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Name: Ibrahim Mahmoud Salem

Address: Mansoura, EL dakhelia, Egypt

Mobile: 01096353433
Date of Birth: January 6, 1993
Nationality: Egyptian
Military Service: Exempted

Master Degree in Engineering Science (mechanical power) 2021
Title: of Heat Transfer from Electronic Components Using Passive cooling.
Mansoura University, Egypt.

BSc in Mechanical Power Engineering “very good with honor"

Grade: 80.73%
Mansoura University, Egypt. 2016

Graduation Project: water reactor “Excellent grade” 2016

Teaching experience
Assistant Lecturer at Future Institute of Engineering and Technology (4 years)
. Mathematics (several variables - differential equations) (6hrs. per week)
. Mechanics (vectors – equilibrium – Cartesian and polar coordinates) (4hrs.per week)
. Dynamics of rigid bodies (dynamics of particle systems) (4hrs.per week)
. Fluid mechanics (fluid concepts - hydrostatics forces – flow dynamics) (4hrs.per week)
. Thermodynamics (fundamentals of thermodynamics – steam turbines) (4hrs.per week)
. Refrigeration and air conditioning (air refrigeration systems) (4hrs.per week)
. Hydraulic machines (pumps and turbines) (4hrs.per week)
. Renewable energy (solar energy – wind energy) (4hrs.per week)
. Power station (Rankin cycle – Steam and Gas power stations) (4hrs.per week)

Teaching Assistant at Borg El-Arab Institute of Engineering and Technology (8 months)

. Mathematics (several variables - differential equations) (6hrs. per week)
. Mechanics (vectors – equilibrium – Cartesian and polar coordinates) (4hrs.per week)
.Theory of machines (rectilinear motion – rotational motion – gears – belts) (3hrs.per week)
. Thermodynamics (fundamentals of thermodynamics – steam turbines) (4hrs.per week)

HS engineers Institute of Engineering in Kuwait (3 months)

. Heat transfer (Heat transfer a practical approach edition 8 by Yunus Cengel)

. Thermodynamics (Thermodynamics an engineering approach edition 8 by Yunus Cengel)

• University Code of Ethics training April 2021.
• Research Ethics training April 2021.
• TOFEL Preparation Course, Score 477 (English for Specific Purposes Research Center
at Mansoura University) 5/4/2019.
• ICDL: Has successfully completed All ICDL Modules at 8/5/2019.
• Automotive maintenance particle course - ASME (Mansoura student section) 2014.

➢ Introduction to programming with MATLAB
➢ Proficient use of Microsoft office
➢ Flow simulation ( SOLID WORKS)
➢ Fluent (Ansys)

Activities and Honors

➢ Leader of AERODYNAMICS team in London formula student race car competition 2013
➢ Leader of mechanical design team in MINESWEEPER Egypt competition 2012
➢ Leader of mechanical design team in COMBAT robot Egypt competition 2012
Arabic Mother Tongue
English Very Good

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