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Health Optimizing Physical Education

Recreational Activity (Module 3)

Fuerte, Ralph Raniel R. 12-Confucius

Activity 1: Mindful Campers

1. Camping Space

Camping is not easy, as every action requires the use of tactics. Campers share tents, Not everyone has a
tent in particular, so provide a campsite for others to survive It's natural to choose the most beautiful
location when you first arrive at a campsite that stays in However, make sure you have enough space for

2. Camping Site

Especially when camping, you need to be aware of your surroundings. Maintain a strong relationship
Compassionately with a fellow camper. Avoid loud noises at night like everyone else I'm resting.

3. Camp Trash

Remember to follow the LeaveNoTrace principle. In fact, camps have the greatest influence About hiking
activities. You can reduce this by picking up trash instead of cutting down trees. Destroy plants solely for
the purpose of avoiding the danger of camping and potential fires thing.

4. Privacy of other camper

At the campsite, we must respect each other's privacy. It is permissible to be kind to the people around
you Although it is a camper, please do not enter the tent without permission. Respect should stay with
us Respect your property, especially when they are sleeping, their privacy and personal time.

5. Hiking Guides

Also, please be kind to your guide. There are many hikers who make you feel like a member of a team
Thanks to the guide. Include them in your meals and get-togethers, and they will be more We tend to
treat your group with respect.
Activity 2: How to be Safe

When camping, it is best to keep your camping site when you. This sign shows every camper should
maintain proper cleanliness and hygiene when camping. So that when you are done cleaning, the other
and following campers will be comfortable and use the spot too, and mostly it is best to clean the area
for the safety of the wildlife and nature.

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