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英国当地时间 12 月 25 日下午 3 时,95 岁的英国女王伊丽莎白二世发表了一年一度的圣诞演讲。这也是女王丈夫菲

以下是女王 2021 年圣诞电视讲话全文:
Although it’s a time of great happiness and good cheer for many, Christmas can be hard for those who have lost loved
ones. This year, especially, I understand why.
But for me, in the months since the death of my beloved Philip, I have drawn great comfort from the warmth and affection
of the many tributes to his life and work – from around the country, the Commonwealth and the world.
His sense of service, intellectual curiosity and capacity to squeeze fun out of any situation – were all irrepressible. That
mischievous, enquiring twinkle was as bright at the end as when I first set eyes on him.
But life, of course, consists of final partings as well as first meetings; and as much as I and my family miss him, I know he
would want us to enjoy Christmas.
We felt his presence as we, like millions around the world, readied ourselves for Christmas. While Covid again means we
can’t celebrate quite as we may have wished, we can still enjoy the many happy traditions. Be it the singing of carols (as
long as the tune is well known); decorating the tree; giving and receiving presents; or watching a favourite film where we
already know the ending, it’s no surprise that families so often treasure their Christmas routines.
We see our own children and their families embrace the roles, traditions and values that mean so much to us, as these are
passed from one generation to the next, sometimes being updated for changing times. I see it in my own family and it is a
source of great happiness.
Prince Philip was always mindful of this sense of passing the baton. That’s why he created The Duke of Edinburgh’s
Award, which offers young people throughout the Commonwealth and beyond the chance of exploration and adventure. It
remains an astonishing success, grounded in his faith in the future.
He was also an early champion of taking seriously our stewardship of the environment; and I am proud beyond words that
his pioneering work has been taken on and magnified by our eldest son Charles and his eldest son William - admirably
supported by Camilla and Catherine - most recently at the COP climate change summit in Glasgow.
Next summer, we look forward to the Commonwealth Games. The baton is currently travelling the length and breadth of
the Commonwealth, heading towards Birmingham, a beacon of hope on its journey. It will be a chance to celebrate the
achievements of athletes and the coming-together of like-minded nations.
And February, just six weeks from now, will see the start of my Platinum Jubilee year, which I hope will be an opportunity
for people everywhere to enjoy a sense of togetherness; a chance to give thanks for the enormous changes of the last
seventy years - social, scientific and cultural - and also to look ahead with confidence.
再过 6 周,明年 2 月就是我在位 70 周年的铂禧年了,我希望这是各地人们相聚的机会;也是过去 70 年社会、科学
I am sure someone somewhere today will remark that Christmas is a time for children. It’s an engaging truth, but only
half the story. Perhaps it’s truer to say that Christmas can speak to the child within us all. Adults, when weighed down
with worries, sometimes fail to see the joy in simple things, where children do not.
And for me and my family, even with one familiar laugh missing this year, there will be joy in Christmas, as we have the
chance to reminisce, and see anew the wonder of the festive season through the eyes of our young children, of whom we
were delighted to welcome four more this year.
从孩子们的眼中看到节日新的欢乐,而今年我们很开心新添了 4 个孩子。
They teach us all a lesson - just as the Christmas story does - that in the birth of a child, there is a new dawn with endless
It is this simplicity of the Christmas story that makes it so universally appealing: simple happenings that formed the starting
point of the life of Jesus — a man whose teachings have been handed down from generation to generation, and have been
the bedrock of my faith. His birth marked a new beginning. As the carol says, “The hopes and fears of all the years are
met in thee tonight”.
I wish you all a very happy Christmas.
His sense of service, intellectual curiosity and capacity to squeeze fun out of any situation – were all irrepressible. That
mischievous, enquiring twinkle was as bright at the end as when I first set eyes on him.
(sapphire and diamond chrysanthemum brooch)。
Beside her is a single framed picture of the couple, which was taken in 2007 at Broadlands country house, Hampshire, to
mark their diamond wedding anniversary. She is wearing the brooch in that photograph too.
女王身边放着一张夫妻二人的照片,那是 2007 年两人钻石婚纪念日之时,在汉普郡拍摄的,她在照片中佩戴着同
在英国,圣诞节当日下午 3 点的女王电视圣诞演讲,是英国人一年一度的圣诞仪式感。
她说这样会让她的演讲“更亲近也更直接”(more personal and direct)。她在演讲中说:
It is inevitable that I should seem a rather remote figure for many of you," she said. "But now at least for a few minutes I
welcome you to the peace of my own home."
12 月 25 日,西方传统节日圣诞节当天,英国女王伊丽莎白二世(Queen Elizabeth II)的圣诞演讲于英国时间下午 3
自 1957 年英国女王圣诞演讲首次电视直播以来,这一传统已经延续了 63 年。
受疫情影响,今年女王没能和英国王室大家族团聚,而是和丈夫爱丁堡公爵、菲利普亲王( Prince Philip, Duke of
在今年的圣诞致辞中,女王回顾了 2020 年这“艰难且不可预测(difficult and unpredictable)”的一年,许多人志
In the United Kingdom and around the world, people have risen magnificently to the challenges of the year, and I am so
proud and moved by this quiet, indomitable spirit. To our young people in particular I say thank you for the part you have
We continue to be inspired by the kindness of strangers and draw comfort that even on the darkest nights there is hope in
the new dawn.
女王也提到了英语文化中的一个著名成语,good Samaritans(好撒马利亚人):
Good Samaritans have emerged across society showing care and respect for all, regardless of gender, race and
Samaritan /sə'mæritn/,即撒马利亚人,在英语中特指好心人、见义勇为者。
从此以后,a good Samaritan(好撒马利亚人)就成了“好心人、乐善好施者”的代名词。
Let the light of Christmas, the spirit of selflessness, love and above all hope, guide us in the times ahead.
Every year we herald the coming of Christmas by turning on the lights. And light does more than create a festive mood —
light brings hope.
For Christians, Jesus is 'the light of the world', but we can't celebrate his birth today in quite the usual way. People of all
faiths have been unable to gather as they would wish for their festivals, such as Passover, Easter, Eid and Vaisakhi. But we
need life to go on.
Last month, fireworks lit up the sky around Windsor, as Hindus, Sikhs and Jains celebrated Diwali, the festival of lights,
providing joyous moments of hope and unity — despite social distancing.
Remarkably, a year that has necessarily kept people apart has, in many ways, brought us closer. Across the
Commonwealth, my family and I have been inspired by stories of people volunteering in their communities, helping those
in need.
In the United Kingdom and around the world, people have risen magnificently to the challenges of the year, and I am so
proud and moved by this quiet, indomitable spirit. To our young people in particular I say thank you for the part you have
This year, we celebrated International Nurses' Day, on the 200th anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale. As with
other nursing pioneers like Mary Seacole, Florence Nightingale shone a lamp of hope across the world.
今年,我们庆祝了国际护士节,纪念弗罗伦斯·南丁格尔诞辰 200 周年。与玛丽·西科等其他护理事业先驱们一样,
Today, our frontline services still shine that lamp for us–supported by the amazing achievements of modern science–and
we owe them a debt of gratitude.
We continue to be inspired by the kindness of strangers and draw comfort that even on the darkest nights there is hope in
the new dawn.
Jesus touched on this with the parable of the Good Samaritan. The man who is robbed and left at the roadside is saved by
someone who did not share his religion or culture. This wonderful story of kindness is still as relevant today.
Good Samaritans have emerged across society showing care and respect for all, regardless of gender, race and background,
reminding us that each one of us is special and equal in the eyes of God.
The teachings of Christ have served as my inner light, as has the sense of purpose we can find in coming together to
In November, we commemorated another hero – though nobody knows his name. The Tomb of the Unknown Warrior
isn't a large memorial, but everyone entering Westminster Abbey has to walk around his resting place, honouring this
unnamed combatant of the First World War — a symbol of selfless duty and ultimate sacrifice.
The Unknown Warrior was not exceptional. That's the point. He represents millions like him who throughout our history
have put the lives of others above their own, and will be doing so today. For me, this is a source of enduring hope in
difficult and unpredictable times.
Of course, for many, this time of year will be tinged with sadness: some mourning the loss of those dear to them, and
others missing friends and family members distanced for safety, when all they'd really want for Christmas is a simple hug
or a squeeze of the hand.
当然,对于许多人来说,今年的此刻蒙上了悲伤的色彩:一些人哀悼至亲,还有一些人怀着对朋友和家人的思念 ,
If you are among them, you are not alone, and let me assure you of my thoughts and prayers.
The Bible tells how a star appeared in the sky, its light guiding the shepherds and wise men to the scene of Jesus's birth.
Let the light of Christmas, the spirit of selflessness, love and above all hope, guide us in the times ahead.
It is in that spirit that I wish you a very happy Christmas.
I am speaking to you at what I know is an increasingly challenging time. A time of disruption in the life of our country: a
disruption that has brought grief to some, financial difficulties to many, and enormous changes to the daily lives of us all.
I want to thank everyone on the NHS front line, as well as care workers and those carrying out essential roles, who
selflessly continue their day-to-day duties outside the home in support of us all.
I am sure the nation will join me in assuring you that what you do is appreciated and every hour of your hard work brings
us closer to a return to more normal times.
I also want to thank those of you who are staying at home, thereby helping to protect the vulnerable and sparing many
families the pain already felt by those who have lost loved ones.
Together we are tackling this disease, and I want to reassure you that if we remain united and resolute, then we will
overcome it.
I hope in the years to come everyone will be able to take pride in how they responded to this challenge. And those who
come after us will say the Britons of this generation were as strong as any.
That the attributes of self-discipline, of quiet good-humoured resolve and of fellow-feeling still characterise this country.
The pride in who we are is not a part of our past, it defines our present and our future.
The moments when the United Kingdom has come together to applaud its care and essential workers will be remembered
as an expression of our national spirit; and its symbol will be the rainbows drawn by children.
Across the Commonwealth and around the world, we have seen heart-warming stories of people coming together to help
others, be it through delivering food parcels and medicines, checking on neighbours, or converting businesses to help the
relief effort.
And though self-isolating may at times be hard, many people of all faiths, and of none, are discovering that it presents an
opportunity to slow down, pause and reflect, in prayer or meditation.
It reminds me of the very first broadcast I made, in 1940, helped by my sister. We, as children, spoke from here at Windsor
to children who had been evacuated from their homes and sent away for their own safety.
这让我想起了 1940 年,在妹妹的帮助下,我做了第一次广播讲话。那时还是孩子的我们,在温莎城堡这里,向那
1940 年,当时仍为公主殿下的伊丽莎白二世向二战中所有避难的孩子发表了广播讲话,这是她第一次做公开演讲。
Today, once again, many will feel a painful sense of separation from their loved ones.
But now, as then, we know, deep down, that it is the right thing to do.
While we have faced challenges before, this one is different. This time we join with all nations across the globe in a
common endeavour, using the great advances of science and our instinctive compassion to heal.
We will succeed — and that success will belong to every one of us.
We should take comfort that while we may have more still to endure, better days will return: we will be with our friends
again; we will be with our families again; we will meet again.
But for now, I send my thanks and warmest good wishes to you all.
As a child, I never imagined that one day a man would walk on the moon. Yet this year we marked the 50th anniversary of
the famous Apollo 11 mission。
小时候,我从未想象过有一天会有一个人在月球上行走。但是今年,我们纪念了阿波罗 11 号登月 50 周年。
As those historic pictures were beamed back to Earth, millions of us sat transfixed to our television screens, as we watched
Neil Armstrong taking a small step for man and a giant leap for mankind - and, indeed, for womankind. It's a reminder for
us all that giant leaps often start with small steps.
This year we marked another important anniversary: D-Day. On 6th June 1944, some 156,000 British, Canadian and
American forces landed in northern France. It was the largest ever seabourne invasion and was delayed due to bad
今年是又一个重要的周年纪念日:诺曼底登陆纪念日。1944 年 6 月 6 日,大约有 15.6 万英国、加拿大和美国的部队
I well remember the look of concern on my father's face. He knew the secret D-Day plans but could of course share that
burden with no one.
For the 75th anniversary of that decisive battle, in a true spirit of reconciliation, those who had formally been sworn
enemies came together in friendly commemorations either side of the Channel, putting past differences behind them.
在诺曼底登陆 75 周年,那些曾经是敌人的各方本着真正的和解精神,在英吉利海峡两岸举行友好纪念活动,将过
Such reconciliation seldom happens overnight. It takes patience and time to rebuild trust, and progress often comes
through small steps.
Since the end of the Second World War, many charities, groups and organisations have worked to promote peace and unity
around the world, bringing together those who have been on opposing sides.
By being willing to put past differences behind us and move forward together, we honour the freedom and democracy
once won for us at so great a cost.
The challenges many people face today may be different to those once faced by my generation, but I have been struck by
how new generations have brought a similar sense of purpose to issues such as protecting our environment and our
My family and I are also inspired by the men and women of our emergency services and armed forces; and at Christmas
we remember all those on duty at home and abroad, who are helping those in need and keeping us and our families safe
and secure.
Two hundred years on from the birth of my great, great grandmother, Queen Victoria, Prince Philip and I have been
delighted to welcome our eighth great grandchild into our family.
Of course, at the heart of the Christmas story lies the birth of a child: a seemingly small and insignificant step overlooked
by many in Bethlehem.
But in time, through his teaching and by his example, Jesus Christ would show the world how small steps taken in faith and
in hope can overcome long-held differences and deep-seated divisions to bring harmony and understanding.
Many of us already try to follow in his footsteps. The path, of course, is not always smooth, and may at times this year have
felt quite bumpy, but small steps can make a world of difference.
As Christmas dawned, church congregations around the world joined in singing It Came Upon The Midnight Clear. Like
many timeless carols, it speaks not just of the coming of Jesus Christ into a divided world, many years ago, but also of the
relevance, even today, of the angel's message of peace and goodwill.
It's a timely reminder of what positive things can be achieved when people set aside past differences and come together in
the spirit of friendship and reconciliation. And, as we all look forward to the start of a new decade, it's worth remembering
that it is often the small steps, not the giant leaps, that bring about the most lasting change.
们都期待下一个 10 年时,我们要相信,最终能改变一切的,往往是我们的前进的这些一小步,而不是大的飞跃。
And so, I wish you all a very happy Christmas.
For many, the service of Nine Lessons and Carols from King’s College, Cambridge, is when Christmas begins. Listened to by
millions of people around the world, it starts with a chorister singing the first verse of Once in Royal David’s City.
The priest who introduced this service to King’s College chapel, exactly one hundred years ago, was Eric Milner-White. He
had served as a military chaplain in the First World War. Just six weeks after the Armistice, he wanted a new kind of service
which, with its message of peace and goodwill, spoke to the needs of the times.
2018 has been a year of centenaries. The Royal Air Force celebrated its 100th anniversary with a memorable fly-past
demonstrating a thrilling unity of purpose and execution. We owe them and all our Armed Services our deepest gratitude.
2018 年,是百年纪念的一年。这一年,皇家空军用一场令人印象深刻的飞行表演,庆祝它的 100 周年纪念日,展示
My father served in the Royal Navy during the First World War. He was a midshipman in HMS Collingwood at the Battle of
Jutland in 1916. The British fleet lost 14 ships and 6,000 men in that engagement.
一战期间,我的父亲也曾在皇家海军服役。1916 年日德兰战役中,他是皇家海军科林伍德海事学院的一名准尉。在
那场战事中,英国舰队失去了 14 艘舰艇和 6000 名士兵。
My father wrote in a letter: ‘How and why we were not hit beats me’. Like others, he lost friends in the war.
At Christmas, we become keenly aware of loved ones who have died, whatever the circumstances. But, of course, we
would not grieve if we did not love.
Closer to home, it’s been a busy year for my family, with two weddings and two babies, and another child expected soon. It
helps to keep a grandmother well occupied. We have had other celebrations too, including the 70th birthday of The Prince
of Wales.
生。这让身为祖母的我非常充实忙碌。我们也庆祝了其他一些喜事,其中包括威尔士亲王的 70 岁生日。
Some cultures believe a long life brings wisdom. I’d like to think so. Perhaps part of that wisdom is to recognise some of
life’s baffling paradoxes, such as the way human beings have a huge propensity for good, and yet a capacity for evil. Even
the power of faith, which frequently inspires great generosity and self-sacrifice, can fall victim to tribalism.
But through the many changes I have seen over the years, faith, family and friendship have been not only a constant for
me but a source of personal comfort and reassurance.
In April, the Commonwealth Heads of Government met in London. My father welcomed just eight countries to the first
such meeting in 1948. Now the Commonwealth includes 53 countries with 2.4 billion people, a third of the world’s
今年四月,英联邦各国元首会议在伦敦举办。1948 年我父亲第一次举办这场会议的时候,只有 8 个国家列席。而现
在,我们有 53 个国家、24 亿人参与其中,相当于全世界人口的三分之一。
Its strength lies in the bonds of affection it promotes, and a common desire to live in a better, more peaceful world. Even
with the most deeply held differences, treating the other person with respect and as a fellow human being is always a
good first step towards greater understanding.
Indeed, the Commonwealth Games, held this year on Australia’s Gold Coast, are known universally as the Friendly Games
because of their emphasis on goodwill and mutual respect.
The Christmas story retains its appeal since it doesn’t provide theoretical explanations for the puzzles of life. Instead it’s
about the birth of a child and the hope that birth 2,000 years ago brought to the world. Only a few people acknowledged
Jesus when he was born. Now billions follow him.
诞生,以及他的诞生在 2000 年前为这个世界带来希望的故事。当耶稣降生的时候,没几个人承认他;而现在,数
I believe his message of peace on earth and goodwill to all is never out of date. It can be heeded by everyone. It's needed
as much as ever.
A very happy Christmas to you all.

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