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Artillery movement v1

Artillery and Barricades

In this diagram the Medium Artillery TUG is benefitting from
Barricades. Behind Barricades its movement is limited to pivoting
backwards (M17). Pivoting on left corner stays in place while the
moved back up to 1 BW.

Pivoting the Other way Benefits from the Barricade still apply.

If the artillery wanted to wheel face left. It

first pivots back to align with the Barricades
(1BW) and then as a separate prompted
action pivot on the right corner backwards.
Note that if the Artillery is lucky enough to
be Drilled this could be achieved as an M14
(M17 is Green for Drilled)

You can never break contact between the Artillery TUG as the barricades as a prompted action. If this does happen as a
result of base loss for instance, the Artillery no longer benefit from the Barricades.
Enemy interaction with the Artillery (ie being charged or of shot at) is always to the Artillery bases themselves, never the
Barricade model.

Artillery and
Artillery benefitting from
Redoubts cannot pivot.
However, they can shoot from
the flank each
Artillery without Protection
Medium and Heavy Artillery without protection can move
only by M17.
It can wheel forwards
pivot backwards

Artillery with Hasty Defenses

Artillery benefitting from Hasty Defense can also move by
M17. However, if the TUG moves at all in this manner
the Hasty Defenses are simply removed.

Artillery repositioning
After deployment Artillery can reposition by wheeling backwards. There must be space to fit and the Artillery can be no
further forward than it was originally deployed

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