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Fundación Educacional Súmate Nota

Colegio Betania
Departamento: Idioma extranjero
Asignatura: Inglés
Docente: José Flores / Ioranna Lagos
Evaluación parcial Unidad 1: “NO MAN IS AN ISLAND”

Nombre Curso Fecha

Exigencia Puntaje Ideal Puntaje De Aprobación Puntaje Obtenido
60% 48 Pts. 24 Pts. Pts.

OBJETIVO: Interactúa en la sala de clases recreando situaciones relacionadas con su

entorno personal, social y laboral.
Localiza información que se encuentra literal y dispersa en el texto.
Participa en un diálogo guiado breve, de aproximadamente tres intervenciones.
Guía de trabajo en clases, desarrollar actividades escribiendo las respuestas en los
espacios destinados para ello.
1. - Draw the faces according to the emotion below, then choose
one which represents you. (3 pts)

Happy Sad Angry

Tired Excited Surprised

2. - Read the text and answer the questions. (12 pts)

My school
Hello, my name is Joe, I am sixteen years old and this
is my school!

My school’s name is Betania. It is in La Granja, in

Santiago, Chile

My subjects are Language, Math, History, Science,

English and Physical Education. I have Language and
Math three times per week. Science, English and
History twice and Physical Education, Class Council,
Tutorship and Vocational Counselling once.

My school has a gym, a library, a principal’s office, bathrooms, a

lunchroom, a teacher’s room, classrooms, school counselling, and

We start classes at eight thirty in the morning and finish at ten

past one. Then we have lunch and go home.
A. - Where is Betania School?


B. - What subjects does Joe have?


C. - What places are in Betania School?


D. - At what time does Joe go to school and go home?


3. - Name places you may find in Betania school. Then draw a
map. (12 pts)

Santa rosa

4. - Answer the questions using prepositions of place and yes/no :
(12 pts)

A. - Is the lunchroom in front of teacher’s room?

B. - Where is the gym?
C. - Is the schoolyard in the school?
D. - Where is principal’s office in relation with school counselling?

5. - Choose the right answer according to the map (9 pts)

Principal’s office Bathroom Teacher’s room


Lunchroom Gym Classroom

1. - Where is the gym?

a. the gym is in front of the bathroom

b. the gym is between the lunchroom and the classroom

c. All of above

2. - What is in front of the schoolyard?

a. The bathroom, teacher’s room and principal’s office

b. The lunchroom, the gym and the classroom

c. The principal’s office, bathroom, teacher’s room, lunchroom,

gym and classroom.

3. - Create one sentence using school places and prepositions of place




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