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Danh sách từ: Words for talking about feelings - Intermediate

amused adjective showing that you think something is funny

shocked adjective surprised or upset because something unexpected and usually
irritated adjective unpleasant has happened
calm adjective peaceful, quiet, and without worry
positive adjective full of hope and confidence, or giving cause for hope and confidence
emotional adjective having and expressing strong feelings
concerned adjective worried
terrified adjective very frightened
satisfied adjective pleased because you have got what you wanted, or because
keen adjective something
very has happened
interested, in the way
eager, or wanting (to that
do) you wantedvery much
fascinated adjective extremely interested
furious adjective extremely angry
nervous adjective worried and anxious
thrilled adjective extremely happy about something
depressed adjective unhappy and without hope
confused adjective unable to think clearly or to understand something
fed up adjective bored, annoyed, or disappointed, especially by something that you
miserable adjective haveunhappy
very experienced for too long
delighted adjective very pleased
contented adjective happy and satisfied

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