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 Hasta luego - See you later

 Donde vives. - where do you live
 Cuál es tu número de teléfono. - what or yogur phone
 Donde trabajas -Where do you work
 Cuantos años tienes- How old are you?- i am 32 years old
 No importa - Never mind
 Diviértete- have fun
 Salud- cheers
 Tengo hambre – I am hungry
 Necesito tomar – I need somenthing ro drink
 Me duele la cabeza - My head hurts
 Una vez más - One more time
 Puedo usar tu teléfono? - Can i use your phone
 Estoy cansado - I am tired
 Comamos -let’s eat
 Puedes lavar los platos – can you wash dishes
 Come here
 Cuesta $13.79 – it costs $13.79
 Quieros comer pizza – i whant
 Amarra tus zapatos - Tie your shoes
 Que dijiste? - What did you say?
 Has pagado la cuenta - Did you pay the bill?
 No tengo hijos – i dont have children

TO BE: Is Are. Am. Was. /. Were

I Am. Was
You Are. Were
He Is. Was
She. Is. Was
It is. Is. Was
We. Are. Were
You. Are. Were
They Are. Were

They were friends afirmativo

Were we friends? Interrogativo
We were not friends/ interrogativo
1.- She is having lunch
 Is she having lunch?
 she is Not having lunch
2.- You were sick, weren’t you?
 Were you sick, weren’you?
 You Were Not sick
3.- I am in love
 Am I in love?
 I am Not in love
4.- The game was boring
 Was the game boring?
 The game wasn’t boring
5.- It was raining all day.
 Was it raining all day?
 It wasn’t raining all day.

 Tag Questions

1.- She is having lunch isn't she?

She isn't having lunch is she?

2.- You were sick, weren’t you?

You weren't sick, were you?

3.- Iam in love, am I not?

am not in love, am I?

4.- The game was boring, wasn’t it?

The game wasn't boring, was it?

5.- It was raining all day, wasn’t it?

It wasn't raining all day, was it?

Those kids are naughty, aren't they?

 Tag Questions
Do Does
Do: I, you, we, they
Does: he, she, it.
She lives here.
Does she live here? / She doesn't live here
Does she live here? / She doesn't live here
You speak French
Do you speak French? / You don't speak French
Doesn't she he it? Don't you, they, we,
 Ejercicio

I. Your mom cooks terrífico, doesn’t she?

II. You don't love me, Do you?

III. James likes shrimps, doesn’t he?

IV. Your friends drink a lot, don’t they

V. Acapulco has many tourists, doesn’t is?

VI. I don't smoke much, do I?

VII. Ana doesn't sleep here, does she?

 Modal Auxiliaries
can write yo puedo escribir
I will write yo escribiré
I Could write yo
I would writeyo escribiría
Ishould write
I most write debo, tengo que escribir

 Ejemplo con modales auxiliares

1. Your dog can swim, can’t he?

2. He must work today,musn’t he?

3. You wouldn't do it, would you

4. It can't be true, can it

5. Sandy will have a baby boy, won’t she?

6. It won't rain, will it?

7. You should get married, shouln’t?

8. They shouldn't buy it, should they?

Present Perfect
I have eaten
You have eaten
He has eaten
She has eaten
It has eaten
We have eaten
You have eaten
They have eaten

 Ejercicio
There were five pencils here, weren there?

There are many good people here,

There isn't any milk in the fridge,

There are a lot of problems in the planet,

There weren't mice, Were there?

There wasn't any any problem, was there?

 Video anotaciones
She has broken a pencil
She has ordered a pizza
He has opened a can ok beans
He has borrowed a Pencil from Laura
She has lent lux a pencil
He has spreand some peanut butter on this bread
He has lost is keys
They have left the classroom
He has bought JD’s car
He has sold his car

 Ejercicio
1. They have fed the ducks
Have they fed the ducks?
They have not fed the ducks

2. She has been to Europe

She’s been to Europe
Has she been to Europe?
She hasn’t been to Europe

3. Have you ever… seen

1. Have you ever cried at a sad film?
R: Yes i have
2. Have you ever ridden a motorbike?
R: Not I haven’t
3. Have you ever broken a bone?
R: Yes I have
4. Have you ever played the guitar?
R: Not I haven’t
5. Have you ever grown a plant?
R: yes I have
6. Have you ever changed a nappy?
R: Yes I Have
7. Have you ever been on an aeroplane?
R: Yes I Have
8. Have you ever kissed a dog?
R: yes I Have
9. Have you ever had surgery?
R: Yes I Have
10. Have you ever eaten snails?
R: Yes I Have
11. Have you ever seen a ghost?
R: yes I Have


1.- It's hot in here,

2.- You weren’t home,
3.- here are good schools here.
4- You don t love me,
5-Your dad cooked today,
6- She doesn t like cats,
7.- You can swim.
8-She won t go,
9.- 1 look good
10.- You were in my
11.-1am not In this class,
12.- Karina saw a ghost,

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