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Liceo Eleuterio Ramírez

2021 Departamento de Inglés

Teresa Moreira


Unidad: Go Global (Reforzamiento y nivelación) Habilidades: Fecha:

Name: Class: 3°_____ Score: ___/16

Objetivo: OA9 y OA12. Leer e identificar la información más relevante sobre la mitología Aymara.
 Leen textos literarios y no literarios apropiados a su nivel en forma independiente, en silencio o en voz
alta, con alguna fluidez y expresión.
 Organizan información explícita de los textos leídos; por ejemplo: hacen clasificaciones.
 Usan material de referencia (diccionario en papel o digital, internet) para apoyar la comprensión.
 Leen en forma focalizada para localizar detalles e información específica en el texto.
 Hacen inferencias acerca de personajes, problemas o desenlaces en las narraciones leídas.
 Releen para localizar información general o específica.

Instructions: Read the text and answer the questions below them. Use Calibri 12 to answer, don’t
add any colors to the font.
Text 1
Aymara mythology has many legends about the origin of things, such as the wind, hail,
mountains and lakes. In one myth about their origin, the god Tunupa is a creator of the universe who
taught the people customs: farming, songs, weaving, the language and the rules for a moral life.
The Aymara believe in the power of spirits that live in the mountains, in the sky, or in natural
forces such as lightning. The most sacred of their deities is Pachamama, The Earth Goddess.
She has the power to make the soil fertile and ensure a good crop. The Aymara make offerings to
Mother Earth, in order to assure a good harvest or cure illnesses.
The Aymara celebrate a Carnival. Dancing to drums and flutes accompanies a week-long celebration.
The Alcistas, a festival which features the God of Good Luck, is also very important.
Most households have a ceramic figure of the God Luck spirit, known as Ekeko. People think this
spirit brings prosperity and grant wishes. The doll is around, plump figure that carries miniature replicas
of cooking utensils and bags of food and money.
An important feature of the Aymara culture is the social obligation to help other members of the
community. The exchange of work and mutual aid play a basic role within an ayllu or community.

I. Complete the information according to the text.

a) Legends:
b) Gods and spirits:
c) Social obligation:
d) Celebration:

Liceo Eleuterio Ramírez
2021 Departamento de Inglés
Teresa Moreira
II. Answer the questions

a. Who is the most sacred God in Aymara’s mythology? Why?

b. How do Aymaras celebrate the carnival?

c. Why do Aymaras households have figures of Ekeko?

Text 2

Global truth
Somehow it seems that the people are lost,
In a world with internet and international posts.
Globalization has come here to be,
But what if it all leads to misery.
What if some nations have come together,
To decide for the future of all lands forever.
People are people, we need to understand,
That it is better to be in our land.
Then we’ll be happy, then we’ll be free,
Of unhappy faces and of misery.
So let us join hands. Let’s fight for this cause.
It is a statement. And it is the truth.
Let’s come together. Let’s fight for our youth.

III. Answer the questions

a) What is the theme of the poem?

b) What is the tone of the poem?

c) Is the author for or against Globalization?

d) What is the author worried about?

e) What is the “global truth”?

f) Do you agree with the poem’s points of view? Why? Why not?

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