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Publicado poru/Wrong-Turn2020

AITA for demanding my husband

to replace all the books he threw
I f31 am a reader, used to read a lot in my teeange years as an escape method from many of
my problems and recently got back to reading. I read classic books since this category is my
fav, I spend time and effort visiting libraries and online shops to collect books.

Thing is my husband m33 hates it when I read, We've just returned from honey moon 2 months
ago and he's been complaining about books taking our special time away, specifically at night
but I like to think that I'm balancing with my reading time. He has started calling me grandma or
say I remind him of an old lady neighbor to get me to quit reading but it didn't budge me.

A week ago, I found out that he's given my book collection away and I was devastated after he
defended himself saying he did this for my own good and for the sake of our marriage since I
seemed to forget my priorities. I flipped out, yelled at him that those books were hard to get and
demanded he pay me and replace them right then but he said that I really should invest my time
in an outdoor hobby we could both do but I was having none of it and demanded he replace the
books, I gave him a list of every name of every book and when he saw it he laughed and asked
if I was really still thinking about those books and suggested "I move on" but I yelled at him
telling him he has a week to replace them and that was it.

He's trying to get me to let it go and had others say it was childish of me to started a fight over
some books while the library is open but they got no comment from me.

AITA for expecting him to replace the books?



First of all, Typos...apologies for that.

And....Wow!!! I just got home and saw this...oh my God...I'm overwhelmed by the comments
here and I can't/won't be responding to all of them but I just read a few and will answer some
questions in bullet points form. Ok.
● Yes, My husband knew about my love for reading but like I said, it's been long
time since I've read a book (I've read stuff online here and there) and so this is
● I confess that my husband did express that he felt neglected/ignored by me when
I'm reading but I didn't think his concerns were legit.
● what do I plan on doing if he kept stalling and didn't replace the books in a week?
I've already told him what I'd do now I've given him extra days which pissed him
off more.

And finally...- Am I married to Gaston? - no comment on that. LOL

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