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Jan Feliph Jovita Hadji

Grade 11- Assumption of our Lady



Gravity is the force that causes why things fall down or why our feet is on the ground.
According to physics, anything that has mass, has gravity and it is what holds our world together.
From a scientific view point, gravity is very much important to all of us, as it holds down our
Atmosphere and the air we need to breathe.
Base on what I understand, the movie “the Gravity” is purely metaphorical. When we say
metaphorical, it is a figure of speech in which a word, a phrase, or an event is literally denoting
or representing one kind of event. In short, it suggests a likeness or analogy between a certain
thing. The movie however, cannot be understood when we rely purely on what was happening
there, it takes someone’s critical way of thinking to understand the scenarios. For example, the
falling debris from the satellite denotes the asteroid from the past, a catastrophic event that
helped shape our world today, as it played a primary role for the extinction of ancient species.
Next, the character of Sandra Bullock, represents our ancestors. As what I have seen, we can
really feel the emotions of Sandra, the eagerness to fight for survival, and that’s what I think it
relates to our ancestors, for the surely suffered a lot and felt hopeless because it was not that east
to underwent 5 Mass Extinctions. Then, the scene in which Sandra found her way back to earth,
a successful landing, signifying the efforts of our ancestors to survive different kinds of
catastrophic events. Just imagine and ask yourself, if our ancestors did not make it to survive, is
it possible for us to exist in this world today? I guess, not. Lastly, even though I am not particular
and do not believe in the theory of evolution by Charles Darwin, I can tell that there is a
resemblance between the theory of evolution of men and the way Sandra crawl unto the beach
and from a crouching position she began to walk upright.
I now therefore end this reflection by summing it all up into two words “Survive-
Gravity”. To survive something like that is really amazing and of much eagerness and hope that
you can make it and that there is new life awaiting. Life anew will surely have its end also. The
word Gravity came from the word Gravitas which means grave, which we all know a place of
our final destination. It is truly a cycle, someone will start, someone will end and that is LIFE.

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