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l. The voltage spplie{i to a coil having R = 200 O" L = 638 mH is represented bye=200 sin l000zt.
Find a corresponding e:.rpression for the curent and calculate the average value of the power taken
the coil
[i = 0.707 sin (l00ttt - tr,r4); 50 Wl

The coil having a resist&Ic€ of i0 Ci and an inductance of 0.2 H is connected to a 100-V, 50-tlz
*rrpply. Calculate (a) the inpedance of the coil (b) the reactance ofthe coil (c) the current takcn and
(d) the phase difference betrveen the current and the applied voltage.
[(a) 63.5 O (h) 62.8 O (c) l.s7s A (d) E0"57'l

.{.n inductive r:oil having a resistance of 15 O takes a current of4 A when connected to a 100-V, 60
Hz sup.ri'... lf the coiJ is con:rected to a 100-V, 50-llz supply, calculate (a) the current (b) the power
(c) the p wer t'actor Dravr to scale the vect(lr diagrax,r for the 50-Hz coaditions, showing the
,-'()rrp(rnenl \/OltaE('s
l(a) {.46 A (b) 2eE W (c) 0.6691

,t, Wlren supplied widl current at 240-V, single-phase at 50-llz, a certain inductive coil takes 13.62 A. lf
the fiequexrcy of thc supply is chaargod to 40-Hz, the current increases to 16.12 A. Calculate the
resistance and inductance of the coil.
u7.2 q
0.03 III

5. A voltage v(t) = 141.4 siri (314t + l0) is qrplied to a circuit and a steady curront given by i(t) = 14.4
sin (314t - 20') is found to low throug} it. Determine (a) the p.f of the circuit and ft) the power
deliverexl to the circuit.
10.E66 (lrg)i 866 wl
6. A circuit takes a current of E A at 100 V, the current lagging b.v 30o behind the applied voltage.
Calculatc lhc values of equivalent resistsnce and reactalce of the circuit.
Ilo.u & 6.2sol
Two inductive impedances A andB are cooncct€d i, series. A hasR= 5 Cl L= 0.01 H; BhasR=3
(), L : 0.02 H. If a sinusoidal ioltage of 230 V at 50-Hz is applied to $e whole circuit, calculate (a)
the cunent (b) &e power factor (c) ttre voltage drops, Dan'a complete vector disgram for dre circuit.
[(a) 18.6 (b) 0.64$ (c) Ve = 109.5 % Vg = 129.5 Vl

ti. A coil has sr inductance 0 0.1 H and a resistance of 30 O at 20.C. Calculate (a) the cunent and (b)
the powcr tlken iionr i00-V', 50-Hz rnains whcn the tempet Bture of the coil is 60'C, assuping the
le rperaiure coe{tricient olresistance to be C.4% cer 'C fiom a basic ternperanue of20'C.
I(a) 2.13 A (b) lsE.s wI
q. A uirc:ritconsists of a pue resistance and a coil in series. The power dissipated in the resistance is
500 W and the drop across it is 100 V.'l-be power dissipated in the coil is 100 W and the &op across
is 50 V. Finri the reactance anC resistance ofthe coil and the supply voltage.
[9.168 O; 4 O; l2E.s vl
10. A choking coil canies a curient of l5 A vvhen supplied froln a 50-Ha 230-V supPly. The power in the
circuit is measured hy a waiurrerer and is found to be 1300 W. Estimate dre phase differetrc€ between
rhe cuncnr and p.d. in rhe circuit.

I l. The ohmic resistance is connected in series with a coil across 230-V, 50-Hz supply. The current is LE
A and p.ds. across the resistarc€ and coil are 80 V and 170 V respectively. Calculate the resistance
and inductance of dre coil and dre phase diffcrence between the ourrent and the supply voltage.
[, 0.229 H, 34o20'l
12, A coil takes a cun"ent of 4 A when 24-V d.c. are applied and for the saine power on a 50-[Iz a.c.
supply, the vottage is 40 V. lixplain the reason for the difference in the applied voltage. Determine (a)
the resctance (b) the rnduaance (c) the angle berween the applied p.d. arrd current (d) the powa in
v' ilttS.
[(a) I O (b) 0.02sS H (c) s:]o7' (d) e6 W
13. An inductive coil ard non-inductive resista[c€ are R ohos Ee connected in series across an a.c.
supply. Derive expressions for the power taken by the coil snd its power factor in terms ofthe vcllage
across re coil, tlc losistuncc ald thc supply rcspectively. lf R = 12 Q and the iree voltagcs are in
order, I l0-V, 180-1/ and 240-V, calculat€ the power irnd the powel lactor of the coil.
ls46 w;0.3311

14, 'nvo coils Erc conn€ctod in series. with 2 A d.c, through the circuiL the p.d,s. across tle coil are 20
and 30 V reqrectively. With 2 A a.c, at 40-Hz, the p.d.s. across dte coils are i4C and 100 volt
respecdvely. If trvo coils in series are connected to a 230-V, 50-tlz supply, calculate (a) the current
(b) the power (c) the power factor.
I(a) A (b) 60 t# {c} 0.16841

15. lt is dcsircd to rur e bunk ol tsn l()0-W, 100-V lmrps irr parallel tom a 230-V, 50-Hz supply by
inserting a chokc coil in senes with the bonk of lamps. Ift-lre choke coil has a powor faotor of0.2, fmd
its r€$istance, ro&ctance snd i[ducianoe.
ln = a.l{aQ X = 20.35 O, L = 0.065 HI

16. At the frequency lbr which a = 796, an e.m.f. of6 V selds a curreqt of 100 mA through a certarn
circuit. When the llequenry is raised so that o = 2866, the sgrne voltage sends only 50 mA tkough
thc same circurt of what does the circuit consists?
IR = s2 o, L = 0.037g H io s€riesr

17. A capacitor having a capacitance of 20 trrF is connected in serics with a non-inductive resistance of
120 O across a 100-V. 50-Hz supply. Calculate (a) voltage (b) the phasc diffsrence between the
current and the supply voltage (c) the power. Also draw thc veclor diagram
l(r) 0.s01 A (b) 52.r (c) 30.2 wl
I 8. A capacitor and a resistor ara connected rn series to an a.c. supply of 50 V md 50 Hz. The current is 2
A tutd the power dissipated in the circuit is 80 W. Calculate the resistsnce of the resistor and the
cuprcilance <ll lhe capacitlrr
I20 O; 212 rFl
19. A voltage of 125 V at 50 Hz rs applied to a series combinalion of non-inductive resistor and a lossless
capacitor of 50 pF. T'he curent is 1.25A, Find (a) the value of the resistor (b) power drawn hy the
network (c) power {'actor of the network. Draw the phasor di:qram ofdte netrvork.
[(n) 77.3 O (b) l2l ]Y (q] 0.?73 (l.r*d)l

20. r\ blsck trox contuins a two-elenlent scries circuit. A voltage (a0 -330) drives a cunent of (a0 -j3) A
il the circuit. What are the values of the elements? Supply frequenq, is 50 Hz.
lR = 1"05 O; C = 4750 PFI

21. Following readings were obtarned frorn a scries circuir containing resistance and capacitmce: V -
150 V; I - 2.5 A; P = 37.5 W, f = 60 Hr. Calculate (a) power factor (b) effectrve resistance (c)
capacitive reactance aod (d) capaciance.
i(e) 0.1 (b) 6 O (c) 59.7 (d) 4a"a pl'l

22. An e.m.f. rcprescoted by e -- 100 sin l0o:rt is rmpressed across a circuit consistrng of 40-(2 resistor in
sencs with e 40-pF capscitor and a 0.25 H inductor, Detemioe (a) the r.m.s. value of the culrent O)
thc power supplioJ (c) the power factor.
l(a) 1.77 A (b) 125 w (c) r.0l

23, A seiies circuit wi*r a resistor of 100 O, capacitor of25 pF and indtctance of 0,15 H is connectod
across 220-V, 60-Hz supply. C&lgulate (a) ourrent (b) por er atrd (c) powa factor in the circuit.
[(a) 1.97 Ar (b) 390 w; (c) 0.9 (lead)l

impedance (b) currsnt (c) power (d) power factor.
t(e) O (b) r&ss A (c) 1966 W (d) 0.53 (leading)l

2 5. A coil of rcnistaflcc I 0 O tul(l inrluctarce 0. I I { is conrrcctcd in sencs with a 150-pF capacitor across a
200-V. 50-Hz. supply. Clalcrat*e (a) the inducuve reactance, (b) dre capacitive reactance, (c) the
im@ence (d) the current (e) the power actor (f the volage aooss dre coil and the capacitor
l(a) 31.4 O (b) 21"2 O (c) 143 O (d) l4 A (e) 0.7 lag (f) a60 v, 297 Vl

26. A circurt is made up of l0 f,) resistance, 12 mH indu,ltance ond 281.5 ;rF capacitance in serics. llire
supply voltage is 100 V (constant). Calculate the value of the current when th supply frequency is ftr)
50 I{z zurd (b) 150 Hz.
[8 A l*ading; E A laggiugl

27. A c*llhaving a resislance of l0 O and an inductance of0.2 H is conne,cted in series v;ith a capacitor
of 50.7 pF. The cir,cuit is connected across a 100-V, 50-Hz a.c. supply. Caicrulate (a) the current
flowing (b) the voltage across the capacitor (c) dre voltage across the coil. Draw a veclor dia.gram to
[(s) t0 A (b) 62E v (e) l53s v]

28. A cr:il is in series with a 20 yF capacitor across a 230-V,50-Hz supply, The cunent tBken by the
circuit is I A and the power consumed is 200 W. Calculate the irductance of the coil if the power
factor of rhe circuit is (a) lending and (b) lagging. Sk+tch a vcctor diagrsm for esch condirion ard
calculate lhe coil power factor rn each case.
[0"tt15 H; 0.597 Il; 0.023t; 0.01661

20. A r:ircuit takes a crlrrent of .l A at a power faclor of 0.6 lagging when connected to a I l5-V. 50-Hz
suppil Anothcr circLrit takes a t:uirent of 5 A at a power facior of0.707 leading when connected io
the sanre supply. If the two ciicuits are conne,cted in seies across a 230-V, 50-l{z supply, calculate:
(a) ourr€nt (b) thc power consurned and 1c1 dre powe.r factor.
[(ai 5.s A (b) 1.188 kW (c) 0.939 !ag]

30. A coil of insulated wire ol'resistrurce 8 ohms and inductance 0.113 tl is connected to an a.c. supply at
240-V, 50-l{2. Calculare fa) the current, &e power and power factor (b) the value of a capacitBrce
rvhich. when connecled iu series with the atrove coil, causes no cliange in the values of curaent and
powcl tal.€u tiorn tlc srrpply.
[(a) 19.4 A, 3012 w, 0.65 lag (b) 168.7 pFl

.11 .\ rcrr.'i cr,cuil. lfl\'ing

n rcsrstlurcc rrf l() O. an in(luctlrrcc of 0.025 H ald a rariable capscirance is
conncstod tir o 100-V, 25-Hz single-phase supply. Calculate the capacitance when the value of the
crfrsnt is I A. At this value of capscilance, also calculale (a] the circuit inrpedance (b) the circuit
p'owa' factor ald (c) the power consumed.
lss6 pF (a) I.s O (b) 0.8 leading (c) 6a0 \+1

.t: When iur iniluctirre coil is connected ncrrss a 25d-V.50.1{z supply, the current is found to he l0 A
iurd the power ahscrbed l.:5 kW. Calculate th€ impgdanca, the resistancc and the inductance of the
cor l.
A capacitor which has a reactance twice that of lhe coil, is:;orv coonect€d in series with the coil
across th€ seme supply. Crdculate lhe p.d. across the capacitor.
I25 O; r2.s O; 68.7 mH; 433 Vl

A voltage of200 V is applied to a series circuit consisting ofa resistor, an inductor and a capacitor.
The respective vohages across thes€ components are 170, 150 and 100 V and the current is 4 A. Find
the po|er factor of the coil and of the circuit.

34. A pure resistance R, a choke coil dnd a pure capacitor of50 pF are coorected io s€ries a6oss a supply
ofV volts, and carry a current of L57 A. Voltage across R is 30 V, across choke coil 50 V and across
capacitor 100 V. The vohage across the combination ofR and choke coil is 60 volt- Find the supply
voltage \', the power loss in the choke, fi'equpncy of the supply and the power factor of the complete
circuit. Draw the phasor dragram.
[60.7 V; 6.5 W;0.562 lerdl

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