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Evaluating the Validity and Reliability of Harvard Step Test to Predict VO2max
in Terms of the Step Height According to the Angle of Knee Joint

Article · January 2011


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2 authors, including:

Walid Soliman Elsaidy

Alexandria University


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Evaluating the Validity and Reliability of Harvard Step Test to
Predict VO2max in Terms of the Step Height According to the
Angle of Knee Joint.
Lecturer; Walid Soliman Ismail Elsaidya


The purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare the validity and reliability of
Harvard step test (HST) to predict the maximum oxygen uptake (Vo2max) through
different methods, the first method via traditional Harvard step test (THST) with step
height 50.8 cm, the second method by Multi-Height step according to the knee joint
angle (KJAHST), where the researcher detects to Criterion-Related Validity between the
two methods and the laboratory test via treadmill gas analyze system according to the
Established protocol for that( ZAN 600 device ), and in order to achieve the best method
to predict of (Vo2max) through the Harvard step test in students from faculty of physical
education, Participants (N = 120) age 20.06 ± 0.56 years, height 171.79 ± 5.83 cm,
weight 70.39 ± 6.39 kg, the values of vo2max was calculated with the previous methods,
the results shown that the value of correlation coefficient between the (THST) and the
laboratory test was r = 0.818, while the value of correlation coefficient through
(KJAHST) and the laboratory test was r = 0.905, Which indicates that the two methods
are valid to predict of vo2max , but with favourable to use the second (KJAHST) method
because it is more valid than the first one (THST) , and the result also showed that there
wasn’t any significant difference between test and re-test for the second method
(KJAHST) and the value of correlation coefficient was r = 0.913,so the researcher built
Z-scores levels using the second method to be the standard in evaluating (Vo2max) for
students of the faculty of physical education .
Keywords: validity, reliability, Harvard step test, maximum oxygen uptake (Vo2max).
Maximum oxygen uptake (Vo2max) is considered as the best indicator of aerobic
fitness. However, because of the strenuous effort required by the participant, measuring
Vo2max is often neither convenient nor safe for some individuals. Consequently, several
field-based sub maximal exercise tests for estimating Vo2max have been developed in an
attempt to provide a simple yet valid method for estimating aerobic fitness in settings
where the direct measurement of maximal Vo2max is not feasible [3]. The step test is one
such test and is considered to be a practical field test for assessing individual aerobic
fitness. The mechanism for step testing assessment of aerobic fitness is based on the
varied recovery speed from individual to individual, with well conditioned subjects
demonstrating better recuperative powers than untrained subjects (Powers & Howley
Lecturer in Department of Fundamentals of Physical Education - Faculty of Physical Education for Men -
Alexandria University
2001) [12]. Post-exercise heart rate (PHR) is the primary parameter for estimating
aerobic capacity Step tests vary in stepping cadence, platform height, test duration,
number of stages and scoring method [3]. Harvard Step Test (HST) is a test for
measuring physical fitness (cardiovascular endurance) of a human being by using a
mathematical formula for determining an Index Number, called Physical Efficiency
Index (PEI). The athlete steps up and down on the box at a rate of 30 steps per minute
(every two seconds) for 5 minutes or until exhaustion. Exhaustion is defined as when the
athlete cannot maintain the stepping rate for 15 seconds. The athlete immediately sits
down on completion of the test, and the total numbers of heart beats are counted between
1 to 1.5 minutes after finishing. This is the only measure required if using the short form
of the test. If the long form of the test is being conducted, there is an additional heart rate
measures at between 2 to 2.5 minutes, and between 3 to 3.5 minutes [1]. Brouha et al. [1]
used the HST in studying the physical fitness of college students and measuring physical
fitness for hard muscular work in adult young men. Brouha [1] in her paper states that
when calculated if the PEI comes out to be; below 55 = poor physical condition; from 55
to 64 = low average; from 65 to 79 = high average; from 80 to 89 = good; above 90 =
excellent. Modifying the HST and PEI appropriately, Clarke [4] in 1943 reported a
functional fitness test for finding the physical fitness of college women. Gallagher and
Brouha [6] discuss physical efficiency of boys aged 12-18 years where they modify the
HST by reducing the duration of the exercise from five minutes to four minutes and by
reducing the height of the bench. To measure the cardiovascular efficiency of girls and
women, in 1963 Skubic and Hodgkins [16] modified Brouha’s approach [3] by changing
the height of the bench, pace of steps, duration of exercise, taking the pulse count from
1.0 to 1.5 minute after exercise, and used it to measure the cardiovascular efficiency of
girls and women. Reducing the height of the bench and making other changes like
adjusting the hand bar to eye level of the subject, Cotton [5] modified the Brouha’s
approach [3] for cardiovascular testing of school boys of Grade 4 by considering the
duration of exercise as four minutes and varying the height of the bench to 14, 16 or 20
inches depending upon the height of the subject, as well as The disadvantage of Harvard
step test is that Biomechanical characteristics vary between individuals. For example,
considering that the step height is standard, taller people are at an advantage as it will
take less energy to step up onto the step. Body weight has also been shown to be a factor.
Testing large groups with this test will be time consuming [1, 10-17]. So the purpose of
this study is to evaluate and compare the validity and reliability of Harvard step test
(HST) to predict of the maximum oxygen uptake (Vo2max) through different methods,
the first method via traditional Harvard step test (THST) with step height 50.8 cm, the
second method by Multi-Height step according to the angle of knee joint (KJAHST), and
compare the results with Laboratory test via treadmill gas analyze system ( Zan 600
device ).

(120) healthy male college students (Table 1) voluntarily participated in this study
with informed consent Prior to any testing, participants were medically examined for
cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases by the faculty medical unit, to ensure that they
were physically capable of performing tests .

(Table 1): Physical characteristics of participants

Characteristics of Participants
Laboratory Test
Variables Age Height Weight (Vo2max) THST KJAHST
N 120.00 120.00 120.00 120.00 120.00 120.00
Mean 20.06 171.79 70.39 52.16 68.20 71.28
Median 20.06 171.00 70.00 52.50 69.00 71.00
Mode 20.07 171.00 66.00 52.50 72.00 64.00
Std. Deviation 0.56 5.83 6.39 3.46 4.90 5.20
Skewness -0.02 0.01 0.74 -0.31 -0.45 0.39
Kurtosis 0.00 -0.74 0.66 0.48 -0.32 -0.71
Range 2.03 24.00 30.00 17.50 23.00 20.00
Minimum 19.00 160.00 60.00 43.00 54.00 63.00
Maximum 21.03 184.00 90.00 60.50 77.00 83.00

Step test protocol:

- The first method:

Participants were asked to complete step test consists of the same step heights
at height of 50.8 cm (THST). The student steps up and down on step at a rate of 30
steps per minute for 5 minutes or until exhaustion. Exhaustion is defined as when the
student cannot maintain the stepping rate for 15 seconds. The student immediately
sits down on completion of the test, and the total numbers of heart beats are counted
between 1 to 1.5 minutes after finishing. This is the only measure required if using
the short form of the test. If the long form of the test is being conducted, there is an
additional heart rate measures at between 2 to 2.5 minutes, and between 3 to 3.5
minutes. The heart rate was calculated with polar stop watch. The Fitness Index score
is determined by the following equations. For example, if the total test time was 300
seconds (if completed the whole 5 minutes), and the number of heart beats between
1-1.5 minutes was 90, between 2-2.5 it was 80 and between 3-3.5 it was 70, then the
long form Fitness Index score would be: (100 x 300) / (240 x 2) = 62.5. Note: you are
using the total number of heart beats in the 30 second period, not the rate (beats per
minute) during that time.
Physical Fitness Index (PFI) (short form) = (100 x test duration in seconds)
divided by (5.5 x pulse count between 1 and 1.5 minutes).
Physical Fitness Index (PFI) (long form) = (100 x test duration in seconds)
divided by (2 x sum of heart beats in the recovery periods). The PFI obtained in this
study was calculated with the equation from the Harvard Step Test (Brouha 1943). [1,
3, 10-17].

The second method :

Participants were asked to complete step test consists of different step heights
according to knee joint angle (KAJHST). And The PFI was calculated with the
previous equation from the Harvard Step Test (Brouha 1943) [1, 3, 10-17].Where the
researcher design a step which height begins of 35 cm with the ability to control the
step height according to the knee joint angle. The knee joint angle should be 90º when
the student's foot placed on the step.

Maximal exercise test (Laboratory test):

(Vo2max) was measured with the treadmill test (ZAN600 device Treadmill).
Bruce protocol (Lin1995) was used to measure vo2max [8], which begins with a 3-
minutes warm-up during which participants walk comfortably (below 2.8km/hr,
0% grade). The workload is then increased by grade and running pace every 3
minutes until participants reach volitional exhaustion. Oxygen uptake was
considered maximal if any two of the following criteria were met: (a) volitional
fatigue; (b) respiratory exchange ratio ≥1.1; (c) heart rate at or near age-predicted
maximum (±10bpm); (d) ≤ 2mL·kg−1 increase in Vo2 with an increase in
workload; (e) rating of perceived exertion scale ≥ 18.[3].


Before the two step tests and maximal exercise test conducted, participants were
briefed on the testing procedures and they had a short practice session to have
some experience to test protocol. After 5 minutes of warm-up, the participants
were asked to perform the three tests (1) (THST) with the same step height, (2)
(KAJHST) with different stepping heights a according to knee joint angle, and (3)
maximal exercise test (Laboratory test) in a randomized order. Participants were
required to rest for at least 48 hours between any two tests and finished all the tests
within 2 weeks. A slow walk recovery and cool-down stretching were provided
after all the tests in this study.
Data analysis:

The data was collected and statistics treatment was performed with spss software
version 10. The Descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation, median, mode,
skewness, kurtosis, range, minimum, maximum) of the participants’ physical
characteristics were computed. A Pearson product moment correlation coefficient
was calculated between measured (Vo2max) by (Laboratory test) and (THST) ,
(KAJHST).and also between test and re-test after one week from the first
measurement of (KAJHST) and the paired t-sample test was calculated between
the test and re-test. And the Z-scores for (KAJHST) was calculated with equation:

[(Grade-mean divided by standard deviation) x 10] +50


The correlations between measured Vo2max by (Laboratory test) and (THST) and
(KAJHST) are shown in Table (2). The correlation coefficients were higher in the
second method with (KAJHST) and more valid than the first method (THST).

(Table 2): Comparisons between the correlation coefficient between

(Laboratory and (THST) and (KAJHST) tests.


Laboratory test 0.818** 0.905**
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 0.000
N 120 120
**Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

- The result shown that there was no significant differences between test and re-test
after one week from the first measurement of (KAJHST). And the result had shown that
the correlation coefficients between test and re-test were high shown in Table (3, 4).

(Table 3): the differences between test and re-test for (KJAHST) test.

Paired Differences
variables mean Std. t df Sig. (2-tailed)
Mean Std.
Test 70.27 4.05
-.566 -0.46 -1.47 09 2.140
Re-test 70.27 4.72
Table T=2.045 in df = 29

(Table 4): the correlation coefficients between test and re-test for (KJAHST) test.

Variables RE-TEST
TEST 0.929**
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000
N 30
**Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Table (5): shown the z scores for the (KJAHST) test.

N= (120)

N Grade Repetition Z -Scores

1 63 1 34
2 64 12 36
3 65 8 38
4 66 9 40
5 67 8 42
6 68 2 44
7 69 7 46
8 70 7 48
9 71 9 49
10 72 7 51
11 73 7 53
12 74 8 55
13 75 8 57
14 76 7 59
15 77 0 61
16 78 0 63
17 79 7 65
18 80 5 67
19 81 0 69
20 82 7 71
21 83 0 73

According to (table 1) the mean and Std. Deviation values of the VO2max determined
by direct method was 52.16± 3.46 ml/kg-1/min-1, range 17.50 ml/kg-1/min-1.Where,
Minimum value 43.00, Maximum value 60.50, the Median 52.50, and Mode 52.50. The
mean and Std. Deviation values of the predicted VO2max by (THST) was 68.20± 4.90
ml/kg-1/min-1, range 23.00 ml/kg-1/min-1.Where, Minimum value 54.00, Maximum
value 77.00, the Median 69.00, and Mode 72.00. The mean and Std. Deviation values of
the predicted VO2max by (KJAHST) was 71.28± 5.20ml/kg-1/min-1, range 20.00 ml/kg-
1/min-1.Where, Minimum value 63.00, Maximum value 83.00, the Median 71.00, and
Mode 64.00. (Table 2) shown the correlations between the direct and Predicted VO2max
of the subjects according to the two methods (THST) and (KJAHST) as follows; (r =
0.818, 0.905). So, the Harvard step test is valid to predict of VO2max agreement with the
studies, Brouha L, et. al. (1943) [1]. Ryhming I (1953); [15]. Montoye HJ (1953). [10].
Reedy JD, (1958) [13]. Keen EN, Sloan AW (1958). [7]. Sloan AW. (1959). [17].
Ricci B, (1966) [14]. Montoye HJ, (1969) [11]. Meyers CR. (1969) [9]. The
repeatability was investigated by having (30) of the subject perform the test twice.Intra-
class correlation coefficients were used to determine the test–retest reliability. Where, the
correlation coefficients between test –retest was (r = 0.929). Also, the results showed
non-significant difference between the test –retest of the (KJAHST). Where, t =-1.47)
according to (tables 3, 4) agreement with the above studies. According to (Table 5) the Z-
scores for (20-m MST) was calculated with equation:
[(Grade-mean divided by standard deviation) x 10] +50. The results showed that the
minimum value was (34) while the maximum value was (73).
In the present study, the (THST) and (KAJHST) of the step tests correlated well
with the measured Vo2max via Laboratory test, and were found to be valid tests for
estimating the aerobic fitness of college students in step tests but with favourable to use
the (KAJHST) test because it is more valid than the first method .whereas, the step test
that used a multi-height step (KAJHST) for college students shown in this study
(r=0.905).while the step test that used the same height step (THST) for college students
shown in this study (r=0.818). Additionally, the (KAJHST) for college students shown in
this study the correlation coefficients between test and re-test (r=0.929). From the results
of this study, we suggest that a step test that uses a multi-high step (KAJHST) would
more appropriate for college students.
- Use the (KAJHST) to predict of the (vo2max) of college students.
- The application of this study on the various stages from boys and girls.
- Building the standard levels to the (KAJHST) of the various stages from boys and girls.
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