felt that same pressuring presence again.


"Who is she?"

Aldred woke up with two beautiful women in bed. He rubbed his sleepy eyes and fondled Mary's
breasts. She was still asleep. He gave her cheek a kiss before turning around and fondling the nun's
breasts. Yesterday, she had allowed him to suck on her nipple. Because he was ten-year-old, she let
it be.
'That's right. I am a ten-year-old boy. Kekekek."
Mira was a beauty with deep green eyes and smooth blonde hair. Her body was curvy with a plump
butt and well-endowed breasts. Something rustled behind him, and when he turned around, Mary
smiled and greeted him.
"Good morning, Aldred." She caressed his face and gave his lips a kiss.
"Morning, Mary." He gave her a kiss as well.
Not long after, Mira also woke up. "Beautiful day," she said with a smile.
The other soldiers opened their eyes and prepared for their routine.
Mary glanced at the nun. "Why are you covering yourself with blankets? Take it off."
"Wait, no—"
Mary quickly pulled the blanket, revealing her ripped dress that showed her breast and wonderful
The soldiers looking at her burst out blood from their noses. They quickly ran out of the barrack as
Bartram entered the door about to wake them up.
Bartrem noticed what was going on. "Aldred. I will look for the ingredients you need. After that, we
may try to make the healing potion." He left immediately.
Mary recalled that the nun tested Aldred last night. She forgot about it and wanted to see if the nun
hid something under the blanket. And because of that, her naked figure was crystal clear for Aldred
to see.
"I will get you a new dress." She unlocked the handcuffs.
She left and returned quickly with a new blue dress. It was the same as before, tight-fitting and
revealing a large part of Mira's thighs.
"Thank you, Mary," Mira said after wearing the dress. "It's wonderful that our names sound the
same. Mira and Mary."
Mary ignored her comment. "As a water magician, you should be studying or training with us. But
since Aldred is the only magician here, you will train with him."
Aldred was stronger than the nun, and he had an undead squad with him, Mira wouldn't be able to
run with the boy's flying skill. And Mira had the perfect reason to train with him as he was the only
magician in this platoon.
"I am happy with that," Mira said. "Aldred is a smart boy. I'd have a wonderful talk with him later."


"Pongo." The penguin woke up and yawned, stretching his limbs and body. The penguin looked left
and right, then he noticed a plump, full breast covered by a blue dress. He immediately pounced and
rubbed his face onto it.
"I was about to ask, but what creature is this?"
Veins popped up on Aldred's forehead. "He's called a poop penguin. I think he's native to the poop
"I never heard of that. Why is it called poop penguin?"
"Because he loves to eat poop."
"Oh…" Mira grabbed the penguin with her finger carefully and put him on the bed.
"Pongo pongo (He lied to you. I never eat poop)."
Aldred laughed. For one reason or another, the penguin did not want to or maybe couldn't speak
with others except him.
Aldred, Mary, Mira, and Pongo exited the barrack. Mary decided to train with the soldiers while
Aldred and Mira wanted to find a wider place to test their magic. Pongo followed the nun.
They arrived at a wide plain. The grass reached below Aldred's knee.
"Mira, can you teach me how to manipulate water?"
"It is possible. But, a magician usually only has one affinity to one element so they generally use
one element to fight. Some magicians have better affinities than others."
"But magicians aren't limited to controlling the elements, right?" His parents literally created small
galaxies for his entertainment when he was a baby. Aldred wondered how they did that.
"Correct. There are spells that magicians can learn without having their affinity. They are called
non-elemental spells. A non-elemental spell can be cast by chanting its name or simply thinking
about it. Of course, to cast this spell without chanting is slightly harder. Let me give you an
Mira took a deep breath. "Silenesco canula."
Multi-colored glowing particles rose under their feet and spread five meters around them. The grass
that touched these particles grew taller, thicker, and stronger. They were so strong that when they
grew, they lifted Aldred along with them. And so currently, they were standing on a five-meter tall
platform made out of the grass.
"This is amazing."
"Why are the magicians not learning more of these non-elemental spells?"
"That's because they are harder to learn. It took more time to learn a non-elemental spell than an
elemental spell that fits your affinity. But this type of spell is good for those who have terrible
affinity in certain elements."
"Is there anything else?"
"You know so little yet your fire magic is so powerful. If you master your fire manipulation you
might learn a sub-skill."


"What sub-skill?"
"Creating lightning."
"Yes. But it's very rare to see someone having this sub-skill. Also, you can cast lightning with a
non-elemental spell, but it is much weaker than the real deal." Mira thought that Aldred might be
one of those rare talents. Though she wished he did not use it to harm others.
She had to educate him, or else when the boy grew he'd killed many people in his wake. But she
had to do it slowly.
"I don't seem to have it yet," Aldred said. The boy wanted to control lightning because that would
be very cool. "Why don't you show me some water spells."
Mira raised an eyebrow. She told the boy that a magician can only have one affinity, but he still
wanted to learn the water element. "Very well then."
She raised her golden staff and then swung it left and right. Stepping forward, she pointed at the
grass below. Beads of water came out from each grass. They weren't dried out. Mira only took a
tiny bead of water from them. Water also formed from the air around them as she danced. They
gathered in the air, before enveloping the both of them, creating a half-sphere barrier.
Pongo watched the spectacle with a wide-open beak. The penguin was amazed by all these magics.
Although they were not as powerful as him, the scene did entertain him.
All this time, Aldred was staring at her with his godly eyes. Usually, when he fight, he used his
godly eyes to focus on the trajectory of the spell, but this time, he wanted to reconstruct the spell.
[New skill obtained: Water Manipulation]


Stopping her movement, Mira glanced at Aldred. "What do you think?"

The boy did not reply and simply raised his hand. Water particles formed in his palm and condensed
into a glob of water.
Mira widened her eyes. The sight in front of her was simply astonishing. How could the boy learn
water manipulation so easily? Aldred simply looked at her once and he already knew how to use it.
What a monstrous talent. Even if the boy only had one affinity, he might learn all elements and use
them accordingly. But it wasn't that effective. It was better for Aldred to focus on one element
instead of many.
But that depended on his talent as well. "Aldred, try to learn this spell."
Moving her slender fingers gracefully, a stream of golden water spun around in her body, running
along her curvy waist, and washed over her breast, and then she pointed at Aldred. The golden
water ran to her arms, forearms, and fingers, then washed all over Aldred.
[Regeneration increase: +300%. Duration: 8 seconds]
Even though the water hit Aldred, he wasn't wet.
The golden water spun around him, making him feel rejuvenated, calm, and fresh. The sensation
was wonderful. Aldred kept analyzing the spell with his godly eyes.
[Obtaining new skill… Failed to learn Holy Golden Stream]
[Modifying skill… Success. New skill obtained: Stream of Life]


Aldred moved his fingers the same as Mira. A glowing green stream spun around him, and then he
directed it towards Mira, washing all over her body and filled her with greater life force than before.
And just like her spell, she wasn't wet when she got hit by the water.
[Stream of Life]
-Absorbing the life force within the environment and turning it into a green stream of water.
-Healing the wounds, and rejuvenating the body.
-Effect reduced greatly around corpses, death energy, or environment with a limited amount of life
"Mira, I cannot learn your skill."
"You cannot. You shouldn't be unless you are a priest or one of the heroes." Mira knew that the boy
shouldn't be able to learn her skill because her skill relied on the divinity path. The properties of the
holy stream spell were given by the Zalous the God of hope. But what surprised her was how
Aldred changed the divine properties into life force. It wasn't as potent or powerful as her spell, but
it was still amazing.
"I need to be a priest to learn your skill?"
Mira nodded. "Only the worshiper of Zalous can learn this skill. But your skill is good enough,
though it has some limitations. Try casting it again."
Aldred activated stream of life, and water spun around his body again, but instead of full green like
earlier, the water was mostly transparent. When the water washed over Mira, she did not feel the
same sensation as earlier.


"It's weaker than before," Aldred said.

"You have absorbed almost all the life force in this place. Life force is a very limited energy."
"It's not very useful."
"It's still nice to have when you don't have a potion."
Aldred nodded, recalling his dead comrades that died during their march home.
"In that case, I still need to make that potion later."
Both of them talked some more about magic. Mira taught the boy more about water manipulation,
and in no time, his skill improved.
[Stream of Life upgraded from Lv. 1 to Lv. 2]
[Intelligence increased from 46 points to 50 points]
[You earn +500 EXP by learning magic from a mentor]


[You have level up]

Aldred blinked when he saw the notification. 'I can earn EXP by learning?"
Health Points: 70/70
Level: 32
Titles: Tough Boy
-Fire Manipulation (Click to show the list of skills)
-Water Manipulation (Click to show the list of skills)
-Strength: 13
-Vitality: 14
-Intelligence: 50
-Dexterity: 7


Stat points: 16
Skill points: 16
When they returned to the barrack, they saw Bartrem arguing with a soldier.
"I am telling you. my unit cannot fight without armor."
"Ask the blacksmith to make armor for you."
"Hah! They're always unavailable or full whenever 'we' asked them to make something. Don't act
like you don't know."
"This is an order from the captain. There is a camp of bandits to the southeast and you have to
eliminate them before a week." The soldier left immediately.
Bartrem clicked his tongue, but he controlled his anger as he stared at the back of the leaving
"What's wrong, Bartrem?" Aldred asked.
"Great news. Not only do we have to make our own potion, but we also have to make our own
armor. And don't mention asking the blacksmith for armor. You know what they did to us. We
cannot trust them anymore."
That day, the blacksmith thinned their shoulders padding which made it easier for the enemy to
penetrate. It almost cost them their arms, and Bartrem would never forget that.
"Have you got the ingredients?" Aldred asked.


"Here." He threw the boy a crude leather bag.

Aldred opened it and saw a bunch of fresh herbs and a small container with salt. He then dragged
Pongo inside the barrack and closed the door. Mary, Bartrem, and Mira followed him inside.
"Does anyone have an empty bottle?"
Pongo vomited out the bottle that landed on the bed. Aldred bitterly smiled at the saliva dripping
from the battle but decided to use it anyway. The boy grabbed a handful of herbs. He then wrapped
it in a bubble of water.
Bartrem and Mary were surprised that Aldred can use the water element, but they kept their mouth
shut. Aldred seemed to be concentrating right now as he pulled out a healing potion and analyze the
green liquid again. It did not really tell him how to make the potion, but he can make some guesses.
First, he crushed the herbs with water pressure. The glob of water floating on his palm turned green.
He then add a little bit of salt to it. After that, he put it in the bottle.
"That's it?" Bartrem asked.
Aldred bit his own arms. Blood leaked out from the wound. He then drank the potion.
He watched the wound, but even after a few minutes, his wound was still open.
"It didn't work," Aldred said.
"Let's try again," Bartrem said. "Look your wound is slightly closed."
It was true. His wound was only slightly healed. Motivated, Aldred tried again, just like earlier, but
he added more herbs.
This went on for two days, but he kept failing. Bartrem looked for more herbs in the forest with
Joseph and Jeffery. He tried again, but alas he failed again.


Night time came.

Mary smiled at him and hugged him in bed. Aldred was sad and dejected that he failed to make the
potion. Mira caressed his head and told him that it was okay to fail. Even Pongo did not talk smack
to him and encouraged him instead.
Mary let him play with her breasts. He sucked her milk as he played with the other one. She
caressed his head and gave his forehead a kiss. Aldred sucked in harder, tickling her and making her
Mira only blinked when she saw how casual Mary and Aldred were about sucking nipples.
Although she let him suck her own nipple as well, she wasn't as casual as both of them.
'She told me that she wasn't his mother, but she feed him with her milk nonetheless. The Ceraisian
have a strong motherly culture. I should bring this culture to Montcresia so more children all over
the world will be fed.'
Time passed quickly. Mary was sleeping, and Aldred asked Mira to let him suck her nipple. She
sighed with a smile and agreed. As she let Aldred suck her nipple, she noticed something… Milk
started coming out of her breast. That was weird. To her knowledge, a woman can only produce
milk when she was pregnant.
[A/N: to those who are wondering, it is possible for women to produce milk without being
pregnant. You can find the link here: ]
Aldred sucked in harder as he felt the warm liquid entering his mouth. Mira started to feel pleasure
and ticklish. Her body trembled and she wrapped her hands around the boy's head, bringing him
closer to her. Her cheeks blushed as time passed. The boy fondled her left breast and sucked her
right nipple.
Throughout the night, Mira felt the pleasure increasing, making her tighten her grip on the boy even
more. Eventually, Aldred fell asleep. Mira was breathing profusely. Her cheeks were rosy red as she
put the boy on her boobs.
The next day.
Aldred was still sleeping as the others went out of the barrack. Mary wanted to talk about something
with Mira, and the rest of the soldiers had already gone out for their training.
When the boy woke up, he was surprised that no one greeted him as usual. Pongo was still here
though. Rubbing his eyes, Aldred felt sleepy again and let himself fall on the bed. He felt something
behind his head. Sitting up, he saw a small parchment made out of animal skins on the pillow.


Aldred took the parchment and looked closely. Written on the parchment were the formula and
methods of how to make the healing potion. The boy narrowed his eyes. This was very suspicious.
How could the formula for making the potion just appear on his pillow? But looking at it again, the
ingredients were correct, only his methods were wrong.
"Let's try this."
The method was very simple. After concocting the liquid, Aldred left the potion in the sun for three
days. At first, he did not expect it to succeed but it did.
The wound in his arm healed and closed under the gaze of Bartrem, Mary, Mira, and Pongo.
"It worked!" Aldred shouted.
They all rejoiced, jumping around in the barracks, but then recalled they only had two days left
before they had to attack the bandit.
"Now we have to make our own armor," Bartrem said with a grim expression. "But we don't have
any materials or tools to make them."
Aldred looked at Pongo and back to Bartrem before smiling. "I have an idea."

Aldred entered the fort with Pongo and looked for a blacksmith. It didn't take long for him to find
one as they were very loud. Hammer clanged against the steel plating of an armor. The blacksmith
was a strong man with powerful arms and chests. Whenever they slammed the hammer against the
armor, sparks splashed. Aldred activated his godly eyes and analyzed his movement and the
changes happening in the armor.
Hours passed, and Aldred felt like he already know how to do it after seeing the blacksmith create a
bunch of armor from scratch. With confidence, he approached the blacksmith.
While the man was slamming the hammer, he noticed a boy approaching him. One look and he
realized the boy was from that cursed platoon.
"I am busy. Go away. The order is full for this week."


Aldred snorted. He did not even say anything yet and the blacksmith already shooed him away.
"Uncle, can you teach me how to make armor?"
The blacksmith grunted. "Didn't I tell you to fuck off?"
"Don't be so cheap, uncle. Let me learn how to make armor."
"No." The blacksmith returned to his work, pounding on the armor.
Aldred approached again. He was now right in front of the blacksmith.
"Don't blame me if you get hurt, kid."
Aldred smiled. "It's okay."
Suddenly, the furnace behind him burst into flames. The blacksmith panicked and was quickly
about to find a wet towel to kill it. But in less than a second, the flame died and turned into thick
"Cough cough. Fuck! What a shitty luck I have."
"Seems like you are in trouble, uncle. I am going to leave now."


"Yeah, go fuck yourself. I am so pissed."

When the smoke disappeared, he saw that all of his tools disappeared. Even the armor and the ores
were gone as well. The blacksmith looked around, but they were really gone. "Was it the boy?
Impossible. How could he bring the anvil, the hammer, and everything else? There must be a thief
from Montcresia. They must be trying to sabotage the fort. I have to report this."
As the blacksmith went to look for a knight, Aldred was laughing and giggling as he ran back to the
barrack with Pongo.
"What did you do, Aldred?" Bartrem asked, wondering why they were laughing.
Aldred invited them to hide at the back of the barrack. After making sure no one was around, he
told Pongo to vomit out everything which he did. Anvil, hammer, tongs, ores, and armor all came
out of his stomach which shocked Bartrem, Mary, and everyone there.
"How did you even fit all of this into that little stomach?"
"Pongo pongo."
"He said that he can even put an entire house in there."
None of them believed what he said. Even Aldred did not believe the penguin.
After all the tools were out. Aldred grabbed the ores, and burn them with his fire manipulation. His
flames were powerful, and soon enough they turned soft as Aldred pounded them over and over
again on the anvil.
Bartrem stood nearby wondering if Aldred could really make the armor. Mary on the other hand
was amazed at how good Aldred was at pounding that armor. The swing, the force, and the power,
all resembled a blacksmith with years of experience. Mira was simply astonished at how the boy
lifted the hammer up and down so easily with his strong though small hand.


After a few hours, the armor was done. It was made out of steel and animal skin. Bartrem inspected
the armor and pressed the surface a bunch of times. "It's quite hard."
He tapped the shoulder paddings and realized that it was properly made.
"This is much better than the armor we usually receive. Aldred, how many can you make in a day?"
"I can make six or seven."
"Not enough. I will help you in making these armor. In two days we have to produce twenty-three
"We will help as well," Joseph and Jeffery stepped forward.
The other soldiers also offered a helping hand. And after stealing a few more anvils, hammers, and
other tools, they all worked together to make the armor with Aldred teaching them. Mary tried to
make one as well. Mira couldn't even lift the hammer, so she helped them by bringing food and
Night came, but they still pounding on the armor. Some soldiers had been sent by Bartrem to scout
for anyone that might want to visit the barrack. Who knew if Pharder wanted to ban them from
making their own armor.
They were sleepy, limbs turned weak, yet the hammer still moved above their head and came
crashing at the anvil.
Eventually, all of them fell asleep except Bartrem, Jeffery, and Joseph. They made one more armor
before their body shut down and fell on the grass.
Mira brought a blanket with her and covered them for warmth. She cast holy golden streams that
washed over all of them, helping their body recover much faster. She slept next to Aldred and
hugged him.


The next morning, they immediately went to work again. Their ears were filled with the sound of
steel clanging against each other along with the sound of flames bursting within the crude furnace
they make. Bartrem grabbed an ore with the tongs and pounded it.
Eventually, all of them succeeded in making 24 sets of armor.
They all dropped the hammer and lay on the grass. Their chest went up and down, desperate for air,
but their faces were filled with the brightest smile.
(Author Note: Sorry, guys. I can only do one chapter for today. My eyes and head feel hot whenever
I look at the screen for too long. I also feel dizzy whenever I sit down, so I write this chapter in bed
with a phone, meaning I cannot access my documents on the laptop, so there might be some
mistakes. It is too much to ask, but I hope you can tolerate me for now. I will recheck this chapter
and the last chapters for any mistakes. Thank you for the support!!)
Update: This chapter and the last three chapters have been checked. Enjoy :)
After finishing the armor, Aldred and the other went to rest. And the next morning, Aldred woke up
while the others were still asleep. He wanted to go to the dungeon and get some levels before
fighting against the bandit. Because 2 days in the divine dimension equal 1 hour, in reality, he felt
like he could get a lot of levels.
But there seemed to be a problem.
[Silver Rank dungeon locked. Please find a Silver Rank dungeon in the real world to unlock this
'What? This sucks! Aren't you supposed to be a thousand gods' blessings? Why are you so lame?'
Aldred sighed. He looked at the Copper dungeon option and considered farming EXP there. They
provided too little though, which made it not fun in the slightest.
[User can use the undead to clear the dungeon]
'And you just tell me that? Oh god! How many EXP have I missed?'
[User you are dumb. Please have character growth soon]
'Shit! This system dare to insult me? My mother in my last life never provides milk for me, okay.'
[... User, that's no excuse. You received high-quality milk from the Grand Ancestral Vampire for
more than 9 years]
'Whatever. Tell me how many undeads I have?'
[49 Copper Rank Undead. 1 Silver Rank Undead]

'Okay, what about the type of undead?'

[Too lazy to process]
'What do you mean you are too lazy?'
[Unlike the user, the system is capable of having character growth]
'Fuck! Just help me set up the EXP farm.'
[Summoning undead to the Copper Rank Dungeon... Success]
[You have earned +450 Experience from the Copper Rank dungeon]
[You have earned +450 Experience from the Copper Rank dungeon]
[You have earned +450 Experience from the Copper Rank dungeon]
Aldred held his laughter. With this automatic EXP farm, he'd soon become a universal level power
just like his parents. He didn't need to do anything since his undead will do the work anyway. Well,
that was how it was supposed to be.
[Dungeon entry limit: 3 hours in the real world. Cooldown: 7 days in the real world]
'Dammit!' Since 1 hour in the real world equal 2 days in the divine dimension, it meant that he only
got 6 days of dungeon farming. 6 days was a good number, but it wasn't enough to reach universal
power quickly.
Aldred sighed. It seemed like he couldn't rely fully on his blessings. He had to do the work to get
the reward. And the system behavior made him rethink his demeanor. Maybe he was dumb.
Aldred slapped himself. 'Get yourself together, Aldred. Think like a smart man. List out your
advantages and make plans for the future.'
Unlike most people on this planet, Aldred got all the advantages he could ask for. Now, all he
needed to do was use that advantage in the most effective and efficient way. Leveling up was a
priority, and killing monsters or enemies earn him EXP which he could get from the divine
dimension and the real world.
There was one thing that he was curious about.


'System, since my undead can level up, can I make others level up as well?'
The system did not insult him this time. [User can add players, creatures, spirits, souls, and other
sentients being to a party system and let them level up as well]
Aldred's eyes lit up. This was an important function. He could pick anyone to have the same
leveling system as him, but sharing it with anybody did not seems like a good choice. First, he had
to make sure he could trust them with his life. If a powerful being such as an Adamantite Rank
knew they could increase their power, they might force him to add them into the party. But they
might not care about him and in fact could even prevent him from leveling up.
The true reality of the world was, almost no one had your best interest at heart. People only care
about themselves, so having someone to trust was hard.
He glanced at Mary. She was sleeping soundly on his right, looking so beautiful as always. Could
he trust her? She had saved his life during the wolves' attack and even took care of him all this time.
Bartrem had also helped him on the battlefield a bunch of times, Joseph and Jeffery had always
shown that they were grateful for his help.
He did not trust Mira and Mareona yet. He hadn't known them for long yet.
Aldred scratched his head, wondering if he should add them to his party system or not. Maybe he
should think about it after attacking the bandits.
He plopped down on the bed and slept again, until the sky brightened and Bartrem opened the door
of the barrack loudly, just as usual.
"Wake up, soldiers! We got bandits to kill!"
Aldred, Mary, Mira, and the other soldiers woke up. They all immediately stood up from the bed
and wore their armor except for Aldred, Mira, and Mary. Aldred considered wearing armor but that
would slow down his movement, making it harder to stabilize his flight. Maybe he could wear
something in the future so he could become a true iron dude, but for now, armorless dude was fine.
They decided to bring Mira along since she had healing abilities. The boy kissed Mary on the lips
and walked out of the barrack with the others. They formed a line while Aldred checked his status.
He received a bunch of notifications immediately.
[You have leveled up]
[You have leveled up]
[You have leveled up]
[You have leveled up]


Health Points: 70/70
Level: 49
Titles: Tough Boy
-Fire Manipulation (Click to show the list of skills)
-Water Manipulation (Click to show the list of skills)
-Strength: 13
-Vitality: 14
-Intelligence: 50
-Dexterity: 7
Stat points: 50
Skill points: 50
Wow! 49 levels from level 32? How was this possible? This was damn too powerful. If he could get
Silver Rank dungeon he might get more EXP.
He should quickly consider who to add to his party system. Having a trustworthy, strong, and
reliable ally seemed to be a good choice.
(Author Note: I felt better now. Gotta say, that doctor is great. I still feel some slight headache, but I
am positive I can be back to schedule in the nearby future)
When all of them were on the field ready to march against the bandits, a scout came and talked to
"They're moving elsewhere?" Bartrem asked.
"Yes, since they use horses to move around, it is impossible for you to chase them."
Impossible because the captain would never lend them some horses. Horses, especially war horses,
were expensive mounts that only knight or cavalry units could use. There were ordinary horses that
merchants had, but those horses would run away at the first sight of blood.
"What do we do now?" Aldred asked.
"We wait until they settle down again. There is no river to the east, I am sure they will slow down
and settle to rest. Those horses can drink a lot when they're tired."
The Pressure Platoon II started their training routine as usual. Since they didn't have anything else
to do anyway. It wasn't the modern era where there were youtube, video games, etc. To be honest, if
Aldred did not have wonderful parents and amazing power, he'd be pretty bored most of the time.
Or pretty miserable, depending on his situation.
After Aldred finished jogging, strength training, and fishing with Mary, Mira, Mareona, and the
others, he also taught some pointers to the soldiers.
Soon after night came.
Aldred was sleeping with Mira and Mary hugging him. The boy sunk his head deep onto Mary's
breast in comfort.


Sophia saw all this with her spell that let her eyes see through a wall. Under the cover of night, she
tiptoed to the barrack and made sure no one was watching her. She pointed at the door, and it
silently opened.
Her steps were without sound as she approached the boy with a smile. One would think twice if that
smile was a good one or not.
"Reaching silver rank at the age of ten," Sophia said with starry eyes directed at the boy. "Your
talent worried my master. For that reason, I will make you my slave, and you won't endanger my
She raised her slender hand right above the boy. "Thankfully we cannot kill you. You are too cute
and adorable to be killed. Now be my slave, boy. Lovey lovey dream."
Pink glittering particles softly fall over the boy. Sophia watched them fall and went deep inside the
boy with a smile. A transparent shackle slowly formed on his neck.
That was when she felt a chilling cold on her neck.
"Seems like the world is out for my child."
Sophia tried to look back, but she couldn't. Her whole body froze except her eyes. Sweat trickled
from her forehead.
The sensation was only for a moment, maybe not even for a second, but for her, it felt like an
eternity. She fell onto the floor, gasping for air. Caressing her neck, she realized there was a shackle
locked in place. Her eyes widened, and she glanced at the boy's neck.
The shackle had disappeared. She was shocked. That could only mean one thing. The spell
backfired on her, and instead of enslaving him, she was enslaved instead.
She tried to break free, pulling the shackle a bunch of times, but it was useless. The backlash of this
spell was much harder to break. She didn't expect anyone to interfere, if she did, she wouldn't use
this spell so carelessly.
"Hmmmhh," Aldred stretched his body, making her flinch. Sophia wondered what they would do if
they found what she did. She couldn't move right now. Only when her master—new master let her
would she be able to.


Aldred rubbed his eyes. Saliva dripped from his lip. He then looked at the girl on the floor which
made Sophia flinch.
"Uhh... Hello? Have we met before?"
Trembling in fear, Sophia did not speak as she kept looking at him. The boy might look cute and
innocent, but he was ruthless in front of the enemy. She had seen it. At first, the boy was too scared
to fight, but as time passed, he was a killer machine seemingly with endless mana. No magician
could ever fight like that. Especially flying, that flame jet spell consumed a lot of mana so for the
boy to use it for hours yet there was no sign of running out meant that he was born with a large
High talent, large mana capacity, mentally resilient, what did this boy lack?
'Did you say something, system?' Aldred asked inwardly.
[No. Nothing]
The boy ignored the system and looked at the girl again. She was beautiful with busty breasts and
revealing clothes. But what was she doing here?
"My name is Aldred. What about you?"
Her lips were forced to move. "My name is Sophia, master."
"Did you just call me master?"


Aldred was about to ask why when Mary woke up and sat up. She kissed Aldred on the cheek.
"Morning, Aldred." She looked to the side and noticed Sophia on the floor. She jumped, grabbed her
sword, and pointed viciously at her. "What the fuck are you doing here?!"
Aldred was surprised by her reaction. She turned from a loving mother to a vicious guardian in less
than a second. Who was this woman exactly?
"Mary, you know her?"
"She's Pharder's bitch."
"What?" Aldred prepared himself for any attack and was ready to counterattack. "Tell me. What are
you doing here?"
Aldred narrowed his eyes. If this woman wanted to kill him, he should be dead by now since she
was a Gold Rank.
Sophia sighed. Since she could not lie, she'd simply tell the truth. "I come here to enslave you with
my spell."
Aldred gasped while Mary frowned.
"But my spell failed, and it backfired on me." Her fingers touched the shackle on her neck. It was
glowing and transparent.
Aldred blinked. "So that means..."
"Now I am your slave."


"Great. The girl of a diamond rank who wanted to kill me is now my slave. Just exactly what I need.
And it just happens that said diamond rank is the captain of this fort."
"So what now?" Aldred asked.
"Now I am your slave," Sophia replied.
"What can you do?"
"I am a Gold Rank magician. I don't have any remarkable affinity with certain elements, but I'm
good at non-elemental spells." Sophia waved her hand. Particles of crimson rippled around her
slender white fingers. They then turned to black and red butterflies that fluttered around Aldred.
"Nice. So you can accompany us fighting against the bandit?"
Sophia shook her head. "Only Pharder can order Gold Rank to do something. Although I am your
slave, you still need his permission if you want to bring me outside the fort. Of course, I will obey
your command no matter what, but that is considered treason because you break the rules."
"Which mean he will have the reason to kill me?"
"Politics protect me, but it also restricts me."
Sophia nodded. "Without the rules and hierarchy in order, you'd be dead in his hands by now,
"I understand that. But now that you failed to enslave me, and be enslaved by me instead, what will
Pharder do to you?"
Mary interrupted before Sophia could reply: "Sophia should be executed. Enslavement spell is
actually forbidden in this empire, and only the Royal Magicians are allowed to learn them. She not
only knows how to cast it, but she has also tried to enslave a fellow soldier within the same
"Enslavement spell sounds terrible," Aldred said.
"It is. Many subordinates within the nobles and royal families were secretly enslaved and told to
convey information to their opposition. This made it hard for them to know which side to trust. And
that is how this rule came to be."
Aldred considered his option. "I don't think killing her will do any good for us. Since she failed and
become my slave, we might as well use her capabilities for our benefit."
Mary looked at the boy. Since when did Aldred become so calculative? Usually, the boy would get
mad and do something reckless like what he did to Pharder the first time they met. She glanced
back at Sophia who was still kneeling on the floor. "She is a Gold Rank magician. It will be too bad
to kill her."
"What can you do exactly?" Aldred asked again.


"I am a non-elemental magician specialized in giving buff and debuff to a target."

"Interesting. What buff can you give me?"
"Speed, strength, mana power, instinct, reaction speed, and many more. I can also give illusions to a
single target or many people at once."
"Try to give me a buff."
Sophia nodded. She waved her hand and pointed at him with her index finger. Immediately,
Aldred's body jolted in power and energy. He felt like he could fly with his physical power alone.
And then his pants bulged and ripped before his dong pierced through the ceiling.
"That was the wrong spell." Sophia waved her hand again which turned the size of his dong to
Aldred cleared his throat like that never happened. "So… anything else?"
"I can control the basic element, but not as efficient and effective as elemental magicians. In frontal
battle, I am not much of a match against them."
"But you must have something to handle them right?"
Sophia nodded. "My illusion spell is incredibly potent. If I do it correctly, I can break their will to
In essence, Sophia's power specialized in the psychology of the target. That was a tough power to
deal with. Unlike elemental magicians which Aldred could dodge or block, a mental attack seemed
much more complicated. If Aldred could bring her to the battlefield, the enemy would be
disoriented, letting Bartrem and the others fought them much easier.
Sadly, that could not be done.
Aldred sighed. "I am going to think about it later. Let us continue our sleep. What about you?
Where will you be sleeping?"
"Wherever you command me to sleep, I will sleep there, master."
"Ohh… really?"


And there he was, sleeping with three beauties in his bed. Aldred slept on top of Sophia as she
wrapped her hands around Aldred's head and she sunk his face into her boobs. Mary hugged him
from the side. Mira was sleeping without knowing anything. Oh, and Pongo was on the floor.
Aldred accidentally kicked him earlier.
The next morning, Bartrem opened the door loudly and was about to shout before he saw Sophia on
Aldred's bed. He was shocked. Why the hell was she here? Bartrem shook his head and shouted for
his men to wake up.
The soldiers immediately woke up and don their armor.
Aldred and the girls woke up as well.
"Beautiful morning, Aldred," Mira said with a smile before she was surprised by the sight of
Sophia. "Hello,"
"Hello," Sophia said with a smile.
"May I know who you are?"
She then explained everything that happened last night.
"Oh my." Mira looked at the boy who was changing his pants, wondering if he was protected by a
god. How could he luckily trigger a backlash that earn him a Gold Rank slave? Now, he had two
Gold Rank women protecting him.
Did Zalous, the God of Hope, protect him? Maybe he saw something within the boy that might
change the world.
Pongo woke up on the floor. He lazily looked around wondering how did he end up here? He then
looked up and Aldred accidentally stepped on his back.
"Sorry. I didn't see you there, buddy."
"Pongo pongo!"
"Hey, it's not my fault that you are so tiny."


Aldred looked to the side and noticed Bartrem was looking at him.
"Any news on the bandit, Bartrem?"
"Yeah. The bandit settled down on the east as expected. But more importantly, why is Sophia on
your bed?"
"She tried to enslave me, but receive a backlash instead."
Bartrem nodded. "So that's what happened. It seems like Pharder realized your talent. He's been
watching you without any of us knowing."
"How could he not," Mary said. "All the people here are his subordinates. Only the people sent by
the empress are not under his control."
"I heard the empress is sending more of her men," Bartrem said.
"That is true. We can recruit them to our platoon and filled up the ranks."
"That is good to hear. Come on, Aldred. We will talk more about this later."
"Are we attacking the bandit now?"
"Yes. If we let them go, they'd be too far from us."
Aldred was about to exit the barrack until Mary pulled his hand. "Be careful out there Aldred.
Pharder might try to kill you outside the fort. If such a thing happens, you can crush your crystal
and use it to fuel your magic."
"I can do that?"
"Yes. Use it to escape and run to the capital. With your flame jet spell, I am sure you can do it."
Aldred nodded. The thought of Pharder ambushing him made his bone turn cold. The man was a
Diamond Rank. Just one step away from Adamantite Rank. And although he wasn't as strong as the
Commander of Knights, their rank was the same.


It was kind of weird for Aldred. He thought that all Diamond Rank could become the Commander
of Knights, but apparently, there was a wide gap of strength between Diamond Rank.
Putting the thought away, the boy kissed Mary and said goodbye to her. Unexpectedly, Sophia asked
for a kiss as well. Aldred was not going to let the chance go, so he kissed her lips.
Mira looking at this simply shrugged. She experienced a lot of culture shock lately.
Aldred walked to the forest beside Mira. Bartrem led the army ahead while Joseph and Jeffery
marched beside him.
"Why are we entering the forest?" Aldred asked.
Bartrem smiled. "Remember how we captured the nun?"
"Yes. I did."
"Well, we kept their horses in this forest in secret." Bartrem laughed.
"That is smart."
"You have to play it smart on this playing field. One wrong move and that could be the end."
Aldred nodded as they walked further. Soon after, they saw horses tied to the trees. A group of
soldiers was grooming them and feeding them with grain.
"I forgot to say this, but we asked Bernard for some of the grain. At first, he hesitated to give them
to us, until we mentioned your name. Sorry for not telling you, Aldred."
"I am fine. But I don't think we can do this a lot. If the others found out, Bernard's life would be
"I know. The other farmers know as well."
"They all share the grain?"
"Yes. This way, no one will be in danger because they only lost a little bit of grain."
"Bartrem, you are so smart. I have a lot to learn from you."
Bartrem laughed. "What part of me is smart? I am not the one who reached Silver Rank at the age
of ten."
The soldiers agreed to that. Their age was far from Aldred, but they were all still at Copper Rank.
"I'm just lucky. That is all," Aldred said as he and the others approached the horses.
"Have you rode a horse before, Aldred?"
"No, I have not actually."
"Then you will ride with me. Not that your legs could reach the saddle anyway."


They all laughed.

Aldred smiled and shrugged. He did not mind a little joke.
Bartrem lifted him and sat him on the horse before he heaved on top of it as well. The horse had
strong muscles and powerful limbs. Unlike the horses in his world, the horses here seemed to be
much more resilient.
Mira then climbed the horses and sat behind him.
"What are you doing, nun. Go ride with the other soldier."
Mira sweated. Her expression showed fear and hesitation.
"Don't tell me you are afraid of riding a horse."
Mira nodded. "I am not good with horses. Let me sit behind Aldred."
The boy was the only person she was comfortable with in this group. Not only was he easy to talk
to, his mindset, knowledge, and philosophical thought made him a great person to debate. That
made her feel much closer to the boy.
"Fine. Are all of you ready?" Bartrem asked.
"Yes, sir!"
All twenty-three soldiers shouted. Bartrem felt sad that so many of his men died that day. He
regretted not accepting the nun's offer, but regret would not bring back the dead. All he had to do
was accept it and move on. That was it. He still had soldiers to lead, and goals to achieve.
"The bandit is said to camp to the east. More specifically to the north of a small village, Treille.
Since all of you are ready, then let us go."
The horses galloped out of the forest. Mira closed her eyes and hugged Aldred tight.
"Calm down, Mira. Why are you so scared?"
She did not say anything and simply hugged him. Pongo was sitting on Aldred's lap, enjoying the
scenery around.
Aldred looked at his comrades and realized they brought a shield with them. "Bartrem, did you
make the shield?"
"Me and the others. Since we already know how to make armor, we figure to try making the shield
as well. I also bring some potions with me." He tapped a skin bag hanging on the horse.
"And you make a spear as well?"
"That's a javelin, boy. Just like your fire javelin, we can throw those at the enemy as we charge
forward. It's good to disrupt their formation before we penetrate it. Thanks to you for teaching us
and providing us with the skills and equipment, we can make anything on our own. Hahaha."


"I am glad that I can help."

"You're more than helping. You make our life much easier, and these shields and equipment might
really save our lives."
Aldred smiled. He looked at his hands, wondering how many people he could help with them.
Softly, Mira's hand caressed his arm and then held his fingers.
"What's wrong, Mira?"
Time quickly passed.
"There they are!" Bartrem shouted.
A few hundred meters ahead of them was a bunch of tents with bandits patrolling the area. Unlike
what Bartrem expected, these bandits wore proper armor and equipment.
"They're not normal bandits. Ready your javelin!"
Bartrem narrowed his eyes as he waited for the right moment. The bandits noticed them and
immediately returned to the camp, shouting for their friends to come. Shockingly, the group of
bandits gathered like proper soldiers. They were quick and entered a phalanx formation with long
"Phalanx formation?" Bartrem frowned. "Throw the javelins!"
Twenty-three javelins shot to the sky and arched in the air. The phalanx formation reacted. They put
down their spears and raised their shields. The Javelins knocked them down and pierced their
shields, but none died.
"Damn! Are they really a group of bandits?"
"Let me try," Aldred said, jumping from the horse, and flying to the sky.
The enemy was shocked to see him flying. Aldred was amused by their reaction. He aimed with his
palms. "Fire javelin. Fire javelin. Fire javelin. Fire javelin."
They were wondering what the flying boy would do until they realized he was attacking them.
"Shield up!" All of them ducked down as the fire javelins rained upon them.
"Wait until he runs out of mana."
Flying usually consumed a lot of mana, if combined with attacking, the consumption of mana
increased exponentially. That was what they thought, but the rain of javelins never ended. It
continuously struck their shield, melting them and denting them.
But then, the rain stopped. They thought the boy had run out of mana, until…


"Bartrem, now!"
Bartrem's cavalry unit raised their sword and cut through the infantry. With their shields in tattered
condition, they amounted to nothing in front of Pressure Platoon II who were designed and built to
breach through solid formations. The phalanx formation did not have time to pick up their spears
before all of them were killed.
Arrows came from the camps.
"Scatter! Kill all the bandits you see."
Aldred rushed to the camp from the sky, accurately shooting bandits with his arrows and javelins.
He landed on the ground and sprayed them with his fire bullets. The bullets tore through the tents
and burned them down. Joseph and Jeffery rode on their horses, attacking any bandits they saw.
Bartrem roared as he led them in destroying the camp.
The boy summoned his undead and let them loose. They worked together and killed any enemies
they saw.
Pongo was like a crazed penguin with his baguette. He saw a soldier running in panic, and he swept
the man's leg with the bread. The man fell and was shocked to see a tiny creature jumping over him
with a long piece of bread. That long bread slammed his head, making everything dark.
Then they heard a woman's warrior cry. Aldred flew to the sky to check, and it was apparently
Mareona. She waved at him with a smile.
"Mareona, what are you doing here?" he asked as he landed beside her.
"We are ordered to attack the bandits as well. Hey, where did you find those horses?"
"It's a long story,"
Mareona flicked his forehead. "Then you better tell me about it on our second date."
Aldred rubbed his forehead. "Alright."
Mareona kissed him and played with her blue hair. "The bandits have more camps. This is only the
"So that's why they send you as well."
Bartrem approached with his horse. "Take all the horses from the bandits. We will charge the other
camps immediately."
Mareona nodded. "Come on, girls!"
They all ran to the nearest horses and hopped on them. All of the female soldiers were beautiful and
petite, making the male soldiers look at them in a daze.
"Get yourself together, soldiers! We're on the battlefield, not in the red-light district!" Bartrem


The female soldiers looked at them with a sweet smile as they galloped past.
"Try to keep up, boys."
The two groups; Pressure Platoon II and Red Rose Platoon galloped side by side on the grassy field.
Not long after, they saw another camp. Just like earlier, the infantry unit came out in phalanx
formation, but this time they were more prepared as a storm of arrows came from above.
"Men, give your spare shields to the ladies," Bartrem said.
They all raised their shields, but Aldred did his best to deflect all the arrows with his fire bullets.
Fire bullets were currently the fastest spell he could activate. Like a submachine gun, bullets after
bullets came out of Aldred's finger, deflecting dozens of arrows in less than a second. Though there
were arrows that still hit the shields, they did not penetrate through.
Aldred counter-attacked with fire javelins that immediately shut their arrows as they were too busy
hiding under their cover. Bartrem and Mareona easily ran through them and destroyed their camps.
His undead helped in destroying the camps, using their powerful regeneration ability to absorb all
the attacks.
This same event kept repeating itself until they saw a much bigger camp than before.
"This is where the leader might stay," Bartrem said.
"Who are they? How could they bring so many bandits?" Mareona frowned.
"Must be an organized bandit. If we can defeat them, the empress will be viewed in brighter lights
by the merchants."
Mareona's eyes lit up. "Good. Her Majesty can extend her fingers to the merchants. Let's see what
those nobles can do when no one wants to buy their goods."


"Stop talking, guys. Look. The enemy has their own cavalry," Aldred said.
Bartrem smiled. "Rain them with javelins."
The soldiers had picked up their javelins after each use. That way, they could reuse it again. Dozens
of javelins flew into the air and arched down. The enemy cavalry fell by the dozens, but they kept
The soldiers raised their spears. They stole it from the camps they had destroyed. It provided more
range than a simple sword. And so, with a shield on their left hand, and a spear on their right, the
cavalry looked like a mobile phalanx formation; formidable and quick.
As they charged against each other, Aldred stormed the enemy with his fire bullets, disrupting their
formation. And that was when Bartrem and Mareona penetrated the center of the formation like a
sword through flesh. They quickly defeated large numbers of enemies. They were no match against
Bartrem and his battle-hardened soldiers. Mareona and her Red Rose Platoon were not so bad as
"How dare you kill my subordinates?" A man landed on the ground with a loud thud, cracking the
ground below his feet.
Aldred looked at the man and realized he was familiar. "You. You are the guards that dragged me
out of the palace."
Bartrem looked at the enemy, frowning. "So that's why the bandits we fought all have the same
traits of proper soldiers. They were not bandits."
The man smiled. "That is correct. The emperor wants all of you to die to reduce the empress'


"And you think you can do it alone?"

The man's smile turned into a grin. His body exuded a powerful aura of a Gold Rank warrior.
Bartrem, Mareona, Aldred, Mira, and everyone else were shocked when they saw this.
"My name is Milet, and today, I will be the one who ends your life. All of you!"
"Crap!" Bartrem opened the bag and threw all the potions to his soldiers. "Drink the potions! All of
them can increase your strength!"
Milet laughed. "You think some potions can let you survive from me?" He grabbed an elegant and
powerful spear from his back. The blade of the spear shone with golden light.
"We cannot run away from him. Everyone, attack!"
Both men and women roared as they charged toward one man. Milet simply smiled and slashed to
the side when the horses were near. Their legs were cut off and the soldiers fell to the ground.
He then proceeded to move like an agile snake, going left and right, leaving a trail of blood
whenever he passed. He jumped high and stabbed a soldier in the chest. His move was like a
graceful crane.
Bartrem and Mareona confronted him. Milet received it with a smile. He spun with his spears
glowing even brighter. The powerful wind threw the other soldiers, leaving Aldred, Bartrem, and
Mareona to fight him.


"Three against one is enough advantage." Milet smiled.

Pongo threw a piece of bread at him, finally making the man look at the small creature.
"Four then."
Milet charged forward, quickly arriving right in front of Bartrem, shocking the man. Mareona came
from the side, and attacked, preventing Milet from following up with his charge. She tried to stab
him, but the man simply smiled as he dodged all of her attacks. Aldred then came from the side with
both of his legs shooting out jets. He shot out fire bullets from his fingers, but it only dented the
armor slightly.
"My armor is not for show, young man." He slashed at the boy, creating a wound on his cheek.
Aldred fell and rolled before he got up and helped his comrades again. The enemy was a Gold
Rank, if he let himself fall for long, Bartrem, Pongo and Mareona would be defeated.
As the three of them distracted Milet, Aldred fired a fire javelin that struck the man's right thigh.
The spell failed to penetrate, but it was dented considerably. Aldred continued to circle around, and
distract the man with fire bullets before shooting the right thigh with a fire javelin again.
He did this a bunch of times until finally, the fire javelin pierced the right thigh.
Milet grimaced and frowned. The boy kept on sending powerful spells without care. How much
mana did this boy have? A normal magician would run out of mana by now. He glanced at the boy
who was floating in the air.
Then the boy did something that surprised him. Black mists appeared around them. Rolling out
from the ground before nasty creatures stepped out. They were the ogres, wolves, and humans. But
their eyes were hollow with faint purple light flickering around them.


"Undead?" Milet looked at the creatures in disbelief.

Aldred stared at the man with a sharp gaze. 'If I can kill you. You will be my undead as well.'
Aldred had 50 undead with him. 49 undead were at the copper rank, while one undead was at the
silver rank. Swarmed by them from all sides, Milet had a hard time fighting them.
He slashed at the ogre's head, turning it into mist of shadows, but not a second passed, and the head
returned. Their regenerative ability was a pain in the butt hole.
Aldred, Bartrem, Mareona, and Pongo smiled. They slipped through the ranks of the undead and
occasionally attacked the Gold Rank spearman. Whenever they retreated, the silver rank undead
would cover for them.
Milet was angered. Although the undead couldn't hurt him with their attacks, he still needed to put
some effort to knock them away. But after a few minutes of fighting, he found a weakness. The
undead were less intelligent than normal humans, and they did not care if they would get hurt or
not. But they also did not know that their true goal was not to attack him but to protect their master.
Milet smirked. He punctured through dozens of undead. Violent wind revolved at the tip of his
spear, cutting anything in his path. It went for Aldred's frail, small body. He was the master of these
undeads. If he died, the undeads would disappear as well.
Suddenly, a large man dashed from the side and blocked his path. It was Bartrem. The spear went
through his chest, and out from the back. Milet clicked his tongue in annoyance before kicking him
to the side. He rushed forward, stabbing his spear at Aldred again.
Aldred trembled in fear at the sight. This was the first time he saw Bartrem being defeated. The
once large, and inspiring image fell to the ground for the first time. The boy couldn't move as the
spear went for his life.
"Aldred!" Mareona blocked the spear with a shield. It failed. The spear went through the shield and
stabbed her abdomen. Mareona turned around. Blood leaked out from her lips. "Run, Aldred. You're
our only hope in toppling the emperor."
Aldred looked at her with widened eyes. For a short moment, his mind was blank, and he couldn't
think. Then he recalled what Mary had said to him. Crush the crystal. Use it to escape.
'Crush the crystal.'
'Use it to run to the capital.'
Milet laughed. "I am a Gold Rank. There is no way you can run from me."
Aldred pulled out his ruby crystal from the inventory. He squeezed, cracking it. It shone out with
blinding red light, and then thick red mist entered his body empowering his fire manipulation.
"You think that's enough to escape from a Gold Rank?"
"I don't plan to escape." Aldred stared at him with fiery eyes. His hair floated in non-existence air
with fire particles sparked around him. For a moment, the boy was like the ruler of flames with his
eyes filled with a blazing aura.
His feet blasted with a powerful flame jet. Milet was shocked when the boy arrived right in front of
his face. He couldn't react as tens of fire javelins pierced his chest. Aldred did not stop there. He
shot out a couple of flame jets from his palms, destroying the man's shoulder to oblivion.
Milet screamed. Blood dripping from his wounds. He attacked, stabbing with his spear at the boy.
But the spear stopped short right in front of Aldred's eyes. Milet looked at his arm and realized there
were dozens of fire arrows stabbing his arm and preventing it from moving.


"How could a boy like you defeat me?" Milet looked at Aldred unwillingly.
"You talk too much."
Dozens of undead stabbed Milet from behind.
Milet kept on looking at the boy before he fell to the ground.
[You have leveled up]
[You have leveled up]
[You have leveled up]
[You have leveled up]
[You have leveled up]
[You have leveled up]
[You have leveled up]
[You have entered Gold Rank]
[Divine dimension space increased by 1 kilometers]
[Divine Dimension Teleportation Points unlock]
[Undead limit tripled. Undead capacity: 50/180]
Aldred sighed in relief at finally defeating the enemy. Then he turned around to look at Bartrem and
Mareona. His eyes were filled with tears as he rushed to them. Luckily, they still breathed.
"Mira! Can you save them?"


Mira looked at the boy who broke down in tears.

"Please tell me you can. Please. I will believe in whatever god you want me to believe."
Mira couldn't turn down his request. "Yes, I can."
Aldred was relieved.
Mira raised her staff to the sky. Golden particles flashed around her combined with green energies
of the life force. She looked at Mareona and Bartrem before opening her lips slightly. A small red
particle came out and mixed with the particles around her. They spun around then turned into the
color of thick gold.
"Holy Golden Stream."
The golden water streamed to Mareona and Bartrem. Washing all over them and entering their
bodies. All their wounds disappeared in a flash. Their pale skins turned healthy, and they
immediately opened their eyes. Awake.
Aldred hugged them both. "You guys survive!" He cried again.
Bartrem realized the situation and hugged the boy back. It wasn't the first time he experienced a
near-death situation, but it wasn't the same for Mareona. She felt she had died earlier, and it was
weird to return back alive again. But looking at the boy who cried for her sake, she threw the other
thoughts away and hugged him.
After a few minutes, Aldred looked at Mira, ran to her, and hugged her tight. "Thank you for saving
Mira smiled. Her skin looked paler than usual. "It's okay. You don't have to thank me."
She felt so much weaker because she used her life span to save them. She had to unless the boy
turned resentful and destroyed the world when he had the power. Mira had seen many people
consumed by their hatred. They destroyed the world around them, and then themselves. The boy
had great power in his hands. She must guide him to a better path.
Aldred noticed Mira's health deteriorate. His godly eyes detected many problems in her body. That
never happened before. "Mira, what was the cost you pay to save them?"
"Nothing," she replied. "The god is benevolent. He gave hope to those who need it."
"Stop lying. You clearly become much weaker after saving them."
"I'm just running out of mana, child. A good rest and I'll be good to go."
"That cannot be. You still have a lot of mana in you." Aldred could see her mana capacity with his
godly eyes. He then noticed a red life force that flickered weakly. "Did you sacrifice your lifespan?"


Mira sighed. "I cannot hide anything from you, can't I?"
Mareona and Bartrem heard their conversation.
"Why did you save us?" Bartrem asked. "You are our enemy."
Mareona was curious as well. "Enemy?"
"He's a nun from Montcresia," Bartrem said. Since Mareona was in the empress' camp, it was safe
to tell her.
Mira smiled. "I don't see you as the enemy. Our enemies are those who fall to their emotions.
Greedy kings and emperors take more than they need from the people. Power-hungry nobles betray
each other for influence. Those are our enemies. It's not about ceraisian or montcresian."
Bartrem looked down in shame. At first, he thought the nun only spouted nonsense to cloud their
mind. After all, Montcresia had tried many times to convert the soldiers to their religion. But not
once had Mira tried to convince him or his soldiers to enter her religion. It was always about
emotion; the driving force of why humans do what they do.
"But why did you sacrifice your lifespan for us?" Aldred asked. "We only know each other for a
short time."
"Because I believe you can change the world, child. I don't want you to become resentful of the
world, and destroy it."
"You really believe I can change the world?"
"Not just me. A lot of people put their hopes on you."
Aldred looked at Bartrem and Mareona. They nodded.
Mira held his shoulders. "Your shoulder is heavy with responsibilities. All I can do is lift it slightly."
"Me as well," Mareona said with a smile. "I will do everything to help you, Aldred. If you need
anything just come to me."
"Since the emperor ordered a Gold Rank to kill you, there's not much I can do. But I will be your
body shield anytime you need it," Bartrem said.
Aldred was shocked. They all willingly threw their life for him. Who was he? Did he deserve all of
this? He was just a boy. What had he done to deserve this treatment? He couldn't find the answer.
Aldred wiped his tears and snot. "I have something to tell you guys."
"What is it?" Mareona asked.
"I will tell you guys later when we return." Aldred checked his stats.
Health Points: 45/125
Level: 60
Titles: Tough Boy
-Fire Manipulation (Click to show the list of skills)
-Water Manipulation (Click to show the list of skills)
-Strength: 13
-Vitality: 25
-Intelligence: 50
-Dexterity: 7
Stat points: 72
Skill points: 72
He leveled up to gold instantly the moment he killed Milet. He looked at the corpse and approached
it. "I have promised to make you my undead slave. Now, arise."
Black mist entered Milet's body. And then the black mist enlarged before the Gold Rank undead
stepped out of the black mist with his spear. He knelt on one knee. "What is your command,
Aldred and the others were shocked. "You can talk?"
"Yes, I can, master."
"Aldred," Bartrem called. "Ask him why he wanted to kill you. Maybe we can get more details
from him."
"So what is your answer?" Aldred asked Milet.


"I am not the only one that has been sent, master. There are many like me who were ordered to kill
the empress' subordinates in various places. As for why I wanted to kill you was because you are in
the empress' camp."
"So the emperor knows nothing about his talent?" Bartrem asked again.
"I do not know. I am simply ordered to kill all of you."
Bartrem sighed, disappointed at the lack of information. "We cannot deny the possibility. The
emperor might hunt you again, Aldred."
"You have to leave this place," Mareona said. "Sooner or later, they will find a way to kill you."
Aldred grimaced. He did not want to leave his friends. "Let's talk about this later when we return to
the fort."
The boy then walked to the corpses and turned them into his undead. Aldred prioritized the silver-
ranked ones, and after converting them all into his undead, he got 9 silver ranks, and the rest were
copper. Totaling his undead at 169 Copper Rank, 10 Silver Rank, and 1 Gold Rank.
Bartrem couldn't say anything when he saw the large formation of undead. Each undead had a
powerful regeneration ability that made them impossible to kill, and now Aldred had more than one
hundred of them? Not to mention he had 10 Silver ranks and 1 Gold Rank. The undead could be
summoned anywhere and anytime as well, making the boy a highly-mobile one-man army. Bartrem
nodded admittedly. The more he looked at the boy, the more he was convinced he could change the
Aldred ordered his undead to disappear.
"Let us return to the barrack," Aldred said.
They all nodded, hopped onto the horses, and rode back to the fort.
Back at the Pressure Platoon II barrack, Aldred invited Mira, Bartrem, and Mareona to talk inside.
Pongo was there as well. Aldred forgot about him sometimes.
"Took you longer than expected," Mary smiled when he saw Aldred and the rest. They did not smile
back, which worried her. "Did something happen?"
"We met a Gold Rank. Aldred almost got killed by him."
Mary stood up. "What?"
Sophia still sat on the bed.
Mary approached the boy and caressed his cheeks. "You look fine though."
"Aldred killed him," Bartrem said.
"You did?" Mary asked. "How?"
"I crushed the crystal."
"Instead of escaping, you use the power of the crystal to kill him?"
Aldred nodded. "Mareona and Bartrem almost got killed as well. Mira saved them by sacrificing her


Mary looked at Mira. "Thank you."

Mira simply nodded.
"Since all of you have gathered. I wanted to tell you about something."
"I have been wanting to know, but what is it?" Mareona asked.
"Divine dimension."
Aldred, Bartrem, Mary, Mira, Mareona, Pongo, and Sophia entered the divine dimension. They
were standing on a grass field with the river beside them. A few meters ahead was a field of
vegetables. To the west was a thick forest with beautiful leaves and fruits hanging, waiting to be
"Let me welcome you guys to my dimension," Aldred said. "In this place, I am the god."
The boy snapped his fingers, and the sky turned dark with countless stars twinkling. The stars
disappeared and hundreds of moons appeared. He snapped his fingers again. The sun and the blue
sky returned, but the trees sank into the ground before a new type of tree came out with different
leaves and fruits.
"You can grow food in this place?" Bartrem asked.
Aldred nodded. "Crops and fruits grow faster in this place. I have brought some fish before and they
reproduce so quickly. I never brought it to the real world, because I wanted to keep this place a
secret. I am sorry."
"You did the right thing, Aldred," Mareona said. "This place is too valuable."
Bartrem nodded. "If we have access to food and water whenever and wherever we want, we don't
need to bring so many supplies to war."
"I can also save our medicines here."
"Then it's even better. You're a walking fort, Aldred. Whenever you go, the army can survive
without having to bring any extra bags," Bartrem said. "Although we only fought skirmishes all this
time, there will come a day when we need to march long distances."
"How heavy is their bag usually?"
"At minimum 60 pounds, but we usually need to bring 120 pounds of weight. Water, food, camp
tools, weapons, armor, and everything else a soldier needs during a long march."
"That's rough."
"It is. Believe me when I say more people die during the march than the battle itself."
"I understand." Aldred did not think that his divine dimension could be so useful. He only thought
of it as a playground at first, and a place to enter the dungeon for leveling up.
"I also have something else to show you guys. System, let them enter my party."
[Party system activated. Selecting targets… Success]
A panel of status screens popped out in front of their faces.


"Those are your status screens," Aldred said. "You can check your strength, intelligence, and other
Sophia was amazed. All of her attributes were turned into numbers and could be quantified.
Bartrem, Mareona, Mary, and Mira were all in a daze looking at the screen panel.
"I think it's broken," Mareona said.
Aldred frowned. "Why?"
"My intelligence is under 15. How is that possible?"
Aldred laughed. "The screen never lie and it's never broken."
"Are you saying that I'm stupid?" Mareona stomped and pouted.
"I never said such words." Aldred smiled.
Mareona knocked his head.
"That's for saying that I am stupid."
"But I did not say anything." Aldred felt wronged. Why did Mareona become so unreasonable? He
cleared his throat. "The reason why I can increase my strength so fast is because of this. Whenever I
kill, I get an experience and that experience will increase my level. If your level reaches 60, you
will turn into a Gold Rank."
Their eyes lit up when they heard that.
"Now this is something that you must keep a secret," Bartrem said. "The fewer people know, the
Mary nodded. "If the emperor knows about this, he won't let you live any longer even at the risk of
a civil war."
"I am planning to let the soldiers level up as well. Is that possible?"
Bartrem shook his head. "I won't be surprised if Pharder planted a spy in our ranks. Not to mention
they can be bribed with incentives. They're pitiful men, Aldred, fighting just to survive. What do
you think will happen if Pharder offers them salvation?"
"Yes. Just like what Mira said, people easily fall for temptation. They cannot help it. Our best
choice is to let them level up without knowing it's because of us. Can your power do that?"
Aldred asked the system.
[Yes it is possible]


"I can do that."

Bartrem smiled and nodded. "Perfect."
They returned to the barrack in a flash. Since they only spend a short time in the divine dimension,
it felt like no time had passed in the real world. Aldred wanted them to enter the dungeon, but it was
still on cooldown.
"How do you plan to add them onto the party system?" Bartrem asked.
"Should I just go out and add them to the party?"
"That would be too suspicious," Mary said. "Maybe we should go inside the fort, have a nice meal
along with them, and then you can add them to the party. That way, they will think it's because of
the food they eat."
"That's a good idea," Aldred said. "What do you think, Sophia?"
Sophia flinched when the boy asked her opinion. Pharder would never do that. "I... Uhh… I am
your slave, master. My opinion is not important."
"You're one of us now, so you're important as well," Aldred said.
Sophia widened her eyes. "I am one of you? But I am just a slave."
"Technically yes, but I don't see it that way. Since you are linked to me, then you are part of my
group as well." Aldred then reached out with his hand. "Let's work together, okay?"
Sophia hesitated but decided to accept his hand.
Aldred smiled. "I am expecting great things from you, Sophia."
Sophia widened her eyes even more. Her cheeks blushed. "Y—yes, master."
"You don't have to call me master. Aldred is fine."


"Y—yes, Aldred."
Mira smiled when she saw this. Aldred was a good boy. She did not take advantage of Sophia even
though she was chained under his command. Sophia was one of the most beautiful women she had
ever seen, and the way she brought herself enticed the lust within men. Any other man would
ravage her by now because of her beauty.
"By the way, Sophia. Can I sniff your breast?"
Mira bitterly smiled. Maybe the boy still needed some guidance.
Sophia smiled and was about to let Aldred sniff her breast until Mareona wrapped her hands around
his neck.
"Isn't this a perfect time for our second date, Aldred? We can invite the others as well."
"Good plan," Mary said.
Bartrem nodded. "I will gather my men."
"Me too. Come on, Aldred." Mareona dragged the boy with her.
Soon after, Red Rose Platoon I, and Pressure Platoon II entered the fort without their armor. They
looked around nervously, feeling weird without their gear. The only thing they would go out for was
training and fighting, and both of these activities require them to use armor. But their leader said
they would have fun? They hadn't heard the word fun since a long time ago.
"We are here," Mareona said. She turned around and smiled. "Welcome to The Jovial Harlequin. I
am telling you guys, this place has the best music."
Aldred nodded. "Yep. The best of the best is here."
Bartrem shrugged and entered the place along with the others. The music thumped his heart the
moment he opened the door. Someone played the guitar on the stage, along with some other artists
who played other musical instruments. A man walked onto the center of the stage and started


"I spit on them hoes, they love it and started licking, begging me to rain down on their pussy."
"Shit's tight, just like where I put my eel."
"Here's the deal. There was no deal. I make it slap, she make it clap. Bitch playin with the jigs, bitch
playing till she get wet."
Mareona and Aldred started nodding back and forth while Pongo jumped around. Sophia followed
as well.
Bartrem, Mary, and Mira on the other hand could only scratch their heads at the specifically
cultured lyrics.
"Come on guys. Let's have some fun," Aldred said as he danced with Mareona.
The soldiers were nervous at first but came to like the atmosphere. Everyone was dancing, and so
they did as well.
Aldred, Mareona, and Sophia laughed as they danced together. The boy ran his hands all around
their body.
"Well, it will be weird if we're not dancing as well," Mary said.
Mira sighed and entered the dance floor, circling Aldred along with the other women.
Bartrem looked around like he was a moving statue that could only move its neck. Never had he
entered a situation like this before. How was he supposed to dance? All he knew was to swing left
and right. So he did that; awkwardly dancing to the left and right like a crab under the summer sun.
Aldred laughed at the sight as he enjoyed his dance with the girls. Mareona was excited as always,
enjoying the song as she moved her hips energetically. She was so good at dancing that the others
followed her moves. Aldred became more excited as their dance became better.
Especially when he looked at Sophia who was dancing vigorously. Her tight dress revealed the
outline of her full curvaceous butt and breasts. She looked at the boy seductively and ran her slender
finger on her smooth thigh. She even pulled his arm and let him touch them. She smelled so nice.
The smell, the music, and the dance intoxicated him, making him forget about everything else.


"All these bitches bouncing on my lap, these bitches be jiggling my strap. Yeah! Imma fuck me
tonight a bad bitch. I don't give a fuck bout your tits, keep slippin em on my eel."
Aldred and the girls danced harder as the song got better and better. Unexpectedly, Mira started to
enjoy herself. She grabbed Aldred's head and pulled him onto her thigh. Aldred danced along with
her, moving his arms around her curvy waist and butt. Mira blushed at that, but she kept dancing.
Aldred's hand found its way onto her crotch and felt it was wet down there. It was obvious because
she did not wear any underwear.
Eventually, the song ended and they stopped dancing.
Mary, Mira, Mareona, and Sophia were gasping for air. They were so tired after the dance. Their
cheeks were red, but they smiled as they were having fun.
"Let's find a table to sit down." Aldred led them to a table and sat with them.
"I didn't know this place exists," Mira said. "I don't think this type of inn is allowed in Montcresia."
Aldred laughed. "This inn also serves food. Take your order."
Bartrem noticed that they stopped dancing so he stopped as well. No further need to embarrass
himself. He found himself a table. The soldiers stopped dancing because the music stopped. They
finally let go and danced to their hearts' content for the first time in years.
Jeffery was looking down, blushing while a girl dragged him to a table. For a man with a big chest,
he sure looked timid in front of girls.
"All of you, order whatever you want," Bartrem said. "I will be paying."
The soldiers, women and men, rejoiced and quickly ordered their food. Not long after, the waiters
came with a tray full of steam.
"Enjoy your food while it's hot."
Bartrem glanced at Aldred when they started eating. Aldred nodded. He knew what to do.


'System, add them to the party.' He used his mental image to pick which people to add. This way,
not everyone in this place entered the party.
[Selecting target… successful]
[All 73 targets have been added to the party]
"Simond," Mally, his big sister, called. Standing at 5,5 feet tall with a beautiful appearance, Mally
looked at the short, little Simond and rubbed his head before she wrapped a bag of food in the
Simond smiled as he looked up to his sister. He enjoyed being rubbed by her. She was kind and
played with him a lot of times. And she was a powerful warrior as well, of which he really admired.
Everyday, he would train with her in the art of sword. Yesterday, they went to the nearby river to
hunt for some pigs, Simond wondered where they would go today.
She grabbed her sword made out of simple steel but there was Simond's name carved on the handle.
He had played a prank on her and carved his own name there. Simond thought she would get mad,
but she simply laughed it off.
"Where are we going, sister?" Simond asked excitedly.
"We are going to the river nearby, Simond. But we won't hunt for pigs because Levina is going with
Levina, his little sister who was six years old peeked from the corner of the door and smiled. She
was a cute little sister and Simond loved her dearly. As a man and a brother of two, it was his dream
to protect both of his sisters.
"That's good. We can train by the river all day."
Mally laughed. "You're still ten, Simond. No need to train every day."
"But I want to be a powerful warrior like you." Simond pouted and hugged her legs.
"You will be strong when you grow up. Even stronger than me."
"Of course."
Simond laughed. "At that time, I will protect you. We will fight in battle together. The three of us."
Mally smiled sweetly and lowered herself to kiss his forehead. "I am waiting for that day to come."
But it never came.
It never came.


That was because she died.

The front door opened with a soldier standing rooted with the dark storm filling up the sky behind
him. Heavy rain poured upon the rooftop. Lightning flashed and thunder struck.
"Is this the family house of Mally Fairburne?" The soldier asked.
"Yes, that is true," his mother said. "How can I help you?"
The soldier went silent for a few seconds before taking a deep breath. "Your daughter died on the
battlefield with honor." He took a sword wrapped in red cloth on his back and handed it to his
father. "This is her sword."
Simond watched with widened eyes as his parents broke in tears. His sister had died? But sister
Mally was powerful. A great knight that led a platoon of braver warriors on the battlefield. She did
not die. She couldn't.
His father unwrapped the cloth, and shown on the handle was Simond's name. It was the same
sword she used. She never replaced it with anything else. And that was when he realized that his
sister had truly died. Tears filled his eyes and he couldn't contain them as they poured out of his

Simond opened his eyes as he lay on his bed. He felt like he had a dream of something earlier, but
he couldn't remember. Most dreams went forgotten, so he did not think about it much. He stood up
and went out of his room only to see a group of female soldiers from Red Rose Platoon coming out
of The Jovial Harlequin.
He clicked his tongue and confronted them. "What are you women doing here?"
"It's you again," Mareona said. "Last time I didn't hit you hard enough. Are you going to ruin my
date again?"
"But Mareona, we just finished our date."
"Shut up, Aldred."
Simond stared at them without fear even though he was alone. "This is the front line. I am telling
you many times that you shouldn't be here."
"Why are you such a jerk?" Mareona asked. "So what if I am here?"
"The battlefield is no place for women. You all should quit being a soldier and stay home."


"I really want to kick your balls right now," Mareona said. "You think you can bully us all you
"I am not bullying you. I am telling the truth. It's better for men to fight while women stay at home.
You're weaker than us. One man can do better than ten of you on the battlefield."
Mareona grabbed his shirt and stared at him in the eye. "You fucker. Why don't we have a duel to
the death right here now huh!? Let's see who's weaker."
Simond grabbed her hand with powerful strength. Mareona was shocked that the man could pry her
hand so easily. She felt like her hand was being wrapped by a powerful snake, unable to move even
by an inch.
"This is your proof." Simond released her hand. "Now go back to your home and never step foot in
this place."
Aldred was annoyed by how arrogant the man was. "Hey, I don't think it's your place to tell women
what they can and should do."
Simond looked at him. "You know nothing, boy. Grow some hair before you can talk to me."
"You want to see some hair?" Aldred pulled down his pants and showed it to him. "What about this?
Satisfied now? Why don't you suck it as well?"
Mareona and the other women laughed. Aldred's thing was so small that they barely could see it.
Simond was not amused. "You're a man. Treat yourself with respect or you will regret it in the
future, boy." He left the area and went to look for his men.
Aldred pulled his pants up, and snorted. "Some people are just plain bastards, aren't they?"
"Yes, they are," Mareona agreed.
"Why don't we go out of the fort and have some training sessions together?"
"That's a good idea," Mareona said. "What do you think, Bartrem?"
Bartrem sighed. Aldred was a gold rank which was stronger than him, so he felt like he shouldn't be
the one who led the platoon anymore. In fact, if the army knew Aldred reached the Gold Rank, they
should promote him to High-Knight and could lead up to 250 knights each with their own platoon.
"We can train together if that's what you want. Though, I hope you won't distract my soldiers from
their training."
"Such a disciplined man. No wonder you have a fierce reputation among the soldiers," Mareona


"How can my men survive without such training? They'd be dead in their first battle if not for that."
Aldred nodded. He had lived with them for a while now, and most of their time was spent on
training and eating. That was it. They wore their armor, strap weights on their body and jogged
around for hours. Aldred had never seen the other soldiers do that.
"We can train hard together," Aldred said.
Mareona nodded. "My girls seem to need a little harder exercise as well."
"I forgot to tell you guys," Mary said. "Remember when I said that the empress is sending a lot of
her men here?"
Bartrem nodded.
"Well, great news, she will come along with them."
"That's good," Aldred said. "Maybe she can kick Pharder out of this fort."
"She can do that, but the result won't be good."
Aldred shrugged and looked at the system notification that he had been ignoring.
[You have entered Gold Rank. Processing reward…]
[Processing success. Please choose your reward]
[Shape shifting]
[Martial Art: One Punch]
[Magic Art: Gravity Control]
'Hmmm… Which one should I choose?'
'System can you explain Martial Art: One Punch for me?'
[Martial Art: One Punch]
A powerful martial art that lets the user defeat the enemy with a single punch. Created by a
powerful bald man in another universe, this art is simple and deadly.
-Side effect: Being bald and dumb.
'What a terrible side effect. If I learn this, I will become dumb and bald? No thank you. What about
gravity control?'
[Magic Art: Gravity Control]
Let the user control gravity within a certain range, affecting the weight of objects.
'That's it? So lame. Explain to me the last reward.'
[Shape Shifting]
An all-in-one ability that lets the user transform into any non-spiritual creature or entity. User will
receive the talent, base attribute, and trait of the entity that the user turned into.
'Wait, what do you mean by that? So if I turn into a dragon, can I fly?'
[Yes. If the user turns into a powerful fire dragon race, user will receive a significant boost in stats
and powerful control over the fire elements]
'That can't be. It has to have some limits, right?'
[User needs to upgrade this ability if the user wants to receive the true stats of a powerful entity]
'So if the entity I shift to is weak, I still receive its true stat? And if I shift into a powerful entity the
stats and attributes I get would be weaker than its real stats?'
'So if I turn to an entity that has powerful regeneration ability, I can have regeneration as well.'
'Wow. I wonder what will happen if I transform into Dormaju, Jelestial, Galaktus, or maybe even
Jhanos. Still… It's also very lame. Can I have a stronger ability instead?'


[User can shape shift to any form. User can even shift into a female]
'Ohh…. This is interesting.'
Edeline Rose Wildingham sat upon her luxurious couch within her royal carriage overlooking the
scenery outside from the window. Outside the carriage, four Diamond Rank women on white
majestic horses rode beside her. Surrounding her carriages were the other carriages that brought her
subordinates to Ruandeurtin.
Her slender fingers caressed the smooth adamantite ring on her finger. The ring contained a power
that let the wearer survive any attack, but the cost was grave. So grave she was afraid of using it.
With her four Diamond ranks guarding her, she had never been forced to use it.
"Your Majesty." A female guard with a white robe entered the carriage from the front door. "We
have arrived."
Edeline did not smile or frown. Her expression simply couldn't be read. The guard did not know
how to react to her silence. She hesitated for a while, then bowed before exiting the room.
Her caravan entered the fort. The guards from the other carriages quickly went out and prepared a
red carpet with golden lines on the sides. They circled the carriage, creating a parameter that
prevented random soldiers from walking close. Female guards in full High-Knight armor raised
their swords above the red carpet. Many High-Magicians cast a sphere of transparent energy around
the perimeter.
Pharder, the captain of this fort, stepped out from the crowd followed by some of his attendants. His
expression was nervous as he approached the carriage. A guard stopped him on his feet, and he did
not dare to say anything even though the guard was lower ranked than him.
"Edeline Rose Wildingham, the empress of the Ceraisian Empire has come to visit. Show your
obedience," A diamond rank guard said.
They all knelt on one knee, heads facing the ground. The side door of the royal carriage opened
smoothly. And that was when the whole world stared at the figure coming out of that door. Shone
down by the light of the three moons in the sky, her appearance was like a glistening, sparkling
gem. Her beautiful black hair flowed down to her left shoulder as the guard softly took her hand and
helped her in stepping down the steps.
Pharder still knelt and did not dare to look up until she called for his name.
"Pharder," she said. Her voice sounded so beautiful but strict and demanded obedience. "I am
disappointed in your leadership for the last few years. Therefore, I will add five hundred High-
Knight to this fort. They will be my eyes to watch your work."
"Yes, Your Majesty."
"You are dismissed." The moment she said that, two guards harshly pulled Pharder and shoved him
away. Their treatment of him was harsh, but he couldn't say anything. The female soldiers had their
eyes lit up when they saw this. Their lives here were miserable because of Pharder, and now the
man did not even dare to say anything after such treatment.
They looked at the empress with greater respect than before. She was the reason why they became
soldiers in the first place. To break the shackle men put on their legs, they had to wield the sword to
break it. That was one of her sayings written in a book that spread around the kingdom far and
wide. It was amazing to think that a mere book could affect so many people.
The guards lifted a golden chair behind the empress and let her sit down before they lifted the chair.
The High Knight and Diamond Rank female guards moved forward with her at the center, pushing
anyone that did not have time to move.
Her gaze was set forward while being basked with admiration from the female soldiers around her.
She was a powerful woman with great authority in her hand. Every woman in the empire wanted to
be like her. That was why they became soldiers.
The guards lifted the chair to the southwest gate. They didn't know why the empress wanted to go
here, but they would never disobey her. Soon after, they arrived in front of a simple barrack with
Mary and everyone else kneeling on one knee.
"You have done well, Mary," Edeline said after she noticed that Aldred was alive and well.
"Congratulations on reaching the Gold Rank. Both of you."


The female guards flinched. The boy was a Gold Rank? How was that even possible?
"Thank you for the praise, Your Majesty, but it is because of the boy's effort that he could achieve
this level of strength."
Edeline glanced at the boy who was looking at her with bright sparkling eyes. He was still as cute as
she saw him the first time. She did not know his true talent at first until Mary told her about it.
Reaching Gold Rank at the age of 10. Any ruler in any empire knew what this meant—the boy was
a potential Adamantite Rank.
That also meant this place wasn't safe for him anymore.
"Boy, come with me." She entered the barrack. Aldred was too shocked to move at first, but he
followed her inside. The guards stood outside the door.
Aldred was nervous when he entered the barrack alone with her. What did she want to talk about?
"Come sit with me," Edeline invited with a smile.
The boy let out a cold sweat and sat beside her. After knowing her stories from Mary, and the
others, Aldred felt so nervous near her. The attitude he showed her and the emperor the first time
they met was nowhere to be seen.
"Congratulations on your advancement," she said with a smile.
Aldred nodded a bunch of times nervously.
"You don't need to be so nervous, child. Let me ask you something. Did Mary treat you well?"
"Yes, Your Majesty. She treated me very well. Bartrem, Mareona, and the others also treated me
well. They are my friends now."
"That is good." She caressed his head softly which made Aldred blush. "Do you know why we all
fight, Aldred? You're still a boy so you might not understand."
"I understand, Your Majesty. You fight for freedom."
Edeline looked at the boy in a different light the moment he said those words. "You understand?"
Aldred nodded. "I have lived with Mary for a few months, and she told me stories about you and
herself. I know why you all fight, and I think it's worth fighting for. I have promised them, Your
Majesty. I will help you in toppling the emperor and let freedom be distributed to every man and
woman across the empire."
Edeline widened her eyes. At such a young age, the boy already had the same goal as her. Such an
ambitious goal might be too far to reach for anyone else, but the boy knew his own talent.
"Why are you willing to fight for our cause?"
"I think everyone deserves freedom, Your Majesty. No matter who they are."


"Such a noble heart. I wonder which god threw you to my palace."

Aldred blinked at that. The one who threw him was actually his parents, though they could be
considered gods as well.
"Since that is the case, I will tell you a little secret. Your progress to Platinum Rank will slow down.
No matter how talented people are, they always take a long time to reach the Platinum Rank, but
there is a treasure that will help you with that."
"A treasure that can help me reach Platinum Rank?"
Edeline nodded. "Not just that. This treasure will also help you reach Adamantite Rank. To unlock
this treasure, you need to collect three items from three different places. You have to start looking
from Mount Fargon. Find the astrolabe and it will lead you to your next destination."
"But what about the others? I cannot leave them, can't I?"
"They will go with you. This journey cannot be traveled by you alone, child. No matter how strong
you are, you will need allies to keep going. This treasure will be wanted by many, not just you. You
will face them along the way." Edeline pulled her Adamantite ring and gave it to Aldred.
"Only use this ring when there is no other option."
"What is it for?"
"This ring will make you invulnerable to anything. Even to Adamantite Rank power. You can only
use it once before you have to wait for seven days before it can be used again, and the consequence
is very dire."
"What is the consequence?"
"I do not know. Some say it turns you into a madman, others say it will bring bad luck, but whatever
that is, bad things always happen when you use this ring. So only use it when you truly need it."
"Thank you for telling me and giving me this, Your Majesty."
"No. I should be thankful instead. If you can reach Diamond Rank, my power and influence should
be enough to make a few changes to the rules."
"When should I go?"
"As soon as possible," Edeline said. "Remember there are others who want this treasure, and they
won't roll over for you to take it. You have to fight, Aldred."
Aldred nodded. "I will tell the others about this and make the preparation." Aldred stood up.
Edeline grabbed his hand. "Before that, can you sing a song for me?"
(Author note: Do not read chapter 60. It's very dangerous to mortal souls such as yourself. I am
sorry but only the chosen ones can witness what is about to unfold. If you still want to read chapter
60 then I am sorry but you have to pay with power stones or golden tickets. Only with such a heavy
requirement can I allow you to read the divine scripture of the Holy Land)
Aldred took a deep breath and started singing.
"Smart men say. Only fools rush in."
Edeline slightly gasped as her heart was touched by his voice. It reminded her of him again. The
man who had her heart. The man who she used to dance with under the three moons and stars.
His sweet smile came into view as his short silver hair softly waved by the wind. He wrapped his
arms around her, bringing her warmth from the cold of the night. His gentle heart thumped as he put
her head on his chest. His strong hand caressed her back, assuring her that everything in this world
would be fine. She closed her eyes with a smile to enjoy this scene.
"Shall I stay? Would it be alright… If I can't help, So much in love with you?"
She let out a breath that removed all of her burdens. Her tight shoulders became so relaxed. She
then opened her eyes and saw the love of her life. Sitting there with closed eyes as he sang the song.
"Like a rain fall. Surely to the ground." The man glanced at her and sang: "Take…. My… hand…"
He stood up and softly brought her up.
Holding her hands, the man softly danced along with her. Edeline was looking at his face, charmed
by his mesmerizing gray eyes that always looked at her with affection.
Edeline couldn't hold her tears and let them flow before she hugged him. For the first time in
forever, she felt loved. She felt free. Under his embrace and warmth, she could finally be who she
truly was.
Aldred was surprised. He shape shifted into this form because he just wanted to try his ability. He
was nervous so he changed his appearance randomly. Taking her hands and dancing with her was
also not intentional, he was just in the moment, and the empress accepted it so he said nothing and
kept singing. But now that she cried, Aldred did not know what to do except to keep singing.


"For I can't help… Making love with…"

Edeline tighten her hug as she sobbed in his chest. "Don't leave me ever again, Leo!" She cried.
Her majestic royal image shattered and what came to be was simply a woman who missed her lover.
Aldred felt her emotion rolling in his heart. Her cry and her tears were too pitiful to ignore. He ran
his hand onto her hair and face. "I will never leave you, Edeline."
Edeline wrapped her hands around his neck and gave him a deep kiss. Aldred kissed back and put
his hands around her hourglass figure wrapped by her luxurious dress. His hands ran along her body
and stopped at her shapely buttocks. Aldred squeezed, and Edeline moaned.
Her moan was so cute and lovely that Aldred wanted to hear more of it, so he kept on squeezing and
fondling to make her moan even more. His right hand released the plump meat and held her left
breast, fondling it. Edeline's body shook, but she wanted more. She wanted him to touch her even
more. Their tongue play made their mind enter into an ecstasy of pleasure.
Her right hand reached down below to his bulging pants. Her hand quickly found its way inside and
held tight the hardened dong.
Aldred pushed her onto the bed and continued to kiss her. The blush on Edeline's face intensified as
his strong arms wrapped around her frame. Edeline's delicate hands kept on fondling his dong
which made him kiss her harder.
Aldred released the kiss which made their saliva connect in the air before he opened her dress and
sucked on her right breast. Edeline wrapped her arms around his head and moaned while he fondled
her left breast. She smiled, blushing as both of her legs raised to his waist, pulling him closer to her.

He was on top of her now, sucking on her breast and fondling it. Edeline smiled and enjoyed the
pleasure before biting softly on his left ear. Soon after, Edeline couldn't hold it and said: "Let me
help you feel good."
Softly, she rolled him over to put him under her. She rode on his crotch and ran her slender hands
against his strong chest before arriving at his pants. Slowly, she opened the pants and a giant dong
"This is our first time," Edeline said with a smile, softly touching his dong. "I didn't have the chance
to do it with you before."
Aldred blushed even though he knew she did not mean him. Edeline smiled. She blew a small wind
to his dong which made it twitch and elongated. She licked the tip and it became harder. Edeline
giggled and licked it from the bottom to the top.
Aldred moaned from pleasure. Her tongue made his dong feel so good and amazing. His body felt
warm and all he wanted to do now was to fuck her, but his feeling told him to let her do whatever
she wanted for now, so he stayed still as Edeline kept on licking his manhood.
Kissing the tip, Edeline looked at her man before slowly and softly putting the man-rod deep into
her mouth. Aldred moaned even harder. Her warm mouth felt so amazing and wet. It felt so good
that he wanted his thing to stay there for a long time. She was also very careful and precise with her
mouth, making the teeth not scratch against his skin.
When Edeline released her mouth, Aldred pulled her and his hand moved downward until it slid
onto her maiden spot. His hand ripped open the cloth and caressed the wet maiden, making Edeline
moan and blush in his chest.
Aldred kissed her neck and groped her left breast, and lightly inserted his finger a little deeper. After
a few seconds, the spot became wetter. Some beautiful liquid leaked out.
"Are you ready?" Aldred asked.
Edeline smiled and nodded. Aldred grabbed his manhood and put it in her maiden spot. They both
gasped in pleasure as their body became one. She was nervous at first, and afraid that she would
feel any pain, but there was none as his hands held her back to reassure her.


Aldred pushed her slightly and pulled his hips before thrusting forward slowly. Edeline moaned
beside his ears and wrapped her arms around his neck, making her breast pressed against his mouth.
Their body felt so hot, and as they got hotter, Aldred moved faster, pulling his hip back and
thrusting deep inside her. He also slowly increased the length of his manhood.
Edeline could feel it as well. He was inside of her and she never felt this good in her whole life.
She tightened her hug on his head, letting him do whatever he wanted to her body as she moaned
uncontrollably. Their desire reached its peak. Edeline's body shook as she orgasmed, but Aldred
kept on going until he thrust as hard as he can and elongate his manhood to reach the door of her
womb, injecting his seeds into her.
Edeline's body trembled and moaned as a wave of pleasure washed over her.
Aldred wasn't done yet. He tightened his arms around her frame and pumped his hips back and forth
before penetrating open her womb and filling it up with his semen. Edeline pulled back her head
and moaned even harder before she tightly wrapped her arms around his head while her whole body
They both panted with red cheeks as Edeline lay beside him. She smiled and kissed him before
closing her eyes.
Under her breath, she muttered: "Take my hand… Take my whole life too… For I can't help.
making love… with… you."
After their feisty scene, Edeline realized that her lover wasn't real. It was Aldred who shape-shifted
to his appearance. The boy transformed back and bowed to apologize.
"It's fine, Aldred," Edeline said. Though she was sad that her lover was not real, Aldred gave her the
pleasure of his exact warmth. "I am thankful because I can see him in you even just for a moment."
"You're not angry?"


"This is too insignificant for me to be angry. Besides, I have my fun as well."

Aldred blushed and scratched the back of his head. "I don't know what to say."
"You don't need to say anything." Edeline approached his face and kissed his lips.
Chapter 61 Preparing For an Adventure
"Say, Aldred, do you like me?"
"I do. You're beautiful, brave, and perfect."
Edeline smiled. "I have decided. If there ever comes a day you defeated the emperor, I will be your
"Now that's what I called motivation."
Edeline giggled. If others saw her acting like this, they would be in an uproar because she always
held an ice-cold expression. "Thank you for singing that song for me."
"Anytime, Your Majesty."
They both fixed their clothes and went out of the barrack. Mary looked at the two, wondering what
they talked about for so long in the barrack.
Edeline showed her usual cold expression. "My business here is done. I have great expectations
from each of you. Do not disappoint me." She sat on her chair before the guards lifted her away.
"Aldred, what did she say?" Mary asked.
Aldred then explained everything to them about the secret treasure that could help him reach
Platinum Rank. He also asked if it was true that Gold Rank took a long time to reach Platinum.
Mary nodded. "That is true. It is harder to reach Platinum than Diamond. I don't know why that is
the case. There's some kind of boundary from Gold Rank to Platinum Rank."
"So the empress told us to find this treasure?" Bartrem asked. "Pharder wouldn't let us go, but if the
empress herself says it then we are free to leave."
"I will follow whatever Her Majesty said," Mareona proudly replied. "If it is the treasure that she
told us to look for, then we should start looking."


"The empress told us to leave immediately," Aldred said. "So we better make some preparations
right now. And just bring everything, my divine dimension can store a lot of things anyway."
Bartrem looked at him as the soldiers wondered what Aldred talked about.
"It's fine, Bartrem. They are our comrades. If we cannot trust them with this, how can we trust them
with our lives?"
Bartrem sighed. "Alright. Men, go collect everything you need. We're going treasure hunting!"
Mareona told her soldiers as well. "Girls! Go get busy. And don't forget to bring extra panties! The
road is going to get rough."
Red Rose Platoon I and Pressure Platoon II rushed to their barracks and grabbed everything they
needed for the journey. After they were done, they asked Bartrem about food.
"Food is not a problem. Don't think about it," Bartrem said. "Now put your bags on the ground."
The soldiers looked at each other in confusion but they obeyed his order.
"Aldred," Bartrem called.
Aldred stepped forward and told the system to put the bags into the divine dimension. The bags
flashed with a bright light before they disappeared without a trace.
The soldiers widened their eyes.
"Aldred has the power to store things. Don't tell this to anyone else,"
The soldier nodded a bunch of times. They understood the significance of this ability. As long as
they had Aldred, they could bring anything.
Aldred wasn't really worried someone else would know about his divine dimension. It was his
leveling system ability that he was worried about because that ability was so vital and powerful that
even a talentless brat could become an emperor.


"Has everyone brought everything they need?" Bartrem asked to make sure.
"Yes, sir."
"Then let us go. Our first destination is Mount Fargon."
"Where do you think you are going?"
Bartrem and the others turned around to look at the man. It was Pharder.
Mary stepped forward. "The empress directly ordered us to leave this fort. You cannot stop us."
Pharder snorted. "Do not think I am clueless on where you are going and what are you looking for.
The treasure you seek is an open secret, and I will do the best that I can to prevent you from taking
Mary frowned. "This treasure is of no importance to you, Pharder."
"Maybe. But it is important to you, which is enough reason for me to intervene."
"You're a bastard."
Pharder laughed and glanced at Sophia. "Say that to the boy. He stole my woman."
Sophia stepped behind Aldred in fear.
"Don't worry, Sophia," Aldred said. "He cannot hurt us."
She smiled as his words assured her.


Pharder snorted again before walking away.

Mary watching him leave was angered. "I have to punch his face someday."
"He pissed me off," Mareona said, clenching her fist.
Bartrem kept his calm. "Brush it off. He must be angry since the empress came here and brought her
subordinates to this fort."
"So he came here to take his anger out on us?" Mareona asked. "Now, I really want to kill that
bastard." She glanced at Sophia. "How did you become his woman anyway?"
Simond swung his sword for the ten-thousandth time in the grassy field. His men lay on the grass in
exhaustion. They had tried to follow his training routine, but it was too hard. Simond was a knight
so it was normal that he was stronger than them, but his endurance might be equal to a Gold Rank
And Simond wasn't randomly swinging his sword. Each swing cut the air with precision and power.
The soldiers were amazed by his ability. All of them believed that Simond would reach Gold Rank
sooner or later.
And he did.
Simond's body glowed with powerful life force as he raised his sword high above his head and
swung down. A wave of vertical wind shot forward, cutting everything in a straight path.
The soldiers couldn't believe their eyes. It wasn't that rare to see someone breaking through the
ranks, but it wasn't that common either.
"Congratulations, sir." The soldiers cheered and clapped for his advancement.
Simond did not smile nor did he feel happy. Instead, he felt sad that it took him so long to reach this
Suddenly, Pharder approached them. The soldiers stood up and saluted him immediately.
The man stopped in front of him with a smile. "Simond, I have a mission for you."
A handsome man covered in shining armor knelt in front of a statue. Light entered the church
through the stained glass depicting many events and histories of how God gave hope to its
worshiper. The man closed his eyes and brought his right fist to his chest.
"O'lord, who art in heaven, blessed be thy name. Give us strength and forgive our sin as we forgive
theirs. Led us away from temptation; whispers of the devils, and deliver us to the light."
Footsteps came from behind. The man opened his eyes and stood up.
"Your prayer is longer than usual, Arthur."
Arthur turned around, showing his smooth flawless skin. Even after years of battle, he was without
a scar or wound because heroes had superb regenerative ability.
"We are about to be away from the kingdom of our lord. We need his blessing to ensure our safety."
Jake smiled. Even though he had a strong frame with big a shield and sword, he had a kind face that
did not look threatening at all. "Hugo is waiting outside with the carriage. Why don't we go out
before he makes a noise?"
"Good idea."
They both exited the church and saw a 165 CM tall man leaning on the carriage with crossed arms.
His brown eyes darted towards them. "What took you so long? I was so bored."
"Don't be whiny, Hugo. You only waited for a few minutes." Jake walked to the back of the carriage
and checked the supplies.
"A few minutes is long. Do you know how bored I am? I need some girls to keep me company."
Jake rolled his eyes and ignored him. Arthur ruffled chest-nut hair and smiled. "I apologize for
taking too long. Why don't you drive the carriage instead of Jake?"
Hugo's eyes lit up. "Really?"


Jake peeked out the back of the carriage. "He's going to destroy the carriage."
"No, I will not." He turned to Arthur and. "I assure you. Everything will be fine."
Arthur bitterly smiled. "I give you my trust again, Hugo. Even though you have betrayed it a bunch
of times already."
"A lot of times, actually," Jake added.
"Shut up, Jake. I know what I'm doing." Hugo laughed and caressed the horses like he already
owned them.
Jake looked at Arthur and gave him the expression that said 'Why did you let him drive?'
Arthur smiled and shrugged.
"Are you ready to leave, Arthur?" A man with a white robe came and asked him.
"Yes, father. Jake and Hugo have prepared the supplies and carriages."
The priest sighed. "Be careful out there, Arthur. This treasure is too important. A lot of people will
look for it, and you have to face them."
"I am ready, father."
"I hope you are. Thankfully, only Gold Rank can participate in this treasure hunt, so you have a
chance to fight for it."
"What happens if a Platinum Rank looks for this treasure, Father?"


"Terrible thing. I do not know how this rule came to be, but this treasure appears every hundred
years or so, and those who have it will have a chance to reach Adamantite Rank. But only a Gold
Rank can look and have this treasure. If a higher rank tried to find it, a malevolent curse will fall
upon them."
"What curse is that?"
"If they directly prevent others from finding it, and try to find it themselves, their body will be
dried, shrunk, and then turned into dust."
Arthur and the others trembled when they heard this. Just imagining their body dried was terrible
enough, but at least no Platinum Rank or higher would disrupt them.
The priest held his shoulder. "Remember, child. Everyone outside Montcresia is blinded by evil
emotions and desire. Be very careful out there."
Arthur nodded. "I will."
Pressure Platoon II and Red Rose platoon elegantly danced around the pack of copper wolves. With
steel swords in their hands, they quickly decapitated wolf after wolf. Many of them plummeted to
the ground, but they did not stop, and continued to fight, slaying a bunch of wolves that tried to run.
Aldred watched as their levels increased a bunch of times because of the battle. He did not receive
any EXP from what they killed unless he contributed some damage to the target, but he was fine
with that. The soldiers needed to get stronger first.
They were currently traveling to the north where Mount Fargon was, but they met a pack of copper
wolves by chance. Thinking it was a good opportunity to increase levels, they decided to fight the
"How is their progress, Aldred?" Bartrem asked.
"To be honest, not as good as I expected. Different people need different EXP, so some soldiers took
longer to level up than the others."
"At least their improvement is much better than before. Soon they all will reach Silver Rank."
Bartrem clenched his fist. "I almost reach Gold Rank as well."
Aldred smiled. "Let me say my congratulation before that happen."


Bartrem laughed.
Mary was sitting on top of the carriage until she saw something coming at them from a distance.
"Hey! Something is coming!"
Aldred turned around and looked at her. "What is it?"
Mary stood up and narrowed her eyes. "It's some kind of monster."
Aldred was curious, so he activated his flame jet and flew up. His eyes widened at the creature he
saw. It has a wolf head, a snake body, wolf legs, and a scorpion sting. It stood around 8 feet and it
moved really fast towards them.
"Wakanda shit is that?"
"It's a Silver Rank, Monster." Bartrem smiled. "Aldred, you stay out of this. I will use this
opportunity to increase my strength. The rest of you follow me!"
Bartrem charged toward the monster with the same valor and bravery when fighting against a
human formation. Aldred had never seen the man show an expression of fear.
"Pongo." Pongo squeaked as he sat beside Aldred.
"What do you think, Pongo? Can they win?"
"Pongo pongo (You want to bet?)"
"What's the bet?"
"Pongo pongo (the one who loses will have to steal Mareona's underwear and give it to the other


"Deal. I say they will win."

"Pongo pongo (I guess you will have to steal an underwear tonight)."
Sophia and Mira wondered what Aldred was talking about with the penguin.
Bartrem, Mareona, Joseph, Jeffery, and the other soldiers from both Platoon charged at the hideous
beast. Its scorpion tail stabbed forward almost hitting Bartrem as he dodged to the side.
Bartrem grimaced and slashed its face, angering the beast. "Attack its sides!"
The soldiers swarmed the beast in all directions, slashing at its skin, and creating wounds of all
sizes. The beast roared and attacked back, but what it fought against were proper soldiers who were
used in teamwork, so when the beast attacked, all the soldiers backed off and dodged at the same
Bartrem pummeled the beast's face with his sword. One time he even uppercut the beast on the chin,
disorienting it. His fighting style made him look like a powerful and brave warrior.
On the other hand, Mareona moved like an agile snake. Precise yet deadly as her sword stabbed
through the monster's neck.
"Nice job!" Bartrem punched the monster in the face, bringing it down to the ground. He raised his
sword and stabbed its head. "Kill it!"
The soldiers quickly rushed at the beast from the sides and dealt horrendous damage to its body. A
large wound opened up with blood pouring out.
Eventually, The monster died, and at that moment, Bartrem and Mareona glowed in a powerful life
force. Some of the soldiers glowed as well. They reached Silver Rank while Bartrem and Mareona
broke through the Gold Rank.
Bartrem raised his sword and roared. "Hiyaaa!"
"Hiyaaa!" the others followed.
Aldred raised an eyebrow. "Bartrem never roared when he won a battle before."
"Maybe it's because he reached Gold Rank," Mira said.
Aldred nodded. "That makes sense. Anyway." He grabbed Pongo by the shoulder. "Remember our
Pongo crossed his arms and pouted. "Pongo pongo (I guess I have to steal her underwear again)."
"What do you mean again?"
"Pongo (Nothing)."
Mary walked to the field and lay out a mat on the grass. "Aldred, come here and sit with me."
Aldred obeyed and sat on her lap. His head rested on her breast. "What's the occasion?"
"Well, the weather is nice and we have traveled for quite a bit, so I decided to have a little picnic.
The soldiers also needed some rest after they fought the wolves."


"That is true. They must be very tired."

Smokes bellowed from the side. Aldred turned his head and noticed Sophia was creating a fire.
Mira moved her hands gracefully, and a blob of water floated from a nearby creek. There were three
fish within that blob of water. Sophia stabbed the fish through the mouth with a stick and she
cooked it above the fire.
Sophia looked at the boy and smiled. "Wait for a minute, Aldred. The fish will be cooked soon."
Aldred laughed. "Mary, let's help them cook the fish. We can also cook for the others as well."
Mary agreed and they both stood up to catch fish in the creek. Aldred summoned his undead.
Milet knelt in his undead form. "Your command, master?"
"Catch some fish for my friends."
Milet blinked as if he couldn't believe he was summoned just to catch some fish.
"What are you waiting for? Go catch some fish or I might start eating you instead."
"Yes, yes, master."
Milet raised his spear and slashed at the water. The water splashed violently and dozens of fish flew
into the sky.
"Hey! Do it calmly. Don't destroy the environment, okay?"
"I apologize, master." Milet stabbed the fish one by one very carefully.
Aldred approached Sophia. "Let me help you with the fire." He fired a bunch of fire javelins on the
ground. "Now you can just put the javelin into the fish and let it cook from the inside."
Sophia's eyes lit up. "That's very smart." She hugged him and kissed his cheek. "Thank you mas—
Aldred giggled and kissed her back. "No need to thank me."
Sophia's eyes widened when Aldred kissed her back. Her cheeks blushed as she scrambled to grab
some fish and put their mouth into the fire javelin. Pharder had never kissed her back before. He
always kicked or hit her. She glanced at the boy, her red face intensified. 'He's a good boy. I should
get his love.'
"Aldred," Sophia called.


Sophia undressed "Do you want to do it here?"

Aldred blinked. "Sophia what are you doing?"
"I am giving you love."
"You don't have to do this to show me love."
Sophia showed a confused expression. "Then what should I do?"
"Just be with me, and have fun."
"I can do that?"
"Of course. You can do whatever you want."
"Whatever I want… Can I touch you?"
"Kiss you?"
"Why not."
"Suck your d—"
"Okay, let's not talk about that yet."
Sophia smiled with red cheeks. "Thank you."
"Huh? For what?"
"For everything." Sophia looked away from the boy and continued to stick the fish onto the fire
Aldred stood there scratching the back of his head. 'What did she thank me for?'
Mareona, Bartrem, and the others came to the carriages and smelled a nice crisp scent.


Aldred waved his hand at them. "We're cooking fish for you guys!"
Bartrem smiled. "Prepare the mat!"
Mareona ran up to Aldred and knocked his head. "I am Gold Rank like you now. Hahaha."
"Good for you, but why did you hit my head?"
"Humph. I will hit you whenever I want."
"Why are you so unreasonable."
She hit his head again.
"That's for questioning me." She glanced at the fish on the fire javelin and frowned. "You cook
them just like that?"
"How else should we cook them?"
Mareona hit his head again which made Aldred's head throb in pain.
"In a situation like this, flowers are the best." She reached deep in her pants and pulled out a
handful of flowers.
"Seriously. Did you store flowers in your underwear?"
"It's a secret."
"You did it a bunch of times before. I don't think it's a secret anymore."
"What? You want to see?" Mareona asked.
"Oh uh… sure."
"In your dream!" She knocked his head again.
Aldred rubbed his head and pitifully looked at her. 'Pongo will steal your underwear tonight. We'll
see what you hid down there all this time."
When the fish were cooked, Mareona plucked some leaves and wrapped them. The others followed,
pulling some leaves and wrapping the fish which they could eat immediately.
Aldred sat on Mary's lap as she caressed his head. Sophia was giving his legs a massage while Mira
used her water magic to clean his feet.
"Open your mouth, Aldred." Mareona gently put a red fruit into his mouth. It looked like
strawberry, but not really, and it tasted sweet without the acid part.
The other male soldiers looking at the boy could only eat their food in loneliness and jealousy.
"Why did he get all the girls?"
"Is it because he's a boy?"
"Most likely."
"If only I was as cute as him."
On the other hand, there were some soldiers who were close to the female soldiers and were eating
together on their own mats. Jeffery was one of them. He was blushing and looking down as the girl
smiled and fed him food.
Joseph sat with a nonchalant expression as he ate his fish. He did not care about girls. All he cared
about were strength and skills. Nothing else mattered. 'I live by the swords and will die by the
swords. No woman shall distract me.'
Tears trickled from his eyes. He wiped his face and violently bit onto his fish. 'Jeffery, you bastard.
Why'd you leave me alone after everything we have been through.'
And that was their current life. Some got girls, some got none, and one even got it all, but overall
their little picnic was very fun.
Night time came.
As the campfire died and everyone was sleeping in their tents, a small, tiny, short, dumb creature
peeked out of the grass. It was Pongo. His eyes were currently locked onto one particular tent. He
looked left and right, making sure no backstabbing spy was there to disrupt his operation.
Quickly, he slid onto the ground with his belly. His movement was quick. And in the blink of an
eye, he was inside the tent. Mareona was sleeping along with the other girls. Pongo approached her.
He had done this a few times before so he wasn't worried. With supreme precision and speed, his
right flipper snapped at the target, and suddenly the pink object was in his hand.
Pongo smiled and was about to leave until he had a second thought. That was when he decided to
steal all the girl's underwear and kept it for safekeeping.
He entered Aldred's tent to deliver the object. A spy must keep his promise after all. Pongo watched
the boy sleeping with saliva trickling from his mouth.
Aldred was sleeping on Sophia's belly with Mary and Mira beside him.
Aldred laughed in his sleep. "No, sister. Don't touch me down there. No. What are you doing?
Hehehe. What if mother sees us?"
Pongo slapped his face which alerted Aldred.
"Earthquake!" He paused and stared at Pongo. "Ahh, it's just you."
Pongo handed him a soft and smooth object. After rubbing his eyes, Aldred realized it was
"Shit! You really did it? I thought you were joking."
"Hey, don't argue with me now. I did the deed and my debt is cleared," Pongo said.
"Been a while since I heard you talk." Aldred laughed. "Why do you pretend you cannot speak in
front of others?"
"Humph. You wouldn't understand." Pongo crossed his flipper
Aldred rolled his eyes and glanced at the divine object in his hand. "There's something in it. I
wonder what it is."
Aldred opened the pink divine object and what he saw was simply a bunch of colorful flowers. "She
really did keep flowers in her underwear… I don't know what to say."
"Ohh, but you don't have to say anything."
Aldred looked up and realized Mareona was at the entrance of his tent, staring at him with
murderous eyes. Lightning flashed and the sky thundered. Mareona cracked her fist which made
Aldred back off in fear.
"Mareona, it's not what it looks like."


"Yeah?" She approached. "We lost our panties a bunch of times before, now I know who did it."
"It's not me. It's the penguin."
Mareona looked at the penguin who was looking at her with big, pitiful, innocent eyes.
"He's innocent," Mareona said.
'Damnit! Now I know why Pongo pretended to be dumb in front of others! He's tricking them all!'
A powerful Gold Rank aura permeated her body. "Prepare yourself for a world of pain."
"Mother, help!"
Mareona closed his mouth. "Try not to make any noise." Her hand reached out to him.
The sun rose and the chirping of birds came from outside.
Mary woke up then she saw a pile of beaten meat in front of her. Rubbing her eyes, she realized the
beaten meat was actually Aldred who was black and blue from all over.
"What happened?"
"I have a terrible nightmare," Aldred said. "A really terrible nightmare."
"That doesn't explain the bruises."
"Pitiful, child," Mira said. "Let me heal your wound." Golden water washed Aldred's body and the
bruises disappeared.
"Thank you, Mira."
Mira smiled and ruffled his hair. "Be a good boy and stop doing naughty stuff."
Aldred blinked innocently. "Okay."
Sophia woke up as well and greeted him. "Good morning mas—Aldred." She almost called him
master again. The habit stuck to her because of Pharder.
Aldred smiled. "Good morning."
"Do you want breakfast or coffee? Or maybe both? Or do you want to take a bath first?"
"I… uhh… I usually train first before any of those things."
"Physical training?"
"Yep. I usually train with Mary, Bartrem, and the others."
Sophia thought it was weird that Aldred trained his body since he was a magician. A powerful one
at that. "I will prepare a towel and a mat. After your training, I will wipe the sweat off your body."
"I don't really need that."
"Oh, so would you like to take a bath after training instead?"
"I guess it depends on my mood. What's wrong?"
Sophia shook his head. "I am just trying to make you comfortable and have a good day."
"You don't have to do that, really. Just have fun. Look at me. I take baths whenever I want, and no
one gets mad if I don't take it for more than a week. Hahaha."
Mary flicked his forehead. "You should take a bath at least once every three days."


Aldred rubbed his forehead. "Yes, Mary."

Mary smiled and hugged him. Aldred embraced the hug with a smile, but then he noticed Sophia's
troubled expression.
"What's wrong, Sophia?"
Sophia looked down, hesitating. "I don't know what to do."
"To do what?"
"To please you."
"Why do you have to please me?"
Sophia looked down. "I don't know."
Aldred sighed. "I am happy that you want to make me happy. I appreciate it, but your happiness is
my happiness as well, so tell me. What do you want?"
Sophia widened her eyes. "My happiness is your happiness?"
"Of course. I am happy if Mary is happy, I am happy if Mira, Mareona, Bartrem, Joseph, and
Jeffery are happy. If everyone is happy, I will be happy."
"Except you, Pongo."
Pongo pouted and crossed his arms in anger. "Pongo!"
"You're just a bloody penguin. I don't care about your happiness. Besides, it was because of you that
Mareona beat me up."
"Pongo pongo!"
"I am not listening to you."
As Aldred and the penguin battled in a heated argument, Sophia was still staring at the boy,
wondering if what he said was true or not. 'My happiness is his happiness…' No one ever said that
to her.
Tears flowed from her eyes which shocked everyone.
"Why are you crying?" Aldred said with worry. He approached and held her shoulder. "Are you
Sophia looked at his worried face up close. Those gentle black eyes with honest and genuine
feelings made her heart warm. She couldn't hold it anymore and broke into tears as she hugged him.
"Sophia, what's wrong?" Aldred caressed her back, becoming more worried. "Are you sick? Did
someone bully you? Is it your time of the month? Are you maybe pregnant?"
Mary hit his head and signaled for him to be quiet.
Aldred nodded and stayed silent as he hugged her and caressed her back. Sophia kept sobbing and
crying uncontrollably. He did not know what made her so sad.
After a few minutes, Sophia stopped crying but kept on hugging Aldred. She calmed down
eventually, still with a little bit of tears in her eyes.
"Are you going to tell me what is going on?" Aldred asked.
"All this time," Sophia started. "It was always me who kept trying to make others feel happy. I did
whatever they asked, did whatever they wanted, but it never worked out. They always kick and
shove me away." She broke into tears again. "I don't know why they did it. I truly don't know."
Aldred, Mira, and Mary looked at each other. It seemed like Sophia's craziness came from her
terrible experience with life.
"Sophia," Mira said in a soft voice. "Love is something to fight for, but that fight must never be
done alone. If you ever find yourself fighting alone, then it is not love."
Sophia looked at her with widened eyes. "All this time, it wasn't love?"
Mira nodded. "Many make the same mistake as you. Love is a comfortable home, Sophia.
Sometimes it gets messy and you have to clean and tidy it, but it's a place where you can relax and
be yourself."


Sophia hugged her. "Thank you, sister."

Mira smiled and hugged her back.
Mary hugged her from the side.
Aldred followed. "You can consider us your home, Sophia."
Sophia nodded. "I will." She ruffled Aldred's hair and kissed him on the lips. "I guess you are my
love now." She smiled sweetly.
Aldred blushed. Her demeanor changed so quick that he was caught off guard. Sophia loved his
reaction and kissed him a bunch of times.
Mary smiled. Sophia did not seem like a bad person. Yes, she tried to enslave Aldred before, but she
was probably ordered by Pharder. 'Now that she's one of us, there's no use in holding a grudge.'
"Aldred," Bartrem called as he peeked inside. "We're ready to move."
Aldred nodded and exited the tent. He then ordered the system to put all the tents inside the divine
dimension. He also stored other things such as supplies and tools.
Aldred and Bartrem had thought about how to use the dimension even more efficiently and
effectively. They tried to put everyone within the divine dimension, and have Aldred fly to the
destination. There was a problem with that method. Apparently, they could only stay inside for three
hours in real-time of which they were kicked into the real dimension after the time ran out. Then
they had to wait for a 24-hour cooldown before they could enter the divine dimension again.
Bartrem thought it wasn't very efficient, and that ability better be saved for a possible disaster
instead. Imagine they were ambushed from all sides. Outnumbered and outwitted. They could enter
the divine dimension and stay there. Although only for three hours, at least the element of surprise
disappeared, and they could think of a plan to survive. The problem was the usual difference in time
did not apply when Aldred was outside the divine dimension. So if they wanted to hide, he had to
enter the dimension along with them.
Aldred was glad that he shared his ability with Bartrem and the others. It was really good to have
others think of a way on how to use his ability more effectively. Although they still couldn't tell all
of their comrades about the leveling system.
They did not need to know though. In fact, they didn't even know their own levels and attributes.
When their levels increased, their attributes automatically increased according to their
This ability was truly a blessing from the gods. Aldred could pick up a dumb ass from the street and
he could turn him into a Gold Rank in a few years.
Aldred sat on Mary's lap on the carriage. The caravan set off with the soldiers urging the horses to
In the carriage, Mareona, Sophia, Mira, and Pongo were with him.
"Aldred, you said you have a new ability," Mareona said. "What is it?"
"Well, basically, I can transform into things."
"Show us."
Aldred transformed himself into a kitten.
Mareona's eyes lit up. "So cute. Can you talk?"
"I can."
"Whoa! The cat spoke!" Mareona was exhilarated. "Try turning into something else."
Aldred transformed into a penguin which angered Pongo.
'You dare stealing my style?' Pongo glared at him.
Aldred transformed into a baby.
Mareona laughed. "You're a baby. Aldred, you're a baby!"
Mary thought it was cute as well.
Aldred then turned into a baby, but with wrinkled skin and a white beard. He even brought a small
stick and hunched his back to play the role.
Sophia laughed. "How is this possible? You're an old baby."
"Hehehe. You have not seen my final form yet."


Aldred turned into a vibrator.

As they continued their travel, the caravan stumbled upon a group of gnolls. They were half men
half hyenas standing with two legs. Bartrem told his men to take care of them. And so they did.
With their power and strength increased in every battle, the soldiers were more than happy to kill
more monsters.
Aldred watched the fight unfold from his carriage. "They look similar to us humans. They even
have spears and armor."
"They are," Mary said. "In fact, they have their own nation as well. It's called Aliravilia. Located to
the northeast from Ceraisian Empire."
"Then why are these bandits here?"
"The same reason with every bandit. Humans turned to stealing too, and sometimes they run to
other kingdoms to do their bidding."
"Interesting," Aldred said as Joseph beheaded three gnolls at once.
"Did you know that Mount Fargon is located in Thignia?"
"Thignia is a name of a kingdom?"
"Yes. And they are a kingdom of vampires."
"Wow. Vampires? Are we going to be okay?"
"They're a civilized race. Like us humans, they won't attack unless offended."
"There has to be racism right?"
"Of course. We humans cannot buy land in Thignia, and if we want to make a business, we have to
get a local to be our partner. Also, they can take the business whenever they wanted."
"I am surprised you guys don't kill each other with that rule in place," Aldred said
"If you read some history books, you would know."
Aldred bitterly smiled. "I already can take a guess what's written in those books. Let's talk about
religion. Does God exist?"
"Of course."
"Oh… But I don't see you pray like Mira."
"Ceraisian is protected by the god of war. As long as we are in a war, nothing else needs to be
"That's very convenient. So do you worship this god?"
"We're not a religious empire, but we need the protection of the god. Yet, we're not actively
worshiping him. Just fight a war and that's it. Besides, gods almost never do anything. No matter
how terrible a plague spread on the empire, or how terrible the war is, they still do nothing."
"Have you seen a god before?"
Aldred sighed. "What about you, Mira?"
"Zalous exist. He is a powerful deity that brings hope to all. He even selected powerful heroes that
wield the power of martial art and magic."
"Bartrem said something about that before. Does god really give them that power?"
"Of course. Only heroes can learn martial arts and magic at the same time."
"I never see these so-called heroes. With their advantage, why didn't they defeat Ceraisian yet?"
"We have more numbers," Mary said. "Heroes are powerful, but they are rare. That's why you never
met them. Their state birthed heroes occasionally, while we pumped out gold ranks at a rapid rate,
so the balance never break."
"So the god of war helped the empire in pumping out Gold Ranks?"


"Yeah, I guess so."

Aldred scratched his head. He knew god exist on this planet because his father had told him about
it. They were not really god, but simply powerful entities looking for worshipers. That was all.
The soldiers beheaded all the gnolls and the fight was over. They picked up the weapons, armor, and
collected some of their body parts such as nails and teeth.
"What are they doing?"
"Collecting monsters parts. Those can be sold to merchants," Mary said.
The soldiers started to peel the skin of the gnolls.
"Is this okay?" Aldred asked. "If humans were on their lands, wouldn't they skin us as well?"
"Their nation is too far away from here. We don't have to worry about angering them. We do not
have any diplomatic relationship with them because they are too far."
Aldred nodded. That explained why humans hadn't gone to war with these guys.
After cleaning the battlefield, the caravan set off again. They went further north and not long after,
they arrived in a small village.
This was Vilmiers. Unlike most villages he had seen before, this one did not have any farmland.
Probably because the climate or the soil wasn't good for crops. A bunch of villagers dragged deers
and pigs out of the forest and brought them to the village.
"They seem to rely on hunting for food."
"Let's get in their adventurer inn. They have the cheapest yet tastiest food," Mary said.
"You have adventurers in this world? Are they like go to the mission board, accept requests, kill
monsters, protect important figures, and the such?"
"Yes. That's what they do."
"They're like a freelance mercenary or people with power doing grunt work right?"
"Yes… when you put it that way, their job doesn't sound like an honorable occupation."
Aldred shrugged. "Let's eat something. I am starving."
They entered the village through the west lane. Soon after, they saw an inn with the adventure sign.
Bartrem ordered his men to bring the monster's carcass inside. Seemed like he planned to sell them
all in this place. When Aldred stepped in, he realized there were not many people inside. The
mission board was only left with three requests.
Aldred asked the waitress who was also the receptionist and the cook of this inn.
"Business isn't that good in this place, though I have to say I fair better than everybody else."
"This place is located too far away from other villages and towns so it's normal," Mary said. "If you
go to the south and open a business there, it's so much better."
The waitress sighed. "How can it be that easy. I don't know any other place than here. I got this
place from my dad, and I have been taking care of it ever since. Anyway, what would you like to
order? I still have to bake an apple pie for another table."
"Do you have pizza in here?" Aldred asked.
"I never heard of that before."
"Never mind. Just give me something with meat."
"Deer stew it is then."
Mary and the others ordered their food and she noted them one by one before leaving immediately.
"Where do we go after this?" Aldred asked.
"We have to go further north to a smaller village called Boncy. After that, we go west where Mount
Fargon is."


"Have you gone there before?"

Mary shook her head. "Only a madman will go there. According to what I hear, there's no single
person has ever reached the peak of Mount Fargon."
"Knowing that, and we still go there?"
"It's much better than staying in Pharder's fort."
Aldred laughed. "You're right."
"Hey, be quiet." A fat, bald man said, sitting at the table near them.
"Are we that loud?" Aldred asked Mary.
"Not really. This is a public space. It should be loud."
"Hey, did you listen to me?" The fat man said. He put his index finger on his mouth, signaling him
to be silent"Be quiet." Then he turned around and talked loudly with his friends.
Aldred did not know how to react to that. The guy obviously talked louder than them.
Bartrem then came onto their table with a mug of beer and put it in front of Aldred. "Since you're a
soldier now, you have to drink this," he said, hiccuping.
"Bartrem, are you drunk?"
He hiccuped again. "No, I am not."
Aldred laughed. "This is the first time I see you drunk."
"Hey, tone it down," the fat man said. "Didn't you listen to me? I told you to be quiet."
Aldred was angered. All he did was talk with Bartrem and laughed. It wasn't even that loud.
Mira held his hand. "Ignore him, Aldred. Some people need to be treated as if they were invisible."
Aldred nodded and they continued to talk like normal. The fat man told him to be silent a bunch of
times which pissed him off, but Aldred ignored him.
The fat man stood up and approached them.
Mira smiled. "Remember, Aldred. Do not let emotion consume you. Handle this situation in the best
way possible." She planned to teach Aldred that solving everything with power wasn't the right
thing. It was better to do things calmly and non-violent as possible.
The fat man pointed at Aldred's face. Aldred kept on smiling, and reach out his hand for a
"How are you doing, sir? Having a good time?" Aldred asked calmly.
"No. I am not here for that. Be a good boy, okay? I told you to be quiet."
Aldred was angered, but he kept his smile. "It's a public space, sir. I am just talking with my
"You're loud."
Aldred laughed to calm the situation. "Yeah, people said I am loud sometimes. Sometimes my
girlfriends said I am loud." Aldred just said random things at this point. He did not care. He just
wanted to de-escalate the tension.
"You have a girlfriend?"
"I felt very sorry for your girlfriend." He then sat down on his chair.
Aldred took a deep deep deep breath, but the fire in his heart swelled.


Mira frowned. That person was very harsh towards the boy. She worried that Aldred might lash out
and confront the man physically, but the boy did not do that. He stayed silent and looked down at
the table.
"Did I do the right thing, Mira?" Aldred asked with teary eyes.
Mira's heart clenched. The boy must have held all of that rage within him. 'He's a good boy with
self-control. But the boy's heart is clearly broken at this point.'
What the man did earlier was outright bullying. Any man would have confronted him, but Mira told
Aldred to avoid violence to solve the problem. His pride as a man must be shattered now. Even
though he was still a boy, Aldred was a soldier, so his pride must be high as well.
"I felt violated," Aldred said in a low tone. "I felt like I should have destroyed him."
Mira felt his anger. This was what she feared. She feared Aldred would fall to his emotion and
become a monster. The boy had great talents and potential, but if he turned into a monster, God
knew how many would die with every step he took.
"The world will keep trying to bring you down, child. It will turn you bitter and lead you to be a
monster. But it's okay to become a monster."
Aldred looked at her in confusion.
"You should become a monster, Aldred. But you must also learn how to control it."
"What do you mean?"
"Weak men, weak people have no place in this world. The reality of the world is, the strong eat the
weak, so I want you to be smart. Avoid confrontation if you are weak, but defend yourself if you are
"Which mean?"
"Are you weaker than him?"
"Did he violate you?"
"Every single being in this world deserved justice. Justice must be enforced, and for that you need
power. You have the power to put justice for his action. Tell me, Aldred, what punishment fits this
violation? Does his life worth more than your anger?"
Aldred wanted to say yes, but the more the thought about it, the more he realized it wasn't worth it.
"It's not worth his life."
"What is it worth then?"
Aldred walked to the fat man.
"I don't have any food for you, boy. Sit dow—"
He was sent flying a few meters away before landing on the ground. His friends were shocked. The
fat man wasn't a normal person, he was a Gold Rank, so when the boy sent him flying they couldn't
help but stare at him with widened eyes.
The fat man stood up and stared at him in anger. "You dare!?"
Aldred summoned Milet and the other undead. They stared at the fat man with lifeless eyes which
made him tremble in fear.
"I gave you mercy. Do not take my kindness as weakness."
The fat man sweated but said nothing.
Aldred sat down again and sighed in relief.
"Feeling relief?" Mira asked. Though what Aldred did was too much for her standard, at least the
boy did not kill him. She had to teach him her values little by little.
"I don't know," Aldred said. "I kinda still want to kill him."


Mira sighed. 'This will be a long lesson.'

The innkeeper came with a tray full of steaming bowls and placed them on the table. The bowl was
filled with meat, peeled potatoes, and some vegetables. Aldred grabbed the wooden spoon and took
a big bite. The taste improved his mood, and he wasn't angry anymore.
Surprisingly, the fat man came and looked at him. "Sorry about earlier. I think the alcohol got in my
Bartrem and the others were sitting at the edge of their seat all this time, ready to reinforce Aldred
whenever necessary. But when they heard the fat man apologize, they relaxed and leaned on the
Aldred sighed and shrugged. Since the man apologized, it would be stupid to be mad about it.
Mira smiled. "It's okay. People are irrational. Sometimes we become what we don't want to become
and do things that we do not mean to do."
The fat man smiled and scratched the back of his neck. "Still, I have to apologize. Why don't you
put the bills on my tab? I see all of you are soldiers from the look of your armor."
"Yes, we are," Mary said. "I am curious. What's a Gold Rank like you do in this place?"
The fat man smiled. "Just like you, we also want to travel to Mount Fargon. You guys want to look
for the astrolabe right?"
Aldred looked confused. 'Wasn't this supposed to be a secret? How could a random Gold Rank
know about this?"
The fat man laughed. "I am an adventurer. Treasure seeking is one of our activities. Besides, do you
think you can obtain this treasure alone?"
"What do you mean?"
"This treasure can affect the balance of power in this continent. Everyone will come for this
treasure, and it's much better to have more allies than more enemies."
"But there is only one treasure," Aldred said.
"You think too far ahead. You should be worrying about getting the astrolabe first. As for who will
get the treasure, it will be decided later through negotiation or fight."
"That seems fair. I can either give you something as valuable or we can fight to decide who gets the
The fat man nodded. "There are a lot of strong and influential people out there, we cannot fight
them alone." He pointed back over his shoulder with his thumb. "Those four guys behind me are
Gold Ranks. I notice you have five Gold Ranks in your group. If we make an alliance we can have
ten Gold Ranks."
"What do you think, Mary?"
"I think he is right. We cannot fight everyone around. Besides, he is an adventurer. I am sure he
knows more about Mount Fargon than us."


Bartrem noticed Aldred was looking at him. He nodded in approval.

"I guess we will be relying on you then." Aldred shook the fat man's hand. "What should I call
"Just call me Bacon."
"That's my name."
"Okay…My name is Aldred." He pointed at the girls one by one. "This is Mary, Mira, Sophia, and
Mareona. That one right there is Bartrem."
"Nice to know you all. Lady, fill their belly with drinks and food. Put the bills on me."
The soldiers smiled and cheered for him.
Aldred and Mira smiled. What a turn of events. First, Aldred was so angered by him that he
considered taking his life, but now he could imagine the fat man to be his best friend.
The fat man looked at the ring on Aldred's hand and smiled. "Nice ring."
"Thanks. Someone very special gave it to me," Aldred said as he recalled the empress' blushing
Then all of them drank and ate merrily. The fat man told them about his adventure in a strange place
called Duria, also known as Steel Forge. He said that the kingdom relied on a device called
machinery which was made mostly out of steel and powered by mana crystal. But their most
powerful weapons or machinery was called archtech and was powered by a powerful and rare
mineral named archnite.
He then proceeded to tell his adventure in other places where the people had literal shards on their
The more Aldred listened to the man, the more captivated he became. Beyond the border of
mankind, there was another world out there, waiting to be explored. Aldred wondered if he could
visit all these places someday.
"If you guys want to visit Duria, I suggest you don't because they're not very accepting of
The fat man shrugged. "Not sure why. They have cool machinery, but will never sell it to foreigners.
And they strictly enforce this rule."
Aldred nodded, becoming even more curious about this country.


Night time came, and they decided to rent the inn for the night. The next morning, they gathered
outside the village and set off.
The caravan camped and slept when night came, but they immediately continued their journey in
the morning. Days passed, and the cooldown for the dungeon had ended, so Aldred sent his undead
there. But he was surprised that he received less than half of the exp than before.
[You have earned +50 Experience from the Copper Rank dungeon]
[You have earned +50 Experience from the Copper Rank dungeon]
[You have earned +50 Experience from the Copper Rank dungeon]
A few days passed.
Aldred sighed, still thinking about how little EXP he got from the dungeon. Was this the reason why
a Gold Rank took so long to reach Platinum Rank? He sat on Mary's lap, fondling her breast as he
felt bored.
But something came.
Aldred peeked outside the window and narrowed his eyes. Ahead of them, a group of monsters with
the body of a raptor and a head of a cobra charged toward the caravan. Their black scales brushed
against the grass.
"A group of Velobra is attacking!" Bartrem shouted. "Men, Get in formation!"
"I will take care of them." He jumped out of the window and flew to the sky. Bacon, the fat man,
was about to handle the situation, but Aldred told him to sit tight and enjoy the show. He also told
Bartrem that he could do it alone.
The caravan did not stop. They did not need to as Aldred flew forward with black mists appearing
on the ground. His army of undead charged out of the mist with Milet leading in the front.
Aldred started with fireballs and arrows. Exploding the enemies and making their bodies look like
sea urchins. Milet arrived with a powerful swipe. His spear beheaded five monsters at once while
the other undead bashed themselves onto the monsters.
"Push!" Milet shouted as he controlled the undead to make an arrow formation and cut through the
Bartrem watched with widened eyes as the undead followed his strategy. Push through the center
and attack the sides. It was easier said than done, and it required many practices to execute. How
could these undeads do it?
Bacon also couldn't help but stared at the undead as they kept pushing forward and killing monster
after monster like a cold-blooded killer. These undeads had no regard for their own safety. When the
Velobra attacked, the undead would instead let themselves be attacked before beheading the
Aldred was proud of his undead. It seemed like Milet had trained the undead within the dungeon.
[+150 EXP]


[+150 EXP]
[+150 EXP]
[+150 EXP]
[You have leveled up]
Aldred checked his stats.
Health Points: 130/130
Level: 61
Titles: Tough Boy
-Fire Manipulation (Click to show the list of skills)
-Water Manipulation (Click to show the list of skills)
-Shape Shift Lv. 1 (Click to show the list of morphs)
-Strength: 24
-Vitality: 26
-Intelligence: 52
-Dexterity: 12


Stat points: 72
Skill points: 72
He smiled in satisfaction. Suddenly, a loud roar came from the distance.
A gigantic Velobra roared in the distance, shaking their eardrum and disrupting the rhythm of their
heart. Unlike the smaller Velobra, this one had bigger neck and head, making it a menace as it
rammed through the undead formation and bit onto the undead.
Milet confronted the beast. He leaped forward, spinning his spear and stabbed at the eye with great
precision. The snake retracted its head quick enough to miss the spear and then it snapped forward,
biting onto Milet's chest. Suddenly, the Gold Rank undead shook and then fell to the ground.
Aldred was shocked. His undead were usually immune to wound and would never stop fighting no
matter what. But Milet, his strongest undead, lay on the ground, unable to move.
The snake snapped its gaze towards the sky, and spat out a sizzling acid. It was too fast for Aldred
to react, and it struck his leg which made him flew uncontrollably before crashing onto the ground.
"Aldred!" Mary dashed out of the carriage and came to his aid.
Mira raised her staff from the distance and fired out a golden stream of water that healed his wound.
Sophia, Mareona, and Bartrem ran up to him.
Bacon and his group also exited their carriage.
"That's a Gold Rank Giant Velobra," Bacon said. "If my eyes are correct, it's strength is on the upper
The giant velobra wrecked havoc upon the undead, clawing, and slapping them, throwing them onto
the sky.
"We have to work together," Bacon said.
Bartrem nodded. "The undead won't hold out for long. Men, take arms!"
Bacon frowned. "That's a Gold Rank monster. Are you sure you want to let your men fight it?"
"They are soldiers. They are not afraid to die," Bartrem said.
The soldiers went out of their carriage with their full gear; armor, shields, spears, and swords.
"Aldred, we will distract the snake for you. Use your ability to weaken it." Bartrem then shouted for
his men and charged towards the monster.
Pongo was running towards the beast as well, with a baguette in hand. Unlike before, something
changed on the baguette.
Now it was decorated with powdered sugar.


Bacon was surprised by Bartrem's attitude. There was no hesitation, there was no fear, only bravery
and determination. That made him and his friend moved immediately.
Mareona and Mary rushed forward while Sophia stayed on the back and raised her staff. The top of
her staff glowed.
The giant velobra's eyes contracted and its sight became blurry. It roared and swiped at the enemy,
but it missed.
"This is our chance! Attack it!"
Aldred flew to the sky and rained down fire arrows upon the weird snake creature. The arrows
clanged and ricocheted against its scales. He grimaced.
"If arrows cannot penetrate your scales then what about this. System upgrade fire javelin to level 4."
[Consuming 14 skill points]
He aimed with his palm. "Fire javelin!"
Three javelin, 3 meter in length (9 feet) bolted out of his palm and stabbed the back of the beast.
The beast roared, trembling the air around it. Aldred did not plan to give the beast mercy. He dove
down like an eagle and kept on releasing javelin after javelin at his target. The snake tried to dodge,
but Bartrem and the others held it still, circling him from all direction.
The javelin penetrated deeper as Aldred got closer and closer. The closer he was, the more damage
he dealt to the beast. The distance between the beast and him shortened. Aldred fired a javelin at the
head for the killing blo—
Suddenly, the giant velobra's back spread like a wing, and then it leaped onto the sky. Aldred
widened his eyes as its claws reached out for his face.
Mary watched the scene unfold in worry.
They both fell with a loud thud. Aldred stood on top of the monster. Its right claw was destroyed
with steam came out of the wound. He had blasted it with flame jet earlier, and stabbed its head
with fire javelin in point blank range.
"Good job, Aldred," Bartrem said. He was more and more impressed by his power.


Bacon on the other hand was exceptionally amazed. The boy released dozens of powerful fire
javelins like it was nothing. Each of those fire javelin could deal a fatal damage to Gold Rank, so
the cost to use them must be high. Yet the boy threw it around like it was cheap cabbages.
Sophia and Mira stared at the boy like he was some kind of alien. Both of them were magicians, so
they knew more than anyone that those spell cost a huge amount of mana to cast. It was impossible
for Aldred to cast it so many times unless he had a large mana capacity.
As they were thinking in their head, Aldred was staring at the floating panel in front of him.
[Your Strength has increased by 5 points]
[Your Vitality has increased by 5 points]
[Your Dexterity has increased by 12 points]
[+3,500 EXP]
[EXP: 3,500/610,000]
'Damnit. The cost of leveling is way too high. If I counts correctly, I need at least to kill 175 of these
monsters to level up.'
Hopefully, he would see more Gold Rank monsters so he could level up even faster. He also had to
find a Silver Rank dungeon to unlock it.
Aldred looked at the monster. He was sad that he didn't get any amazing items after killing a
monster, but at least he could turn it into an undead.
[If user wanted to shape shift into this creature, user has to eat it]
He almost forgot about that. 'So if I want to transform into a specific creature, I have to eat them?'
'Do I have to eat them whole?'
[Just a little is fine]
'Do I have to cook them first? Dry age? Or maybe season it with Mareona's flowers?'


[…..User, please just eat the monster]

'Alright, alright.'
Under the staring gaze of Bartrem and the others, Aldred walked to the corpses and bit onto its
"Aldred, what are you doing?" Mary asked.
"Nothing, I just want to know how it would taste."
"You're weird, Aldred," Mareona said.
Aldred rolled his eyes. 'At least I am not the one who hid flowers inside my own underwear.'
[Analyzing… success. You have obtain the gene for Giant Velobra. From now on, you can
transform into this beast and use its racial attributes]
[Gene: Giant Velobra]
-Water and air-breathing
-Keen smell
-Quick feet
-Poison fangs
-Acid spit
-Hard Scales
-Scaly wings
'Nice. Now I can turn into snakes and eat people.'
Today, Aldred found out something new. Apparently, his undead could be killed, but they would
revive after a few seconds. Though this limitation sucks, at least his undead would not reduce no
matter how many times they were killed. It would be sad if Milet was killed. He was his only Gold
Rank undead.
Though another one would be added right now.
Black mist formed around the corpses. At first, the mist was pushed fiercely, but it violently
engulfed the corpse. Soon after, a huge leg stepped out of the black mist. The giant velobra lowered
its neck to the ground, seemingly bowing to its master.
Bacon and his friends were simply shocked at the sight. For years they had explored the continent,
seeing its magic and wonder, but they never seen something like this before.
"Can you talk?"
The velobra simply hissed, but Aldred understood him.
"From now on, your name will be Nicky."
The snake softly hissed.
"Why I named you Nicky? That's because you look like an anaconda."
The snake hissed in confusion.
"Don't think too much about it. You are Nicky now."
Nicky bowed his head and accepted his fate. It glanced to the side and noticed a small creature was
looking at him. Nicky thought it was a snack and wanted to take a bite until that small creature
slapped his face with a long bread.
"Hey, what was that for?"


"Pongo!" he shouted before leaving.

"Weird penguin. Okay, all of you can return now."
His undead bowed and disappeared.
Bacon approached and looked at him with sparkling eyes. "Aldred, did you just turn that monster
into your undead?"
Bacon still couldn't believe what he had just seen and heard. His experience as an adventurer kicked
in. He shouldn't be too surprised about this. The world was vast. Some could only scrap for trash,
while the rare ones had it all. Like this boy here. He turned a powerful Gold Rank monster as
undead. If he killed more monsters in the future, wouldn't he create an army with them?
It was such a scary possibility.
Bacon smiled and tapped Aldred's shoulder. "I will be relying on you from now."
Aldred smiled. "It should be me who said that. You know a lot more about this treasure, and your
experience as an adventurer will surely make our life easier."
Bacon laughed. "I am nothing compared to you."
The others agreed with that. They all felt like they were nothing if compared to Aldred. It was bitter
to admit, but that was the truth of the matter.
The caravan continued their journey. They stopped by a nearby river to replenish their water supply.
Actually, they didn't need to do that, because Aldred's divine dimension had unlimited supply of
water, but Bacon was with them, and he couldn't expose this secret to him.
Though Bacon was an ally, he was still a stranger and competitor.
Night time came, but instead of camping like usual, Bacon suggested them to keep going instead.


"I know a shortcut to Mount Fargon. Going to Boncy is a waste of time. We can directly go to our
destination through the route I know."
"But our soldiers need rest," Bartrem said.
"They can take turns in controlling the horses. Don't forget that a lot of people is seeking this
treasure. Do you think they mind losing a few nights of sleep?"
Bartrem discussed this with Mary, Mareona, and Aldred. What Bacon said was true. There would be
many who were willing to lose some sleep over this treasure.
And so they continued to travel during the night. The soldiers squeezed their mana gems and use it
to light the surrounding. It did not give them much sight of the landscape, but it was enough to
avoid falling into a hole.
When the sun rose, the soldiers entered the carriage and slept as another group replace them. This
was very effective for some time, until the horses started to get tired and stopped moving.
"In the end, we still need to stop," Bacon said.
"What do we do now?" Bartrem asked.
"I can turn them into undead."
Bartrem's eyes lit up. "That's brilliant."
And so the horses were killed and revived into a black misty form with purple glows. They looked
much more menacing and fitting to be rode by a death knight. Every small creatures scurried away
in fear because of their appearances.
The sun went down again as the caravan entered the valley. The carriages squeaked and groaned as
the horses' feet thumped against the ground. The soldiers covered themselves with thick cloth. The
wind was chilling in this landscape, and frozen air came out of their mouth when they breathed out.
The wind whizzed above their head. It was small at first, but it got louder. They looked up with a
pair of sleepy eyes only for them to be widened in shock as large boulders were falling from the
"Watch out!"


The soldiers gritted their teeth, closing their eyes while looking away, expecting themselves to be
crushed by the boulders.
But then the boulders exploded into pieces. Landing on the roof of the carriage was Mary, along
with Mareona, and Bartrem.
"Bandits!" Bartrem shouted. "They have fifteen Gold Ranks!"
"Shit! So many?" Mareona grimaced.
Bacon and his friends landed beside them.
"What's the situation?"
"They are still hiding, but I can feel their presence. Five of them is on that mountain." Bartrem
Dozens of boulders were thrown into the sky from the spot that he pointed. Mareona leaped without
making any dent on the roof, but she reached a high altitude and slashed the boulders numerous
times, turning them into dust, before softly landing again.
A giant iron rod came at Bartrem with high speed. He grabbed it with one hand and stared at the
man who was smiling in the distance.
"If you want to fight, then come here!" Bartrem shouted.
Aldred woke up from the noise, and flew beside Bartrem. "What's going on?"
Bartrem was about to reply until a cold, sharp sword touched his neck.
He frowned and glared at Bacon who had Aldred's neck in his hand. "What are you doing?"
Bacon grinned. "What do you think I'm doing?"
"You betrayed us!"
Bacon laughed. "You're wrong. I planned for this to happen the moment I saw your ring."
"My ring?" Aldred looked at his left hand.
"Yes, that ring. At first, I simply wanted to kill you and take the ring, but after seeing your ability, I
changed my mind. You will be my slave, and whenever we kill a powerful monster, you will turn
them into an undead which will work for us. But I'm not stupid. I will put something on your neck,
so should you want to betray me, you'd be dead."
Bacon looked at Bartrem and the others. "As for you, all of you can leave."
"Really? You will let them go just like that?" Aldred asked.
"Sure. Leaving reality that is."
"Fuck!" Aldred tensed up his muscles.
Bacon tightened his grip. "Don't even think about summoning your undead, boy. I will snap your
Aldred smiled. "I don't need to. Morph!"
Suddenly, Aldred's body swelled. His skin turned into black pristine scales, and his head turned into
a cobra as his hands ballooned and claws grew.
Bacon stepped back a few times as he stared at the beast in front of him with widened eyes. "How is
this possible?"
Aldred laughed in his giant velobra form, creating a monstrous sound that brought fear to
everyone's heart.
"Fuck! Kill them!" Bacon roared and his whole body glowed with a powerful aura.


The others were about to kill Bartrem and his comrades until something came out from the ground
and grabbed their hands. It was the undead. Mary used that short moment to elbow her enemy in the
face. Mareona did the same thing while Bartrem punched the enemy on the nose.
The fifteen Gold Rank enemies came, totaling their numbers at twenty Gold Rank. But Milet and
Nicky stepped out of the black mist and fought them. Nicky was enough to handle a bunch of them.
With his hard scale and powerful regeneration, the beast was akin to an unstoppable tank.
Aldred charged forward. The carriage snapped under his weight. Bacon wanted to escape, but
Aldred was quick with his attack. His neck snapped forward and bit fiercely onto Bacon's head. He
went in deeper and swallowed the man whole.
"Ugh! Yuck! That tasted disgusting!"
The others seeing this were shocked. Bacon was a powerful Gold Rank just like them, yet he was
eaten so easily.
"Kill that thing first!"
Nineteen men and women rushed at him and hit his face and bodies. His hard scale reduced the
damage significantly, but Aldred still felt the pain.
One female magician pointed her staff at him. It glowed and shot out a dozen sharp icicles. The
icicles veered in the air and slammed against his hard scales.
"Help him!" Bartrem rushed to his aid along with the others. Nicky and Milet leaped beside him and
fought off the enemy.
Pongo ran around like usual with his classic baguette. But when he was about to attack, the Gold
Rank enemies kicked him. He was sent flying into the distance.
"Damnit, Pongo! You useless piece of shit!"
Aldred slapped a man with his paw which returned him to factory setting immediately.
He spat acid to the side, hitting a female warrior with thick armor. The acid burned through the
armor, creating a sizzling effect with steam. He then opened his mouth and activated a flame jet that
blasted open the woman's stomach.
He widened his mouth and breathed out dozens of fire arrows. He raised both of his paws. Fire
bullets shot out like a machine gun, damaging their armor and dealing small wounds to the enemy.


Sophia raised her staff. "Confusion! Exhaust! Hemorrhage!"

The enemies were disoriented because of her debuff. Their stamina depleted at a rapid rate, while
blood poured off their wound abnormally.
Sophia did not end with that. She buffed her allies. "Strengthening physique! Clear mind! Agile
feet! Greater Stamina! Greater Defense! Greater Offense! Perseverance!"
Bartrem, Mary, Mareona, and the soldiers were strengthened. Every cell and every inch of their skin
exuded great power. The undead was affected too, they fought fiercer than ever, rampaging against
the enemy.
There were twelve enemies left. Aldred charged forward, his gigantic leg sped up, surprising the
enemy ahead of him. His claw slashed the man diagonally, cutting his upper body. He then slammed
his tail to the ground, crushing a man behind him, his armor crushed under the weight.
[+3,050 EXP]
[+3,100 EXP]
His godly eyes told him that all of them were Gold Rank, but they had been greatly weakened by
Sophia. If not for that, this battle would be much harder. He realized that Sophia's abilities were
perfect for team battle situations.
Ten enemies left. The undead kept on swarming them. The Gold Ranks bandit gritted their teeth and
attacked, but the undead were endless as they were relentless in their attacks. They gave no pause or
break to the enemies which gave Milet and Nicky the chance to send a fatal strike.
"Fuck! We have to kill that boy! If he dies, the undead will disappear!"
Bacon had told them about the boy and prioritized him as the target. Their actual plan was to kill the
boy and then kill the others, but the fat man was too greedy and wanted to enslave the boy. Alas, he
was the first one to be killed.
"No! We have to run away! There's no fucking way we can defeat them!"
They looked at the boy who was in his giant Velobra form, spitting out acid, fire jet, and fire
javelins everywhere. Fear ran down their spine.
"You're right. We cannot defeat them. Fuck! This is all because of Bacon. If that fat man killed the
boy, this wouldn't have happened."


They leaped backward, out of the undead's reach, and made a run up the mountain.
"They're running away!" Bartrem shouted.
Aldred snorted. He leaped into the sky, and all of his four limbs shot out flame jets to lift him up.
When he saw his targets. Aldred opened his mouth and rained fire javelins from above. Each javelin
was three-meter long with the tip of the javelin in a bent shape making it easy to enter, but hard to
pull. Not to mention the javelin was burning hot, and would only vanish if Aldred will it. So when
the javelins stabbed through their back, they felt the searing pain on their flesh and muscles to be
"Ahh! He got me!"
"Keep running! He will eat you if you don't!"
"Fuck! I don't want to be eaten!"
They sped up and entered the forest. Aldred did not bother to chase after them and landed beside
"How it goes?" He asked.
"They got away."
Bartrem nodded. "It's fine. We killed more than half their numbers. They won't be disturbing us
again. Aldred, turn them into your undead."
Aldred laughed. "I will even without you asking."
He went to the battlefield and turned them into his undead one by one, but then he realized
something. When the enemies died, his undead destroyed their bodies under their relentless attack.
This made it impossible to turn them into his undead.
In the end, he only got 3 Gold Rank undead.
Two of them were large warriors with a huge black axe, and the last one was a beautiful ice


'System, they looked awesome with black misty form and glowing purple lines, but can I change
their appearance?'
[Yes. Users can choose from these options: Undead form, Real form, Crazed form]
Aldred smiled. 'Tell me more.'
'Tell me more about the undead form, first.'
[In undead form, the undead received an upgrade in strength, speed, reflex, and regeneration]
'What about the real form?'
[Real form will turn the undead into what they were like when they are still alive. This removes all
extra attributes such as regeneration]
'And the crazed form?'
[Crazed form will triple all attributes for 10 minutes. After that the undead will disappear, and can
only be summoned again after 24 hours]
'That's good. If I can turn the undead into the real form, they can pretend to be soldiers, and people
won't be scared or weirded out.'
Aldred told the undead to disappear except for the new arrival.
The three of them bowed with the female magician in the center.
"We are here to serve you, master,' the magician said.
"What is your name?"
"My name is Bella, Master."
"Can you turn to real form?"
"Yes, I can." She then transformed as he ordered. The mist spun around her body. Starting from the
leg, her beautiful skin showed up to her thigh as her blue revealing dress swayed. Aldred was
shocked to see such a beautiful woman. He did not have the chance to look at her properly when in
battle, but now, oh my god, if someone told him that she was a goddess, he would absolutely
believe it.
Even the female soldiers were amazed by her appearance.
"Bella humbly greets the master," she bowed her head.
Aldred nodded a bunch of times. "So what is your opinion on sleeping together?"
Mareona hit his head. "You damn pervert! Sleeping with Mary, Sophia, and Mira is not enough for
Aldred rubbed his head in pain. "I just want to feel more warmth. As they say, the more the
Mareona hit his head again.
"Ouch. Don't hit me again. It hurt."
"I will hit you however many times I want to. Now tell her to disappear."

Bella giggled. "Miss, please do not hurt my master. Although he is quite mischievous, he is not a
bad person."
Mareona raised an eyebrow. "You just met him. What do you know about Aldred?"
"Although I only met him recently, I know more about him than anyone else. That is because when
he turned me into his undead, all of his life events entered my memory."
"What?" Aldred and Mareona asked in shock.
"So you know everything he knows?" Mareona asked.
"You see everything I see?"
Bella softly nodded. "That is correct. For example when that time the empress invited you to enter
the barr—"
"Ahh! I believe you now. Don't say it!"
"What happened with the empress when she invited you to enter the barrack?" Mary asked.
"She only tells me about the treasure and how I should take you guys along," Aldred lied without
the slightest hesitation.
Mary looked at Bella. "Is that true?"
"That's no—"
Bella disappeared.
"Oh, seems like my mana has been depleted. It's sad but she has to disappear for a while."
Mareona put both hands on her waist and gave Aldred the expression that said 'You think I don't
know you're lying?'
Aldred coughed a couple of times. "And what about you two?"
"My name is Crook," the one of the left said. Both of them looked similar. They had strong and
large stature, and they both had the same black, large axe.
"And my name is Brook. We are twin brothers."
"I see. Both of you can leave now."
"Eh…" They were expecting to be asked more questions, but their master did not seem to have that
intention. Sigh. Life was unfair.
They disappeared with a dejected expression.
"Since everything is over, why don't we continue our journey?" Aldred asked. He then glanced to
the side. The carriages' wheels broke down.


"After we fix the carriages that is."

A man with thick, muscled arms and legs walked into the village. A sign stood beside the road that
read; Vilmiers. The man saw ten Gold Ranks entering an inn and decided to follow them.
Entering the inn, the man realized that the ten people that entered earlier were terribly wounded. A
Silver Ranked woman with an apron was treating their wound.
"Lady, can you be a bit faster? We're dying here."
"Sorry, but I only have two hands," the innkeeper said.
"Fuck! This is the problem with small towns. They don't even have a proper hospital."
"I told you to bring the potions."
"You're the one who said it's going to be an easy ambush and we don't have to bring it. Now we lose
ten members."
"It doesn't make any sense. They only have seven Gold Ranks, while there are twenty of us. How
can we be defeated?"
"That non-elemental magician. Remember the debuff she cast on us? None of us can clearly see
anything during that battle, and we got wounded by the undead. Normally, that wouldn't be a
problem, but her debuff worsened that wound."
"That's right. I felt so exhausted during the fight, and my thoughts were confused."
"She did not cast any offensive spell on us, but she was deadlier than any magicians I know."
They gritted their teeth. "Debuff spell is the hardest to learn among non-elemental spells. She's a
rare magician that does well in a team battle. They are clearly sent by the empire. You saw their
armor, they are from Ruandeurtin. The front line that fought the Montcresian countless times."
"It was a wise choice to retreat. We could kill a few of them, but as long as that boy and that non-
elemental magician are still alive, we would have no chance of winning."
"Pity. That adamantite ring might be worth the treasure itself."
The man with the thick arms approached them.
"What do you want?"
"My name is Thinker," he said with a slightly robotic voice. "I am intrigued by your story. Can you
tell me more about this adamantite ring?"
"Go away, weirdo."
"Weirdo? Is that what you call someone who behaves in a not usual way specifically to your
culture? Although this term is subjective as what people consider weird differs from person to
"You really are a weirdo. Listen, you get the hell out of my face right now, or I will kick the shit out
of you."
"It took me a while to process your words, but do you mean to tell me that I should distance myself
or you will do something that can harm me?"


"Who the fuck is this guy? What is your business with us?"
"As I said before, I am intrigued by your story."
"I have no story to tell. Go fuck yourself."
The man tilted his head. "My master did not add that phrase into my memory. But if I take that
literally, you meant to tell me that I should reproduce by myself? That is impossible for most
creatures, especially for humans unless they use certain techniques or machinery to do it."
"That's it, you fucker!" The man swung his fist.
Thinker grabbed his arms with stoic strength, preventing the fist from budging.
"You are the first human I have met prone to anger. I did nothing to harm you, yet you tried to harm
me. According to my program, you should be eliminated immediately." Thinker squeezed.
"Ahh! My arm! Let go of my arm!"
"Request denied. You are to be eliminated." Thinker's right arm turned into a steel blade, and it
slashed across the man's neck.
His friends looked at this scene with widened eyes.
"He killed Hork!"
Thinker glanced at them. "I apologize if I offend you by my action. I am new here you see, so I do
not know the costume of this place. You, humans, are very diverse after all."
"I am going to kill you, bastard!"
The nine of them attacked.
"Harmful action detected. Proceed to lock onto the targets. Analyzing the most efficient way to
eliminate… analysis complete: Guns."
Both of his thick arms opened, revealing a large muzzle. It then blared with flames and sent out
large rounds at a rapid rate, blasting their heads in an instant.
"Multiple targets eliminated. Detecting any threats… zero found." Tinker glanced to the side. The
innkeeper was looking at him, trembling in fear.
"Analyzing scenarios… It seems you can be a threat to my existence, innkeeper. You see, my
existence is not supposed to be known by many except for a handful of people, but here, you have
seen my power and capabilities, and for that, I have decided to eliminate you."
"No, please. I won't tell anybody. Please," she cried with teary eyes.
"Analyzing… complete. From the data I received in my internal memory, humans make promises
they cannot keep 78% of the time. This means that the chance of my existence leaking out to the
masses is 78% if I let you alive."
"No! I promise! I just want to live."
"I am sorry, innkeeper. I know humans do not like pain and suffering, so I will end this quickly."
His arm turned into a large gauntlet.


"So what do we do now?" Aldred asked. "Bacon guided us this way because he said he knew a
shortcut, but now he's dead."
"I still cannot believe that he betrayed us," Bartrem said. "He said something about that ring you
wear. What is it?"
"The empress gave it to me. She said I must not use it unless it's necessary."
Bartrem turned silent and did not pry for more information. Since the empress gave it to him, then
there was nothing that needed to be asked, although he was slightly curious about what it could do.
"Hide the ring. It seems like many people would kill you to obtain it."
Aldred nodded and put the ring inside his inventory. "Where do we go now?"
Bartrem grabbed something from his pocket. "Bacon has a map with him that he left in the carriage.
Thankfully, it wasn't destroyed. According to this map, if we go further north, we should arrive at
Mount Fargon soon. The problem with this route is that there is no river nearby."
"That's not a problem," Aldred said. "I have unlimited water with me."
Bartrem smiled. "I know."
After talking for a few more minutes, Bartrem ordered everyone to enter the carriages and
continued the journey. The undead horses galloped through the flat land as the sun gave out heat in
the sky.
Aldred slept on Mary's lap with a relieved sigh. "That was a close call. If Bacon decided to kill me
instead of enslaving me, he would have succeeded."
Mary caressed his head. "We all survive because of you, Aldred."
Aldred shook his head. "I don't think I can do it alone. Without you guys, I'd be dead right now."
"Humph. Why are you acting so humble right now," Mareona said. "Did the heat fry your brain?"
The carriage shook slightly because they hit a rock. Mary's breast bounced up and down. Aldred
kept on staring at those wonderful peaks as they moved.


Mareona flicked his forehead.

"Ouch. I did not do anything."
"Mareona," Mira called. "Don't be too harsh on him. He just saved us. What he did is a heroic thing.
Though I did not expect Bacon to betray us."
"What passed is in the past," Sophia said. "What we should think about is the future."
Mira, Mary, and Mareona looked at her.
"What?" Sophia asked.
"That's not something I would expect coming from you," Mareona said.
Sophia shrugged. "I'm a woman in love after all." She kissed Aldred on the lips. "Thank you for
saving me, Aldred."
"Why does everyone keep thanking me. I already treated you guys as family. It felt weird, so stop
saying thanks to me."
Meanwhile, the whole world was in turmoil as the news of the treasure spread from mouth to
Thrill-seekers and ambitious fighters all began to gather their forces and went to Mount Fargon in
the hope that they would be the ones who obtained the treasure. They knew the chance was slim.
They knew that path was filled with danger, but they still did it.
Nobles, rich men, and people of power sent out their subordinates. Using wealth and influence, their
group set off to Mount Fargon with great strength.
Their movement caught the notice of adventurers all over the world, and soon enough they heard of
what transpired.


For the first time in more than a hundred years, a large movement was happening in every corner of
the continent. All for this thing that they called treasure. They did not know its name, they did not
know its shape, but they did know its value.
Aldred was enjoying his sleeping time on Mary's lap until he recalled something. "Where is
"I haven't seen him," Mareona said.
Suddenly, they heard a voice coming from outside.
Aldred peeked out of the window and saw Pongo sliding on his belly at an incredible speed.
"Pongo pongo! (You fucking bastard! Don't leave me!)"
Aldred grinned. "Go faster."
"Pongo! (Fuck!)" the penguin vomited out something. It was a grappling hook.
"Where did you even get that?"
Pongo fired the grappling hook and it stuck to the roof of the carriage, pulling the penguin along
with it.
Aldred was about to blast the hook, but Pongo pressed the button on the gun, and it pulled him
forward. He landed on the roof and entered through the window.
"Pongo (Why do you look so unhappy)."


"Because I am."
Pongo vomited out a fish and slapped Aldred with it.
"You're courting death!"
Mira stepped between them. "Now, do not fight among friends. I know Pongo loves to eat poop, but
he deserves to be loved as well." Mira picked him up and brought him to her breast.
"Isn't that right, Pongo?"
"Pongo pongo." The penguin grinned at Aldred as he rubbed his head on her chest. He was happy
with this treatment, though she still mistakenly believed that Pongo ate poop which was not true at
all… cough cough.
Aldred bared his teeth at him. And they both stared at each other like two gorillas wanting to
dominate one another to get a partner.
Time passed.
Aldred's caravan stopped in the grassy field. The sun was about to set, creating a soft orange light at
the edge of the horizon. They were hungry, and it was time to eat.
They picked up some rocks and grass around the area, creating a bunch of small fireplaces before
Aldred lit them up with his fire spells.
Aldred then ordered the system to send the supplies out. A dozen or more bags appeared on the
ground. They were filled with equipment for camping such as food and tents.
The soldiers opened the bags. They had their own task; some made the tents and some cooked the
food. Mareona assigned herself to the latter. Seasoning the food with her flowers.
Aldred wondered for a moment. If Mareona had been storing those flowers in her underwear, didn't
that mean they'd been eating…
The boy blinked a couple of times as he thought about that.
After a few days of traveling, and rotating the map a bunch of times because they were unsure
where they headed to, the caravan finally saw the legendary Mount Fargon.
It was a towering scale of rocks that went beyond the clouds and casted a wide shade upon the land.
Aldred looked with amazement. Such height, such scale. He was reminded again that he as a human
being was merely a speck of dust in comparison.
"What a mountain," Aldred said.
"This is my first time seeing it, even though I heard so many tales about this mountain." Mary
looked over the window.
"It was said that the first pope climbed to the peak of Mount Fargon and prayed for Zalous to
bestow his blessing to the people." Mira stared at the mountain as well. "Many people tried to climb
it as result, but no one succeeded. Those who said they did always spoke in a vague and sometimes
even crazed manner."
"What about Platinum and Diamond Rank? Can they climb the mountain?"
Mira shook her head. "They lose their power the moment they tried to climb it. Even flying doesn't
"Flying doesn't work?" Aldred was shocked. He thought he could get a large advantage than others
with his flying ability.
"That's what I heard."
"Then what about Adamantite Rank?"
"I never heard they tried to climb Mount Fargon."
"Maybe they did and told no one about it."
"Maybe. Adamantite Rank is not someone we can meet, so we cannot ask them."
In the distance, near Mount Fargon, a line of long carriages rolled on a wide lane that led to a
village. The carriages looked different from each other. Some looked luxurious, and some looked
simple or dirty. A lot of them had crest, flags, or insignia carved on the side. Those were the ones
with white majestic horses clad in bright shining armor, while the poor one only had simple horses
pulling their carriage.
An even greater carriage came from the east. It was pulled by a pair of large creatures with eagle
wings and claws with the body of a horse.
On the side of the carriage was an insignia depicting a golden eagle sticking out its tongue. Below
it, a name carved in gold: Count of Anzalatti.


Mary narrowed her eyes.

"What's wrong, Mary?"
"Count of Anzalatti is a familiar name. His county is far from here. The one in the carriage must be
his son."
"How far is Anzalatti?"
"To the far east, almost bordering Torvenia a nation of the leonin race. Have you ever heard of
Timouy? It's located right beside it. Sadly, that town was reported to be in ruins. Nobody knows the
cause, and nobody was alive to report what happened.
Aldred remembered about that town. His mother flattened it entirely without a single dust left, so
calling it ruins was an understatement as she literally deleted it. But he was surprised that the old
man did not tell anybody about it. Maybe he wanted to keep Aldred's existence a secret. That might
be the cause. What a considerate old man. He did not had the chance to meet his grandson at that
time. Hopefully, he could meet them someday.
The caravan entered the lane and waited their turn to enter the village. It was a long line, so it took
them a while to enter it. As the carriage rolled slowly, Aldred saw the villagers selling food. One
young lady brought a tray of steaming pies and offered it to him.
"Handsome boy, welcome to Horithorp. Why don't you buy this pie? It's only 10 copper."
Aldred scratched his head. "I am sorry, lady. I already ate, and don't bring any money."
The lady smiled. "That is fine." She then grabbed one of the pie and gave it to him. "This one is for
Aldred was touched. "I cannot take this."
"Please accept it."
"O—okay. Thank you."
The lady smiled and waved as the carriage went forward.
Aldred looked at the steaming and smiled. "What a nice lady. We just met each other and she gave
me a pie."
"Hello, young boy. You seems like you need to eat more meat. Why don't you buy one of these
roasted sheep." An old man walked beside his carriage with a tray of roasted meat.


"I am sorry, sir. I don't have any money with me."

The old man smiled. "Pitiful boy. Here's one for you." He gave Aldred a wrap of roasted meat.
"Sir, why do you give it to me for free?"
The old man smiled again. "It makes you happy isn't it?"
Aldred nodded.
"Then that is enough reason to me." The old man walked away to find customers.
"The people here is nice," Aldred said. "It's almost unbelievable how nice they are."
Mira looked at the villagers giving people food for free if they couldn't pay and her heart was
touched. This was what she wanted. People being nice to each other. All of them were willing to
sacrifice a little just so they could make others happy. What a blessed village. Even in Montcresia,
she had never seen something like this before. The world was vast. She truly need to explore more
of it.
Sophia looked at the villagers. "They won't last long."
"What do you mean?" Aldred asked.
"Nice people got used and abused. If they keep doing this, people will pretend they couldn't pay and
they will soon run out of food to feed themselves."
"Not really." Mary leaned, putting his arm on the window. "They don't eat meat or pies."
"Are they vegetarians?"
"No. They're vampires."
Aldred was speechless. "Oh yeah, you did mention that Thignia was a land of vampire. So they
drink blood?"
"Very much."


"Are we going to be okay? What if they suck our blood?"

"That's not going to happen, unless they want to be exterminated. You see how many humans
entered the village? This place is a tourist hot spot right now because of Mount Fargon. More
humans and other race will enter this place. If they dare to do something, the influx of powerful
adventurer will clean the whole village."
"Is that the reason why they're acting nice?"
"No. I don't think so. A tourist hot spot usually sell their products with an extravagant price. What
cost 5 copper could be sold with 10 silver, but the people here don't do that. All the foods are cheap
and affordable which is really weird since this supposed to be a great opportunity to be rich."
"Maybe we shouldn't put prejudice against them," Mira said. "They treated us with a sweet smile so
we should do the same. It doesn't matter if they are vampires or not."
"I agree with that." Aldred nodded.
After circling the village for a while, they finally found an inn:
The Crossed Arrows.
It was a modest looking inn affiliated with the adventure's guild. A lot of people were entering the
inn. Aldred saw some men with a lion face complete with a majestic mane.
"Now this is what I called a fantasy world."
"What are you blabbering about, Aldred," Mareona said. "Go pick up my bags and bring it to my
"But we haven't book a room yet."
"Do you see my face?"
"Does my expression look like it give a shit about your excuses?"
Aldred sighed. It seemed like Mareona was really upset about him stealing her underwear. She'd
been hitting his head a lot harder lately. He should apologize later.


For now, he wanted to get a room and sleep in a proper bed.

Bartrem booked more than a dozen rooms for everyone. The inn was quite big, and it seemed to
receive an upgrade only recently.
"The owner of this inn is smart. They know a lot of people will come to this place, and so they
upgrade the inn immediately," Mary said as they walked to their room. "Also, unlike the nice
villagers earlier, this inn is so expensive."
"How much money do we have left?"
Mary bitterly smiled. "Only a couple of silvers."
"Thankfully, we can just hunt something for food."
Aldred, Mary, Mira, Sophia, and Pongo entered the same room. The sun was still bright in the sky,
but all of them decided to sleep all day. The journey to come here was exhausting. Sleeping in the
tents or the carriages paled in comparison to the soft and comfortable mattresses.
And so they slept until the next day.
They all went down the stairs and walked to the cafeteria. It was bustling with people. The waitress
guided them to a large table. Bartrem sat down with Aldred and the others.
"So what is our next move?" Aldred asked.
"I have been gathering information yesterday," Bartrem said. He was a true warrior. While everyone
was asleep, he went out and put in the work. "I notice that a lot of people haven't started climbing
yet. And they are waiting for something."
"What is it?" Aldred asked in wonder.
"An auction."
"What's that got to do with climbing a mountain?"
"I heard that a collection of merchants is planning to do an auction, but it's not just any auction. The
items presented in this auction can help us reach the peak."
"We can only try to see it for ourselves."
"But we're running out of money, right?"
"That's the problem."
"I should have asked the empress for money," Mary said. "If we asked her, she could give us an
endless amount of wealth."
"Clearly, she's the empress of an empire after all."
"Why don't we enter the auction and take our chances. It's okay if we don't get the items, but maybe
we can work something out with the buyer," Bartrem said.
Aldred wanted to see the auction as well so he agreed. He'd never been to an auction before.

Days passed quickly, and the group of merchants rented a plot of land before their workers quickly
erected a large hall for the auction. They worked so fast and so precise that the onlookers were
amazed by their efficiency. With magical powers and supernatural strength, the grand auction hall
was finished in less than a day. Made out of fine wood and smooth marble, the rich and powerful
smiled as they looked at the sight while the poor simply looked shocked and amazed.
Two beautiful ladies in tight dresses came out of the entrance and put up a sign that said: Mount
Fargon Auction Hall is Open!
People in nice clothes walked in first. The two ladies greeted them with a smile and told them that
they need to pay a fee to enter the place. Those people didn't give it a second thought before giving
them a handful of gold coins. They didn't even count if it was the correct amount or not, because
they knew that what they gave was more than asked for.
After all of them entered, the adventurer with full gear walked to them, paid the fee, and entered the
hall. This went on for quite some time until there was one man with ragged clothes who was
stopped at the entrance.
"I cannot enter?"
"I am sorry, sir, but you have to pay a fee to enter the auction hall."


"What an arrogant person you are. Just because I don't want to pay, I am not allowed to enter?"
The two ladies were troubled.
"This is the rule, sir. We cannot allow you to enter the auction unless you pay the fee."
The man snorted in anger. "What a bitch. You think you can act like that just because you're pretty,
huh? You're just a whore who relies on their looks. I bet you enter an old man's room every night for
some gold. A bunch of disgusting whore." He spat on the ground, almost hitting their feet.
When the man left, the two ladies sighed.
One of the ladies even broke into tears.
"Miralda, don't cry. We're at work."
"Emily, that guy is so mean. I tried to be as polite as possible but he kept insulting us."
Emily tapped her back and hugged her. "There there. Don't cry again. What if the manager sees us."
Miralda kept crying for a whole minute before she calmed down. The man's words earlier really
hurt her heart.
A fat man walked toward them. "Why are you crying?"
"Manager," they called.
"A man earlier tried to enter the auction without paying. We tell him that he cannot enter with
hospitality, but he kept insulting us."
The fat clicked his tongue. "Next time, don't bother to treat penniless people with hospitality. Stop
crying, you're driving the customers away. I took you from the streets, don't make me return you
there again."
The two ladies bowed. "Yes, sir manager."
Miralda wiped her tears and lightly slapped her own cheeks. "I don't want to return to the street."
Emily smiled and caressed her head. "Me as well. I will treat you to good food later, okay? So don't
cry again."
Miralda nodded.

Aldred, Bartrem, Mareona, Sophia, Mary, Pongo, and Mira walked out of the inn and asked for
directions to the auction hall.
"They're about to start the auction," Aldred said. "We need to hurry."
They jogged their way until they saw the grand auction hall. When they arrived, two young ladies
asked them for a fee."
"1 gold coin for each person?" Aldred was shocked by the cost. "So expensive. Is there any other
way we can enter?"
One of the ladies kept on smiling, while the other lady was frowning and glaring at them.
"If you cannot pay then get out of here. We don't want poor people to enter our auction."
Emily was shocked. She tugged her hand slightly and whispered. "Miralda, what are you doing?"
"These poor people needed to be treated this way. There's no way that they can pay." Miralda didn't
even lower her voice.
Emily smiled apologetically. "I am sorry, sir. But you need to pay the fee to enter."
Even though the manager told her to treat those who couldn't pay badly, she just couldn't do it.


"Don't call them sir. Look at their armor full of holes. You can tell they're beggars from a distance.
And look at this boy. I bet he was thrown away by his parents for how ugly he is."
Emily looked at Miralda in shock. "Miralda, don't say that."
Sophia glared at the woman. "How dare you!"
"What are you going to do? You don't even have 1 gold coin."
"We have something better!" Sophia said. "We have a Gold Rank slave beast to auction. How much
do you think it's worth?"
Aldred looked at Sophia in confusion. Since when did they plan to sell Nicky?
Miralda sneered. "You think I will believe what your filthy mouth said?"
"You don't believe me? Wait here, we will bring the beast." She pulled Aldred away.
"Sophia, are we going to sell Nicky?"
"Yes. I cannot stand that woman. But don't worry. After we sell Nicky, you can just tell him to
disappear and then summon him again. This way you won't make any loss but still earn some
"That's a good plan." Aldred nodded.
"I don't think so," Mira said. "What you about to do is tricking people. I know she is too harsh on
us, but that's no reason to harm another person that got nothing to do with it."
"You're thinking too hard, Mira. Those people are rich. They won't shed a tear if they lost some
"I still don't agree with this plan. Don't bring evil to this world."
"Stop being dramatic. Doing this will give us a lot of money to buy items in the auction as well. If
we can have some of them, I am sure our chance to reach the peak is higher."
Mira hesitated. "Maybe we can do something else."
"No. Aldred, summon Nicky and tell him to change into his real form."
Aldred looked at Mira and thought for a moment before agreeing with Sophia's plan. Their
survivability mattered more than a rich stranger losing a bunch of gold coins. They went to an
empty alley before summoning him.
"Turn to your real form."
The giant velobra obeyed and transformed into his real form.
Sophia smiled. "That arrogant woman will be so shocked to see this."
"Yeah, she's so arrogant," Aldred agreed.
They went back to the auction hall and showed the beast to the young ladies.
"What now?" Sophia said. "Still don't believe us."
The two young ladies were shocked to see a giant velobra acting so tame. This was a wild beast that
could match against three if not five Gold Rank warriors at once. Yet here it was.
"What is going on here?" the manager stepped in.
"Are you the owner?" Sophia asked.
"I am the manager of this place."
Sophia smiled. "We would like to auction this Gold Rank giant velobra, but we changed our mind."


The manager was shocked. This giant velobra was a powerful beast and almost impossible to tame
or enslave. If he could auction this beast, his reputation would spread far and wide. "Why? I am
sure we can negotiate about the profit. Usually, we take 40% of the profit, but for you, we will only
take 10% how is it?"
"It's not about the profit. It's about how your worker treated us."
Sophia had deep resentment now toward whoever treated Aldred badly. First, it was Bacon who
violated Aldred's pride and then even tried to enslave him. Aldred changed her viewpoint of this
world. For the first time in her life, she experienced true affection and respect. She wouldn't let
anyone violate Aldred again.
"Which one of you treated our respectful guest in a terrible manner?"
"It's that woman." Sophia pointed.
Miralda looked at the manager with teary eyes. "I am sorry, manager. I don't know. I thought they
were poor people."
"You stupid bitch. I saved you from prostitution and this is how you repay me? Are you planning to
ruin my business?"
"Manager, I am sorry. I was in the wrong." Miralda cried.
Aldred smiled at her apologizing. He hated her guts as well for insulting them like that.
"I don't want to hear it." The fat man grabbed her neck and choked her. "I was planning to return
you to the street, but this offense must be paid with your life."
"Wait, no—" Aldred was about to stop him.
Miralda's breathing stopped and she fell to the ground lifelessly.
Emily's eyes widened as tears fell to her cheeks. Her whole body trembled in fear. "Miralda…"
"Emily," the fat man called. "Bring your sister away. I will take over from here."
Emily trembled but still nodded and lifted her sister away.
Aldred still couldn't believe what he saw. Someone was killed right in front of his eyes because of
him being a petty person. He looked at Sophia who had a guilty expression on her face.
The fat man looked at them with a smile. "I apologize for that. Now that the dirt is gone, why don't
we continue our discussion? This giant velobra seems to be more powerful than normal. I believe it
could match against twenty if not thirty Gold Rank humans. What about this, we will only take 3%
of the profit. You can have the rest."
"Before that," Aldred said. "Do you really have to kill her? You could have just fired her."
"Don't worry about her. She's from the street and one step away from prostitution. If I don't kill her
someone else would have done it soon."
Aldred couldn't believe his ears. How could someone become so indifferent to the life of others? He
understood if they were enemies or someone so distant, but this woman worked here.
"What do you mean someone would have done it soon?"
"Prostitutes don't live a long life."
The fat man raised an eyebrow. It was common sense that prostitutes die early. "It's because most
men treat them rough, and prostitutes are generally fragile."
Sophia sighed. "We will take the offer."
"Sophia? Are we still going to do this?"
"It already happened, Aldred. We cannot change that."
The fat man smiled. "Very good. I will guide you to the VIP section, you can leave the beast here.
Someone will take it to the back room."


Aldred looked at Mira who looked at him in disappointment. The boy avoided her gaze and
followed the fat man.
Aldred entered the hallway. A lady gave them a black robe, a mask, a sign, and what seemed to be a
"Please wear this before you enter the hall," the lady said.
"What is this for?"
"To keep the auction fair and just, we would like everyone to wear disguises. If you would like to
bid, you can use this quill and sign to write the amount. Please try not to speak as someone can
track you with your voice alone."
"I understand."
They wore the black robe that covered their entire body and put on the mask. Surprisingly, they had
children's size for Aldred.
The lady opened the door and the fat man guided them up the stairs. Unlike most people below, the
ones here sat straight and upright with a noble demeanor. At a glance, you could make a distinction
between the poor and the rich.
The fat man smiled and told them to sit down in the front row. One man with a noble demeanor
glanced at them before turning his head back to the stage below.
"I will take my leave now, esteemed guests, the servants will bring you drinks and snacks shortly."
Aldred and the others did not reply. They understood that they should not expose their voice. The
black robe was wide and baggy, making it hard to see the outline of their features. They even gave
them a backup robe and a backup mask should this one get broken or ripped.


Aldred leaned on Mary and whispered in the softest voice possible. "Can you give me the backup
robe? I want to transform into an adult."
Mary nodded and gave him the backup robe. Aldred put it on before his body size started to grow
bigger and bigger until finally, he was adult size.
Some people noticed this but kept their silence.
A beautiful lady 170 CM tall walked onto the stage in an incredible dress. A bright light came from
above and put the stage and her at the center of attention. The rest of the auction hall only had dim
lights which seemed to be intentional as they tried to hide the identity of every buyer.
"Ladies and gentlemen from all around the world. I welcome you to Mount Fargon Auction Hall.
Now, this is no longer a secret as everyone here knows why so many people come to this place.
That is right! For the treasure! All of you want this treasure to achieve your dream, and we are here
to help you in that endeavor. Our list of items is made with a specific effect that can assist you in
passing the first challenge, climbing Mount Fargon. Before we start the auction let me tell you the
rules. First, everyone is not allowed to reveal their identity whether intentionally or unintentionally.
The moment we know who you are, you will be kicked out."
The audience was shocked by that statement. This meant that the owner of this auction was
powerful enough to ignore the status of the powerful noble families.
"Second, if you bid on an item but cannot pay for it, we will take everything you have until the
value matched the price you bid, if not we will hold you in custody until someone pays for it. If it is
deemed impossible for you to pay, we will put an enslavement spell on you until you have paid the
money. We are allowed to do this under the permission of Thignia, Ceraisian, and Montcresia."
The audience was shocked again. To have the permission of three nations, who was the owner of
this auction?
"Third, fights and arguments are not allowed. You can have a discussion with your friends, but do
not be loud or disturb the auction. Of course, know that some people can identify you with voices
alone, so we recommend you not to speak."
"Now, Without further ado, let us start the auction with the first item."


Another beautiful lady pushed a cart draped over black cloth. She pulled it open and revealed a set
of armor covered by dazzling white feathers.
"This an upper rare grade armor. Now some of you might scoff at this armor, but did you know that
this armor can prevent you from falling to your death? Should you ever fall while climbing a
mountain, this armor will slow your fall until you reach the ground, giving you the chance to climb
again. Many people fell from the mountain for one reason or another, so why don't you buy this
armor and climb the mountain without the fear of falling?"
"The starting price for this item is 1,000 gold coins."
Mary almost got a heart attack when she heard the price.
The audience started showing their sign.
"Alright, folks. Someone already put up their sign with 2,000 gold coins. Oh, it rises quickly to
2,500, and now 2,600."
"Is it expensive?" Aldred whispered to Mary.
"A Gold Rank only got around 10 gold coins per month as salary."
Aldred calculated the amount and realized that a Gold Rank had to work for 100 months just to
reach the starting price. That was 8 years of labor.
'This thing is god damn expensive.'


"They're lucky the auction doesn't ask for mana crystals as payment. Otherwise, none of these
peasants would have a chance against me." the man near them said. He was the one with the
dignified posture. The people around him seemed to be his guards.
'This guy not worried his voice would be identified? He must be confident in his guards.'
Aldred analyzed the man with his system.
Title: The heir of Anzalatti, Honorless Warrior
Level: 64
Power: Power Fist, Balls Kicker, Nutcracker, Virgin Forever, Seedless.
History: The first and only son of Lewis, the Count of Anzalatti. Henry was born with a golden
spoon in his ass. Loved and pampered all his life, he cared less about the suffering of others and
held great resentment if his wishes were unfulfilled. He was known as the Honorless Warrior by his
male enemies for his abilities always struck their weak spots. But as scumbag as this man is, at least
he is not as dumb as the user.
So he was the one in that carriage. This man was quite powerful, but what was up with that power?
The first ability was fine but the rest... what a scary human being. Aldred definitely did not want to
be his enemy. He could already feel the pain down there from imagining his fight against this man.
And what was up with the last comment… The system really developed some personality now, huh.

"The price went up to 3,200 gold coins. Come on folks, don't be shy to bid because your life might
be saved by this item. No, wait. Your life WILL be saved by this item!"
"4,000 Gold coins!"
"4,100 Gold coins!"
"4,200 Gold coins!"
Mary looked at Aldred and whispered. "Should we buy this armor?"
"Do we have enough money?"
"An enslaved giant velobra is almost never seen before, and it's very powerful too. I am sure Nicky
will be bid at high prices."
Suddenly, the man beside them placed their bid.
"Oh, the VIP section bid for the first time! 5,000 Gold coins!"
Mary took a deep breath. That was 83 years worth of labor. The concept of money worked
differently for rich people. If someone told her they would spend 5,000 gold coins on armor, she
wouldn't believe it even if it killed her.
"Should I bid?" Aldred asked.
Mary hesitated. "No. Let's just wait. I don't think this armor is worth 5,000 gold coins."
The man beside them sneered. "Apparently, you are just a bunch of peasants." He didn't even try to
lower his voice.
Aldred frowned. Mary and he were talking in low voices, yet this man could hear what they said.
"Going once! Going twice! Sold!"
Henry snorted. "Bunch of peasants!"


The man reminded Aldred of those arrogant young masters in cultivation novels. He was very
typical. Insulting everything and everyone he saw. Aldred didn't do anything, in fact, he didn't even
say anything, yet the man still insulted them. He couldn't even be mad anymore. Instead, he pitied
the man who hadn't grown up yet.
Another beautiful lady pushed a different cart and revealed a pair of powerful gauntlets.
"For our second item, we have something special for the mountain climber. It's the Grip Gauntlet.
To climb the mountain you need to have a firm grip, and this gauntlet makes sure you keep hanging.
The item starts at 500 gold coins!"
"That doesn't sound very useful," Aldred whispered. "We can use iron spears to climb the
Bartrem agreed with that. He had prepared giant nails for the soldiers. They could use those tools to
climb the mountains.
The other seemed to have the same opinion as them. The item was only sold for 600 gold coins.
"I know the second item is not very thrilling! But look at what we have here!"
The beautiful lady pulled the cloth, revealing a transparent glowing chain.
"This is Light Formless Chain. You might be wondering what it's for. With this chain, you can wrap
it around your allies, and when they fall, the chain will catch them. So, as long as not everyone is
falling at once, you don't have to be afraid to fall. Unlike ordinary chains, this one doesn't disrupt
your movement, and won't become tangled up. The length of the chain can also be controlled as you
will it. This is the perfect item for those who brought a large group of people."
"Quickly tell us the price!"
"Haha. It seems you couldn't wait anymore. This item starts at 5,000 Gold coins!"
"We have to buy it," Aldred said. "We have a lot of people with us. This item will be very useful."
"6,000 Gold coins!"
"7,000 Gold coins!"
"8,000 Gold coins!"


Bartrem gritted his teeth. "Buy it."

Mary bit her lips. "Buy it. I am sure the giant velobra can cover the cost."
Aldred raised his sign and wrote the numbers.
"Oof, what do we have here? 10,000 Gold coins!"
Henry glanced at Aldred and snorted. He raised his sign.
"A phenomenal move! 15,000 Gold coins!"
Mary almost lost her breath. "Do it, Aldred. Do whatever it takes to get the item."
Even Aldred started to have some anxiety after looking at Bartrem and Mary.
"17,000 Gold coins! Come now, folks! Buy this chain and you won't lose a friend."
"18,000 Gold coins!"
"19,000 Gold coins!"
Henry glared at Aldred. "You cannot outbid me. I might not bring enough of those filthy gold coins,
but I auction something called Lashing Shoes that let the wearer walk on vertical surfaces. People
will bid high for that item. I cannot tell you who I am, but even the manager trusted me so much
that he didn't even inspect my items before receiving them."
Aldred looked at the man weirdly. 'Is this guy trying to flex his status on me?' He looked at the
stage, ignoring the man. No wonder the auction told people to hide their appearance. This status
flexing activity must be a common occurrence.
"Cih!" He raised his sign to increase the bid.
"23,000 Gold coins!"


Aldred put his bid.

"25,000 Gold coins!"
Henry clicked his tongue. 'This bastard dares to outbid me? If I could show my status, he wouldn't
be so bold.' He raised his sign.
"26,000 Gold coins!"
Aldred raised his sign again.
"28,000 Gold coins!"
Bartrem and Mary were currently breathing profusely like they were in a sprint. If they were to use
their regular salary to pay that amount of money, it would take them 466 years. More than four
centuries! They were trembling hard right now. If the velobra failed to pay their debt… they'd be
slaves for the rest of their lives.
Henry was angered. He stood up and opened his mask. "I am Henry, the one and only heir of
Anzalatti! I forbid you to obtain this item!"
The auction halted. Everyone was silent. Someone with a tall stature with a black suit and a mask
approached him calmly. "For violating the rules of this auction, you are not allowed to bid for this
item. If you do not agree, please leave this hall. This is a warning and a punishment, you are not
allowed to reveal your identity again on the next item."
Henry glared at Aldred before wearing his mask again.
The lady on the stage cleared her throat. "Do not worry folks, your identity is safe as long as you
wear your mask and robe. Please bid for the items without worry. Before you leave this place, we
will cast mass illusion spells so nobody knows who is who."
The audience was assured by her word, but they still did not bid for the item. To be honest, most of
them were fully prepared before they came to this place. They were not dumb. They went to this
place to take a look at whether or not they could obtain something more useful.
Under his breath, Aldred muttered. "Honorless Warrior."
Henry frowned and stared at him. "How did you know that?"
"Sir, please be quiet and sit down," the guard said.
"Going once! Going twice! Sold! We will deliver the item to you when the auction ends!"
Aldred felt excited and worried at the same time. "Mary, we got the item."
Mary nodded rapidly. Blood rushed in her heart. 28,000 gold coins. It was either do or die now. If
velobra sold less than that, they'd be damned.
"Our next item is a magical pill created by a Platinum Ranked magic alchemist. Let me emphasize
the word magic for you all! The cart revealed a glass container filled with white beautiful pills.
These are Miracle Breath Pills. When you climb the mountain, the higher you climb, the thinner the
air. This makes it hard for you to breathe. With these pills, you do not have to worry about that. This
container has 40 pills, and starts with the price of 1,200 Gold coins!"
"Do we need that?" Aldred asked.
"I don't think we should spend any more," Mary said. "We have already spent 28,000 gold coins.
What if velobra doesn't earn more than that?
"I should have enslaved more creatures. If only we could sell enslaved Gold Rank humans."
"That's not possible."
Aldred sighed. "I am glad that it's not possible. Slavery is not a good thing."
"Slaves are okay to sell, but you cannot enslave those with power. People that couldn't reach the
Copper Rank can become a slave due to various circumstances, and they can be sold around."
"Must be rough for them."
Mira looked at Aldred and then sighed. She was still upset about the event earlier, but she knew the
boy wasn't a bad person. "We don't have slaves in Montcresia. We believe that everyone deserves
hope, and to have hope is to be happy. I apologize, but Ceraisian is an empire filled with depression
and suffering. The majority of people here are badly treated peasants and slaves. When we were in
the fort, I talked to some of the slaves, and I don't like what I hear."
"I know," Aldred said. "I talked to them too. I wish I could do something for them."
"You already did a lot," Mira said with a smile. "They said something about you. Like how you help
them with back pain and teach them how to obtain clear water."
"What I do is not enough," Aldred said. "Right now, they still work in the field under the hot sun
that sears their skin. Every day. No rest or break given. If they get sick, they will be killed. How do
you think it would feel if we were in that situation?"
Mira looked at the boy with widened eyes hidden behind her mask.
"I am sorry, Mira. I was being petty, and it cost someone their life. I will visit the lady. If she asks
for my life, then I will give it to her." Aldred got tears welled up in his eyes. Even though he got
great blessings, and lovely parents. What he did was unforgivable. That lady did nothing wrong, but
she died because of him.


Mira felt her anger dissipate. She was relieved the boy did not find amusement in her death. His
empathy towards the lives of slaves should be enough proof that the boy was on the right path. 'I
must stay by his side and make sure he stays on this path.'
Pongo climbed on Aldred's shoulder. "Pongo."
"Where are you going?"
"Pongo pongo." He jumped off and walked away.
"Don't take too long or we will leave you."
"Where is he going?" Mary asked.
"Probably looking for some poop to eat."
If Pongo heard that, he would fight Aldred now and there.
"2,000 Gold coins! These pills will help you greatly, folks! Don't miss this chance!"
Henry raised his sign.
"3,000 Gold coins!"
He looked at Aldred and was satisfied that he did not fight him for this item. 'He must be afraid of
my status. Humph! Peasants.'
After the item was sold, the lady on the stage presented another item.
"Before we reveal our item, let me tell you about it. It's called Lashing Shoes. If you are human,
you know you need to crawl on the mountains to climb it, but with these shoes, you can walk on it."
The cloth was pulled to reveal a pair of shoes.
The audience was amazed.
Henry smiled proudly. This was the item that he auctioned. It was only proper if everyone was
amazed by it.


"Can we try it?"

"Of course! Please get on stage and try the shoes. We receive this pair of shoes from someone
influential. You have heard of his name before. That's right. It's from Henry himself!"
Henry held his head high. Even though he wore a mask and a robe, everyone already knew where
he sat because of the event earlier.
A man walked onto the stage and put on the shoe. "How do I use them?"
"Try walking on the wall."
The man put one foot on the wall. "It doesn't work."
"You need to put both feet on the wall!" Henry shouted. Damn peasants! They didn't even know
such basic things.
The man jumped and walked on the wall. His feet moved upward, and he smiled when he thought it
was working.
It didn't.
Not a second later, he started to fall to the ground, landing on the back of his head.
"It's not working."
"You fools!" Henry stood up. He then leaped forward before his feet touched the stage. "Let me
show you how it's done."
He wore the shoes. "Watch closely."
He jumped on the wall, both feet landed. Then he walked up. "See, it's worki—"
He fell and landed head first.
The audience was silent.
"No. I haven't used it properly. Watch again." He tried again and fell.


He fell.
He kept doing this repeatedly until the manager came.
"Enough! I did not inspect this item because I trusted you, Lord Henry. It seems like my trust wasn't
put in the right place. Please leave the auction hall now. Someone will send your item at the
"Wait! They worked before. I am sure if I do it correctly it will work again."
"Men, please bring this man outside."
"Damnit! You dare? Guards! Protect me!"
"Lord Henry, does the Count of Anzalatti wants to be enemy with the Gold River adventure group?"
The Gold River adventure group?! The audience was shocked at the news. All this time, it was a
mystery who the owner of this auction was.
The Gold River adventure group was a powerful merchant group under the Adventurer's guild that
spread all over the continent. Its members had many races from all over the world and were known
to be the most neutral group among merchants. Wherever they go, they will make lots of wealth
while enriching the local lords. That was why they were accepted with open arms by anyone, and
losing a friendship with them could cost a huge fortune.
Henry gritted his teeth. "Fuck! I will let you go this time!"
He left along with his guards while the audience sneered at him for being a fool. What an
"Anzalatti will surely fall soon if he is the only heir they have."
Aldred watched Henry being escorted outside. Henry glared at him as he was pushed forward until
he got out of his sight.
Pongo jumped on the seat and burped.
"Where did you go earlier?"
Pongo looked at him and his beak curled into a smile. Aldred smiled back. "Ah, so it was you."
Aldred giggled meaningfully.
When Henry was about to reach the exit, he looked at the manager who was walking beside him.
"Alright, I won't make trouble again. Can you please let me stay in the auction?"
"You ruin my reputation, Lord Henry. Your shoes don't work."
"I am honest. Do you think I would gladly go on stage to prove my point if the shoes don't work?"
The manager glanced at him. "The proof is there. Your shoes don't work. I do not care about the
"You're very calm for someone who just had their reputation ruined," Henry said.
"We're too big, Lord Henry. This small mistake will not bring down our prestige. Besides, I have
something that will make the audience happy. A Gold Rank enslaved giant velobra. Haha. Can you
believe it?"
Henry's eyes widened. "An enslaved giant velobra? How is that possible? That thing is a wild
"Not just any wild beast. A powerful one. Even with 5 Gold Ranks ganging up on it, they might not
stand a chance. In this treasure hunt, where Platinum Rank and above are not allowed to participate,
that beast is the best thing to have."
"I know," Henry said. "Look, I apologize. Can you let me return to the auction? Nobody needs to
know that I return. You can give me a different mask as well. I will tell my father to give your group
a better deal."
The manager sighed. "You act differently when the crowds are looking. Whatever, you can return to
the auction. And don't make trouble again."
"You got it."
Aldred was just enjoying the auction when a group of people came and took their seats. He
analyzed the group and realized it was Henry. 'Didn't they escort him out?'
"Now for the last item of the day! Oh, did I say item? What I mean to say is creature!"
Creature? Why would the auction sell creature? Most creatures weren't that useful for climbing
mountains, not to mention Mount Fargon itself. And most flying creatures, non-native to the
mountain, could not fly around the mountain. They had done their research long before they grab
their horses to go here.
"Now you might be wondering. What kind of creature is worthy and useful enough to be put in this
auction? Well, let me show you instead."
A large cart covered with a cloth was pushed by 8 muscled men to the center of the stage. They then
pulled the cover and revealed a magnificent creature with its black scales gleaming under the light.
It flicked out its tongue like a snake and scratched its belly with a hideous-looking claw.
"A giant velobra!"
The audience was terrified and they were about to run away from this dangerous creature.
"Now, please do not be scared. This beast has been tamed and enslaved, so it will not hurt you."


"How is that possible? This beast cannot be enslaved."

"Don't believe me? Let me put it to the test then." The lady walked in front of the giant velobra and
slapped its face. She then hit the belly a bunch of times. "See, even after hitting it, the snake doesn't
show aggression or hostility towards me."
Aldred bit his lips. His undead couldn't feel pain, otherwise, that lady would be ravaged by now. He
had fought this creature, and it took him a team of ten Gold Rank just to distract it. If he did not
have unlimited mana and spammed fire javelin at the beast, he wouldn't be alive.
The audience watched as the lady climbed onto the velobra, hitting its face and head. She even
stabbed the eyes with her fingers.
"If you still don't believe me, I will enter the mouth."
And she did. She put herself in the beast's mouth and smiled at the audience.
The audience watching this was relieved. Because the shoes earlier were defective, they were
worried that the beast might go on a rampage.
"Can we test him?"
The lady nodded. "By all means. You need not worry about anything. Look, I am in its mouth, and
nothing happens."
Some people climbed onto the stage and hesitantly walked to the beast. They caressed it at first
before they started punching the beast.
"The hardness of its scales is comparable to a rare grade armor. It might be stronger than that."
One man dared to touch its gigantic claws. "Such sharpness. Any man who covered themselves with
steel would be ripped apart by it. No wonder they call this creature beast among beast."
"When we climb the mountain, there will be powerful beast roaming around. If we bring this giant
velobra, we might have a chance to scare them off."
"Testing and feeling session is over, folks! Please return to your seat as I begin the auction."
They walked down the stage and returned to their seat.
The lady smiled before she strode to the side. "Now, most of you already know what it is, and all of
you know this creature can help you in your journey. Giant velobra is a powerful and versatile
creature that can swim deep, fly high, and climb tall. This means that you can bring the creature
when you climb. Should you fall down, the creature can glide to catch you. Now that you know its
benefit, I will reveal the starting price. Anyone would like to take a guess? 25,000 gold coins? Not
even close. It's 40,000 Gold coins."
The audience wasn't surprised by that price. Having a powerful beast as a slave was much better
than hiring a random adventurer. The problem was loyalty. Although the adventure guild put a lot of
rules to prevent it, people still got betrayed as long as the incentives were good. That was why
people here only brought their most trusted subordinates, friends, and even families. Those
adventurers who gathered strangers to form a group would not survive for long as they did not have
each other's back.
Loyalty was expensive. And no one knew how much it cost. Only with enslavement spells could
they assure loyalty, but this spell can be broken, and the empire banned enslavement spells because
it drove people with talent away from the country.
"45,000 Gold coins!"


"47,000 Gold coins!"

"49,000 Gold coins!"
"55,000 Gold coins!"
Bartrem and Mary were trembling in excitement.
"55,000 gold coins… such a huge amount of money." Bartrem trembled. He was a poor man with a
meager salary. Never had he ever heard of a huge amount of gold coins before. Only delusional
people will spout those amounts, but not here.
And the bid kept on increasing.
"Why do people willing to bid a huge amount for a velobra?" Aldred was shocked and confused.
Mareona, Sophia, Mary, and were all poor in some sense, so they did not know what problems rich
people had.
One of the glaring problems rich people had was they valued their life greatly. And to protect this
valuable life, they needed loyalty. Long ago, when enslavement spell was allowed, this wasn't a
problem since they could enslave their subordinates and obtain their forced-loyalty.
But ever since the ban, loyalty became an expensive commodity.
The man beside them, who Aldred knew was Henry, raised his sign.
"100,000 Gold coins!"
The audience gritted their teeth. They did not bring enough gold for this.
One man took a palm-sized golden card with exquisite engravings all over it. He shook the card and
it revealed golden numbers: 78,412. The man sighed. "I should have deposited more gold."
All of them regretted not depositing more money to the Adventure's guild bank. They never expect
to use a lot of money on this journey.
Henry smiled. He also did not bring enough money, but he talked with the manager before and said
that his father would pay him, so he wasn't worried.
Aldred notice that nobody increased the bid, so he smiled and raised his sign.
"110,000 Gold coins!"
Henry frowned and stared at Aldred. 'This guy tried to piss me off again? Wait, no no no. He doesn't
know that it's me.'


"120,000 Gold coins!"

Henry smiled, feeling proud that no one could match his bid
"150,000 Gold coins!"
Henry was shocked. How much gold did this man bring with him?
Mary hit his shoulder. "What are you doing?"
"Increasing the price." Aldred giggled.
Henry clicked his tongue.
"160,000 Gold coins!"
Aldred smiled as he put up the sign.
"165,000 Gold coins!
Veins bulged from Henry's forehead.
"180,000 Gold coins."
'What about that, huh! I bet your peasant ass couldn't afford it.'
"200,000 Gold coins!"
Henry's mouth was wide agape. 'Fuck! What about this!'
"250,000 Gold coins!"
Aldred smiled wide behind his mask and pretended to let out a sad sigh as he slumped on his chair.
Henry held his laughter. He finally defeated that man in a bid. Although the price was a little too
high, he did not make any losses. A giant velobra was strong and powerful. If he brought it home,
his father would not be mad.
Aldred on other hand was trembling. He trembled because of fear. Fear that he couldn't hold his
laughter as he tricked Henry to buy Nicky at 250,000 gold coins.


'Hahahaha! I am fucking rich!' He looked at Pongo who seemed to notice his gaze and they both
When the auction ended, everyone got what they bid for earlier. People stood up from their seats
and left the hall. Some kind of illusion spell was activated which duplicated each person into ten,
and then they all went in different directions. The exits were numerous. Everywhere there were
doors for people to leave.
'Yeah, good luck tracking anyone in here.'
The manager came and walked to Aldred. "It's a pleasure making business with you." He handed a
golden card to him. "Do you know how to use this card?"
Aldred shook his head.
"Contained within that card is 242,500 Gold coins. Because we take 3% of the profit as promised,
which is 7,500 Gold coins. As for the item you bid for, consider it free."
"Thank you. Can you tell me how I use this card?" Aldred whispered.
"Right, with this card you can go to any adventurer's guild inn or bank and withdraw a certain
amount of gold. It depends on how big the inn or the bank is, but getting 1,000 gold coins should be
no problem. If you want to withdraw more than one thousand, you usually have to give them some
time, around 3-7 days. But you don't have to withdraw anything to do a transaction. Most people
nowadays have this adventurer's guild card."
The manager pulled out his own golden card. "Let me show you an example. Say you want to pay
me 1 gold coin. All we have to do is tap each other's card."
Aldred raised his card and tapped it against the manager's card.
The card glowed and a bunch of golden numbers carved themselves until it showed: 242,500 Gold
"This is amazing." Aldred stared at the numbers. 'It's more scientific than my old world, or should I
call it magitific?'
The manager glanced at the boy, realizing that he had never used an adventure card before. Only
soldiers, slaves, and peasants did not use the card. For merchants, adventurers, and nobles, it was
almost necessary to use a card because of how much money they had. Peasants could barely fill
their stomachs so they were out of the market for this service. Except if they came from a nation
like Montcresia.
"So how do I send you money?"
"You are offered two choices on the side of the card."
Aldred read the choices; Sender. Receiver.
"To test it, I will act as the sender," the manager said.
"Oh okay." Aldred wasn't going to refuse free money. "So I will choose the receiver."
After he pressed it, the numbers changed to zero.
"The numbers you see currently is how many amounts I have sent. I will now send you one gold
The number changed to one.
"This is amazing." Aldred praised it again.
Mary and the others were impressed as well. Except for Mira, she already knew about this card,
though she did not have one.
"What if someone steals this card from me?"
"It's not a problem. You can drop your blood on the card, and it will be linked to you. So only you
can access this card. The card also has theft protection. Now, please do not repeat this word: Anti
The manager paused to make sure Aldred did not say the word.


"As soon as you say this word, the card will not function until you go to the nearest adventure inn or
bank. Don't worry if you lose this card. When you mark it with your blood, your blood mark will be
written in the Information Core. This way, you can go to the nearest inn or bank, and receive your
card again."
Aldred nodded. "I understand. Thank you."
"You are very welcome. Also, here is your Light Formless Chain." The manager gave him a long
black box that everyone got. This way nobody knew which was which by looking at the shape and
sizes of the box.
"Thank you," Aldred said. "I cannot believe I can have more than 200,000 gold coins."
Henry overheard their conversation and his eyes were bloodshot as he stared death at Aldred.
242,500 gold coins? Wasn't that the amount he paid for the giant velobra? So that creature was
auctioned by him, and he dared to increase the bid!? He tricked me to get more gold!'
'That bastard! I will track him and kill him!'
"Sir," the manager called, not calling Henry by his name. "Because of how special your item is. We
will discreetly send it."
"No need. Just let me bring it right now. Everyone already knows who bought the giant velobra.
There is no way I can hide it when walking in the street."
"I understand."
The manager escorted Henry to the back room to take the giant velobra. Henry stared at Aldred as
he walked down the stairs with the others. He saw a small creature with a small robe and mask on
his shoulder.
'Foolish. Bringing a pet to the auction. All I have to do is find anyone with a pet, and kill them.'
Henry laughed inside as he walked to the back room with the manager. What greeted him was the
giant velobra, standing tall and terrifying even when it simply stood still.
"That peasant is so stupid. Selling a loyal beast for gold coins." Henry laughed.
The manager knew this beast would be a hot cake among the rich. Loyalty worth their weight in
gold. And for a giant velobra, that weight counted in tons.
"Nicky, this is now your master," the manager said.
"Nicky? What a lousy name. From now your name will be Vilbora or known as the Black Serpent.
Now come with me."
His guards slightly took a step back when they saw the beast move. Henry smiled. "Has my dad
sent you the money?"
"He did,"
"Then our business is done. Follow me, Vilbora."
Suddenly, the giant velobra snapped forward and chomped on his shoulder.
"Ahh!" Henry fell on his back. "You! I am your master!"
The giant velobra did not care and opened its maw.
Henry wore a terrified expression and screamed before the velobra bit his head.
Everyone in the back room screamed.
"Why has the beast gone rogue? It was tame earlier."


"Doesn't matter! Run! That thing will kill us!"

Henry's guards were trembling in fear, but they couldn't run away. They had to cut off the head of
this beast and bring it back to prevent their families from being killed.
That was how the nobles played their game. They didn't obtain loyalty from admiration and respect
but from pressure and fear.
Unfortunately, it worked.
The guards roared and charged toward the beast. Nicky wasn't having it. He belched out a
poisonous miasma that melted their armor and skin. They screamed in pain and fell to their death.
The manager backed off, and so did the other staff. The giant velobra bashed through the wall and
made its escape.
"Sir manager, what should we do?"
"Kill it! No one should know about this!"
Thirty Gold Rank warriors charged and pulled the beast back in. Fifteen earth magicians slammed
boulders to its head, knocking it a few steps back.
The giant velobra roared and raised its head.
"Be careful!"
It belched out a stream of green miasma, peeling layers of wall, turning them into disgusting rotten
"Kill it!"
Thirty Gold Rank warriors glowed in powerful energy. They threw chains over its leg, pulling it.
The velobra fell on its jaw.
"Fire javelin!"
The magicians shouted. Sending a bunch of fire javelins that struck its head. It pierced through but
only slightly. Yet the magicians were almost drained of their mana.
The fight went on, with more Gold Rank warriors and magicians entering the fray.
They circled the beast and dodged its poison attack, before attacking its belly. The back room was
ruined, but eventually, they killed the beast without casualties.
Everyone fell to the floor in exhaustion. The beast was stronger than they thought. If the buyer
knew this, they would be gladly in debt and pay it later. Though they wouldn't buy it if they knew
the enslavement spell did not work.
The manager looked at the corpse of the beast. "Why does it act aggressively the moment Lord
Henry claimed it?"
He looked at his men who had their chests went up and down. They were drenched in sweat.
"Such a powerful beast. Humans are always weaker than a beast, but this is too much. A pity. If the
enslavement spell worked again, I could have auctioned it with a far larger price." He then recalled
the boy's face. 'Did he trick me? No, impossible. The beast was tame. I have tested it, and even
demonstrated that it was tame. Only when Lord Henry came did it become aggressive.'
The manager glanced at the beast.
"Bury this thing in secret. Don't let anyone know about this incident. If someone asked, say that
Lord Henry was killed by a wild beast while he tried to obtain the treasure. Along with him, his
giant velobra and his guards were killed as well. And say that you only heard this from hearsay.
Also, try to differ your story a bit."
"Yes, sir manager."


The manager walked out of the back room. As he walked in the hallway, he told himself; "Doesn't
matter if he died or not. I got the money, and my reputation improved after I 'sold' that beast."

Emily cried as she watched her sister dying before her.
"I am here, Miralda." She held her hand tight. "I am here."
"Li—ve long. Don't do what mother did."
Tears streaked from Emily's cheek. Their mother was a prostitute who died because she defied a
client. That was one of the reasons why Miralda was so hurt by the insult. It felt like the man
insulted their mother.
Mira opened the door to the bedroom and walked inside. There were two women inside the
bedroom. One of them sat on a chair crying over the woman who lay on the bed with a hand mark
on her neck.
"I apologize for intruding."
Emily raised her head and wiped her tears. "You are…" She stood up.
"My name is Mira. I come here to apologize."
"My sister is dying. Do you think I care about apologies?"
"Aldred, the boy, wanted to offer his life to you. I did not allow him to. He has a great purpose, you
see. I believe he can change the world we live in. But this is merely my selfish wish. For that, I will
replace him." Mira took out a knife and presented it to her. "Use this knife, and let me pay his sin
with my life."
Emily's hand hesitated as it took the knife.
Mira closed her eyes.
"No." She drops the knife. It fell, clanging against the floor. "Ever since I was a child. We always
think of bad people as monsters. My sister hated monsters. And I don't want to become one of
Mira opened her eyes and looked at her in pity. "You have a strong heart." She pulled out a silk
handkerchief embroidered with the word: Abbey of Kristiel.
"Take this handkerchief, and go to the northwest. To the town of Gergis. Show a soldier this
handkerchief and they will take you to the abbey."
"This… you are a nun?"
"I am. And that handkerchief can give you a new life."
She then pointed her staff at Miralda. "Holy Golden Stream."
Thick golden softly streamed from the staff and washed all over Miralda's body. Her pale skin and
dried lips became healthier. And when the stream disappeared, Miralda coughed.
Emily watched with widened eyes before he hugged her sister. "Miralda, you're alive!"
Mira smiled. Miralda had a strong will to live, so even though she was dying, she felt her life force
kept on flickering and hanging on for life. If not for Emily's strong heart, and Miralda's strong will
to live, Mira would never sacrifice her lifespan to save her. There was an alternative to this; Tell
Aldred to turn Miralda into an undead, but turning her into an undead was the same as killing her.
Becoming an undead changed someone's personality almost completely because undead was there
to serve Aldred which meant they always had Aldred in their mind. That was no different than dead,
and having one's shell to be turned into a loyal machine.
A strand of her hair turned white, but she hid it.


Emily looked at Mira. "Thank you. Thank you so much."

Mira smiled. "Now go. Tell the superior mother that Mira Belle sends you."
Aldred and the others walked back home after going in a circle around the village. Apparently, they
were followed by the illusions even after they came out of the hall. These illusions kept on
multiplying themselves and went in random directions.
They were very satisfied with the safety measure, but now that they were back inside the room, they
took out the robe and threw it away. Suddenly, the robe and mask disappear with magical sparks.
"They took security very seriously," Aldred commented. He then transformed back to his real shape
and size.
"Let's list out our equipment. Light Formless Chain, climbing iron nails, ropes, and thick clothes.
The rest were stored in your divine dimension right?" Bartrem asked.
Aldred nodded. "Everything is there. If you want, we can start cooking fresh fish while we climb
the mountain."
Mareona laughed. "Do not worry. I bring my flowers as well."
Aldred rolled his eyes. "Where is Mira?"
The door opened and Mira appeared.
"Where you've been?" Aldred asked.
"Visiting the ladies we met at the auction entrance."
"How is she?" Aldred asked.
"She's alive and well."
Aldred sighed in relief. "It's a good thing if she's well. I should have come with you to apologize."
"I sent them your apologies. They gladly accepted it."
He sighed again. "Should have asked for it personally. Thank you for visiting them, Mira."
Mira glanced at Sophia who then avoided her gaze and looked down. The nun approached her.
"Someone almost died today."
Sophia looked at her. "She's nobody to me. I pitied her, but even if she died, I wouldn't care."


"If I die, will you care?"

"I will. You are nice and kind to me."
"So if someone kills me, you will be sad?"
Sophia nodded.
"If that woman died earlier, do you think her sister will be sad?"
"She probably will."
"If your action caused her death, and make her sad, why do you think someone else wouldn't cause
my death or Aldred's death?"
"I will protect you. I will not let you die," Sophia said with determination. "You changed my life.
You are my home. I will destroy everyone and anything that may harm you."
"That's not my point. What I want to say is, wouldn't it be better if everyone stop harming others
without cause? That way no tears will be shed and no house will fall apart."
Mira held her shoulders and looked her in the eyes. "Nobody will have to suffer anymore."
Aldred was watching them until he felt something. "It seems like Nicky has been killed."
"Can you summon him again?" Mary asked.
"I can."
"We should sleep and start climbing tomorrow." Bartrem looked over the window as the sun started
to set.
"Good idea." Mareona hugged Aldred. "So you're a rich boy now. Hehe, what about sharing some
gold coins with this big sister."
"If you let me sniff your underwear, I might throw some coins."


Aldred rubbed his cheek in pain. "I am kidding. All of us can use these coins."
Mareona snorted. "I have been wanting to sleep with you. Tonight, you will stay in my room."
"Eh, what about Mary and the others?"
"They won't mind. Right, girls?" Mareona asked them.
Mary and Mira shrugged. Sophia on the other hand was squirming.
"Can I join?"
"Okay, you can come."
Sophia smiled and ran for a hug. "Thank you."
Mareona was confused. But after looking at how happy she was, she simply hugged her back.
And so they all slept for the night. Aldred was sandwiched by Mareona and Sophia. Mareona was a
beauty with sky-blue eyes and blue hair. Her cute nose made him just want to pinch it, and her lips
were small and thin. He would like to kiss them.
Shockingly, Mareona leaned and kissed his lips.
"Are you happy now, you little pervert?"
Aldred blushed.
"Why are you acting all cute now." Mareona smiled and hugged him. His face pressed against her
breast. "Hehe, you must be enjoying this now aren't you."
Aldred did not say anything and enjoyed her soft breast. Mareona smiled and caressed the back of
his head. "You pervert. In the future, don't you dare forcing women to make you feel good? I know
you will be strong so don't use that power to do something bad.
"I won't."
"Promise me."


"I promise."
Mareona smiled. She pulled him and kissed his lips. "Good. If you dare to break it, I will smack you
again." She then opened her clothes and showed her breast. "Here is your reward. Make sure you
keep that promise." She said blushing. "Mary and Mira said they've been feeding you milk. This is
my first time so be gentle."
Aldred did not wait and sucked on her right nipple. Mareona felt the tingling sensation and she
accidentally moaned. "Slow down," she softly said as the sensation become stronger and she pulled
the boy deeper. Aldred's right hand went to grab her left tit and he squeezed.
"Annghh. Aldred, slow down. Annngghhh."
Aldred let go of her breast and looked at her blushing face. Her breathing became haggard, and she
looked at Aldred like she was telling him to do it more and harder. Her nipples were erect and
pointy. A little milk started leaking out. He wanted to save it for later. Now, her beautiful neck
looked so enticing.
Red filled his eyes, and Aldred's fang jolted out as he bit her neck.
Mareona was shocked at first, but then a wave of pleasure rushed through her body. She jolted and
moaned as she hugged the boy.
Her body heated up as Aldred drank her blood. It tasted sweet and flowery. The scent filled his
mouth. It smelled like her panties. That made him suck her blood harder.
He released her neck, and then went down to suck her nipples. The milk entered his throat. At first,
it was just a little trickle, but soon enough, a stream came. It was full of sweetness, and Aldred love
it as she sucked in harder.
Something touched his shoulder. When Aldred turned around, he saw Sophia opening her clothes
and showing him her breast. "Aldred,"
She called with blushed cheeks and erected nipples. Her curvy hips and smooth thigh made him lust
for her. His sight went from the thigh to her curvy waist, up to her plump breast, and then went to
her neck. He pounced and bit her neck.
Sophia moaned a little harder than Mareona. "Aldred, anngghhh."
Divine, exceedingly wonderful sensation washed through her. She felt so much love. So much
passion. When Aldred released her neck, she kissed her lips and sucked on his tongue. His hand
moved to her left breast and pinched her nipple.
Sophia jerked. Aldred released the kiss and sucked on her right breast. It didn't take long for her
breast to produce milk, and he kept on sucking as he fondled her breast.
"Aldred," Mareona said from behind with blushed cheeks, and haggard breathing. "My turn."
Aldred took turns sucking on their breast. They enjoyed the sensation as they moaned through the
night. Sophia smiled and her hand moved to his crotch.
"Wait, no—"


His pants ripped open and his wood penetrated through the roof and even went beyond the cloud.
[Racial ability unlocked: Blood Manipulation]
'Wait what?' Aldred asked as both Mareona and Sophia already closed their eyes, sleeping with their
breast exposed.
[Blood Vampire]
A normal vampire with some control over blood.
-Increase strength 58%
-Increase vitality 58%
Evolution: 0/100
[You have obtained a racial skill: Blood Clot]
[Blood Clot]
Clotting the blood within the blood vessels.
-Debuff: Increase the cost of mana and stamina the enemy requires to perform any movement or
magic by 40%
Aldred checked his status.
Health Points: 249/249
Level: 61
Titles: Tough Boy
-Fire Manipulation (Click to show the list of skills)


-Water Manipulation (Click to show the list of skills)

-Shape Shift Lv. 1 (Click to show the list of morphs)
-Racial Ability (Click to show the list of racial abilities)
He has a lot of power now, but it wasn't enough. He wanted to learn all elements, and become the
Legend of Baang.
He checked on his attributes.
-Strength: 29
-Vitality: 31
-Intelligence: 52
-Dexterity: 24
Stat points: 72
Skill points: 58
Nice! His attributes and health points increased by a lot even though his levels did not increase.
That was one of the biggest advantages he got. He could increase his attributes despite not getting
any levels. What if he had one thousand intelligence? Wouldn't he be able to defeat a Platinum Rank
while still at Gold Rank?
He then stared at the panel. 'System, what does this evolution mean?'
[User need to drink blood to achieve evolution. But before evolution, user will increase the level of
the race]
'And I will receive more ability regarding this race if I level it up?'


'Does it matter whose blood I drink?'

[Yes. Drinking higher ranked being is much more effective and beneficial]
'Sounds like a hassle. All I can do with this ability is control blood.'
[If high enough level, user is able to clone oneself]
'Why would I clone myself? That's stupid.' Won't his clone steal his girl…
[Blood Manipulation is a powerful skill that let the user kill the enemy from the inside. Abilities
such as 'Organic Combustion' affect the enemy directly by exploding their internal organs]
Aldred looked horrified. 'Such terrifying power. I don't want it. I rather burn my enemies rather than
exploding their organs. That's too cruel.'
[If user kept on increasing this racial ability, user can revive with a single drop of blood in the
'What the fuck. Why didn't you say that then. Alright. I will suck as much blood as I can.'
Aldred looked at Mareona's neck and bit on her neck. Mareona was jolted awake. When she
realized it was Aldred who sucked on her blood, she let him be and hugged him while giving out a
little moan.
"Sorry for waking you up, Mareona." Aldred apologized to her. He felt quite bad, but he had to test
this evolution thing immediately.
If he was correct, he could become a powerful vampire just like his mother. Aldred wondered if he
could get a demon king evolution as well since his father was a demon king.
That would be awesome.
"Hmmm. It's fine," she said with a sleepy tone. Mareona enjoyed the sensation as well.
He activated his godly eyes to scan her body. Aldred made sure she wasn't in danger of too much
blood loss as he sucked her blood. While he did that, his hands went to her breast and fondled them
both. He twisted the nipples and tickled it a bit. Mareona moaned half-sleep. Milk came out of her
nipple and Aldred licked it before he bit her neck again. Mareona squirmed and trembled. Her
crotch area became wet.
Aldred kissed her lips before finishing up.
He only sucked for a bit, afraid that she would lose too much blood. But his evolution point didn't


'Maybe I need to drink more blood.' Aldred turned around and bit on Sophia's neck, waking her up
and making her moan. Aldred used his godly eyes to scan her body. After making sure she wasn't in
danger, he sucked her blood for a few minutes. When he got tired of drinking blood, he switched it
up a bit, and sucked on her nipple.
Sophia moaned and grabbed his hair tight while pulling him in. After a moment of pleasure, Sophia
released her grip.
Aldred climbed up and bit on her neck while he pinched her nipple, squirting a little bit of milk.
The blood rushed to his mouth as Sophia's moan became music to his ears. The nipple spurted out
milk again.
He released his bite, licked the milk off her body, and went out of his room before entering Mary's
room. Immediately he pounced on her and sucked on her blood.
"Aldred, you scared me. If you want my blood, you should have said so," Mary said.
Aldred did not reply, and kept on sucking. He was too focused on the task.
Mary smiled and caressed his head as she closed her eyes. She moaned a couple times before
Aldred released his bite, and bit on Mira's neck.
[Holy Blood detected]
"Ahh!" He held his throat as it burned in pain. It felt like swallowing lava. 'What is this Holy blood?
It hurt like hell.'
[Processing… successful. You can now drink the holy blood]
The burning sensation disappeared. Aldred couldn't believe that Mira had holy blood. 'Is she the
child of a god or something?'
Aldred bit on her neck and sucked on, enjoying the sweet and thick sensation. Her blood tasted
almost like milk.
Mira woke up and felt something on her neck. When she realized it was Aldred, he caressed the
boy's head and hugged him.
"Sorry for waking you up."
"No worries." Mira closed her eyes to continue sleeping. But she couldn't as the pleasure came to
her. Her cheeks blushed and she couldn't help but moan.
Eventually, a notification appeared.
[+5 Evolution point]

Evolution: 5/100
Aldred sighed. 'This evolution thing will take a while.'
The morning birds chirped from outside the window. The sunlight shone inside the room, and
Aldred woke up. As he opened his eyes, a beautiful woman with blue hair and a cute nose smiled at
"Good morning, Mareona."
Mareona kissed him. "Morning."
"Good morning, maste—Aldred."
Sophia kissed his lips.
"Good morning, Sophia."
"Today is the day we climb the mountain." Mareona got off from bed. "Do you guys feel nervous?"
"I am. We're about to climb the tallest mountain after all." Aldred caressed his chest. "I heard so
many things about this mountain. All its dangers and myths. It kinda scares me."
Sophia hugged him from behind. "Don't be. I will protect you."
"Thank you, Sophia." Aidan felt like he was stronger than Sophia, and it should be him who protect
her, not the other way around.
"Mary and the others must be waiting. Let's go out." Mareona put on her armor, fixed her hair, and
walked out of the room. Aldred and Sophia followed. They strode downstairs where Mary waved at
them to sit at the table.
"I have ordered food for you guys," Mary said. "Sit down. The breakfast will come."
Not long after, a feast unlike many others came to their tables. The soldiers looked at the bunch of
foods with sparkling eyes.
Mary and Bartrem smiled when they saw everyone ate.
Aldred grabbed a piece of meat and ate it. It was rich in flavor, but then something happened.
[+4 Strength]
"Eh… What food is this?"
"I know you'd notice." Mary smiled. "This is a special food that can increase our strength. It is
soaked in a magical liquid for a few days or months, after that, it is cooked and served to us."


"Wow. So I can increase strength this way."

When everyone heard this, they were excited and ate even faster.
"No need to be in a hurry. I have ordered more."
Aldred put food after food in his mouth.
[+4 Vitality]
[+6 Dexterity]
Mary smiled at him and lifted a plate of food with red glowing lobster. "I have something just for
"What is it?"
"Just eat it. Eat all of it and see for yourself."
Aldred did what was asked, and ate the whole lobster under a minute.
[+50% Fire Damage]
[+50% Fire Control]
[+50% Fire Mastery]
[You have obtained a new skill: Fire Combustion]
[Fire Combustion]
-The ability to cause matter to burst into flames.
-Range: 10 Meter
[You have obtained a new skill: Fire Absorption]


[Fire Absorption]
-The ability to absorb fire and utilize it accordingly
'I earn all these skills just by eating a lobster? This magical world is something else.'
"How is it?" Mary asked.
"It's good. I am much stronger now." Aldred raised his hands and weaved in the air. Suddenly, the
air in the center of the table sparked, and a small fire eastern dragon materialized. It then opened its
maw giving out a roar as it circled around. Its snake-like body moved up and down in the air and
then disappeared.
"Wow." Mareona looked in amazement.
Aldred wiped his sweat. "It's harder than it looks." If not for his increase in fire control and mastery,
he wouldn't be able to summon such a detailed fire dragon.
Everyone was impressed by Aldred's skill.
After Aldred showed them more awesome tricks, they continued eating until their belly filled up to
the brim. After sitting for a few minutes, they stood up and went to the bottom of Mount Fargon.
The towering gargantuan scale of the mountain dwarfed them. All of them craned their neck
upward, trying to steal a glance of the legendary peak.
A lot of people were already here. They were lifting all kinds of equipment and gear to help them
climb the mountain. One man put a large basket onto the wall of which a spider leg came out from
its sides and stabbed into the rock. They then sat on the basket as it crawled upward.
"Wow." Aldred looked at the group as they enjoyed their drinks while the basket went up.
"Pongo," Aldred called. "Where are the shoes that you stole?"
"Pongo pongo."
"Don't play games with me. I know you are the one who stole the shoes."
"What shoes?" Bartrem asked.
"The shoes that let you walk vertically."
"You stole them?"


"Pongo." He vomited out a pair of shoes.

"If we only have a pair then it's not that useful," Bartrem said.
"It's useful. Bartrem will you use these shoes?" Aldred asked.
"Alright. I will use these shoes. This way I can fight better."
Mary was currently tying up the chains on everyone. At first, the transparent glowing chain was
short, but as long as she continued to pull, its length increased. After she tied it to everyone, he went
to Aldred last and tied the chain around his waist. It did not have any weight, in fact, he almost
couldn't feel it was there.
The soldiers grabbed their iron nails and walked to the wall.
A group of adventurers walked by with a large backpack. They turned around and pressed their
backpack to the wall. Suddenly, a pair of wheels came out, and it rolled, lifting the group upward.
"They use all these magical equipment, while we only use iron nails?" Aldred sighed.
A lone man approached the wall.
Aldred looked at him curious about what he would do.
The man looked down and his whole body trembled. Something bulged out of his back, and it
ripped open as eight sticky tentacles waved in the air. They then slammed onto the wall, sticking
hard, and the man use them to climb.
"Dr. Squid?"
Another man walked forward, lifted his middle finger, and pointed it at the wall. A sticky string
stuck to the wall, and the man pulled himself onto the wall, quickly going up.
"Damn, we have the whole Jarvel Universe here."
"Come on, Aldred. This is what we have, so this is what we're going to use. There's no point in
comparing our gears to others," Bartrem said.
"You are right."
All of them stabbed the wall with the iron nail. They then looked up and started climbing.
Aldred and the others continued their climb. A lot of people had been passing them because they
had far better equipment.
"Haha. Look at those peasants! Did they expect to climb Mount Fargon with a pair of rods?!"
"What a fool! They won't reach the middle part with that."
They then climbed up with their magical instruments. Aldred thought everyone was already high
enough, but he was wrong. At about 12 KM (7,4 Mile) Everyone started attacking each other.
"What is going on?" Aldred looked at them throwing spells and weapons. Some screamed as their
equipment got knocked off the wall.
"You dare insult my magical device! You're courting death!"
"Humph! What an arrogant bastard! I simply said mine is better than you."
They both leaped at each other and clashed swords against gauntlets. The force blasted a powerful
shock wave that made a bunch of people fall.
"Fucking bastard! Stop fighting! None of us want to die for your ego!"
"Yeah! Stop fighting!"
Everyone started screaming and shouting at them.
"Fuck you! What do you all know?"
"Hey, let's kill him so he won't bother us anymore."
"Yeah!" They then started rushing towards the both of them, their feet moved on the wall. The
magicians threw out a water elemental spell that turned into a rope and wrapped around his leg.
"We got him!"
The crowd attacked, and kicked him off the wall. His scream reverberated until it was nonexistent.
They did the same thing with the other man. When Aldred looked closer, they were actually one of
the people who mocked him earlier.
'Wow, karma do their job really fast.'
After this incident, nobody tried to start a fight, and they kept silent as they climbed.


When Aldred and most people were already at high altitude, three men were still on the ground
running to the village and arriving at the bottom of the mountain.
"We're late," Arthur said.
Jake rested on his knees and breathed exhaustedly. "I told you. Not to. Let. Hugo. Drive the
carriage." He fell on the grass.
Hugo fell face first on the grass. "So tiring."
"Stand up. We have to climb this quickly." Arthur slowly moved his sword over them. "Energize!"
His sword shone in golden color and then it turned into a beam directed at them. Their sweat
disappeared, and their stamina reached its peak.
They jumped off the ground with revitalized energy.
"How do we climb this thing?"
"We simply jump. Greater physique! Strengthening legs!"
The three of them smiled, and bent their knees before pushing off the ground, and then shot to the
sky like an arrow released from its bow. Wind blew their hair as they rose to the sky. They saw a lot
of people were climbing the wall, and that was when their speed slowed down.
"Grab the wall!"
They stab the rock with their fingers, stopping them from falling. Quickly, they climbed up until
they were beside a group of people.
"Hello, good day to you," Arthur said. "Oh wow, you're still a boy and you're brave enough to join
in this treasure hunt."
When Mary, Bartrem, and Mareona saw the man who spoke, they almost reached out to their
swords and attacked. That was because the man in front of them was a hero. One would know at a
single glance just by his appearance. All heroes looked handsome and wore the brightest clothes and
armor of all.
When Mira saw this, she tried to hide her face. If the hero knew she was with them, they would take
her away, and bring her back home.
Hugo noticed their expression. "Hey, don't be so defensive. There is more than one astrolabe, so
we're not competitors. At least, for now. He glanced to the side. "Oh dear lord. The majority of you
are females. And beautiful ones at that. Oh my god. Oh my lord. Uhh… Nice to meet you. The
name's Hugo. I am a hero companion. I am single and a virgin. Gladly I would pick any of you. In
fact, I would tolerate it if more than one of you wanted me too."
Jake hit his head. "Stop that, Hugo." He glanced at them apologetically. "I am sorry about that.
Hugo is childish sometimes, but he's a good guy. Please don't hate on him."


"Who you call childish?"

Jake hit him again. "Shut up. It's because you destroyed the carriage that we have to run here."
Arthur bowed slightly to them. "I apologize for his behavior as well. I hope we can be friends and
have a safe journey together."
Aldred and the others were confused. Why did they act all nice to them?
Jake glanced at them. "Don't mistake our intentions. We only want to make a lot of friends. The
more friends you have, the less enemies you make."
"That doesn't make any sense," Aldred said.
Jake shrugged. "I know. But it's better to make more friends rather than enemies."
"In that case, let's be friends."
Mary tugged on Aldred' sleeve as they climbed up. "What are you doing?"
"Making friends."
"They're from Montcresia," Mary whispered.
"Mira is from Montcresia as well, and we already consider her as family."
"She's different."
Aldred blinked. "But… yeah, she's different." He didn't think anyone would gladly show their
breasts just to test someone's conviction. Mira is different indeed.
When all the powerful and influential climbed the wall, some group of bandits took advantage and
guarded the base of the mountain.
When people came and would like to climb, they were asked for a fee.
"That would be 5 gold coins."


"What! Who the fuck are you? Do you own this mountain?"
The man grabbed his neck, suffocating him. "If you cannot pay, then leave!" He threw the man to
the ground.
The bandits grinned and looked at them with arrogance.
"Fuck! Fine, here's 5 gold coins."
"Nah. You just offend me, so that'll be 50 Gold coins."
"That's too unreasonable.'
"Then leave this place."
"Bastard!" He forked out a pouch of gold and gave it to them.
The bandits laughed.
"Have a safe trip. If you fall, we won't catch you."
They laughed again.
The climbers snorted and ignored them as they started climbing.
The bandits looked at each other and mocked the man.
"What a fool. Let them risk their life while we collect tax money here."
"That's the easiest 50 gold coins I have ever seen."
"We'll party hard tonight."
A man walked with thick arms and legs. His chest was bulging, and his back was solid. The bandits
felt like the ground was shaking slightly for every step the man took.
"Greetings human. My name is Thinker."
"Thinker?" The bandit laughed. "What a stupid name. Now pay 50 gold coins if you want to climb
the mountain."
"I do not have 50 gold coins with me," Thinker replied with a slightly robotic voice.
"If you don't have it then piss off. Wasting my time." The bandit spat on his feet.
"Piss off? My human translation core tells me that you are telling me to go away."
The bandit raised an eyebrow and looked at his friend. "Is this guy an idiot?"
"It is the fourth time I have been called an idiot. I wonder why they said that. Unfortunately, I never
had the chance to ask. They all died you see."
The bandits looked at him. "Are you threatening us?"
"No, I do not. I merely stated a fact."
"There's twenty-five of us here, and only one you. I don't have time to handle your poor ass. Get the
fuck out of here."
"My master ordered me to obtain the treasure. For that, I need to climb this mountain."
"Then pay up."
"I don't have the required item for your permission."
"Then how do you want to solve this?" The bandit grinned.
"Processing… Complete. My information core has devised a set of steps to reach my goal in the
most efficient way possible. And the first step is to eliminate all of you."
The bandits laughed. They laughed until a bulled lodged in their necks. The bandits gasped for air
as they held their throats. Blood pouring out.
"Obstruction eliminated. Proceed to analyze the next step… Complete. Activating Climber
The clothes on his back ripped open as thick mechanical limbs came out. The spider-like limbs
stabbed the wall and lifted Thinker up.
"Detecting sentient beings…. Labeling… Competitors. Solution: Become faster. Activating Jet Pack


Flames came out of his legs and back, as the spider limbs quickly walked on the wall, creating a
bunch of holes.
When Thinker reached the group of people, a notification came. "Insufficient fuel."
The jet pack module shot out steam before it made a clicking sound releasing itself from his body
and falling to the ground.
"Is that a robot?" Aldred asked.
"What's a robot?" Mary looked at the man.
"That thing. He literally has mechanical limbs and jet pack on his back."
Thinker turned his head and looked at Arthur. "Detecting powerful human… Conflict is not
"He even talks like a real robot."
"Ignore him," Bartrem said. "We have a mountain to climb." He walked on the vertical wall with his
Lashing Shoes.
Thinker saw the shoes and his eyes spun with red light. "Scanning… Scan complete: magical item.
Mechanization: none."
Joseph stabbed the wall with his iron nail and pulled himself up, before stabbing the wall again
using his other nail.
Mira weakly stabbed the wall as the wind blew. Her arms felt strained. Sophia took a deep breath
and climbed.
"Mira, Sophia. You two are magicians. You can take a rest," Aldred said.
Mira and Sophia nodded and pulled their iron nail out. They put the nail on their pouch and crawled
on the wall. They did not fall because of the Light Formless Chain. So long as one person was still
on the wall, he could save the entire team. So they crawled on the wall to prevent the rock from
scraping their skin. The ones that lifted their body up was everyone else.
Thinker's eyes gleamed in red again. "Very interesting. Recording… Finished."
A loud screech came in the sky. Everyone stopped and turned around. It was a gigantic eagle with a
wide span of wings. It stared at its target and snatched a person from the wall.
"Ahh! Help me!"
"How can that beast fly?! No one shouldn't be flying in this place."


"It's the native monsters. They can do whatever they want here."
More eagles screeched and flew, circling the mountain. One dove down and grabbed a man. Its claw
was bigger than the man's whole body.
"Stupid bird!" The man stabbed the creature's belly, but the sword snapped.
The bird flicked its head down and looked at its prey who was locked by its claw. It screeched in
anger and then squeezed.
"No! Help me!"
The sharpness and the pressure of the claws cut the man into pieces. His remain fell as the bird
turned for another prey.
"Shit!" Aldred said. "There's more of them coming. We have to be quick!"
The eagle noticed Aldred's group and dove down.
"No, you don't!" Aldred shot two fire javelins at the bird. they went for its head, but the eagle rolled
and easily dodged them.
"You think you can dodge my fire spell?"
Aldred then spammed the spell, creating rains of fire javelins that stormed at the giant eagle. The
eagle stopped in mid-air and flapped its wing, creating a powerful wind that pushed all the javelins
The eagle roared and flew with incredible speed.
Sophia raised her staff. "Confusion!"
The eagle shook its head, and then slammed against the wall.
"A chance!" Aldred let go of the iron nails and leaped to the eagle. Landing on its massive back, he
blasted a chunk of his flesh with flame jet, and ate it.
[Analyzing… success. You have obtained the gene for Giant Eagle. From now on, you can
transform into this beast and use its racial attributes]
[Gene: Gargant Eagle]
-High Altitude breathing


-Blessing of Mount Fargon

-Keen Eyesight
-Low Wind Manipulation
-Hard Feathers
Aldred laughed. He kicked the wall and then transformed into a Gargant Eagle in the air. His wide
wings spread like the wings of an airplane, and he soar through the sky as Bartrem, Mareona,
Sophia, Mary, the soldiers, and even other adventurers stared at him with amazement.
"Hahaha." He flew near them and stabbed the wall with his sharp claws, making him stuck in
place.. "Guys. Get on my back. I will bring you to the top.
Mary and the others didn't react too much to his transformation. They had seen him transform into a
Giant Velobra before, so this wasn't new.
Arthur and his friends on the other hand couldn't believe what they saw.
"Did he just… transform into a giant eagle?" Hugo looked at the bird.
"Such an incredible ability. A shape shifter was rare, and the ones that can shift into anything is
even rarer. That kid can shift into a giant eagle after he ate it," Jake commented. "Arthur, we have to
befriend them. There will be a lot of powerful creatures in this mountain, and they can help us
Arthur shook his head. "We're looking for friends to help each other, not someone to use and extort.
That's not friendship. That's just us being a leech."
"We're not a leech if we help them as well. You're a hero. I am sure you can do something to help
Arthur looked at the giant eagle. "I will think about it."
The length of a Gargant Eagle was similar to that of an airplane. So even if more than seventy
people rode on his back, they still had room for their legs. Unlike the seat of Economy Class.
When the bird took flight with tens of people on its back, the people climbing on the wall could
only stare with envy.
"Fuck! Take me with you! I can give you money!"
"I am the son of a noble! I hid my identity earlier! Here's my insignia! Take me with you and I can
give you land!"
Aldred did not care about them.

"Righty, Folks! This is your captain speaking. All I can say is tighten your seatbelt and enjoy the
ride. Oh, if you don't have a seatbelt, then hang on tight. Because things are about to get real."
Mareona enjoyed the scenery as the wind blew her blue hair. The feathers on the bird's back were
soft which comforted her skin. But her hand felt the powerful flesh and muscles that protected its
During the flight, she saw many incredible beasts roaming in the sky and on the cliffs of the
"Aldred, can we reach the peak?"
"I think we can," Aldred replied in his Gargant Eagle form."
Bartrem and Mary heard that and felt like it was too easy.
"This is Mount Fargon. A mountain filled with myths and legends. How can it be that easy to reach
the peak?" Mary sighed.
"Maybe Aldred is just too powerful."
The flight slowed. Aldred flapped his wing a couple of times, but his speed did not increase.
"Uhh… Guys. I don't think I can continue flying. I will get us to the highest cliff possible."
His flight stopped, but he could still glide to the nearest cliff. He smoothly landed with his claws
and then sat down so the others could hop off.
Aldred transformed into his normal body. Everyone looked at him thinking how useful his ability
was. But they did not have too much time to think as the gnawing wind blew against their skin,
chilling their bones.
"Aldred, take out the equipment."
Large bags appeared on the ground.
"Put on some warm clothes. Wear as many as you can. If it gets wet, throw it away immediately."
The soldiers opened the bags and grabbed the thick clothes made out of wool. They wore it over
their armor and then grabbed some hats and gloves. There were also coats in there which they wore
after everything else.
Aldred was about to take some clothes, but he thought of something better. He transformed his skin
into the feathers of the eagle, and sure enough, the cold did not affect him. Though now he looked
like half human and half bird.


The soldiers trembled cold despite the thick clothes. That wasn't a good thing. He had to do
something about it.
"Everyone, gather around." Aldred pointed at the ground. "Fire Combustion."
A small part of the ground combust into flames, giving out the much-needed warmth to all of them.
The soldiers reached out their hands to the flame.
"It's not enough," Mareona said. "I am still freezing."
Sophia raised her staff. "Internal Heat!"
Their body temperature rose, slightly removing the cold sensation.
Mareona trembled. "Not enough."
"I have an idea. Pull my feathers, and place them on your clothes."
"Can we do that?" Mary asked. "Will it generate more feathers?"
"I think so."
"Won't you feel pain?" Mira asked with worry.
"A little bit of pain is fine."
Mareona walked to him and plucked one of his feathers. "Does it hurt?"
Aldred smiled. "Nope."
"Good." Mareona plucked his feathers one after another with incredible speed.
Meanwhile, Aldred was secretly gritting his teeth. It was painful. Terribly painful. It felt like being
stabbed by a needle numerous times.


Sophia noticed this and pointed at him. "Reduce Pain."

Green soft energy entered his nose, and it soothe the pain away.
"Thanks, Sophia."
"You said, you did not feel any pain."
Aldred shrugged.
Mareona flicked his forehead softly. "You're retiring from being a naughty boy, huh."
"Retiring? Please, I am just starting."
Mareona giggled when she recalled what he did to her yesterday. "So you're a vampire? Or is that
part of your shape-shifting ability?"
"It's part of my ability," Aldred lied. He didn't know how Mareona would react if she knew his
parents were literal demon king and grand vampire. "Now, please pluck the feathers faster."
Bartrem and Mary approached him and pulled out a handful of feathers. They all dropped to the
ground and the soldiers came to take them. They did not need to sew the feathers. Just add water,
and it would freeze on the clothes. Though they had to boil the water first on the fire.
After more than an hour, everyone was already covered in frozen feathers. It didn't look nice, but it
did its job by containing the heat and blocking the cold.
They were not trembling which meant the feathers worked.
"We should camp for the night." Bartrem squinted at the setting sun.
"It's harder to climb at night." Aldred nodded. "We're already ahead of the others anyway. We
should continue tomorrow."
Aldred summoned the tents from his divine dimensions. He combusted more flames and stabbed
some fire javelins around the area to create more heat.
"Why does your mana never run out?" Sophia asked. "That fire javelin cost a lot of mana from what
I heard. How large is your mana capacity?"


"Uhh… I don't have mana capacity."

"You don't have what?" Mira asked, and couldn't believe what she just heard.
"I don't have it. I can use the spells as many times as I want."
"Is that true?"
Aldred nodded. "Yep." He turned a bunch of rocks into flames. This ability was good as the flame
would never die as long as he channeled mana into them. It was the same with his fire javelin,
arrow, and bullet.
They were all shocked to hear this. Didn't that mean Aldred was the ultimate magician? With his
unlimited mana capability, even if he fought a powerful magician twice his strength, he might still
defeat them.
The soldiers inside the camp walked around comfortably with enough heat in the air.
"I wonder how people would survive in an environment like this without your power," Mary said.
"They probably use magical treasures." Mareona lifted her pot and scoop out a boiling soup filled
with meat and vegetables. "Ahh, this is the best. All I want is hot boiling soup in my throat."
Aldred was eating some hot soup as well. He smiled as he enjoyed its warmth and taste. He saw
Pongo walking around bare naked.
"Pongo, You don't feel cold?"
"Right, you're a penguin. So cold means nothing to you. In the Antarctic you'd be swimming in cold
water, but still fine."
"Pongo pongo."
"That reminds me. Why don't we make a hot tub? We can submerge ourselves in hot water. That
would be nice."
"Sounds like a good idea," Mareona said. "Aldred, take off your clothes."
"Wait, we have to make the bath first." Aldred combusted more than a dozen holes, turning the
matters into flame. Because they did not have barrel, Aldred thought that filling the hole with water,
then heating them up would do.
"Mira, can you add water to these hole?"
Mira spun her staff and a stream of water filled the holes immediately. Aldred combusted the water
into flames, literally burning it to prevent it from being frozen. He then stabbed some fire javelins at
the center to make the water warm. Steam came out of the water, and it washed them with a mist of
"And I am done."
Mareona rushed to him, picked him up, and then hopped onto the hot bath. The water splashed out,
wetting the ground. Some of it freeze into ice immediately.
"Mareona, you're wasting the water."
Mareona giggled. "Sorry about that. Mira, can you please add more water to this bath?"
Mira walked to the bath, submerging her body, before adding in more water. Sophia and Mary
entered the warm bath as well.
"Oh my, it feels so nice." Mary
After they felt that the water was comfortable, they took of their clothes and put it to the side.
Mary's breast was now in full view. Aldred swam up to her and hugged her.
Sophia looking at this was a little jealous, so she took off her bra as well. She grabbed Aldred and
pressed his face against her boobs.
"Do you like it?" Sophia asked.
Aldred nodded. Her boobs were plump, soft, and smooth. Mary approached and hugged him from
behind, making it warmer.
"I want to join as well," Mareona said before hugging him from the side.
Mira seeing this smiled and hugged Aldred from the side. She was fully naked, and now all four
beautiful women hugged Aldred in every direction.
"Ahh, it feels so nice," Mary said.
Aldred was rubbing his head on her breast. "Yep, very nice indeed."
"What do you plan to do after obtaining the treasure, Aldred?" Mareona asked as she grabbed her.
Aldred pinched her nipples, making her blush.
"You naughty boy."
He giggled and played with it. "I will become stronger, and try to defeat the emperor. After that, I
will reform the whole empire. I will stop slavery, and local lords must never abuse their power."
"That's a noble goal, child," Mira said with a smile. She grabbed Aldred and looked him in the eye.
"I will help you in fulfilling that goal."
"Thank you."
They hugged him tighter.
"We all will help you in achieving that."
Bartrem and the others were enjoying the warm bath as well. Because Aldred made so many warm
baths, there was room for everyone. Some even took the chance to date privately. There were 73
soldiers in their group, and 50 of them were females, so the male soldiers actually had a lot of
chance to get some girls, and some of them did, while the others were still holding themselves.
"This gender imbalance is not good," Bartrem said. "I should have recruited more men before
starting the journey." He leaned on the wall and closed his eyes, enjoying the warm bath.


Suddenly, they heard a groaning sound, and a hand was holding on to the edge of the cliff. It
climbed up and revealed a person with parts of his skin frozen. More people came. All of them
trembled in the cold, gnawing wind. Some were unfortunate, having their fingers turned black.
Those fingers were now dead and had to be cut off. Pitiful.
If Aldred did not give his friends warmth and heat, they'd be suffering the same fate.
On the other hand, the people that just climbed here were shocked to see a hot bath in this place.
They would like to enter and enjoy the bath, but they were all filled with Aldred's group.
This scared them. Aldred could turn into a Gargant Eagle. A powerful eagle that ruled the lower part
of the mountain. Because of this, they didn't know what to do.
But one group couldn't take it and approached them.
"Hey, we would like to take this spot. The hot bath is large, so get out and go where your friend is."
Bartrem leaned back and looked at them. "This hot bath is created by my comrades. If you want
one, then make it yourself."
"Bullshit. How can you constantly heat the water? A magician will run out of mana in seconds
trying to heat water in this freezing temperature."
"I said what I said. If you don't believe it, then it's not my fault."
"Don't be such an arrogant. If it's true that your comrades can do it, then prove it."
"My friend doesn't need to prove you anything." Bartrem stared at the man.
"It's okay, Bartrem. Let me give him proof." Aldred combusted another ground into flame, creating
a hole. Then he asked Mira to fill it with water. Just like before, Aldred fired a bunch of javelins in
the center, making the water steam up.
"Humph. You think you can fool me? That boy will run out of mana soon."
He waited for half an hour, but the water was still steaming. "How is this possible?"
"You have your proof. Now go away."
The man clicked his tongue. "How dare you a bunch of peasants. Do you know who I am? I am the
son of—"
A sword came out of his mouth from the back of his head. When the sword was pulled, the man fell.
Everyone gasped in shock. The man's friends were shocked as well, as they couldn't even see who
did it at first. Only after their master died did they see the man. He was a handsome man with tall
stature. They were about to fight him, but the man exuded a powerful aura that made them scurry
The man smiled at Aldred. "A person like that deserved to die. I am not like him. Instead of pushing
my status to your face, I can give you something valuable for a bathing spot.
"What can you give me?"
The man smiled after seeing Aldred taking the bait. He took out a small green bottle and showed it
to Aldred. "This is a portable traveling tent. Watch." The man threw the bottle on the ground, and
then a green tent appeared.
It was larger than Aldred's usual tent, and the cover seemed thicker as well.
"This tent can protect you from heat, cold, and even natural disasters. So even if you don't agree to
this trade, I can use my own tent. Oh but, don't worry. I have more than a dozen of these."
"What do you think, Bartrem?" Aldred asked.
"I think it's a good trade."
Aldred smiled. The warm bath cost him nothing to make, so getting these tents was actually a steal.
"Why don't we just make more baths for them all?" Mira said. "It's better if we help as many people
as possible."


"I don't agree with that," Mareona said. "They're competitors. I am not sure if there is only one
astrolabe or not, but I am sure all of them will fight tooth and nail to obtain it."
"I get it you want us to help as many people as possible. But I would never help someone who
would like to kill me later," Mareona continued.
Mira sighed. Her argument was correct. Though she despise killing and harming people, she
tolerated it if they had justified cause such as protecting oneself from being harmed or preventing
oneself from being taken advantage of.
She wasn't a naive nun that hadn't seen the pain and dark side of this world. She simply wanted the
golden light of hope to spread in every corner.
"What about you, Sophia?"
Sophia blushed when Aldred asked her opinion. Though he said she was now part of the family, she
wasn't used to having her opinion be considered. "Uhh… I think you should take it. Those tents are
very useful."
"That decides it then. We will take the tents."
The man smiled and threw a bunch of green bottles at him.
"Alright, you can go to the bathing spot I just make."
The man glanced at the small circular bath spot. "But that's too small for me and my men."
"I never specify how big the bathing spot is, have I?"
They were shocked. Everyone was shocked as well. How could this boy say that without the
slightest bit of shame?
Mira flicked his forehead. She frowned at him. "Aldred, don't be like that. Give them proper bath
"I am sorry." Aldred rubbed his forehead, and combusted the bathing spot, making it larger. Mira
then fill it up with more water as Aldred stabbed more fire javelins inside.
Mira pulled him and stared into his eyes. "Aldred, don't you dare cheat someone when they honestly
do a transaction with you. It's evil. Only the devil and the demons fooled their clients."
Aldred blinked. 'Mira, I think you'll be surprised how merchants make their money,' he thought, but
he did not say it.
When the others saw the transaction, they approached Aldred.
"I would like to buy one spot as well. For fifteen men, I can give you 3 million gold coins."
Mary and Bartrem gasped and choked on their own saliva.
"3 million gold coins? If you do have that much money, then why didn't you bid on the auction?"
"The items auctioned are useless for me. And I am a bit skeptical about the enslaved Velobra. It
seems like my suspicion was true. Lord Henry never appears again after that auction."
Aldred raised an eyebrow. He told Nicky not to kill anyone. Did he kill Henry out of accident?
"Mary, Bartrem. You guys know more about money. What do you think?"
Bartrem was in thought for a moment. "I don't think it's a good deal. Three million gold coins is a
lot, but we don't need money right now."
The man nodded. "I understand. What about Low Epic magic staff?"
"Low Epic magic staff?!" Bartrem and Mary almost jolted out of the hot bath.
"What? Is that good?" Aldred asked.


"Generally, only upper Diamond Rank can have such staff. Even an Adamantite Rank can only have
middle or upper Epic weapon for themselves."
"What about Eternal rarity?"
"Those are the stuff of fairy tales. A lot of stories depicting war generals, gods, beast, and heroes
usually involves Eternal rarity equipment. But most of the stories are about the legendary figure
using the eternal crystal to rise to the top. So everybody knows how it looks. Even peasants and
Aldred nodded. That explained how that old man knew that the crystal his father gave was Eternal
"Are you sure you want to give me such an item for a hot bath?"
The man smiled. "I am not merely buying a hot bath from you. I would like to buy your friendship
and protection as well. There is more than one astrolabe at the peak. If you only take me with you,
you don't have to worry about competitors."
Everyone was shocked at how smart this man was. Securing Aldred as allies was as good as
winning this treasure hunt race.
"So that's why. Alright, tell me your name."
"My name is Maverick Chanterre. I am a vampire."
People gasped in shock.
"Maverick Chanterre? Isn't that one of the Vampire Count family?"
"He's not the usual Count, but one of the largest that has a large county on the west side. People say
it's only a matter of time before they become marquis."
Sophia whispered to his ear: "Aldred, you should befriend him. He's a noble of Thignia."
"Is that a good thing?"
"A noble has to have at least four lower Diamond Rank serving him. For comparison, each of these
Diamond Rank is as strong as Pharder."
"Four Diamond Rank?" Aldred couldn't believe it. "But, the empress was only guarded by four as
"Those are upper Diamond Rank. Each of them could take four to ten lower Diamond Rank at once.
And the empress has a lot more guards. They hid, but they never let her out of their sight."
"Oh… really?" Didn't that mean they saw him doing 'that' with her? Damn! He's lucky they didn't
behead him after the empress left. He sighed in relief. "So a Baron at minimum has four lower
Diamond Rank. That is so crazy."
'And didn't I just kill the only heir of a count? Crap. Nicky is going to get me killed. It wasn't him
who killed the man right? If it was him, and they found out, there would be at least four Diamond
Rank hunting him down.'
Fuck! He would discipline his undead later. They should follow his order to the minute of detail.
"So, what do you say?" Maverick asked.
"You got yourself a deal, my friend."
Maverick smiled and carefully handed him a marvelous staff. Its pitch-black handle was taller than
A small line glowing in red ran to the top, ending at what seemed to be a serpent's head opening its
mouth. And within that mouth was a red crystal, shining an eery crimson color.
[Blazing Serpent]
-Increase fire elemental damage by 300%
-Increase mastery over the fire element by 300%


-Trap Flare: Creating an invisible flare that will activate at will or when the target is nearby,
engulfing everything around it in flame.
After Maverick went inside his warm bath, everyone started swarming Aldred/
"I would like to buy a spot and your friendship. This is mid-rare black iron armor."
"I would like to buy your friendship as well. This is serpent skin armor."
"Take my Feral Spirit Totem. It will protect you."
"Take this sword of infernal."
"I can give you this resilience amulet."
"I can give you a PP condom."
"Bro, get out of here with that stupid thing. Here, take my troll skin armor."
Everyone offered one rare item after another. If these items were sold in an auction they could rake
tens of thousands of gold coins. The poor adventurer could gulped in silence. They wished the rich
people there would offer something to them, but it remain a wish forever.
Aldred cleared his throat. "Sorry, but my friendship spot is limited, and that spot is no more. I will
take all your items, but I can only give you warm baths."
The buyers sighed in disappointment, but they agreed in the end. A hot bath was what they needed.
Their friends already had their limbs turned deep black because of the cold, and that scared them.
He told them to put the items on the ground. Quickly, the items started piling up like trash in the
landfill. The poor adventurer couldn't believe they did nothing when there was a pile of treasure
right before their eyes. They recalled Aldred's transformation into a giant eagle and held their
Aldred combusted a lot of holes for them and Mira filled them up with water just like before.


"There you go."

The buyers looked at holes with expectation but then were disappointed.
"It's so small."
"You guys didn't say anything about the size. If you want an up-size, then pay more."
They looked at him like they were looking at a cockroach—full of disgust.
Mira flicked his forehead again. "Don't play them like that."
Aldred smiled and scratched the back of his head. "I am just kidding."
He combusted the holes to make the bathtub larger. Mira added more water, and Aldred shot more
fire javelins at the center.
Steam came out of the bath, and everyone immediately entered their spot.
"Bartrem, you can give these treasures to everyone."
"Are you sure?"
"Of course. They are family, no?"
The soldiers looked at Aldred with widened eyes. 'We are family as well?' They didn't know that
Aldred thought of them in such a way.


"We have been through a lot. From fighting battles in the fort, killing monsters during our travel,
and now here we are, taking a warm bath at high altitude with freezing cold wind trying to kill us."
The soldiers felt like tearing up.
Joseph and Jeffery already cried. Aldred was the one who helped them in fixing their techniques.
They always felt they were useless to the army before until he came along. The female soldiers felt
their hearts thumping hard, and they saw Aldred in a much better light.
A poor adventure group stared at them in jealousy. So unfair. A man with a large scar on his right
eye down to his lips stared at the boy. He snorted and walked away.
"You are a generous person," Maverick said. His bath spot was only a few meters from Aldred.
"Others would either sell these treasures or keep them for later use."
"They're my friends. This much is nothing."
Maverick bitterly smiled. 'That nothing is a pile of middle and upper rare items.'
"I hope we can reach the upper part in a week."
"Upper part?"
Maverick nodded. "We are currently in the lower part of the mountain. A few kilometers above us is
the middle part. From what I know, that's where the real challenge begins."
"Wait, how high are we right now?"
"No, I don't do drugs."


"I mean the altitude."

"We're at around 16 Kilometers from the ground."
"What?" Aldred was shocked. "We're that high, and it's just the lower part of the mountain?" If he
recalled correctly, Mount Everest was only 8 Kilometers. He was currently double that altitude and
apparently he was only at the foot of the mountain.
The environment was already extreme in this place, what would the condition be at a higher
More people climbed on top of the cliff, but they have a protective tent that blocked much of the
cold. Still, they looked at Aldred and the others who enjoyed the hot bath. Especially Aldred, who
was sandwiched by four beautiful women all around him.
The poor adventurer thickened themselves with cloths, and burrow a hole in the snow. Sticking only
their heads out. It was still cold, but it was much better than sleeping out in the open. They looked
like whack-a-moles now with their heads out of the hole.
After some time, Aldred and the others in the hot bath decided to sleep right in the bath. It was
much more comfortable than the tents anyway. They put some towels on the ground and put the
back of their head on soft towels as they closed their eyes.
"This is so good," Mareona said. "We should do this more often."
"For sure," Aldred said as a handful of snow fell from above. It splatted beside his bath before
melting because of the heat.
Aldred looked up and saw something under the dark sky. It stared at him with a pair of dimly lit
yellow eyes. Teeth as hideous as sharks, and dark-blue tentacles waved around from its head.
Aldred blinked, and the creature disappeared.
He rubbed his eyes. 'Did I see it wrong?' He closed his eyes again, relaxing with both Mareona and
Sophia beside him.
He heard a footstep. It was so soft that he could barely hear it among the gnawing wind.


They opened their eyes and jolted out of the hot bath. They stared to the west where the scream
came from. A man ran with blood all over his clothes. His face expressed a true horror as a creature
resembling a demon came from behind and tore him to shreds.
"It's a Phantom Claw!"
"A phantom claw?" Aldred asked.
Mary and everyone else wore their armor and thick clothes. They picked the armor from the pile of
treasure, but it didn't make them feel safer than before.
"Phantom claw is the beast from legends and fairy tales. Some say, no one really knows its true
appearance, but that thing looks similar to what was drawn in the book. It's also known as
The adventurer and everyone else slowly walked back. Their hands trembled as their eyes stared at
the beast in fear.
The beast growled. Its tentacles waving around in the air. It leaped forward and vanished.
Their eyes widened.
"Where did it go?"
Suddenly, a group of people was torn to shreds. They did not see it coming.
They all scattered and ran. A man tried to climb down the mountain but fell because someone
accidentally knocked him. A man ran on the cliff. He did not know where he would go to. He did
not care as the beast could come from anywhere.
And it came, unseen, undetected, silent, and deadly. For a moment, that man saw a transparent,
dark-blue claw, and he couldn't react as his body was cut in half. His body was then chomped,
thrown into the air before it entered the mouth.
As blood spilled from its lips, the beast growled in satisfaction before setting its eyes upon Aldred
and his group.
"What a beast," Maverick said. "Do you think you can handle this?"
"We cannot run away, can't we?" Aldred said, hesitating.
"Running is not a wise idea." Mary raised her sword, taken from the pile of treasures. The soldiers
all stood up with their rare quality shields, armor, and weapons.
"I have no choice then. Arise, my minions!"
Maverick frowned as the black mist clumped out of the floor. Hideous creatures that seemed to
come from darkness stepped out from the mist and knelt.
"Your command, master."
Maverick was shocked when he saw five Gold Rank undead kneeling in front of the boy, but what
kept his attention was the giant velobra. That thing alone could handle multiple Gold Rank at once,
and yet it became his undead.
"Kill that thing for me."
"As you command."
The rest of the undead stormed at the beast, but Bella stood still with her undead form. She raised
her staff horizontally. Both crystals on both end of the staff shone blue light.
"Icy orb. Dozens of misty ice orbs shot towards the beast, zipping through the ranks of undead.
The beast roared and charged forward. Everyone expected a clash, but something unexpected
happened. The beast turned transparent, almost invisible. The spear and swords went through its
body like it wasn't there.
For a few seconds, the beast became intangible.0
Its body materialized again after arriving at the rear and then it charged at Aldred.
"Charge!" Bartrem charged with his rare quality shield. The tail of the beast swung at him. Bartrem
braced for impact, but shockingly, the tail went through the shield and materialized back when it
slammed his stomach.


Bartrem spat out blood as he was thrown a dozen meters away.

"Fire javelin!" Aldred raised his new staff 'Blazing Serpent'
Dozens of fire javelins stormed at the beast. With 300% increase in damage, the fire javelins now
seemed much more menacing than before, but the beast did not care. It moved side to side, ducking
under the javelin.
Aldred's godly eyes moved at a faster rate, but he still couldn't hit the beast.
"Let me help." Maverick pulled out a blood blade from his waist and rushed at the creature. "Keep
attacking it!"
The beast growled at the intruder and decided to remove him first. The tentacle hair on its head rose
and squirmed around before it whipped at him.
Maverick stepped to the side, and the air to his right was cut as the attack created a deep, straight
trail on the ground.
A strand of his hair fell. Maverick trembled. If he didn't dodge in time, he'd be cut in half. He then
moved nimbly like an assassin. Using his short dagger to cut at the limbs whenever he could.
Aldred frowned. His undead army was still running back, but he had to survive against this beast
first before they came.
The beast ignored Maverick and charged at the boy.
Sophia pointed with her staff. "Confusion!"
Its legs stumbled, and its sight became dizzy. It looked at the boy, in its vision; the boy became two.
"GRRHH!" It leaped forward and attacked.
Suddenly, Mareona came like a bullet with a gleaming sword. She came from the side, and her
sword was pointing at the creature's stomach. The blade went in.
Mareona smiled thinking that she got the creature, but she was wrong. It went through as the
creature became intangible. She fell and rolled on the ground before standing up and rushing at the
creature again.
Aldred distanced himself. Mary ran at Aldred while Mira went to tend Bartrem's wound.
Mary, Mareona, Sophia, Bella, and Maverick all worked together to fight the beast. Aldred kept on
firing his javelin and fire bullets.
"Greater Physique! Greater Strength! High Endurance! Abnormal Dexterity!"
Mary, Mareona, and Maverick became stronger and faster. They dodged the creature's tentacles and
claws while attacking its jelly-fish like skin.
Despite its appearance, it was hard to cut because the skin seemed to absorb the damage like water.
"Everyone! Get away from that beast!"
They all jumped back as Aldred pointed at it. "Fire Combustion!"
The beast burst into flame. It roared in pain and turned intangible. When it materialized, Aldred
ignited him again.
Maverick took that chance to zip through the air and stabbed at the beast's neck. He pulled and
kicked the beast to propel himself away. Black blood poured out of the beast, and then it siphoned
in the air before it was sucked by his blade.
Maverick smiled and raised his blade. "Blood Blade of Grakthar!"
Blood burst out of the wound, and it kept pouring out before being sucked on by his blade.
The onlookers were shocked.
"Men!" Maverick called. "Make this monster bleed!"


His vampire subordinates grabbed their own dagger and struck at the beast. Just like him, their
speed was fast, and they were agile. Rolling, and jumping to dodge the tentacles.
Aldred saw the beast become weaker as its blood got sucked in while Maverick became faster and
A blood aura covered him. The beast was angered. It ignored the others and struck at Maverick.
The man smiled as the blood thickened around him and blocked the creature's claw. The beast
roared right in front of his face. And then the blood transformed into countless needles and stabbed
its neck. The needle sucked in the blood before channeling it into the blade.
The beast vanished.
The smile on Maverick's face disappeared. Suddenly, a faint sight of a claw came at his stomach. He
blocked with his blade but the impact still threw him away.
Aldred gritted his teeth. "Seems like we have to handle it ourselves again. Thankfully, my undead
has arrived."
The Gold Rank undead was angered that this creature dared to trick them. They swarmed the
creature from all sides.
Nicky was particularly pissed. He couldn't allow another beast to outwit him. So when he arrived,
he shove the other undead away and slammed at the Phantom Claw.
The Phantom Claw attacked with its tentacle, but the velobra bit it, cutting it off. Phantoma turned
around and slapped the snake creature in the face, staggering it.
But he wasn't alone. Bella, Brook, Crook, and Milet attacked.
"Icy spikes!"
Dozens of ice spikes jolted from the ground and stabbed the monster's belly.
Aldred kept on attacking as well. He had been throwing fire javelins since the beginning. The
soldiers were joining the fray. Though they could die from this ordeal, they did not want to be a
burden. They were soldiers.
If they feared death, then they wouldn't be here in the first place.
A soldier grabbed a magical chain and threw it at the creature. The chain wrapped around its neck,
then glowed bright red as it locked itself in place.
"PULL!" The others helped the man, pulling the chain. The beast struggled until Crook and Brook
leaped high into the air and slammed their large, black axe onto the head of the beast.
The beast's head crashed to the ground. But it roared louder than before, and then ran at Aldred.
Aldred stayed still.
"Aldred! Get out of there!" Mira shouted as she ran towards him.
Aldred did not move, and the beast stared death at the boy. Just as it was about to pounce, the air
exploded and engulfed the beast in flame whole.
It rolled around on the floor before it stopped moving.
"This Trap Flare is very useful," Aldred said satisfied with his new staff.
[You have killed 'Phantoma']
[+3,870 EXP]
Something shocking then happened. All the Copper Ranked undead turned to silvers, while the
soldiers all turned to Gold Rank.
The people that watched from the distance saw more than 70 people breaking through the Gold
Rank and their jaws dropped.


"How could they all break through the Gold Rank at the same time?"
"This is the first time in history. No one has ever seen more than two people breaking through at the
same time before."
"And it's 70 people at once! How is this possible. Is this the blessing from Mount Fargon? If we kill
the beasts here, can we break through as well?"
"Are you a fool? We're already at Gold Rank. It's probably only the Silver Ranks and under who can
get this blessing.
Bartrem limped his way to the creature. His armor was dented. "I never thought I would see this
creature. Especially not seeing one dead."
"Are you okay?" Aldred asked.
"I am fine. Mira healed me."
Maverick approached them as well. His blood aura healed his wound at a rapid rate. "If I show this
to my father, he would be so proud. Do you guys mind if I take the head?"
They all looked at Aldred. This beast was killed because of his undead so he was the one who could
"We all take part in killing this beast, so don't look at me like I did everything by myself. As for you
taking the head. Wait for a moment."
Aldred approached the beast, use his flame to cut a chunk of its skin, and then ate it.
Maverick looked at him weirdly. "Why are you eating it?"
Bartrem laughed. "You'll see."
Aldred chewed even though the taste was so disgusting. It felt like eating a breast transplant. And
don't even ask how he knew what that tasted like.
[Analyzing… success. You have obtained the gene for Phantoma. From now on, you can transform
into this beast and use its racial attributes]
[Gene: Phantoma (Phantom Claw]
-Intangibility. Turning into astral form for 5 seconds. With 2 seconds cooldown. (User turns into a
transparent entity, that cannot be attacked with concrete objects. User can go through walls with this
ability as well)
-Invisibility. Turning invisible for 5 seconds with 2 seconds cooldown
-Phantom attack. (Each Attack can go through armor, and directly hit target)
-Tail Whip
-Tentacle attack
Aldred smiled. "Morph." His body ballooned. His skin slowly turned into dark, blue jelly-like
texture. His hands became hideous claws.
When he was fully morphed, Maverick and his men took a few steps back as the onlookers stared
with widened eyes.
Bartrem and his comrades simply smiled at the sight.
"How does it feel?" Bartrem asked.
"It's lighter than expected. I feel like I can run very fast with this body."
Their mouth dropped to the floor when they saw the beast speak.
"Don't be scared, guys. I am still the old little Aldred."


Mareona laughed. "Let me feel your tentacle."

Aldred coughed and cleared his throat. "Sure," He moved one of his six tentacles on his head, and
let Mareona touch it.
Mareona touched the tentacle, and it felt squishy. "It's so soft." She rubbed the tentacle with her
hand, before trying to rub it with her face. "It feels so nice too!"
Mary wanted to try it as well. So she asked Aldred for a tentacle, and she rubbed it around. Mira
and Sophia followed. Aldred gave the four of them his tentacles to feel around.
"I cannot believe this soft squishy tentacle can cut a human with rare quality armor in half,"
Mareona said, kissing the tentacles. She then hugged it with a smile and rubbed her face with it.
After seeing her being so comfortable, Mary and the other girls followed. They all hugged his
tentacles and rubbed them around.
"Emmm, guys. I have something to tell you. The tentacles are actually its reproductive organ."
Aldred blushed.
They then slowly got off the tentacles. Except for Sophia. She was closing her eyes and
continuously rubbing the tentacle.
"Sophia, get off that thing," Mareona said.
"Eh, why?"
"What do you mean why?"
"I like Aldred's tentacle. I am staying here."
Mareona walked to her and pulled her away, but she held on tight.
"No! This is my tentacle! Don't take it away from me."
"It's not something you should be hugging, kissing, and rubbing."


"Why not. Look, it's very soft and squishy." She rubbed it some more.
White liquid came at the tip of the tentacle.
Aldred looked down. His demonic cheeks turned red.
Sophia paused. "Right, it's not something I should rub." She got off the tentacle.
Maverick and the onlookers were dumbfounded.
'What the hell are we watching right now…'
Aldred cleared his throat. He transformed back to his human form.
Maverick also cleared his throat and pretended the scene earlier never happened. "About the
"I think we can work on something," Aldred said.
"Do you also need the head?" Maverick asked.
"It's not that. Just watch." He stepped on the beast's corpse. "Arise."
Black mist engulfed the beast whole. The mist enlarged and then a claw stepped out, creating a cut
mark on the ground due to how sharp it was.
The demonic face came. Its yellow eyes seemingly stare at the soul of anyone who set their eyes
upon them. Purple glowing lines ran around the body.
Compared to the real Phantom Claw, the undead version looked so much more menacing.
The onlookers trembled even though they were a distance away. The Phantom Claw then bowed its
head. "Master,"


"Eh, you can talk?" He looked at Nicky. "You're a beast the same as him, why can't you talk?"
"Hiss (I don't know, master)."
"Is it because he is stronger?" Aldred wondered. The Phantom Claw didn't seem to be much
stronger than Nicky. In fact, he believed that Nicky could defeat the beast if given enough time.
Maverick was staring frozen at the beast so close in front of him. This beast almost killed him, and
he was relieved it died, but now it returned to life again.
"Don't be scared. This Phantom Claw is my undead now."
Maverick hesitantly nodded.
Aldred looked at the Phantom Claw. "From now on your name is Will, the beast slapper."
The beast bowed deeper. "This Will shall be your servant."
"Turn to your real form."
The beast transformed into his real form. The misty air and the purple glowing lines disappeared.
Aldred walked to the monster's neck and aimed his staff. "Concentrated Jet Flame." Condensed
high-pressure flames shot like a laser beam from the staff.
It cut off the neck, and the head fell.
Maverick gasped, and so did everyone else. Did the boy just cut off the beast's head? Just like that?
"You can take the head," Aldred said before he summoned the monster again. The body then
morphed into black mist before it regenerated a head, and turned into an undead form Phantom
Maverick trembled when he saw the glowing yellow eyes on the cut-off head. "T—thank you."
'So the boy could revive his undead… what a terrifying power.'


"No worries. You helped a lot in killing this guy."

Maverick laughed at himself. "Without you, not only would we fail to kill it, all of us would die as
"You're exaggerating my skill."
'Exaggerating my ass! You literally turn a Phantom Claw into your undead. If anything, my
compliment is an understatement.'
Maverick sighed. Thankfully he secured Aldred as his allies. After this he might ask him to visit his
father and befriend him. Aldred had a powerful necromancy ability and mastery in the fire elements.
Not to mention he was still a child. A child Gold rank with an army of undead… wasn't this person
more valuable than the treasure itself. In the future, Aldred would surely become an Adamantite
He reached out his hand and tapped Aldred on the shoulder. "If you need anything just tell me. I can
give you gold, rare equipment. Just say it, and I will order someone to get it."
"Can I get a palace full of women?"
Mareona knocked his head. "Why don't you see your head first? It's filled with dirty stuff all the
Aldred rubbed his head and pouted. "I was joking."
"Let's get some rest. We have to start climbing tomorrow. The faster we got the astrolabe, the
better." Bartrem walked to his warm bath.
"We should set up the tent over the bath. That way nobody can see us sleeping," Aldred said. "And
it would be warmer that way."
"Use the bottle tent that you got earlier," Mareona said.
Aldred pulled out the portable traveling tent which was currently in the shape of a green bottle. He
threw them near the bath, and it transformed into a tent that covered the hot bath.
So now, he could enter the bath, and be protected by the tents. He gave the rest of the bottle to
Bartrem for him to distribute.
Mareona pulled his hand. "Let's get in."
Aldred, Mareona, Sophia, Mary, and Mira entered the bath. With the tent covering them from the
chilling wind and keeping the heat inside, the bath became much more comfortable. He pulled the
straps that covered some little holes so the steam could come out, and not suffocate them.
Aldred walked his way onto the water and hugged Mary. Placing his head on her chest.
"I am hungry," Aldred said.
"Do you want to drink?" Mary asked.
He nodded.
Mary smiled and lifted her breast. "There you go."
Aldred pounced and sucked on her pink beautiful nipple. Quickly, the warm sweet liquid rushed
into his mouth. It tasted much sweeter than before but not too much, just the right amount with soft
and smooth texture streaming in his tongue. Mary closed her eyes and caressed the back of his head.
"I am sorry, Aldred," she started. "This burden shouldn't be placed on top of your shoulder."
Aldred did not reply and kept sucking her breast. His left hands grabbed on her right breast and
fondled it.
"The fate of an empire, and the fate of its people will lay in your hand. Such a heavy burden. I
cannot believe you have to bear it. And I never see you whine about it."
Mira approached from the side with a smile. "Aldred's a good boy. He helped with a true and
sincere heart. When you do things wholeheartedly, you have nothing to complain about." She
caressed his head.


"Let's go to sleep." Mary hugged him and caressed his head. She kissed his lips. "Good night,
"Good night, Mary." He looked to the side. Mareona was approaching him before giving him a kiss.
"Good night, everyone." Everyone came up to him and kissed him one by one. Aldred smiled. They
all cared so much about him. He had to protect them and let no harm be done to even an inch of
their skin. He could take insults to himself, but if others violated them, there could only be one
Sophia sat beside him and looked at him adoringly. He wore a heavy burden on his shoulder. She
wanted to lift that burden and helped him in his journey. After all, he was her home. She could be
herself as long as she was with him.
"Is something wrong?" Aldred asked.
Sophia smiled and shook her head. "Nothing." She kissed his lips. "Good night."
They went to sleep.

A coalition of adventurers called Madbrawlers sat inside a cramped snow cave they made under the
ground. A bunch of flimsy sticks with a shield on top held the roof above their head. Their leader,
called by the name of Scar, looked down at the snow in resentment. A large scar ran from his right
eye to his lips.
He trembled in the cold. The snow cave wasn't enough to fight off against the bone-stabbing
temperature. His group also trembled because of this environment. They needed treasures to prevent
themselves from dying.
"How can they have everything?" Scar asked. "They sleep in warm bath and comfortable tents
while we hid in this stupid snow cave."


The group nodded in agreement.

"They have so many tents, but they won't share them with us."
"And did you see that pile of treasures? They have more than enough to arm an army."
"Yeah. Now they have too many so they started wearing them as decorations."
"We can't have this," Scar said. "I say we ambush them and take everything they have."
"But, Scar. That boy. He can turn into a Phantom Claw."
"And he has Phantom Claw as an undead."
"Don't forget that giant Velobra as well. That thing can melt us to our bone."
Scar's eyes gleamed. "I hate that boy the most. Having all the girls, all the powers, treasures, and
connections." He recalled the boy making friends with Maverick. "Even if he leaves this place
empty-handed, I bet Maverick will invite him to his county."
His heart felt burning when he recalled the face of that boy. Especially when he hugs the girls, and
rubs his face to their breast. Why did everyone care about him? He was just an arrogant boy like
many others.
"Look," Scar said. "We won't survive without any treasures, and the only way we can get some is if
we kill that boy and his group. The other group is too poor, and do not have enough loot for us to
share. Besides, we all saw what those treasures are. They are all useful for us."


The group looked at each other and hesitated. They had seen the power of that boy. Fighting against
him did not seem to be a wise choice.
Scar noticed their expression. "We kill the boy first. He's the only one that can stop us. We have
more than 300 members, and all of us are experienced adventurers.
"What about Maverick? He won't let us kill the boy."
"If the boy died, he won't do anything to us. His business is only with the boy. No one else matters
in that group. They are weak compared to him."
The majority of them did not think that way. The boy and his friends killed the Phantom Claw
together. And they had seen how the boy was almost killed by the beast if not for his friends saving
"We kill the boy first. He's the only one that can stop us. We kill the rest and take the treasures. It's
that simple," Scar said. "Why are you all hesitating? We're adventurers. We jumped to the pit hole
where no one would go. We're thrill seekers, aren't we? Now all of you are scared because of a red
cheeks boy?"
'That red cheeks boy can turn into a Phantom Claw!' they thought.
"I say we move and kill the boy." A man stood up. "Just like Scar said. We cannot go further from
here without any treasure. Our equipment is not enough. So we either take our chance or die there."
They all smiled. The last line could be said what being an adventurer was about.
"We take our chance or die there!"
"Yeah, let's kill the boy."


"Take his treasure!"

They all laughed and prepared their weapons.
The Madbrawler tiptoed their way on the snow cliff. Scar raised his fist. His men stopped, and he
crouched before narrowing his eyes at the tent.
"They are sleeping. This is our perfect chance." Scar used hand signals to tell his men an order to
circle the camp from a distance. He glanced to the side where a group of marksmen and magicians
nodded at him.
"Remember do not let him summon his undead or transform into a Phantom Claw." Scar stared at
one particular tent, and took a deep breath. "Activate the spell."
The magicians raised their staff. "Silent environment. Deaf senses! Calm mind! Comfort body!
Sleepy night!"
Scar smiled. With these spells cast on the camp, even if he shouted to the top of his lungs, they
wouldn't hear or notice it.
"Attack!" The Madbrawler leaped off the cliff. Their feet landed on the ground and they charged at
the camp. Scar ran to that one tent where the boy was. He wanted to be the one who killed him.
The adventurer got close. Scar smiled. 'You dead boy! I will take all your treasures! And **** all
your women!"
Scar laughed.
A line of bright light streaked through of them, and suddenly, their weapons, shield, and armor
snapped as it got cut off in half.
"Who is that?" Scar looked around before his eyes landed upon a man with bright shining armor.
"A hero!" Scar gritted his teeth. "This has nothing to do with you."
Two men stepped beside the hero.
Hugo whistled. "That's a hell a lot of people."
"Do not say the word hell, Hugo." Jake pulled out his sword and shield. "It's not good for your


Arthur ignored the remarks of his two friends and stepped forward. "There is no need to be violent.
This group has done nothing to harm you."
Scar grimaced. "Get out of my face or I will kill you."
"Why do you want to kill them?" Arthur asked.
Scar grinned. "I want to take their treasures and impregnate their women! Are you happy with my
The adventurers laughed.
"Let me have some girls as well, leader!"
They all laughed again.
"Oh, man. My seeds have been itching for a swim right now. Hahaha."
Arthur's expression turned dark. "Father was right. Outside the border of Montcresia, evil permeates
and covered this land with blood and suffering."
Tears fell from his cheeks, but his face was filled with anger. "As the hero of Montcresia, it is my
duty to prevent you from doing such an evil deed."
Scar sneered. "The three of you? Against three hundred of us?"
Arthur dashed to the tent where Aldred was.
A thick vine wrapped his leg and stopped him in place. Scar appeared in front of him and attacked.
"You think I'm a fool? I won't let you wake the boy!"


Arthur slashed the vine with his hand and leaped back.
"Hey, you lot!" Scar called. "Kill the boy for me. I will take care of this guy."
Arthur gritted his teeth. "Jake, Hugo. We have to protect that tent. Don't let anyone in."
"Arthur, there's hundreds of them," Jake said. "Maybe we should leave this place."
"No, Jake. We cannot let evil win. We need to wake the boy. With his power, he can help us fight off
these men."
Jake sighed while Hugo simply shrugged.
"At least we'll die together," Hugo said.
Jake flicked his head. "We're not going to die."
Arthur glowed in holy light. His feet floated off the ground. Around him, a blue and purple aura
"Holy Magic. Beam of light." He aimed his palm and a powerful spinning ball of light formed
before it shot forward in the form of a beam.
The adventurers were shocked and unable to react as dozens of them were consumed. Their bodies
were torn shreds into a million pieces and there was nothing left on the beam's path. The beam did
not stop and struck a cliff, penetrating deep and then going through the back..
Scar looked at the man with widened eyes.
"I do not want to kill you all. Go back and repent for your action."
Arthur hoped that scared the bandits. He didn't have enough mana to cast that spell again.


Scar looked at the man's face and noticed something. He smiled. "He's bluffing! He's running out of
mana! Attack him!"
Arthur gritted his teeth and charged forward. "Hugo, Jake. Protect the tent with me."
The three of them leaped forward and attacked anyone that tried to enter the tent. Warriors swarmed
from all directions, and Arthur cut them all with magic. Arrows zipped in the air, arching in their
direction. A thin golden screen burst forth around the tent. The arrows knocked against it and fell.
"Freezing icicles!"
Dozens of sharp icicles stayed suspended in the air.
They pointed at the tent, and when the magicians swung their staff forward, the icicles flew at them
with incredible speed.
Arthur jumped and slashed forward with his fingers. Numerous golden lines shot forward and cut
the icicles to pieces.
Arthur landed and slashed at the warriors, cutting dozens of them at once.
The sword on his waist never left its scabbard. He slashed them all with his hand using magic and
martial arts.
Scar frowned. "Is this the power of a hero?"
Arthur, Jake, and Hugo fought for hours. They tried to wake Aldred numerous times but the bandits
prevented them to do so.
While they blocked the bandits from killing the boy, the bandits did not let them from waking him
This made their battle to be back and forth and making it a battle of attrition. Eventually, Arthur ran
out of stamina.
Scar laughed. "Kill him! We're going to be the first adventurers ever to kill a hero!"


Arthur gritted his teeth. Left with no choice he blasted himself with a powerful light, ripping some
part of the tent, and he was about to wake Aldred up until he saw the boy was sucking on a woman's
"Hey! Haven't you heard the word privacy in your life before?!" Aldred frowned at him.
Arthur was speechless. "You've been awake this whole time?"
"I can't sleep. Wait, we're not talking about me. Why are you trespassing on my private tent."
Hugo went inside and shouted: "There's hundreds of motherfuckers who want to kill you— oh wow,
nice plump."
Jake pulled his collar from the back. "You better get out now. People are trying to kill you"
"What?" Aldred walked out naked because of the urgency. As he exited the tent, he saw hundreds of
people with full gear looking at him. Archers and magicians stood above the cliff with their bows
and staff.
"What is going on?"
"Shit!" Scar frowned, taking two steps back.
Aldred looked around and saw battle marks all over the place. "How could I not notice a battle of
this scale?"
"They seem to cast some spells before attacking you," Arthur said.
Aldred looked at them. "Why do you want to kill me?"
Scar trembled. "We don't want to kill you. It's just a small misunderstanding."
A clump of large mist came out from the ground. Will, the Phantom Claw stepped out. The
adventurer gasped in fear. The warriors slowly stepped back. They had the numerical advantage and
possibly could win against Aldred but nobody wanted to die for nothing.
Another mist appeared, and Nicky stepped out.
"Hmm… I forgot to turn that eagle into my undead. Anyway, I am giving you guys 5 seconds to run
before two of my beasts hunt you down!"


The bandits panicked and dropped their weapons. Swords, axes, spears, and hammers all thumped
on the ground.
They took off their armor as they ran. Not caring if the chilling wind would stab their body.
Their body heated up and they used their power to be faster. Legs fluttered in the snow. A few men
stumbled and fell. The man behind was too scared to care and stepped on their friends.
Aldred smiled when he saw all of them running even quicker than before.
"Fiv—" Someone grabbed his shoulder with a soft and slender hand.
"Don't do it, Aldred."
When Aldred turned his head, he realized it was Mira.
"They tried to kill us."
"I know they did, but we're alive and well. There is no need to kill them all."
Aldred looked at the running enemies, feeling conflicted. He had a great urge to kill them all. They
tried to harm his friends.
"Mira, we did nothing to them, yet they wanted to harm us. They are evil. We should kill them."
Mira sighed. Aldred was correct, but she did not want him to do the killing. In the future, blood lust
might form in his mind, and he might find killing enjoyable.


Power could blind the holiest of men, not to mention a naive one such as Aldred. "I don't want you
to kill. I am afraid you will become a monster."
Aldred smiled. "I will not. As long as you are with me. I will be no monster. But you said it before,
that it's fine to be a monster. What I need to do is learn how to control it. I can control it, Mira. I
can. Now is the time to unleash it upon our enemies, so in the future, no one shall harm us ever
Mira widened her eyes. Such wise words come from this boy. She'd underestimated his
philosophical thoughts. Aldred was more than capable of articulating himself with words.
She looked at the enemies running for their life. They deserved to die, but her heart said otherwise,
though it would be unfair if she pushed her wishes upon the boy. She looked at the boy and nodded.
"Will, Nicky. Chase them and eat as much as you can."
The Phantom Claw and the Giant Velobra roared, signaling that the hunt had begun. They rushed at
the enemies.
Aldred looked at Arthur who was staring at Mira with widened eyes.
"Sister?" Arthur asked. He couldn't believe his eyes. "Are you sister Mira?"
"Oh, you two know each other?" Aldred asked.
Mira nodded. "I am."
"W—what are you doing in this place?"
"I am helping the boy in his journey."
"He has great power within him."
"But this is not the place where you should be, sister. A lot of people rely on you back home. Please,
I will bring you back to the abbey."
This was what she was afraid to happen.

"I have to refuse."
"But, sister." Arthur approached, but Aldred glared at him.
"I am thankful that you helped me earlier, but forcing Mira to do something she doesn't want will
make you my enemy as well."
"You don't understand," Arthur said. "The servants of the church are not supposed to leave the
border unless to spread the gospel. But only the Archbishop can give that order. Sister, you are
breaking the rule."
"I don't care," Aldred said. "You are not forcing her to do anything."
Aldred bit his lips. This Arthur guy started reminding him of Pharder and Simond who kept forcing
women to do something they didn't want to do.
"Don't be harsh on them, Aldred. They mean no harm." Mira glanced at Arthur. "Please don't tell
anyone about this. I help this boy of my own accord."
"I will help the boy," Arthur said. "There is no need to risk your life."
"You cannot help him."
"I am a hero. I have the power."
"He doesn't need your power."
Arthur was about to say something, but realized she was right. 'The boy is much stronger than me.
Even if I join his group, I wouldn't be that useful. But then what does he need?'
He looked at the boy, and then glanced to the side where there were other women who were half-
naked in the bath. Arthur frowned. Did this boy use sister Mira as one of his playthings? He did not
care about what the boy needed. He couldn't let this happen.
His body trembled in anger. How dare he sullied her purity. Sister Mira was a famous nun who
raised many heroes under her guidance. She helped many children smile and give hope to everyone
around her. To think that this boy dared to do this.
Arthur glared at the boy.
Aldred flinched. 'What is wrong with this guy? If Mira didn't know him, I would have killed this
guy by now.'
Arthur pulled out his sword and pointed it at Aldred. Jake and Hugo flinched.
Mira stepped forward and stared at him. "Do not harm this boy.
Aldred raised an eyebrow. Though the man was pointing swords at him, the boy noticed something
weird. This guy had been fighting with the bandits earlier, yet no blood stain was on his sword. Did
he not use the sword to fight?
Arthur would like to fight Aldred and take Mira away, but he respected sister Mira's choices. "Sister
Mira, if you changed your mind please tell me anytime."
Arthur made sure Mira nodded before he left with Jake and Hugo.
"He seems to hate me," Aldred said.
"He is a little protective at times, but he is a good person."
"Why didn't you say anything the first time we met him."
"I was afraid that he would take me back. My fear was right."
Aldred nodded and looked at Arthur's back. "I think he wants to kill me."
"Nonsense. He is not a person that would kill at the slightest offense. A hero wielded great power,
and to control it, they carved great will and self-control in their heart. Each hero was guided and
taught by the church."
Aldred shrugged. "To be honest, I expect a hero to be much more powerful."
"He's not a hero yet," Mira said. "We just call him that because he already learns magic and martial
arts. He's a hero in training. That's the actual rank in the military. Its rank is similar to the Vice-
Captain of your military hierarchy."
"Only Platinum Rank can get the Vice-Captain position."
"He's an exception," Mira said.
"Wow, he must be very powerful and talented."
"Did you notice that there's no blood stain on his sword?"
"What about it?"
"You might lose if he fights you with it."


Aldred frowned. He might lose if that man fought him with the sword? "Is he a master in
Mira looked at the distance. "Platinum Rank wouldn't stand a chance."

Arthur returned to his tent along with Jake and Hugo. He sat down and took a deep breath.
"Arthur," Hugo called. "You drew your sword."
"I didn't swing it."
"You almost lost control, Arthur," Jake said. "What were you thinking?"
"Did you not see the inside of his tent?"
Hugo smiled and his cheeks turned slightly red. "Beautiful woman with curvy full breasts."
"Whores! Dirty women who sold their bodies." He looked down. "And probably their soul."
"Maybe you misunderstand him. He's just a boy. I am sure the ladies simply did not mind him
looking at them naked."
"He's sucking on their breasts. I saw it."
"Maybe they did not mind that either."
"Or maybe they already sold themselves to him, so they don't mind anymore."
"Arthur, why are you so angry?"
"Sister Mira is in that tent, how could I not be angry?"
Jake and Hugo looked at each other. Arthur looked down and put his hands over his face. Jake
understood what Arthur felt. Him not cutting the boy's neck earlier was great proof of his self-
Mira was the one who picked Arthur when his parents died during the war. She raised and guided
him to be a hero. In his eyes, sister Mira was his mother.
Jake sat down beside him and held his shoulder. "I understand you would like to protect her. But
you heard what she said. She's guiding the boy."
"He's not a Montcresian."


"When was the last time you saw sister Mira distinct a person by their nationality?"
"I cannot take this, Jake."
"Emotions clouded your judgment. Is this how a hero behaves?"
Arthur sighed trying to let out the negative emotion. He breathed in, convincing himself that the air
was filled with positivity. This method calmed him down and removed all the unwanted emotions.
But this time, it didn't work as well as before.
Jake noticed this. "Go to sleep."

Meanwhile, the adventurers were still running. Their breath puffed and huffed with cold steam out
of their mouth. They looked over their shoulders.
The countdown had ended, but nothing was chasing them. They stopped hands on their knees to
"Did he lie to us?" Scar took in the prickling frozen wind into his lung. He flinched. His life force
barely kept the pain away.
"I think so, leader. Otherwise, we'll be dead by now."
"Humph so that undead was a lie after all. A gimmick to scare us. Men! Stop running! We're going
back to their camp and attack." Scar smiled in arrogance. How dare that boy tricked him.
His men looked at him with a terrified expression. They then screamed and ran away.
Scar frowned. "What are you running for?!"
Scar widened his eyes and turned around. His sight fell upon a pair of demonic yellow eyes. Teeth
sharp and hideous bared at him. He took a step back. Legs trembling like he was about to take a
And take a shit he did. His pants were stained brown and yellow.
The beast took a step forward and chomped.

The next day, the sun rose for a new beginning. The tent's zipper screeched down, and Aldred's head
popped out with a smile.


He took in a deep breath and felt the warmth in contrast to the chilling wind outside his area. He
was glad he mastered the fire elements. If not for that, he'd be a frozen corpse by now.
He put his head back in. "Guys, it's morning already. Wake up."
Mary opened her eyes. "Good morning, Aldred." She kissed his lips. "I have a wonderful dream last
"What was it?"
"Your flames on Pharder's throat." Mary laughed. She skipped the part where he brought her to bed
after that.
Aldred smiled and scratched his cheek. Mira, Mareona, and Sophia woke up as well. They
approached him and kissed him as they greeted him good morning.
They exited the tent. Bartrem and the soldiers were already out. They were cooking over the flame
hole that he made to warm the air.
The flame hole was simply a small hole with a burning flame that would never die unless someone
or something killed it.
Aldred could turn it off as well.
"Get yourself something to eat," Bartrem said. "We will continue our journey afterward."
"What's the menu today?"
"Meat stew with eggs."
"Nice." Aldred smiled and checked the notification that he left last night.
[+3,250 EXP]
[+3,050 EXP]
[+3,100 EXP]
[+3,150 EXP]

[You have received the title 'Little Hunter']
[Little Hunter]


-Speed increase by 75% to all undead when chasing fleeing targets.

-Reduction of noise by 80% when sneaking up on the target.
-Damage increase by 60% for surprise attacks.
As Aldred took a wooden bowl and grabbed himself some meat and eggs, Pongo leaped and
snatched a mouthful. Pongo sneered and ran away expecting Aldred to chase him, but Aldred sat
and ate calmly.
Pongo tilted his head. What was wrong with this guy? And why did he wear such a smug and
annoying face?
Aldred got the widest and happiest smile glued to his face.
"I am in a good mood today. Nothing you can do to ruin it. By the way, where have you been? The
cold might not bother you, but there are a lot of beasts around here.
"Pongo pongo."
"There's a village? You think I believe your fish-stink mouth? We're in a freaking mountain."
"Pongo!" He vomited out a clump of wool. Unlike ordinary wool, it was thicker and hard.
"This proves nothing. You have poop in your stomach, it's no surprise if there's wool in it."
"Pongo pongo!" The penguin slapped his leg, demanding him to believe.
"If you lie I will cook you alive."
"What did he say?" Mary asked.
Bartrem and the others were curious as well.


"There's a village nearby. Apparently, they have houses and rear sheep-like animals."
They all looked at each other, finding this information hard to swallow.
"We're going to climb the mountain anyway. We can find out if it's true or not." Bartrem put his
empty bowl.
"Pongo said there were beasts on the way there. Not large beasts like the Phantom Claw, but small
"We can handle that."
After they finished eating, Aldred put all the tents and supplies to his divine dimension. This power
should be a secret, but he didn't care anymore. At least they didn't know about his leveling power.
And sure enough, Maverick who saw the tents flashed with lights and disappeared widened his
eyes. Aldred simply waved his hand, and everything vanished. How was that possible? From his
knowledge, only someone with space magic could do this and it was one of the rarest magic to ever
"A—Aldred, do you know space magic?"
"Not really. Storing supplies is the best that I can do." Aldred didn't tell him that could bring
everyone to his dimension and stay there for 3 hours.
Also, he got three teleportation points that he hadn't used yet. He wasn't sure where to put them.
"How much supplies can you store?"
Aldred tilted his head. "Hmmm… as much as I want? I think I have more than 2 Kilometers of
space (1,2 miles)."
Two kilometers of space? Maverick blinked a bunch of times. The boy could bring enough supplies
that lasted an army for months in a war. He had to bring the boy to his father after this. Aldred was
too valuable.
"Right… So are we going to continue?"


"No doubt."
"Let me pack my supplies."
"No need." Aldred sucked in his supplies to the divine dimension.
"That's so convenient. All I have is storage pouches that can only contain a few treasures.
Aldred smiled. "Comparison is the killer of all joy."
They walked on the cliff with the wall on their left. The cliff led upward, and Bartrem figured it'd be
safer to use this path. He recalled the giant eagle attack a few days ago, and he did not want that to
happen again.
A few hours later, a group of small wolves came. They were the size of an elephant, but to Aldred's
standard, those things were babies. Will the Phantom Claw stepped out of the mist and cut them
with his tentacles. In less than a second the pack of wolves were shredded to pieces.
When a swarm of these wolves came, Aldred decided to summon all of his undead. 182 Silver
Ranks and 6 Gold Ranks in total. With this army guarding the front, Aldred breezed through the
cliff like nothing was there.
Maverick and the adventurer following them from behind could only marvel and gape at this show
of strength. Aldred was like an army by himself. If he went to siege a fort all alone, he might have
the chance to win.
Thought it would be impossible if the fort was guarded by a Platinum Rank or a Diamond Rank.
Mira trembled in the cold as the temperature got colder. Arthur looking from the distance was about
to cover her with warm clothes, until he saw Aldred putting a thick coat over her. He saw Mira
smiling and thanking Aldred.
Arthur did not say anything and continued to walk.
After killing god knows how many monsters, they arrived at a small village.
"It's real. Pongo told the truth."


Pongo crossed his arms and held his head high.

The villagers wore a simple brown robe that hid their face. Large sheep-like animals grazing the
land. How the grass survived in this cold temperature was out of his knowledge and logic. But in
this magical world, logic wasn't always right.
Aldred walked up to one of them. "Hello, may I ask if you know how to reach the top of this
The man ignored him and kept walking. Aldred did not mind and asked someone else, but they also
ignored him. Bartrem, Mira, Mary, and everyone else asked the villagers, and yet no one answered.
"Maybe they don't speak our language." Aldred scratched his cheek.
Suddenly, someone walked to one of the villagers and grabbed him. "Tell me how to get to the top
of this mountain or I will kill you!"
The villager stayed silent, and suddenly, the adventurer's hand turned to dust and was blown by the
wind. The effect ran up to his arms which scared him and he screamed as his whole body
disappeared into particles.
They all gasped in shock. Aldred stepped back. Thankfully he did not touch them.
"What do we do now?" Aldred asked. "Should we climb the wall?"
Bartrem frowned. "I have a bad feeling about this."
A group of four men walked past the villagers and started climbing on the wall. Just as they reach a
few meters above the ground, the four of them turn into particles.
"They become dust!"
"How the hell are we going to climb now?"
Aldred checked the status of the villagers with his godly eyes, but there was nothing. He frowned.
"This is so weird."
Night time came and everyone decided to build a camp a distance away from the village. No one
wanted to stumble upon them and turn into dust.
Aldred sat in his tent with Bartrem, Mary, Mira, Sophia, Mareona, and even Maverick. Pongo lay
on the floor, sleeping.
"What is our next step?" Maverick asked.
"Don't take any risk," Bartrem said. "We will wait for tomorrow and see what happens. If not,
Aldred, you can order your undead to climb the cliff. We will see what happened to them."
Aldred shrugged. "I can lose one or two of them."
The next, day. Aldred and his the others were looking up at the cliff in front of them. The
adventurers were staring as well. No one tried to climb it like yesterday.
Bartrem tapped his shoulder. "Do it."
Aldred summoned his undead. One Silver Rank human warrior. "Climb up." He pointed at the cliff.
The undead bowed and clawed his way up. When he reached twenty meters, he was turned to dust.
Aldred tried to summon him back, but he couldn't. His undead was truly dead.
"I cannot summon him back."
Bartrem crossed his arms and frowned. "What are we supposed to do?"
A few days passed, the adventurers looked around the village trying to find a way to climb. They
avoided the villagers, and some even sneaked into their house. It was empty. Devoid of any bed or
One day, a group of adventurers ambushed a villager using arrows and magic. Their projectiles
turned to dust before they could hit the villages.
"Just what the hell is this place?"
The adventurer became restless and they looked for clues. Rumors started to spread.


"I say that they were not turned into dust, but teleported to the next part of the mountain."
"So you're saying we should just climb?"
"Yeah, this mountain must be trying to scare us. If it was impossible to climb, then why are the
astrolabe here?"
A lot of people were convinced and the next day, around a hundred of them climbed the cliff. Just
like before they turn to dust when they reach a certain height. Some started to hesitate, but they kept
going after seeing everyone did so.
Aldred frowned. "Should we climb as well?"
"I don't think that's wise," Bartrem said.
After a lot of them turned into dust, the next wave of people started falling onto the ground. They
all stopped climbing and stared at the man below. His eyes were empty. It was like something
pulled his soul out.
They all looked at each other and hesitated. They could accept that turning into dust might be
teleportation, but the body was there for everyone to see.
They all quickly climbed down in fear before staring at the body. Nobody wanted to touch it. One
man braced himself and pushed the body with a spear.
"It's frozen hard."
"Is it because of the cold?"
"He wore magical clothes, so that shouldn't be the case."
"I am climbing it. I don't think this man died because of the mountain."
He quickly climbed up and when he reached the height, he fell down. His back slightly bounced
when he landed.
"It's true. The mountain killed them."

"How do we climb?"
"There has to be a way."
Suddenly, the villagers walked toward them. The adventurers stepped back in fear, but they quickly
slid a small box out of their sleeves and handed it to them one by one.
One walked to Aldred, and he was ready to blast with his fire spell.
"Wait, Aldred. It's not dangerous."
A hand-sized dice came out of the sleeves, and it was handed to Aldred. "What is this?"
Bartrem rotated it around to see what it was about. The dice was carved with intricate yet weird
carving all over.
"Look there's writing on one side of the dice," Aldred said.
Aldred read it. "Tis thing kill the hardiest of man, tallest of mountain, largest of lake; it ends the
liveliest of worlds, and drain the strongest of stars."
Aldred raised an eyebrow. "What does that mean?"
"Maybe the dice asked us to find something," Bartrem said.
"What can kill the tallest mountain?" Mareona asked.
An adventurer inspected the dice up and down, and then threw it to the ground. He raised a large
hammer and slammed it. The box was intact with no sign of damage or scratch.
"How is this possible?"
After seeing that, everyone tried to crack it open.


"Blazing flame!" The dice was thrown into a large flame. After a few minutes, the flame died yet
nothing happened to the dice.
A group of earth magicians lifted a gigantic boulder above the dice. It fell. They were sure the dice
was destroyed, but after lifting it up again, the dice was sunk slightly into the earth, but still intact.
Maverick bared his fang and bit. It clang against his teeth and he got a toothache as a result.
"Aldred, try to destroy it," Bartrem suggested.
The boy took a deep breath as he put the dice on the ground. He summoned Will and Nicky.
"Destroy it for me."
Will's tentacle squirmed in the air and then they all came whipping at the dice at rapid speed.
Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!
"It didn't work Nicky, you try."
The giant velobra opened its mouth and gagged as a clump of green acid started filling his mouth.
After a few seconds, he spat at the dice. The acid melted all the snow and burned all the dirt around
The dice was still intact.
Aldred sighed. "My turn."
He materialized 'Blazing Serpent' and pointed the staff at the dice. The red crystal on the serpent's
mouth shone bright.
"For all the milfs and incest in the world, I call upon your name to give me strength. Answer my
call and have seggs for eternity!"
A large blazing flame appeared around him before condensing at the tip of the crystal.


It burst forth and shot at the dice.
The moment the beam impacted the dice, a powerful explosion spread out, and it blasted Aldred and
his comrades dozens of meters away. The cliff shook.
Aldred helped Mira stand up before he approached the explosion site.
The giant crater sizzled with flames and steams. At the center, a dice lay intact with no damage on
its surface.
"It doesn't work."
The people heard that and gasped in disbelief. That powerful explosion was enough to kill a dozen
Gold Ranks at once, yet it did nothing to the dice.
As the people were amazed by his show of power, Bartrem and the others looked at each other.
"What kind of spell chanting is that?" Mareona asked.
"The ones that give me more power."
Aldred slid down the crater and picked up the dice. He sighed as he walked to his friends.
Mareona picked the dice from his hands and read the writing.
"Maybe we should focus on the clue. What can kill the hardiest of man?"
"Powerful magic?" Aldred said.
"Powerful swords probably." Mareona said.
"The strongest debuff." Sophia slightly thud her staff to the ground.
Mira was deep in thought to think of an answer.


Mary frowned and approached the dice. She took it from Mareona's hand and then stared at the
writings. "Kill the hardiest of man, the tallest of mountain, the largest of lake. It cannot be. Is the
answer… Time?"
The dice glowed in bright green and it shot out mist and particles of the same color. Suddenly,
Bartrem's dice shoot out the same mist and particles. The same thing happened to Mary, Mira,
Sophia, Mareona, and all the soldier's dice. Maverick and his friends' dice were shining as well.
The onlookers looking at this checked their dice, but nothing happened.
Suddenly, Aldred's dice made a click sound, and the green mist enveloped their bodies, making it
"What is the meaning of this?" Aldred looked at his glowing arms.
"Maybe now we can climb the cliff," Bartrem said.
Aldred summoned his undead and ordered it to climb. Just like before, the undead crawled his way
up, and when he reached the twenty-meter mark, the undead did not disappear.
The audience gasped and was shocked. They were about to ask Aldred what was the answer to the
riddle, but their dice clicked, and the riddle changed. This made it impossible for them to ask
Not that they'd dare to as Aldred was the strongest here. Offending him meant certain death.
They knew because some of them saw a pair of undead monsters hunting down hundreds of
Recalling that scene sent a shiver down their spine. They spread the news about that, and no one in
the know would ever piss on Aldred.
Aldred and his friends climbed the cliff. He combusted some small flames on the wall to reduce the
cold, and made the air warmer.
"Mira, Sophia. Can you do it?" Aldred asked as he wrapped the Light Formless Chain around their
Sophia smiled and raised her staff. "Light Weight! Sticky Grip! With this two buff, I believe Mira
and I can manage."
They continued to climb under the gaze of envy and unwillingness. It was so unfair. They had the
power, the wealth, and the status, and they also had the luck. These adventurers fought with all they
had through gritted teeth and frozen skin to get here.
A lot of them sighed and shook their heads, trying to solve the puzzle.


When Aldred reached another cliff, he helped Mira and Sophia, then looked around. The wind was
increasingly cold. With a slightly trembling hand, he combusted the ground into flames, sizzling the
air with warmth.
A small ice frog leaped by Aldred's feet. Its skin was frozen solid with ice, but he was more
surprised that a frog could survive in this place.
That was when the ground started shaking, and Aldred saw a gigantic ice frog in front of him. 3
meters tall with a pair of red, sinister eyes.
Everyone prepared themselves for another battle. They took their swords, shields, spears, axes.
Aldred aimed his staff. "Fire jet."
A large hole sizzled on the frog's chest. And it fell to its death.
[+3,155 EXP]
"Come on, guys. I think we should continue this way," Aldred said as the girls followed him. He
didn't bother to add it to his undead collection as the frog was too weak. He promised himself that
he would only collect powerful monsters, or monsters that could effectively swarm the enemy.
The soldiers on the other hand were shocked that Aldred killed the giant frog in one shot.
"Has Aldred always been that powerful?"
The boy's power was unbelievably strong, but what they couldn't believe even more was the
difference in power between Gold Ranks. Just like Aldred, they were also Gold Rank, yet how
could he be so much more powerful? They also recalled how they fought off the twenty Gold Ranks
bandits the other day.
If they knew that Velobra fought thirty Gold Rank by himself, they would get a heart attack.
On their way, Aldred and his team faced all kinds of weak monsters. A swarm of icenewt came.
These small little creatures were only good for target practice.
Aldred raised his staff and gathered a large amount of mana on the crystal. When he felt it was
enough, he tapped his right hand with it, transferring the powerful mana.


Aldred widened his stance and he stared forward where the swarm of icenewt was. His right fist
A blazing flame the shape of a fist shot and enlarged before it engulfed everything in its path. The
snow vaporized, the ground sizzled in heat, and the monsters could only scream before they fell off
the cliff or burn to death.
He received a bunch of EXP, but he ignored them. It would be a while before he breakthroughs to
another level. He wanted to send his undead to the dungeon, but the experience he got from that was
far more minuscule than killing monsters in the mountain. He only had a Copper Ranked dungeon
which meant the monsters inside were only at Copper Rank.
Farming in the dungeon did not make any sense anymore since he could farm Gold Rank monsters
in Mount Fargon.
Aldred checked his dice, looking at it to see if it would unlock another riddle. It did not, so he
continued his journey and killed all the monsters he met.
He started to get bored killing all these weaker monsters, so he summoned Bella to teach him some
water element spells. Mira was a water magician as well, but she didn't have any offensive spells at
Aldred wondered why that was the case. All she learned was healing spells and defensive spells.
The beautiful ice magician stepped out of the black mist and transformed into her real form. She did
not feel cold despite the freezing air.
"You summoned me, Master."
"Bella, can you teach me some offensive water spell?"
"What would you like to learn?"
"I want something that can cut my enemy."
Bella nodded and started to teach Aldred how to manipulate the water element. She was an ice
magician, but ice magician was a subpath from the water magician, which meant she had to master
the water mastery first.
After a few hours of teaching, Aldred learned a lot of things about controlling water. And he even
received some skills.
[Water Razor]
-Creating a razor sharp water to cut and pierce objects.


-This ability can be shaped into many forms.

A long time ago… There was a small village. Name long forgotten for it had happened far too long.
A boy lived there, walking by the creek, living his life. His father and mother worked on the farm.
"Arthur, don't go too far. I am making your favorite food today." His mother smiled at him.
"Okay, mom." Arthur kept on walking as the neighbors greeted him.
"Look at you, looking so handsome and bright. Take this sweet potato with you."
Arthur smiled sweetly. "Thanks, auntie."
"Oh my." The auntie put her hand on her chest due to how adorable he was. "Be safe and listen to
your mother, okay."
"Okay, auntie." Arthur made his way to the grassland where he usually played. But then he saw
A large group of men marched, thumping the earth, and they broke into a jog before they screamed
and dashed.
"Destroy the village! Leave no one alive!"
Arthur panicked and ran home only to see a man stabbing a sword through his mother's heart.
Arthur closed his mouth and hid in the closet. A small hole let him see his mother falling to the floor
alongside his father. Blood pooled under them.
His mother weakly looked at him and smiled. Tears fell from his eyes. He closed them. It was all a
dream. A dream. Just a dream. A bad dream. A terrible dream because he was a naughty boy.
'I will wake up. Wake up with mother still cooking in the kitchen and dad lifting a basket of wheat
on his back.'
And he did wake up.
The door of the closet opened, and a bright light came to his eyes. He squinted and that was when
he met an angel. With beautiful green eyes and graceful golden hair, she smiled and patted his head.
"Can you tell me your name?" the beautiful lady asked.
"Nice to meet you, Arthur. My name is Mira."


Aldred looked at the swarm of monsters that came from the distance. He flicked his fingers, and a
thin arc of water shot forward, cutting all the monsters it passed through.
Aldred raised his hand and clenched as a sword made out of water materialized. The water spun like
a chainsaw at a high speed to help with the cutting. The boy smiled and rushed at the monsters.
When the water sword touched the skin of the creatures, it spurted out blood before completely
cutting off its neck.
Aldred flicked his fingers again, sending a bunch of water arcs, cutting the monsters to pieces.
Aldred kept using this ability, so much so that it leveled up by itself without him using the skill
[Water Razor: Lv. 2]
When he flicked his fingers, two arcs of water cut the monsters. So instead of one arc, it now
released two arcs of water at once.
"This is awesome," Aldred said.
As Aldred killed monsters with his new spell, he was oblivious to the fact that what he did was
simply amazing. Mira and Sophia were staring at him in shock. How could he learn a spell so
easily? Mira knew Aldred was talented and could learn so fast, but this was too much.
Maverick who was in the know of how magicians worked was looking at him with mouth wide
agape. Calling the boy talented and a prodigy was an understatement. The boy was a literal child of
a god right now. How could one person be blessed by such incredible talent?
They continued to walk. The wall was to their left, and monsters kept swarming down with Aldred
slashing them non stop.
At first, Maverick thought it was normal, but hours later, Aldred was still cutting down monsters
with his magic.
"Just how vast is his mana capacity? Does he have a limit in the first place?"
Eventually, they reached a wide platform with the ground covered in thick snow. Aldred combusted
the place with flames to shoo the cold away. At the west side of the platform, a pair of tall statues
stood with both hands on the handle of a sword that stabbed to the ground.
Like a pair of knights waiting for something.
"The fact that there is a statute here means that someone lives here," Aldred said.
"There's also that village and their villagers," Bartrem said.
"They're not people."
Unexpectedly, Bartrem simply nodded instead of acting shocked. "It's no surprise. I don't think
people can live in this place. These statues are probably made to mark that they had climbed this
"It could be." Aldred approached the pair of statues. He felt his hands around the smooth marble. It
was beautifully made with intricate details.
The sword seemed to be made out of real steel as it gleamed under the light of the three moons.
Between the statues, there was a cylinder shaped rock protruding out of the ground. On that rock
was a golden key.


Suddenly, the dices in their hand opened a keyhole.

Everyone understood what they must do at that point.
Aldred approached the cylinder-shaped stand and was about to take the key before both statues
rotated their heads to look at him.
Aldred and the others were shocked.
Aldred pulled his hand back, and the statues moved their heads to look forward. He then reached
out his hand again, and the statue immediately looked at him.
He repeated this a bunch of times while the neck of the statues made a creaking sound.
"Aldred, stop playing," Mareona scolded."
Aldred smiled and stopped. He looked at the statues. Clearly, they had to defeat both of them to take
the key. He checked their status, but nothing appeared. Maybe it was because they were made out of
rocks. Using his godly eyes, Aldred could tell there was some sort of mysterious energy within the
He wondered if he could win against them.
A lot of people started appearing from behind. It seemed they had solved the riddle and quickly
climbed up here. But there was someone that Aldred had never seen before. A handsome tall man
with magical clothes followed by a dozen powerful retinue. The other people gave way and slightly
bent their heads when he passed.
The people whispered under their breath, wondering who the man was.
"Who is that?"
"Hmmm. I don't blame you for not knowing. He's the eldest son of a count from Thignia."
"So he's a vampire?"
"Not just any vampire. But a powerful one. Some say he can control the blood of his enemy, killing
them from the inside."
"What a terrible power."
"What's his name?"
"I think it was Byron Hajheletmik."
"Bro, you know a lot."


"Of course, how else could I info dump it to you."

The man who they talked about walked with confidence and an overbearing aura. He looked around
like he owned the place and everyone there was his servant.
"Get out of the way," he said arrogantly to Aldred.
But shockingly, Aldred and the others did not budge.
Byron frowned. "Men, kill them all," he said without the slightest hesitation like he was used to
"Byron." Maverick stepped ahead of Bartrem.
Byron raised an eyebrow before sneering in mockery. "Maverick? The man who got scared by his
own brothers finally put on some courage?"
"Say that again and I will kill you."
Byron smiled, not caring about the threat. "I will gladly kill you for your brothers. And I heard you
have a little sister as well. I am sure if I remove you, your brother will approve my wedding with
your sister. Hahaha."
Maverick gritted his teeth in anger.
"Imagine, Maverick. Me and your sister in bed. I am going to have a lot of fun with her. I will
impregnate her, and then kill her. Just for a good laugh. I am sure your brother won't mind that.
Your father won't mind that as long as I gave him a son to unite both Chanterre and Hajheletmik."
Byron made a gesture of holding his sister's ass and then pushed his hip back and forth as he
"What a degenerate."
Everyone was silent and turned to the person who spoke that word. It was Aldred.
They stared at him in wonder. Although Aldred was powerful, both Maverick and Byron were the
sons of a count. A count had numerous Diamond Rank under their armpits!
"Maybe the boy has a powerful background."
"There's no way. Maverick, the son of a count, acts so polite and nice to him without a background.
Talent alone isn't enough."
"He might be the secret son of an Adamantite Rank, otherwise there is no way he is so powerful at
an early age."
Everyone looked at Aldred in awe. The envy and jealousy in their heart disappeared as Aldred's
back was too far to reach. Now, they admired him for his power, talent, and background.
"And who are you?" Byron stared at him.
Aldred smiled. "Nobody. I am just a depressed little boy."
Everyone laughed when they heard that. There was no way the boy was a nobody. At a minimum,
the boy had to be the son of an emperor.
Byron frowned. Who was this boy? He never heard about his existence before. But it was weird.
The boy clearly had a Gold Rank strength, yet he never heard of him. He must be a nobody that
luckily found something that increased his rank quickly.
"Get out of my way. That key is mine."
"We're here first," Aldred replied.
Byron furrowed his brows. "Is this the type of people you befriend, Maverick? Well, at least he has
guts in him unlike you."
Maverick couldn't take it anymore and pulled out his blood blade.
But Aldred stepped forward. "Are you insulting my friend?"
"So what if I am? Do you have any problem with that?"
Aldred snorted. "Since you think you are so great, why don't we make a bet. If you can take the key
and unlock your dice, I will be your slave."
Byron crossed his arms and smiled. "I am listening."
"But if you lose, I fuck your mom."
Maverick and everyone laughed. Mareona laughed so hard that she even started rolling on the
Byron clenched his fist. "Are you playing with me?"
Aldred laughed. He shook his head. "I am joking. your mom is not enough. Maverick, does this
person have a sister?"


Maverick nodded. "One big sister."

"Add that to the plate. I am hungry, you see."
Everyone laughed again. Mareona couldn't hold it anymore and struggled to breathe because of
Byron turned red in anger. How dare this boy mocked him! He pulled the sword from his back and
was about to attack but he thought better of it.
"Fine then. But we will sign a blood contract to ensure everyone follows the rules."
Everyone stopped laughing.
"Are you serious?" Aldred asked. He didn't know what blood contract was, but it seemed like magic
that made sure everyone followed it.
"If I lose you can even fuck my dad if you want to, but if I win, all of you, including Maverick will
be my slave."
Aldred hesitated. If this was only him, then he'd take it any day, but others were also at stake, so he
couldn't decide by himself.
"What do you all think?"
"I trust your judgment, Aldred," Maverick said.
Aldred looked at everyone else and they all nodded at him, saying that they trust his decision.
"Back in the fort, we fight against an army almost every week, and now we have climbed the lower
part of Mount Fargon. If we're afraid to take this bet, then are we really a soldier?"
"Isn't that right?"


"Yeah!" The soldier replied.

Mareona sighed. "I don't want you to fuck anyone's mom, but this guy pissed me off. And I don't
think fucking his mom and sister are enough. We want his treasures and his followers' treasures as
well. ALL OF IT."
Aldred scratched his head. "This is supposed to be a joke. Why has it come to this."
Byron snorted. "You don't joke about someone's mom. Now either do the blood contract or get the
fuck out of my way."
Aldred looked at him like he was an idiot. 'This guy just now talked about Maverick's sister, and
even gave an example of how he'd do her in bed. What a hypocrite!'
He sighed. "Fine. How do we do the contract?"
Byron approached him and took his hand.
"Remember to use the contract for humans," Maverick said.
"I know." Byron released his hand and then bit his own hand. "Give me your blood."
Aldred bit his little thumb and showed the blood coming out to Byron. "Now what."
"Now press your thumb against my palm."
Aldred did, and then he felt some sort of energy rushing through him.
"Do all of you agree to sign this contract?" Byron asked.
Bartrem and the soldiers nodded. They were not afraid of taking risks, if that was the case, they
wouldn't become soldiers in the first place. Signing this contract was no different than signing in to
join the military.
They go to the battlefield and risk their life. But this time, if they won, they'd earn some treasures
while the military only gave five coins per month.


So they didn't think this was a loss.

After a few seconds, blood mist came out of their hands and then entered through Mary and the
Byron smiled. Even though he signed the blood contract, it only worked for vampires. If the other
party wasn't a vampire, he did not have to follow anything written on the contract. But the other
party still has to follow it. This was a one-sided contract that no one would agree to, and he loved
every moment he tricked people to sign it.
Maverick wouldn't know he used this type of contract because he had learned how to fake it.
He grinned as he stared at the boy. 'What a fool. You think I would sign a blood contract with a
stinking boy like you?!'
Maverick saw nothing was wrong, but he got something to worry about. Byron was a powerful
warrior. Even with his blood blade, he might not have the chance to defeat the man.
"Now get out of my way. You think I don't know that these two statues can attack me? I did my
study before I went on this journey. That's why I am late."
Aldred crossed his arms and smiled.
"You're not worried, Aldred?" Maverick asked.
"Why should I be worried?"
"If he wins, we'd all be slaves."
"You think about the consequence too much," Aldred said. "The worst that can happen is we all will
die." He laughed.
Maverick did not laugh and looked at Byron as he approached the cylinder stand.
Just like earlier, the statues stared at him as he was about to take the key. Just as his hand would like
to touch the key, the statues swung their sword.
"Humph! A pile of rock is nothing against my power." Byron leaped at one of the statues.


His fist moved with a powerful aura that pressured the air around it. It created a powerful shock
wave when it hit the chest of the stone knight, but the statue didn't even budge before grabbing him
and slamming him to the ground.
Aldred smiled and shouted: "And we have a winner!"
Everyone was shocked to see Byron lose in less than 5 moves. Those who were shocked were
vampires that come from Thignia. Some humans who knew Byron or were told about him were
shocked as well.
Byron gritted his teeth. "Save me!"
His guards rushed forward, blocked the attack, and pulled him out. The statues did not move from
their spot and simply stabbed their sword to the ground again, returning to their original posture.
Aldred laughed. "What a loser. Now give me all of your treasures. As for your mom and sister, I
will surely do a lovely visit to your county some other time."
The people there couldn't even laugh anymore. They were too shocked at how powerful the statues
were. If Byron was defeated so easily, then what about them?
Byron snorted. "I am not done yet."
He rushed forward along with his guards who almost matched him in strength. They worked
together and fought the statues, circling them, and attacking them from all directions.
The statues didn't even lift their feet. They swung down, creating a powerful force wave that blasted
all the snow along with Byron and his men.
Byron spat out blood as his whole body felt in pain. He was unwilling to admit defeat. "Again!
Attack again!"
The guards obeyed. This time they were more careful in their movement and focused on dodging.
Yet despite that, the statues kept on hitting them with their large stone swords. One of the guards got
hit right in the face. His body was thrown onto the wall, and he slid down lifelessly.
Byron couldn't believe his eyes. How could he not defeat these statues? They were just a pile of
He gritted his teeth. "Charged!"
A powerful aura came from his fist. He leaped forward, and punched one of the statues in the face.
His fist exploded with powerful energy. The statues did not feel that, and slammed him with its
"Sir Byron!"
The guards dragged him away as he coughed out of blood.
"This cannot be. This cannot be! I refuse to believe this!" Byron coughed out more blood.


"You lose," Aldred said.

"NO! I am not. Give me time and I will destroy them."
"Even if you die, you won't be able to defeat them."
"What a joke. Then it's your turn to fight them. Go on. If you can unlock your dice, then I admit I
"Say no more." Aldred walked to the statues.
It looked at him and stabbed with its sword. Aldred smiled and calmly raised his dice. The sword
stabbed through the keyhole of the dice, and then it unlocked by itself. The statues turned lifeless
and returned to their original position.
The onlookers gasped in shock. What the hell just happened?
Aldred turned around and smiled. "Byron, you lose the moment you try to take the key. Aldred
walked to the cylinder stand. His hands pinched the key, but he couldn't take it.
"As you can see, the key is not real. It's merely a drawing. The key is right there all this time which
is the tip of the stone knight's sword. All of you have been fooled."
The people whispered around with this revelation. They were shocked by Aldred's capabilities to
figure that out, and were also grateful for him. If he did not tell them about this, then they wouldn't
be able to climb.
Byron wore an unwilling expression at first, but then it turned into a smug look. "Humph. Let me
tell you something. The contract I gave you earlier only works for you. Unless you are a vampire, I
don't have to obey anythi—"
A red aura glowed in his body.
"Wait what?"
Suddenly, numerous sharp pain prickled his body from the inside out, stabbing his stomach, liver,
heart, and brain. "AHH! I will obey the contract! I will obey!"
The pain disappeared.
Maverick furrowed his eyebrows and looked at Aldred. Was the boy a vampire?


"What's going on?" Aldred asked.

"He tried to trick you," Maverick said. "The contract given to you was for a vampire which means
he doesn't have to obey anything if you are a human."
Aldred was a vampire? How was that possible? Bartrem and the soldiers had always lived with
Aldred and they had never seen him drink blood.
"Mary, did you know?" Bartrem asked.
Mary nodded. "Mira, Sophia, and Mareona knew as well."
"Aldred, are you afraid that we won't accept you because you are a vampire?" Bartrem looked at
Aldred scratched his cheek. "It's not that. The thing is. I only turned into a vampire quite recently."
"Turning into a vampire?"
Aldred nodded. "I was a human, but I turned into a vampire when I traveled to Ruandeurtin with
The soldiers nodded in understanding.
"We don't care if you are a vampire, Aldred. What matters is not your race, but what you have done
for us. You saved our lives numerous times and we laughed and ate together."
Aldred smiled. "I can turn into an eagle and snakes. Do you still accept me?"
"Hahaha. Even if you turn into a frog, we'd still be your friends."
Aldred looked to the side. If they knew he could turn into a vibrator… wonder what their reaction
would be.
Maverick smiled. If Aldred was a vampire then it would be easier to rope Aldred in. His father had a
lot of powerful blood supply for a young vampire like Aldred. But before that, he had to make a
good impression.
"Byron, now that you lose, you must give all of your treasures to Aldred." Maverick stared at him.


"Fine," Byron said. He had no choice. If he refused, the contract would kill him.
Aldred walked towards him and received all the treasures. The man brought a lot of storage
pouches. It was similar to his divine dimension, but only had a few meters of space.
After giving it all out, Byron was only left with one set of armor.
"Take that off as well," Aldred said.
"This is the only thing I have."
"I don't care. The contract said we will take everything."
Byron trembled in anger as he stared at Aldred. Nonetheless, he still took off his armor and handed
them to the boy.
Aldred laughed. "We're rich! Guys, if you want any treasures just tell me. I will give you anything
you want."
The adventurers hearing this bit their lips in jealousy. Being Aldred's friend or his subordinates
seemed like a much better prospect than being an adventurer.
The boy glanced at Byron who was still shaking in anger. "Don't be so excited. I won't forget your
mom and sister. I, Aldred the Great, will make a visit in the future."
Byron's vein burst on his forehead. A slight tinge of fear accompanied his anger. If the boy was
serious, then he would be in a big trouble.
He then rummaged through the pile of treasures, looking for something useful that he could use. He
found a small red trinket.
[Flame Ward]
- A powerful ward that let you control the fire elements with a radius of 200 meter (656 feet) in any
- Increase your fire mastery within the effect radius by 200%
- Increase fire damage by 250%
After storing all the treasures in his divine dimension, Aldred looked at his dice and read the
"It protects from the harsh world; from rain and thunder, from claws and nails."
The boy shook his head. "My head hurts just by reading it. Can you guys figure it out?"
They all tried to solve the riddle, but nothing worked.
"It's too vague. We need more clues."
"Pongo." The penguin handed a small bottle to Aldred.
"What is this?" Aldred opened the bottle and took out a small letter inside it.
"A place where you can rest and be at ease," Aldred read. "This is a clue."
They all thought hard about the clue. At first, they thought it was an item, but the clue had 'place'
which meant the answer was not an object.
"What place can you rest and be at ease?"
"The toilet," Mareona said to her dice.
Nothing happened.
"The bedroom?" Bartrem tried, but he failed as well.
"The church?"
Everyone looked at Mira's dice expectantly, but she was wrong.
"Remember that we have to be quick, guys. If someone solves it, the question will change." Aldred
saw the people unlocking their dice one by one with his method. He hit himself in the head. "I
shouldn't have told them about the method."
"If you don't do that, Byron won't give you the treasure," Mareona said.


"Just some small treasures are not important."

Mira smiled at him. "What you did is the right thing. You prevent pointless bloodshed and suffering.
If you didn't tell them, a lot of people would die."
Sophia looked at the adventurer who locked their dice one by one. She disagrees with Mira. These
adventurers were better off dead rather than becoming their competitors.
'Their success means our failure, and for that, they must die.'
But she did not attack. It would be foolish to be hated by everyone here.
After hours of failure, Aldred decided to camp for the night and rest. No one succeeded in solving
the puzzle.
Just like before, he created a bunch of hot baths. This time, he could fill up the holes with water by
Mira caressed his face in the hot bath. "You grow so fast. In the future, you'd be far stronger than
"If this world doesn't curse Gold Rank being, you would be Platinum Rank by now, Aldred," Mary
"It's fine. Even though I am a Gold Rank, I can defeat more than a hundred by myself."
Mary nodded. "There was a huge difference in power between Gold Rank. Usually, those who could
defeat multiple Gold Ranks at once had the highest chance to breakthrough and reach Platinum
Rank. If they could defeat tens of Gold Rank alone, then they'd surely reach Diamond."
Mira smiled at Mary. "I didn't expect you to know that much."
"I read books in my free time."
Mira was surprised. "As a soldier, you make some time to read books?"
"It needs more than brawl to change an empire."
"I admire your effort, Mary."
Mary bitterly smiled. "Don't be. Anyone can do what I do. Knowledge isn't that important compared
to power. We better think of a way to increase your strength, Aldred. The stronger you are, the more
likely we are to succeed."


Aldred tugged both of her hands. "I can become stronger through evolution."
Aldred nodded. "If I drink more blood, my vampire gene will evolve and make me stronger."
Sophia approached him and showed her neck. "In that case, drink mine."
She blushed. The thought of her blood being sucked by Aldred made her excited. If she had an
unlimited amount of blood, she'd let him drink them all day long. In fact, even without unlimited
blood, she would still let him drink them. Though she still wished to live so she could stay with
Aldred's eyes turned red and he lusted at her neck. Her smooth and beautiful skin made her neck
seem so enticing. He was like a hungry child in front of his favorite food. Aldred pounced,
wrapping his hand around her neck and bit.
Sophia trembled and blushed as she caressed the back of his head with a smile. 'Aldred is sucking
my blood. Hehe. I love this feeling.'
She moaned slightly, and after thirty minutes a notification appeared.
[Evolution: 7/100]
That was much faster than before. Was it because Sophia became stronger?
Sophia breathed profusely. Her cheeks turned rosy red and she closed her eyes before slowly
opening them. Those pair of shining hazel eyes looked at him with affection and desire.
"Are you okay?"
Sophia nodded and hugged him. "Drink my blood again."
"That's enough, Sophia. You have lost too much. Let's take turns."
Mary grabbed Aldred, and then presented her slender neck to him. "Go on. Drink my blood."
Aldred caressed her neck and licked it, making Mary's body shake. He kept on licking, making her
moan in pleasure.
"What are you doing? Aagghhh." Mary moaned as she wondered why Aldred didn't drink her blood

Suddenly, Aldred bared his fangs and sunk them deep into her neck. A wave of pleasure rushed
through her body. She moaned uncontrollably and held the back of Aldred's head.
She kept on moaning for the whole duration, and eventually his evolution points increased.
[Evolution: 11/100]
Weakly, Mary moaned and leaned on the wall of the hot bath for support.
"Sorry, Mary. I might have drunk your blood a bit too much."
She smiled at him and kissed his lips. "It's okay."
Mareona had been blushing as she watched this, and she couldn't take it anymore. She approached
Aldred with her curvy hips and full breast. Blushing, she looked at Aldred before looking to the
"Drink it if you want."
Aldred smiled. "I am sorry about your underwear. I shouldn't have done it."
Mareona blushed even more. "It—it's fine. You can have my panties. Now, stop talking and drink
my blood."
Aldred answered her call by immediately biting her neck. After less than an hour of moaning and
squirming, Aldred stopped sucking her blood.
[Evolution: 14/100]
And finally, it was Mira's turn. She did not mind Aldred sucking her blood. If it helped him become
stronger then why not.
Aldred sank her fangs onto her neck. Mira trembled. The pleasure washed her whole body. She was
reminded again why people were so easy to fall into temptation. This kind of pleasure pushed away
all rationalities. People kill and plunder just to have a taste of it.
Such was the power of emotion.
Mira moaned. Her cheeks turned red. Moments later, Aldred looked at the notification.
[Evolution: 25/100]


Aldred raised an eyebrow. Mira's blood seemed to give more points. Was it because her blood was
Aldred continued to drink her blood, but then someone ripped the left part of his tent, creating a
hole, and revealing Arthur with bloodshed eyes.
"I will kill you, bastard!"
Arthur pulled out his sword. The blade shone as bright as the sun, forcing Aldred to close his eyes.
Arthur's sword turned the dark sky into blue. Powerful killing intent exploded in all directions,
waking everyone up and carving fear in their heart.
The world trembled, and the sky dimmed, turning into night as the light condensed on the sword.
With bloodshed eyes, Arthur pointed the sword at Aldred, sending a tiny beam of light that warped
the space around it.
He was precise in his control as he did not want to hurt Mira and the other woman. He just wanted
to kill the boy.
The light struck through.
A massive earthquake almost shook the entire mountains. A large part of the cliff got cut off, and it
slowly creaked before falling off. Those who were unlucky enough to camp in the area screamed as
they jumped and tried to reach the cliff.
They failed and fell along with the rocks and rubble.
The people who were below, still trying to figure out the riddle, looked up and were shocked to see
a rain of boulders.
The boulders slammed onto the houses and tents. Some fell on top of a person, crushing them to
Arthur was breathing profusely and stared at the spot where the boy stood earlier. After the dirt and
dust disappeared, he realized that the boy and Mira were gone. The other women vanished as well.
Bartrem ran out of his tents followed by his soldiers. "What the fuck are you doing!"
Suddenly, a flash of light came and Aldred appeared with Mira and the others. He had entered the
divine dimension earlier the moment that blinding light appeared. If not for that, he'd be dead right
The boy stared at Arthur, and dashed at him.
"Wait, Aldred," Mira called.


Aldred halted. "He tried to kill me."

"I know." Mira nodded and glared at Arthur. "What are you doing, Arthur? Why did you try to kill
this boy."
Arthur noticed Mira's naked body and looked to the side. "That boy sullied you, sister. I cannot have
"Who said he sullied me?"
"He—he did something to your body."
"I let him do that on my own accord. He did not sully me."
"Look at me, Arthur. You didn't even have the self-control and look away, and you dare to say that
this boy sullied me? Look at me!"
Aldred was surprised. He had never seen Mira this angry before. Her eyes were more than anger
though, they depicted a greater disappointment than before.
Arthur took a deep breath and looked at her.
"You use your sword," Mira said in anger. "You use the power that God bestows upon you to kill an
innocent boy. Where is your honor as a hero?"
"Sister…" Tears welled up in his eyes. He did not realize what he did was wrong. Blinded by rage,
he stormed to the tent and attacked the boy, all because he did not want the boy to touch her body.
"I am disappointed in you, Arthur. From now on, you are no longer a hero."
Arthur widened his eyes. Golden light came out of his body, and then it siphoned to the sky,
disappearing to never be seen again. The sword in his hand shattered into a million pieces.
"Sister, I am sorry," he said as he looked her in the eye.
Tears fell from Mira's eyes as her body trembled. "I do not want to do this to you, child. But you are
not worthy to wield this power."


"Then, I am no longer worthy to live." He stabbed his own neck with his hand. His eyes widened
and he gagged for air.
"No!" Mira started to cast her spell.
Arthur smiled as tears fell from his eyes. "I am sorry, sister Mira. You will always be a mother to
He slashed his own neck. It fell to the ground with closed eyes and a subtle smile.
"NO!" Mira dashed to his body, and stopped as his body disappeared into dust.
Jake and Hugo were running towards the tent before they widened their eyes when they saw what
happened. They cried.
Hugo dashed towards the tent, crying loudly in tears. "Arthur!"
Jake sighed and fell to his knees. "I have failed. As his companion I am responsible for him losing
"Arthur!" Hugo fell to the ground where Arthur's clothes were. "Arthur! No!"
He looked up at Mira. "Sister Mira, what happened? Why is Arthur turning to dust?"
Mira took a deep breath. "Arthur lost his control and used his power for his own emotion. He is no
longer worthy to be a hero, and he killed himself."
Hugo cried. He regretted that he always acted childish in front of him. If he was mature like Jake,
he might prevent Arthur from dying. Now he was gone, and there was nothing he could do.
After a while, Hugo calmed down, took Arthur's clothes, and stood up.
Jake slowly approached them. "Sister Mira, we're sorry to bother you. We are going to climb down
the mountain and return to the church. I no longer have anything to do with this mountain."
Mira nodded. "Be careful."
Jake nodded and put his hand over Hugo before walking away.


Aldred looking at this could only sigh. He was conflicted. Arthur tried to kill him which justified his
anger, but at the same time, he did not want Arthur to die as he seemed to be a very nice guy. His
attitude changed the moment he realized Mira was a nun.
He sighed even deeper. Mira must be a very important person to him. To kill himself because of
Mira's disappointment, how could such a person be bad?
How could one tell if a person was really evil? Arthur tried to kill him. Was he evil? Not
necessarily. He might have a reason for that.
Bartrem and the others came to check up on them.
"Are you guys okay?"
Aldred nodded. "We're fine. I went to the divine dimension to dodge his power."
Bartrem was about to ask more questions but stopped himself when he saw Mira crying.
On the other hand, Maverick and the others were out of their tent to see what happened.
They were shocked to see a large part of the cliff fell down. Luckily, His camp and Bartrem's camp
were not in the way, otherwise they would fall.
The adventurers and other groups stared with widened eyes. It was like a part of the mountain was
cut by a gigantic knife.
"So this is the power of the so-called hero. Looking at the damage, it's a wonder how the Ceraisian
still stands as a powerful Empire."
"You shouldn't be surprised about that. Look at the boy. He was the target of the attack, and yet he
doesn't even have a scar."
"Only the tent is destroyed. How is that possible?"
"That means he is more powerful than the hero. I saw it earlier. The hero was sapped out of his own
power, and then he turned to dust."
"That boy is stronger than we imagine. Do not ever offend him."
"Even if you don't say that. I believe nobody will mess with him ever again."


Byron looked at the cut-off cliff, and then looked at the boy. Sweat trickled from his forehead.
"How did he survive that?"
Aldred made another hot bath and put a tent over the bath. They all entered dejectedly. Especially
Mira. The boy wanted to calm her down, but he didn't know how to.
Mira felt her body turn weak and she fell asleep immediately.
Aldred, Mareona, Sophia, and Mary looked at each other. They didn't say anything but they knew
that deep in their heart this was a moment of tragedy. Nobody wanted this or expected this to
happen. But life had to go on, and so they slept.
When morning came, Mira woke up first thing before anyone else. Aldred was shocked to see her
smiling as she donned her clothes.
Mira noticed his confusion. "I cannot let my emotions affect this journey. Although I am in grief, I
must keep going so Arthur's loss must not be put to waste."
"Mira," Aldred called. "That's my first time hearing you say something that heartless."
Mira smiled. "I always say that you shouldn't fall for your emotions. It is unfortunate, but love and
compassion sometimes have to be sacrificed to avoid sorrow and misery."
She looked at the boy. "I don't want to be a burden by mourning on my knees. Arthur will stay in
my heart as a reminder that I should put more care and attention to my guidance."
'And as a reminder so that I don't make the same mistake to you, Aldred," Mira thought to herself.
Arthur's rage killed hundreds of people, but Aldred's rage could burn an entire world. If she had to
kill her sorrow to avoid that outcome, she'd do it many times.
"I am sorry for your loss, Mira. He seems to be an important person to you."
Mira nodded with a slight tear in her eyes. She took a deep breath and shook her head to remove the
sadness within her heart. "I am fine."
"That said, Mira. You haven't reached Gold Rank yet. Why don't you kill a few monsters."
"I am not fond of killing."


"Mira, if you're stronger, you can heal more people."

"To be stronger I need to kill."
"But to be stronger is having the ability to help others and prevent them from being killed," Aldred
said. "It sounds hypocritical, but you have to choose which to protect and which to kill. If anyone
harms you, Mary, Mareona, or Sophia, You can be sure they'd be dead in my hand."
Mira sighed. Aldred made a great argument. She did not have any offensive spells because she did
not want to kill. But becoming stronger was a must if she wanted to help Aldred further.
"I understand, Aldred. I will do what you ask."
Aldred smiled to hear that she agreed.
Mary, Mareona, and Sophia woke up. They greeted him good morning and kissed him. Aldred was
grateful he had them to accompany his journey. He can trust them with his life.
"I want to go kill some monsters with Mira. Are you guys coming?"
"Sure," Mareona said. "We cannot figure out the riddle yet anyway, so we might as well explore
around. Who knows we might stumble upon a clue."
Aldred nodded. He then slapped Pongo who was floating on the hot bath.
"Go out and find some clues."
"Pongo pongo." He crossed his arms, pouting."
Aldred grinned and took out a large fish from his inventory. "I found this in one of the treasure
piles. I don't know what fish this is, but looking at its glowing body and powerful aura, I am sure it
will taste delicious."


Pongo stared at the fish with sparkling eyes as Aldred swung it around. The penguin dashed
forward, trying to take it, but Aldred was quicker.
"Find us some clues, and you will get this as a reward." Aldred smiled.
"Pongo!" The penguin slid out of the tent.
Aldred looked at the girls. "Let's go.
Then they left the tent.
"Aldred, where are you going?" Bartrem asked as he cooked some food with the soldiers.
"I am about to hunt monsters."
Bartrem nodded. "Don't go too far."
Mareona waved to her female soldiers. A lot of them were pretty close to the males now. Because
there were more females than males, the girls were having a hard time finding suitable partners.
Meanwhile, the males had a wonderful time of their life. One man was even surrounded by four
women at once.
And he was Jeffery. He was blushing as four beautiful girls fed him food.
"Open your mouth wide, Jeffery."
"Aaa, there you go." She giggled. "Hey, I wonder if I can get in your tent tonight."
But even with such disparity, some men still could not find a partner.

One of them was Joseph.
He was staring at Jeffery blushing and looking down. Tears streamed down his cheeks. 'Jeffery you
When Aldred explored the place, the adventurers and other groups that made camp there were
shocked. They immediately pulled out their tent and made way for Aldred.
"Where is he going?"
"I don't know. Should we follow him?"
"Are you mad, lad? He's gon turn you to undead."
"I know. But what's up with that accent."
"My father used to punish me."
"How's that even related?"
Aldred and the girls kept on walking. The boy wondered why they seemed so scared of him like he
was some kind of monster.
Soon, they arrived at another cliff. A pack of snow wolves lay on the ground below. They seemed to
be guarding a cave made out of ice.
"Should we attack them?" Mareona asked.
Aldred checked the wolves' status and deemed that they were easy prey. He also analyzed the inside
of the cave just in case there was a powerful monster inside. His godly eyes detected no living
That didn't mean he was safe. The pair of knight statues was an example. There were powerful non-
living objects on this mountain, and they were a threat to his life and his friends.


"I will summon my undead to cripple them. After that, you can kill them one by one, Mira."
Aldred smiled and raised his fist. "Arise."
Hundreds of undead stepped out from the black mist. They were ogres, wolves, humans, and
After they were all out, the six Gold Rank undead came. They all bowed.
Aldred was proud of his undead army. In total, he had 183 undead.
Mary frowned. "Aldred, your undead regiment is too chaotic. They are all in random order with no
specialization. This is fine for now, but in the future, if you don't fix this, your undead might lose
against a proper army."
Aldred scratched his head. "I don't know anything about managing an army. All I do is fight and
help my comrades."
Mareona laughed. "You got two former Knights and one former High Knight here. Just ask us
Aldred looked at Milet who was a former High Knight as well. "Milet, can you help me set up my
undead army?"
"Yes, Master."
"Okay, then what should I do?" He asked them since they were experts in this field.
"You should have at least one magic squad," Sophia said. They can help you in battle in ways you
never know.
"Hmm… I can only collect monsters."
"Then replace all your Silver undead to Gold," Mary said. "Those wolves down there are good as a
flanker or cavalry. They can charge at the enemy from the sides or from behind."
"Okay, so I need cavalry." Aldred turned to Milet. "Attack the wolves down there, but don't kill
them. I want Mira to do that so she reaches Gold Rank."
"Yes, Master."


They all bowed and dashed at the enemy. Bella smiled and waved at him before rushing to the
The wolves lifted their heads, yawning. After licking their leg a couple of times, they feel the tremor
on the ground. They looked forward and were shocked to see hundreds of menacing undead
charging at them.
Each of these wolves was at Gold Rank, so they weren't afraid. They charged at the enemy as well.
Aldred got a good look at them as they approached. Each wolf was two meters tall and three meters
"Uhh… can the undead defeat them?"
Both sides bashed against each other. Milet, Brook, and Crook were dancing around the wolves,
fighting against two or three at the same time.
Meanwhile, Nicky and Will were having the time of their lives. These small wolves were livestock
for them.
Nicky made a weird hissing sound and blew a breath of miasma that melted their white snow fur.
The wolves yelped in pain as Will, the Phantom Claw, cut their limbs with his tentacles.
Bella raised her staff. A large icy, blue circle glowed in the air, facing the wolves. Suddenly, long ice
lances came out of the circles and rained down upon the wolves.
They were pinned down on the ground but not killed. Her control over magic was that precise.
Aldred smiled. His undead was so powerful.
Mary nodded in approval. "The six of them are very powerful than a typical Gold Rank. But do you
see how chaotic the other undead is?"
Aldred narrowed his eyes and noticed that the wolves were killing his undead left and right. Yes,
they regenerated and fought again, but they were only there to fill up the spaces. They couldn't even
touch the wolves before they were being ravaged.
The boy sighed. "I have to remove these weak undead."
After a few hours of fighting, all the wolves were crippled and couldn't move.


Aldred turned into a giant eagle and grabbed the girls with his claws before he leaped and landed on
the ground. Some kind of weird energy did not allow him to fly but he could glide down.
When he landed, Aldred morphed back to his real form. "Mira, kill these wolves."
Mira nodded and approached one of the wolves. The wolves howled in agony and pain as all of
their limbs were cut off. Some were even in worse condition; long ice lances pinned their body to
the ground. They squirmed in pain and misery.
"This is cruel. They have done nothing wrong."
"They are animals."
"Animals deserve to live as well."
"Animals live in a kill or be killed world, Mira. This is their life. You pitying them is a mistake
because they don't see death the same as you."
Mira widened their eyes. How could Aldred, a young boy at the age of ten, learn of such a thing.
She took a deep breath and lifted her hands. A blob of water materialized in the air, and then it
turned into a sharp ice lance. Her hands went down. Ice lance stabbed through the wolf's neck,
killing it instantly.
"Good, Mira. You have around forty-nine more to kill."
Mareona and Mary looked at each other. They were thinking the same thing: 'Is Aldred teaching a
nun how to kill?'
Mira hesitated.
Aldred frowned. "You said not to fall to emotion. Your pity will not help anyone. You have to kill
them to be stronger and help your comrades to stay alive. This is not Montcresia where everyone
can have hope without fighting. This is the real world where everybody wants to fuck each other to
This time, not only Mira, but everyone was shocked. What made Aldred have that thought? It wasn't
something that a young boy should realize or know.


Mary looked at the boy. 'He's more than just a boy. His thought process is already similar to that of
an adult.'
"You're right, Aldred," Mira said. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and let it out.
Immediately she made a resolve and killed all wolves quickly.
Mira had a hard time breathing. She arrived at the last wolf and then killed it.
A powerful glow enveloped her, and then she breakthrough to Gold Rank.
"Congratulation, Mira. Now you can do so much more."
Mira looked at her hand and felt the energy within her body. Aldred was right. She could help more
people with this energy and power. Her healing spells had become more potent, and her lifespan
"Thank you, Aldred."
Aldred smiled. "No need to thank me. Just let me drink some milk later."
Mareona hit his head.
"Ouch! That hurt!"
"That's for being naughty."
Mira and the others laughed.
Aldred rubbed his head, and then took a step forward. Raising his hand, he wore a serious
expression. He removed fifty silver undead from his capacity, and then said: "Arise and be my
Black mists started enveloping the wolves. After a second, they enlarged and menacing snow
wolves in undead form stepped out of the mist.

All fifty of them bowed their head.

Aldred laughed. "I have more than fifty Gold ranks now."
"We should set up your army now. Choose who will lead the cavalry unit."
Aldred rubbed his chin. "For cavalry, I need someone fast and powerful. Will is a good choice, but I
think he has a better role in the future. Let's put Nicky in charge of the cavalry unit."
"What about Will?" Mary asked.
"He will get his role later."
Mareona glanced at the cave. "Since we're here, let's check out the cave."
"Good idea." Aldred walked to the cave. The ceiling was covered with hard ice and it was smooth to
the touch. In the center of the cave, there was a bottle. Aldred manipulated the water in the air to
engulf the battle and broke it.
"Another clue!" Aldred grabbed the parchment and opened it. "A place at the end of every journey."
The boy sighed. "How can we answer with this clue?"
Mareona grabbed the parchment and stared at it. "I think I know the answer."
"What is it?"
Mareona looked at the boy. "Home."
The dice hanging on their waist shone in golden light. They felt powerful energy rushing through
their body.
[+25 Intelligence]
[Blessed Mind: Increase concentration by 68%]
[Talent Mastery: Increase mastery in all abilities by 75%]


[Powerful Body: increase the overall toughness and power of your body]
Aldred checked his attributes.
-Strength: 45
-Vitality: 61
-Intelligence: 77
-Dexterity: 42
Stat points: 72
Skill points: 58
Wow! His attributes increase by a lot. His strength was at 33 points before, but now it has increased
to 45. And his Vitality was practically doubled. What an amazing effect.
"Did you guys feel that?" Aldred asked.
Mary nodded. "I feel my power become stronger."
"Check your stats."
Mary did and was shocked to see the improvement of her stats. "It increased by a lot."
Mareona, Sophia, and Mira checked their stats as well. They were surprised and excited to become
so strong at once.
Meanwhile, back at the camp. Bartrem and the soldiers were eating when suddenly their dice shone
and glowed. Maverick, seeing this was shocked, and his dice made a clicking sound as well.
They all became stronger.


"Did Aldred solve the riddle?" Bartrem wondered. He saw his soldiers standing up and punching the
air, creating powerful force waves. They were excited and decided to spar with each other to try
their new power.
Bartrem smiled.
Back in the cave where Aldred and the others were.
Suddenly, their dice shone a green light and there was an arrow on the dice. It pointed in a certain
direction. Even when Aldred moved the dice around, the arrow moved itself to point in the fixed
"Let's return to the camp and tell Bartrem about this.
Aldred exited the cave and transformed into a Gargant Eagle as he leaped onto the cliff and walked
to the camp.
Without him knowing, a lot of people were sneakily looking at what he had been doing earlier.
"Did you see his undead just killed all those giant snow wolves?"
"All of them are at Gold Rank, yet his undead easily defeated them all."
"Not only that, but he also turns all the wolves into his undead."
"Does that mean his undead army just got stronger?"
"That boy is something else. I am sure he will become famous once he climbs down the mountain.
We have no chance to compete against him, we have to join him."
"Join him? Are you sure? We're weaklings compared to his undead. You think he will accept us?"
The man sighed. "You're right. There's no chance that we'll be allowed to join. I saw their soldiers
and they are powerful and diligent. Even in this environment they still train themselves to the limit."
"They must come from an elite group. People like us cannot touch them."
"Why do we even stay here? That boy will surely reach the astrolabe."
"There's more than one. Yes, that boy will take one, but we can compete for the others."


"Right. We need to make allies to secure our own astrolabe. I heard that powerful and famous
figures will come at a later date. Maybe we can meet and join them."

Aldred walked to the camp with his eagle form. Shaking the ground, the campers were shocked and
immediately pulled their tents and scurried away.
They thought that the eagle was about to eat them, but apparently, it was the boy who could
transform into a monster. They knew when they saw the girls sitting on the monster's back.
Aldred morphed back to his real form after letting the girls hop off his back. He ran up to Bartrem.
"Bartrem, tell everyone to prepare. We should follow this arrow."
Bartrem stared at the green shining arrow on the dice. He nodded. "Everyone! Stop sparring and
prepare your gear!."
"Yes, sir!"
Aldred waved his hand, putting all the tents and supplies into the divine dimension.
When everyone was ready, Aldred took the lead and followed the arrow.
A group of adventurers stopped him. "I am sorry to bother you, sir. But we would like to ask if we
can join your group. I am sure our power will be useful."
"No thanks." Aldred walked past him.
The adventurer froze and was speechless. They expect to be rejected, but not that quick.
The other adventurers that saw this were glad they didn't try to join Aldred. In fact, most of them
were scared to be killed and turned into undead.
As Aldred continued his steps, a couple of men in thick robes were staring at him.
"We should inform our lord about his existence. That boy will surely become one of the top
contenders for this treasure."
"Our lord won't be coming to this mountain. We don't need to tell him as that boy might not


"You fool. Look at his power. Our lord might be stronger, but that boy will surely grow. And his
undead will increase in the future."
"Our Lord has an army as well. They won't lose out to his undead."
"In any case, we have to inform him about this."
As Aldred climbed the mountain, some adventurer group decided to follow him. Aldred did not care
about them. He believed that to climb this mountain, one should solve the riddle first.
After a few hours of walking, Aldred entered some sort of hedge made from snow. He was boxed in
between white walls. At first, he thought it was normal, but then he was presented with two
directions. One to the left, one to the right.
"It's a hedge maze," Aldred said. "But made out of snow instead."
Bartrem frowned and he looked at the dice. "The arrow pointed to the left."
"Then we should go left," Aldred said.
They all nodded and followed the direction of the arrow. As Aldred and his comrades made the left
turn, the maze suddenly moved and changed its pattern.
This shocked the adventurers that followed the boy. With Aldred out of their sight, and the maze
changing its pattern, they didn't know where to go.
One man tried to climb the snow hedge and just as everyone expected, the man turned into dust.
"This mountain has rules to follow. We have to strictly follow it."
They all looked at each other and tried to find a way out. But they didn't realize that the only way to
leave is through solving the riddle.
Meanwhile, Aldred calmly breezed through the maze, and he arrived at what seemed to be a
wonderful hot bath. The bath seemed to be almost golden in color, unlike his transparent water.
Aldred looked at the arrow, pointing directly to the bath. "Is this arrow telling us to take a bath?"
The boy summoned one of his undead and told him to enter the water. The undead did as ordered,
and as he submerged himself, the undead's body glowed. Powerful energy enveloped him, then his
strength increased.
Aldred widened his eyes. "Quick, enter the bath. This can increase our strength."
They didn't bother to take off their clothes and immediately jumped into the bath. Water splashed,
and Aldred's head popped out of the water. A list of notifications came to the corner of his eyes.
[+15,000 EXP]
[+15,000 EXP]
[+15,000 EXP]
[+15,000 EXP]
[+15,000 EXP]

[You have level up]


[You have level up]

[You have level up]
[You have level up]

[You have reached level 68]
Health Points: 391/391
Level: 68
Titles: Tough Boy
-Fire Manipulation (Click to show the list of skills)
-Water Manipulation (Click to show the list of skills)
-Shape Shift Lv. 1 (Click to show the list of morphs)
-Racial Ability (Click to show the list of racial abilities)
-Strength: 45
-Vitality: 61
-Intelligence: 77
-Dexterity: 42
Stat points: 86
Skill points: 72
Aldred was deep in thought. 'It's time to use the stat points. Since I am a magician and too lazy to
study to increase intelligence, I should put all the stat points there.'

As for strength and other stats, he should train to increase them. Aldred also considered learning
martial arts. Close-range weapons such as sword art were also in his consideration.
He was foolish not using his talent and capability to the fullest potential. If he learned martial arts
and magic at the same time, he would be undefeatable in long range and close range.
The enemy would not expect a magician to have a powerful body and use a sword.
Aldred decided. 'System, put all my stat points to intelligence.'
-Strength: 45
-Vitality: 61
-Intelligence: 163
-Dexterity: 42
Stat points: 0
Skill points: 72
Aldred tapped his chin a couple of times as he considered where he should put his skill points.
Should he learn martial arts first and then increase its level?
Aldred checked his inventory. He had received a lot of martial arts books from the people who
bought his hot bath spots.
And sure enough, he found a suitable martial art book.
Aldred materialized the book in his hand. The book was called 'Sky Splitting Strike.' Aldred opened
the book.
[You have learned 'Sky Splitting Strike']
Aldred blinked. All he did was open the book. He hadn't even read it yet.
[Sky Splitting Strike]
-Using all the energies within one's body, one can create a powerful attack that split the sky and
destroyed the earth.
"Nice," Aldred said. Even though Aldred had learned the skill, he decided to read a couple pages of
the book to understand it more. And unexpectedly, his comprehension increased.
[Sky Splitting Strike Lv. 1 -> Lv. 2]
Aldred scratched his cheek. 'Isn't this too OP?'


As Aldred read further, he realized there was a limitation to this ability. It did not only consume
mana, but also stamina which was a limited resource for him. Mana wasn't a problem, stamina was.
'Hmmm, this means that I cannot use this all the time.'
Aldred rummaged through his inventory and looked for another sword art. After a few minutes, he
found another upper rare sword art.
'Execution Strike,' Aldred read in his mind.
[You have learned 'Execution Strike']
[Execution Strike]
-Imbuing the sword with a powerful aura, one can send it out to cut or execute a target.
Just like before, Aldred read the book for a few pages.
[Execution Strike Lv. 1 -> Lv. 2]
Unlike the first sword art, Aldred could use this ability infinitely. That was important. Should he
enter a prolonged fight, he wouldn't need to worry if he had this skill along with his magic spells.
Now that he had two sword art, Aldred looked for a powerful sword in his inventory. In less than a
second, he found an upper rare sword.
It was exquisite in appearance, making one think that only legendary warriors would be able to
wield them.
"What are you doing, Aldred?" Mary asked.
"I have decided to learn sword art."
Mary raised an eyebrow. "But you're a magician."
"Actually, I can learn martial arts as well."
"I know you can, but it won't be as effective. Everyone can only be talented in one area. We're not
heroes that have the blessing to learn martial arts and magic at the same time."
Aldred raised his sword and swung it to the side. "Execution Strike!"
A powerful aura covered his blade, and as he swung, the shining aura created a wide arc that slashed
towards the snow. The snow burst and a bunch of large boulders behind it were perfectly cut into
Everyone seeing this had their jaw dropped. Mary was especially shocked. She only saw Aldred
read the two books for a couple of minutes, and he already comprehended its power to this level?
If she was correct, this sword skill should at least be a middle rare skill. This skill was very hard to
learn. It might take years just to comprehend the basics.
Mira wasn't surprised by this. She had seen great potential and power within the boy.


"Now I can protect myself at close range as well. If something like a Phantom Claw jumped at me, I
know I can cut them."
Aldred smiled happily, satisfied with his new skills. It was such a waste not learning a martial art. If
he learned them early, he could defeat any magicians by shocking them with his martial art.
They would never expect him to get close and struck.
Aldred laughed. He looked at his panel and wondered where he should put his 72 points to. He
wanted to be a versatile fighter which mean he should mastered close range and long range skills.
But each skill had their own ups and down.
Fire bullets for example were useful for close-range attacks. They were hard to dodge and quite
powerful as well.
But his flame spells were already at a high level, so he should increase his other ability.
First, Aldred leveled up his fire combustion to level 4 since that skill was very useful. That already
consumed a lot of his skill points. Next, he leveled up 'Steam of Life' to level 3. That would be
useful should he got wounded and Mira wasn't there to help.
That left him with 58 points. Aldred clicked his tongue. The cost of increasing spell was very
inconsistent. Some spell cost more, while others cost less. He didn't know what affect the cost.
He sighed and accepted his fate. All he should think about now what which skill to level up. He
tried to level up his racial ability, but he couldn't.
It seemed like the only way to increase its level was to evolve through drinking blood.
Next, he increased 'water razor' from level 2 to level 4. He had an idea to combine his sword art
with this skill. He would try that later. That left him with 34 points.
Aldred wanted to increase the level of his sword art, but before he used his points, he decided to
read the books more. Surprisingly, the skill did not increase in level, though reading the book
further improved his comprehension.
'Seems like I have to use my points.'
Aldred checked the cost, and luckily his points were enough.
He upgraded both of them to level 4.
Aldred raised his sword and activated water razor to spin around the blade. It spun like a chainsaw
at the edge of the sharp side.
He looked for a target to try on, but did not find a suitable one. Because of that, he decided to pull
out a low rare shield and use that as a target.
Any adventurer in the world would kill to obtain that shield, yet the boy used it as a practice target.
Mary and the others didn't mind. The shield was obtained by Aldred anyway.
The boy took a deep breath, stared at the shield, and swung his sword. "Execution Strike!"
A powerful arc came slashing at the shield along with his water razor. The shining arc came first,
and it already cut the shield in half. After that, a second arc made out of thin line of water came and
entered the small cut.
Bartrem widened his eyes. That was a rare grade shield! It was designed to hold against powerful
attack, yet Aldred destroy it in one strike.


The boy scratched his chin. This combination could be useful. If the first skill failed to penetrate the
shield or armor of the enemy, his water razor would follow it from behind.
The soldiers were amazed. Their eyes sparkled and stared at Aldred.
Then they ran at him, begging him to teach them the sword art.
Aldred smiled. "Alright, I will teach you guys."
The soldiers grabbed their swords and carefully listened to Aldred's instructions. At first, they were
slow in understanding his words, but Aldred saw a skill appear in their status panel.
[Execution Strike]
In Progress: 43%
Aldred thought that it was interesting, so he continued in teaching them the techniques. After a few
hours, all of them learned the skill. Mary and Mareona learned it as well.
All of them were shocked. How could they learn the skill so fast? It wasn't as quick as Aldred, but
this was a rare-grade skill. It should take at least 6 months for them to learn, but they did it in a
matter of hours.
They all tried the skills by using the boulders nearby as targets, creating slash marks all over them.
Though they were disappointed the skill wasn't as flashy and powerful as Aldred, they were still
proud of themselves and grateful that the boy taught them.
After attacking the boulders, the soldiers decided to do a little sparring with each other. They wore
their rare grade armor, and threw Execution Strike at each other.
When they got hit, they realized how powerful this skill was.
Maverick and his subordinates could only stare at them. He wasn't very close with Aldred, and he
used dagger as a weapon, so learning the skill was useless for him.
Though, he wondered if the boy could teach him some dagger skills.
Suddenly, the dice tied on their waist made a click sound. It glowed and the side of the dice slid
open, revealing another riddle.
Aldred read it. "It is the warmest place as long as there is embrace."
He looked at them. "What do you guys think?"
They were staring at the riddle as well. Yet, even after a few hours, they still couldn't find the
"Warmest place? Embrace?" Mareona frowned. "I can't think of anything."
Aldred was scratching his chin when he saw a shadow zipped in the distance. He raised an eyebrow.


'Was it my imagination?'
Suddenly, the ground around the hot bath raised up, creating a wall that blocked their path from all
Aldred looked up and saw a snow ape on top of the wall. It looked similar to a silver back ape, but
much larger.
Slowly, more of them came until they numbered in the dozens.
"ARMS!" Bartrem shouted, brandishing his rare grade sword. He also grabbed a powerful shield.
He ordered the soldiers to group up and create a circle formation. They put Aldred in the middle.
He summoned his undead. All 183 of them. 127 Silver Ranks, 50 Gold Ranks snow wolves, and 6
Elite Gold Rank who Aldred decided to be so powerful they could defeat multiple Gold Rank at
That included Milet, Nicky, Will, Crook, Brook, and Bella.
Aldred understood why Nicky and Will could defeat multiple Gold Ranks at the same time, but how
could the rest do the same?
'They probably get stronger over time and level up in the dungeon every time I send them.'
Aldred had been sending his undead to the dungeon whenever he could to train them, though it
wasn't that effective in increasing his EXP, it did make his undead more coordinated and powerful.
The ape stared at them and leaped down, raising their large fists.
"HOLD!" Bartrem roared as he raised his shield. The soldiers followed, and they all held against the
rain of fists.
The place quickly became a battlefield, causing the atmosphere to change in the hot bath.
The apes weren't their only problem. The hot bath now became a really hot bath.
Temperatures raised in every second. Steam started to fog their sight, and it hinder their breathing.
Apes and humans charged at each other. One slamming fists, while the other swinging swords. The
apes did not seem to have a problem with all these heat and steam.
The soldiers were having a hard time fighting them.
Aldred exited the formation and summoned his sword. Since there were monsters, he could use this
to practice his sword art.
"Execution Strike!"
Aldred swiftly beheaded twelve apes at once. He then tried to attack them without skills to increase
his mastery over sword.


To everyone's astonishment, Aldred did not move like a magician, instead he was like a true sword
master, weaving through the apes, dodging their attack, and cutting their head.
Even with all the steam that fogged his sight, Aldred's attack was precise, and his dodging skill was
This was possible because of his godly eyes. It told him the blind spot of the apes, and the trajectory
of their attacks before they could even raise their hands.
None of the apes had the time to scream in pain. His cut was perfect. It was so perfect that even
Gordon Jarsey would compliment it.
Maverick and his subordinates widened his eyes with admiration and awe. Bartrem and his soldiers
were amazed, but they locked their sight on the apes.
They were soldiers. They understood that being distracted meant death.
As Aldred killed more and more apes, he looked up and realized that dozens more came from
above. He also noticed that these apes only gave a tiny amount of EXP even though each ape was
Gold Rank.
The boy frowned. He spun, sending out a powerful arc that cut everything in its path.
His body suddenly exploded with powerful aura and mana. It all went to the sword like a river,
making the sword glow in a blinding light so bright and thick that everyone had to close their eyes.
Aldred stabbed towards the sky.
A powerful bright beam of light blasted upward. Mira was shocked. It was like seeing a god
demonstrating his power.
"Sky Splitting Strike!"
His control over the skill let him avoid friendly-fire, and cleansed the apes out of existence. They all
turned into dust when the beam of light washed over their bodies.
Meanwhile, the adventurers seeing this felt a tingle in their spine. They looked at the beam of light
rushing towards the sky, and wondered what it was.
"Such power. Who could it be?"
"Isn't it obvious? It has to be the boy."
"Yeah, he's the most powerful one here. It has to be him."
When all the ape was cleared out, Aldred and everyone there was shocked to see that more apes
came pouring.
"They never end do they?" Aldred frowned. Not only the apes were coming endlessly, the heat was
also becoming much worse with the steam becoming thicker.
"I think we should solve the puzzle to make them stop coming." Bartrem beheaded an ape.
Aldred ordered his undead to attack as he grabbed his dice and read the riddle again.

"Warmest place. What can be that warmest place if there is embrace." Aldred bit his lips. But then a
realization came to him.
"I know the answer."
"Quick, Aldred! Say the answer."
Aldred took a deep breath, hoping the answer was correct.
The dice clicked, and all the apes turned to dust, except for some corpses who luckily or unluckily
missed the Sky Splitting Strike.
The tall wall also sunk into the earth.
Everyone was drenched in sweat because of the heat. Thankfully, the temperature became normal
soon after, and the fog disappeared.
"Thankfully you solved that riddle quick enough," Bartrem said. "Otherwise we would be dead
from the lack of air."
Aldred nodded. The heat and steam made it hard for them to breathe. Even Aldred had a hard time
breathing earlier.
And if he wanted to escape, he probably couldn't. The mountain prevented him from flying, and
those who did not follow or understand its rule turned into dust.
That meant he had to keep playing according to the rule otherwise he would be dead. His mother
would probably not let that happen though.
A creaking sound came from the side. The ground erected a small cave. The dice lit up, and the
arrow pointed at the cave.
They all looked at each other.
"I will send my undead to scout ahead." Aldred summoned his undead and ordered them to enter the
After that, Aldred looked at the ape corpses. "Bartrem, Mary, Mareona, do you guys think these
apes are good enough to become my undead?"
Bartrem crossed his arms and thought for a second. "How many Silver Rank undead do you have?"


"Around 127."
Bartrem nodded. "Turn all these apes to undead. You don't need Silver Rank undead anymore. If
there is a stronger beast, you can remove the weaker one."
"My undead capacity has increased since I level up. Now I can have 204 undead."
Maverick did not understand what level up meant, but he knew about undead capacity. What he did
not expect was how the hell did this boy had 204 undead capacity. For all he knew, most
necromancer only had 15-20 undead capacity.
An anomaly! This boy was an anomaly! A talent among talent! A prodigy among prodigy!
Maverick trembled in excitement. He started to not care about the treasure. If he could get Aldred to
his side, that would be an absolute win. But what could buy Aldred's heart? This guy had everything
from treasures to power.
And he still didn't know his background. Looking at the soldiers following him, he must be the son
of a powerful noble.
Who could he be?
Aldred raised his hand. "Arise."
Glob of black mist engulfed the snow apes, and turned them all into undead.
All fifty of them stood beside the snow wolves.
"Brook, Crook. Both of you will lead this unit."
Aldred decided this because both of them were as large as the ape, and their body stature were
similar as well.
"What should we call this unit?" Aldred asked.
"Let's call them snow apes infantry unit," Bartrem suggested.


"Good idea."
"If they work together with the snow wolves, your undead army can be a tough one to deal with,"
Mary said.
Maverick smiled bitterly. The undead had powerful regenerative ability, even ten of them could
become troublesome, not to mention one hundred of them at once.
"I hope we can find more monsters to fit the undead army. A flying cavalry would be nice," Aldred
After they talked some more, Aldred checked on his undead and deemed the cave to be safe.
"I will still send the undead in front of us in case of traps and ambush."
Mary and Bartrem nodded, amazed at how Aldred had improved and grow.
They ducked and entered the cave through the small entrance. Though the entrance was small, the
cave was fairly wide and expansive. His undead were marching at the front, looking around for
anything suspicious.
They walked for hours, and yet led to nowhere else. They were still in the damp, wet, and dark
Aldred combusted the ground into flames to light up the cave. A trail of fire followed him though it
did not burn those who stepped on it.
That was the proof of his mastery over flames. He could manipulate its heat to a certain degree and
amplify its brightness as well.
Suddenly, the undead found an old man, and they parted to let him see from a distance.
"Help me," the old man said weakly. "I haven't drink and eaten anything for 12 years."
Mira was about to step forward to help the old man until Aldred held her hand to stop her.
The boy pointed. "Fire Combustion."


The old man burst into flames, and he rolled around on the ground, screaming in pain.
"What are you doing, Aldred?!" Mira couldn't believe what the boy had done.
The old man stopped moving. His corpses still burning in flame.
"That was obviously a trap," Aldred said. "He hadn't eaten and drink anything for 12 years? How
could someone live with that condition?"
Mira frowned and realized what the boy said was true. She didn't think much about what the old
man said earlier and simply wanted to help him.
"We have to be careful, Mira."
Mira nodded. "You are correct, Aldred. I am sorry."
"You don't have to apologize." The boy smiled.
They continued their way into the cave.
Suddenly, monster came into view. Aldred already expected monsters to attack them. But what he
didn't expect was…
The monsters were gigantic centipede.
"HII!" Aldred felt a tingling sensation all over his body. He freaking hated centipede with their
squirming legs and body. They looked so disgusting in his eyes.
"KIll them! Kill them all!" Aldred shouted. "You know what. I'll do it myself."
"Sky Splitting Strike." A powerful blinding beam burst forth, filling up the cave, and destroyed
everything in its path.
Even the undead was killed. They could only cry when their master destroyed their bodies to dust.


Aldred couldn't give a damn thing about his undead. The centipedes were too disgusting and he had
to kill them all.
"Aldred, there's more coming out of the wall."
[+3,200 EXP]
[+3,200 EXP]
[+3,200 EXP]
[+3,200 EXP]
After killing all the centipedes, and summoning back his undead, Aldred finally calmed down.
"You don't like centipedes that much?" Mary asked.
"It tickles my skin just by looking at them."
Bartrem laughed. "You're a soldier, Aldred. You should fear nothing."
Aldred scratched his cheek, embarrassed. They continued to walk and killed a bunch of monsters on
the way. There were traps as well.
One of his undead stepped on a rock. Suddenly, a gigantic spear shot at him from the side. The
undead regenerated back his body part and stood up before they dismantled the trap.
When they continued, they triggered a lot of these traps. Flames burst and burned the undead from
above. The ground suddenly opened itself, making the undead fall before it closed.
"So many traps," Bartrem said.
"Imagine if we don't have undead to take the lead. So many lives would have been lost," Aldred
An explosion sound came from the front, and Aldred saw a steel javelin coming toward them. He
was about to dodge, but his godly eyes told him that Mira would be hit.
That must never happen.
He took out his sword and stepped in front of Mira. "Execution Strike! Fire Combustion!"
Combining the two skills let to an incredible effect happen. His blade was covered in flame, and
when the arc shot towards the javelin, it was a shining arc of flames and light.
It cut the javelin in half and burned it to dust.
"Thank you, Aldred."


"You have done so much for me, Mira. I will not let anything come to harm you."
Mira was touched. She didn't feel like she deserved that word.
The group reached the end of the tunnel. There was an armor sitting in front of a chess board. The
armor seemed empty.
Aldred frowned. 'What is the meaning of this. An empty armor and a chess board. Is the mountain
wants us to play chess?'
He ordered his undead to sit down on the chair. Suddenly, the armor moved his pawn forward.
It was like an invitation to play.
Aldred and Bartrem looked at each other.
"I will let the undead play first. I want to see the consequence of losing."
The undead moved his own piece, but shockingly he lost in less than 5 moves.
"Checkmate," the armor said. All of a sudden, the chess pieces on the board returned to their
original position instantly.
Aldred stared. He was waiting for what was about to happen to his undead. Nothing happened. He
ordered the undead to play again, but the undead couldn't move the chess piece.
That meant one person only got one chance of playing.
"I will try." Bartrem sat down and play.
Unlike the undead, he took hours before taking the next move. Everyone also helped him from the
back, trying to see if the armor could beat him.
Nevertheless, he was beaten in 7 moves.
"How's that even possible." Aldred frowned.
The soldiers tried playing against the armor one by one. Mary, Mareona, Sophia, and even Pongo
decided to play.
Pongo lost the game in 3 moves.
Aldred eventually sat down and played with it. From his observation, it would be impossible to
defeat this armor in chess. If that was the case, then there was only one thing to do.


"Fire combustion."
The opponent's chess pieces burned to dust.
"I win," Aldred said.
Mareona hit him on the head. "Stupid! That's not how we play the game."
The armor looked down on his chess board. "You win."
Everyone stared with mouth agape. The armor just accepted Aldred's victory by cheating. That was
a first because the last few challenges were not very kind to cheaters.
"This means that we cannot trust everything we see. Things might not be as it seems," Aldred said.
The dice made a click sound, and it exuded a powerful aura that engulfed them.
[Weapon Art Mastery increased by 250%]
Suddenly and explosively, all of them felt the comprehension of their respective weapon skyrocket
and pierced through heaven. It was like they experienced a blessing from the gods.
All kinds of complex and complicated techniques were now bare naked in their mind. It was so
clear to see and easy to understand.
Aldred also felt an improvement in his sword skill. He now felt like he could do more with the
All of them wanted to try their new mastery.
And their wishes were heard.
The wall of the tunnel right behind the knight armor disappeared. It opened up another dark tunnel.
Aldred narrowed his eyes. He then realized there was a large swarm of monsters coming their way.
"At arms!"
The soldiers went into a stance they hadn't even used before, but it felt like they had used it for
more than a hundred years.
Aldred scanned them with his godly eyes and noticed that the hundreds of monsters were around
Silver Rank and Gold Rank.


He was about to order his undead to attack, but unexpectedly, Bartrem charged forward with the
"Attack!" Bartrem raised his sword and went forward with incredible speed. A powerful aura spun
around him.
The soldiers were no different. They charged forward with shining, sparkling mist around them.
What Aldred saw later was a large-scale massacre. Bartrem's attack was followed by a large and
powerful arc that cut down everything in his path.
And not only that, all the soldiers had that ability as well. It was like a weaving and roaring wind.
They went rampaging around the tunnel, slashing the monsters to shreds.
The boy was shocked. His comrades had improved up to this point, and he was proud of them.
The soldiers were proud as well. All this time, it was the boy who did all the work.
But now they had the chance to show their power and might. That made them excited. Power
rushed through their bodies, and Aldred noticed they leveled up.
Suddenly, powerful energy radiated out of them. They roared and slashed for one last time, creating
a bright, blinding light.
Aldred opened his eyes and saw the soldiers looking at him with a smile. Bartrem's expression was
that of relief.
"We can finally be useful for you, Aldred," Bartrem said.
Aldred shook his head. "I never thought you guys as useless."
"I know. But we all felt the same thing."
Aldred smiled. "I am just glad that you guys are much stronger now."
The dice hanging on their waist clicked. Another riddle opened and showed itself.
Aldred read it.
"It turns the smartest man into a fool, ambition into indolence, pride into humility, aggression into
Sophia frowned for a few seconds before she widened her eyes.
Aldred looked at her. "Sophia, why do you have that look of 'I know the answer to this riddle, but I
have to be silent first for the cliffhanger'?"
Sophia raised an eyebrow. "What?"
"Never mind."
Sophia looked at the riddle. She wasn't sure if her answer would be correct.
Since Sophia did not answer the riddle, Aldred decided to solve it by himself.
"It turns the smartest man into a fool, ambition into indolence, pride into humility, aggression into
Aldred widened his eyes. "It has to be that."
"Aldred, you know the answer?" Mary asked.
The boy nodded and put the dice right by his lips like he wanted to whisper to it. "The answer is—
Nothing happened.
"Seems like I was wrong."
Mareona hit his head. "What kind of answer is that. Let me try."
"Guys, wait," Sophia called. "The answer to this riddle is… love."
The dice glowed and washed them with golden light. For a moment they were blinded, but Aldred
saw a panel in his mind.
[All attributes doubled]
Health Points: 696/696
Level: 68
Titles: Tough Boy
-Fire Manipulation (Click to show the list of skills)


-Water Manipulation (Click to show the list of skills)

-Shape Shift Lv. 1 (Click to show the list of morphs)
-Racial Ability (Click to show the list of racial abilities)
-Sword Art (Click to show the list of Sword Art)
-Strength: 90
-Vitality: 122
-Intelligence: 326
-Dexterity: 84
Stat points: 0
Skill points: 0
Aldred was shocked. His attributes were truly doubled. 'My intelligence is now at 326 points. My
magic damage must be very high.'
The boy also noticed something. An increase in intelligence did not make him wiser. It simply made
him understand complex concepts.
This meant that his intelligence didn't really change his personality, but he wasn't sure about that
either. For some reason, the increase in intelligence made him more ambitious.
So, maybe it did change him a little, though he didn't know yet to what extent that change would
Thud! Thud! Thud!
Aldred glanced to the side to find what made that noise. That was when he saw an ice giant
charging toward them.
The soldiers prepared themselves for another battle, but Aldred stepped ahead of them.
"Let me handle this." He gripped the sword in his right hand and leaped.
The ice giant attacked, but Aldred already landed behind him.
Suddenly, lines of bright light ran all over the ice giant's body. The light exploded and it shattered
the ice giant like glass. Its remains crumbled all over the floor and revealed a chest.
Aldred narrowed his eyes in suspicion as he looked at the chest. He ordered his undead to open it,
and sure enough, it was eaten by the chest.


The soldiers were shocked.

Aldred walked to the chest, a large tongue tried to grab him, but he cut it easily. He then stabbed the
chest. Blood poured out.
He did this because he saw something within it.
"A stick?" Aldred analyzed the stick in his hand.
[All Devouring Stick]
-Can manipulate its length and thickness at will.
-Can consume other treasures or weapons to become stronger.
-Able to morph into consumed treasures.
-Can consume creatures to become stronger
"Interesting." He smiled and fed it with his 'Blazing Serpent' and 'Upper rare sword'.
The two items melted into the stick and disappeared.
The stick glowed and Aldred could feel the power radiating out from it.
It changed to a magic staff and a sword as long as he will it. It also elongated and shortened
whenever he wanted it to.
Aldred smiled, satisfied with his new weapon. The stick could also consume creatures to increase
its strength. That meant this stick could grow alongside him.
And if he found an epic treasure in the future, he could let the stick consume it, which meant the
stick would be useful to him forever.
The dice on their hand glowed. The green shining arrow pointed deep towards the tunnel.
"That's our way. Let's go." Aldred walked forward.
The others followed him from behind.
Mareona approached Mary. "Do you notice something change about Aldred?"
Mary looked at the boy who had his sight forward and his posture up straight. "Maybe he is more
confident and sure of what path he should take."
"Yeah… Maybe he is."
Mira on the other hand was slightly worried. She hoped Aldred did not take the wrong turn.


Sophia did not care about any of this. Aldred was the one who accepted her and treated her properly
even if she was his slave. She would go with him no matter if he became a saint or a demon. In hell
or paradise, she would always be with him.
The group arrived at a flight of stairs that led upward. Aldred counted with his godly eyes that it
would take at least 3564 steps to reach the top.
That would be too long, so he transformed into a gargant eagle, and transported everyone to the top
What appeared in front of them was a gate. It looked tall and thick. Aldred slashed it to create an
Bartrem raised an eyebrow at how easily the boy cut the gate.
When they exited the cave, they arrived at another cliff. He then felt the air around to be much
thinner than before. It was becoming harder to breathe.
"This is the middle part of the mountain," Maverick said. "Starting from here, breathing will
become a chore. But I have a solution for that."
Maverick pulled out a bottle of pills from his storage pouch.
"Take this. It will help your breathing."
They all consumed the pills, and their breathing became normal again.
"Thank you," Aldred said. "These pills are similar in the auction right?"
"It's nothing. And yes, it is similar, but this one is more potent."
The man proved to be quite useful on this journey. Aldred wasn't a person that would forget what
others did for him.
If someone gave him milk, And if he could afford it, he would return an entire cow.
One good deed should be paid back by a thousand times.
But the man was the son of a count. Aldred had nothing on him that the man would want. For now,
he would help him in obtaining the astrolabe.
They walked into the cliff. The familiar cold wind whirled around them. Unlike before, it was much
colder and louder.
"How do we continue?" Bartrem asked.
Aldred looked at the dice. The green arrow pointed to the sky.
When he looked up, he noticed a large red dragon was flying in the sky.
The dragon stared at him and roared.
Maverick narrowed his eyes. "A Bajaragon."
Aldred and the others were prepared for battle, but the dragon flew away.
They were relieved. If the dragon decided to fight, that would be bad because they were very tired
"We should make camp and rest for a while," Aldred said. The arrow now pointed down, so all they
could do now was wait. It wasn't the first time the mountains made them camp in the cold.
He summoned all the tents from his divine dimension along with all the supplies and equipment.
After that, he combusted a few holes on the ground, filled them up with water, and then heated them
He didn't need to use fire javelins now as he could manipulate heat to a certain extent. That was
what the increase in fire mastery did.
He also threw the portable tent to cover his hot bath.
"Come on." Aldred pulled the four girls and put them in the hot bath. "Ahh, finally we can relax."
Mareona approached him and hit his head.
"What was that for?"
"Just to test if you're still the old little Aldred."
"Of course I am. What are you talking about."
"Really?" Mareona showed her breast to him and Aldred's eyes lit up. She giggled. "Yeah, you're
still the Aldred I know."
"Which Aldred?"
"The naughty and perverted one."
The girls laughed when they heard that while Aldred could only look away, blushing.
"At least I am honest."
Mareona hugged him. "Hmmm… I don't want you to change."
"But you said I was a pervert?"
"That's fine as well."


"So can I suck your breast?"

Mareona took a deep breath. Aldred was prepared to be hit, but her reply came.
Aldred didn't waste any more time and sucked on her beautiful pink nipple. After a long tiring day
of killing monsters, sucking on her breast, and drinking her milk was a blessing in itself.
He closed his eyes as he enjoyed the taste of sweet milk. It was soft and smooth, and his hand went
to squeeze her other nipple.
"You pervert," Mareona said with a smile and a blush. "If you grow up, don't be a pervert anymore,
Aldred gave a thumbs up, but he apologized to her in his heart because he wasn't planning to stop.
He wanted to have lots of fun after all.
Aldred pulled out his mouth. A little bit of milk came out, so he licked it. Mareona squirmed in the
hot bath.
She hugged Aldred tighter as her cheeks became rosy. She realized that the other girls were looking
at her, and she became slightly embarrassed.
Aldred sucked harder on her boob which made her moan in surprise. Aldred kissed her lips.
"You naughty boy," Mareona said, licking his lips to clean the stain of milk.
Aldred's hand then went down to her crotch.
Mareona moaned and looked at him in an enticing way. "Are you enjoying yourselves?"
Aldred nodded.
Sophia glanced at Mira. "You're not angry?"
"Mareona is very close to Aldred, and the boy has great self-control. I won't be mad about this. If he
ran around and forced women to do this, then I would be mad."
"Sometimes I don't understand your thought process," Sophia replied.
Mira looked at her, wondering what part of what she said was hard to understand. What Aldred did
right now was allowed because Mareona allow it, if she didn't then it would be ****—which was
something she did not allow. AT ALL.
Aldred then asked if he could drink her blood. He wanted to increase his evolution points.
She allowed it without much thought since she could help Aldred become stronger then why not.
The boy looked at her beautiful sky-blue eyes and her slightly wet blue hair that beautifully draped
down below her shoulders.


"Thank you, Mareona." He bit on her neck.

Her cute thin lips trembled in pleasure, and she moaned as the sky darkened.
[Evolution: 37/100]
Aldred raised an eyebrow. The increase was much better than before, so his speculation was correct.
The stronger his girls were, the more evolution points he got.
Mareona was breathing weakly in his arms. Aldred put her to rest and kissed her lips before she
approached Mary.
"Can I?"
"You don't need to ask me permission for that, Aldred. I will always allow you."
Aldred was touched. Since the beginning, Mary was always there for him. From her saving him
from the wolves, taking care of him in the fort, and now accompanying him on his journey.
He would give her whatever she wanted. He glanced at Mira and Sophia. They were nice to him as
well. They taught him how to love, how to live, and guided him to grow.
Mary tilted her head and showed her neck to him. "Go on."
His fangs came out and it sunk into her neck. As he sucked her blood, his hands went to her breast.
Her breast was a big one, but it was soft and easy to shape around with his hand.
While Mary was moaning in pleasure with his touch, Sophia and Mira could only wait for their
After an hour, Aldred stopped drinking her blood and kissed her.
[Evolution: 58/100]
She then went to Mira and asked her.
"Just like Mary, you don't have to ask my permission."
"I would feel bad."
"You didn't ask the first time you drank my blood."
"I was in the moment at that time."
Mira smiled. "That's fine."
Aldred drank her blood and played around with her breast. Mira smiled and caressed his head,
letting out a small moan from time to time.
[Evolution: 88/100]


After that, he went for Sophia. She had been waiting for this, and when Aldred drank her blood, she
was extremely excited.
"Aldred, will you marry me when you grow up?" She asked which shocked the other girls.
"Marry you?"
Sophia nodded with blushing cheeks.
"Sure, I will marry you."
Sophia's eyes lit up and she pulled Aldred for a hug. "I am so happy."
Aldred smiled and hugged her back. "Me as well."
He then glanced at the other girls. "Will you all marry me when I get big?"
Mareona didn't take long to answer. She ran up to him and hugged him. "Yes!"
Mary came and hugged him from the side. "I have decided to always be with you."
Lastly, Mira was deep in thought. Marriage was a sacred event and a very important thing in her
culture. Marrying someone took careful thoughts and consideration. Although she considered
Aldred in a favorable light, she still needed to consider this.
After a few minutes, Mira looked at the boy and nodded. "I will marry you and make sure you don't
become a bad person."
He ran up to her and hugged her. "If you stay with me, I won't be."
Mira smiled and kissed his lips. Aldred was smiling happily and then walked to Sophia to drink her
[Evolution: 100/100]
[You have completed the requirement for evolution]
[Evolving… Complete]
[You are now a Baron Blood Vampire]
[Baron Blood Vampire]
-Increase strength by 68%
-Increase vitality by 68%
-Increase in blood mastery by 78%


[You have received a new skill: 'Blood Absorption']

[You have received a new skill: 'Blood Cloning']
The ability he had always feared… 'Cloning'. He didn't know if this was a good thing or not. Did
this clone have its own personality? Or was it like an undead that followed his wishes?
Aldred sighed. The only way to find out was to try. Hopefully nothing would go wrong with this
"Blood Cloning!" Aldred shouted to the surprise of Mary and the others.
A mist of blood came out of his pores. It condensed in the air and then morphed into a clone. His
face, his stature, and his posture was exactly the same.
The others were surprised that there was another Aldred.
"A clone?"
His clone glanced at Mary and pounced on her, playing with her breast.
"Hey! That's my woman."
"But I am you."
"That makes sense! But still!"
The clone disappeared, and Aldred felt experience and memory entering his mind. From that, he
assumed what the clone experienced would enter him when they disappear.
Not only that, because the clone wasn't assigned to a particular task, it just do what the real Aldred
would normally do…
He tried this and set a particular task for the clone to do before summoning one.
Another clone appeared and it drank the hot water.
"Why are you telling your clone to drink the hot water?" Mary asked.
"I just want to try some things," Aldred said. The boy willed the clone to disappear and it did
The experience entered his mind.


"When the clones disappear. Its memories and experience enter my mind. This can be useful in
many ways."
"Like how?" Mareona asked.
"I can summon my clones. Go to girls' public bathroom and see all their naked bodies before telling
the clones to disappear."
Mareona struck his head. "Stop joking."
Aldred smiled as he rubbed his head in pain. "In all seriousness, I can use the clones for very much
anything. They have the same brain as me, so they would do what I would exactly do if I were in
their situation.
"But they do think on their own right?"
"Yes, but as I said, they have the same brain as mine. So I can send them to dangerous territory and
when they died, I can know exactly what they saw, felt, and thought during the operation."
"What about their power?"
"They have the same power as mine. But sadly, I can only summon two clone at one time. I believe
that can increase if I evolve more."
Mary, Mareona, Sophia, and Mira were shocked to their core. One Aldred was already a prodigy
that had never been seen before in this world. Defeating countless Gold Ranks in one move, and
defeating powerful monsters in a single strike was just one of his capabilities.
Now there would be two others Aldred? Not to mention he could have more clones in the future…
"Aldred, are you perhaps a God in your past life?" Mira asked.
"I don't think my past life is that amazing." Aldred scratched his cheek as he recalled his past life.
"Anyway, let's sleep. It's already late at night."
"He's right. We should rest to regain our energy." Mira hugged Aldred and she put her head on the
Sophia, Mary, and Mareona hugged around him. Aldred could only smile with four beautiful
women hugging him and their beautiful pink boobs pressing against him.
Life was bliss.
The next day.


People started coming out of the hole in the gate that Aldred made. They look haggard with tattered
clothes and bloody wounds.
Their chest went up and down, struggling to breathe. Some started to consume their pills to improve
their breathing while others could only look in envy.
"Hey. You guys want to trade a hot bath for treasures again?" Aldred asked smugly as he pulled out
his head from the tent.
The newcomers looked at him and told him to wait so they can discuss with each other.
After a while, they gritted their teeth and accepted his offer. They were now in the middle part of
the mountain which was much colder and harsher than the lower part.
A couple of treasures to stay alive seemed cheap.
That wasn't how the adventurers saw it. They risked their life for treasures, so none of them were
willing to trade treasures for a warm bath.
Only the rich traded with Aldred. They gave him treasures and he gave them warm baths.
Some ran out of treasures and decided to give him gold coins instead.
"Do you really not have any treasures in you?" he asked.
"Y—yes. Gold coins are all I have."
Aldred accepted and pulled out his card to receive the gold. To be honest, he wanted to reject the
offer, but the amount was too extravagant.
In total, Aldred now had 25,527,500 gold coins on his adventure card.
More than twenty-five million! And this was in gold coins! A Gold Rank's normal salary was 5 to
10 gold coins per month, so it could take them more than 200 hundred years to earn this much
The adventurers that heard this transaction felt their eyes bulge and almost pop from shock. That
huge amount of money would set them all for generations. It wasn't copper or silver, but gold.
But what they were more shocked about was the fact that Aldred earned all of this just by selling
hot bath.
A freaking hot bath netted him more than 25 million gold and a large pile of treasures.


The adventurers wanted to cry. Maybe they should start a hot bath business in the future.
Aldred saw an opportunity. The people that came here were rich, powerful, and influential. This
meant that they must bring more treasures with them.
He didn't care about the treasures before, but now that he had All Devouring Sticks, he had to feed it
treasures for it to grow.
And so he summoned his clone and stood in front of them as they enjoyed their hot bath.
The rich men were shocked to see two Aldred at once.
Bartrem and the soldiers were shocked as well. How the hell did Aldred become two? One was
enough for this world to handle, now there were two?
"Ladies and gentlemen. I have an interesting offer for all of you," Aldred smiled. "As you can see.
The one beside me is my clone, and it has the same power as mine."
The clone pulled out a sword and executed the ultimate skill 'Sky Splitting Strike' which impressed
the audience.
The clone also morphed into a Phantom Claw, Giant Velobra, Cute Loli, hot woman, and Gargant
They looked with widened eyes when the clone showed more of its capabilities such as raining fire
javelins, fire arrows, and fire bullets into the distance. It showed master in blood manipulation,
water manipulation, and fire manipulation, then it showed mastery in the sword art.
After the show, they all clapped in amazement. Hell, even Bartrem and his soldiers were impressed
even though they had seen him show off his power before.
Maverick was trembling in excitement. Aldred kept on surprising him with new power. This made
him want the boy to become his allies even more.
"Now that you are all amazed, I want to tell all of you that I would like to auction myself.
Specifically, I would like to auction my clone, but not forever. The duration is only for a week."
They were disappointed when they heard there was a duration.
Aldred snorted. "You think you're making a loss? Look at you. What have you lost when climbing
this high?"
He narrowed his eyes. "Almost everything. You risked your life, your subordinates' life, and your
friends' life. For every challenge you passed, you almost died. Look at your subordinates now. How
many of them are left?"
"Not many, and we're only at the middle part of the mountain. The higher you climb the harder the
challenge will become. It wouldn't be a surprise if you lose your life. But all of you know my power
and know what I can do, so is hiring my clone for a week still a loss for you?"


The rich men discussed among themselves the pros and cons of Aldred's offer. After half an hour,
they asked Aldred how much was the cost.
The boy smiled. "I want everything that you currently have."
The audience was shocked. Aldred didn't know what or how many treasures they brought. Even one
of them brought enough treasures for a group of adventures to live a comfortable life.
They discussed the price among themselves, and after a few minutes, one of them asked.
"Do list out our treasures to see who had the most?"
Aldred shook his head. "You are mistaken. I mean all of you must give me treasure, and that way,
my clone can escort you anywhere you go."
"All of us? So you're not going to divide us by group?"
"No. I think escorting all of you at once is much better."
Much better because he could rob all of their treasures. Aldred smiled inside. His comrades would
never run out of treasures if this transaction succeeded.
They started a discussion with each other.
"What do you all think?"
"I think it's a good deal. Our coins and treasures is not comparable to the power of that boy. Even if
we all worked together, I believe he could still wipe the floor with us."
"You're right. And did you see that powerful sword art? I have seen something that skill before, but
not that powerful. The boy clearly had a high mastery in swordsmanship."
"How's that possible. He isn't a hero. I can tell because I've seen a hero before, and they have a
certain aura around them."
"He has to be the son of an adamantite rank. Maybe they know how to master martial art and magic
at the same time."
"Speculating about this is useless. What do you all think we should do? Do we take the offer?"
"I would say we take it. We bring all the treasures and Gold coins for what? So we can climb, right?
If we can trade for something that is much better, then why don't we do it?"
"He's got a point."


After their discussion, one of them was chosen as a representative to ask questions.
"Can we keep our armor and some useful gear?"
"Alright, you can."
"And what about competition? You're a climber as well. Don't you feel any rivalry against us?"
"The dice will lead you to the same place but through different paths. This can be seen from how
the riddle changed when one group solved it. So we would hardly cross paths with each other, but
even if we did, I do not think any of you as competitors. I can keep climbing, and there is nothing
you can do to me."
They all gathered and talked with each other again.
One man was skeptical.
"What if he's lying. He could be robbing us right now."
"No, I don't think so. If he wanted to rob us, he can use his undead to do that. Instead, he offered us
a product and a deal."
"Yeah. And it's not like we're going to be poor after this. The treasures we brought are just a small
part of our wealth."
"So everyone agrees to take this offer?"
They all turned and looked at Aldred.
"We would like to take your offer."
Aldred smiled and nodded. "Good. Now put the treasures beside me. I want to see them pilling on
the ground. Also, don't forget about the coins. I want them all."
They all walked out of the hot bath and took out their storage pouches before pouring all the
treasures inside.
One of them asked: "Can we still get a hot bath if we meet you?"


"I have no problem adding that to the deal."

The man nodded and pulled out his adventure card before transferring all the money to Aldred.
Mary and the others seeing the numbers from behind were shocked.
One transaction already left them speechless. Bartrem, Maverick, and Byron who had lost a couple
of subordinates looked at this with mouths wide agape. He wanted to join in this transaction, but he
was too ashamed. And he thought Aldred would not let him anyway.
Suddenly, some other rich men that saw this asked to join. Aldred accepted them all. Who would
refuse money?
Even a priest needed money to build his church.
The treasures kept piling up. Aldred saw a lot of upper rare treasures in there.
Some martial arts skill books, elemental magic books, non-elemental books, sword art, spear art, PP
art, hammer art, chain art, and many more.
Many magical weapons and accessories were in there as well. Some rings, fans, swords, spears,
chains. There were too many treasures.
But Aldred did not mind having more.
Bartrem was surprised at the pile of treasures at first, but as time passed, he was horrified. The
amount of treasures was too much.
Because the pile was now as large as a small hill. It towered over Aldred.
Some greedy-eyed treasures would like to take action and took some, but their comrades prevented
"Do you have a death wish? Because if you do, I can throw you off the mountain right now."
Most of them held back, but there was always that one crazy person who listen to nothing.
He zipped in the air with a small chain in his hand. The chain shot towards the pile of treasure,
trying to latch onto one of them, but then he saw a blazing javelin flying at him.
Unlike his expectation, he wasn't stabbed when the javelin touched his body, no, he was engulfed in
flames and turned into dust in an instant.


"What did you fire at, Aldred?" Mira asked. The thief was actually quite far from them, but with
Aldred's godly eyes, he could detect them even if they hide inside their mother's womb.
"Nothing," Aldred said with a smile.
After everyone already poured all their treasures and transferred all their money, Aldred ordered his
clone to serve them.
The clone put both hands on its waist and looked at them. "Aight. You bitches only got a week.
Now show me what to cut and destroy before I strip all the women naked."
Aldred laughed while the others were simply speechless.
"Oh man, that clone really knows me well."
The rich men, on the other hand, took that advice seriously.
"He's right. We only got a week. We should continue our journey immediately."
"How? Our arrows pointed in different directions."
Suddenly, the mountain seemed to consider them as one group, and their dice glowed before they
revealed an arrow that pointed in the same direction.
"Seems like the mountain noticed our predicament."
After talking for a few seconds, they all walked away. There were others people who different paths
and did not stay. They went in different directions.
Aldred wondered how that worked. This whole treasure hunt felt like a game where people could
have different quests to reach the astrolabe at the peak.
Though the game might cost their lives.
The boy shook his head and checked the gold in his adventure card.
"342,572,169 Gold Coins?!" Aldred was shocked. "I am rich. I am truly rich."
He then put all the treasures inside his divine dimension. Since his dimension was more than 2
kilometers tall and wide, he didn't have to worry about space.


The adventurers were disappointed to see the large pile of treasures simply disappear.
"How did he even store that?"
"Mary," Aldred called. "We're rich now. We can buy anything we want in the future. And I have a
lot of upper rare treasures for all of you."
He called Bartrem and the soldiers. To be honest, they were already clad in rare treasures, but
Aldred want to give them more.
He summoned back the pile of treasures in front of them.
"Take however much you need." Aldred smiled.
The soldiers were excited and looked for a treasure they might like.
Mary, Mira, Mareona, and Sophia founded their treasures and they walked to him.
"That's it? Don't you guys want to take more?"
"We don't need to take too much."
After his comrades were done, Aldred shouted at the other people.
"Hey! You guys want some treasures?"
The adventurers' eyes lit up. They never expected Aldred to offer them treasures. Now they saw
Aldred in a different light. He was like a saint. An angel that gave a blessing to their soul.
"Can we take a few?" One of them asked.
"No. I am just messing with all of you. HAHAHA."
The image of an angel in their mind shattered, replaced by a devil incarnation that laughed on top of
their corpses.
The boy's laugh intensified that image.
"Aldred," Mira softly said with a smile. "Don't cheat them like that."
Aldred smiled and hugged her. "I am sorry, Mira. I am just playing."
Mira smiled and caressed his head. She wasn't very mad about his little prank. After a few rounds of
hugs, Aldred walked to his pile of treasures.
"Which one should I choose?"
He wanted his 'All Devouring Stick' to be versatile, so he might have to consume them all.
"Whatever, let's just do it." Aldred materialized the stick in his hand and touched the pile of


To the shock of the onlookers, all of the treasures melted and got sucked in by the stick. The pile
disappeared in less than a second, leaving only some books, parchment, and scrolls on the ground.
Aldred put them all into his divine dimension.
Suddenly, the stick in his hand burst fort with a powerful aura. Azure energy shot into the sky,
radiating out a shock wave that shook their souls.
Aldred watched in amazement as the incredible creatures appeared from the energy. Flying phoenix,
raging dragon, and other weird creatures that looked like some sort of fish, serpents, and birds.
After the energy dispersed, Aldred felt a powerful strength from the stick.
[All Devouring Stick]
-Can manipulate its length and thickness at will.
-Can consume other treasures or weapon to become stronger.
-Able to morph into a consumed treasures.
-Can consume creatures to become stronger
-Increase weapon mastery by 580%
-Ability: World Shattering Slam
The boy was excited by the new stat the stick had.
"Let's try the new ability."
Aldred raised the stick with both hands. He raised it high. "World Shattering Slam!"
Suddenly, the stick thickened and elongated. It became so large it might as well be a stick for giants,
but surprisingly, Aldred could hold it easily.
The sticks came hammering down like a meteor. Everyone was amazed by its size.
And when it hit the ground, they were terrified by its power.
The ground beneath their feet cracked, then it was followed by a powerful wave that blasted all their
Sophia and Mira quickly cast their spells to protect the tents.


The magical shield they made shook and almost shattered from the shock wave alone.
After all of the energy dissipated, they all stared at Aldred.
"I did not expect that much damage."
"How can you not? The name of the skill clearly says 'World Shattering Slam'." Mareona stared at
him with both hands on her waist.
Mary came to his help. "Now. Don't be too angry at him. He just got the skill and was too excited to
try it."
Mareona sighed. "Fine."
As Aldred went inside the tents with the girls, Bartrem, Maverick, the soldiers, and everyone else
looked at the damage with widened eyes.
A large part of the ground was cracked, creating a large crevice that showed weird, large worm-like
creatures squirming around. The cliff in front of it was almost shattered.
It was a display of power, unlike many others. The onlookers felt like they were being warned.
"Don't mess with that boy. Ever," the leader of an adventure group said to his comrades
Thinker seeing this power was interested. "Transmitting data…"
His eyes gleamed in red.

When Aldred entered the hot bath. Mary and Mareona came to his sides and caressed his head while
they hugged him.
Sophia and Mira came from outside with a tray of food.
They put the trays on the water and they floated on the water.
"Now we can eat while we take a bath," Sophia happily said. She took a piece of meat and told the
boy to open his mouth.
Aldred opened his mouth and let her put the meat inside.
"Is it good?"
Aldred excitedly nodded. The food was good, but the experience of having four beautiful women
taking care of him was the BEST.

The boy took a piece of food on his own and then told Sophia to open her mouth.
Sophia was excited to be treated as such. She opened her mouth as Aldred put it in. With a bright
smile, she pounced and hugged him.
"Hey, what about me?" Mareona pouted.
Aldred giggled and fed them one by one.
Pongo stared at him.
"You can eat on your own, Pongo."
The penguin glared at him and splashed water at his face.
"Alright. Even though you failed to find us some clues. I will give you the fish."
Aldred summoned the magical fish and let the penguin eat it. Even though the fish was quite large,
the penguin ate it in one gulp.
"I still wonder how he keeps all those things in his stomach," Mary said. "Is there a storage pouch
"Maybe. Pongo, come here. I want to see your stomach."
Pongo backed off and shook his head.
"Come here or I will cook you."
Pongo swam to the exit and was about to leave until he felt a chain wrapped around his body.
Aldred was grinning as he pulled the chain, and grabbed onto the penguin.
"Now to finally solve the mystery." Aldred opened the penguin's mouth and peeked inside.
"There's nothing."
He released the penguin and it glared at him. "PONGO!"
"Where the hell did you store all those things. Don't tell me you have a divine dimension like mine."
"Pongo pongo." The penguin shook its head.
"Whatever. Let's go to sleep."
Suddenly, Mary said: "Before that, Aldred, can you turn into an adult version of yourself?"
"I can." Aldred morphed into adult size. He looked just like his father, Hujarar, handsome, graceful,
tall, and athletic. He wasn't too big nor was he too small.
The four of them were mesmerized by his appearance.
"Aldred, you're so handsome," Sophia said as she kissed him on the lips. "You look better in adult
"Really?" Aldred blushed.
"Yeah." Mareona pounced on him.
Even Mary was enticed and she moved her hands around his chest. She then pulled Mira to get
"What do you think," Mary asked her.
"I think he's handsome," Mira said honestly. She was never one to lie. She put her hands on his
chest and caressed it.
Aldred's body seemed like it was carved by a master. His appearance was something that many
would consider perfection.
So how could they not be charmed by him? They hugged all around him. Mira was in the front,
Mary and Mareona on the sides while Sophia hugged him from behind.
Now they could hug him properly with him morphing into adult size. He was over 189 CM (6,2
feet) tall. While in his child form, he was just 150 CM (4,9 feet).
Suddenly, Mary moved her hand to his crotch as she kissed his cheek.
His mind was then enticed by her body. She had an amazing figure with plump breasts. Aldred
reached out to Mira's firm ass instinctively. Mira blushed and let herself fall to his chest.
He grabbed Mareona's boob while Sophia licked his ear. Mary and Mareona took off their clothes
and showed their breast to him. Mary was a bit shy about this, so Aldred helped her undress.
"Are we sure to do this?" Mira asked.
Mary and Mareona looked at her weirdly.
"Isn't it normal for a ten-year-old to have a sexual relationship?"
"Eh?" Mira was shocked to see another culture shock. But she understood that. Soldiers and slaves
died all the time, so the Ceraisian Empire need to replenish their populations. Although a child
being married in her country was not rare, it wasn't that common either.
People generally live longer in Montcresia, this led people to make fewer babies, and marriage or
sex at an early age was much less than in Ceraisian.
Even Aldred was surprised to hear that. '10 year old and they can have sex? I hope they have an age
disparity law otherwise it would be terrible.'
Just in case, Aldred decided to ask. "Does the empire has laws regarding the age disparity? For
example, can a 10-year-old marry a 30-year-old?"
"It depends on the gender," Mary said. "A boy can marry someone below 28. While a girl can only
marry someone at her own age or lower."
Aldred scratched his cheek. A weird law, but he was fine with that. Not much he could do before he
defeat the emperor. Although he wasn't sure yet what new law to create.
He'd consult his comrades in the future.
For now. It was a fun time.
Aldred pulled Mary into his embrace and kissed her lips.
"Since all of you will marry me. Can we do it now?"


"Of course," Sophia excitedly said from behind.

While they all agreed, Mira hesitated for a bit.
"If you don't want to, it's okay, Mira. I know you have a different culture in your country."
"Well… It's not rare that boys marry someone older than themselves, but I have never done this
Aldred was slightly surprised. Mira was a nun who test men out of their conviction using her
beautiful body. She kept her purity all this time even with that?
What an amazing woman.
"It's okay, Mira. I am new to this as well. I did it once before."
"You have done it before?" Mary asked. How could she not know that?
"Uhhh… Yes, actually."
"With who?" Mareona asked.
Aldred did not want to lie. "The empress."
"So, when she invited you into the barrack, both of you done it there?" Mareona asked.
Aldred nodded.
"No wonder you act so suspiciously back then," Mary said.
"You naughty boy." Mareona softly hit his chest.
"How did that happen?" Sophia asked.
"We were just in the moment, and next thing we know, we did it."
"In that case, we have to do it." Mary kissed him on the lips.
And they all began their foreplay. Mira blushed. She pulled out Aldred's pants and she ran his rods
up and down with her soft hands. Because they were in the water, her hands moved without any
Sophia licked down his neck. Aldred's hand moved and squeezed on Mareona's boob, making her
She smiled and moved Aldred's hand to her wet maiden. Her moan rang clear to his ears when he
fingered her deep.
Aldred's charm intensified and he looked hotter in the four women's eyes. This made them blush
and moaned even harder. Aldred couldn't stand it anymore and told Mira to put his rod inside her
With only a second of hesitation, Mira slightly moved her panties to the side and rode on his rod.
Mira squirmed when her butt landed on his thigh. She grabbed his shoulder and started moving up
and down.
"This feels so good. No wonder a lot of people are willing to fall to their emotions." She looked at
Aldred with a slutty look. "Aldred, you must not fall into temptation. Do not sin for a moment of
pleasure. Promise me."
"I promise."
Mira smiled and started going faster. Aldred slowly increased the length of his rod, slowly inching
up inside her pink maiden.


The sensation of four women 'taking care of him' was simply amazing and bliss. Aldred let out a
small moan.
Suddenly, he felt like he wanted to shoot. So he hugged Mira, enlarged his rod into her womb, and
injected all his seeds into her.
"Aaahhh. Aldred. Aldred." She breathed profusely while calling his name.
Mira sat on the side to rest. Aldred stood up and grabbed Sophia before ripping her clothes. Sophia
let out a small naughty scream as he did that.
"May I?" Aldred asked.
"Sure, Darling."
Aldred turned her around and pushed her slightly so she put both hands on the ground. Her
beautiful butt was all bare for him to see. And under it was her beautiful, hairless heavenly cave.
He went in for the kill, grabbing both peaches, and then ramming his rod inside. Sophia moaned.
Mary and Mareona stood. He grabbed both of them and kissed them as he rammed his rod inside
Their busty bombshells pressed again his chest. Their nipples tickled his skin. He lifted Mary with
one hand. His strength let him do that, and then he sucked on her nipple.
"Oh, Aldred. You're still a boy after all." She smiled and kissed his forehead before moaning as
Aldred sucked on harder.
Mareona was biting and licking his neck. Not wanting to keep both girls waiting for too long,
Aldred elongated his rod into Sophia's womb before spurting all of his seeds inside.
She moaned before weakly resting on the side of the bath with a delightful smile on her face.
Aldred put Mary down and then grabbed Mareona's hips. "I've been wanting to do this since we're
in the Jovial Harlequin."
"Me as well," Mareona said. "I was afraid you might not like me."
"Of course, I like you." With both hands on her hip, Aldred inserted his rod into her cave while
standing up. Then he moved her back and forth, ramming his manhood inside.
Mary smiled and hugged him from the back. "Are you intentionally leaving me last?"
"I am sorry, Mary. I will compensate you for that."
Actually, he wanted to give Mary more. She had done so much for him, and he still remembered her
saving him from that wolves.
He felt bad for the others, but Aldred felt like he should give Mary a little more.
Mareona blushed and moaned in his chest. Every time his manhood reached the entrance of her
womb, her moan rang out.
His stick went deeper and deeper inside Mareona with each powerful push.
He then turned her around so he could pound on her ass while standing up.
Mareona couldn't describe the pleasure she felt at this moment. It was unbelievably good for her
peaches to be pounded by Aldred. She felt his warmth and love inside of her.
She was not sure if she could sit properly after this, but Aldred's rod inside her body was the only
thing that occupied her mind.
Aldred tightened his grip on her blushing peaches and rammed his rod deeper. It elongated and
penetrated the entrance of her womb.
"Here I go, Mareona."
"Yeah, Pour it all on me!"


The sticky white liquid shot inside of her, giving her heavenly warmth and pleasure. Mareona
moaned louder, and then let herself slowly fall to the ground.
Aldred then grabbed onto Mary. "Mary, Can I?"
She lightly tapped his cheek. "Didn't I tell you not to ask for permission?"
He smiled and put his fingers inside her maiden spot. Mary slightly moan and grabbed onto his
shoulders for support, blushing.
"Aldred, why are you so good at this."
Aldred smiled and kissed her neck. "I am a natural."
In reality, his godly eyes helped him in finding all of their good spots. All of his movements were
done with the help of the godly eyes which was how they experience a pleasure never before.
Mary was now in bliss. She didn't expect being fingered by Aldred would be this good. At this
moment, she wished for it to be forever.
She looked at Aldred who was looking at her lovingly. Juices came out of her maidenhood, wetting
Aldred's finger.
"Are you ready, Mary?"
Mary didn't answer and instead ducked down before sucking on his shaft.
"Eh, what are you doing?"
She did not reply and kept on sucking and licking his rod. The sensation of her licking his rod was
Aldred felt the warmth of her mouth as she carefully not to hurt his rod with her teeth. She was so
cute as well while she doing it.
Mary bobbed her head up and down, bringing the rod deep into her throat. She licked and slobbered
it with saliva. Aldred couldn't hold it anymore and grabbed her head before moving it back and
He moaned slightly before putting it all inside her throat and injecting a shower of seeds into her. It
filled up her mouth completely.
She choked slightly, but Aldred quickly pulled his rod. Mary stood up, licking the seeds that trailed
on her lips.
"Now, I am ready."
Aldred smiled and grabbed onto her before they slowly descended on top of the mat right beside the
hot bath. Both of them lay on the mat. He turned her around and pulled her beautiful butt before
fingering her from behind.
"Does that feel good, Mary?"
Mary moaned. "Yes."
He fingered her harder and harder making her moan even more and she quickly experienced an
orgasm. That was when Aldred put his rod inside of her from behind.
He raised her left leg and then rammed his stick inside of her.
Mary felt his love tool inside of her moving so quickly and hot. She felt bliss and pleasure. It was
wonderful, and she moaned uncontrollably. Aldred wrapped her neck with his hands and kissed her
while ramming his rod. He released his hands it occasionally to let her breathe.
After a while, he shot his rod up into her womb and injected her with more seeds than usual.
Mary moaned in pleasure, but he wasn't done yet. He turned her around, get on top of her, and
pushed her legs wide.
"Aldred… Aahhh."
He put his rod inside again and sucked on her nipple while he was on top of her. Mary hugged his
head while she moaned throughout. She was blushing heavily. The sensation of having his big rod
inside of her was so arousing and amazing.

Aldred felt her maidenhood become tighter and it hugged around his rod even more like it wanted
for his rod to stay there.
He fulfilled her wish by fucking her till the sun broke the night sky. Aldred then put her down as she
breathed profusely and slept on his arm instantly. The other girls came and slept around him as well.
After his, Aldred woke up with new energy. He felt something powerful was moving within him.
Mary and the others were still sleeping.
When he checked his notification, he was surprised.
[Racial Ability Unlocked: Dream Manipulation]
[Racial ability unlocked: Emotion Manipulation]
'What kind of racial ability is that?'
[Hell Demon]
Since ancient times, demons have always swayed and manipulated emotions in almost any sentient
creature. Emotions are the driving force of many. Only those who have a strong will could fight
against their own emotions.
-Increase resistance against emotion alteration by 250%
-Increase vitality by 94%
Aldred was speechless. He got so many skills these last few days. Hopefully, he wouldn't earn any
more new skills because he wanted to master the ones he had first.
But this one was a racial ability. Interesting. So his father could manipulate emotions? He tried to
comprehend his new skills and studied them inside his mind.
He learned a couple of things. First, the ability wasn't that potent. If he wanted to calm down a
raging person using this ability, he had to time it right, and the spell must not be overused or it
wouldn't work at all.
The rules to achieve success with emotional manipulation were quite hard.
No wonder the demons were having a hard time. Aldred laughed. With religions as their enemy, the
demons must be crying every time they tried to convince a person to sin.
But the fact that countless people sinned despite the teaching and guidance of religions was quite


This meant that demons had mastered the art of persuasion, trickery, and lies.
'Lying is easy. But for someone to believe that lie is the hard part.'
To conclude his observation of this spell; the spell worked in a subtle way, so a raging man wouldn't
turn calm all of a sudden.
But that could change if he leveled it up. He didn't want to cast this spell on his comrades though,
because it would feel unnatural.
This ability could be useful in negotiations. Next time he sold his hot bath service, he might get a
better price.
Aldred smiled. 'I can also convince a lot of women to be my harem. Just kidding. I will not do such
an evil thing. Love must come naturally after all.'
Dream manipulation was much simpler. In simple terms, he could control someone's dream. He
could give them nightmares or wonderful dreams.
Aldred looked at his women. He then glanced at Mary and decided to give her a wonderful dream.
Her smile brightened. He couldn't see what dream she had yet, but it must be a wonderful one.
In the future, if he continued to evolve, the skill might let him see their dream.
Aldred gave them all a wonderful dream which made them smile.
After a while, his women woke up, he greeted them with a good morning.
Mira smiled and kissed him on the lips.
He was still in his adult form, so the sight of him must have enticed her because she was blushing
red right now.
Mareona, Mary, and Sophia kissed him and hugged him. They blushed in his chest, but they
enjoyed the moment.


"Thank you for yesterday," Aldred said. "I felt really good."
They let out a small giggle.
"We felt good as well."
Sophia wrapped her hands around his neck and kissed him.
Then they all went kissing and hugging each other for a little while before exiting the tent.
Aldred went back to his ten-year-old body. Although he liked his adult form, it was quite
uncomfortable to use for long.
He understood though. Because he was too used by this body, even using it in fighting, his adult
form became slightly unnatural to his brain.
Mary and the others were fine with his decision to change. It was merely appearances anyway.
Though they do prefer it if Aldred would turn to adult form when they were 'having fun'.
"Bartrem, what's the menu today?"
"You're going to like this. We got omelets, bacon, hams, pork sausages, fried potatoes, and pancakes
with blueberry syrup."
Aldred's eyes lit up, and he quickly grabbed a plate, but not for himself.
He told Mary and the others to sit down, and then gave them a plate of food.
They were surprised by this act of service.
"You don't have to do this, Aldred. We can take our own food."
"I know. But I still want to do it."


Mareona smiled and kissed him. "You're starting to become a gentleman now."
The female soldiers seeing this slightly hit their partner, disappointed for not being treated as such.
The males could only blink in confusion at their nagging.
'What do we do wrong?'
That didn't apply to Jeffery. He had 4 women feeding him food.
He was blushing and looking down in embarrassment while they fed him.
"Last night was fun, right, Jeffery? I hope we can do it again, but you know, without the pp
Joseph on the other hand ate alone. Tears fell on his plate.
But shockingly, a beautiful female soldier approached him. She was blushing shy. "I've been
looking at you for a long time. Will you be my partner in this journey?"
For a moment, the female soldier looked like an angel in Joseph's eyes. And without hesitation…
"Yes. Of course."
After seeing Jeffery being fed on by girls, Mary, Mira, Mareona, and Sophia decided to feed Aldred
as well.
He simply smiled and accepted before feeding them back.
After breakfast, the soldiers immediately went to train themselves. Even though they were high up
in the mountain and the wind was terrifyingly cold, Aldred had heated up the area around here by
burning some flames, so the cold wasn't that bad.
"Do all of you want to train?" Aldred asked them.
Mary nodded. "Sure. I don't wanna be rusty."


Mira, Mareona, and Sophia agreed as well. They trained for a while with Aldred guiding them. With
his godly eyes, he could see imperfection in their techniques, movement, posture, and very much
He put his hands on 'special' places during the guidance. You know, like a proper coach.
Aldred and the others finished their training and sat down to rest. Suddenly, a group of people with
luxurious armor approached him.
"Hey, I heard you guys are selling hot baths. We have some treasures that might be worth your
eyes." The man who seemed to be their leader showed Aldred two scrolls.
"Hmmm. That's it? I need more than that."
"This is all I have."
Aldred narrowed his eyes. This guy wanted to play with him? Humph. A perfect time to try that new
ability then.
He activated the spell slightly. 'Emotion Manipulation.'
The man blinked.
"I am not sure I can give you the hot bath with just that."
The man hesitated. Aldred saw his chances and activated the spell again. His godly eyes helped him
in reading his expression.
The man looked at him and nodded. "I have a couple more." The man took a majestic-looking
shield and a few other weapons.
Aldred smiled. "I would need a little more than that. A hot bath in this people-killing environment
can be very expensive. In fact, I am already kind enough to give you a discount."
Bartrem could only look in silence at how shameless the boy had become. 'You're not giving him a
discount. You're ripping him off.'
The treasures already shown by the man were already of high quality and normally enough for
Aldred to give him a hot bath. Bartrem didn't know why the boy asked for more.
"Fine," the man said before taking more treasures.
Aldred took all the treasures with a grin. "A pleasure making business with you."


He combusted a hole with flames and added water to it. "That is your hot bath. Enjoy your time in
The man and his group walked a distance for the hot.
"Hehe. I got him good."
"Aldred, you mustn't do that." Mira grabbed both of his cheeks and stared at him. "It's not good to
trick people."
"I am not tricking him, Mira. We are merely negotiating, and it's just lucky that he considers the hot
bath to be worth that price. But I think it's worth that price as well. Have you seen how many people
died frozen because of the wind? Staying alive for a couple of treasures is worth it, don't you
Mira hesitated.
"Treasures are simply tools, Mira. They cannot be compared to lives. That man might lose a lot of
comrades on the way here. That is why he is willing to trade so many treasures for the warm bath."
Mira sighed. "You're right, Aldred. But next time, don't price the hot bath too much. It doesn't cost
you much to create one right?"
Aldred shrugged and smiled. "Okay, Mira."
Mira then glanced at the poor adventurer who was shivering in the wind. She sighed once again in
pity for their life.
'What a person would do for their ambition.' She thought to herself as she saw one person had his
fingers turned blue-gray from the cold.
Aldred could see ice crystals forming in the finger's veins, blocking the blood flow. 'Those fingers
are no more. They had to be amputated.'
It was a pitiful sight to see the man slowly dying in the cold, but he brought it to himself when he
decided to climb this mountain.
A man must own up to the consequence of his action.
He glanced to the side and noticed Mira was crying. "Mira, why are you crying?"


"They're in so much pain. And there's nothing I can do to help them. They are our competitors. I
understand that, but I cannot help but feel sadness for their pain."
Aldred could only applaud for her innocent heart. 'Mira is a person who would cry at the suffering
of others.'
Such a high level of sympathy made him feel slightly shameful of himself. Compared to her, Aldred
was a piece of shit human being.
"We can help them," Aldred said. "There's more than one astrolabe, and it's not like we would lose
against them. Isn't that right, Bartrem?"
Bartrem nodded. "Aldred has a powerful undead army. We shouldn't be scared of competitors."
"We can afford to help others," Mary said.
Mareona laughed. "We're too tough to be scared."
Sophia hesitated but nodded at the end. She wished the person they helped weren't the kind that
would bite the hand that feed them.
Aldred smiled and flicked his fingers. Suddenly, the whole place was combusted with flames all
around, and the chilling wind disappeared.
The adventurers stopped trembling in the cold and watched in amazement as numerous fire dragons
flew around in the sky.
Aldred decided to have a little fun so he manipulated the flames to create butterflies, grasshoppers,
squirrels, and dragons. They moved around in the area.
The people there were amazed at his mastery over the fire element. It wasn't easy to do all of this at
once. And they also felt the warmth in the air. The ice in their bodies melted. The ice crystals in
their veins melted as well, though some of their fingers still had to be amputated.
The cliff was filled with these fire creatures and Aldred was satisfied with his work.
The adventurers were smiling when the fire animals rubbed their heads on their fingers, giving them
comfortable warmth.
Mira and the others were staring in amazement.


"So beautiful," Mira said. She then hugged him. "Thank you."
Aldred smiled and patted her back. "It's nothing."
One of the adventurer groups approached him. "Thank you for your help. We have nothing much,
but I hope this map will help you in the future."
Aldred looked at the map and noticed that it was much better than the ones he had. He even saw
some markings of dungeons.
"Thank you," Aldred said.
Suddenly, more adventurers came and gave him all sorts of things such as a compass, survival
guidebooks that they wrote themselves, and notes of information about the political situation of
certain regions, the climate of some parts of the continent, and information about some beast and
Aldred was shocked at how much the adventurers knew. They didn't have money or treasures, but
their experience and knowledge were beyond comparison.
A noble who sat on his carriage all day wouldn't know much about the world compared to an
"Thanks, all of you." Aldred smiled.
The adventurers smiled back, satisfied that they could help the boy in some way. They looked at the
flames in the area and smiled in amazement. Some even laughed at their incompetence self. The
boy flicked his fingers once and he saved hundreds of lives with his fire element. Such power was
akin of a god.
Mira was looking at the boy with a sweet smile. "You are so kind, Aldred. With your power and
talent, you can help so many people in the future."
Mareona rubbed Aldred's head. "I am so proud of you."
Mary's eyes were filled with proudness. The boy grew to be a better person because of Mira. She
was glad that they met her and took her along.
Meanwhile, Sophia did not care. As long as Aldred was happy she'd be as well. If he wanted to kill
the adventurer for his amusement, she would support it all the way. Their lives did not matter to her.
Suddenly, a large shadow moved quickly. They all looked up at the sky.


The Bajaragon returned, and this time it seemed annoyed.

The Bajaragon squinted its eyes and belched powerful flames at them.
Aldred was shocked. The distance between them and the dragon was at least a few kilometers, and
yet its flame breath reached them and burned the whole surface.
Aldred snorted and reached out his hand. "Fire Absorption."
All the flames entered his hand, revealing the scared adventurers.
The Bajaragon stared at the boy in anger and a slight shock. How could that boy looking so weak
and frail absorbed his flames? It was the king of flames in this area, so this should be impossible.
Aldred smiled and beckoned at the creature.
Feeling challenged, the Bajaragon dove down. Flame jets shot out from both wings and back.
Suddenly, the wavy hard scales that looked like a crown on top of its head sparked and shining red
orbs materialized around the dragon.
The Bajaragon opened its jaw and belched a concentrated fire jet at the boy. The red orbs glowed
brighter and shot blazing lasers at him as well.
Aldred smiled. "This is interesting. Since you look like a fire dragon, I will fight you with fire as
Aldred opened a wide stance and raised both of his hands. The flames that came towards him were
absorbed, and the blazing lasers were bent, narrowly missing him by an inch.
He then summoned his stick and transformed it into 'Blazing Serpent'. His veins glowed in red as he
thrust his staff into the sky. "Fire Elemental. All Burst!"
Suddenly, all of his fire spells; flame jet, bullets, arrows, balls, javelin, fist, and combustion
activated. They continuously came from the staff and shot at the dragon.


The dragon dodged the arrow and the javelin, but the storm of arrows struck it clean. At first, the
pain wasn't that bad, but the bullets were too much.
Aldred smiled. With his new mastery and the spell fire bullets at level four, his firing speed was
comparable to that of a machine gun. More than 1,500 rounds per minute.
Such an astronomical amount was only possible with a huge mana capacity.
Aldred did not need capacity. His mana was endless.
Fire fist shot towards the dragon-like a large meteor. The longer the distance the larger the flame fist
became, and now its size was more than the dragon itself.
It was terribly battered, but the Bajaragon wasn't planning to sit still. It raised its claws about to
grab onto Aldred.
Aldred had seen its movement long before with his godly eyes, so he dodged the claw easily. The
dragon came slamming, shaking the ground with its weight and power.
It stared at Aldred and roared.
Aldred returned a defiant roar. Both man and dragon fought in close range with raging flames
around them.
The orbs moved around, sending lasers and flame breath at Aldred. The boy absorbed them all and
returned the flames to the dragon.
Raising its claws, the dragon angrily swiped at Aldred. The boy did not back down and swung his
fist at the claws.
The clash between large claws and a small fist created a powerful shock wave that made both
parties take a few steps back.


The dragon was shocked. The boy was just a small creature. How could it make the king of flames
to take a few steps back?
Not only the dragons, but the adventurers were also even more shocked that the boy could fight a
dragon physically.
"Aldred! We will help you!" Bartrem shouted.
"No! Let me defeat the dragon alone!" Aldred shouted with an excited smile. The excitement of
battle entered his body, and he wanted to fight the creature alone.
He pointed at the dragon. "Oy! You want to see who's better at controlling flames?"
The Bajaragon only slightly understood what the boy said, but it did hear the word 'flames'. It took a
deep breath and its whole body was suddenly combusted with white flames that burn bright.
The adventurers even had to squint their eyes from the glaring light.
"Haha! Good good. That's what I am talking about." Aldred combusted himself with white flames
as well. His high mastery of the fire elements let him do a lot of things without learning the specific
spells, though the damage wasn't high.
The Bajaragon charged forward. Aldred as well, sending countless fire bullets at the dragon's face.
The dragon slammed the ground and willed for one of the orbs to attack. The orb came at his face
and shone in bright light.
"Humph! You wanted to explode me? Not in front of me!" Aldred absorbed the explosion before it
could expand.
He then threw a large fire javelin; 5 meters long. It struck the dragon's scaled belly. The javelin only
penetrated a couple of inches through the scales.


"So that's how we're going to play." Aldred raised his palm and summoned his fireball. He willed it
to become bigger.
Aldred smiled. "I am not done yet. Spin."
The fireball spun, creating a hot wind around it.
The Bajaragon stared and snorted small flames from its nostril. It then leaped forward before rolling
towards Aldred. Its body burst into larger flames with the orbs helping the flames become bigger
and hotter.
The Bajaragon was in the shape of a large fireball, rolling towards Aldred at high speed.
Aldred laughed. "I like this guy. I have to make you my undead for sure."
Aldred dashed forward and brought his spinning large fireball forward to clash against the dragon.
The flames of their explosions expanded far and wide, but Aldred quickly absorbed them before
they could reach Mary and the others.
When the flames completely entered his hand, everyone was shocked to see the dragon's head under
the boy's feet.
But what they were more shocked to see was the long swords stabbed into its neck.
The boy laughed in a demonic way. "HAHAHA! You fool! You think I will only use my fire spells
to defeat you?"


Mary and Mareona looked at each other.

"Since when did Aldred turn into this?"
Mary smiled. "That's where you're wrong. He's always been like this."
With the Bajaragon lay under his feet, Aldred was satisfied. This one was truly a fire dragon. Its
control over flame matched him even after all the buff he earned.
That was amazing in its own way, but also scary as Aldred wondered what creatures would he face
the higher he climbed.
That was for later, for now, he had to get stronger to prepare for the future.
Aldred glanced at the sword that penetrated the dragon's neck. He grabbed the handle tight and
pulled it out.
With a quick slash, Aldred cut a piece of the dragon and then ate it. When he chewed, he didn't
expect the meat to be quite chewy.
But something surprising happened.
[+4 strength]
Eating this meat increased his strength?
[User, cooking this meat will give you more benefit]
'Is that so? In that case…'
He glanced at Bartrem and the others. "Guys, we're making dragon Kebab!"
The soldiers cheered and prepared the cooking supplies.
Aldred looked at another panel that popped out.
[Analyzing… success. You have obtain the gene for Bajaragon. From now on, you can transform
into this beast and use its racial attributes]
[Gene: Bajaragon]
-Fire breath
-Fire body (Basking itself in flames)


-Fire orbs (Floating fire orbs that can shoot out jets of laser and even explodes)
-Fire jet
Aldred smiled and morphed into a Bajaragon. He was a gigantic red dragon with a majestic crown
on top of his head. His feet leaped off ground and his wings flapped, soaring him into the air.
He also noticed his mastery over fire increased exponentially. His eyes glowed bright red, and
suddenly, the sky around him exploded in flames.
Opening his mouth, Aldred activated fire breath. The flame belching from his mouth was nothing
but spectacular. It was like the flame that came out from a spaceship as it tried to escape the earth.
He also summoned the fire orbs that could cast fire spells on their own.
Now this was what he would call a dragon. With hard scales and high control of fire, the Bajaragon
was a beast among beasts.
Aldred soared in the sky, did a barrel roll, and dove into the ground. When he landed, his feet let out
a small wave of flames.
Bartrem approached him as he morphed into his normal form. "Aldred, how are you going to turn
this creature into an undead if we cook it?"
"I only need a small part of it." Aldred slashed the Bajaragon to pieces, leaving half of its body. He
can also turn it to undead first and then cut its meat within the real form, before summoning it back
He raised his hand. "Arise."
The blob of darkness engulfed the red dragon. It squirmed around and enlarged before the menacing
Bajaragon stepped out with flames coming out of its nostril.
The dragon bowed. "Master."
"Your name shall be Teethless."
Bartrem raised an eyebrow. "But this thing has sharp teeth."
"That's the thing. When I call it teethless, people would think it has no teeth, and not be scared."


Bartrem glanced at the demonic appearance of the beast. 'Even without teeth, I don't think anyone
would dare to approach it.'
The dragon bowed deeper. "This Teethless is at service.
"Turn to your real form for a second."
The dragon morphed to its real form, then Aldred cut it down for its meats. The dragon was
summoned again. It was confused as to why the master cut it down.
"Bartrem, please make a kebab of these meats."
Bartrem nodded. "Let's get to cooking then."
Aldred and Bartrem walked to the camp. The boy willed the dragon to disappear because he was too
big to keep around as a cat.
Pongo came out of nowhere and tried to take the meat.
"Hey, we're making kebab out of this, so wait for your turn."
Mareona, Mary, Mira, and Sophia were there to help. They had olive oil, paprika, cumin powder,
pepper, salt, onion, tomato, and flatbread.
Without Aldred's divine dimension, there was no way they would bring all of these supplies. The
best they could do was hard bread that could last for six months.
But since Aldred's dimension was so large, they could keep a lot of supplies, and some of them were
cooking ingredients.
Aldred didn't complain. The food he ate tasted good and he was satisfied. It was better to bring
more food and ingredients than treasures.
If the boy said that to the adventurers, they would agree with him partly. They knew what good food
did to their mood, and how it could affect the journey, but of course, they couldn't afford to bring a
lot of ingredients on their journey.
Most of the time, they only brought salt and hard bread. But those who had experience and
knowledge in culinary could keep food tasty and edible for months even if they had to take supply
problems into account. This type of adventurers was the best to travel with as they had the best food
with minimal ingredients.
"Congratulations, Aldred." Mary and the others smiled and clapped.
"For defeating that dragon? Nah, it's nothing."


"That dragon is so powerful. How could it be nothing?"

"Alright, maybe I deserve some praises."
They all giggled and hugged him.
While they hugged and kissed him, they did not know that a powerful being was staring at them
from above.
Sat upon her seat, Stella was staring at a mirror, showing a live image of Aldred hugging the four
women after defeating the Bajaragon.
"It's that snobby boy. Why is everyone trying to ruin my peace now? Even the mountain doesn't
allow me to use my power to throw them off."
Stella was angry, but then she saw the boy morphing into a handsome, graceful man. Her eyes
widened and her cheeks turned rosy red.
He looked like the man of her dream, very similar to the one that came in her wet dream these last
few nights.
"How could it be? Is he the one I've been dreaming of?" She zoomed in on his face and blushed
harder. When the man hugged and kissed the girls, Stella squirmed, imagining it was her that was
being hugged and kissed.
She shook her head to drive the thought away. "That boy has great potential. With his power, he
might help me to find the main continent."

As everyone was cooking, Sophia sat on his lap. Aldred was in his adult form now, otherwise, she
wouldn't be able to sit on his lap.
She was squirming around which made her panties rub against his little brother.
"Aldred, will we do it again, like last night?"
"Eh, you want to do it again?"
Sophia nodded. "I want to do it tonight. Last night, I wasn't satisfied."
The soldiers hearing this turned beet red. What the hell did they do last night?
Making a kebab was simple. First, marinate the meat, cook it, and then wrap it with flatbread.
They added the tomato slices, vegetables, and other toppings according to their liking.
Aldred was enjoying a kebab with his Mary, Mira, Mareona, and Sophia.
"Guys, did you notice that Bartrem is becoming better at cooking?" Aldred said.
Mareona nodded. "I still remember the day when you guys cooked fish without any seasonings."
"Yeah. Now he can make a delicious kebab."
"Maybe he started to find love in cooking since we have a lot of chances to cook during our travel,"
Mira said.
Aldred chomped onto the kebab. The soft flatbread, the meat, and the vegetables, all at the same
time were dancing on his tongue. The fragrant smell enticed his stomach to eat even more.
[+40 strength]
[+40 Vitality]
Wow. That was a lot. Aldred checked his attributes.
-Strength: 134
-Vitality: 162
-Intelligence: 326
-Dexterity: 84
Stat points: 0
Skill points: 0


Satisfied with the numbers, he checked his health points.

Health Points: 1,360/1,360
Aldred smiled and ate his food. Unfortunately, the food only increased his attributes once. So the
food cannot increase his attributes anymore. Maybe because it could only increase so much before it
wasn't effective on him no more.
But as he enjoyed his kebab, Sophia kissed him on the lips. She then hugged his right arm.
"Sorry, Aldred. You're just too handsome. I cannot resist myself."
"It's getting cold out here," Mareona said. "Let's grab some kebab and eat it inside the tent.
"Good idea. Bartrem, we'll be taking some more and eating inside."
Bartrem nodded and pointed at the table with stacks of kebab piling up. "Everyone can come and
take some."
After Aldred took some kebabs, he entered the tent and relaxed in the hot bath.
Sophia approached him and took off his shirt. "It's not good to wear a shirt while in water."
She blushed as she saw his muscles through the transparent water. Her hand moved around his
defined abs, and up to his chest. Her breathing became heavy, and she looked at Aldred with lust.
Sitting on his lap, Sophia purred as she hugged him.
Aldred smiled and caressed her head. "What is it, Sophia. Why are you acting like this?"
Sophia did not say anything and simply stayed in his embrace.
Mary, Mareona, and Mira smiled when they saw her acting like this. They approached and hugged
both Sophia and Aldred.
With four beautiful bombshells women sandwiching him, Aldred felt he was in paradise. Especially
with a big-chested, and voluptuous Sophia on his lap. Her panties were directly above his little
brother. And when she squirmed around, it tingled his rod slightly.
Aldred did not want to complain. He enjoyed this moment.
Mareona caressed his cheek. "What are you thinking, you naughty boy."
"Nothing." Aldred smiled. "I was wondering. Before this, is there any other treasure hunt?"


Mary hugged him and pressed her nippled against his arm. "There is one. But that was more than
one hundred years ago. The one who obtained the treasure failed to reach Adamantite Rank."
"That's it? No other similar event?"
"There's a lot actually." Mary hugged his right arm. "Some do become an Adamantite Rank, but
each side received the same amount, so the balance stays."
Aldred's hand wrapped around Mira's waist and pulled her in. "What about other continents? I know
this continent is very large but is there more continents out there?"
"There is," Mira said. "The pope once met with this person and obtained some knowledge about
their continent. Apparently, there are so many continents out there, but getting there is not easy."
"What's the biggest roadblock?" Aldred asked as he squeezed Mira's ass.
She moaned slightly before replying. "Supplies. Depending on the wind, the speed of their ship will
affect how many supplies they consume."
"That will not be a problem for me then."
"Are you planning to visit the other continent?" Mareona asked.
Aldred grabbed her boob and squeezed which made her blush.
"I plan to have an adventure after I conquer the empire. But this continent has a lot to explore, so I
think I will be here for a while."
"You will take us with you, right?" Sophia asked with teary eyes."
Aldred's hand went to her panties and felt the warmth coming out of it. "Of course, I will."
Sophia blushed and hugged him.
Aldred pushed her slightly and ripped her Gothic dress. He squeezed her boobs hard before
showing his fangs and biting her neck.
Sophia felt a tinge of pain only for a short moment before a wave of pleasure washed all over her
body. She felt her ass being grabbed, and she moaned in pleasure. While doing all these, Aldred
hadn't stopped sucking her blood.
With his vampire race evolved, Aldred could now feel more clearly the blood that moved in her
veins. Her heart was visible to his eyes, and it beat faster the more he squeezed her boobs and ass.
But other than that, Aldred could also feel her emotions. Pleasure, desire, love, lust, and the feeling
of being safe when she was with him. She was feeling safe in his embrace and knew that she would
be loved. Aldred was glad she felt that way.
When he finished sucking her blood, Sophia weakly fell on his chest, and her body became warm.


[Evolution: 18/100]
That was a good number.
"Aldred, take me with you." She tightened her arms around his neck. "Take me wherever you go."
Aldred smiled. "I will."
Sophia smiled and got off to let the other women take a turn.
This time, it was Mareona who sat on his lap with a smile on her face.
"I have been wanting to ask. Are you guys okay with sharing me?"
Mary and Mareona looked confused.
"It's normal for a man to have more than one wife," Mira said. "My religion used to have a rule that
one man can only have one wife, but that rule changed a few decades ago."
"To fight against Ceraisian's growing numbers of soldiers. When a male has more wives, he had
more children which produced more soldiers for the army. The pope noticed this and reformed the
Aldred nodded. That made sense.
Mary and Mareona did not know that. They thought it was normal from the start. Mary felt like her
knowledge wasn't enough. She read many books yet did not realize that a man can't have more than
one wife in some places.
She should read more in the future.
"Anyway, why does the pope make a rule that one man can only have one wife before?" Mary
"To have a better quality of children. When a man only has one wife, and a low number of children,
they can put more resources and attention on them. But with more wives and children, the father
only had limited resources to split. This is why only knights are allowed to have more wives. Other
people still can do it, but they wouldn't receive any government money to help raise these children
to discourage having more wives."
"So only soldiers and rich people have a lot of wives and children?" Aldred asked.
"Correct. Rich people have the resources to raise a lot of children, and most of them are smart when
they grow up. That wasn't the case for poor people. The pope worked hard in creating an education
system for poor children. Not much can be done, but at least they could read and write."
Mary was amazed. "All of them can read and write?"


"What's special about that?" Aldred asked.

"Peasants generally couldn't read or write. They only know one thing; farming. Usually, only
nobles, soldiers, and scribes could read and write. The empire thought it was a waste of time to
teach them those two skills."
Aldred scratched his cheek. "What an interesting world we live in."
"Enough about that." Mareona started to undress. "Aldred, suck my blood."
"And you always said I am naughty."
"Shut up or I will hit you."
Aldred smiled. "Alright." He sucked on her nipple and squeezed her firm ass. Mareona was a petite
girl with smooth and soft breasts. Her hips were amazing as he put his hands on them. Her slender
fingers held on to his shoulders as she moaned in pleasure.
"I told you to suck my blood. Why are you sucking my nipple?"
"I am thirsting for milk." Aldred sucked on harder and milk finally came out. It was tastier than
before; not too sweet, not too bland, it was just right.
Her heavenly liquid leaked out when Aldred pulled out his lips and then licked the other nipple.
Mareona caressed his head with rosy cheeks.
"You really like milk, huh… Such a baby boy."
Aldred squeezed harder. With his adult form, the breast was now fit in his hand, and Mareona felt
more pleasure than before. After kneading and weaving her breast however he liked, Aldred stopped
drinking her milk and went for her neck.
"Here I go."
Mareona nodded and pulled his head to her neck. She closed her eyes, and the tinge of pain came
before pleasure came in a large wave. Her whole body squirmed, and she couldn't help but move
around on his lap.
Her panties rubbed against his little brother, and she could feel it at the entrance of her maiden spot.
After sucking her blood, Aldred let her fall into his embrace before sucking her milk. Mareona was
moaning weakly before she got off his lap.
[Evolution: 35/100]


Mary quickly sat on his lap. "I will not let you make me last again." She glanced at Mira. "Sorry,
Mira smiled. "It's fine."
Aldred smiled as well."I am sorry, Mary. For making you last.." He ripped her clothes and squeezed
her breast.
Mary had a perfect round butt, curvy hips, blue eyes, and short black hair. She looked so beautiful
with her slender neck, but before sucking her blood, Aldred wanted to enjoy her first.
He grabbed her waist and moved her around. Her panties rubbed against his little brother, and
Aldred enlarge it slightly so she could feel it at the entrance of her maiden spot.
Mary blushed and put her hands on his shoulders. "You're torturing me, Aldred. You know how bad
I want it inside me."
Aldred giggled and pounced on her nipple.
Mary smiled. "I still remember the first time you drink my milk on that carriage. It's weird now that
I look at you in your adult form. It's like you grow too fast."
Aldred did not reply and instead grabbed on Mira's boob as he sucked on Mary's milk. He was
multi-tasking right now.
Mira was moaning from the firm grip on her boob. Aldred squeezed her hard, and she moaned
uncontrollably with her maiden becoming wet.
Aldred sucked on both Mary's nipples for half an hour, before he squeezed her ass and then bit on
her neck. He grabbed her right boob and squeezed her nipple as he drank her blood. Milk squirted
out of her nipple as she moaned in his embrace.
Mary could feel Aldred sucking on her blood while he squeezed on her breast. It felt wonderful as
she felt Aldred's body warmth over her. He seemed so big now that he wrapped his left hand on her
She felt so comfortable in his chest. She let Aldred do whatever he wanted to her. His hand even
when to her sweet maiden spot a few times, making it wet. Mary blushed. Aldred grew so fast.


She didn't mind that. His adult form was amazing at making her feel good, and she could hug him
After a while of Aldred sucking her blood, Mary felt weak. Aldred seemed to notice that as he
released his fangs and caught her shoulders. She looked at him weakly with a slightly teary eyes.
A notification came.
[Evolution: 66/100]
She saw Aldred looking at her with affection and love. She smiled at him, assuring him that she was
Aldred looked at her short hair and beautiful blue eyes. She looked so beautiful like the first time he
saw her. He recalled her brave moments against the wolf. No matter how many beasts he killed, he
still believe that the large wolf was the toughest because Mary saved her from it.
Mary weakly leaned forward and kissed his lips, inserting her tongue and playing around inside his
His pants bulged, touching her panties even more. Mary wrapped her hands around his neck and
deepened her tongue play. Her busty boobs pressed against his chest as they played for a while.
After they were done, Aldred grabbed Mira for her to sit on his lap. When she moved around, he felt
his little brother move on her bare maiden spot. That was because she did not wear any underwear
at all.
The juices leaked out and poured onto his pants inside the water. It was warmer than the hot bath
which Aldred did not mind at all.
In fact, he enjoyed it.
She stared at him affectionately with her deep green eyes. Aldred caressed his graceful blonder hair
and petite face. His left hand quickly moved behind her waist and grabbed onto her plump ass. His
right hand snapped to her left breast and he squeezed at the same time.
Mira felt his hand all over her sensitive spot. She moaned and hugged his neck before biting on his
ear. His hands kept on squeezing her breast and ass. Her heart beat faster from the pleasure.
After a moment, she felt Aldred bite her neck, and she felt a tinge of pain before pleasure came in.
Aldred was ravaging her with his hands all over her body. He ripped her dress and moved his
fingers on her skin.


He even moved his fingers down to her maiden spot to play a little bit, and then came back up.
When he finished drinking her blood, Aldred received another notification.
[Evolution: 100/100]
[You have completed the requirement to evolve]
[Baron Blood Vampire has been upgraded to level 2. Please reach level 10 to achieve evolution]
[Baron Blood Vampire Lv. 2]
-Increase strength by 70%
-Increase vitality by 70%
-Increase in blood mastery by 80%
Aldred was satisfied with his increase in evolution. But another notification came unexpectedly.
[For indulging in pleasure, you have evolved from 'Hell Demon' to 'Baron Hell Demon']
[You have received a new skill 'The Eye of Nightmare']
[Eye of Nightmare]
By looking at the enemy of the target, you can trap them in a painful illusion that can kill their soul.
After the feeding session, Aldred put his rod inside each of them until night came and they went to
They woke up the next morning. The dice hanging on their waist glowed, and it showed the green
shining arrow pointing towards a new direction.
Aldred kissed Mary, Mira, Mareona, and Sophia good morning before they exited the tent. He
morphed back to his child form.
Bartrem and the soldiers looked at their dice. The arrows pointing up.
"We got a new direction," Bartrem said.
Aldred nodded. Suddenly, a large shadow cast shade upon them.
"Another Bajaragon?" Bartrem raised his sword.
"Wait," Aldred said, squinting his eyes at the dragon. "It's not here for us."
The dragon landed and belched flame at the adventurer. They screamed as their bodies were burned
to crisp. But there was one group with a viking helmet and a wooden shield that blocked and
survived the flame.
They throw their large axe at the dragon, pushing it back. And then they threw ropes tied into stones
to wrap the dragon's legs.
"Neck!" Two vikings threw ropes around the dragon's neck. They pulled to tighten and the other
vikings came helping them.
The dragon was held in place, and a larger viking, with a larger axe, leaped into the sky and
slammed the dragon's head.
The Bajaragon fell with an axe on its head. And suddenly, the dice on their waist glowed, pointing
"They're the viking men," someone said.
"Viking men? The ones that people called the dragon hunters?"
The man nodded. "Look at their equipment. Those armors are made from dragon scales, and their
axe as well. All of their equipment is handcrafted using dragon materials. No wonder they can block
the flame breath of a Bajaragon."


Aldred and the larger viking stared at each other for a moment. They did this from a distance, both
parties knew that they matched in strength.
The viking defeated the dragon much faster than him, but that was because Aldred did not use his
full power from the start. He was sure he could defeat the dragon faster if he tried.
Aldred put all the supplies in his divine dimension and morphed into a Bajaragon.
"Hop on, guys," Aldred said.
"This ability is so convenient," Bartrem said.
"You're just jealous I can make more than 70 girls ride on me, Bartrem. Hahaha."
Aldred coughed. "Is everyone ready for take-off?"
"Here we go!" Aldred flapped his wings and soared into the sky.
He flew beside the wall of the cliff which he was supposed to climb to get up. But he didn't need to
since he can fly.
He saw a lot of crawling monsters on the wall. Also, some flying monsters were hovering around. If
Aldred did not turn into a dragon, he had to climb the wall and fought all these creatures.
The viking stared at Aldred who morphed into a dragon. Their gaze cannot be read. Nobody knew
what they were thinking.
The adventurers on the other hand could only shake their heads in envy.
After a few hours of flying, Aldred finally arrived at another cliff. He softly landed and let the
others to jump down.
Ahead of them, there was a large thick gate. Aldred guessed they had to go there to continue the
next level.


The arrow on the dice confirmed his suspicion. It pointed directly at the gate.
Aldred was about to walk to the gate, but Bartrem held his shoulder and pointed.
There was an old man with thin clothing sitting on a rock in front of the gate. The wind blew his
long white hair like he was some sort of master. The cold wind did not bother him?
Aldred sent out his undead to pass the old man. It walked slowly, and when it reached five meters
from the old man, a flash of sharp light came slashing at the undead.
It was so quick. Faster than a blink of an eye. The undead was cut apart and it turned into snow and
then blown by the wind.
The old man was still sitting there with his eyes closed.
Only now did Aldred notice a thin blade on the old man's waist.
"Another moving statue?" Bartrem asked.
"No. This old man is a human. Or at least, I think he is a human. But I am sure he is a living being."
Aldred looked at the old man and felt challenged. He wanted to try his swordsmanship against him.
If he did not use his magic to defeat the old man and rely on his sword, his mastery might increase.
"I have decided. I will fight the old man only with sword art."
Mary frowned. "Why?"
"I want to improve my swordsmanship. I have this feeling that if I defeat him using sword art alone,
my comprehension in the art of swords will improve." Aldred summoned his rare-grade sword.
"Sorry, guys. But I will have to take this old man alone."
Bartrem nodded. "All of you prepare to reinforce him."
"No. All of you stay here."

Aldred smiled. He had the divine dimension, and the Ring of Doarus, given by the empress to save
him. Because of the empress' warning, he had never used that ring even once, now he wondered
what magic it had to have such dire consequences.
No, he shouldn't use it right now. Only when he truly needed its power should he use it. Aldred was
scared of its unknown consequence.
He walked to the old man. Aldred smiled at him as the old man opened his eyes. They were frozen
blue in color. And they stared at Aldred with indifference.
"This young one would like to learn," Aldred said.
Surprisingly, the old man spoke: "I am one of the guardians in this place. The only thing you can
learn from me is more ways to die."
Aldred smiled. "Then I shall learn."
The old man said nothing as Aldred charged at him and slashed. Suddenly, the old man disappeared
and appeared right beside the rock.
His right hand was already swinging the sword at Aldred. He could feel the cold wind on his neck,
indicating that the sword will cut off his head.
The boy spun and parried the sword by attacking it from below and pushing it upward using his
He could simply dodge that sword strike, but that would be a mistake because the old man could
change the trajectory of his sword mid-swing.
Aldred wanted that level of mastery in sword art. It was to the point where dodging meant death,
and blocking meant his arms would turn numb.
And yes, Aldred felt numb in both of his arms. But the pain quickly subsided.
A powerful aura burst out of his body. Aldred drew his sword over his shoulder. "Execution Strike!"
A long thin arc of light slashed at the old man horizontally, but the old man simply tapped the light
with his blade, and the light shattered.
And then something shocking happened. A powerful aura burst from the old man's body. When he
slashed, an arc of light came hurtling towards Aldred.
"He's copying my skill." Aldred widened his eyes.
Aldred and the old man continued fighting. Unlike other fights, their clash did not produce any
shock wave that blasted the snow and rocks away. This was because their movement was too
precise, and all of the power and energy was intended to hit the smallest surface area possible.
Of course, if they used their full power, some of that power might leak out and create a shock wave.
Suddenly, the old man moved faster and stabbed Aldred's chest. Aldred spat out blood.
"Aldred!" Mary rushed after him.
"No! Don't come here!"
Aldred slashed at the old man, but he already took a few steps back. He stared at the white-haired
fellow. This guy was too strong. Thankfully, Aldred had already put a plan B.
"Let's fight again." Aldred rushed forward.
The old man stood still, and when Aldred was about to attack, the old man flicked his fingers and
Aldred's head was cut off.
Mary and the others were shocked. Aldred got killed just like that? How was that possible?
"Aldred!" Sophia screamed.
Aldred's body burst into blood, leaving an object behind. The old man bent down to pick it up.
Mary frowned. "Isn't that what Aldred called a vibrator?"
The vibrator shook in the old man's hand, creating weird noises.
The old man frowned and inspected it left and right to know what this device was for. But when it
got closer to its face, a blade suddenly morphed from the vibrator and stabbed the old man's neck.
The vibrator morphed into Aldred and he quickly cut off the old man's head.
"HAHAHA. You old fools! I am better than you."


Bartrem and the others looked at each other. Didn't he say that he would only use sword art to
defeat the old man?
Mary and the others giggled.
"You make us worried, Aldred," Mary said.
"Sorry about that." Aldred grinned. "The one that died was my clone. Seriously, this old man is too
good at using a sword. Thankfully, he did not know that I turned into a vibrator."
Mary was speechless. Aldred could turn into something else, but why a vibrator of all things? Why
not valuable jade?
[Your mastery in the sword art has increased by 400%]
[Because you cheated, your mastery has been reduced to 300%]
"Hey! I am not cheating!"
[You have learned a new skill: 'Martial Copy']
[Martial Copy]
Copy and paste.
'System, I will tell my mother to destroy you if you don't give me a proper description.'
[Sword Art Copy]
User can now copy sword arts just by looking at them. With this skill, even an idiot can be a genius.
Aldred was satisfied with this skill. If his enemy had better sword art, he could simply copy them,
and use them against his enemy.
"So can we enter the gate now?" Bartrem asked.
"I think so." Aldred sent his undead to approach the gate. He wanted to play it safe. One wrong step
on this mountain could kill him.


When the undead arrived, nothing happened to it, and so Aldred and the others approached the gate.
Aldred slashed it with his sword, but shockingly, the gate was undamaged.
He frowned. "Execution Strike!" The arc of light slashed at the gate, but not even a slash mark
"Pongo!" Pongo the penguin vomited a hand grenade and blasted the gate with it, but it didn't work.
"You're so useless, Pongo. If you have a nuclear bomb or something of the equivalent, we might
open this gate," Aldred said.
"Pongo pongo."
"Why are you talking so vaguely? Do you have it or not?"
"Now you don't want to talk to me? You're a weird penguin."
"Maybe we're supposed to push it," Bartrem said.
"Good idea." Aldred summoned his powerful undead to help push the gate.
Bartrem and soldiers were pushing as well. The gate was wide and tall, so a hundred of them could
push the gate at the same time. Yet even with everyone pushing it, the gate did not budge.
Mary frowned and found writing on the ground. "Guys, there's something here." She wiped the
snow to show all of the words.
"Is it a riddle?" Aldred read. "Thickest cloud, coldest wind. Break the dark, and break the skin."
Aldred frowned and looked at the sky. It was covered by thick clouds and the cold wind blew
around. "So we got the thick cloud and cold wind, but what does break the dark and break the skin
"Is it the sun?" Mary asked. "It can break the dark and break the skin."
"That makes sense. The sunlight is largely blocked by these thick clouds and cold wind," Aldred
"What do we do now?" Bartrem asked.


"I know the solution to this." Aldred raised his index finger. "True Sun."
A large fireball appeared above his finger. It spun absorbing the cold wind as it continued to grow
larger and larger. The blazing flames melted the ice and snow around the gate, and at the top, a
transparent crystal absorbed the fireball.
The gate opened.
"Well, that worked." Aldred entered along with the others.
The gate closed down when they all entered, making the cave inside became dark. That wasn't a
problem for Aldred. He summoned numerous fire orbs that glowed the cave bright.
Aldred and the group walked forward and they arrived at what seemed to be a huge circular cave. A
lot of people came from the other tunnel that connected to this cave. They all looked around
wondering where to go from here.
After looking at the dice, Aldred realized that there was nowhere to go but here.
"Should we wait for something to happen again?" Aldred asked.
"Maybe." Bartrem looked around and noticed a man was dragging his subordinate by the head.
"You useless shit! Because of you, all of us almost got killed!" He threw the wounded man to the
"I cannot have you anymore. You better off dead." The man raised his sword with both hands, the
blade pointing down.
The wounded man pleaded: "Please, leader. Don't kill me."
"Too late." He pushed the sword down.
Suddenly, a ding sound came from above. They all looked up, and a crystal glowed. Aldred stared
and noticed there were 127 crystals in total. One of them already glowed in red.
"What do you think, Bartrem?" Aldred asked.
"The crystal glowed the moment someone died in this cave. There is only one crystal glowing right
now, but there's a lot more that hasn't activated yet."


Bartrem frowned. "The answer is obvious. We have to kill until we make all those crystals glow."
The situation inside the cave became tense. Everyone was looking at each other. All of them knew
that it would only take a few seconds before a blood bath ensued.
Aldred looked at them one by one. He had never seen their face before, which meant they came
from a different path than him. This was interesting. A lot of powerful people seemed to climb the
mountain currently, but all of them were scattered on different paths.
One man in majestic red armor clicked his tongue. "I have no time to waste. Kill all of them," he
said to his subordinates who wore the same red armor as him, but less majestic.
"Wait!" A man shouted. "This might be a trap trying to fool us. All this time, we face no challenge
that told us to kill each other."
Some people nodded in agreement, while others still hesitated.
"Fools. It's so obvious." The man raised his whip about to attack.
Maverick widened his eyes. "Ferrant?"
"Did you know him?" Aldred asked.
Maverick nodded. "He's also the son of a count like me."
What he didn't tell Aldred was Ferrant's ability. He was more influential despite their county having
the same strength. Some say it was because of his decisiveness in leadership.
"Does all son of a count this arrogant? First was Byron, and now this guy."
As Ferrant and his subordinates went on a killing spree, the crystals on the ceiling of the cave
continued to glow one by one.
Aldred was planning on doing nothing about him, but the man just had to come after him.
"Die!" Ferrant shouted as his whip came at Aldred's face.
Aldred sighed. Targeting a ten-year-old as your first target… how cruel could someone be. With a
flash of light, the whip was deflected.
Ferrant stared at the boy with widened eyes. 'Did the boy just parry my whip?'


"Ferrant," Maverick called. "This boy is not your match. Look for someone else."
"Maverick? Humph. I know you would try to obtain the treasure. Don't bother to continue. That
treasure will be mine."
Maverick said nothing. He found something better than the treasure. His eyes glanced at the boy
who was still calm.
"Maverick, I will let you live if you don't disturb me."
Maverick sighed. "You don't have the power to say that."
Ferrant frowned. "Are you saying your new friends can defeat me?"
Maverick shook his head. "Just the boy is enough."
Ferrant stared, and then laughed. "I admit the boy is good at parrying my whip, but he will need
more than that to defeat me."
Mira held Aldred's shoulder. "Don't kill him."
Welp, Aldred wanted to kill him, but he didn't want to make Mira sad too much. He had been doing
a lot of killing these past few days.
Ferrant snorted. "Take this, boy!"
The whip was engulfed with a powerful red aura. It slammed at Aldred, sending out dust in the air.
When the dust subsided, everyone was shocked to see the boy holding the whip with his bare hand.
"Imp—Impossible." Ferrant took two steps back.
Aldred smiled and activated his Eye of Nightmare.
Ferrant flinched and his mind entered the realm of nightmare. In his vision, he was suddenly
transported into a dark place with water all around him.


When he saw a large wooden spoon stirring the water, he realized he was in a cauldron. The
wooden spoon was moving by itself, swirling the water around.
The water began to warm, but seconds later, it became so hot that the water started to boil. Bubbles
popped. Ferrant couldn't move, and pain washed all over his body.
"It burns! HOT! HOT! HOT! AHHH!!!"
Everyone was shocked to see Ferrant rolling around on the ground, screaming. Their subordinates
came to his aid, but they didn't know what to do. Ferrant's eyes were hollow, but he was screaming
in so much pain.
Seeing they couldn't do anything for their lord, the subordinates stared at the boy. "What did you
Aldred smiled. "I did nothing."
"Lord Ferrant..." his subordinates called. Some of the magicians enveloped him in healing magic,
and anti-burn magic, but their lord still screaming like he was being boiled.
Maverick, Mary, Bartrem, and the others looked at this scene in slight fear.
Mira on the other hand felt pity for Ferrant. "Aldred, stop this."
Aldred stopped the nightmare, and Ferrant's eyes returned to normal.
"Lord Ferrant," his subordinates called with worry in their eyes.
Ferrant was trembling in fear. He caressed his skin like he was making sure they were fine. When
his eyes looked at the boy, he flinched and looked away.
"I want to go home."
"Eh… but what about the treasure?"
"I don't want it anymore. I want to go home."

His subordinates looked at each other. Lord Ferrant sacrificed many things to climb this far, but
now he said he wanted to go home?
"But, my Lord. You spend a lot of treasure to climb here. Your father will be very mad."
"I DON'T CARE. Bring me home now!"
His subordinates finally relented and brought Ferrant to leave the cave.
Aldred simply smiled when he saw Ferrant did not dare to look in his eyes.
"Aldred, what did you do?" Mira asked.
"It's my new skill. I can give him a bad nightmare. What he feels and experience is simply a
nightmare. It's not real. I don't think anyone could die by this skill."
Mira doubted that. When Ferrant was screaming, she saw his life force flickering like he could die
at any time. This skill was like the tool of a demon to torture its enemies. Mira wanted Aldred to not
use this skill anymore, but she didn't want to control him too much.
She could only sigh and be grateful that Aldred did not kill the man.
Aldred looked at the unlit crystals. He needed to at least kill 12 people to activate them all. "Mira,
we need to kill people or we wouldn't be going anywhere."
Mira bit her lips but eventually nodded.
The other people flinched in fear when Aldred set their eyes upon them. They all saw what
happened to Ferrant earlier, and none of them want to experience the same thing.
But a new group came from a tunnel. It was the vikings earlier. The larger viking seemed to have
upgraded his shield. It was the Bajaragon head.
Aldred was impressed by these guys. They even used the head as a shield.
What he was even more impressed about was the bravery of the large viking. He was staring at
Aldred through his viking helmet.
Aldred smiled. He did not know what beef this man had with him, but he would defeat anyone that
come at him.
Aldred and the viking stared at each other. Both of them were in a stand-off staring contest from a
distance. Aldred thought he would fight them to activate the last 12 crystals, but the other group
started fighting each other, and it took them hours to activate the crystals.
All the crystals glowed and they were making weird sounds. It wasn't a magical-type sound, but a
machine-like sound.
Suddenly, the crystals on the ceiling shattered. And a person in a dark robe slowly descended from
above. His clothes fluttered, and softly, his bare feet landed on the cold hard ground.
Aldred's system did not detect any levels from this person, but the aura he exuded was powerful. He
could see it with his godly eyes.
"This is not something we can fight alone," Aldred said. The viking seemed to notice that as well, as
they warily stared at the man in the robe.
Aldred looked around and noticed there were more people coming in from the tunnels. The total
was around 120 people, but Aldred did not have any confidence in them.
He frowned. It was like the mountain intentionally cut their numbers in half.
The man in robe raised his right hand. It was a weird hand, made out of chaotic red energy. His
whole body flickered with a golden light that put heavy pressure on the room.
And then the man pressed his palm down in a majestic manner.
"Siphon Soul."
Suddenly, white energy was pulled out of the people's bodies, and they fell by the dozens. They
were panicking and quickly cast magic shields.
"Cast shield!"
Sophia and Mira frowned and waved their hands, creating a bubble of protective shield around
them. Maverick threw a parchment that burned in the air, and another layer of transparent energy
enveloped them.
"Did he just suck their soul?" Aldred stared at the man in the robe who absorbed all the white
energy that came at him.
"What a terrifying power."
There was a whirling sound, and Aldred noticed white energy was spinning below his feet.
'Crap!' He dodged to the side, and the white energy burst upward.
He heard screams from other places and noticed that a lot of people were struck by the spell.
Aldred narrowed his eyes. "We cannot stay like this. We have to attack!"
He was about to charge forward, but the vikings beat him to it. They threw ropes at the man in the
robe, but transparent energy burned the rope all the way.


The vikings did not give up and attacked with their axe. The large viking was at the lead. He raised
his large axe and slammed down. A small shield suddenly appeared on top of the robed man,
deflecting the axe.
"Help him!"
Aldred and all the other groups came charging. They had to work together to defeat the mysterious
magician or else they would die. He summoned his undead.
Nicky led the 50 Gold Rank giant snow wolves, while Crook and Brook charged ahead of the 50
Gold Rank snow apes. That was already 100 Gold Rank, and the Elite Gold Rank: Milet, Teethless,
and Will were attacking as well.
The people were more shocked at his undead collection than the magicians, but they were mistaken
because the magician is a lot more powerful. A burst of sand came from the ground, and it morphed
into royal sand soldiers with golden armor and spear.
It rushed against the wave of adventurers and stabbed. Their shield cracked and shattered before
they were thrown a dozen meters away.
"Destroy them!"
They attacked the sand soldiers, blasting them with spells, and weapons. Aldred's undead were on a
rampage; stomping, biting, pouncing, and clawing, they destroyed the sand soldiers one by one.
The magician flinched, but not out of fear, it was like saying; this was the time to show my real
A powerful aura blasted from his person, pushing everyone by a few steps. And then he raised both
palms menacingly as rock pillars raised from below, shooting upward, and slamming their jaws.
His palm went down, and a powerful stream of water came from above like a tsunami.
He spun. A sharp powerful typhoon appeared and created chaos inside the cave. One man was lifted
by the wind, he screamed, kicked, and punched in the air, but then was shredded to pieces.
And then flames burst everywhere. Spinning along with the wind, burning anything and anyone it
Some people wanted to run, but the tunnels were closed using the earth elements. Lightning sparked
in the wind, and like a hammer of god, it struck down at the people below.
Aldred gritted his teeth. He absorbed the fire with his spells and stared at the mysterious magician.
'What power is this? This magician mastered all the elements!"
The large viking roared and swung his axe. Before it could land, the magicians suddenly became
two. He attacked one, but his axe went through the body like the magician was a mere illusion.
"Hold that guy for me!" Aldred rushed ahead and swung his sword. His movement was quick and
precise. The blade went for the neck.
The magician raised his hand and blocked the sword. Aldred noticed that there was a small shield
made out of runes on his palm.
"It's not enough to stop me!" Aldred blasted the man with his flame jet, but a dark-purple circle
appeared in front of the jet, and the flame entered some kind of dark dimension before it was never
to be seen again.


"Space manipulation?" The people widened their eyes.

Not only did the magician control fire, wind, water, and earth, but he also controlled space?
To their shock, the mysterious magician did not stop there. He palmed the air slightly, and time
slowed down. They all could see in real-time, but their body moved like they were in slow motion.
The mysterious magician approached Aldred. He snapped his fingers, and the space was bent,
preventing anyone to see both of them. The magician then lifted his hood, revealing a beautiful
woman with black hair, and green eyes.
"Sister Dina?" Aldred couldn't believe his eyes. "Is this an illusion? Are you trying to defeat me
using incest? Let me tell you that won't work on me! I have a powerful will!"
Dina giggled. "You're still the silly little Aldred I know."
"It's really you, big sister?"
"Of course it is me." She snapped her fingers again, and time literally stopped in the cave.
"Why are you here? How could you be here?"
Dina pouted. "Why? Do you not want me to be here?"
"N—no, that's not what I meant."
Dina hugged him and smiled. "I am joking." She looked at him and caressed his face. "Look at you
all grown up now."
"Sister, I am still 10 years old. I don't think I am grown yet."
She pulled him into her embrace. His face was stuffed with her big breast who was hidden under the
baggy robe. "I miss you so much! I can finally meet you after sneaking out from mom."
Aldred noticed a tear in her eyes. He hugged her back. "I miss you too, sister. I miss you a lot."
Dina giggled. "You little baby boy. Still cute as ever." She pinched his cheeks. "If only I can take
you back. I miss spending time with you in bed, reading books, and enjoying sweets together."
"I miss that too, sister. I miss It a lot. But I have to grow stronger am I?"
Dina sighed. "At first, we simply want to unravel your potential, but now you getting stronger is a
"Dad didn't want us to tell you this, but he's actually in a different dimension."


"Dimension? Not universe?"

"Yes. The fourth dimension specifically. Mother and I don't know what he's doing there, but I
believe he's fighting against something powerful. Father tried so hard to hide this fact from us, but
mother unlocked the mystery little by little through her power."
Aldred frowned. Dina had never used the word 'powerful' before, so this might be serious. "Is he
going there alone?"
Dina shook her head. "He came there along with the thousand gods."
"That's serious."
"I know." Dina felt sad. She preferred Aldred just to stay in the castle without going through these
dangerous adventures.
If only she could replace him, she would. Sadly, she did not have his potential. Not even in the
slightest. In the future, Aldred would shake the multiverse and every dimension in existence.
As Aldred was thinking, he heard a sniffing sound and noticed Dina was crying.
"Sister, why are you crying?"
Dina hugged him. "I feel sorry for you. I don't want you to go through all these."
"I am fine, sister. In fact, I enjoy it. Look at how many friends I met during the journey. They have
been so good to me."
Dina wiped her tears. "I know. We've been watching you."
"Right… you've been watching me." Aldred scratched his head.
"I believe you have watched me eat good food at night as well."
Dina giggled. "Yes. Now you can shape shift, right? You look as handsome as dad in your adult
'Oh shit, she saw that? Damn, how can I act like an innocent baby from now on?'
Dina held his cheeks. "You look so manly, Aldred. It's so sad to see you're not that little baby boy
'No, sister. In front of you, I am still that little baby boy! So love me again!'
"But I love you all the same." Dina hugged him. "No matter how you changed, you will always
have a place in my heart."


She released the hug and kissed him on the lips. "I will go now."
"But before I go. Can you do me favor?"
"What is it, sister? I will do whatever you want me to do."
"Can you transform to your adult form?"
"Uh…. Okay." Aldred transformed to his adult form.
Dina watched his transformation into a handsome well-built man, standing tall at 189 CM. She put
her hand all over him, and asked: "How do your clothes fit you?"
"Uhh… Magic."
Dina shrugged.
"So what do you want me to do?" Aldred asked.
Dina blushed. "Can you also do 'that' to me?"
"That what?"
"You know. 'That'. Like how you did inside the tent."
"You mean sex?"
Dina blushed. "Why are you so direct?"
"But you're my sister."


"It's normal for demons and vampires to marry their own family. After all, the purer the blood line,
the better, so our mom and dad are a rare one, because vampire and demon almost never marry
"The purer the blood line, the better? So that's why I am so weak?"
"Yes. You're a slow grower, but mom said your potential is better than dad, so you will pass him in
the future."
Aldred sighed in relief. He thought he was going to be weaker than them forever. "Wait, sister. You
said marrying family members is normal, does that mean milf and incest is normal?"
"It's not just normal. It's the norm. People will think of you weirdly if you don't marry your family
"Ohh… wonderful."
"What was that?" Dina asked.
Dina put her hands on his chest, blushing. "So… can you do 'that' to me?"
"Anything for my lovely sister."
Dina blushed as Aldred went in to bite her neck. "You evolved quickly."
Aldred did not reply and kept sucking her blood. Her blood taste was so similar to mother's. To this
day, he still remember that divine taste.
Ignoring the notification that came to his eyes, Aldred turned his sister around.
Dina's face reddened. "Aldred, you are so good at this."


"I haven't started yet." Aldred lifted her robes, revealing her snow-white ass in silky black
underwear. Her long smooth legs parted to give way to the heavenly cave.
Her round butt was perky and smooth-looking. It was as beautiful as two beautiful pearls
complementing each other.
"You look so perfect, sister." He wrapped his hands around her slender, curvy waist.
He gently caressed her ass as though it was a fragile jewels. In that moment, Dina's whole body
trembled. Aldred grabbed her butt cheeks with all ten fingers. A wave of pleasure ran through her.
"Uhhmmm!" Dina moaned in a sweet tone, inviting Aldred to keep going. She intentionally
amplified her senses, so she could feel Aldred's touch even more. A tinge of pain mixed with
incredible pleasure as he entered her.
Her mind wasn't in the right place, and she enjoyed what Aldred did to her in the fullest. She wanted
more of him.
Aldred massaged her perky butt. He looked like a master with his hands movement. With his godly
eyes helping him, Aldred knew her sensitive spots. His experience in sword art helped him with his
He had better control over them, and kneaded her butt like a bread master.
"Ahh… Aldred… More…. More, Aldred." The amplified senses strengthened the lust within her.
She only felt this way towards her dad before, but ever since Aldred came, she felt this towards him
as well. She had been holding this for uncountable millennia even though she could ask her dad for
pleasure, she did not do that for she felt like she wasn't worthy of him.
But Aldred was her little brother. She felt like she was worthy of his touch.
Her eyes sparkled with beautiful stars, and her lust grew.
Trembling even harder, Dina felt a tingling sensation on her bottom lips. She felt safe and
comfortable in Aldred's hand. Then she felt something inside her.
"Aldred, keep going. Something… something is coming inside me." She wanted to pee, but she
held it.
Aldred's godly eyes activated, and his fingers slid underneath her underwear, pinching her golden
jewel—The clitoris.


When his finger touched the pink little pearl, Dina felt as if her whole body was struck by a
lightning bolt of pleasure. In that single moment, her mind was shut down, and the muscle that held
the water within her body relaxed, causing a flow of heavenly, sparkling juice to gush out like a
beautiful waterfall.
"Ahhhh!" Dina experienced an orgasm for the first time in her millennium of existence.
Aldred then pulled his pants down and inserted his rod inside her wet cave. He ripped her robe, and
grabbed onto those pair of melons.
Dina breathed profusely every time Aldred pushed his rod inside of her. She squirmed in his
embrace, and slightly moving back and forth as well to increase the pleasure. The muscle inside her
heavenly cave moved to wrap around his rod. She wanted it to hug it tight.
All of this happened while they were standing. Aldred was currently inserting his rod in and out
from behind her while standing. He loved this new position.
"Get it inside me more, Aldred. Get it inside your sister," she said while moaning.
Dina experienced another orgasm which soaked his rod even more. That made the movement of his
little brother to become smoother and quicker. His rod elongated bit by bit.
He wanted to tease his sister by slowly inching up inside of her.
Dina noticed this and smiled. "You little naughty boy. You're teasing me aren't you?"
Aldred squeezed her breast and moved faster, making her let out a small moan. She was huffing and
puffing while he ravaged her body.
"Sister Dina. This is so amazing. Your body is so amazing."
Dina blushed when she was complemented by him. Suddenly, Aldred felt the peak of pleasure, and
thought it was time to let it out. So he increased the length of his manhood and let it penetrated her
womb. He moved back and forth a little inside to tease his sister.
He hugged her, pressing her melons harder. "Do you want it, sister?"
She was breathing profusely, cheeks red as fresh peach. "I want it, brother. Give it to me."


"Your wish shall be granted." He increased the length more, and injected all of his seeds inside.
"Before I leave, do you want to suck my blood again?"
Aldred pulled his pants up, and then bit her neck. After a while he received a bunch of notifications.
[Blood Vampire level up]
[Blood Vampire level up]
[Blood Vampire level up]
[Blood Vampire level up]
[Blood Vampire level up]
[Blood Vampire Lv. 10]
-Increase strength by 86%
-Increase vitality by 86%
-Increase in blood mastery by 96%
Satisfied with the stats, Aldred looked at his sister. "Thank you, sister."
Dina smiled and hugged him. "Mom and I will be waiting for you. You are a strong boy with great
potential. I'm glad that I didn't stop mom and dad from putting you into this adventure. You have to
experience hardship to truly become powerful."
"I understand sister. I will be strong and come to that castle as a new person. But no matter how
much I change, I will still love you all the same."
"Oh… Aldred. You're such a good brother. Mother looking at us now will be so proud."
"She's looking at us? NOW?"
"She's been watching since a few hours ago."


Aldred cleared his throat. "Right, right. It's normal for siblings to do 'that' right?"
"You mean sex?"
"Now you're the one who's being direct."
Dina giggled. "Yes, it is normal. I told you earlier that the weird ones are those who are not doing it
with their own family members. Milf and incest is the norm in vampire and demon race. Although
not all vampires and demons, some vampire race is already so diluted that marrying their own
family members provide no benefit at all. When that happen, they usually look for better bloodline."
Aldred nodded in understanding. So for vampires and demons, bloodline was the most important.
"For humans, women usually look for males that can protect and provide. So healthy, powerful, and
intelligent men can easily find mates. Vampires and demons work slightly different. It was usually
for bloodline which will make their descendants stronger, so in a sense we are quite the same as
Dina smiled. "You haven't seen anything yet, Aldred. In the future, you will meet races with bizarre
mate preferences. Some prioritize appearance, height, build, pp size, and other unique features."
Aldred bitterly smiled. "I think a lot of women wanted the last one."
"For female humans, yeah. In fact, generally a lot of other female races."
"Including vampire?"
"Yes, including vampire." Dina smiled at him meaningfully. Anyway, I will be leaving now. Good
luck, Aldred. We will always be watching you."
Aldred nodded hesitantly. "Yes, watching me…"
He coughed. "Anyway, sister, how did you become a magician of this place."
Dina's eyes moved to the side for a fraction of a second. "I made this contraption, and hid it on the
ceiling." She let out a small giggle.
Aldred blinked and did not say anything. 'Is she hiding something from me? She wasn't part of the
challenge which means the dice shouldn't be pointing towards the crystal in the first place. Maybe
she has magic that can alter it.'
"I see," Aldred said. "But, sis. You said you were adopted. Doesn't that make us weird?"
"Father and mother are also not from the same bloodline, so yes we are weird that we don't marry
within the family, but I am fine with it."


"I am fine with that as well," Aldred said, smiling. "I will be seeing you around, sister."
Dina smiled and vanished. Time and space returned to normal. The chaotic elements all disappeared
as well.
Mary, Mira, Sophia and Mareona rushed at him.
"What happen? Where is that magician?"
"I—I defeated him with my powerful rod." Aldred showed a stick in his right hand. It was the All
Devouring Stick.
Mary nodded. "That rod is indeed powerful," she said recalling the World Shattering Slam skill.
Mareona agreed. "Yes, that rod is very powerful."
Aldred smiled bitterly at how they say the word 'rod'. If only they knew what Aldred meant by
"Anyway, we should proceed." Aldred took out his dice and looked at the shining green arrow. It
was pointing up.
Suddenly, a flight of stairs came spiraling down from the ceiling. Its movement was like a snake
going down a tree by wrapping around it. The ground shook when the flight of stairs arrived on the
Aldred looked at his women and the others. "Let's go."
As they walked up the stairs, Aldred didn't notice that Stella was watching them with her magical
mirror all this time. She was breathing profusely, and was drenched in sweat.
"He's so hot. So powerful as well."

An assassin was sneaking through a large sprawling city. Under the cover of the night, he leaped
from rooftop to rooftop as silent and as fast as the wind.
Leaving only a slight breeze in his step before he climbed a tall and thick wall, guarding a luxurious
"Who's there?" A guard on guarding the wall looked around, but found nothing but a black cat.
"How can a cat be here?"
Behind the guard, a shadow with a pair of red dots as eyes were staring at him before the shadow
vanished, and appeared on the roof of the mansion.


The pair of eyes were currently staring through the window where a man was sitting by a wooden
desk. The room inside was dimly lit, leaving the man's face to be covered by the darkness.
The shadow jumped and perched on the window, flicking a pair of dagger to its hands.
"What news do you bring?" The man said. His back was all for him to see, but his face was still
"Many powerful contenders have appeared. They come from all over the continents, and some came
from the neighboring smaller continent."
"Those are only the newbies," the man said. "The real contenders are still hiding their strength.
None of them will show their hand at the first stage of this treasure hunt. Tell me more."
"There is this boy. He dominates Mount Fargon and reportedly clears all the challenges easily."
"Where are they now?"
"The middle part of Mount Fargon. And there is a rumor that he's one of the empress' chess pieces."
"She has a lot of pieces with her. One is not important enough to mention."
"He's different, your grace. I heard that the empress gave him the ring."
The man shook so slightly that the assassin barely noticed it. If not for his years of experience as a
killer, he might not realize the movement at all.
"He is protected by the curse. I cannot send diamond ranks to go after him."
"Should we send our champions after him?"
"How powerful is this boy?"
"He defeated a Phantom Claw, and a Bajaragon. He can turn Gold Rank into his undead. Currently,
he had more than 50 Gold Rank snow wolves, 50 Gold Rank snow apes, and 7 Elite Gold Rank that
lead the undead army for him. We also suspect him to be a hero as he mastered the art of sword and
Even the assassin trembled after recalling the boy's power. If he fought the boy in a head on battle,
he wondered if he could win.
The man sensed fear within the assassin. It seemed like this boy was very powerful among Gold
"Sending our champion is too risky. Inform them about this, but don't tell them to move."

"Yes, your grace."
Aldred walked up to the spiraling stairs along with the others following him from behind. The
adventurers that survived the onslaught also walked up the stairs. The vikings survived thanks to
their powerful dragon armor.
And he noticed the larger viking who seemed to be the leader was staring at him again. Seriously,
what was his problem?
Aldred reached the top of the stairs, and stepped into another platform. The place was still inside a
cave; dark and gloomy. He lit up the place with flames for light and ahead of him was another black
"Another gate." Aldred sighed. "Aren't they tired of making these gates?"
Aldred raised his staff, morphed into a gigantic golden hammer and slammed it at the gate with full
force. The impact blasted wind and dust in every direction, forcing everyone to protect their eyes.
And yet the gate lay undamaged.
"It's one those unbreakable gate again." Aldred morphed his stick to normal.
"Let's approach it. Maybe we can get some clues to open the gate." Mary and the other girls walked
to the gate, inspecting it in detail to find any writings.
Aldred had analyzed every inch of the gate with his godly eyes, but he found nothing.
"Should we wait again?" Mareona said.
"I don't mind waiting," Aldred said. He waved his hand and all the tents, equipments, and supplies
There were cooking utensils and ingredients too. Since they were already used to waiting, they
made themselves some kebabs, burgers, sandwiches, and other types of food.
Aldred wondered what Maverick was eating. He took a peek, and saw they were biting on some
sack. It seemed to made out of cow skin, and he noticed blood leaked out from the sack. The bite
hole on the sack instantly closed by itself when Maverick pulled out his teeth.
Maybe it was made out of magic?
Maverick noticed Aldred's gaze, and pulled out another sack. "Do you want one?"
"Uhh… sure."
Maverick smiled when Aldred accepted his offer. He wondered how Aldred enjoyed normal food
while being a vampire. There were some rare cases where vampires could enjoy human food, but he
had never seen one before.


Aldred said he was recently turned into a vampire. Could that be the reason?
Aldred inspected the cow sack and bit into it before sucking in the blood. He widened his eyes at
the sweet taste. He expected it to be bitter, but the taste was so good.
"This is good, Maverick. Where did you get this?"
Maverick puffed his chest and proudly smiled. "This blood is obtained from one of my
subordinates. She's a virgin Diamond Rank vampire."
Aldred stared at him speechlessly. "Tell me. How many more of these do you have, and is there a
chance I can drink it directly from the source?"
Maverick's subordinates looked at each other. They have the expression that said 'Did he just say
On the other hand, their master, Maverick, was coughing to remove the awkward situation. "I have
a lot of these, but I don't know if you can directly from the source. If I ask my father, he might let
"Seriously? That's great. After we go down this mountain, we will visit your house first."
"Sure…" Maverick was happy that he could bring Aldred to his house, but he was worried how that
might turn out. He could only pray that his father was good with words and convinced Aldred to
ally with them.
"What are you eating, Aldred?" Mary asked.
"It's a blood sack," Aldred said as he sucked on the sack.
"Does it increase your evolution points?"
Aldred frowned and noticed that he did not earn any evolution points at all. "No, it doesn't. Is it
because I need to drink it fresh?"
'So I really have to drink it directly from the source…'
'What an inconvenient. Seems like I really have to visit Maverick's house. To increase evolution
points of course, nothing more, nothing less.'
"Aldred, Everyone!" Bartrem called. "The food is done. Grab yourself something to eat!"
The soldiers cheered and grabbed some food with their partner. Joseph was all smiles as his
girlfriend fed him. Although he did not have four girlfriends like Jeffery, he was satisfied with one.


While Aldred and his comrades were having the time of their life, the others could only look with
hungry stomachs or salty tongues as salt and hard bread was the only thing they had.
The well-off adventurers or rich group could afford better food in their diet. Some powerful group
even brought a chef to cook for them.
Aldred summoned Bella. She was a beautiful ice goddess with dress that revealed her beautiful long
legs and barely cover her private parts. He held his lusty desire, because that wasn't the reason why
he summoned her.
Not this time.
"Bella, can you teach me more about the water element?"
"Do you want to learn more skills?"
"I actually don't want to learn anymore skills, but I think I need something to defend myself. The
fight against the Bajaragon scares me. I won in the end, but I cheated for that. So do you have any
water skills for protection?"
"This skill is called water shield construction." Bella weaved her fingers in the air, and water moved
around her. "This skill is very effective against non-solid attack suck as miasma, acid, and fire, but
it is very weak against solid attacks such as swords and spears. There is a solution to this; solidify
the water into ice."
The water around Bella crystallize into ice in an instant. She created an ice sword in her hand and
stabbed into the ice shield.
The ice sword shattered.
"I am sure you can learn this skill, because unlike lightning, it doesn't need much mastery to create
ice from the sub skill of the water element."
Unbeknown to her, Aldred was staring at her with his godly eyes all this time. Ignoring the x-ray
vision that saw straight through her clothes and underwear, Aldred closed his eyes and recalled
every movement.
Suddenly, Aldred opened a wide stance and moved his hands gracefully in the air. Water formed out
of nothing, moved around his body as he danced in place.
He summoned Bajaragon. "Teethless, attack me with your flame."
"Yes, master."
The giant red dragon opened its maw and belched out a large flame breath that heated up the air.
Aldred stared at the flame as it went towards him. He moved the water to wrap around him, and
then he was engulfed by the flame breath.


Teethless kept on belching the flame from his mouth for a few seconds before he stopped. The rocks
turned into lava. They were bubbling hot.
Mary was looking worried. She did not want Aldred to be injured. When the flame dissipated,
Aldred was standing bravely while being protected by the globe of water around him.
A sigh of relief came from Mary and she smiled at Aldred.
[You have learned a new skill 'Water Shield']
[Water Shield]
This skill lets you manipulate water to protect yourself from attacks.
Aldred smiled. "With this skill, I wouldn't be defenseless against powerful attacks. And I can protect
the others as well."
Mary, Mareona, Sophia and Mira smiled gratefully.
Mareona walked up to him and rubbed his head jokingly. "Since when did you have us in mind,
huh? Where is the usual pervert I know?"
Aldred laughed as they tickled him.
Sophia kissed him. "Thank you, Aldred. Thank you for bringing me with you. If I didn't try to
enslave you that day, this moment between us might never exist."
"This is a blessing indeed." Aldred smiled.
One of the adventurer group was eating calmly, but suddenly, their bodies started to glow bright.
They were confused, and then they heard the gate creaking.
Dust fell off from its surface, and it opened itself revealing a grand yet empty space. It was like a
colosseum but without the seats for audience. It was just a large stage like an arena for battle.
"Should we enter it?" Mary asked.
Aldred looked at the green arrow on the dice. "Not yet. The gate doesn't open for us."
The others seemed to realize that as well, so nobody moved. The shining adventure group felt all
eyes were staring on them. They took a deep breath and entered the arena.


The gate closed immediately.

As Aldred wanted to return to his cuddling session, he heard a scream within the gate.
Aldred flinched. He had never heard such a scream before.
Aldred frowned. A sound of steel clanging against steel reverberated out. He heard flesh being torn,
and bodies thudding to the floor.
"NO!" a woman screamed from inside.
Aldred heard the woman gagging for air like her air canal was being blocked.
The scream and the sounds ended with a last thud. After a few seconds, the gate blasted open.
Everybody stared with widened eyes when they saw nothing but blood in the arena.
No clothes, no armor, only blood.
They trembled in fear. What happened when the gates closed? Nobody knew. Even Aldred started to
worry. Not for his life, but for his comrades' life.
Another group shone with bright light. Everyone near the group distanced themselves, afraid of
being identified as the same group with them.
The chosen group was trembling and looked around with sweat on their forehead. Left with no
choice, they walked into the gate and took a deep breath for whatever they would face.
The gate slammed shut just like before.
And it began.


Someone banged the gate from inside, screaming for help in desperation. The gate shook, and blood
leaked out from a tiny gap between the gate.
The gate blasted open again, revealing nothing but more blood.
One group shone bright again. Everyone knew that the group had to enter the gate and face
whatever it was inside the gate.
The leader of the group looked at their members. Aldred noticed that he was the only man within
the group while the others were females. After a short discussion, they decided not to enter the gate
and walked down the stairs.
They turned into dust and disappeared.
Everyone now knew that there was no stepping back from this. Leave and you die. The only way to
survive was to fight against whatever it was inside that gate. What could it be? Was it another
monster? Something like the Phantom Claw? A Bajaragon?
The onlookers gulped nervously, afraid of being chosen even though they knew they would be
picked soon or later.
A few seconds later, a group was picked. Their body shone brightly. Sweat trickled to their cheeks,
and dripped from the jaw.
Taking a deep breath, they approached the gate.
"Hey," Aldred called. "Take this with you. You might need it." Aldred threw a rare grade shield at
the leader.
The leader nodded in gratitude, but he didn't believe a shield would let him survive. Nevertheless,
he entered the gate.
The gate closed.


The sound stopped. But the gate did not move, making everyone there restless.
Who would be picked next?
Aldred frowned. What he gave the man wasn't a shield, but his clone that morphed into a shield.
When the clone died, its memory and experience entered his mind. But all he saw was darkness.
The moment that gate closed, he couldn't see anything, but he felt ticklish? And then it was
followed by pain. Enormous pain. A few seconds later, the clone died.
He received that from the clone memory, but he didn't have enough information to tell what they
fought inside.
Aldred waited for the gate to open, but after a few hours, it still didn't budge.
"What do you think, Aldred?" Mary asked.
"I don't know." He shook his head.
"It would help if the people inside the gate scream something useful instead," Sophia said.
After two more hours, Aldred decided to enter his tent with Mary, Mareona, and Sophia. The cave
wasn't cold, so they didn't need to make hot bath. Instead, they put down a comfortable mattress and
a blanket inside the tent.
The girls hugged and kissed him and they had fun for a while before deciding to sleep. Aldred
couldn't sleep. He still thought about their screams and the sound of iron being scraped and pulled.
He sighed and drank some milk before closing his eyes to sleep.
The next day, Aldred woke up and exited his tent, staring at the closed gate. Suddenly, the gate
creaked and slowly revealed the bloody arena.
A group was picked and they entered the arena with sweat all over their faces.
This repeated for a few times. When Aldred was sleeping with the girls, he heard screams and blood
splattered over and over again for days and perhaps weeks.


When Bartrem served food to his soldiers, he noticed they were worried. The constant sound of
desperation scared them. Even though they weren't scared of death, but being constantly reminded
that they might die was torture.
It broke their sanity, and if he didn't do anything they might turn crazy. Bartrem told this to Aldred
in the hope that he might have solution for this.
"What about entertainment?"
"Like what?"
"Do you guys know soccer?"

"Pass me the ball! Pass me the ball!" Joseph received the ball and dribbled through his enemies. He
went left, right, left, right.
He glanced at Jeffery who was following a few meters beside him. With a secret signal only the two
of them knew, Jeffery received the message that Joseph will pass the ball.
Joseph feigned that he was about to kick the ball to the left, but in reality he kicked to the right,
passing the ball to Jeffery.
"Get it to the goal!"
Jeffery nodded and went through his opponents.
The female soldiers were cheering from the sides. Clapping their hands, and shouting for his name.
"Jeffery! I love you!"
"Jeffery! I will let you smell my underwear if you make a goal!"
Jeffery blushed and lost focus. The ball was taken from him. He bit his lips and tried not to be
Aldred and Bartrem were watching the game playing out from the side.
"This is good. Where did you get the idea for this?"


"Well… I was sucking on milk and some divine inspiration just entered my head."
Bartrem nodded. "Maybe I should drink some milk as well."
"…" Hopefully Bartrem meant cow milk.
The male played against each other for a few rounds. Joseph and Jeffery made a few goals together,
receiving a loud cheers from the female soldiers.
The adventurers that kept their distance started to get closer after a while. And eventually, all of
them watched the soccer game.
"Get that ball. Dangit! Don't let him slide under you like that!"
"Kick the ball! Kick it!"
"He could have kicked the ball and gotten a goal."
"If you kick my balls, you would get a goal as well."
"Shut up, you weirdo."
Aldred noticed that the game wasn't that exciting after a while. "We need to add some spices to heat
up this game."
Aldred cleared his throat. "The group that win the game can get two PP condom!"
The game stopped for a moment and they stared at Aldred.
Aldred smiled. "Per person!"
All of them were excited and played the ball with ultra-super-duper-focus. When the opponent tried
to steal the ball, they didn't play soft, no, they straight up punched the guy.
When the ball carrier fell, another player carried the ball, dribbling for a few meters before he was
body-slammed to the ground.
Suddenly, the game turned into a fist-fight as they slammed, punched, and kick each other.
"What the hell just happened." Aldred was shocked himself.
"You don't know what a male would do for a pp condom. Especially in this situation," Bartrem said.
His soldiers have found their partners, so he understood that his men were holding their urges from
the beginning.
The adventurers were hyped up.


"Yeah! Kick him in the balls!"

"Punch those sagging sack of balls!"
"I love balls!"
"Shut up!"
Aldred couldn't stand it anymore and told them to stop. When they calmed down, he told Bartrem to
act as the referee, and told him how to use the yellow card and the red card.
"Yellow card means you might not get any pp condom while red card means you have no right to
use pp condom for the rest of your life! Do all of you understand?" Bartrem shouted.
"Yes, sir!"
The soldiers finally play by the rule. They still fought fiercely, using tough tactics such as sliding
against the foot of the opponents.
'Seriously, are they trying to kill each other? Where is camaraderie they have built up until now?'
No one made a goal for hours of game play, that was until Joseph and Jeffery executed a spectacular
Jeffery received the ball from Joseph and kicked it to the goal.
The goalkeeper was ready to defend it with his life. He leaped to the side, not caring about injury,
but even with that determination, the ball still entered the goal.
Jeffery shouted and ran to Joseph. They hugged and jumped around. His teammates then lifted
Jeffery and threw him in the air.
They chanted his name!

The ladies shouted: "Jeffery! Make me wet tonight! KYAA!!"
"Jeffery might need more than two pp condom tonight," Aldred said.
"He might need twelve," Bartrem said.
Aldred shrugged. "Since he got the goal, I will give it to him."
The winning group approached Aldred, and he handed the rewards to each of them.
"Pongo! Give me more of those pp condoms."
Pongo crossed his arms and looked away.
"Tsk. Fine." Aldred pulled out another rare fish from his inventory. "Now give me all the pp
condoms you have."
Pongo smiled and gladly vomited out all the pp condom before taking the fish away.
They carefully took the reward as if it was some sort of epic treasure. They then returned to their
tents to keep the treasure just in case.
They didn't care if the pp condom was vomited out by a penguin.
"Alright, for the next game, we will have females volleyball. The winning team will get these
bottles of pills. I don't know what this is but it's called 'PP enlargement for your husband pills' or
something like that. Every person will get one bottle!"
"YAYY!!" The females soldiers were excited and they immediately rushed to the arena. Each team
consisted of twenty-five females.
The players were more numerous now compared to the soccer game where the males divided
themselves by 11 players for each team. There were only twenty-two males after all, excluding
They threw their armor to the side, revealing the sports clothes Aldred told them to wear. Their
clothes revealed their long smooth legs and large part of their butt. It was tight fitted as well,
making the outline of their ass clear for everyone to see.
The tight upper wear revealed their defined stomach. But no one focused on the stomach.
They were all staring at the milk jugs and melons that threatened to burst out of the clothes.
Both teams were divided into red and blue.
The male adventurers were excited and they screamed and cheered.


"I love volleyball!"

"This might be my favorite game now. Fuck soccer! This is the culture I want."
"Yeah! I love balls!"
"You shut the hell up!"
"Attention!" Bartrem shouted.
"Yes, sir!" The female soldiers stood straight.
"All of you have been briefed about the game before so I don't have to explain anything. Play by the
rules or you will be disqualified. Do all of you understand?"
"Yes, sir!"
Bartrem threw the ball into the air and it landed on the red side.
The red team served the ball, but the server used too much force and it was flying into the air. It
took a few minutes before the ball landed.
The blue team attacked back, slamming the ball with a powerful force that made the ball explode.
"Hey, use less force this time," Bartrem said before throwing another ball.
The adventurers did not care about the ball. All they care about was the jiggling and wiggling
smooth perky melons and peaches.
Some females had big melons and peaches while others had flat airports. But the adventurers had
different taste with each other, so these variations of melons and peaches were welcomed with open
A man sighed. "I love balls more than peaches."
"You shut up or I will kick your nuts."
The female players gracefully played, showing their curvy body and their flexibility. Aldred noticed
that they had become more beautiful than before, probably because of the breakthrough to Gold
Suddenly, everyone cheered as team red scored a point. The red team excitedly jumped around and
hugged their friends. Their large breast pressed against each other.
Aldred glanced at the adventurers who were drooling right now. "I need to monetize this. They
shouldn't be allowed to watch this piece of culture for free."
Aldred then went up to the adventurers and told them to pay to watch the game.
Surprisingly, they didn't say any complaint at all. They gave him tons of gold without speaking a
word. Did they like watching girls play volleyball that much?
Unbeknown to him, the reason they didn't say anything was because of the Bajaragon that was
following him around. Who would dare to utter a word of complaint with a gigantic dragon as his
When Aldred asked the last man for money, the man sighed, paid the amount, and then asked:
"When will the ball's match begin?"
"You mean soccer?"
"Yes, that one. I like kicking balls more than these peaches and melons."
"Just think of those melons and peaches as balls."
The man widened his eyes. "You... You're right. Thank you."
Aldred shook his head and left the man alone. 'What a weird cultured guy.'
The game was as exciting as soccer and after hours of playing, the blue team finally won. The game
was over and no one was disappointed.
Aldred handed them their rewards which was a bottle of pills. The females were so excited and
hugged the bottle of pills like it was some sort of treasure. They then ran to their tents immediately.
"That was a fun game. Maybe we should play as well. We can make our own net or goalpost."
"Although the game looks fun, I am here for the jiggle jiggle, not the game."


After the game, the soldiers had a fun night time in their tent. A lot of satisfied noises came out of
their tent, but there were some voices who were begging for more, or screaming for more. It was
The next day, fifteen women walked out of Jeffery's tent. They all had smiles plastered on their
face. They chatted and laughed before walking back to their own tents.
Aldred had fun last night as well. He had been doing it more frequently now with Mary, Mira,
Mareona, and Sophia.
[Baron Blood Vampire Lv. 10]
Evolution: 53/100
[Hell Demon Lv. 1]
Evolution: 48/100
It wasn't much, but he was satisfied. Aldred walked out of the tent with four satisfied women. With
his skill, power, and physique, any women he brought to bed would be satisfied.
That was true talent.
Bartrem and the soldiers cooked some food and their faces were fresh and cheerful. Bartrem smiled
at Aldred.
"It's working. Look at their cheerful faces," Bartrem said. "We should tell them to play these games
more often."
"I don't think it's the game that makes them feel good," Aldred replied.
A group of women walked pass as they chatted.


"His PP is so big. I cannot believe it can even fit in me."

"Really? Maybe I should try his as well."
"Of course! We can enjoy it together."
Aldred and Bartrem were speechless. What the hell did they just hear?
Aldred pretended he never heard anything and asked: "What's on the menu today?"
Bartrem pulled out the lid from the cauldron. "Spicy meatballs."
A strange man in the distance felt he was called, so he looked at Bartrem, and shouted: "I love
"You need to shut up! Fucking weirdo!"
Aldred smiled and invited Mary and the others to eat as well. They laughed and chatted as they
enjoyed the food.
Suddenly, the gate blasted open. Aldred wondered who would be picked this time, but shockingly,
his whole body shone with bright light.
Simond and his elite group of men slaughtered their way up Mount Fargon. He trusted no one else
but his group so any time another group met him, they would die the next day.
Currently, he was fighting against a group of giant eagles on top of a cliff. They tried to take him
with their claws, but he cut their limbs with his sword.


One of the eagles was enraged and blasted him with a powerful wind spell. As he fell down, he
quickly got up and blocked the gigantic claw.
The weight of the gigantic eagle was enough to make his internal organs trembled in pain. His arms
felt like breaking.
The eagle cried out, as it tried to stomp him into the ground. Simond held on, then suddenly, his
sword cracked. His eyes widened. This sword was the only memory he had of his sister, he could
not let it break.
Simond pulled the sword, but it was too late. The sword shattered, yet, instead of breaking like
normal, the sword shone with powerful aura that spread out in every direction.
The sword experienced a metamorphosis. Like a worm coming out of its cocoon. The ordinary
looking sword did not look so ordinary anymore. Its light became so bright that it blinded their eyes
for a moment.
The ordinary steel blade was now deep black yet it shone under the moonlight. The length and
weight perfectly fitted him, and mysterious purple aura ran from the elegant hand guard up to the tip
of the blade.
Simond only had a second to admire its appearance before the eagle attacked again.
Its giant sharp claws went after his head.
He slashed the eagle, and suddenly, a wave of purple mist struck through the creature and cut its
body so easily. Simond stared at the other eagles and struck them down as well, cutting them one by
one with a single strike.
Their cries resounded throughout the mountain, scaring the other beasts away. He was a master in
sword art. Even in ordinary sword he could take down anyone in his rank, but now, with a powerful
blade in hand, he was more powerful than ever.
When more eagles came from above, Simond roared and sent a heavy slash towards the sky. A large
wave of purple energy cut through the eagles, and when he put the sword in its sheath, eagles body
part fell like it was raining.
Simond stared at the elegant sword in his hand. "Sister, you never told me anything about this
He tightly gripped it. "What else did you hide from me?"
Aldred looked at his comrades' glowing body. They all knew what this meant. The gate was wide
open, inviting them to go in. Not that they have any other choice.
Mary and the others looked at him and nodded.
"It's our turn," Mary said.
"Prepare your battle gear!" Bartrem shouted. "Enter in formation. The moment we enter that gate,
we should expect something to attack us. Do not fear the unknown!"
Aldred summoned all of his undead. 7 Elite Gold Rank led 50 Gold Rank snow wolves and snow
apes. And he still had 76 silver undead which he had to replace later.
They all went into a formation organized by Milet.
"Are guys ready?" Aldred asked.
Bartrem nodded. "They're ready."
"Off we go then."
With a deep breath, they looked at the gate and approached it. The closer they got, the more nervous
they became. Aldred noticed that, and knew that he should do something about it.
He glanced at their eyes one by one. 'Emotion Manipulation.'
He did this not to do evil, but just to remove the fear in their mind.
And with that spell activated, they became more confident with every step they took. It welled up in
their heart, and they felt like they could defeat anything. When they stepped into the gate--
They're a God.


The gate went shut, and everyone looked around, trying to find what or who they were going to
Suddenly, a small creature fell on Aldred's shoulder. When he looked at it, he noticed that it was a
small centipede with sharp teeth.
"AHH GET IT OFF ME!" Aldred blasted it with his fist.
"Calm down, Aldred," Bartrem said. "It's just a centipede."
Aldred looked up and widened his eyes in shock. "It's not just a centipede. There's thousands of
Everyone looked up and saw small centipedes falling by the dozens.
"FUCK!" Aldred's face went pale. He summoned his sword, ready to execute his ultimate skill 'Sky
Splitting Strike'.
"Pongo!" Pongo leaped into the sky, and shockingly his body transformed into a giant that filled up
the space.
Pongo opened its beak wide, and sucked in all the centipedes. He morphed into his normal size
again and landed on the ground with a satisfied burp.
Everyone looking at him was speechless.
"Pongo, since when did you have that ability?"
"Pongo pongo."
Aldred snorted. "If you don't want to say it then don't."
He looked around the arena. "So what now? Don't tell me there will be more centipedes to fight."
"Let's hope that's the case," Bartrem said. "Centipedes are easier to defeat."


Aldred trembled just by imagining them squirming around. "They disgust me."
Suddenly, a white bright light shone from above. There was the sound of flapping wings and
whistling wind. Aldred squinted his eyes, trying to take a glimpse of what was above.
He noticed a pair of majestic white wings before it entered the bright light. And suddenly, a golden
warrior flew out of the light. Its face was made out of beautiful blue crystal, and its spear was
glowing with blue runes.
The warrior landed on the ground with one knee bent. His majestic wings spread out before he
stood up. The warrior had no eyes nor face, its entire head was a shining blue crystal clad by a
helmet with a pair of golden horns.
Aldred analyzed him.
[Forgotten Warrior]
Level: 77
Power: Radiant Beam, Divine Healing, Judgment
History: Was once a guard of a princess from the nation of Paphia; the country of the winged-man
race. Failed in his duty to protect the princess, the warrior was ashamed and committed suicide, but
before he did so, he vowed and cursed himself to find a worthy man to don his armor and weapon.
"Paphia? Winged-man race? I think I have heard both these terms before."
"Paphia is a nation where the majority of the people there had wings, but only the elite minority one
had a human face. Most winged-men have eagle faces plastered on their head," Mary said.
"This guy has got a crystal on his face, what does that make him?"
Mary shook her head. "I don't know."
It also said that the warrior was trying to find a successor for his armor and weapon.
'How strong is his weapon and armor?'


As if answering his question, the golden warrior raised his spear. Blue lightning ran around the blue
runes, and then he swung at him.
A powerful lightning cracked and blasted. Aldred widened his eyes, and conjured a water shield.
The lightning touched the water, and vaporized it.
"Attack!" Bartrem shouted. He raised his rare grade weapons and shield as he charged forward. The
soldiers and the undead followed from behind.
The warrior did not cower in fear and instead charged forward, swiping away all the undead ahead
of him.
Bartrem smiled. The undead was just a distraction. The real dangers came from the soldiers that
circled the warrior from the side.
They threw magic-enchanted chains at the golden warrior. The chains shot forward and wrapped
around his leg, waist, and arms.
Before the warrior could free himself, Will, the Phantom Claw, appeared out of nowhere and
slashed at him. Surprisingly, the armor did not receive any damage on its surface, and the warrior
was only knocked back by one step before blasting Will with his thunder attack.
Teethless came from behind and belched a large flame breath at the warrior. But suddenly, the
warrior came out of the flames unharmed and grabbed the dragon's neck.
Nicky, the Giant Velobra charged and spat out a thick acid. The acid sizzled the air, but it slid off the
Aldred was shocked. 'So this is the power of that armor? What about the weapon?'
The golden warrior slashed upward, creating a blue arc that cut the Bajaragon in two.
Brook and Crook leaped into the sky and slammed their large axe. Both axes landed on the
shoulders of the golden warrior, but it only created a tiny dent, before it fixed itself.
'Self-repair armor?'
Bella chanted from the side and froze the golden warrior. His whole body crystallized into ice, but
then the blue crystals on the armor glowed and blasted the ice with blue lightning.


Aldred was excited. "I have to get this armor."

As Aldred fought the forgotten warrior, he didn't know that many people were watching him
through technology and trinkets.
These devices were tiny, mobile, and hidden from plain sight. A lot of people were watching him
because of his power. They had to know his capabilities before deciding to befriend or eliminate
One such device was owned by Thinker. He was currently watching the battle unfold between
Aldred and the golden warrior.

"Fire Combustion!" Aldred shouted and the golden warrior was engulfed by flames. Yet it did not
stop the warrior from killing his undead.
Bartrem also struggled to keep the warrior in check. The chains did not work effectively as he
Aldred did not think much about it. He hadn't even used his main skill yet. He wanted to play
around with his armor first to know what it was capable of.
"Blood Cloning." Another Aldred popped out and attacked the golden warrior at the same time.
They used the rare grade swords to attack, sending arc after arc at the enemy which was blocked by
the spear. Blue lightning blasted everywhere, and a powerful aura spread out in all directions.
Aldred laughed. This was such an exciting battle. He approached his enemy from the side and
blasted a flame jet on his waist. The warrior was sent flying, but his clone ran at the enemy and sent
out a storm of fire bullets.
Like a roaring machine gun, the fire bullets were like a heavy rain as it constantly hit the warrior.
When his clone got close, it opened its palms and shot dozens of fire javelins that stabbed through
the armor.
The warrior swung his spear and blasted all the fire javelins away. The clone smirked and leaped to
the side, revealing a gigantic fire fist that came from behind, slamming against the warrior before
The warrior was knocked back by a dozen steps, but he did not fall. He looked up and saw two
Aldred with large fireballs on their index fingers.
They both grinned. "True suns."
The two large fireballs came like a giant sun. It slammed into the warrior as if it was a bowling ball
and then exploded.
Bella, Mira, and Sophia cast magic shields around the soldiers to protect them.
Flames were burning all around the arena. After it dissipated, Aldred noticed the crystals on the
armor dimmed. Though there were no cracks or scratches on the armor, the warrior had been
Yet, the warrior raised his runic spear, and said something for the first time. "Judgment."
A loud sound came from above, and thousands of giant golden swords fell like raindrops.
"Shit! Protect yourself!"
Mira, Bella, and Sophia casted another layer of magic shields. Aldred casted his water shield for
them as well, but he did not enter the shield, instead, he charged at the flying swords and blasted
them with his fireballs, bullets, fist, and sword art.
Teethless flew into the sky and sent out fireballs to blast the swords away. Some swords slipped
through them and fell on the magic shield. A few penetrated through, but thankfully Bartrem had
ordered the soldiers to raise their shields, and they successfully deflected the swords.
But there was one sword that went straight for Mira. Aldred gritted his teeth, but he couldn't stop it
or else more swords would fall down.
"I have to use that." Aldred pulled the Ring of Doarus, given by the empress. Then he threw it at
"Mira! Use that ring!"
Mira caught the ring just moments before the sword was about to kill her, she channeled her mana
into it, and black mist engulfed her before she vanished, and the sword hit at the place where she
was before.
Seconds later, black mist appeared and Mira was back. She looked at the ring, wondering what it
Aldred was still deflecting the swords, but in the background, everyone that spied on him with their
mobile devices were staring at the ring.


Thinker's device was a mechanical fly with numerous eyes. It was scanning the ring on Mira's hand,
and Thinker's eyes gleamed in red. "New mission: Obtain the ring. Difficulty: Hard. Requesting

After a few minutes, the rain of swords stopped. The warrior was about to cast another skill, but
Will, the beast slapper, used his tentacles to slap him in the face.
"Good job, Will."
Aldred approached the warrior. He wanted to give the man some nightmare first, but then he was
shocked to find out the man wasn't a man after all. It was just armor with no soul or blood.
"Wait, there is a strand of soul on the head."
The soul beckoned for him to get closer as the armor lay on the ground. It whispered inside his
mind. 'I have found you worthy.'
"I know," Aldred said. "But tell me about this princess of yours. Is she hot?"
'You have great potential and this battle gear couldn't accompany you forever, but I hope you give it
honor as part of your journey.'
'This set of armor is called Golden Battle Gear, and it is not yet complete. Go to Paphia and visit the
Lair of Treasure. It's a Gold Rank Dungeon. Defeat the guardian and take the shield. Only when you
complete the battle gear can you harness its full power.'
"Alright, I will."
The soul seems to be happy. "And yes, she is beautiful. The most beautiful thing I have ever seen in
this world."
The soul disappeared.
"Wait! Does she have big peaks or a flat airport? You need to tell me this before leaving."
Mary could only sigh and shook her head while Mareona was fuming puffs of smoke off her head
and hit his head.
"Ow! That hurt."
"It better be hurt or I won't stop hitting you."
"What did it say to you?" Mary asked.
"Something about Gold Rank Dungeon and that I will find a powerful shield in there."
"Maybe we can go there after we climb down the mountain."
Aldred nodded.
Suddenly, the battle gear shattered into dozens of pieces before it clad itself into Aldred. It fitted
into his small size which meant that the armor could morph accordingly.
Aldred morphed into his adult form and sure enough, the armor morphed to his size. He morphed
into a bunch of other creatures such as Bajaragon, Phantom Claw, Velobra, and Gargant Eagle, and
the armor kept on morphing along with him.
"This is incredible." Aldred returned to his normal form and picked up the spear. He realized he
could manipulate blue lightning with this gear on although he needed to practice for a bit to master
[Golden Battle Gear]
-Reduce damage by Acid
-Reduce damage by flame
-Increase strength by 90%


-Increase agility by 90%

-Self repair
-Manipulate blue lightning produced by the crystals on the armor.
"Battle gear? An interesting name." Aldred chuckled.
Mary and Mira flinched.
"Did you say battle gear?" Mary asked, staring at the golden armor that wrapped around Aldred.
"Do you know something about it?"
"I read from books, but never got to see one. It was said that battle gear can never be made, can
never be looked at, but it can only be found by great luck. Many tales of legends described battle
gear as the armaments of gods because it allows warriors to manipulate certain elements according
to their will. As you know, only heroes are capable of doing that, but the power of this element is
proportional to the warrior's strength, so to a certain extent, the armor grew alongside the warrior."
'So it's just like the All Devouring Stick,' Aldred thought. Now that he thought about it, could he
devour the battle gear into the stick and then use it again?
Mira caressed the armor. "The bible also described the armor as such. When the gods send an
emissary down to enforce his rule, they come with powerful battle gear that push out all evil. Some
scribes said that their armor was so bright to the evil eyes that they became blind."
"Is that why when the warrior first appeared it sent out a blinding light?" Aldred asked.
"It's possible. Even though I guided many heroes to power, I never saw battle gear before."
Aldred looked at his own armor and wondered if he could absorb it into his stick. If he could, that
would be very convenient.
Should he do it?
After some consideration, Aldred decided to do it. He tapped the armor with the stick, and it melted
before being sucked in by the stick.
Mira and Mary looked like their souls were just pulled out of their bodies.
That was a battle gear. A legendary battle gear that only exists in legends and stories!
"Aldred, what are you doing?" Mary was horrified.
"It's fine," Aldred said. "Check this out." He flicked the stick, and then it transformed into the
golden battle gear that wrapped around his body immediately. At the end of the transformation, the
runic blue spear came out of his right hand.
"Now, I have a portable Golden Battle Gear that I can bring anywhere without being stared at by
"That's smart," Bartrem said. "If you go out with that armor, people will try to rob you."
Mareona raised an eyebrow. "Will any robbers dare to do that?"
"Not just any robbers. I am talking about nobles and powerful scions who would like to grab your
gear for themselves."
Sophia nodded in agreement. She didn't want anything bad to happen to Aldred.
Aldred smiled. "I don't have to worry about robbers. I can keep the gear in my inventory, but it's
more convenient if my stick can absorb it, and so I did. To be honest I was really nervous that it
wouldn't work. Thankfully, it did just fine."
"So what do we do now?" Mareona asked.
Aldred looked at the dice. The green arrow had turned into a small button. When Aldred pressed it,
a powerful light covered their body, and they felt something rushed inside.


[+7,000 EXP]
[+7,000 EXP]
[+7,000 EXP]
[+7,000 EXP]
[You have level up]
[You have level up]
The soldiers, the undead, Mary, Mira, Sophia, Mareona, Bartrem, Joseph, Jeffery, Pongo, and
everyone here all level up and got even more powerful than before. His 76 Silver Undead broke
through the gold rank, and so he now had 176 Gold Rank undead.
Aldred checked his status.
Health Points: 1,377/1,377
Level: 70
Titles: Tough Boy
-Fire Manipulation (Click to show the list of skills)
-Water Manipulation (Click to show the list of skills)
-Shape Shift Lv. 1 (Click to show the list of morphs)
-Racial Ability (Click to show the list of racial abilities)
-Sword Art (Click to show the list of Sword Art)
-Strength: 134
-Vitality: 162
-Intelligence: 326
-Dexterity: 84
Stat points: 4
Skill points: 4
All of that and he only got two levels, but the increase in attributes was crazy. His intelligence even
went up to 326 because of Mount Fargon.
Joining the treasure hunt was beneficial. Even if they fail, the amount of stats they earned was too
"The journey itself is a treasure," Aldred said.


Everyone nodded in agreement after feeling their new power.

Aldred was wearing his Golden Battle Gear. He just got powerful armor so of course he had to try
it. Swinging his spear forward, he shouted: "Dragon Lightning!"
A lightning struck the wall.
"Hmm. Why is there no dragon coming out? That's just ordinary lightning. Let's try something else.
Twin triple headed dragon lightning!"
Another ordinary lightning struck the ground.
"Where is my twin dragon?"
Mareona hit his head. "You need to master the element first before you can use flashy skills, silly."
Aldred sighed. "What a disappointment."
If any adventurer heard that, they would strangle Aldred for mocking such a legendary piece of
Aldred morphed the gear back into a stick and kept it inside his inventory.
The dice on their waist made a click sound, and the arena below their feet shook before it rose into
the ceiling. The ceiling opened slowly like a gate, revealing the cloudless blue sky.
It reminded Aldred of the hunger game where people are about to enter the arena to get some
supplies and weapons before running away to survive.
When the arena reached the top, Aldred felt freezing cold all over his body, but then his skin started
to burn. It was extremely cold and extremely hot at the same time.
Aldred quickly conjured water shield to protect everyone and felt much better. Sophia and Mira
casted their spells as well. He summoned Bella to conjure some water and ice shield for everyone.
"What is happening? Why is the temperature so hot and so cold here?" Aldred asked.
"This is the upper part of the mountain," Maverick said. "If my numbers are correct, we're currently
55 kilometers (34 Miles) in altitude.
Aldred widened his eyes. "55 kilometers?"

Holy shit! Didn't that mean he was currently in the mesosphere?
His throat started to feel the burn and the air seemed to be thinner as it became harder to breathe.
Damn! The magic shield did not solve the lack of oxygen in this place. Aldred also felt his blood
was boiling. The pressure in this place was so low that liquid boiled at normal body temperature.
'This is no place for human life!'
Suddenly, Maverick and his subordinates fed them another pill which reduced the effect
significantly. Aldred gasped for air as his blood turned normal.
The water shield that protected them was bubbling and vaporized bit by bit. Aldred continued to add
more water to thicken the shield.
"Thank you, Maverick," Aldred said.
"No problem."
"I feel bad," Aldred said. "You helped us a lot with your pills otherwise we wouldn't be able to keep
Maverick smiled. "It is me who should be thanking you. Without you, I would never reach the
upper part of Mount Fargon. All I did was stay in the background while all of you fought, so I am
glad that I can help you."
Aldred's eyes lit up. He liked this guy because he was humble and grateful unlike most people he
knew. This type of person was rare so Aldred would like to help him more.
"If you need my help just tell me," Aldred said. "I don't have much yet compared to you, but I am
sure I can help you with something in the future."
Maverick was all smiles. He felt like Aldred liked him and he smelled a great opportunity to
become his ally in the future.
Aldred sighed. He would really like to do something for him to repay the gratitude, but the man was
a noble so he had Diamond Ranks as subordinates and an exponential amount of wealth and
How could Aldred help someone like that?
Aldred shook his head and decided to think about it later.


Mira approached him and handed him the ring. "Thank you for saving me."
"It's weird, Mira. Don't thank me. You're family now. We don't use words to express our thanks."
Aldred put the ring back in his inventory.
"Where did you get that?"
"The empress gave it to me." Aldred then recalled what the empress had told him. "Uhh... I
shouldn't have used that."
"I don't know. She told me something bad will happen if I use it, and only use it if necessary. The
situation was necessary though."
"She said that?" Mary asked.
"Yes. So I am very worried now."
"We will face anything that appears," Mary said.
Aldred nodded and summoned the tents and supplies. He conjured another water spell as it was
about to vaporize. The water was now in the same dome that protected the entire camp.
Bella helped to improve the shield.
When Aldred entered his tent with the others, he looked at the green arrow on the dice which was
pointing to this place.
"I guess we have to wait again," Mary asked.
"Yeah," Aldred tiredly slept on her thigh.
Mary smiled and caressed his head. She kissed him. "You've done enough for today."


Mareona, Mira, and Sophia gave him a kiss as well.

Bella decided to join them and kissed Aldred.
Mareona was curious. "Aldred did not order you to kiss him, but you can do that?"
"I am capable of showing affection to my master."
"What about harming him?"
"That type of thought cannot enter my mind. So harming him is out of the question. Not only am I
not capable, I cannot even think about the action. But sometimes I can do things that he might not
want me to do. But the event is very rare, like that time when Velobra killed Henry.
"What?" Everyone asked.
"Velobra can feel anything Aldred feels. His emotions are tied to us, but some of us act upon those
emotions differently. Velobra wasn't the calmest type of beast, so when he saw Henry, he went for
the kill."
"No wonder I didn't see him around," Mareona said. "He was killed by Nicky."
Sophia stared at her. "But you cannot harm Aldred in any other way?"
"No, I cannot."
Sophia was worried that Aldred might get more human undead in the future. Humans had a habit of
betraying other humans, so she was very worried for his safety.
Glancing at Aldred, she felt he was too vulnerable when he was asleep. Somebody had to protect
him when he lays down to rest. If only she was powerful enough, she would gladly take that role.
Mary was glad to hear Bella's answer. She didn't want Aldred to be betrayed by his own undead.
The reason for her concern was that the undead she had seen before never retained their personality.
They were empty shells of hideous creatures, but Bella was as beautiful as ever in her real form.
And she wasn't empty, but full of personalities, and seemed to care about Aldred. That made her
wonder if the undead was 'alive' or not. Aldred's power was still a mystery to her.
Aldred snored which disrupted their conversation. Saliva trickled from his mouth. His hands tried to
grab something in the air. "Mom, milk. Give me milk, mom."


Mary and the others looked at each other and giggled.

Aldred and his comrades entered the tent and rested. Bella came outside and sustain the water shield
for them. She couldn't feel exhaustion, so she sustained the shield until the next day.
When Aldred woke up, he had breakfast with the others and played some soccer games. Nothing
happened so they had fun for a few days.
People started coming from below. Some got teleported to this place while others climbed from
below. Just like Aldred, they felt the burn and the lack of oxygen.
Many died immediately because they did not have the proper treasure to survive in this
environment. Aldred saw the vikings climbing up the mountain. The armor on their skin sizzled, but
then they took out some sort of drinking horn and washed themselves.
The sizzling stopped and they started making tents.
Aldred ignored them and looked around. A group of adventurer approached him and stopped by the
shield of water.
"I heard you provide magic shield for a price."
"Who said that?"
"Someone told me."
"I actually don't sell this service, but let me hear your price and I might consider," Aldred said.
"I found some rare ore on the way. I wonder if you will accept it." The man showed some sparkling
ores to Aldred.
Aldred inspected the ores with his godly eyes and found out that they were in great quality perfect
to create armor. Some of the ores were even better than the treasures he got. Though Aldred did not
have any black smith skills yet, he might learn one in the future.
"It's not good enough," Aldred lied which disappointed the adventurer. "But I'm feeling generous
today, so I will accept it. The area will be smaller though."


The adventurers' eyes lit up.

"We're fine with that. Thank you."
Aldred smiled. He did not want to create a big shield for them as they might rent out the extra space
to other people. He laughed inwardly. Only he could rip off everyone else.
Aldred conjured water shield for the adventurer on some plot of land. The area was enough for a
bunch of tents to clump together or one large tent. The adventurers thanked him again and went on
their merry ways.
He frowned. Using water shield as the environment continuously vaporizes them was tiring. Aldred
thought of a way to sustain the shield automatically, and with his mastery and intelligence, he
successfully created a self-regenerating water shield.
This way he did not have to conjure a new water shield all the time.
He also casted it to his own shield so Bella could relax, not that she could feel exhaustion anyway.
Aldred yawned in boredom. He hated the waiting part of these challenges. He looked Mary and the
other girls. "You guys want to play chess?"
A brother and sister was climbing up the mountain, facing against cold wind and steep surface. The
large-filled-up backpacks threatened to rip from the weight of items they brought.
Cold breath came out of their cracked lips as the wind blew their ragged clothes. Torn and dirty,
some part of their skins left unprotected to the freezing breeze.
Raff and Ivette was their name. The brother looked rough and tough as he was from the slums of the
city. Meanwhile the sister was as beautiful as a princess of a nation. Petite and stunning even with
stain on her cheeks and clothes.
Such contrast was incredible as they came and lived in the same slum.


Raff looked at his sister who was fighting against the force of nature beside him. He hid his pitiful
gaze with a smile. With their parents' death, their lives had went from misery to hell. To feed a
family of four, their dad had to take debt from a noble.
Their parents could slowly pay the debt, but both of them died when a scion accidentally crashed
into them with his magical bull.
After that moment, the interest rates suddenly went up and they had to pay off the debt or become
slaves for sixty years.
Raff sighed. He climbed this mountain to obtain the astrolabe and sell it to pay off the debt, but he
didn't expect his sister to come with him.
Nothing he said could convince her to stay.
"We're almost there, brother."
Raff smiled and nodded. He only wished the best for her, finding a rich and good husband who
would never go into debt or mistreat her. He hated being poor. Being poor only brings misery and
suffering. That was why he wanted his sister to find a rich husband.
He wanted her to be happy. Especially since she was a beautiful woman. She needed a powerful
man to protect her.
As they climbed, the lungs in their body started to heat up, and their skin felt burning. Raff casted a
divine golden light to protect them, and the pain disappeared.
"That priest is so generous to give us this power, Brother. If not for that we would never have had
the chance to climb this mountain."
Raff smiled. "Yeah." He rubbed her head lovingly. "We'll survive through this. Pay the debt and
make a new life."
Ivette nodded and smiled. Her brother has always been there for her, so it was only natural for her to
be there for him as well. Even if the sky fell upon her, she would never let her brother walk this
journey alone.
As they reached the top, they saw many tents were built, filling up the area.


"Let's get to that spot," Raff said. They walked to a small spot with just enough room for one small
tent, but before they could build the tent, a bunch of tough looking dudes stopped them.
"This is our spot. Get out of here."
"We arrived here first," Ivette said.
"It's okay. We will leave, Ivette."
"No, brother. There is no other spot left."
The leader of the group glanced at his sister and whistled. "What a gal! Alright, I will let you be in
this spot. In my bed, that is, haha!"
The other dudes laughed at their leader's joke.
Ivette glared at him. Raff took her hand.
"It's not worth it. Let's leave this place."
Ivette was still glaring at the man before she nodded and was about to walk away until the leader
grabbed her hand.
"Who said you can leave? Didn't I tell you to stay in my bed?"
"Unhand me!"
The leader grinned. "Sure, after you take off your clothes.
Aldred was taking a walk around the area. He got bored of playing chess. Since he had the highest
intelligence, he easily defeated Mary, Mareona, Sophia, and Mira. Especially Mareona. Defeating
her was too damn easy.
He had some close calls against Mary though. Her creative maneuver in moving the chess pieces
shocked him at times. Thankfully, he had the godly eyes to predict the possible scenarios that might
Suddenly, Aldred heard a shout.
"You bastard! Unhand me!"
The leader grinned and laughed. "Not until you take off those clothes." His eyes glanced at the snow
white thigh of the girl, and was about to grab it.
Raff stopped his hand and stared at him. "You've gone too far. We will leave now."
The leader glared at him. "Leave your woman here. No need to lose your life for this."
"She's my sister." Raff's expression turned dark.
"You sister?" The leader grinned. "That's even better. Leave her here, and you will live."
Raff was angered and slapped the man's hand off from his sister's arm.
Aldred and Pongo were watching this from a distance.
"Seems like they have a little conflict, Pongo."
"That dude obviously lusted for the girl," Pongo said, finally talking with proper language.
"Well, she does look beautiful," Aldred said.
"Shut up, you degenerate. Your brain is filled with too much stain."
"Said a penguin who rubs his own head against' women's breast. You also did that to the female
soldiers right?"
Pongo snorted. "You will never understand a cultured penguin like me."
Suddenly, a powerful clash resounded and Aldred saw the brother was fighting against the leader of
the adventure group.
"Eat this, you fool!" The leader shouted as he swung his sword.
The brother gritted his teeth and blocked.
BOOM! An explosion rang out, startling a lot of people in the area. When they saw that it was a
fight, they ignored it and returned to what they were doing.
It was none of their business anyway.
Clang! Metal against metal resounded through the air. A gust of cold wind swept the place, blowing
the snow into the air.
"I didn't come here to fight another man," the brother said.
"Haha. If you don't want to fight then leave your sister. I can already imagine my hands on her,
ripping her clothes and ravaging her."
The brother's eyes turned bloodshot. "I have tolerated you enough. The old priest didn't give me this
power to kill, but to survive."
Clang! Clang! Clang!!
The brother's body glowed brighter and brighter as his attack become stronger with a powerful aura
rippling in all directions. The fight seemed to tilt to the brother's advantage.
"They're not bad. Not as strong as Bartrem and the soldiers, but they're fine," Aldred commented.
"You're not going to help?" Pongo asked.
Aldred looked at the battle with a frown. This had nothing to do with him, but something inside his
heart told him to do something. He smiled inwardly. It must be because of Mira. Her teaching had
struck him deep.
"If the situation escalates, I will help. I don't think they're going to kill each other. Look, the brother
is winning anyway."
"Die!" The leader shouted. "Rock Breaking Slash!"
The ground under their feet cracked and it cascaded to Aldred's little snow hill before blowing up a
lot of snow.
Aldred and Pongo were fully covered by snow before they shook it off.
"That bastard," Aldred said. "I will bury his tent with snow later."
"You're a vengeful spirit. Mira's teaching doesn't do enough to clean your soul?" Pongo asked.
"Shut up, Pongo."
"Divine Slash!" A powerful golden light enveloped the sword before slashing against the leader. The
leader gritted his teeth and took out a small trinket that created a magic shield to block the sword.
Crack! The transparent magic shield shattered along with the trinket.


"It's very interesting what those small trinkets can do," Aldred said. "How do they make them?"
The fight continued for hours with the brother slowly getting more advantage.
"This is boring. The brother is going to win sooner or later. I am leaving," Aldred said.
Pongo shrugged and followed him.
Suddenly, Aldred heard another scream.
"NO! Brother!"
Aldred looked back and saw the leader's sword went through the brother's chest. At first, Aldred
thought it was impossible, but then he saw the subordinates were using chains to lock the brother's
"You cheated," the brother said before coughing out blood.
The leader grinned. "I never said it's going to be a duel."
"Bastard! I will kill you!" The sister pulled out her white swords and slashed.
The leader laughed, pulled out his sword from the brother's body, and parried. He easily blocked her
strike one after another, before grabbing her shoulder and then ripped a layer of her armor.
The leader's eyes turned to lust. "I cannot wait to get you in bed tonight."
"Alright, this has gone too far."
Everyone looked to the side to see a boy and a penguin approaching them.
The leader narrowed his eyes. "A boy?"
"You never heard of me?" Aldred asked, surprised as everyone usually had heard about him.
"Leave this place, boy. I don't mind giving your face a kick if you stay."
The sister glanced at the boy. "What is a boy doing in this place? Leave this place, child. You might
get hurt."
Aldred was slightly surprised. She still had the thought to think about others' well being? She
started to sound like Mira now.
That made him more motivated to help her.
"Hey," Aldred called. "We all know where this is going. I will defeat you. You cried for your mom
and requested to drink her milk, so why don't you guys leave and preserve your dignity?"
Someone noticed Aldred was confronting another group and ran to call for his friends. These people
knew Aldred's power, because of that, they quickly ran to not miss the show.
Suddenly, the place became buzzing with onlookers.
The leader was uncomfortable with a lot of people showing up. What if they want to take the
woman as well?
"Hey, I am talking to you, dipshit."
The leader's face turned dark. How dare the boy humiliate him in front of a lot of people. "Men, kill
One man walked up to him with a calm smile. He thought nothing of the boy.
He was a fool. He should have thought of how a normal boy could climb this mountain.
Everyone that managed to reach this height must have exceptional power or treasures.
When the man reached Aldred and was about to attack, his head fell off before a straight line of
light appeared horizontally on his neck.
The onlookers were shocked. What happened? They did not see the boy moved yet the man's head
fell just like that?
The sword master among the audience were even more shocked as they realized the high-level of
mastery needed to execute that strike.
The leader frowned. "What did you just do?"
Aldred smiled. "I did nothing."
The leader called out for his men again, and three of them charged at Aldred. When they reached
five meters in front of him, flames suddenly engulfed them and they turned into black dust.
Now it was the fire magicians' turn to become shocked. Fire combustion was not a simple spell, and
to turn a human into dust in less than a second was nothing but incredible.
The leader was shocked again. This boy wasn't ordinary. He glanced to the sides and noticed his
subordinates were trembling in fear.
This was no good. He had to show them the confidence of a leader. "You did it now boy. I will be
the one who kills you."
The leader's body shone with a powerful aura and his feet leaped off the ground.
Aldred smiled. "Blood Manipulation."

Suddenly, the leader's body bent in a weird way and it snapped his bones.
"AHH!" The leader screamed before he fell to the snow. "What did you do to me?"
"I did nothing." Aldred smiled. This time, his smile was that of a demon torturing the sinner.
The leader felt great fear in his heart, and suddenly, his limbs were bent even more. "AHH! It hurt!"
Aldred summoned Nicky, Will, and Teethless. The three giant creatures in their undead form stared
at the leader.
He was scared out of his life when he saw them.
"Now, if you don't want to get eaten by these beasts, give me all of your money."
The leader gritted his teeth. "Men, save me!"
His subordinates flinched and their feet trembled. After a few seconds, they all ran away.
"Sorry, leader, but we still want to live."
"You're asking your subordinates to save you from these beasts?" Aldred laughed. "That's like
saying you want to bring them to death along with you. Of course they will refuse, you balls sack."
"I love balls!" Someone shouted from a distance.
"You shut up or I will throw you off the mountain."
Aldred coughed and pretended he heard nothing. "I don't have all day. Give me everything you have
or you will be eaten by these beasts."
The leader frowned, and then grinned. He believed the boy wouldn't kill him. Otherwise, he would
have done it by now. "Kill me then."
"Okay. Nicky, eat him."
"Eh?" The leader did not expect that.
The giant velobra chomped on his shoulder.
"AHH! You ate my shoulder, bastard!"
The velobra was about to continue eating before the leader told them to wait.
"Wait! I will give you everything I have."
Aldred smiled. "That's more like it. By the way, I will also bring your subordinates back."
The leader looked behind him and noticed that a large pack of Gold Rank snow wolves were biting
on his men's collar and brought them next to him.
"Now pay up or become a feast! Each of you has to give me at least 10 million gold coins or you
will become wolf food."
Some of them flinched, while some sighed in relief. They walked up to him one by one and gave
him their treasures and transferred the money to his adventurer card.
One man tried to be smart and said: "Sir, I accidentally locked my adventure card."
Aldred waved his finger and Nicky, the giant velobra chomped on his head.
Everyone there was shocked by his decisive action. There wasn't even a slight hesitation in there.
With that as an example, no one tried to be smart and they became obedient pigs.
Aldred was smiling. 'Trying to trick me? Foolish. The one thing you should not try to trick is the
Each of them gave Aldred all their treasure and gold coins without saying anything.
And then someone came with cold sweats all over his body. "I don't have 10 million gold coins."
He closed his eyes expecting to be killed, but Aldred told him to stand beside him instead. That
worried him even more. What would the boy do to him?
Those who could not give him 10 million gold were told to stand to the side. This was to scare the
others to not trick him.
After a while, the extortio— the payment was finished.
"Okay, you guys can leave now."
The leader and his men let out a sigh of relief. Aldred glanced to the side, staring at the men who
couldn't pay. They trembled in fear under his gaze.
"You guys can leave as well."
Same with their comrades, they were very relieved to hear that.
"But your leader has to pay the price for your release."


"What do I have to pay? I gave you everything."

"You still have your life, no?" Aldred glanced at him with demonic eyes.
"This is not fai—" His head was exploded by Will using his tentacles.
When the leader died, Ivette ran to her brother and hugged him. Her brother smiled as the wound on
his stomach slowly recovered.
Aldred approached both of them. Raff smiled. "Thank you for helping us. You are a good person."
Ivette looked at the boy still with tears in her eyes. "Thank you. We are forever indebted to you."
Aldred looked at the siblings. His godly eyes detected divine energy within their bodies, and the
both of them only recently came into power. This meant they both reached Gold Rank at such
extreme speed. It wasn't as fast as him, but the comparison wasn't that far off.
Suddenly, the brother coughed out a mouthful of blood and his wound worsened.
Aldred detected a small black energy running around inside the brother's body. Did the enemy use
some sort of magic trinkets to put this spell? It seemed to be a curse type spell.
The golden energy tried to destroy the black energy, but it dodged swiftly while destroying anything
in its path.
Aldred ran up to him and tried to save the man, but the black energy was too quick, and the brother
coughed his last blood before he died.
Ivette looked at his hollow eyes in disbelief. Tears welled up inside her eyes and she hugged him.
"Brother! Please save him! Anyone, please save him!""
Aldred bit his lips. It was too late to call Mira for help, the man had died. Even she couldn't bring
back the dead to life.
But he can.
Aldred hesitated. Would it be fine to resurrect the man? What would the sister think about it? After
all, becoming an undead changed their thought process slightly.
The sister cried on top of his brother. Aldred felt pain in his heart as he was reminded by his own
sister. What if it was Dina who was crying on top of his corpse?
He would never want her to cry like this. With a sigh, Aldred put his hand on Ivette's shoulder. "I
can help."
He raised his hand. "Arise."
Aldred manipulated the black mist to turn into golden light beforehand. He didn't want her to think
that her brother was an undead. When the golden mist enlarged, a man stepped out with a smile.
Ivette ran up to her brother and hugged him. "Brother! You're alive!"
"I am alive." Raff laughed.
Aldred smiled as he looked at the two siblings reunite once again. "Tell me. Do you guys want the
Raff shook his head. "We're just here to sell the astrolabe and pay our debt."
"How much is the debt?"
"It was supposed to be 12 copper coins, but the noble increased it to 20 million gold coins because
of interest. I don't understand how interest works, but the noble said that it's supposed to be that
'What the hell! Even I isn't evil enough to increase the debt to more than 10 million times. That
noble deserved to be killed.'
"What will happen if you fail to pay it?"
"Both of us will become his slave for sixty years." What Raff did not tell them was the noble did not
want them to pay the debt at all, that was because the noble wanted to take his sister as a sex slave.
He trembled just by thinking about it. He had to protect his sister, but he wasn't strong enough. Raff
glanced at the boy. When he was resurrected, all of his memories, emotions, and experiences
entered him.
The boy was a good person, talented, powerful, and wealthy. A perfect criteria for his sister. If there
was any man who fit for his sister, it had to be the boy. He hesitated whether to do it or not.
"Only 20 million? Consider it paid, but both of you have to help me in my journey. Do the both of
you agree?"
The two siblings looked at each other and Raff nodded.
"Are you sure about this, brother?"
"I am sure,"
Ivette glanced at the boy. "But we are weaker than you. How can we possibly help."
Aldred smiled and said nothing. That was when she realized that the boy did not want their help at
all. It was him who wanted to help them by letting her and her brother come along with him.
What a kind-hearted person. Powerful and kind. The boy was handsome as well. She blushed when
she finally took a detailed look at his face.
"Ivette," Raff called.
"Yes?" Ivette looked up at him.


"What do you think of marrying the boy?"

Aldred was speechless. 'Ey yo, bro. Your sister is hot and I like her attitude, but isn't this too fast?'
"Eh?" Ivette was shocked as well and she blushed. She didn't know how to reply to that sudden
question. The boy was cute and seemed like a good person.
Aldred coughed. "Let's talk about that later. For now, let me introduce you to my friends."
Glad that she was saved, Ivette nodded. "That's right. Let's meet your friends and get to know each
Raff sighed. He wanted to secure the boy as his sister's husband. Even though Aldred already had a
lot of women with him, one more would be fine. Not to mention his women had a great relationship
with each other and no rivalry among them.
As Aldred, Raff, and Ivette walked to his camp, the onlookers were jealous of the two siblings.
They too wished to be recruited by Aldred and be protected under his wings. Alas, the world has
never been fair, and it never will be.
"Those siblings are lucky. Being together with Aldred already secured them an astrolabe."
A man nodded. "And she can play with his balls."
"Bro, if you want to die just say it. I have a spear in my arm right now."
When Aldred arrived at his tent, he explained everything to Mary and the others.
"So that's what happened," Mary said. He glanced at the siblings and smiled. "Make yourself at
home. We will build a tent for you guys."
Ivette slightly bowed her head. "Please don't. We don't want to burden you. We can build our own
"Silly girl," Mareona said. "You will be sleeping with us."


"Eh what?"
"Every new girl that joined the group has to sleep with us. Isn't that right, Aldred?" Mareona gave a
wink at him.
Aldred did not know what she was planning. It was usually her that hit his head for being a pervert,
but now she supports it? Was the sky about to fall today?
Ivette hesitated.
"Alright, Mareona. Don't tease the newcomer," Mira said with a smile. She glanced at the both of
them and noticed the divine energy inside their bodies. Someone from Montcresia gave them that
power. It was possibly a bishop. No, with this power, it was at least an archbishop.
What did the archbishop see in these two siblings? Nevertheless, She had to take care of them.
Suddenly, she noticed something weird about the brother. Her brows furrowed together and realized
that the brother was an undead.
'He's already dead?'
Aldred looked at her and slightly shook his head. Mira understood his intention. She did not want to
make the sister sad.
Mareona giggled and hugged Ivette. "Are both of you hungry? I heard Bartrem is cooking steak
Ivette looked down. "We cannot do that. Aldred already saved us and has done a lot for us. We
cannot burden you guys too much."
Sophia smiled. She already liked Ivette. At first she was skeptical about her, but she didn't seem to
be a bad person. But of course, a slight wariness still stayed in her heart. If Ivette dared to harm
Aldred, she'd be dead
before she could blink.
"Let's have a meal together, Ivette," Sophia said.
"Good idea," Aldred said. "We can introduce you to the others while eating."


And so they dragged Raff and Ivette outside the tent. Bartrem was flipping meat on the grill with
flames spewing out. He looked like a master chef as his hands gracefully seasoned the meat and
brushed some sauce on them.
The fragrant smell of the meat entered their nose. It was sweet and sour, which Aldred really liked.
His stomach already rumbled from hunger.
"Bartrem, meet our new members."
Bartrem glanced to the side as he flipped the meat. "New members? We never have new members
"Well, now we do." Aldred then explained what happened earlier.
"So that's what happened. As the leader of Pressure Platoon II, I welcome you."
Bartrem finished cooking with the soldiers and put the meat on a large plate where everyone can
take some for themselves. He also made some boiled eggs that had been peeled and beautifully sat
on the plates.
"Ivette, why don't you take one for yourself," Aldred said.
Ivette hesitated for a second before she took the meat. Her hand got burned. "Ah."
Aldred walked up to her and washed her hands with cold water, healing the burn mark. "Sorry about
that. I will cool the meat first."
Aldred absorbed some heat from the meat, reducing its temperature from hot to warm. Who knew
high mastery in the fire elements had such benefits?
He gave the meat back to her and smiled. "Please enjoy it."
Mira and the others looked at each other and smiled.
"Aldred is being a ladies boy again," Mareona said. "Humph! What a play boy."


Raff seeing this was happy. He hoped that Aldred would succeed in taking his sister's heart and
marry her. Although, looking at her apple-red cheeks... it seemed like Aldred had taken her heart
Ivette tried to hide her embarrassment by chomping on the meat, when the fragrance and taste
entered her mouth, she widened her eyes and cried.
"What's wrong?" Aldred asked. "Is it still too hot?"
Ivette shook her head as she wiped her tears. "It's perfect. It's perfect."
Raff caressed his sister's head. "I apologize. She had never eaten any good food before because we
saved up all of our money to pay the debt. During our journey, we can only eat crickets, centipedes
and other bugs."
"You guys eat centipedes?" Aldred widened his eyes. He couldn't even imagine touching them, not
to mention eating them. Yuck!
"We have to." Raff sighed. "Otherwise we wouldn't have any energy to move."
Bartrem looked at them with a pitiful gaze. The others also felt some pain in their heart. Aldred
grabbed a plate and took a lot of meat and boiled eggs. He then handed it to them.
"Eat as much as you can. I will be angry if you don't eat until your belly is full with food. I want
you guys to make big poop tomorrow."
Mareona laughed. "Aldred, that's not how you offer food to someone?"
Mary and the others laughed as well.
"Aldred, you are so hilarious." Sophia smiled.
Aldred gave a shy laugh and scratched the back of his head. "I was joking, but please eat as much as
you can."
Ivette looked at Aldred and then at the pile of meat. She cried again. "Thank you. Thank you. I will
finish them all, don't worry."
"Thank you. Thank you. I will finish them all don't worry."
Right after she said that, Ivette stuffed her mouth with food with both hands. She was like a hungry
animal eating meat left and right with her face and slender fingers becoming messy.
Aldred watching this was speechless. She... she must be really hungry.
When she stuffed too much food in her mouth she closer her eyes to savor the flavor and gulped it
all down her throat before continuing to insert more food inside her mouth.
Everyone else looked at her with their jaw open. If not for her brother telling the story that they
only ate insects and bugs, they would have thought that Ivette was an animal in disguise.
It was shocking and pitiful at the same time. How could all that food get inside that small, petite
body of hers?
Raff noticed Aldred's gaze, and was about to stop Ivette from eating frantically. But he stopped
himself because he felt certain emotions coming from Aldred. The emotion were longing, nostalgic,
pity, and other type of emotions.
As Ivette was eating, Aldred approached her with a smile, and then wiped her face with a towel. She
stopped and looked at the boy.
"It's okay. You can continue eating. Bartrem will cook more food for you."
"T--Thank you."
"No need to thank me. You're already part of us now. We don't thank each other with words."
"Then with what?"
Aldred smiled. "With always being there for each other."
The floating castle.
Eve and Dina were sitting in the living room watching TV showing Aldred wiping the stain on
Ivette's cheeks.


"He's grown so fast," Eve said.

"He's no longer the spoiled baby boy he used to be," Dina said. "I feel proud and sad at the same
"I cannot wait for him to return to the floating castle," Eve said. "I want to hug him again like I used
to do."
"Meet him then," Dina said.
"I must not. We have to let him grow by himself. If I meet Aldred now, I probably won't be able to
hold it and take him back to the castle."
Suddenly, she felt someone casted a world-wide divination spell. A powerful invisible aura spread
out, enveloping the planet, and going through every continent, until one small point glowed bright
yet that point was invisible to most eyes.
"A threat to my existence? A small boy?" A voice nobody could hear entered her mind. "I must
remove him."
She and Dina were the only ones who could hear that voice.
Eve stood up from her chair. "You want to come?" She asked her daughter.
"I am gonna stay here, mom."
"Alright. Watch Aldred for me while I am away." She vanished and appeared in a dark dungeon
where a man in large skeletal form was sitting on top of a ancient runes made from blood.
"Who's there? How did you enter this place? A woman? A vampire at that? Hehe, you will become
one of my fine collection."
Eve raised an eyebrow. "A celestial necromancer? You shouldn't be in this small planet. I see you
are wounded and lost much of your power."
"How did you know of my power? Who are you?"
Suddenly the large skeleton gasped as his bones cracked. A powerful aura burst out from Eve and
condensed towards the skeleton's direction.
Fear welled up through every inch of his bones and he trembled in fear as his red eyes flickered.
"This power... Who are you? Tell me! What a universal existence like you are doing in this place?"


Eve's eyes flickered in crimson color.

"You are... you are the Grand Ancestral Vampire! The very first vampire! Eve!"
"I did not expect you to know me."
The skeleton kowtowed. "Oh Grand Ancestor, please give mercy to this low life. I do not intend to
offend you in any way."
"You are a threat to my son."
"Your son is that boy? Please forgive me, ancestor. I will do everything you ask of me. Please give
Eve hesitated for a second. "In that case, if there is any chance my son will come to this continent,
you must prevent those two ranks above him from doing him any harm. If you do well, I will give
you a drop of my blood."
The large skeleton trembled in excitement. The pure blood of the Grand Ancestor herself? With that
material he could grow a million times more powerful than he currently was, and all of his wounds
would be healed.
"This low-life shall do its best. I thank you, Grand Ancestor."
"What is your name?" Eve asked.
"This lowly being is called Krazar."
"I will remember you, Krazar."
"This low self is grateful."
Eve vanished, leaving Krazar all alone trembling in excitement.
"The Grand Ancestor... I cannot believe I met her in person. Even if I die, I will still be happy. I
cannot wait for that boy to come to this continent. The ancestor's blood. I need that blood to regain
my power."
When Eve teleported back to her castle, she sat down and watched the TV again.


"Are you finished, mom?"

Eve nodded.
"Who casted that divination spell?"
Eve blinked. "Uh... I forgot his name. It's not that important."
Ivette was eating a large piece of meat as fast as she could while standing.
Everyone chanted her name because now, she was currently in a eating competition with 25 other
contestant. So far, she had eaten more than 12 Bajaragon meat while the others were still at their 8th
Aldred figured since she likes eating then why shouldn't he make an eating competition. And here it
This was her last meat, and she finished it with spectacular speed.
"And we have a winner!" Aldred shouted, raising her hand as her cheeks were filled with food. "As
the winner of this competition, what do you have to say?"
"Mgat ihs dlcious. I wnt est mre nd mre."
Aldred laughed. "And there we have it, folks! Please applaud for our winner and new members of
our family!"


Raff clapped and smiled proudly at his sister. "So will you have seggs now?"
"So will you have seggs now?"
All of them ignored what Raff said and continue cheering for Ivette's victory. Even Aldred was
speechless by Raff's desperation to tie the knot.
"Raff," Aldred called. "Ivette is part of the family now."
That translated to: I will do that later, big bro. Don't you worry.
Raff understood the cue because Aldred's emotion was connected to him. And he also realized that
he was a bit hasty even though Aldred already accepted his sister.
Mira caressed Aldred's head. "You did a good thing. I am so proud of you."
One way to encourage people to keep doing good deeds was to praise and rewards them. And they
deserved to be praised and rewarded for their deeds. And so she whispered; "I will make you feel
good tonight."
Aldred trembled in excitement. Mira was usually shy in bed, but now she planned to make him feel
good? He wondered what she would do tonight.
Mira giggled when she saw his reaction. "But don't extort people again, okay?"
"That's not extortion, but a small payment."
"You take all of their treasures and gold coins."
"A small price for their valuable life," Aldred said.
Sophia nodded in agreement.
Mira sighed. Maybe she should be satisfied with Aldred not killing them.
If she knew that Aldred killed some of them, and their leader, Mira might continue to talk about it
with him. But Aldred did not think she needed to know that. He did not want Mira to worry too
'I would never become a loose monster anyway. I will be a monster with full control of my power.'
As Aldred relaxed with Mary, Mareona, Mira, Sophia, and Ivette, a large group of people started
climbing up and then they built a tower structure at a certain spot.


Aldred saw them pulling out wares out of their space bag, and sign that said: Dragon Traveling
"Ladies and gentlemen! The Dragon Traveling Merchant is here! We have lots and lots of treasure
that can help you climb the mountain. Come and see! You might find something good!"
A lot of people seemed to know about the Dragon Traveling Merchant because the moment they call
their own brand name, the people rushed to the tower structure.
"This is what I need! I finally can breathe properly with this!"
"A magic trinket that can shield me from cold and hot! Finally!"
One after another the adventurer found the magic items they needed. Some bought an anchor to
climb the mountain.
"You guys want to see some items?" Aldred asked.
Mareona shrugged. "Sure. We might find something useful." She was interested because a lot of
people were buying things at the store.
"Do we have enough money?" Ivette asked.
Aldred smiled. He currently had 702,572,169 Gold coins in his adventure card, but that would be
too shocking if he tell them about it. "Of course we have enough money. I extor— I asked a lot of
people to pay me for my service."
'Service in giving them mercy.'
Aldred pulled everyone to the tower where the seller presented their items. When he looked around,
he found the items weren't that interesting or useful.
"Sir, if you would like to, we have more useful items at the above floor. But the price will be a little
more expensive," an old man said to them.
"We will check out the above floor then."
"Don't bother," a young man said. "I don't think you can afford the items there." He looked at
Aldred up and down in disdain.
"Only wealthy people can go to the second floor."
Aldred sighed and flicked his card, showing the number of gold coins he had. The young man's eyes
widened, and then rolled to the back of his head. He was standing yet he was unconscious.


The old man seeing this was trembling. A wealthy man! A wealthy man! How could he bring such a
large number of gold coins! This man must be the son of an emperor or a powerful and wealthy
"Can we enter the floor above now?"
"Yes, you can, young master. I apologize for the misbehavior of this man. He is still young and
could not s—"
"Could not see mount tai. Yeah, I heard that statement a lot."
"I don't know anything about mount tai, sir. I was about to say Mount Fargon."
They stepped up the stairs and headed for the second floor. Fragrant scent entered his nose, and a
luxurious store came into view. The items here were stored in a glass with crystals giving them light
from below.
Aldred inspected the item one by one and found them not that interesting. He already had tons and
tons of rare items in his inventory, and he had even merged them into the All Devouring Stick.
"Good morning, Good sir and ladies. Did you find any items you like?" A beautiful young lady
greeted them.
Aldred shrugged as Mareona, Mary, Mira, Sophia, And Ivette looked around.
Ivette's eyes sparkled as she stared at the treasures.
"Do you want to buy something?"
Ivette shook her head.
"It's okay. I am not poor. If you compare the noble you have debt with, I am far richer," Aldred lied.
He actually did not know how rich a noble could be.
"Really?" Ivette asked.
"Of course."
"Then…" Ivette then went out on a shopping spree, buying everything she touched, and everything
she see.


"I want that one. That one. That one. And that one."
"Ivette, that's a pp condom."
"I want it!"
If Raff, her brother, heard that, he would give her a thumbs up. In fact, Raff was connected to
Aldred's vision and emotion, so he was actually giving a big thumbs up right now.
Aldred let her buy anything she wanted. And when she was done, the beautiful seller totaled them
"That would be 11,393,196 gold coins."
Ivette was shocked. "So expensive. Can we pay for that?"
Aldred coughed. Although he had a lot of money, losing 11 million at once was undesirable. So
instead, Aldred showed the seller something.
"Do you accept this as payment?"
"What are these?"
"It's the scale of a Bajaragon."
"The scales of Bajaragon?!" The seller was shocked.
"We will accept, but this amount is not enough."
Aldred then poured out thousands of Bajaragon scales from his inventory. The meat they ate all
these days were actually from Teethless, and when Bartrem removed the scales, Aldred stored them
just in case.
Their scales were tough. Tough enough to impress Aldred. Even his fire javelin was blocked even
though it had been strengthened many times.
It was no wonder that the seller was shocked. An armor made of a Bajaragon scales could be a great
lifesaver in this mountain and the whole treasure hunt.


"Is this enough?" Aldred asked.

"It's… It's enough, sir."
Aldred smiled, and then put all the items they bought into his inventory.
After putting all the items, Aldred went to the upper floor and bought everything there. He literally
cleaned every floor of their items which shocked the seller and the customers.
He paid them all with Bajaragon scales. Which shocked them even more as Aldred shoved piles
after piles of scales to them.
Where the hell did this guy find such a large amount of scales? Did he have a Bajaragon farm back
"Aldred, is it okay for you spend so much on us?" Mary asked.
"Even if I am poor, I will spend all the money I have for you guys. But since we have a lot of
money, don't worry about it. Buy anything you want. I will buy some for the soldiers as well."
Mira, Mary, Mareona, Sophia, and Ivette felt their heart thumped harder than before.
After cleaning the upper floor, Aldred went to the ground floor and bought everything there.
"Rich! So fucking rich!"
"He didn't even look at the items before buying them."
The customers were disappointed as all the items were sold. Meanwhile, the sellers were all
trembling in excitement. Bajaragon scales! If they created armor from this material, they would
make a far larger fortune!
Aldred walked back to the camp with his women, and then poured all the treasures for his soldiers.
"What are these?" Bartrem asked.
"All the items from the Dragon Traveling Merchant."
"Did he just say all the items?" Maverick asked as he drank blood from the magic sac.


"Yeah, I bought everything in there."

"Why did you do that?" Bartrem asked.
"Who knows you guys might find something useful in there. Take a look and pick some items."
Bartrem called for the soldiers to look at the pile of treasures.
"Anyway, it's really weird. Why did a merchant group climb this mountain?"
"They are the Dragon Traveling Merchant, known to always selling their wares in the most
dangerous spots of this continent. They are always there when you explore a dungeon, a ruin, a
tomb, a cave, and very much everything else."
"Why not sell them below just like that Golden River Adventure group?"
"I don't know the exact reason, but I heard they send out some adventurers first to the dangerous
areas to find information of the items people might need. Sometimes they pay random adventurers
that return from the dungeon for information."
"So everything they sell is designed to help adventurers survive in certain places?"
"Yes. And they are quite pricey."
"People will still buy them though since they are desperate."
"That's the point of their business."
The soldiers picked some treasures and walked away with a satisfied smile. Apparently the items
were to their liking. That was good. At least, it was money well spent. More like Bajaragon scales
well spent.
Suddenly, Aldred heard something falling from above. Everything above was covered by white
mist, preventing him from seeing what was beyond there. He did not think much about it, but the
sound got stronger and stronger, until something landed with a plop.


It was a large blob of sticky honey.

The nearby adventurer approached it with a stick and poked it a bunch of times with a shield on
their left arm.
They were all scared of what that honey might do to them. After confirming the honey was not a
threat, a man was brave enough to lick the honey.
"It tasted... sweet."
They were relieved that it wasn't poisonous. But then suddenly, a gigantic wasp flew down and
grabbed the man.
"Ahh! Help me!" The man punched and kicked, but the wasp was resilient. The wasp flew above
the mist, disappearing from view.
The adventurer below looked at this with mouth agape.
Aldred activated his godly eyes and saw through the thick cloud of mist. In his sight, he saw
thousands of large wasp tending their nest and making honey.
"I thought wasps couldn't make honey. Maybe it's different in this world, or that they are a special
type of wasp."
Considering they had gigantic body; five times larger than the average human, then yes, these wasp
might be special.
But Aldred saw the wasp did not kill the man or trap him, it brought the man to the next cliff.
"Eating that honey is a good thing. The wasp did not kill the man, it brought the man to the next
stage," Aldred said.
Some people with their wonderful treasures saw through this and quickly ate the honey. They let
themselves be picked up by the wasp while the others were shocked.
The fallen honey eventually ran out, as the last man licked the floor for it.


One man frowned and realized something. "The next stage is above the mist. We have to climb the
Everyone has been waiting for long enough. Each day they spent waiting here was another resource
and treasures being consumed to stay alive. That was why they had to climb to the next stage as fast
as they could if they didn't want to run out of resources such as water, food, supplies, and necessary
treasures that kept them alive.
This was the mesosphere after all. Without all the magical items and spells, humans would never be
able to reach this place.
They all climbed the wall using their magic items.
"Should we follow them?" Bartrem asked.
"Wait. Let me see how this play out."
When the adventurers climbed above the thick mist, he saw the wasps fly at them and stabbed their
back with gigantic needles on their butt. Their abdomen shook and injected some sort of poison
through the needles.
"Ahh! Fucking wasp! Get out of here!"
One after another they were injected with venom, but before they could down a glass of healing
potion, their skin rotted, and their teeth decayed.
The skin on their face cracked and some parts fell as their eyes turned gray. Yet, they are still alive,
and not alive at the same time.
The injected victim looked at their comrades before biting them.
"Fuck! You fool what are you doing!"
The victims did not hear his their comrades and kept on attacking.
They had been turned into zombies!
The adventurer screamed and blasted their zombified comrades in flames. After killing their own
comrades in panic, the adventurers realized the bite mark on their wound started to rot.
Then it spread all over their body before they too became a zombie.
"Fuck! Don't get bitten by them!"
The adventurers killed their friends without hesitation, and their corpses fell by the dozens. They
continued climbing after that, not even glancing back at those they used to call friends.
"This is the true nature of adventurers," Maverick said. "People picture them as a group of exciting
people, but they wouldn't hesitate to kill each other to obtain a treasure. They are a group of
ambitious men and women who dream of a wealthy life, and they are prepared to do anything for
Maverick looked down. "And that's how it's supposed to be. The path to power doesn't include a
straight road filled with flowers and carpet. It's covered with bones and blood of your comrades and
your enemies. Stopping midway means everything you did to get there was meaningless."
"You cannot bring family with you while walking the path to power."
"It must be very lonely," Mira said. "Walking this path of blood and bones away from your loved
More zombies fell and their blood splattered on the ground.
"It is. But I am used to it. Anyway, let's find a way to climb this."
They glanced at Aldred and noticed he was eating a large wasp.
"Aldred!" Mary shouted in panic. "What are you doing?"
Aldred wiped his mouth from the stain. "Wait here. I have an idea." He transformed into a large
wasp and flew up. All the wasps ignored him as he landed on one of the nest and gobble up on a
goo of honey.


He flew back down and put the honey on the ground. "The wasps will bring us to the next stage if
we eat this honey. Wait here. I will bring more honey for all of us.
Aldred went up and down a couple of times until he piled up a large glob of honey for everyone.
"That should be enough."
The honey was piled into the shape of a small hill. And when the adventurers saw this, they
approached him and asked for some.
"Hello, we would like to ask some honey if that's okay."
"Pay up," Aldred said.
They wore a troubled expression. They had spent a lot of money to buy items from the Dragon
Traveling Merchant.
"How much for 70 people?"
"That would be 70,000 Gold coins."
Their eyes widened when they heard that. Each person would have to pay 1,000 gold coins for a
mouthful of honey.
"This is extortion!" A man said.
"You prefer becoming a zombie instead?" Aldred smiled.
"Aldred," Mira called. "I am sure you have enough honey for everyone. Why don't you lower the
price a bit."


"Alright." Aldred shrugged. He wasn't serious about extorting them anyway.

"Wait!" An old man said. He was the old man that greeted Aldred in the Dragon Traveling Merchant
tower. "We would like to buy the honey for 120,000 Gold coins."
"The highest bidder wins. And you sir, just won the bid." Aldred received the money with his card,
and ate a mouthful of honey with his comrades.
The wasps came and picked them up, leaving the small hill of honey for the Dragon Traveling
The old man smiled. "It will be 20,000 Gold coins per person."
The adventurers gritted their teeth and paid quickly before the old man raised the price. Some of
them had the thought to steal the honey, but guards from the merchant group quickly surrounded the
honey. It's a valuable assets after all.
High in the sky, Aldred and everyone else was being lifted high into the clouds. They did not use
any defensive shields to defend themselves from the cold and hot radiation. Apparently, the honey
had the effect of preventing the radiation from burning the skin, and all the side effects of staying in
the mesosphere.
After a while, they finally reached the next cliff. Instead of the usual snow-covered surface, the
scene they saw was beautiful and lush forest of colorful leaves and plants. Squirrel-like creatures
ran around, chewing on banana-shaped nuts.
"This place is so beautiful," Ivette said. She then ran to forest.
"Ivette, wait. It might be dangerous!"
Ivette did not hear him and then caught a squirrel before hugging it. "Aren't you a cute one."
Aldred was relieved nothing happened. He summoned all his undead and told them to scatter to find
any dangerous traps or creatures.
In a matter of minutes, they informed Aldred that they found someone.


Aldred led them inside the forest, and after a while, they found an old lady sitting on a wooden
chair with a hat made of bamboo.
"Well, this is something new," Aldred said. "It's usually an old man with powerful sword skill or
magic art, but an old lady? Are you a witch?"
The old lady looked up, revealing her forest-green eyes. "Give me something this world has never
seen before."
Aldred raised an eyebrow, then he smiled. He beckoned his hand to the penguin. "Pongo, it's time
for you to be useful."
Pongo snorted and vomited something on his hand.
Aldred smiled and looked at the item. "What the fuck is this?"
"Pongo pongo (It's a vibrator)."
"I know, but why does it have spikes?"
"Pongo pongo (It's for males)."
"That doesn't explain shit! Whatever. Old lady, is this good enough?"
The old lady grabbed the item, and then took out a scroll. "Find the items drawn in this scroll."
Aldred received the scroll and opened it. It was a drawing of a rock. "How many do we need to
collect this rock?"
"As much as you can. Remember that you cannot collect ordinary rock. The rock drawn in that
scroll is a spiritual rock."


Aldred looked around. "But all the rocks looks the same!"
The old lady smiled. "That's the challenge, young man."
"Before that, can I ask you something?" Aldred asked.
"What is it?"
"Who are you?"
"I am one of the guardian of this place."
"Doesn't that mean you have to fight me?"
"Not necessarily. My task is simply to test and challenge if any of you are worthy to obtain this
"Who gave you this task?"
The old lady smiled. "The world, son."
She disappeared, and then a voice came from the wind. "Come back to this place when you collect
enough spiritual rocks."
"I wonder if the guardians have a life of their own. Like, do they have family and friends?" Mary
"I don't think so," Mira said. "The bible described the guardians as the manifestation of the world.
They are simply avatars that act as the tester for the treasure hunter. But the bible isn't always right.
Nothing is always right."
"Manifestation of the world?" Aldred asked. "That's like saying the world has consciousness and
has a goal of its own. If that was true, what was the intention behind the treasure?"
"To increase the numbers of adamantite beings in this world?" Ivette said.
They all looked at her which made her blush and looked away.
"That might be possible, but for what?" Mary said.
"We will keep that for later. For now, we should collect these spiritual rocks as much as we can."
Aldred stared at the adventurer that came from below and collecting rocks.
It seemed like the old lady wasn't the only way to get information.
The search for spiritual rocks commenced. Everyone was confused as which rock was spiritual and
which was ordinary.
The weird thing in this place was that every rock looked identitcal. To every scratch, to every mark,
to the weight, shape, taste, and feel.
Mira raised her staff. "Fortune senses." A golden light enveloped Aldred and everyone else.


"This won't help much, but I believe we can find the spiritual rocks easier with this."
They suddenly felt some rocks looked different than the other. Bartrem and the soldiers picked up
these rocks and placed them in a storage bags.
Each storage bag was a rare item, and not everyone could have it. So when the adventurer saw all
the soldiers had one storage bag, they felt their heart break in envy.
"I wish I could be that rich someday."
Meanwhile, Aldred was using his godly eyes. His vision went through the surface appearance of the
rock, and arrived at its atomic level. When he found no difference in there, his vision changed to
magical perception, and there he saw green energy within the rocks.
Only a few rocks had this green energy.
"So this is the spiritual energy." Aldred picked up the rocks along with others and put them all in his
As they were calmly picking up rocks, the trees suddenly shook and their roots whipped at Bartrem
and the soldiers.
"Watch out!" Aldred shouted.
Bartrem and the soldiers calmly brandished their swords and slashed forward, cutting off all the
roots and trees.
"We're not that weak, Aldred. You have been stealing the lime lights all the time so we couldn't
show our might," Bartrem said.
Aldred smiled. "Alright, sorry for that."
The trees pulled themselves out of the ground and started attacking everyone in the vicinity.
"No need to summon your undead. We will handle this." Bartrem charged forward with his soldier,
and their power surprised Aldred.
Each slash cut dozens of trees, and their movement was agile and quick. Rolling and ducking from
the roots, before savagely cutting them in pieces.
"They improved so much."
"Not just them," Mareona said.
Mary smiled. "We are stronger as well."
Both Mareona and Mary rushed towards the trees and their hands moved like flashes of lights.
The trees blasted into pieces, and were blown into the sky.


Sophia raised her staff. "Empowering Might!"

Powerful red energy enveloped Mary and the others. Suddenly, their strength increased more than
twice, and then thrice. Each blow shook the air, and rattled the ground.
After a few minutes, all the trees were cut down by them.
Mira smiled and casted a spell that returned their stamina and made them feel refreshed
[Party system evolving… sucessful]
[EXP sharing unlocked]
[Now every EXP received will be received by every party member]
'Wait, system. Does the EXP get split?]
[Incorrect. Every party member receive equal EXP without reducing the original amount]
'So if I get 5,000 EXP from a monster, everyone got that amount as well?'
'That's wonderful! Next time he defeated a powerful monster, his comrades would receive the
benefit as well.'
As Aldred was looking at the screen, the ground shook. They all frowned, wondering what caused
the shaking.
And the shaking got stronger as time passed. Suddenly, a large hill on the west was blown apart
from below.
Something dark—something mind—numbingly enormous—rose out of the hill on thick, chitinous
legs. Its dark purple claws, seemingly clad with black steel-like exoskeleton crawled out of the large
pit of blackness. Its head had no visible eyes with a helmet-like exoskeleton grew above the mouth
and to the back of the head.
[Xer Xai Earth Burrower]
Level: 75
Power: Burrow, Devour,
History: Xer Xai was once an apex predator lurking beneath the Duchy of Aringuerao. In her true
form, she was a fearsome creature with endless hungers—once devastating an entire province by
herself. Now in ruins and lay waste, only fearless adventurers dare to approach her hunting ground.
Its alien-like mouth roared into the sky, striking their eardrum, and then charged towards Mira.


"Fuck!" Aldred was a distance away from Mira, and he quickly morphed into a Phantom claw to
come for her aid.
The beast was getting closer, so Aldred hastened his steps.
Nine hundred meter.
That was the current distance between the beast and Mira. Aldred had to outspeed the beast or else.
Eight hundred meter.
The beast passed those distance within a single step. Time slowed down, but Aldred felt like he
needed to be faster.
Seven hundred meter.
The beast towered like a mountain of gargantic purple flesh clad in black exoskeleton. Purple
lightning flashed around its body. Its forelegs were a pair of claws whereas its hind legs were akin
to a large scythe.
Six hundred meter.
These giant legs made a grinding noise against stone and blasted every hills and boulder in its way.
Five hundred meter.
"Run away, Mira! Run as fast as you can!" Aldred bellowed.
Four hundred meter.
"Sophia! Slow it down with your spell!"
Three hundred meter.
Sophia casted numerous debuff spells to slow the creature. Yet its speed were unhindered.
Two hundred meter.
Aldred turned into astral form, becoming intangible and went through large boulders. His legs
couldn't be any quicker.
One hundred meter.
The creature burrowed under the ground, and then came out right behind Mira, blasting rocks and
boulders all over.


Mira was running, before she turned around, and a large claw grabbed her.
There was once a tale coming from the Aringuearo desert . Scorching heat, sand dunes, and hills of
rocks filled the lifeless desert. Despite its harsh environement, dangerous birds and scorpions
inhabited the landscape.
But the real threat did not come from the sky or the surface.
BOOM! The gigantic creature burst out of the ground with sand fell of its purple skin. The
adventurers' caravan said to be the most fearless of adventurers stared at the creature and now fully
learn the meaning of the word they seek--
Lips cold, and heart frozen, the adventurer were unable to move under the gigantic and towering
scale of the creature.
And that was exactly what Mira felt when the creature's claw came down, looming above her.
"Mira!" Aldred shouted from the distance. He was too far away from her while the claw was right in
front of her face.
Suddenly, a bright silhoute rushed in front of her and clashed against the claw. The clash created an
explosion of blinding lights that shot out in all directions.
Aldred closed his eyes and looked away for a second. After the light dissipated, it revealed Ivette in
white snow armor, blocking the claw.
Golden light rushed from the handle to the tip of the sword, blasting the claw away, and then
piercing through the creature's chest.
The creature roared and turned around. It burrowed into the ground.
"Where are you going, Bitch?!" Aldred leaped into the sky, and morphed into his adult form, clad in
Golden Battle Gear.


The blue runic spear glowed in his right hand and he threw the spear at the creature's back. Like
lightning, it blasted the creature's back, but it did not retaliate and ran away, going deep into the
black pit.
Aldred landed. The spear returned in his right hand with a crackle of lightning. His chest went up
and down as he stared down the pit.
He glanced at Ivette who was unconscious in Mira's hand. Mira cast a healing spell on her before
she looked up at Aldred.
Aldred approached both of them. Mary, Bartrem, and everyone else rushed to their side.
"Is everyone okay?" Bartrem asked.
"I am fine. And Ivette did not sustain any fatal injuries except a few cracks on her bones. My power
will heal them."
A loud roar came from the pit, followed by a violent wind that shot upward.
Mary frowned. "I have read about that thing. The nightmare of Aringuerao. Said to be so powerful
and unstoppable that an entire province was destroyed after years of facing its attack."
Maverick nodded. "Aringuerao was once a great province that brought much wealth through its sea
trade and mountains of mana crystals. If not for that thing lurking beneath the sand, we would
surpass the Ceraisian Empire's wealth by a large margin."
"But now that it's here, you can reclaim the province right?" Aldred asked.
"That's how it was supposed to be. Until we found out they multiplied."
Aldred nodded. "So this creature reproduce and now there are a bunch of them."
"That's correct. There is only one city left in that province, and they are filled with brave
adventurers that seek wealth and treasures of the past."


Aldred sighed. "I want to kill that thing someday."

"That creature won't let you go. It is known that they are vengeful and will return to finish the job.
In our 3rd operation to hunt this beast, we also found out that it also devours treasures to
strengthened its skin and exoskeleton."
"I don't know why that one is so small, but a Xer Xai is usually twenty times larger than that."
"Twenty times?" Aldred widened his eyes. That thing was akin to a small mountain already.
Maverick nodded. "It is said that the queen was far larger. Around forty to sixty times larger than
Aldred took a deep breath trying to make sense of that number. If the creature earlier was 300
meters in length, and the queen was sixty times larger, then that meant the queen was 18 kilometers
in length.
In other words, the queen was comparable to 2 Mount Everest stacked on top of each other.
No wonder it could destroy an entire province. In fact he was surprised and wondered why the
queen hadn't destroyed the entire world with that power?
"For now we should put Ivette back to the tent. Let her rest while we continue collecting the
spiritual rocks."
Everyone agreed with that plan, and after gently putting Ivette back inside the tent, Aldred went out
and collected the rocks.
On the surface, they all looked calm while collecting the rocks, but their heart were now in a
turmoil. That creature was large and powerful, but they were more shocked about Ivette.
How could a frail young woman like her catch and repel the gigantic claws?
Aldred was picking up rocks with Mira and the other girls. Bartrem and the soldiers were also close
by. Pongo was with him too. He wanted everyone to stay close just in case the creature appeared


Earlier, they were too scattered, but Aldred did not want to repeat the same mistake.
Aldred wanted to ask what exactly happened to Ivette, but he shook his head. Instead, he decided to
ask something else. "Mira, how many do you think we should collect of these rocks?"
"The old lady said as much as we can. Maybe we should follow her instruction word by word."
"Good idea. Second guessing ourselves won't do any good."
Not known to Aldred and his comrades, a group of assassins was watching him with all kinds of
invisibility spells and treasures. They had watched from beginning to end of what happen earlier,
but their mission had yet to end.
They were tasked to obtain the ring, and death awaits them should they fail.
Aldred then felt an urge to pee. Just in case, he summoned his blood clone and tasked it to protect
He went to an empty spot where nobody could see his pp.
One of the assassin frowned when saw Aldred approaching. Did he see me. No, that's impossible.
Aldred pulled his pants down to the shock of the assassin.
And then he poured all of the liquid out of his system.
The assassin could only closed his mouth, eyes, and nose as he was drenched in piss.
"Man, that feels good."

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