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Describe a significant accomplishment that demonstrates your unique leadership abilities to influence an

outcome? (maximum of 200 words) *

Transformational leadership has been a pivotal aspect of my leadership journey and experiences in bringing changes
to lives, systems and structures. As the coordinator of NIFES Global Impact Mission, a social group I led for 4years
on campus, I hosted a major event that brought thought leaders across faculties together in addressing the theme,
“Menaces on Nigerian Institutions, What is the way Out”.

Driven by passion, commitment and tenacity, I led a team of 10 executives and over 50 volunteers in deliberations,
logistics, and action points needed for a successful conference. A courtesy visit and awards were given to the then
Vice-Chancellor and other faculty officers in recognition of their outstanding performance. Free HIV test was
conducted for students and other participants, courtesy of a volunteer Primary Health Organization. Inter-faculty
debates and other varieties were also organized to spice the event up.

Continued with the vision for impact, I led the logistics team for the Nigerian Christian Copers Fellowship during
my national service in Taraba State, Nigeria, to provide proper accommodation management for Corpers and in
raising of N2, 500, 000 from individuals, alumni bodies, and cooperate bodies to procure a bus and rehabilitated the
hostels for the organization.

These and many other experiences attest to my unique leadership abilities to inspire change and influence positive

Tell us what is your responsibility to your community? What volunteer work in your community have you
been involved in, in the past, and for how long? (maximum of 200 words)*

A world of isolation is not a world at all, this is why I believe that service to each other is the true definition of
living. In response to the low literacy level I observed among the youth in Nigeria during my one year of National
Service in Taraba State, I organized an intensive 4months career and academic mentorship program to provide
career choice guidance to high schoolers and motivate dropouts to reignite their passion to further their education.
The program was very impactful, as students recovered their interest in education and 70% (of over 80 participants)
were admitted to higher institutions. Funding opportunities for entrance examinations, soft skill training, and
distribution of scholastic materials to schools' libraries were made available through partner organizations.

Furthermore, I volunteered as a Corp Marshal with the Federal Road Safety Corps on routine sensitization to
motorists across local governments on Nigeria Highways Code. At the end of my service year, I received a
meritorious award at the local and state government levels for my community impact.

In my place of work (Ikeja Electric), I volunteer with the Give Back Team to provide support to schools, hospitals,
community clean-ups, career and mentorship sessions with high school students. I engaged high school students and
motivated them to have a resilient mindset to achieve their future ambitions through diligence, commitment, and
hard work.

Overall, you have done a great job. However, You missed the first part of the question for the second essay…
Tell us what is your responsibility to your community? You need to clearly state your responsibility. The
opening of the essay is great!

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