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Speech and Oral Communication

Topic: THEORIES (Part 2)

Social Judgement Theory 

 psychological theory by Carolyn Sherif, Muzafer Sherif, Carl Hovland

 Audience centric

 We have categories of judgement where we base and evaluate persuasive

arguments, presence of preconceived notions and we base arguments from them

 When we receive persuasive information, we use our categories of judgement to

assess it

 We have anchors, when we are faced by new persuasive info, we base it

from the anchors or preconceived notion we have

 We tend to anchor in the non-commitment if we have no feelings about it

 Our level of ego-involvement affects the size of our latitudes

 Ego involvement really affects the way we anchor and where we place

the info based on acceptance or rejection latitude

 Bigger ego involvement more knowledge or experience, the larger

rejection latitude

 We generally distort incoming information to fit our categories of judgement

 Assimilation - anchor the idea closer than it should have been in real life 

 Like a crush states your personal rejection, but however, speaker affects

it, and you don't reject it as you have used to

 As a speaker, you tell people what they want to hear to assimilate your

 Contrast - anchor a belief farther than it should have been

 Like an enemy states your personal agreement, but however speaker

affects it, you reject it farther from the rejection latitude

Elaboration Likelihood Model

 made by Richard Petty and John Cacioppo 

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