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BGP International

队经理 HSSE 关键绩效指标考核表

HSSE KPIs for Party Chief
Crew: 9911B Name: Iwan H. Month: Jun. 2021 Score: 98
分值 得分 备注
关键指标 评估标准
Points Score Remark
Performance Indicators Assessment Criteria

晨会 每日参加晨会,每月做 2 次发言 10 每天坚持参加晨会,并择机在会上发言,发言

Toolbox meeting Attends the daily toolbox meeting and
1 10 make speech twice per month Attended toolbox meeting every day and
deliver speech occasionally, achieved the

HSSE 委员会 每月组织开展一次 HSSE 委员会 10 每周举行安委会,安委会记录符合要求。

2 HSSE Committee 10 To organize crew HSSE Committee Achieved the targets.

Meeting meeting, once per month

隐患识别 每月至少提交两次 HSE 观察卡 10 居住在安全岛上,不做要求。

3 Hazard Identification 10 To submit at least two observation cards

per month

RWP 跟踪 每月对 RWP 回顾至少一次,确保所列事 10 N/A, Weekly report is not started yet.
项完成率不低于 85%
Completion of RWP
4 10 Review crew RWP at least once a
month, Ensure the completion of RWP
not less than 85%
BGP International
五大高风险控制 熟悉地震队的 5 大风险,每月至少对高风 8 本周安委会都对项目即将面对的五大风险进行
险控制措施进行一次回顾 评估,并制定出控制措施。这些控制措施还需
Top5 Risks Control
Be Familiar with crew Top5 risks, review
the control measures at least once a
5 10 month Reviewed top 5 hazards on weekly basis and
implement the control methods, however, the
TOP 5 hazards control methods still need to
be monitored closely, Especially for
COVID-19 plan implementation.

交通管理 严格执行国际部的准驾制度,每周至少抽 10 行车记录仪数据数据每天下载制度遵守的很

查一次车辆监控记录 好。
6 management 10 Comply with the company Driving VTS/DL data downloading implemented well.
Permit Program strictly. Check
IVMS/VTS record every week

HSSE 检查 每月至少开展一次 HSSE 检查(包括交 10 能够按时提交检查表,但是检查表质量需要提

,并留有记录 高。
HSSE Inspection
To conduct HSSE inspection to The inspection quality still need to be
7 10 Transportation, Field Operation and improved.
Camp facilities at least once per month.
The inspection records should be

应急演习 定期组织开展应急演习,频次不低于国际 10 Medevac Drill, Fire drill are conducted prior to

部最低标准要求 start of operation, Achieved the targets.
Emergency Drills 10
Organize Emergency Drill as per
requirement of BGPI
BGP International
事件管理 根据管理程序及时正确上报、调查事故, 9 事故汇报率低,需要继续加强
Incident management 10 Low reporting, need to encourage people to
Report, investigate incident according to report NM.
management procedure

班组长 HSSE KPI 考核 每月对班组长和高级雇员进行 HSSE KPI 10 N/A, the crew is just started in last week.
Supervisors HSSE KPI 10
10 assessment Carry out HSSE KPI assessment to all

评估人(Assessor)Xu Qingsen :国家经理(Country Manager)


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