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Are humans real?

Is the world of finite

appearances nothing
but a dream?
Are humans real?
Is so-called human experience authentic?
Is the apparent creation of such actual or otherwise?
Splendid beyond dream mind comprehension is our super action earth movie

In Our Divine Earth Drama Pretend all performers—although appearing ever

so factual and real, are but fictional characters both in body and mind and are
featured as role playing in a tinsel material domain that is not a whit more
real then these animated finite beings called humans that appear to there

Herein is being featured a made up story of the incredible journey from

mortal painful seeming duality or separation mindedness. back to and as the
Love Consciousness of Oneness and Immortal Bliss—from which and as which
no actual being has ever truly left nor ceased to Be!

In a sense it can be said that We—the all-beautiful and all loving Infinite
Collective God, are dreaming this ingenious and harmless Drama onto a highly
magical cosmic Screen! Obviously, we immensely love and are highly skilled
at movie making! Story-telling is our great passion! The unnumbered Love
Family Divine that is our Self, greatly delights in the dynamic called
entertainment! We love and are ingenious in the magical arena of performing
arts! Assuredly we are Masters of entertainment, and adore being

The Earth Movie is our Movie—hence, it is our doing alone that has made all
to appear precisely as it is. All is but a make-believe creation of magical
humanoid-like shadow entities dancing to the celestial music of our Theme
Script Divine. Of a Cosmic certainty, no one was ever born, aged, suffered, or
died! There is no real human body, mind, or objective material world.

A most Extraordinary Show is Ours!

Back of or behind every last fictitious earthly character is delightfully poised a

beautiful Immortal Body or Light Form and Conscious Blissful Essence. These
do constitute the always happy Reality Beings on the so-called other-side of
the dream veil. These Glorious Beings are not other than the Collective and
blissful Family that Is God! All Such Is all intelligent and all loving God Mind in
magnificent Celestial Embodiment!

Uninterrupted rejoicing belongs to Us—the alone actual Bliss Existence

Absolute. For it is not other than our Self that Is this One birthless, ageless,
diseaseless, sufferingless, painless, and deathless Universal Loving and
immutably Ecstatic God!

Forever do we dwell in the Pristine Eternal World which Is simply another

name for Our Self. We Are Our Home! Assuredly, all actual Existence Is Us—
the One Alone Beautiful and Ever-Loving God Mind Embodied as All that Truly

Beyond Awesome is Our Marvelous Earth Play Divine

A fun dialogue with another Cosmic Super Star

10 October 2029

Can we chat few minutes?


I just wanted to know if you can see clairvoyantly?

I call it by a different name—seeing as God Mind not mortal viewing.

Oh... great..

Can you tell me about my financial situation? When it's balanced!

Mortal viewing is awake dreaming—no different in essence from sleep

dreaming. Nothing viewed in either dream level is actual—all is phenomenal
only merely appearing as real to the dreamer.

There’s but one wealth status not two—Divine wealth residing beyond the
earth plain. Wealth status upon the earth stage is all dream—not real. Hence,
never reliable.

Ok I accept this is dream and all things considered as unreal but when
suffering comes what should I do?

The human dream mind is script-designed to perceive suffering as real—

hence, are applied the myriad modes of treatment to deal with and attempt to
alleviate apparent pain and suffering. All this looks, feels, and is perceived as
a dreamer’s sole reality. Yet none of this is actually happening outside of the
dream state.

The question really isn’t what to do about suffering. The primary question is-
how does one awaken out of the awake state of dreaming?

Yes got it....

And to this question there will never come an answer in the form of a mental
outline of things to do or things not to do. But rather the answer seems to
come alone by the dawning of the awareness that there is absolutely nothing a
dream shadow entity can do to bring about role-termination or the utter
disappearance of the not real dream or story mind. Such mind, which can only
embrace a realistic and uncertain—hence, fearful outlook on life as long as it
appears to survive, must be dropped in order that the Mind Infinite be
disclosed to view in its place.

In other words, the manner in which the Play Scheme seems to work is that
various dreamers at specific times simply come to commence sensing that
their entire environment appears too bizarre to be real. Hence a serious
quest begins for clarity and liberation from the uncontrollable painful
adversities of an utterly irrational seeming human existence.

This apparently constitutes the subtle path assuring—not one's awaking as

out of darkness into the light and freedom of understanding—but rather to
one's entire dissolving and disappearance as an unreal dreamer mind. Such
erasure of the unreal enables God Mind—the fullness of Divine knowing and
Immutable Bliss to be instantly disclosed to view and in delightful action—
seemingly, right within the very clay-form wherefrom the mortal dream mind
has vacated.

Assuredly, all events and circumstances inclusive of the precise timing of

every dream mind termination within Our Earth Play Divine are finely
scripted to the nth degree.

This doesn’t mean one is physically extracted out of the play arena. It means
only that one is present as the I Am seeing Mind, hence, knowing clearly
what’s actually and truly transpiring upon the play stage. The bodies of such
may still experience so-called suffering—but never to extreme levels as in the
cases encountered by embodiments of dream mind.

Hence, wherever God Mind is embodied and suffering in such bodies appears
to occur all entirely ignored as unreal. And by extension, never will
treatments or healing dynamics be sought after—for that which is known to
have no existence can never be treated or healed. Of course, band aids are
applied to apparent cuts and bruises.

But then again, this is not saying that God Mind will ignore and stand
indifferent to the suffering illusion when manifested within embodiments
where story mind yet prevails. Such is never the case. But contrariwise, on all
such occasions, genuine care and loving compassion will invariably be
expressed. This is the way of Our fun Play.
Additionally, God Mind, wherever present, and at all times, identifies itself as
one with and an equal to every last Celestial reality Being that is poised
behind all shadowy or unreal dream beings upon the planet earth stage. And
because it is This very Reality Being that is seen in every play-acting face and
form, only an attitude of genuine respect honor and judgelessness is
maintained at all times toward all performers within the earth drama divine.
God Mind is the crystal Awareness that it is naught other than Its beyond
Magnificent Self, that—only in a proxy sort of way—is performing every last
role—the good guys and the bad alike— within our glorious Cosmic Play of

Thank you some unbelievable answers... thank you.

Assuredly, the sector of our divine play is rapidly approaching wherein every
last trace of the mirage of suffering will have fled away—never again to plague
a body wherein is present the God Mind.

The unique picture portrayed as this Story sequence point is reached, is that
all so-called unawake dreamers—who each have remained such as per the
play script divine—will have exited the acting arena by the so-called physical
death illusion leaving only the embodiments of God-Mind remaining.

Hence, are ushered in the glorious Grand Finale scenes of the Celestial Earth
Play Divine!

All material props have collapsed—unreal cities that had no actual

existence—inclusive of every last fabulous clay or so-called human
embodiment wherein God Mind has—only after a sort appeared to reside—
being no more than the holographic illusions that they were—have now all
utterly vanished. Indeed, all has dissipated like the morning mist at the rising
of the sun. Naught remains save God Mind in magnificent manifestation as
shining bodies of Living Light and the true earth in all its pristine and ever
present natural and measureless beauty!

All such is now in magnificent manifestation in a similar manner to which the

dry sand is disclosed to view upon the utter dissipation of the not-real water
mirage when such retreats back into the nothingness from which it only
seemed to have come.
All is as a seeming string of marvelous scenarios, where, as, the unreal—in
sort of piece-meal fashion—is magically dissipated, the real—that was always
the sole ever-present reality, is instantly disclosed to view.

Wow... Dream.... need to be awakened,..

The tinsel domain of finite appearances

"There is no evil world. There is no world of pain and bondage. There is no
world of dimension and limitation. The world of glory exists right here, a
world in which we are now living and moving, and any mind that perceives
illusions, such as pain and evil, is totally without foundation in Truth. The
body that we now have is the perfect embodiment of Truth. Not the body that
one may think he has, but the body that one actually has."
The One- pp207,208 Lillian de Waters

Our Play is the Theme of "appearances" only, yet—as in all earth movie
productions—all is designed to look authentically real. However, not a particle
of such could ever have actual existence anywhere within the measureless
Domain of the Blissful Eternity that is, not merely Our Immutable abiding
Place, but as well Our Sole Adorable and loving Magnificent Self!

The seeming of dreaming

Applied specifically to the scenario of a Dearly Beloved one who has recently
journeyed home leaving sorrowing family behind


that we who remain are now waiting to catch up to you by and by. For you,
Dearly Beloved one, have beaten us in the race back Home--but on some
powerful level we sense that it's that very celestial "home" from which none of
us ever really left!

So Yes! You're a genuine champion—an exceedingly brave warrior. For this,

you take the first place prize! Blessed art thou!
Such is the way of the seeming of dreaming!

It further appears to us who yet seem to be dreaming, that since your return
home you are now as clearly seeing your eternally-beautiful ever-youthful and
always-blissful loving life as your real and sole immutable and actual state of
Being—as we are seeing the mortal and arduous material existence as ours.
But, oh yes, we sense more.

We have the happy feeling and awareness that you also remain highly
conscious of the Great Play Arena Divine, from which, you, only a short time
ago, apparently exited hence seemingly separated from the rest of us and thus
completed your highly noble role in this astounding Earth Story Divine. We,
as you clearly know, are feeling that your apparent departure from us is too
bizarre and unbelievable to be true—or to have really happened. On a major
level, we feel completely unwilling to accept the sorrowful dynamic of
separation in this manner from loved ones as real! We can only see sense in
unity and forever togetherness. Alas, what more can we do but weep over
what appears to be the uncontrollable circumstances that have resulted in the
loss of you, our Dearly Beloved.

But in the aftermath of this unfathomable seeming mystery we sense a great

understanding trying to leak through to us. Our minds and hearts are wide
open to receive such. How greatly we seem to desire to understand!

The seeming of dreaming additionally reports:

We intuit but only dimly in our hearts what obviously you know with succinct
clarity in yours, that we are as you are and happily present with you where
you are. But, as you also well know, all the while we yet seem to be enacting
our parts within the play called—time, we seem to be plagued by a
consciousness that perceives our chaotic material environment as our sole
innate reality.

And further seeming says:

However, having gained a specific level of spirit awareness, we are no longer

fooled by appearances as once we seemed to be. And because of this deeper
inner knowing—even though it seems very unclear and hazy, we are highly
persuaded that not merely is this highly irrational seeming human existence
but a dream and not at all real—but we take great courage in the vision that
we, the only true Us, are not in a distant place that is vastly removed and
separated from you Dearly Beloved. In our deepest inner feelings we sense
strongly when we consider the axiom that God Is Love—that no such place of
adversity could possibly be real or actually exist.

We rejoice that this knowing seems to become stronger and stronger, and, in a
sense, confirming that the sole real Us Is the very Immaculate Divinity that is
You, and that we immutably and happily reside with you precisely where you
are now!

The dream seeming now tapers off—

And therefore, and in the beautiful final analysis, we really are not at all
anxiously waiting to be rejoined with you at some indefinite future time—for
not only did any part of You not exit an unreal and painful appearing mirage
earth matrix via an illusion called—death, but never have any of us who
constitute the Magnificence of Timeless Life Itself, ever cease being Such and
remaining in each other's glorious I Am presence—time without origin or

It is our splendid rejoicing absolute that these magnificent dynamics are not
merely crystal clear to you, Dear One, but—and as you well know—they are as
truly outstandingly clear to each of us as well.

What a profoundly marvelous and super fun discussion we are having among
our adorable collective God-Self on the passionate topic of—the seeming of
dreaming—a fun dynamic that's utterly impossible to be literally experienced
by any of Us!

Shanti Is All
"The primary illusion is that there is something existing that is not God. The
primary Fact is: God Is All; All Is God. It is as simple as that." You Are The
Splendor- pages 103,104-Marie Watts
Amusingly enough, no real so-called primary illusion exists that is antagonistic
to the Primary Fact which is Our Adorable Self! Much less are there any who
need awaking from the one to embrace the other.

Joy of joys, We live in the bliss world of ceaseless harmless amusement that is
none other than Our Awesome playful Self!

How unspeakably magnificent is the glorious peace that resides wherever

clarity is in place that the entirety of a so-called mortal human existence
together with its apparent chaotic material reality is not real.

And how fun it is that We have given the following unique description to this
inner serenity that's present wherever this fact is known—namely, the
unmovable and unshakable peace that passes all earthly understanding. Yet,
assuredly, there is no earthly understanding beyond which the Cosmic Peace
transcends! Incredibly magical is Our Show of appearances!

Only within Our Fun Play of make-believe, namely, the illusion of otherness or
the dream of a finite human existence—does the clarity that I Am the Alone
Existence, appear to be obscured. Hence, are varied degrees of grief, worry,
hardship, anxiety, sorrow, guilt, uncertainty, fear, depression, and stress made
to appear as the unavoidable lot of all who are said to be asleep therein.

Blessed is the peaceful One

And although I Am the very peacefulness that is present wherever clarity

resides regarding the caption: let this Mind be in you which is also in Christ
Jesus—yet, this too, is only more of Our amusing dream lingo whereby role-
termination is symbolized. But further fun declares that even this as well,
never did, could, or will be actually experienced by any being.

How utterly entertaining is Our Astonishing Play of Pretend!

Obviously, none really exist either to advance such admonishment or to whom

such could be addressed! Therefore, it goes without saying—none exist who
could let such Mind commence being their own.

Furthermore, says the fun Wisdom—none exist to find either this peace or
clarity—for impossible it is that Such ever be lost to any.
Great is Our rejoicing in the Truism that:
Clarity Is Our Mind.
Peace Is Our Mind.
Celestial Existence Is Us!

A loving response from a father to a message from his

beautiful daughter regarding the apparent sadness she
feels from being separated from her Beloved Mother
I love you so very much and completely understand how you feel about all
this. I realize how close you and mom are and that's why it appears so difficult
for you to accept that this has really happened.

I personally view simply everything that appears to be happening in this

world as a dream. Dreams may appear to be happy, sad, or down-rite
terrifying. Yet nothing in them is real!

On the 1st of dream-time October, Beloved Mom awoke in a sense, clean out of
the human dream and therefore she is clear on the fact that this world of
mostly adverse appearing circumstances, is indeed unreal—but a dream only!

Many are still asleep, dreaming all the events and experiences of a so-called
human existence. To all such there's no awareness that they are living in a
dream. Others, in a sense, have awakened out of this dream-state while they
are still walking around in it. These know it's a world of dream, hence not a
particle of reality to it. And although being awake while still in the dream
brings an abiding inner joy and uninterrupted unspeakable peacefulness—no
matter the intensity of outer apparent adverse circumstances—this cannot
come near to the level of bliss as is known to and lived by those who have
awakened via dropping their unreal bodies and thus stepping clean out of the
fiction domain. But this is only illusionary appearances. For all—not merely
are in immutable and eternal Bliss, but the All of Real Are Forever That very

Beloved Mom Is the Divine crystal clarity that earthly mortal experience is but
a harmless dream.
To be awake in the dream is indeed a great relief in which all who seem to yet
sleep are incapable of sharing. All such are portrayed as being seemingly
unbearably impacted by all apparent devastating circumstances—for to all
such this mystical material appearing dimension is held as absolute reality.
Hence, their apparent suffering is commensurate to their sleeping mind belief.

We've all experienced being jolted awake from a grueling nightmare and
perhaps we even had tears upon awaking for the dream was so real seeming
and terrifying! But immediately thereafter we breathed a great sigh of relief
because it was clear—it was just a dream none of which was real. As is the
unreality of the night dream so is the day dreaming awake-state. One can see
the true nature of a dream scenario only upon awaking—never while they
remain asleep dreaming.

My intention in sharing this is not at all to persuade you or anyone of the

validity of what is here being shared for that would be no different than going
to the bedside of those asleep dreaming and attempting to assure them, while
yet they sleep, that all they are seeing, hearing, touching, and feeling, is
nothing but an unreal dream. Such would be futile! One is self-convinced that
the dream they experienced is an utterly unreal paradigm only when such
themselves awaken therefrom.

Mom is very present with you Dear, understanding fully what you feel. She
has her arms around you and kisses you frequently. In your quiet moments
she knows that you are hearing her speak of the eternal bliss world that she
inhabits. And she's explicitly clear that you are with her in every moment
loving you just as you are loving her—the very same as both of you forever
have done and will eternally continue to do.

She knows also that in the deepest part of your heart, you know that she has
never left you. She knows too that it's all very different seeming now but she
will never cease to be the radiant illumination of the real nature of this
seemingly new togetherness-Love-bond that you and her now only appear to
sustain, and how the recent apparent change enables you and her to only
seemingly be together in an infinitely more powerful and intimate manner
than you both apparently maintained when she was in her seemingly earthen
dream body or beautiful physical form.
I say seemingly because mom well knows that this love-bond that you both
sustain with each other is not really new at all. But rather, it's the same bond
that you and she have always truly and joyously maintained throughout the
birthless and deathless ages of Eternity. She also knows that the real Divine
You has not merely never forgotten about this impossible to be interrupted
loving togetherness, but that the true Beautiful You is clear as well that
neither of you could ever have experienced even a make-believe separation
from each other. Clear also are you both that neither of you actually
participated in a dream world called a mortal human experience—but that it
is merely utterly unreal shadow figures, only faintly resembling the Adorable
Realism of you both, being likened alone to animated puppets on strings, that,
in a sort of holographic fashion, play roles within the Divine Earth Story of

Mom loves you profoundly with and as the fullness of Infinite God-Love, just
as you love her with and as the very same Love.

I love you beyond words.


The following captions from various Spirit authors have long been dear to my

"’Consider the night dream as an analogy. In our night dream nothing is

present, and no activity is taking place, yet only when we waken do we know
this fact. In spiritual illumination only we know that we have never been
separate or different from our perfect Self; that as there is nothing to a dream,
likewise there is nothing to the belief of humanhood and human existence.
Awake, we are not asleep; aware of the fact that we are the Divine Mind..."
Atomic Light, page 93, Lillian de Waters

"’You can easily see that at night time in the dream one enters a world that is
non-existent. He sees, feels, hears things which are not external and which
exist only in his own mind. And it must be the same in this dream of material
existence, that we are living in a world that is non-existent, a world that is not
external to us but exists only in our own mind. We see, hear, feel things which
have no actuality in Truth, hence no actuality at all. It must be that as one can
be shut off from this world in the night dream, although he does not go out of
it, so one is shut off from the spiritual world, heaven, although he never leaves
it." The One- pp81,82

"’In the final analysis we do not have to leave this earth for we are not really in
it. The earth of birth, change, sickness, sin and death shall disappear in belief
and instead shall be seen and known the heaven which is here, actually at
hand, and in which we are now actually living.

"’While we are still on earth, in belief, there will come for us the illumination
that we are in the kingdom of heaven." The One-pp108,109

"’The mortal body is the hypnotic body and when man awakes from this state
of hypnosis all this experience will be to him just a nightmare. He wakes to
Dream no more." Life & Teaching of the Masters of the Far East, Vol. 4 pp 117,

"’This place is a Dream. Only a sleeper considers it real. Then death comes like
dawn, and you wake up laughing at what you thought was your grief.’" Rumi

Ramana Maharshi
India’s beloved sage

The world is a dream

“All that we see is a dream.”

Material world—an illusion
“Devotee: I cannot say it is all clear to me. Is the world that is seen, felt and
sensed by us in so many ways something like a dream, an illusion?

Maharshi: There is no alternative for you but to accept the world as unreal, if
you are seeking the Truth and the Truth alone.

D: Why so?
M: For the simple reason that unless you give up the idea that the world is
real, your mind will always be after it, if you take the appearance to be real
you will never know the Real Itself, although it is the Real alone that exists.
This point is illustrated by the analogy of the ‘snake in the rope.’ As long as
you see the snake you cannot see the rope as such. The non-existent snake
becomes real to you, while the real rope seems wholly non-existent as such.

D: It is easy to accept tentatively that the world is not ultimately real, but it is
hard to have the conviction that it is really unreal.

M: Even so is your dream world real while you are dreaming. So long as the
dream lasts, everything you see, feel, etc., therein is real.

D: Is then the world nothing better than a dream?

M: What is wrong with the sense of reality you have while you are dreaming?
You may be dreaming of something quite impossible, for instance, of having a
happy chat with a dead person. Just for a moment you may doubt in the dream
saying to yourself, ‘was he not dead?’, but somehow your mind reconciles
itself to the dream vision, and the person is as good as alive for the purposes
of the dream. In other words, the dream as a dream does not permit you to
doubt its reality. Even so, you are unable to doubt the reality of the world of
your waking experience. How can the mind which has itself created the world
accept it as unreal? That is the significance of the comparison made between
the world of wakeful experience and the dream world. Both are but creations
of the mind and so long as the mind is engrossed in either, it finds itself unable
to deny the reality of the dream world while dreaming and of the waking
world while awake.

If, on the contrary, you withdraw your mind completely from the world and
turn it within and abide thus, that is, if you keep awake always to the Self,
which is the substratum of all experience, you will find the world, of which
alone you are now aware, just as unreal as the world in which you lived in
your dream.”

None ever existed who were capable of turning their mind inward and abiding
thither—much less kept always awake to the Universal God Self! Besides the
Self, nothing ever did, could, or will exist!
Role termination isn’t about fiction entities reaching for and attaining any
lofty spiritual goals. Rather it is the complete inhalation by divine script
decree, of every last trace of a mind that boasts existence as another besides
the One.

There is no awakening, nothing to achieve, and none to accomplish such! All

talk about seeking enlightenment goes mute when the so-called human mind
or ego vanishes like the water mirage in a desert place. As the sand is
disclosed to view at the utter vanishing of the water that isn’t—so is the Alone
Mind disclosed to view at the extinction of the apparent mortal mind of

Aside from the Alone Mind—the Designer and Producer of the earth play
divine, there is no knower that so-called human existence is unreal.

The Blessed Equality of Usfinity

"To see the nothingness of a personal being is to walk in a world of charm and
magic, a world of delight and glory, a world peopled with heavenly beings.
When we see the self of each one as the one Self then we no longer struggle
to outshine, for he who believes himself in any way superior to his fellow men
is incapable of discipleship.

"All the power there is, all the intelligence there is stands present now for you
and for me alike and no one can lay claim to it more than another.

"Now all the dream of (so-called human) experience asks is for someone to
believe in it, someone to bow down and worship it, someone to tremble
because of it, someone to run for fear of it. And, if one believes in a personal
(or mortal) man, he is believing in the dream and the dream will dance him
into trouble until that hour strikes for him when he sees the nothingness of
matter, (or material existence) the nothingness of mind, (that is, of a mortal
clay-mind that is other than or different from Infinite God Mind) the
nothingness of personality and the nothingness of the dream itself. Then he is
the God-crowned man." The One- Page 28, Lillian de Waters
The mirage of sorrow and tears to be swallowed up by
the reality of Endless Bliss and laughter
The aspiring to seek for and become liberated is no doubt the starting place
for all who journey through the valley of tears or dream land of time.

Truly, all the while that one finds his or herself in the arduous throws of the
freedom quest—such can only find themselves being unceasingly thwarted,
hence, utterly frustrated! Obviously, this, in the final analysis, appears to push
all such over the cliff of unreality so that all that remains—in the very place
where stood the now vanished seeker—is ecstatically joyful I Am and the
lovely Knowing that All Actual Existence Is That!
Such a profoundly beautiful Show!

Brahma—the Blissful All

“No one can change an illusion into a more perfect illusion. This has been
tried, but always there will be another imperfect illusion. In short, no matter
how many healings one may see or experience, there is always going to be a
need for further healing, so long as the primary illusion persists. The primary
illusion is that there is something existing that is not God. The primary Fact is:
God Is All; All Is God. It is as simple as that.” You are The Splendor, pp103,104,
Marie S. Watts

“Furthermore, a man endowed with Self-knowledge feels no incentive to

action, such as the attainment of the desirable, the relinquishment of the
undesirable, the reforming of the impure, or the changing of one substance
into another. All these incentives are found only in the relative (or dream)
world characterized by good and evil, pain and pleasure, and the other pairs
of opposites. An Illumined person sees Brahman or Perfection everywhere—
both within and without, there exists for him no imperfection or evil that he
might change or destroy; for if he sees anywhere even a trace of evil, he has
not attained the knowledge of Brahman.” (There is no such thing as an
illumined human—Divine Mind being the Sole Existing Self-knowledge. None
exist to attain aught!) (The Bhagavad Gita, translation by Sri Swami
Nikhilananda, p15).
"There is no evil world. There is no world of pain and bondage. There is no
world of dimension and limitation. The world of glory exists right here, a
world in which we are now living and moving, and any mind that perceives
illusions, such as pain and evil, is totally without foundation in Truth. The
;body that we now have is the perfect embodiment of Truth. Not the body that
one may think he has, but the body that one actually has."
The One- pp207,208

"This place is a Dream. Only a sleeper considers it real. Then death comes like
dawn, and you wake up laughing at what you thought was your grief." Rumi

"I searched for God and found only myself. I searched for myself and found
only God." Rumi

"What is already is nothing to the 'i am' seeking energy which is looking for
something knowable. As the 'i am' and the experience of real separation are
illusory, the freedom which is already and truly longed for, is never lost. So
any personal search to overcome separation or find what is already is utterly
hopeless." Jim Newman

"To see the nothingness of a personal being is to walk in a world of charm and
magic, a world of delight and glory, a world peopled with heavenly beings.
When we see the self of each one as the one Self then we no longer struggle to
outshine, for he who believes himself in any way superior to his fellow men is
incapable of discipleship.

"All the power there is, all the intelligence there is stands present now for you
and for me alike and no one can lay claim to it more than another.

"Now all the dream of (so-called human) experience asks is for someone to
believe in it, someone to bow down and worship it, someone to tremble
because of it, someone to run for fear of it. And, if one believes in a personal
(or mortal) man, he is believing in the dream and the dream will dance him
into trouble until that hour strikes for him when he sees the nothingness of
matter, (or material existence) the nothingness of mind, (that is, of a mortal
clay-mind that is other than or different from Infinite God Mind) the
nothingness of personality and the nothingness of the dream itself. Then he is
the God-crowned man." The One- Page 28, Lillian de Waters
I Am Bliss
I Am Beauty
I Am Love
I Am Existence
I Am originless & Endless Ecstatic Life
I Am you

Dear Beloved Family Divine
samadhi movie-all the world is a stage

How interesting and relieving it seems to be to view videos such as is shared

here in the light of the Big God Love-Picture setting. Perfect Love indeed
appears to cast out all fear. Wherever the Divine perspective of the true
nature of human experience upon planet earth is in place—all paranoia
dynamics are as non-existent as is a desert water mirage.

All are but unreal clay-bodied shadow entities playing roles in this Drama
Divine! Some are playing the roles of the bad guys and others the good guys.
So-called human consciousness is non-consciousness, hence, can never plan or
execute ought upon the Grand play stage! All are as puppets dancing alone to
the music of the Script Divine—none having the option or capability of veering
one iota therefrom.

Whether it be so-called banking cartel, corrupt government, global elite,

Illuminati, one world order, or re-set for climate change—it’s all the harmless
Love Script Divine!

This is Our Cosmic Play! Every last scene is the design and orchestration of
Our Mind Infinite! None but Loving Celestial Us Exist to be in control of every
last event and circumstance thereof!

This Movie will have a glorious ending in magnificent celestial Bliss—naught

exist to prevent this Grand finale of Love and joy!
The song of Solara
“This Planet is merely a playground for Gods and Angels. Some of us are
playing the roles of ‘good guys’ and some of us are the ‘bad guys’, but sooner
or later, this Play is going to be over. After the make-up and costumes are
removed, who is going to remain? Just some Celestial Beings of Light who
finally completed a Grand Adventure, a tiny Cosmic Play.

“In the meantime, during those days that find you grouchy and mean, or
sobbing with tragedy, try to remember what is really happening.

“We are being called upon to let go of and complete our entire cycle of earthly
embodiments in just a few short years!

“Honor the progress we have made. Bless those emotions and experiences.
Soon enough, you will be graduating from the human condition. And who
knows, maybe then we’ll discover how much fun it was and be sorry that it is
over.” The Star Borne, 3rd ed., 1991, p109. Solara

The Marvelous Nature of Our Planet Earth Play of

Dualistic Human Experience
“Letting go” seems to describe it best but even that suggests a task for so-
called humans to accomplish! There is no task, nor any to execute such—
period! Our extraordinary design has it that only when the human story or
shadow mind with all its goal oriented erroneous baggage, inclusive of so-
called will power is dropped, terminated, utterly vanished—does the Clarity
remain that only Brahma—Our Splendid Self, Is, and that all actual existence is
not other than That! Assuredly, We are the Cosmic Crystal Clarity that the
Real Eternal and beautiful Us always dwells in the Eternal Bliss World which
indeed, is simply the exhaustless Domain that is our Immaculate Self! Truly,
it's merely the shadow us that's role playing and super-starring in this Grand
Movie that only appears to be entirely oblivious to this delightful Fact—never
the Real Us.
The way of Our Play further has it that all the while this Fact Divine seems
obscured, gloom and doom appears—for the most part, to lurk over one's
entire earth journey. Yet all events therein are finely designed to be as
apparent triggers to lure all to the apparent end goal of awaking as out of a not
pleasant and very unreal dream. Indeed, just as unreal and therefore as utterly
harmless as any Hollywood motion picture dynamic!

While some in the Play are portrayed as having awakened to this glorious Fact
and Truth and apparently experienced their dark night turn into blissful day,
others appear as not yet having had this Truth surface for them. Yet it is never
a question of awaking or having a so-called Truth surface to any—it’s all and
only about the vanishing of a mirage in order that only That which is true and
real be disclosed to view!

Yet it is inevitable that this Realism eventually surface for all who role-play in
the Story. But again, not really, because the Reality Beings behind all who
shadow-play always know the true nature of all things Eternal.

Additionally, it is Our further rejoicing that never is there a real dualistic

separate anything to awaken or realize aught within Our very awesome Play!

It is only when the false shadowy entity that can only perceive itself as lacking,
hence questing after liberation, utterly vanishes like the desert mirage—does
what is always Our sole Reality Mind remain as forever It is and precisely
where We eternally are! The water that is not must disappear—utterly
vanish, before the actual presence of sand can be disclosed to view!

Such role-termination is entirely a Divine event and scheduled to transpire

only when the precise moment arrives as pre-established within Our Divine
Story Script! Thus have We designed Our Fun and utterly harmless Earth
Show Divine! And so it is!

God—Our pure and beautiful Self, is All—naught else exists in all the Splendor
of Our Ever Present, Ever Beautiful, Ever Loving, and Ecstatically Alive and
Blissful Infinity!

Happily it is Our joyful Infinite Knowing that never was there any actual being
dwelling within a so-called matrix illusion that ever experienced birth, aging,
suffering, or idiotic death! None of us magnificent Goddesses and Gods ever
did or could depart from the Blissfulness of the Timeless Infinite World that Is
Our Splendid and Adorable Self. Assuredly, no place exists to depart to!

Hence, the concept of missing a beloved so-called departed one—could never

be an actual experience for any Real Being! Only within Our magical earth
play divine have We arranged for these fabulous dynamics to appear as real
when nothing of the kind has actual existence anywhere within Our Loving
Self—the Alone Reality Existence Absolute. Assuredly, all that Is, is Beautiful,
Pure, Loving, Living, beginningless and endless Adorable Us!

Yes—this seems to be the order of the game—to apparently wake up morning

by morning to new dream scenes—yet, as the One who never possibly could
really be asleep in a dream!

How magically Awesome, that We—Beautiful Brahma—are enjoying the

projection of Our Extraordinary Story of an utterly holographic world!

Sri Ramana Maharshi

“The world should be considered like a dream.”
Source-who am I?

“Waking is long and a dream short; other than this there is no difference.”
Source-who am I?

“The present waking state is no more than a dream.”

Source-talks 244

“The so-called waking state is itself an illusion.”

Source-talks 199

“To know that the world is a dreamlike illusion, know that all of the following
are a dreamlike illusion—the body, the universe, all dimensions, time and all
events, motions and actions.”
Our Harmless Cosmic Earth Play Divine—
Brahma’s Poetry!
How fun is the metaphor of the monk hugging the tree and crying out to be
released from the tree that’s holding him in bondage. Just “Let go!” says the
onlooking disciple.

There’s but one Consciousness in actual existence—Blissful Brahma—your

Consciousness—my consciousness and the consciousness of All. Joyful is Our
Knowing that nothing else exists to be!

The only place a ”you" is present "who desires to understand more and be at
last free” is in Brahma Mind—Our Mind—and projected into our Cosmic Play
of pretend!

We are clear—that aside from Our Mind a separate "me" or “you” has no
existence. We as Brahma, obviously delight in projecting only apparently
struggling human-like personalities as a unique feature in the Story—the
unreality of Our fun and harmless Play of Dream!
Additionally, it is our fun clarity that upon individual role-termination none
remain or exist to report—“i am free at last—i now realize that i've been free
all along as the One who was never bound!”

How fun is our knowing that no such “i” ever actually existed nor was in need
of waking up! Our Show rocks!

Beautiful Brahma is All! All is Our Loving Brahmaiam

Oh Magnificent choreographer Brahma are we,
every role being designed to the nth degree!

Birthing plandemic scheme of global elite,

so many believe—seems set in concrete!
But mindless puppets are all cast in time,
dancing to the pull of the joy string divine!
The story is marvelous beyond earth thought to conceive,
oh glorious Mind Infinite alone to perceive!

"Because of an innocent misunderstanding you think that you are a human

being in the relative world seeking the experience of oneness, but actually you
are the One expressing Itself as the experience of being a human being."
"There is neither creation nor destruction, neither destiny, nor free will,
neither path nor achievement. This is the final truth."
Sri Ramana Maharshi

“Essentially Guadapada is saying there appears to be a spiritual path with a

seeker and a goal and things to do and things to not do, but actually all there
Is, is Reality. The spiritual path is an illusion. He makes this clear in this
famous oft quoted verse from chapter 2 verse 32 of the Mandukya Upanishad:
‘”There is neither dissolution nor creation, none in bondage and none
practicing disciplines. There is none seeking liberation and none liberated.
This is the absolute truth.’” A Commentary on Gaudapada, Tom Das

This morning the question was asked:

"how is your health now?"
A fun reply

God never has health issues—utterly impossible!

I Am the awareness that true Existence is God Alone! All that in an illusory
sense appears as imperfection of body mind spirit and world is only the
unreality of My Fun Earth Movie Divine.

Hide-n-seek in the sky

How we delight in playing games—particularly the one called "hide-n-
seek"—where various of us fun-loving God Family run and hide somewhere
playing or pretending like they are lost so that others of us can play the seeker
and come and find us! Fun never ceases in the realm of the real!
An awesome dialogue with My fun-loving Self

How are you?

I Am Bliss Dear --------as are you and all.

You are Awesome my friend. I hope to be the man you are. Respect x.

;What's it all about ----?:nything dying or not dying—or for that matter—of
anything being born or not born also—in the realm of Timeless Fun and Bliss
Existence Absolute! How we love to play both in word and act! Beyond
extraordinary in the field of performing arts—are We!

How do we keep that faith?

It’s never about anyone keeping faith—it’s only and always about rejoicing in
and as who we Eternally are—such being the alone truth and cosmic reality!

We do happily dismiss the fabulous notion of the existence of any being that
appears to have the need to understand this! No such being ever did or could
actually exist! We—God—Only Is! Being that so-called humans in Our Story
can only believe this and that, such can never—in a million years of time—
believe the human experience is but a dream, and that Only the Love-God
Exists and all who Are, are That! One Alone Knows This Joyous Fact—namely,
the One who Is this adorable Fact!

We were never born. We never die. It's all an illusion we create it? We can

Joyously, God—our Sole Self creates these pretend shows! Well we know that
no other exists to create! How we love scripting and producing magnificently
wild, beautiful, yet utterly unreal fabulous Stories and Shows—entertainment
being among our most beloved passions Divine!

Happily and content to our heart's delight do we all reside behind the "play
veil" while only our unreal shadowy performing self appears to play
troublesome duality roles upon our very unique stage of magical
The uniqueness of master or awake roles upon stage!
Masters, or so-called awakened beings—see only Perfection. Such see and
interact alone with their Immaculate God-Selves who, like them, are joyously
and timelessly poised behind every shadowy face of unreality in the Dream
scape! The truly awake know of none asleep in a dream world! All are awake
to he or she who is awake! Such are clear—nothing in the dream is real!

Hence, such happily address fun comments consisting of questions and

answers that truly border on the ultra-ridiculous—to their beautiful other
God-Selves of Infinity—not to their fictitious shadow selves going by
delightful dream names—such as-------, -----, or ----, etc., etc! Such being the
silly nature of hide-n-seek dialogs in the sky! The questioner pretending to be
lost—the answerer joyously playing along—yet both are the timeless fun
loving God of Blissful Infinity—loving the game!

In other words, all dialogs conducted between role-terminated awake ones of

our Story and all other aspects of our Immaculate infinite Self, who—in and as
the dream character of their unreal story self—apparently remain yet
entrapped within duality roles—are all in the fun category of hide-n-seek
dialogs! That is, all such are portrayed as pretending that they are lost to the
sole infinite reality, when, in truth, all are clear—such could never be the case!
It's all in fun and games!

Such are but flash scenes of hilarity in the beyond-time essence of the blissful
Eternity that is our very awesome Self! (See-the time-warp nature of cosmic
dream shows below).

Contrary to magical appearances, never is dialog possible with or between

such shadow-entities upon the earth stage! Lol! Tis the land of nothing ever
really happened! O astounding magical nature of Cosmic Movies Divine!

How we love the marvelous dynamic of intentional pretension! And if we

choose to address our Collective God Family by various sweet earthly dream
names—so be it. Always We do everything We desire!

When a small child plays the lost one in an exciting game of hide-n-seek it
knows without a doubt, it's not really lost? Does the seeking one share this
same knowing? Absolutely! How fun!
The time-warp nature of cosmic dream shows.

Additionally, the childish game presents a very fun metaphor of games played
out of or beyond time—lasting Joyous minutes only. Whereas placing the
same game dynamic within the illusory context called time—all is magically
warped into having the appearance of lasting multiple exasperating years!
None of such is real nor actually transpiring anywhere within our glorious
Infinity! Time is the magical stage upon which dream shows of unreality
appear to be enacted! Although Hollywood movies may portray many years of
time in their stories—all is magically theater viewed in about 90 minutes!

"This place is a dream. Only a sleeper considers it real. Then death comes like
dawn, and you wake up laughing at what you thought was your grief." Rumi

"The story of the prodigal son portrays just this: there never was a prodigal
son. We never left the perfect world. We are not in a material world now.

“No one was ever bound; none was ever set free. There is one Being only—
Spirit, the Selfhood of all." Atomic Light, pages 182,183-Lillian de Waters

Assorted later writings of Lillian de Waters

“We have always been God, for God is All there is.”
Lillian de Waters, Greater Works p2

“God is our Mind, God is our Life, God is our fullness and completeness right
here and now.” Greater Works p5

“God is not the source of anything, God Is Everything. As this Mind we know
there is no human-hood, no mental influence, no material mindedness, no
traditional beliefs, no Adam race, no personalities or human beings; no error
that has existed down the centuries or centuries to elapse before Truth will be
universally expressed. Spiritual Existence is all there is. To Infinite Spirit and
Truth, Itself is all It knows, all It sees, all It feels; we are this Spirit and Truth.”
Voice of Revelation, pp143-plus, Lillian de waters
“No part of God fell away from God! There never existed a fallen state of
being, darkness, a void, a sinful Adam, or Adam dreamers. We are not man,
image, idea, reflection or expression, we are what God is.” Voice of Revelation,

“…do you still make a note of a certain day and place where you were born of
human parents? Do you believe that two human beings gave you life, and that
you are a product of humanity? These beliefs must be laid aside. Unless this is
done, you are bound to consider yourself a human being, under the law of
human birth, age and death.

“There is nothing but Spirit! Our whole Mind, Being and World are Spirit.
Happiness, companionship, joy and peace are Spirit.” Voice of Revelation,

“A material being or body has no more existence than had a flat earth; thus,
every thought or effort based upon the supposition that mental labor, work or
treatment can overcome evil or heal disease in mind or body shall finally be
seen as misconception.” Voice of Revelation, pp111-114

“The belief that we are a man or creature, a body or an image, is not the Truth.
The belief that each is an individual consciousness and that he is to create his
good by thinking it; and that he has a mind, will and body of his own to be
redeemed or purified, is not the Truth. The increased struggle to apply the
Truth to mind, thought or condition comes to an end; and the reason is that
Truth is what we Are and not what one intends to make himself.

“Spirit Is Pure Consciousness. Spirit is Life Eternal—without sickness, sin or


“There is not one mind, temporal, and another Mind, Eternal. There is not a
present time of preparation and a future time of peace and bliss.

“We are That to which we prayed. We are That which has been the only One

“…in Spirit there can be no sickness, war or discord.” Voice of Revelation,

“Who is to regard error as universal false belief? No one. Who is to believe in
the self-destructive nature of evil? No one. Who is to build higher states of
human consciousness or see through illumination? No one.” Ibid, p33

“Those who call themselves human beings cannot find a solution to their
human problems.” Ibid, p135

“While one persists in thinking, in reading or talking about human needs,

human betterment; lifting a human consciousness or correcting human minds;
the Allness of his own Consciousness and World is not perceived or believed.
All the books, teachings and demonstrations of the whole world can never
bring the Realities of Spirit into a human existence. It is impossible.

“Our Mind does not see something else besides Itself and then attempt to heal
or destroy it.” Voice of Revelation, 150-155

“Why cannot war get rid of war, healing get rid of sickness, and repentance
wipe out sin? That which has no existence in God cannot be healed, handled,
defeated or wiped out. Already, it is non-existent.

“No one need attempt to save humanity or save the world. We know that
never have we existed as personal human beings. We know there is no
departure from or translation into Spirit. We know there are not two worlds,
there are not two sets of senses, nor do we have two bodies.

“The story of the prodigal son portrays just this: there never was a prodigal
son. We never left the Perfect World. We are not in a material world now.

“No one was ever bound; none was ever set free. There is One Being only—
Spirit, the Selfhood of all. There is no being to be appeased.” Ibid, pp180-183

The book entitled-The One, was written by Lillian de Waters in dream year,

Because various alterations of concepts have been made in her subsequent

writings does not detract from the many keen insights offered in this book!

Of course no one really is born, ages, or dies in a material world matrix—as

there are no such paradigms in actual existence! However, there is a divine
dream story transpiring upon what we refer to as the earth stage. A
holographic type imaging—utterly unreal in its cosmic nature! This story
portrays myriad conditions that could not possibly have actual existence to
appear as though they do. A most magical Cosmic Show!

Lillian's dream role, like that of Jesus and Babaj—the yogi Christ of India—
plus a number of others, have been scripted to the effect that none of these
specific dream performers would encounter the so-called common physical
death. Appearances in Our Show Divine are just that—never could anything
of the kind ever actually transpire anywhere in the Immutable Magnificent
Infinity that Is Our Adorable Self! Extroardinary beyond fictitious earth mind
comprehension is Our Story Divine!

These can be likened as prototypes of the grand finale time of Our glorious
Show when, according to the unanimous collective voice of wisdom down the
ages of dream, death, often referred to as the last enemy—would be entirely
eliminated from the story. Magnificent Cosmic Production!

Aiken’s fun book—Now

“Duality is confusion throughout. It is the babel of present-day materiality—
the threat of wars, of bombs, of disease, of lack, of governmental usurpation, of
competition, of false ideology and mental domination through malpractice and
brain washing, or death. Its only hope for identity or classification depends
upon a successful refutation of Truth; upon keeping Reality hidden; upon the
petitioner or believer remaining confused and bewildered.

“God, Life as Omnipresent Perfection does not exist to human belief with its
multiplicity of demands, lacks, irritations, misidentifications. Why? Because
to the human sense there are many individuals, minds, wills, determinations,
histories, sins and intentions. Duality cannot exist save it conceives a
multitude of lords many and gods many. If duality could ever behold Oneness,
in that instant its very foundation would be wiped out. But it (ignorance,
belief, supposition, evil) can never know Truth, for Truth is Solitary, Whole,
One Complete Being without another, while duality is always two or more.
“Yes, God is One, whether called Power, Presence, Mind, Life, Action or what.
To this All-inclusive One, this All-embracing Entirety there can be no lack or
excess, no need for more or less of Itself than already is, for Infinite Spirit is
Totality, Universal Substance—the Absolute in Intelligence, Endless Perfect
Life and Its own full and completely satisfying Self-manifestation forever. This
I that I Am is never human, never mortal, never a sinner, sick, dying or dead
man. Mind can experience and be, act in accordance with and know only Its
own Full Present Awareness. Whatever suggests or pictures a contrary state
is utterly void of Reality, Authority or Power, hence in the light of Truth can be
dismissed instantly and permanently. Truth leaves no possible “other” mind,
no ignorant petitioner who needs aught, nor aught in need anywhere. Truth
excludes the possibility of there being a lack of Truth anywhere, a place where
Intelligence is not, an absence or poverty of Consciousness, a dearth of Good
which must be brought to the Divine attention.” Now, pp 171-174

“Heaven is not an ultimate “abiding place” for the good ones of earth; it is not
a reward bestowed by a gracious God upon His “faithful” servants, theological
teaching to the contrary.

“Heaven is not the home, the residence of Almighty God. Heaven is not the
celestial headquarters where campaigns against Satan are mapped, where
strategy is planned, where records are kept, or where sentences are meted out
to the wicked ones of earth and awards to the righteous. It is not the abode, or
the drill ground for the “hosts of heaven,” the angels, cherubim or seraphim. It
is not a great golden city of fabulous architecture, of mansions and palaces
awaiting the deserving, or already occupied by many who have earned and
gone to their ‘great reward.’

“While the Bible has figuratively spoken of Heaven after this fashion, many
readers have wishfully colored the passages as literal. They are truly in for a
great shock.

"Heaven is not ethereal, not gossamer, but is real, genuine, actual, and not
inhabited by astral or nebulous beings or bodies—bodies of people who used
to walk the earth but are now considered’ 'the departed.' One’s own astral or
spiritual body will not go there after he is pronounced physically dead. In
Truth one does not have a physical body and a spiritual body, even if the Bible
says differently.
"The One Mind includes all the bodies in the universe as ideas. These ideas,
body-things, belong to the One Consciousness I Am. No other kind of body
exists. Hence this very body that Mind is aware of as idea, is already in
Heaven, in Consciousness now. It does not, and cannot undergo a change in
order to accomplish a transition, for there is no transition to be accomplished.

"God, Mind, Consciousness, Truth is changeless. What It includes is within It

now. What is not included therein will never be. In Fact, what is not in Mind
already does not exist at all, and never will.

“Where God is, Heaven is. Being Omnipresent Consciousness, where is God
not? Even where there appears to be human suffering, fear, hell, in Truth only
Consciousness is, in all Its totality. Who or what denies this—another,
something beside Intelligence, something beside Reality? By what authority?
Nowhere is there an outside of Infinite Consciousness.

“There is no time in Heaven, and no Heaven in time.” Now, pp 148-150

Brahms's fun Human Dream

The human dream is not the common dream state! That is, it is not as one who
sleeps at night and dreams!

The human dream is as a waking type dream where all appear as fully
conscious and very active! Indeed, every moment of so-called human
existence is its state of dream—regardless of whether such sleeps or is awake!

Hence, the human’s every moment—sleeping or waking—is as though such

was the unreal substance or composition of another’s dream!
Who is this other that is projecting this ultra-mystical Dream?

The human dream is otherwise known as The Divine Cosmic Play! In the East
such is termed—Leela. Hence, unlike the human night dream, this one is
magnificently designed and flawlessly orchestrated! And yet not unlike the
human night dream, apparent unbounded chaos prevails.
Like all figures in a dream, humans, being no exception, are far from being
actual existing entities! Such are, in their awake walking state, as utterly
unreal as every fabulous scenario they seem to project within their own night
dreams! However, unreal entities create nothing—as their awake-walking
role is scripted to the finest degree—so also their apparent night dreams.
Primarily, all such can appropriately be referred to as day-dream-walkers just
as the human night dream features only awake and highly active characters!
Never are bed-sleepers present in such dreams!

However, The Human Dream clearly displays a unique exception here—so-

called humans are also projected as night sleepers! And, joy of joys—all chaos
appears to vanish while humans sleep! Amusingly enough, this sleep state can
be likened to a movie-set break, where a resting time between scenes is
provided for stars, directors, and camera crews! How fun!

Assuredly, the human dream is God's Dream! Not that God or Universal
Intelligence is asleep and dreaming—far from it! The human Dream is God's
Marvelous Show—in which is provided the most ecstatic and fun Cosmic
Entertainment imaginable in the Mind Divine! Such has a most magnificent
sequential thread or story-line woven throughout from impacting start-up to
its incredibly happy and joyous ending! Assuredly, such maintains the finest
continuity and profundity possible as it unfolds upon a very unique and highly
Magical Screen!

This is God's Story—God's Movie! Assuredly, no movie within the human dream
can compare! This Story, in part, depicts the utterly unspeakable chaos that
would ensue if ever there could be such a thing as "others" who exist as
separate and apart from God—the Sole Actual Loving Balance of Infinity and
peaceful happy equality of Existence Absolute!

But there's much more to this Dream Story! It features various among the
seeming warring and self-destructive separatist waking up after an apparent
fashion—and, yes, they do such while remaining yet within the context of
their awake walking dream state! But this so-called awakening turns out to be
a vastly different sort of dynamic than dream figures could ever possibly

How fun this Story becomes! It gets more exciting by leaps and bounds as it
Incorporated into the Story is another unique feature called—the art of
deception! This means simply that every measure thinkable is implemented on
the part of the so-called higher-up controllers in the Dream to insure that
their self-profiting egoic game—otherwise known as the subtle exploitation of
the common masses—and also referred to as social status quo—remain
undetected—hence, uninterrupted! The all-consuming objective here is the
prevention of the apparent hypnotized masses from breaking the spell and
becoming free—mentally and bodily!

My Magnificent Story

At the helm of the global controlling factor and subtly poised behind the mask
called—piety, are the major religious institutions of My Dream! Assuredly, I
have scripted, to the nth degree, every detailed scenario of every last
awesome scene and dream role—bar none—in order that the finest continuity
be maintained as My Earth Movie Divine gloriously unfolds!

The so-called wealthy elite are simply pawns set up and brought down by the
ecclesiastical decree—all such is in precise conformity with My very fun play
script Divine!

The Story continues—projecting various ones as becoming deeply

constrained to break the stronghold of mind-washing and commence questing
with all their soul for a release from the apparent nightmare called—the
prison house of human enslavement! All such instantly retreat to the silence
seeking help and clarity from what is perceived as an extra-terrestrial
Supreme Source of loving kindness and intelligence! And indeed, help, after a
sort, is forthcoming, but not at all in accordance with common expectation!

My Dream Story portrays the realm of silence to be the approach to the

mystical door—not to the expected ascension of human minds and bodies—
but instead to the demise or irreversible vanishing of the Dream mind or ego
inclusive of its entire perception of human existence and world!

Indeed, My Script has it that the Big Spell—which lies far beyond the
conception of so-called mental and physical bondage—is not broken until that
mind which perceives itself as existing as another besides Me—the Mind
Absolute, is brought to its final end! Indeed, this mind constitutes the real
prison house in the Story! Such is the highly explosive and very fun Theme of
My Glorious Cosmic Dream!

A journey, after a sort, is portrayed! It is the pilgrimage of separation

consciousness traversing the apparent pain-ridden path through the matrix
called—time, and coming at last, to its final resting place—non-existence! This
of course, is not to say that such ever had existence in the first place! All are
simply the fun and utterly fabulous props of My Earth Movie Divine! A
marvelous Show indeed!

More excitement is yet to occur at this point called—no return! The Dream
mind of otherness gone—My Mind—the Sole Existent Fun Mind of Infinity, is,
after a sort, now displayed in its stead!

Of course, naught of these fun scenarios are actually transpiring anywhere in

all the borderless expanse of Infinity that is My splendid Collective Self—it’s
all the joyous amusement of magical appearances—nothing more nothing

In this association, it’s a fun thing to consider the unique metaphor of the
money changers—symbolizing the usurping human thinking mind or ego
being cast out of the temple—the human body—and He or She whose rightful
place it is—namely, Divine Mind—resuming residence therein!

This introduces a highly magical dynamic into the human Dream! My Mind—
Divine Cosmic Mind—is now said to be present within this fantastic Show, but
assuredly not of it!

Hence, there is now another unique essence present and wandering about
among all who yet sleep-walk within the dream! Yet, so different is the
functioning of this being! This entity of Divinity—although apparently
embodied—hence, appearing no differently than all other figures of dream,
displays patterns of behavior much out of the ordinary!

It is observed that an unusually high sense of mystical wisdom and a calm

detached demeanor from the countless anxieties of human life attends such
which is accompanied by a happy aura of genuine respect, loving kindness and
courtesy to all! This begets the adoration of many! Hence various approach
sensing some important keys may be obtained showing the way of escape
from the stressful confusions and sufferings that seem rampant within so-
called human existence!

However, this apparently unpredictable entity backs away—refusing to be

recognized and esteemed as a teacher or healer of the apparent myriad ills of
heavily burdened humans! This constitutes a puzzling paradigm indeed! For it
is intuited on various levels that such a one would have an untold wealth of
wisdom to impart over and beyond the common spiritual leaders of the day!
Yet, nothing is offered other than a smile and general kindnesses and
courtesies randomly extended to the high and lowly alike!

Often friends will sit and chat with such feeling truly loved and respected,
then eventually part company—but wondering why so much more was not
forthcoming! Particularly, is it hoped that specific hints would be shared as to
how one can attain to the peaceful calm and freedom of Spirit that is felt when
in the presence of these rather unusual ones among them!

Such beings know well—that what the masses of dream entities seek
spiritually—is not available, hence can never be found! Like their selves, such
goals do not exist!

Of a divine certainty, such peaceful calm and serenity as is here pictured, is

not attainable by anyone! The Cosmic-beings in their midst did not attain this!
Hence, there is no method or path to the God Life—period! Much less any
existing that can travel such!

God Peace is that Mind or Divine Essence which never began and can never
cease to Be! Assuredly, no thinking or shadowy Story mind of dream ever
becomes this serene Essence Absolute, any more than the water mirage of the
desert—upon its disappearance—becomes the dry sand!

It is none other than the ego thinking mind that perceives the need to attain!
Such is characterized by an endless and restless chaotic circling—ever seeking
yet never achieving! Assuredly, the dissolving of the pretender-mind is the
simultaneous dissolving of such fabulous neediness! In its stead reigns the
Mind called—Timeless Tranquility and Immutible Bliss Absolute!

Imagine for a moment, the utter folly of a projected entity within one's night
dream entertaining the idea that a method exists for it to emerge out of its
present misty state and commence taking up existence outside and apart from
its place in the dream! Absurd we say! Such has never, nor could it ever
happen! And yet, human entities of all the cultures projected within My Show
of Animation—and for no other reason than that such procedures are so
scripted—do invariably entertain the erroneous notion that a so-called
liberation and ascension is available to them that will transport their utterly
fictitious selves—mind and body—into Reality Absolute!
Of an amusing certainty, Divine playfulness and sense of humor knows no
bounds! Assuredly, My Story of Dream is all harmless fun and joyous
entertainment for the Real of Infinity—the Sole Actual Blissful Existence—the
Reality Beings behind all fabulous shadow entities of Dream! Of a Celestial
Truth, no scenario of dream is actually transpiring as appearances report to a
Story or so-called human mind.

And, contrary to what such appearances may seem to suggest, no dream

entities are being deceived or mischievously toyed with as if by some
bewitching extra-terrestrial insidious power! Indeed, there is no actual
consciousness present to be thus treated or affected! This is an incredible tale
depicting the wild absurdity—but only in an entirely playful and pretend
manner—that would be in place could a separate mind from the One Alone
Intelligence exist! Every last amusing detail is fun-scripted to the nth degree!

God-Mind entities, because they are the happy knower of these things,
maintain a pattern of behavior upon Our Dream Stage that is fully
commensurate to this Celestial Knowing! Hence, a sweet silence is much of the
time, golden!

Such also know that the Sole Self—Their Self—My Self—the Divine Collective
Self that Is the Love-Self of All Existence—is joyously poised in the ready
behind each individual unreal shadow-self or ego of dream! Indeed, I, in and
as My myriad Collective Blissful Self, stand ever in-the-ready awaiting My/Our
next glorious disclosure event upon the action packed stage of Our Dream—
immediately the next play-self thereof is slated to dissolve—that is, role
terminate as a false self of Dream! Marvelous in the extreme is Our Show!

Unlike the common so-called spiritual dream teacher who invariably advance
evolutionary theories—affirming that material entities can become Spirit
beings, separate minds can ascend to Eternity and co-exist with Divine Mind,
that mortality can inherit Immortality, etc., etc.,—Divine Mind entities are
sweetly poised in an utterly non-serious fun reserve, knowing that the
unreality of dream has but one destiny—namely, to be utterly dissolved
leaving not a trace—in mind, body, and world!

Additionally, Cosmic Mind entities are here with absolutely no agendas! That
is, with no other objective than to love and have incredible and ceaseless fun
upon the Magnificent Play Stage of My/Our own magical arraignment!
Assuredly such cosmic Mind entities are not present here to alter or interfere
in any way shape or form with the highly unique roles of all unreal performers
of Dream! All must unfold precisely as scripted in order that the magnificent
Story be told to Its Glorious end!

For appropriate reasons, My Play is called—Pretend—wherein nothing is

really happening as appears! Adversity, evil, birth, suffering, aging, disease,
war, and death could never be actual realities within My Adorable Universe of
Timeless Love, Peace, and Joy!

No one was ever born—no one has ever suffered—no one has ever evolved from
childhood to adulthood—no one has ever reincarnated—no one has ever
experienced disease, pain, war, or death! There is no creation of an actual
human race or material world—period!

By obvious extension—the conclusion of the whole matter, is, there is no such

thing as awakening, ascension, or enlightenment—only the Dream mind—per
script—entertains such notions so long as it appears to survive!

Furthermore, there is no actual dream or dream mind, hence no actual

vanishing of such necessary, nor any actual something else to appear in its
place! There is no real human and no real journey to a so-called state called
enlightenment! O Splendid Movie Divine!

A joyous summation of the above can look something like this:

“There was never the birth of a single mortal, never a fallen being. The Infinite
Whole exists without beginning, separation or end.” Greater Works- Lillian de

"It has been taught that like streams of water tributary to the same ocean,
multifarious paths mapped out by creed and doctrine, ultimately reach the
same goal—Heaven. They who are on these hypothetical paths en-route from
one world to another, but testify to their belief in many beings, many minds.
They are constantly at work to change the things they see and do not want to
have, and to create the things they do not see and wish to bring to pass.
Though many have spent a lifetime attempting to emerge from matter into
Spirit or to leave a human existence for the Spiritual, it is significant that we
have never heard of anyone advancing these theories to have arrived at their

"Those believing they are going from this place to that, are going nowhere.
There are no such paths, nor minds having these beliefs; no such people, nor
times. All ways and methods pertaining to another mind, world and existence
besides the One, are naught. The One Mind has never ceased to be
Omnipotence, Omnipresent, and Omniscience.

"We understand Spirit by Spirit, Divine Mind by Divine Mind. We...(know) we

have never been asleep to be awakened; we have never been in a human
existence to be translated into the Spiritual. Divine Mind is All; and there can
be no universal mortal mind or a supposititious false mind." Atomic Light-
Lillian de Waters- pages 155 thru 158.

"Consider the night dream as an analogy. In our night dream nothing is

present, and no activity is taking place, yet only when we waken do we know
this fact. In spiritual illumination only we know that we have never been
separate or different from our perfect Self; that as there is nothing to a dream,
likewise there is nothing to the belief of humanhood and human existence.
Awake, we are not asleep; aware of the fact that we are the Divine Mind..."
Atomic Light, page 93, Lillian de Waters

The Human Dream—My profoundly awesome Movie Divine—is progressing

in perfect Cosmic Order upon the Celestial Stage called—Harmlessness!

Precisely on time—the magical and rapidly approaching conclusion of Our

Show will arrive—depicting a glorious role termination in mass—leaving
naught but blissful beings of love and light in the full array of the Collective
beauty of Our Self on stage!

Assuredly, the featuring—in all the beauty of Our limitlessness and natural
abundance of magical powers—is to present a splendor and magnificence
incapable of any mortal to fathom! Such is the grand finale of Our earth play

Truly, blissful, happy, and exotic entertainment is the joyous boon of the
Beloved All that Alone constitute Existence Absolute!
merily, merily, merily, life is but a dream

Marvelous Show of Mind

O mystical trance-dance obsession of fun,
no ignorance is possible, naught exists save the One!

No misery, no fear, no guru to boot,

no disciple, no duality, so magnificent a shoot!

No pathway nor awakening to reality absolute,

no books, no teachings, exist to refute!

No Play Divine being enacted as live,

holographic illusions by the cosmos contrived.

Even this article, appearing so actual,

tis mystical tinsel never possible as factual!

With entertainment the likes such as this,

naught can prevail save absolute Bliss.

Causing to appear that which is not,

brings fun and a laughter that’s truly beyond thought.

The demise of seriousness its suffering overturned,

our Bliss Self remains ever free from concern!

Yet when all's said and done the clarity remains,

no seriousness or suffering ever existed to be slain!
Evil is not and harm cannot be,
this is the truth of the One who can see.

Hilarious themes- a quality sublime,

such is the heart-art of the Lover Divine.

Hearty cheers to our Maya so Magical,

hip hip hooray Cosmic Plays beyond radical!

Beautiful Brahma the Celestial All,

obsession have We with Life’s endless ball!

From the book—The Mandukya Upanishad,

w/Gaudapada’s Karika & Sankara’s commentary,
preface, pages xxiv & xxv
“Sri Radhakrishnan makes the following remarks regarding the philosophy of
Gaudapada: ‘the general idea pervading Gaudapada’s work, that bondage and
liberation, the individual soul and the world, are all unreal, makes the caustic
(sarcastic) critic observe that the theory which has nothing better to say than
that an unreal soul in trying to escape from an unreal bondage in an unreal
world to accomplish an unreal supreme good, may itself be an unreality. It is
one thing to say that the secret of existence, how the unchangeable reality
expresses itself in the changing universe without forfeiting its nature is a
mystery, and another to dismiss the whole changing universe, as a mere

“The generality of mankind bereft of the power of discrimination is, no doubt,

satisfied with empirical (sense perceived) experience. Let it do so. But it is
the aim of the philosopher that is bent upon the discrimination of the real and
the unreal to point out the truth, the Ultimate Reality even if it proves the
unreality of the tinsels and baubles of sense-perception. The non-
discriminating mind no doubt, plunges head-long into the play of life taking
every experience to be real and takes the prizes of such experience. But it is
only a philosophic mind that sees the so-called play is but an unreal ‘shadow
show’ and all the prizes are mere blanks.”

Van Morrison sings it right

“I’m in the here and now, and I’m meditating and still I’m suffering, but that’s
my problem. Enlightenment, don’t know what it is.
Wake up
Enlightenment says the world is nothing, nothing but a dream, everything’s an
illusion and nothing is real.”
I Am Light

India Arie sings

In this incredible dream paradigm we all appear to get through these difficult
times (when a loved one journeys on seemingly exits our so-called mortality
domain) but never over them. All of our hearts—as Play actors and actresses,
find we can never accept this event—that's seemingly entirely clouded in
mystery—as real. And that’s because it isn’t!

Yet—in accordance with the way of our Play, it’s utterly impossible for one
who yet performs in the sleeping mode to grasp this fact. And therefore to all
such, the event is real, the grieving overwhelming.

Assuredly and moreover, it’s all but a divinely designed and orchestrated
dream of unreality where not only is there no death but no birth as well! No
dream character is real—body or mind! There is no actual suffering. There is
no creation, no destruction, no one in bondage, none seeking liberation, and
none liberated. Such is the ultimate truth.
Extraordinary Movie Divine!

Our's is the Show of appearances—some bad scenes and some good ones—yet
none of such is real!

Joy of joys, we all, as the Infinite birthless, ageless, deathless, and beautifully
perfect Self, are the ecstatic epitome of Everlasting and uninterrupted Celestia
Bliss! The Infinite all—the Everything and the Everywhere Magnificent Very
Splendid Us—is all we know. And yet, How we adore all of our shadow or not-
real apparently sleeping roles—Our-selves as essential and highly fictional
characters in Our Grand and highly significant Story.

Hence, as we adorn the stage as so-called awakened beings, well are we

acquainted with the fictional nature of Our earth Play and every last material
appearing object therein. But, fun of fun, we now role play as the eternally
peaceful, loving, kind, and compassionate appearing God Mind. Splendor of
splendors, the sole reality feature within the dream arena is Our Mind—even
Infinite love, peace, kindness, and bliss, seemingly embodied in mortal vessels
of clay.

And therefore, as We move about within Our Play-field of make-believe, We

see all others, not merely as sleeping unreal role-players who only apparently
suffer and hurt, but as well do we see their Real ever-Living, ever-Loving, God
Self with whom we are one. Oh Blissful Us—the Celestial Collectively that
constitutes the Alone joyously and Timelessly Existent Family Absolute!

Uninterrupted Joyousness are we as the knowing that no real Being could ever
possibly experience the only apparent scenes of adversity that are featured
within Our highly magical earth movie Divine. Assuredly, there is no
adversity of any degree existing anywhere within loving infinity for anyone to
encounter or experience!

"There is no evil world. There is no world of pain and bondage. There is no

world of dimension and limitation. The world of glory exists right here, a
world in which we are now living and moving, and any mind that perceives
illusions, such as pain and evil, is totally without foundation in Truth. The
body that we now have is the perfect embodiment of Truth. Not the body that
one may think he has, but the body that one actually has." The One, pages
207,208, Lillian de Waters

“Essentially Guadapada is saying there appears to be a spiritual path with a

seeker and a goal and things to do and things to not do, but actually all there
is, is Reality. The spiritual path is an illusion. He makes this clear in this famous
oft quoted verse from chapter 2 verse 32 of the Mandukya Upanishad: ‘”There
is neither dissolution nor creation, none in bondage and none practicing
disciplines. There is none seeking liberation and none liberated. This is the
absolute truth.’” A Commentary on Gaudapada, Tom Das

From grief to Laughter—seemingly

“This place is a dream. Only a sleeper considers it real. Then death comes like
dawn, and you wake up laughing at what you thought was your grief.” Rumi

Rumi Paraphrased

The earth stage is the dream world or the Divine Cosmic Play. Only the
sleepers—all perceiving themselves as mortal others besides God—in
accordance with the theme design—consider it real. Then comes individual
role-termination—the utter annihilation of the holographic or story mind
together with its phenomenal grief world perception. Hence, all that’s left is
the alone actual existent Omnipresent Reality—the Laughing Buddha or God-
Mind in its stead.

Apparently only, is sadness replaced by Joyfulness, haltered step by

ecstatic Dance, depression by Happiness, the frown by the Smile, darkness by
Light, lack by Abundance, mortality by Immortality, and anxiety and fear by
Bliss and Love!

Myth of mortality—fiction darker than night,

assuredly none exist who awoke as the Light.

The water mirage gone an illusory obscuring,

the dry sand exposed as ever-enduring.

The demise of the shadow not a trace doth remain,

Reality disclosed—the sole Timeless Domain.

“There is no ignorance, and no end to ignorance. There is no old age and

death, and no end to old age and death. There is no suffering, no cause of
suffering, no end to suffering, no path to follow. There is no attainment of
wisdom, and no wisdom to attain.” Heart Sutra

“This is exactly the manner in which the Masters meet every situation.
‘What appears (to so-called human or finite mind) exists not at all,’ they say.
They are not hypnotized by the opinions held by the race (or so-called human
existence) nor conditions as they appear to the race, for they know Reality.
Their determination is in the Realm of Facts and they traverse time and space
just as Columbus sailed across the edges of the earth. There were no edges to
the earth and there is no time or space to the Master. They are all illusions just
as the flat earth with its edges was an illusion.” Vol. 4, pages 82, 83- Life &
Teaching of the Masters of the Far East, Baird T Spalding

“God is our Mind, God is our Life, God is our fullness and completeness
right here and now.” Greater Works page 5, Lillian de Waters

“God is not the source of anything, God Is Everything. As this Mind we

know there is no human-hood, no mental influence, no material mindedness,
no traditional beliefs, no Adam race, no personalities or human beings; no
error that has existed down the centuries or centuries to elapse before Truth
will be universally expressed. Spiritual Existence is all there is. To Infinite
Spirit and Truth, Itself is all It knows, all It sees, all It feels; we are this Spirit
and Truth.” Atomic Light, pages 143-plus, Lillian de Waters

O Brahma Earth Show Spectacular mirage,

scenes crazy and beautiful in ceaseless barrage.

Masterpiece holography confounding earth mind,

the masses run in circles—dark night for the blind.

The dissatisfied become seekers—enlightenment must be found,

but all such seem destined to circle round and round.

As the wizard of OZ's man cast in tin,

everywhere unrest without and within.

Then comes demise terminating dream thought,

disclosing to view Our Self never sought.

Marvelocity in the Extreme!

Astounding Show of Magical appearances!
Ingenious Master Holographic Artists are We!
Show Time Planet Earth!—Waking Life Movie.
Tripping as a Human!
Comedy Extraordinaire!
Featuring myriad degrees of apparent fun puppetry—sporting every
conceivable degree of separation perception, every imaginable language,
culture, and hue—all playing apparent hallucinating roles!

Incredible Earth Show Divine!

“hal·lu·ci·na·tion—noun an experience involving the apparent perception of

something not present.”

Endless Happiness Are We!

Ceaseless Beauty Is Us!

We Are Eternal Light and Laughter!

The Measureless Abundance of All that is Beautiful Real and True Is That
which We Changlessly, Originlessly, and Endlessly Are!

Infinite Blissful Joyous Life Is all that We have been All that We presently Are
and all that We Everlastingly will Remain!

We Are Love!

I Am the Light of My Soul-Snatam Kaur

Truly—We're all watching a Grand Movie!

All of us are Celestial Super Stars—Yay!

It’s like a gigantic premiere event where we all have just finished the shooting
part of the film making & now it’s time for the movie to hit the Big Cosmic
Silver Screens-Yay—but We—the Magical Stars get to watch it first! Behold
what an extraordinary job we all did in performing our roles! What an
ingenious Story! Mind-dynamiting skill and excellence in acting!

Roaring Laugher fills the measureless Realms of Timeless Adorable and

Ecstatic Infinity which is Our Incredibly Awesome Self! The Comedy of all
comedies—Tripping as a human! Featuring at last—our long sought after
awakening out of the spell of ridiculous dualistic otherness and the returning
to and as our Sane and True Beautiful Self—the Blissful Collectiveness of the
Universal God—the Sole Existent God of Love and Fun—which none of Us ever
really stopped Being! What a Show! What unspeakable Fun!

Our Movie Rocks!

Hotevilla—The Shrine of The Covenant

The story behind the book

Upon my very first visit to Hopi in April 2006 a copy of this book was
graciously gifted to me by Susie Lomatska at Little Dan’s farm north of
Kykotsmovi village.

This was the Joyous occasion when I met Grandfather Martin and was invited
by him to stay for 5 days at his Hotevilla home. Day after day he and I sat at his
table where he graciously shared from his heart the Hopi Mind-inclusive of all
their unique prophecies. I felt incredibly honored to be gifted with such
precious moments in my life path at this time.

As I wandered daily through the village when Martin had other things to tend
to-I took in all the unusual sights and had occasional visits with villagers. One
of these happened to be Little Dan’s elderly sister-a graceful woman who
spoke perfect English. One of her daughters was living in to care for her. I was
invited to visit in their home. While in conversation our focus was soon
directed to this book-Hotevilla-the Shrine of the Covenant. In the next moment
the daughter went to a nearby dresser and pulled it out and offered to let me
hold it and have a look. I had the sense I had something very Precious in my

How I wished, I quietly thought-that I could read it’s entire contents.

Next Grandmother was telling me of her other daughter living on her

brother’s farm. It was Susie she was referring to. She said Susie could tell me
much more about the significance of this book. I was given directions and
eventually found my way to Little Dan’s farm.

Susie was home alone on this occasion. It was a meeting that I have never
been able to find sufficient words to describe to anyone. It was Susie who was
at the heart of translating all the input from the Great Elders-Grandfathers
David, Titus, Thomas, and others which became the content of this very key
Hopi book.

All of what Grandfather Martin was sharing plus much more detail was
between the covers of this book.
Some time after our magical meeting and high energy conversation we paused
a moment and I went to fetch some food items I had brought to share with her
family. Upon reentering her home I set the box down and that’s when I noticed
Susie’s hands were both behind her as she stood before me. In the next
moment she brought forth the book she was holding-it was a new copy of the
shrine of the covenant book. She quietly said, Crys, "this is for you." I actually
wept in this magical moment-I was so overwhelmed with the joyfulness of this
invaluable time I was honored to spend with Little Dan’s nice. O joy of joys-I
now possessed my own copy of the book I was so hungry to read. Blessed
Susie! She and I have remained bonded friends to this very day.

Susie was the one who grew up in her uncle-Little Dan's home and gave
herself completely to assisting in the Great Sharing Time of the Hopi Nation by
its Great Spirit Elders to the entire world-including visits and talks at the UN
nations in NYC the Netherlands and in Switzerland to share the essential

views of what they see coming upon the global stage. These impacting views
soon after we're printed for the first time ever into the amazing book that was
being presently gifted to me.

Susie said it was the first gifted of 10 copies of this book that were awarded to
her after its initial printing. This was for certain, a breath-taking moment!

Over the next number of days while still a visitor at martin’s home then later
responding to an invite to stay with Susie and her family at the farm, I read the
entirety of this incredible book. Often I would resort to the super quietness of
the canyon behind Little Dan’s home for my private reading space.

The book-Hotevilla—the Shrine of the Covenant is essentially the full content

of Prophecy Rock in printed form as interpreted by the deep Spirited Elders.
Previous to this printing the Hopi views were kept relatively private amongst
their own tribal peoples. The time in the big scheme of things had arrived
where this was to change and their views were to be shared to all the world. It
was the 1990's

This large format book was, shortly after its first printings, re-edited and
greatly condensed in size yet retaining the essential aspects of the views of
what they saw coming on the world. The smaller edition was given the name-
The Hopi Survival Kit. It is readily available at all major book stores.

The culmination of the content of Prophecy Rock is what the Elders have
interpreted as -the "Forever Man." This is symbolized on the large vertical
petroglyph as a stick figure of a man. The interpretation is dynamic and
outpuctures the grand finale scenes of the Great Earth Play Divine. This is the
great awakening which signals the collapsing of all apparent evil globally
leaving no others but fully awakened God Beings of Love on the stage and now
to walk as it were-straight into eternity.

This is the final time when the last earth scenes transpire in the twinkling of
an eye-bringing the remnants of the mirage of human bodies and material
objects to dissipate as the morning mist at the rising of the sun. The final
scene rapidly transpire where the Forever Man (fully awakened humanity)
appears now to walk as pristine Eternally beautiful bodies of Light upon the
true Earth Paradise! Th;2e Real Earth obviously was never touched or tainted
by an unreal Earth Drama Divine featuring a chaotic dualistic material noise
and trouble infested illusion. The Earth Show is over and nothing ever

The Hopi refer to this final set of scenes in the Play as the 4th cycle-
preparation to depart the dualistic material world matrix— and the walking of
the stick figure on prophecy rock into the 5th cycle is simply the returning or
Home-coming of the seeming awakened mass back to the Realm of the Blissful
Real from which none of us actually ever left.

Fun Conclusion of the Whole Matter

The Earth Stage, being not an actual place, much less could the so-called
births, wars, romances, sufferings, and deaths that seem to transpire
thereupon be real! All is the incredibly magnificent fiction of Our Collective
fun Imagination Absolute! Harmless, Joyous Entertainment, is, hands down,
paramount among Our Passions Divine! Fantastic and extraordinary are Our
wild, crazy, and yet exotically beautiful Mind Shows!

“Since everything is but an apparition, perfect in being

what it is, having nothing to do with good or bad,
acceptance or rejection, you might as well burst out
longchenpa of Tibet

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