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Department of Computer Science

Project Title: Warehouse Management System

Group Details

Student Roll No Signature

Kabeer Ahmad 20010819-018

Usman Sadiq 20010819-027

Roshan Khizer 20010819-061


Name Email Signature

Dr. Nauman Riaz

Final Semester Project- Proposal Warehouse Management System


This project is aimed at developing a web-based application named warehouse Management

System for managing the inventory system of any organization. The warehouse Management
System (WMS) refers to the system and processes to manage the stock of organization with the
involvement of Technology system.

The Warehouse Management System is a real-time warehouse database capable of handling large
inventories of an organization. This can be used to track the inventory of a single store, or to
manage the distribution of stock between warehouse of a larger franchise.

This system can be used to track product expiration dates and use expiration dates to manage
which product sells first also store the details of the inventory, stock maintenance, update the
inventory based on the sales details, and generate sales and inventory report daily or weekly

Tools And Technology

 Bootstrap framework(frontend)
 MVC Framework(backend)
 Web Browser (Chrome, Mozilla Firefox etc.)
 Visual Studio code
 MS Visio
 MSWord


The main goal is to reduce paper work of an organization and to save time of organization that is
better for the organization. Its purpose is to make it easier to manage product inventory levels by
ID, name, arrival date, supplier, and expiration date. The main goal is that when a product is in
stock, all its dates are displayed along with the expiration date, and less of the product's expiration
date is displayed at the top.

Final Semester Project- Proposal Warehouse Management System


 Design a website to manage product inventory with expiration dates.

 The management system eliminates paperwork, human error, manual delays and speeds up
 Stocks with a first-come or less-than-expiration date appear first on the sell page.
 To develop an application that deals with the day to day requirement of any production
 To provide competitive advantage to the organization.
 To provide details information about the stock balance.


 Manage Stock
 Secure
 Responsive
 Scalable (ease of expansion).
 Efficient
 User Friendly

Admin Access Level

 Authenticated Access(Login)
 Verification through sms
 Manage Users and full Application
 Give access to Manager to manage stock
 Supervise Manager, Supplier and Receiver
 Manage Stock (Manage Expiry Date, Manage arrival and sender date)
 Manage Inventory
 Manage Supplier
 Manage Receiver
 Manage Invoice
 Logout

Final Semester Project- Proposal Warehouse Management System

Manager Access Level

 Register(Sign-Up)
 Login
 Authenticated Access(Login)
 Verification through sms
 Manage Stock( Manage Expiry Date, Manage arrival and sender date)
 Manage Inventory
 Manage Supplier
 Manage Receiver
 Manage Invoice
 First Show less Expiry Date Stock
 Do quality Check
 Logout

Supplier Access Level

 Register(Sign-Up)
 Login
 Authenticated Access(Login)
 Verification through sms
 Supply Stock
 Check Inventory
 Create Invoice
 Log Out

Final Semester Project- Proposal Warehouse Management System

Receiver Access Level

 Register(Sign-Up)
 Authenticated Access(Login)
 Verification through sms
 Receive Stock
 Check Inventory
 Create Invoice
 Log Out


Admin is responsible to manage Manager and the Suppler and Receiver. Admin Manage Users and
Whole Application, Manage Manager, and all other Options. Manager shall be able to manage
supplier, give report quality issue to the supplier, Manage Stock, Manage Inventory, Manage Invoice.
Admin shall be add new User and manage all users. Manager, Supplier and Receiver verify through
sms. Manager Receive stocks form Supplier and receiver receive stocks and give payments. The
manager manage stock, update stock, Manage Expiry date, sale stock, show the stock first which
have less expiry date and do quality check.

Final Semester Project- Proposal Warehouse Management System

USE CASE Diagram


Final Semester Project- Proposal Warehouse Management System


Final Semester Project- Proposal Warehouse Management System




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