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What is Mathematical Language?
It is the system used to communicate
mathematical ideas.

It consists of some natural language using

technical terms (mathematical terms) and
grammatical conventions, supplemented by a
highly specialized symbolic notation for
mathematical formulas.
1. According to Schiro (1997) one very important
element in a student’s mathematical success is his
being able to communicate effectively in

2. Students is given opportunities to correctly read,

write, speak about and understand the math
language in the classroom

3. Discover the purpose for communicating

mathematically with numerals or symbols.
Characteristics of MATH

Precise – well defined and clearly stated, lacks ambiguity

unlike ordinary language

Concise – briefly stated

Powerful – complex ideas are well expressed

Nontemporal – No tenses (present, past or future)

The Language and Grammar of Mathematics____

Mathematical Expression

An expression (or mathematical expression) is a finite

combination of symbols that is well-defined
according to rules that depend on the context.

It is a correct arrangement of mathematical symbols

to represent the object of interest, does not contain a
complete thought, and cannot be determined if it is
true or false.
Mathematical Sentence
Sentence (or mathematical sentence) – a statement about
two expressions, either using numbers, variables, or a
combination of both.

Uses symbols or words like equals, greater than, or less


It is a correct arrangement of mathematical symbols that

states a complete thought and can be determined whether
it’s true, false, sometimes true/sometimes false.
Expressions & Sentences

English Mathematics
Name given to Noun ( person, Expression
an object of place, things) 3, 2+x, 6y
interest Alma,
Batangas, box
A complete Sentence Sentence
thought Martha likes a+b=c
Paris 3+5=8

Five and three

are prime
Conventions in the Mathematical Language

Mathematical Convention is a fact, name, notation, or

usage which is generally agreed upon by mathematicians.

PEMDAS (Parenthesis, Exponent, Multiplication, Division,

Addition and Subtraction.)

All mathematical names and symbols are conventional.

Symbols can designate numbers,
variables, operations, functions,
brackets, punctuations, and groupings
to help determine order of operations,
and other aspects of mathematical
Formulas are written predominantly left to right, even
when the writing system of the substrate language is right-
Latin alphabet is commonly used for simple variables and
Mathematical expressions
= (equal) < (less-than) > (greater-than)
+ (addition) – (subtraction)  (multiplication)
 (division)  (element)  (for all)
 (there exists)  (infinity) → (implies)
 (if and only if)  (approximately) (therefore)
Other symbols
Language of Sets

Set theory is the branch of mathematics that

studies sets.
George Cantor (1845-1918) is
a German Mathematician
He is considered as the
founder of set theory as a
mathematical discipline.

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Sets and Elements

A set is a well-defined collection of objects.

The objects are called the elements or
members of the set.

 element of a set

 not an element of a set.

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Some Examples of Sets

A = {xx is a positive integer less than 10}

B = {xx is a real number and x2 – 1 = 0}

C = {xxis a letter in the word dirt}

D = {xx is an integer, 1  x  8}

E = {xx is a set of vowel letters}

Set E equals the set of all x such that x is a set of vowel

letters” or E = {a, e, i, o, u}

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Indicate whether the ff. defined a Set

a. The list of course offerings of Centro Escolar University.

Answer: Set

b. The elected district councilors of Manila City.

Answer: Set

c. The collection of intelligent monkeys in Manila Zoo.

Answer: Not a set

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

List the Elements of the Sets

a. A = {xx is a letter in the word mathematics.}

Answer: A = {m, a, t, h, e, i, c, s.}

b. B = {xx is a positive integer, 3  x  8.}

Answer: B = {3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}

c. C = {xx = 2n + 3, n is a positive integer.}

Answer: C = {5, 7, 9, 11, 13, …}

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Methods of Writing Sets

Roster Method. The elements of the set are enumerated and

separated by a comma it is also called tabulation method.

Rule Method. A descriptive phrase is used to describe the

elements or members of the set it is also called set builder
notation, symbol it is written as {x P(x)}.

E = {a, e, i, o, u} Roster method

E = {xx is a collection of vowel letters} Rule method

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Write the ff. Sets in Roster Form
a. A= {xx is the letter of the word discrete}
Answer: A = {d, i, s, c, r, e, t}

b. B = {x3  x  8, x  Z}
Answer: B = {4, 5, 6, 7}

c. C = {xx is the set of zodiac signs}

Answer: C = {Aries, Cancer, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Libra,
Leo, …}

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Write the ff. Sets using Rule Method
a. D = {Narra, Mohagany, Molave, …}
Answer: D = {xx is the set of non-bearing trees.}

b. E = {DOJ, DOH, DOST, DSWD, DENR, CHED, DepEd,…}

Answer: E = {xx is the set of government agencies.}

c. F = {Botany, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, …}

Answer: F = {xx is the set of science subjects.}

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Some Terms on Sets
Finite Set

Finite set is a set whose elements are limited or countable, and

the last element can be identified.


a. A = {xx is a positive integer less than 10}

b. C = {d, i, r, t}

c. E = {a, e, i, o, u}

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Infinite Set

Infinite set is a set whose elements are unlimited or

uncountable, and the last element cannot be specified.

a. F = {…, –2, –1, 0, 1, 2,…}

b. G = {xx is a set of whole numbers}

c. H = {xx is a set of molecules on earth}

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Unit Set
A unit set is a set with only one element it is also called


a. I = {xx is a whole number greater than 1 but less than 3}

b. J = {w}

c. K = {rat}

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Empty Set

An empty set is a unique set with no elements (or null set), it is

denoted by the symbol  or { }.


a. L = {xx is an integer less than 2 but greater than 1}

b. M = {xx is a number of panda bear in Manila Zoo}

c. N = {xx is the set of positive integers less than zero}

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.


The cardinal number of a set is the number of elements or

members in the set, the cardinality of set A is denoted by n(A)

Example: Determine its cardinality of the ff. sets Answer

a. E = {a, e, i, o, u}, n(E) = 5

b. A = {xx is a positive integer less than 10} n(A) = 9

c. C = {d, i, r, t} A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9} n(C) = 4

Theorem 1.1: Uniqueness of the Empty Set: There is only one set
with no elements.

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Universal Set

Universal set is the all sets under investigation in any

application of set theory are assumed to be contained in some
large fixed set, denoted by the symbol U.


a. U = {xx is a positive integer, x2 = 4}

b. U = {1, 2, 3,…,100}

c. U = {xx is an animal in Manila Zoo}

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Kinds of Sets

If A and B are sets, A is called subset of B, if and only if, every

element of A is also an element of B.

Symbolically: A ⊂ B  x, x  A → x  B.

Example: Suppose
A = {c, d, e}
B = {a, b, c, d, e}

U = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g}

Then A ⊂ B, since all elements of A is in B.

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Equal Sets

Given set A and B, A equals B, written, if and only if, every

element of A is in B and every element of B is in A.

Symbolically: A = B  A  B  B  A.

Suppose A = {a, b, c, d, e},
B = {a, b, d, e, c}

U = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g}

Then then A  B and B  A, thus A = B.

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Power Set

Given a set S from universe U, the power set of S denoted by

(S), is the collection (or sets) of all subsets of S.

Example: Determine the power set of (a) A = {e, f},

(b) = B = {1, 2, 3}.

(a) A = {e, f} (A) = {{e}, {f}, {e, f}, }

(b) B = {1, 2, 3} (B) = {{1}, {2}, {3}, {1, 2}, {1, 3}, {2, 3},
{1, 2, 3}, }.

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.


Theorem 1.2: A Set with No Elements is a Subset of Every Set: If

 is a set with no elements and A is any set, then
  A.

Theorem 1.3: For all sets A and B, if A  B then (A)  (B).

Theorem 1.4: Power Sets: For all integers n, if a set S has n

elements then (S) has 2n elements.

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Venn Diagram
Venn Diagram is a pictorial presentation of relation and operations
on set.
Also known set diagrams, it show all hypothetically possible logical
relations between finite collections of sets.

Constructed with a collection of simple closed

curves drawn in the plane or normally
comprise of overlapping circles.
The interior of the circle symbolically
represents the elements (or members) of the
set, while the exterior represents elements
which are not members of the set.

Introduced by John Venn in his paper "On the Diagrammatic and

Mechanical Representation of Propositions and Reasoning’s"
Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.
Operations on Sets

✓ Union

✓ Intersection

✓ Complement

✓ Difference

✓ Symmetric Difference

✓ Disjoint Sets

✓ Ordered Pairs

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.


The union of A and B, denoted AB, is the set of all elements x

in U such that x is in A or x is in B.

Symbolically: AB = {xx  A  x  B}.

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.


The intersection of A and B, denoted AB, is the set of all

elements x in U such that x is in A and x is in B.

Symbolically: AB = {xx  A  x  B}.

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.


The complement of A (or absolute complement of A), denoted

A’, is the set of all elements x in U such that x is not in A.

Symbolically: A’ = {x  U  x  A}.

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.


The difference of A and B (or relative complement of B with

respect to A), denoted A  B, is the set of all elements x in U
such that x is in A and x is not in B.

Symbolically: A - B = {xx  A  x  B} = AB’.

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Symmetric Difference

If set A and B are two sets, their symmetric difference as the set
consisting of all elements that belong to A or to B, but not to
both A and B.

Symbolically: A  B = {xx  (AB)  x(AB)}

= (AB)(AB)’ or (AB)  (AB).

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.


A = {a, b, c} B = {c, d, e} U = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g}

Find the following

a. AB

b. AB
c. A’
d. A - B

e. A  B

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.


a. AB = {a, b, c, d, e}

b. AB = {c}

c. A’ = {d, e, f, g}

d. A - B = {a, b}

e. A  B = {a, b, d, e}

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Disjoint Sets

Two set are called disjoint (or non-intersecting) if and only if,
they have no elements in common.

Symbolically: A and B are disjoint  AB = .

Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.

Ordered Pairs
In the ordered pair (a, b), a is called the first component and b is
called the second component. In general, (a, b)  (b, a).

Example: Determine whether each statement is true or false.

a. (2, 5) = (9 – 7, 2 + 3) Since 2 = 9 – 7 and 2 + 3 = 5, the ordered pair

is equal. True

b. {2, 5}  {5, 2} Since these are sets and not ordered pairs,
the order in which the elements are listed is
not important. False
c. (2, 5)  (5, 2) These ordered pairs are not equal since they
do not satisfy the requirements for equality
of ordered pairs. True
Cartesian Product

The Cartesian product of sets A and B, written AxB, is

AxB = {(a, b)  a  A and b  B}

Example: Let A = {2, 3, 5} and B = {7, 8}. Find each set.

a. AxB = {(2, 7), (2, 8), (3, 7), (3, 8), (5, 7), (5, 8)}

b. BxA = {(7, 2), (7, 3), (7, 5), (8, 2), (8, 3), (8, 5)}

c. AxA = {(2, 2), (2, 3), (2, 5), (3, 2), (3, 3), (3, 5), (5, 2), (5, 3),
(5, 5)}

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