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Paul Kearn’s story of an unhelpful director

1.What did Kearns want to talk to the director about and why?
Kearns was curious about the training's nature. In order for a trainer to reach his full potential, he
must first do an analysis of the requirements for the personnel who will be trained. The training
techniques and materials should be in line with the training needs. He should also have a good
notion of the employees' expertise and skill set. Furthermore, the number of employees in a training
session might have an impact because different people have varied training expectations. He'd also
like to talk about the length of the training sessions, the budget, and their depth. He should also be
aware of the engineers' demands and areas for improvement, such as the sorts of equipment they
use. All these requirements should be met for conducting a proper training session.

2. If Kearns had simply done what he had been asked and organized presentation skills
training for the engineers, what might the outcome have been?
Kerans' actions would have rendered the entire training ineffective. He'll never be able to
provide an effective presentation skills training session if he doesn't know what the engineers
desire. Because everyone's presentation skills differ, it's tough to deliver what everyone wants
without a thorough analysis. The materials and presentations should be produced in
accordance with the findings of the needs analysis. Another key consideration is the length of
time. Because the trainer has no idea how long the session will last, delivering the entire
session correctly can be tough. He might not be aware of the nature of presentations, so he
wouldn't be able to develop a properly structured training session.

3.What strategy might Kerans adopt to try to change the attitude of the director towards
training and the role of training experts?
He needs to interact with his director efficiently. He can inform him of the steps required for
a training session this way. Training and development, like any other process, has a set of
guidelines to follow. These steps can be explained to him in a systematic manner in a fast
session. He must place a strong emphasis on the analysis, which is essential for training, as
well as the time frame and budget. He should also go into detail about the trainers' role in the
sessions. To make the session successful, the trainers must establish an emotional connection
with the participants. He must also persuade the director of the preparation of materials and
procedures, as well as the time spent doing so. These tactical moves may aid him in
persuading the director.

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