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TITLE: #HardinHaldiChallenge with Tata Sampann

CATEGORY: Leveraging Social Media to boost brand ROI and Engagement


Covering Note (300 words)

March 2020 first time in the world lockdown was imposed in India where Pandemic had hit the
country. India observed a nationwide lockdown, affecting the entire 1.3 billion-person population.
Where the movement of people was restricted resulting in online deliveries as there was no physical
visit which is usually how people buy groceries.

Since there is no cure to corona, people started engaging online & searching for elements that can
prevent them from catching the virus. “Never have been preventive health been in a limelight”
Turmeric is one ingredient which is available in everybody’s kitchen & can help in killing the virus due
to its anti- inflammatory properties.

Taking this into consideration at such a time Tata Sampann wanted to create a buzz in the market
where Turmeric could help people build their own immune system. By adding extra turmeric into
one’s diet during periods of stress or during flu season helps giving immune system a little boost.
During this period people started spending more time on social media as source of entertainment.
This led to more social media activities and hashtags following the Dalgona trend which kept
people’s attention captured as everybody started searching the recipes online & uploading the
With onset of Covid-19, the anxiety around health and immunity has reached unprecedented levels.
An emerging behavior is going back to age old Indian wisdom of home remedies which helped our
elders to lead a much fitter/healthier life. There has been a surge in conversations and searches
around home remedies, Ayurveda, Yoga etc.

One of the most effective home remedies which is also prescribed in many Indian texts is haldi or
turmeric. It is a flavor and color enhancing spice used in almost all Indian cuisines. It is also a
medicine used in the ancient traditional medicinal systems like Siddha and Ayurveda whose history
goes back to over 5000 years.

In Indian and Chinese medicines, turmeric was used as an anti-inflammatory agent to treat gas, colic,
toothaches, chest pains, and menstrual difficulties. Haldi gets all these properties from an active
ingredient called curcumin. It is known to have Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immunity
building properties. Recently, in the AAYUSH guidelines for building immunity, the government has
recommended the usage of Haldi.

While haldi is full of goodness, its usage is largely restricted to daily cooking (and sometime as an
additive to hot milk.) There was an opportunity to a. Spread the word around goodness of Haldi and
b. Broad base the use of Haldi in our cuisine; creating cool, new ways to use it daily.
Thus, was born the campaign #HarDinHaldi to popularize the usage of haldi in many easy and tasty
formats which will help build immunity.

Taking this topical content into consideration we set a benchmark by giving this trend a twist by
adding haldi which keeps the immunity high fighting the virus resulting in #HarDinHaldiChallenge
TITLE: #HardinHaldiChallenge with Tata Sampann
CATEGORY: Leveraging Social Media to boost brand ROI and Engagement

Media Strategy (250 words)

The campaign was aimed to popularize the usage of haldi in many easy and tasty formats which will
help build immunity.

Various social media platforms were used to publish and promote the content.

Content pieces were created keeping in mind the sensibilities of each platform –
 For Facebook and Instagram, we created quick tips and recipe videos with Nutritionists &
Chefs that spoke about innovatively consuming Haldi.
 A lot of educative articles were put out on Nutrikorner -our content to commerce platform
 In a first for any major food brand, we created contest on TikTok - the #hardinhaldi
challenge , to push user generated content.
 We also reached out to the consumers contextually. Haldi was sampled with milk brands
such as Pride of Cows and others to tap onto the Haldi doodh context.

Due to the ongoing Covid-19 Pandemic, People are worried about their immunity & health so that
they don’t catch hold the virus.
Nothing better than Haldi, since it helps the body naturally cleanse the respiratory tract & fight the
infection due to its anti-inflammatory qualities Since people started uploading recipes\ videos in
lockdown period on social media building awareness around immunity to fight against corona virus.
Hence, we chose social media to convey this message.
We also used this opportunity, to help people boost their immunity in a fun, impactful way - through
the #HarDinHaldi Challenge.
We saw a massive response, where people used Haldi in their videos & came up with innovative
recipes leveraging the brand & boosting engagement.

Engaging Creativity (250 words)

We realised that peoplewould soon get bored of consuming Haldi in the most commonly known
form – Haldi doodh. We seeded 7 Videos created by the brand with Haldi used in unconventional
interesting forms. These were simple to make at home and engaging recipes with healthy yet unique
ways to consume Haldi. Another 61 videos were created by influencers, to propagate daily use of
Haldi, in exciting new avatars.
This turned into a contest amongst users who indulged in these recipes andpublished their own
versions of it.

For the first time the brand has tied up up with more than 61 Tiktok Influencers spread out in India
with a very simple brief - to just use our product in their videos & choose recipes out of the 7 videos
crafted out of Haldi as a hero ingredient, and tell their audience to make their own version of this
recipe in the most creative & entertaining way, tag @tataSampann on their handles, use the
#HarDinHaldiChallenge where the top 50 entries could stand a chance to win Gift vouchers.
TITLE: #HardinHaldiChallenge with Tata Sampann
CATEGORY: Leveraging Social Media to boost brand ROI and Engagement

Simultaneously we published Tata Sampann Haldi prepared recipe videos in the form of contest on
Facebook & Instagram inviting participants to take up the challenge.

Execution thought & Strategy (250 words)

The strategic idea of the campaign was to reach out to the maximum audience on Social media
platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok & entice user engagement through a contest of Recipe
Challenge where Tata Sampann Showed its own version of Recipes in the form of Turmeric Latte,
Smoothie, Shots, Pancake, Jamu, & Chaas crafted out of Sampann Haldi powder being our hero
ingredient as Haldi is known to have anti-inflammatory properties that can help boost the immunity
very essential during covid-19.
A wide spread of audience was targeted for this campaign on Facebook & Instagram with all
demographics, interests & behaviours who are socially well active & have been engaging with the
content frequently. The entire budget was deployed in Digital taking into consideration the
lockdown situation where people were engaging in online recipes.
The campaign was well executed where the budgets were split in CPE & CPV model through which
we could garner maximum Engagement simultaneously urging more people to watch the tasty
recipe videos & stimulating them to make one.
Also, we decided to keep good mix of Hindi and vernacular Tiktok influencers who could reach out
their respective audiences in a most effective manner & fetch maximum engagements for the brand.

Effectiveness (250 words)

In just a span of 7 days Campaign we saw

- Whooping response of 9MN video views on Tata Sampann #HarDinHaldiChallenge achieving
2.5X results against the planned. The goals were well attained.
- 0.6 MN likes on the post.
- We saw a viral creation of 250 recipe HarDinHaldi Videos blossoming over the Tiktok handle.
- Garnered 21MN Impressions on Facebook & Instagram
- 2.2 Mn impressions on Tiktok
- Achieved 1.47 million-plus post engagement at a very low CPE of INR 0.03

We successfully got India engaging in the #HarDinHaldiChallenge contest by Tata Sampann where we
saw an overwhelming consumer response in the market, where even a small kid between age group
of 6-7 yrs. participated in the contest by making amusing recipes dancing his heart out.

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