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Selection Task

Dear Candidate,
It was a pleasure getting to know your interests and skillset for the internship.
Job is mainly on designing / modifying existing UI for a Software using QT QML. Software UI
Codes / sources will be provided to learn for development purpose.
We are glad that you are filtered for the final selection process.
Reference software build link you can find below. You need first setup an Qt environment to
build this project.
Tasks: 1) Change Logo of application with our provided logo
2) Change build name from “QGroundControl daily” to “Vyorius Ground Station”
(Located on Top left corner)
3) Add Button on right Corner in Application in title bar name it as “Logout”.
Step 1:
Qt Creator:
 Sign up for QT Account

Install QT version 5.15.2 !

Select these components during installation:
 Qt 5.15.2
o MSVC 2019 64-bit
o Qt Charts
 Developer and designer tools
o Qt creator 7.0.2 CDB Debugger
o Debugging tools for windows
Step 2:
 Install Visual Studio 2019 compiler, select Desktop development with C++

 Clone QGroundControl repo from Github

Software (QGC) Build:
 Building using Qt Creator

 Now have done the basic setup and good to go with above 3 Tasks.

Link of Qgoundcontrol for reference:
Replace to
Just in case if you are beginner, watch QT/QML Tutorials:
P.S: Upon the completion of this we will arrange for a call with the team to discuss next steps.

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