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Correctness - grammar

Accuracy – based on truth and facts





Clarity – consider making legal writing; use appropriate and precise words so that your message will get
across to your reader

Written in a formal tone; colloquial language and informal language are to be avoided

Elaboration – map out the reasoning behind the conclusion


1. Must be able to come up with a purpose or thesis of your presentation

2. Must remember that you make sentences that will show logical relation or clear connection so
that your intended reader will understand your point
3. Must show in the legal document emphasis in your intended position; if you are the plaintiff,
make statement in the document the position you want to say
4. Make sure to only use fewer words that will address the needs of your reader

A good legal writing – know the difference between the legal English, general English and legal writing

General English – when your wite about your own ideas, own observations, stories; cannot start with
but or however

Legal writing – writing about the legal, is there a legal obligation, where do you base this, and it states
facts; it is more of sending to your reader, your reader have to interpret what you said; you make sure
that there is no added interpretation that your reader will make other than the interpretation you
introduce in your legal document; can start with but or however

Lawyersclub - make sure that that your legal document, the objective is understood by your reader

1. Try to decide on what is the objective of your document

2. Make sure to know who is your audience; is the judge, party or simple public information
3. Make sure that your reference is related to your writing
4. Make an introduction so that the reader will know what will be next in the document or the
expectation to your document; something that will encourage the reader to continue reading
5. Make sure that the facts are arranged chronologically
6. Make sure that when you start, the legal terminologies included should be researched first

Active Voice

Passive Voice – determination on who is the actor or object of the sentence

Pre-writing Stage

Reviewing the assignment/ task why

Identify the constraints – prepare the outline that you will go through on what you want to relay to your
particular audience

Organization of the assignment

Continue with the writing stage

What happens during the writing stage

What will happen to the issues

Look for a legal document (decision, memorandum, brief) identify whether or not the principles of legal
writing was observed in that particular decision or memoranda

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