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The main sentence, “Every day is opening day” follows the sentence pattern of a simple

sentence as it contains one independent clause with “every day” as its subject and “is opening

day” as its predicate completing the main thought of the sentence. Meanwhile, the second

sentence, “Open a bag of fresh Hampton Farms in-shell peanuts and the game is in your hands.”

follows the sentence pattern of a compound sentence as it utilized two independent clauses to

communicate the information. The first independent clause, which is imperative in nature is,

“Open a bag of fresh Hampton Farms in-shell peanuts” while the other sentence is “the game is

in your hands”. These two independent clauses are combined with the conjunction ‘and’ to
coordinate the thought of the sentence. The third set of sentences, “Watching sports at home

takes on new energy when you’re cracking open healthy, high-protein peanuts with awesome

flavor roasted right in the shell. It’s not a game without Hampton Farms.”, is a combination of

complex and simple sentences, respectively. The first sentence contains one independent clause

which is “watching sports at home takes on new energy” and one dependent clause with the

term, when, as a subordinate to complete the meaning of the whole statement which makes it

complex. On the other hand, the statement, “It’s not a game without Hampton Farms” is

considered as a simple sentence since it is only an independent clause with a preposition but

without any conjunction nor dependent clauses. Lastly, the sentence on the bottom of the ad,

“Available in the produce section of your local grocery store.”, is composed of one dependent

clause and one prepositional phrase which are “available in the produce section” and “of your

local grocery store”, respectively.

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