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Intro Spiel: I would like to start my speech with a quotation from Edmund Berke, which

states, "All that is needed for the forces of evil to triumph is for good men and women to do
nothing." Hence, I am here standing in front of you with the notion of action to do
something that affects my life as an LGBTQ+ individual and the lives of men and women in
our society.

Inequality towards women and men has been very rampant in our modern days. This
insinuation has been fought for years by inadvertent and advertent people who aim to be a
driving force of change towards a better tomorrow, a world where gender equality exists. Emma
Watson, a known actress, feminist, and Global Goodwill Ambassador fought for this and was
notably known for her speech during the HeForShe campaign of the United Nations back in 2014
that invites men to become advocates for change, citing that inequality does affect all gender.
According to her, feminism has become synonymous with manhating, which is erroneous
because feminism is the belief that women and men should have equal rights and opportunities.
Hence, as an actress, she experienced inequality counts throughout her life, which made her fight
for gender equality as a human right. With that said, she focused on two points that prove
inequality does affect all gender.

First is the purview of women. Emma narrated accounts of her and her friends being
deprived of rights because she is a woman. She is dubbed as bossy for wanting to direct a stage
play at eight years old. The media sexualized her at the age of 14. Her friends left sports because
they were afraid to become muscly. Policymaking about women's bodies does not include
women in making it. Due to this, she paved her way to becoming a feminist, citing that women
are deprived of their rights to make decisions about their bodies. According to her, women
should be afforded the same respect and opportunities as men.

Second is the perspective of men. Gender inequality is their issue too. In society, men are
seen as strong and assertive; hence, they are often mistaken as weak and fragile whenever they
show portrayals of vulnerability. Emma said that men should not control their emotions and be
free in expressing their feelings. If men don't have to control themselves, women won't have to
be controlled. Hence, they should be free to be vulnerable and emotional.

Therefore, gender should be seen as a spectrum of individuality, not a set of opposing

ideals. Whatever their gender is, all people deserve to live a life free from prejudice and
imbalance. Inequality lives among us, and we should fight to make things right. It is time to stop
defining the actions of others and start defining who we truly are. I care about this problem, and I
want to make it better to live in an inclusive and equal world.

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