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: 1
Principle of
 Training programs should be
developed with each individual’s
goals and abilities in mind 2
The Role of

 Twin studies show that up to 90% of the variance in baseline muscle mass
and approximately 60% of the variance in baseline muscle strength are
hereditary (Hand et al. 2007).
 A lesser response of muscle phenotypes to resistance training
appears to be genetically influenced 3
Responders vs. Non-Responders

 When performing a regimented resistance training program over the

course of 16 weeks, untrained subjects have highly divergent responses
(Bamman et al. 2007):
 High responders (25%) – CSA increase of ~50%
 Moderate responders (50%) – CSA increase of 20%
 Low responders (25%) – minimal to no gains 4
Role of Training

 Closer to genetic ceiling

 Altered hormonal output
 Greater capacity to recruit all fibers
 Greater capacity to push to failure
 Greater capacity to perform high volumes without overtraining
 No learning curve (i.e. neural mechanisms) 5
There is no “best” training program, only a best program for a given individual 6
A Periodized Approach

 Periodization: The systematic manipulation of exercise program

in an attempt to optimize a given fitness component.
 Basis of periodization can be traced to Selye’s General
Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) theory.
 Body undergoes a tri-phasic response to stress: alarm, resistance,
and exhaustion. 7
GAS Theory 8
Application to
 A properly structured periodized resistance training program maintains
performance in the resistance stage (i.e. supercompensation), maximizing
results while preventing the body from reaching a state of exhaustion
(i.e. systemic overtraining) 9
Genesis of
 Originally developed by Russian strength
coaches to prepare their athletes
for Olympic competition 10
Linear Periodization Model

 Traditional linear periodized program is divided into

three components:
 Macrocycle: generally represents the entire training
year, but can vary from several months to up to four
 Mesocycle: The macrocycle is subdivided into two or more
mesocycles that last from several weeks to several months.
 Microcycle: Mesocycles are subdivided into microcycles
of one to four weeks, where periods of high volume
and/or intensity training are interspersed with brief
periods of unloading designed to restore and
rejuvenate, and can potentiate muscular
Linear Periodization 12

 Rather than dividing training cycles over a period of months or years,

“undulating” periodization uses a non-linear model where variables
are manipulated over short time periods, generally on a week-to-week
or even session-to session basis (DUP). 13
Non-Linear Periodization 14
MAX Muscle

 Hybrid Approach
 Similar to linear periodization, it includes three mesocycles: a MAX strength phase,
a MAX metabolic phase, and a MAX muscle phase.
 Consistent with undulating periodization, it employs a technique called
"block periodization" where variables are manipulated on a weekly basis.
 “Step loading” 15
Step Loading

Hypertrophy Mesocycle
Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week 123456789101112

Periodized Hypertrophy Macrocycle

 Strength Mesocycle
 ~8 weeks
 Metabolic Mesocycle
 ~4 weeks
 Hypertrophy Mesocycle
 ~10 weeks 17
Strength Cycle

 Intensity of load
 1 to 5 reps (90+% 1RM)
 Rest interval
 3 minutes
 Volume
 4 sets per exercise
 Recovery
 48 hours between same muscle group, 3-4 days per week
 Modalities
 Focus on multi-joint free weight movements 18
 8 week mesocycle with training segmented into two distinct
 Intensity varied in each block using a step-loading paradigm
 4-5 reps week 1
 2-3 reps week 2
 5-3-1 week 3
 Week 4 unload.
 Training frequency progressively increased from 3
days/week first block to 4 days/week second block
 Addition of assistance exercises in Block 2
 Total body routine first block, two-day upper/lower
split second block 19
Metabolic Cycle

 Intensity of load
 15 to 20 reps (50 to 60% 1RM)

 Rest interval
 30 seconds or less

 Volume
 3 sets per exercise

 Recovery
 48 hours between same muscle group,

 Modalities
 Focus on multi-joint, large muscle group exercises 20
 4 week mesocycle with training segmented into one block.
 Use metabolic techniques to increase training density (circuit training, paired
set training, supercircuit training, etc).
 Total body routine performed 3 days/week 21
Hypertrophy Cycle

 Intensity of load
 6 to 12 reps (65 to 85% 1RM)
 Rest interval
 60 to 90 seconds
 Volume per session
 6 to 12 sets per muscle group
 Intensity of effort
 Progressive overload with liberal use of training to failure
 Recovery
 48 hrs between same muscle group, 3-4 days per week
 Modalities
 Employ a variety of multiple modalities 22
 10 week mesocycle with training segmented into three
distinct blocks that are structured to potentiate the
ensuing block.
 Intensity varied in each block using a step-loading
paradigm. Creates a wave-like loading pattern where a
progressive increase in intensity is followed an unloading
 Training frequency progressively increased each block,
culminating with a “shock” phase in Block 3 that is intended
to bring about short-term overreaching
 Split routine effective in maintaining total weekly training
volume with fewer sets performed per training session
and greater recovery afforded between sessions
 Variation of exercises throughout mesocycle 23
Exercise Variation: Applied Anatomy

 Muscles can have varied attachments that

provide greater leverage for varying actions
 Trapezius subdivided into upper aspect (elevates
scapula), middle (adducts scapula) and lower (depresses
 Muscles are often subdivided into neuromuscular
compartments, each with its own distinct nerve
 Biceps brachii, sartorius, gracilis, biceps femoris,
and semitendinosus are all compartmentalized by one
or more fibrous bands or inscriptions innervated by
different nerves
 Muscles should be worked from multiple angles
in multiple planes of movement whenever
possible 24
Applied Anatomy:
Training Tactics
 Training angle
 Fibers contract optimally when they are placed in direct
opposition to gravity along direction of fiber
 Planes of movement
 Recruitment changes in different planes of movement
 Employ passive tension, active insufficiency
 Make one muscle more or less active (only applicable for two-
joint muscles)
 Multi-joint/single joint exercises
 Recruitment patterns different when more or less muscle
 Hand/foot spacing
 Alterations in spacing can change line of pull 25
Block 1 Training

 Comprised of four, one-week microcycles training 3 days per week using

push/pull split
 Week 1: 10-12 reps per set (employ supersets)
 Week 2: 8-10 reps per set (employ drop sets)
 Week 3: 6-8 per set (employ heavy negatives)
 Week 4 (unloading): 15+ reps per set without going to failure 26
Block 1 27
Block 2 Training

 Comprised of four, one-week microcycles training 4 days per week using upper
body/lower body split.
 Week 1: 10-12 reps per set (employ supersets)
 Week 2: 8-10 reps per set (employ drop sets)
 Week 3: 6-8 per set (employ heavy negatives)
 Week 4 (unloading): 15+ reps per set without going to failure 28
Block 2 29
Block 3 Training

 Comprised of two, one-week microcycles training 6 days per week using

shoulders-arms/torso/lower body split.
 Week 1: 10-12 reps per set (employ supersets)
 Week 2: 6-8 per set (employ heavy negatives)
 Recovery phase: After finishing this block, take one to two weeks off only
performing light activities (~50-60% of VO2 Max) on most days of the week
▪ Hypertrophy will be maximized during this period 30
Block 3



70 31
Sample Hypertrophy
Routine Day One:
Exercise Sets Reps
Incline BB Press 4 6-12
Flat DB Press 3 6-12
Pec Deck 3 6-12
Lat Pulldown 4 6-12
Seated Row 4 6-12
Dumbbell Pullover 3 6-12
Cable Rope Crunch 3 6-12
Reverse Curl 3 6-12
DB Si d e B e n d
ww w . wo r k o 2 6-12
Sample Hypertrophy
Routine Day Two: Lower
Exercise Sets Reps
BB Front Squat 4 6-12
DB Lateral Lunge 4 6-12
Sissy Squat 3 6-12
Good Morning 4 6-12
Kneeling Hamstring Curl 3 6-12
Cable Abduction 2 6-12
One Legged Standing Calf Raise 4 6-12
Seated Calf Raise 3 6-12 33
Sample Hypertrophy Routine
Day Three: Shoulders, Bis,
Exercise Sets Reps
DB Shoulder Press 4 6-12
Cable Lateral Raise 3 6-12
Reverse Pec Deck Fly 3 6-12
BB Drag Curl 4 6-12
DB Prone Incline Curl 3 6-12
Overhead Triceps Extension 3 6-12
Triceps Pressdown 3 6-12
Triceps Dip 2 6-12 34
Cardio and Muscle
 Benefits
 Increased capillarization facilitates local muscular
recovery by enhancing nutrient delivery
 Sensitizing effect on insulin function and
increased enzyme activity can aid in glycogen
 Detriments
 Combining cardio with resistance training can
compromise muscle growth (“concurrent training
Chronic Interference
 Postulates that trained muscles are unable to adapt optimally at the same
time morpholocially or metabolicallyto both strength and endurance
training (Mikkola et al. 2012)
 Each type of training regimen activates and suppresses specific genes and
signaling pathways, and these pathways tend to interfere with one another.
 Interference in strength development may also relate to overtraining
symptoms induced by a catabolic hormonal environment and chronic
muscle glycogen depletion resulting from excessive training volume

Atherton PJ, Babraj J, Smith K, Singh J, Rennie MJ, Wackerhage H. Selective activation of AMPK-PGC-1alpha or PKB-TSC2-mTOR signaling can
explain specific adaptive responses to endurance or resistance training-like electrical muscle stimulation. FASEB J. 2005 May;19(7):786-8
A Balancing
 The key to ensuring that muscle is not
sacrificed in a concurrent training
regimen is to keep cardio intensity,
duration, and frequency in
 Ultimate response depends on individual
recovery ability, the type and duration
of the aerobic training, and training
 Err on the side of caution; Don’t push it!
General Steady-State

 Duration: 30-45 minutes

 Intensity: low to moderate (equating to approximately 60-70% of MHR or a 5-6
on the RPE scale)
 Frequency: 4-5 days a week.
General HIIT

 Duration: 15-20 minutes

 Intensity: high-intensity intervals at 8-9 RPE and low-intensity at 4-5 RPE
 Work/rest ratio: ~1/1
 Frequency: 3 days a week
 Running has been shown to be
particularly detrimental to
strength/hypertrophy gains (Wilson et
al. 2012)
 Cycling results in less interference
Proper Integration of Science and Art… 42 43

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