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Instagram Algorithm

Nowadays Everyone needs to keep an

Algorithm in mind while Posting something
online to Maintain their viewers. You may
have heard that word spoken by Many
Youtubers online. Algorithms in themselves
are a topic of discussion for another day, so
Just for the Sake Of Simplicity let us put it
like This, Algorithm is Like a Set of factors,
and When these factors meet certain
Conditions it raises the Chance of Your
Content appearing on other's feed or
homepage, these conditions can Vary from
Platform to platform but some common
Factors are Titles, thumbnails, and Tags and
Then there are responses to the content
such as Like & dislike buttons and Comment
sections, The more liked or commented
one's content is, the more likely it is to
Appear on Other People's Feed.
And what do you know Instagram has such
an Algorithm too, It analyses your interests,
Your Personal information, the Content you
like to see, Your Scrolling speed on various
posts, and Many other factors and Takes
Every it can Into consideration to Create your
Virtual I.D. That Virtual I.D. Determines What
you'll see while Scrolling your Homepage. It
will do anything to Slow Down Your Scrolling
Speed, And The Method It Uses for that is
Unpredictably Random, It shows You random
posts with an Uncertain Unpredictability. Like
this You don't know What you'll gonna
encounter just the next Second which
Causes a Sense of adventure to Awaken
Within you and Amps up your Curiosity,
Which in Return causes dopamine to Be
Release Within the Brain, Dopamine is Like a
Reward released by Brain which gives you a
Sense of Euphoria, Which motivates the user
to scroll even more and Soon this scrolling
turns into something which is Called Doom
Scrolling, According to psychologists this a
Behaviour when A Person gets severely
addicted to their Certain Dedicated Social
Media that They start scrolling its Homepage
Without any motivations and no real benefit
just for the Sake Of euphoria or more
scientifically Specific dopamine, It is to be
noted That User can Doom scroll on more
than One Platform. (Sarcastic tone) And Let
me tell you a fact that you are Not Gonna
Believe, I mean it's really unbelievable,
(Sighing tone) These Specific platforms like
Instagram and Facebook earn the most
amount of Ad Revenue from Doom Scrollers
as I like to Call the People who Doom Scroll.

Addiction, Depression and Psychological


Instagram and Such Apps Are Key factors To

rising Homicidal behavior in younger
generations, Which can Be Towards either
themselves or Towards Others. The question
is how? Most people would say How can a
Small app do such things? The answer to
that question is Pretty simple Psychological
distress. As we Have Already stated before
Apps like Facebook and Instagram
Encourages Their User to Doom Scroll with
help of their Application algorithm so they
Can get their Hands on that Sweet revenue
money. When a User Encounters an
Interesting post their Brain releases the
Dopamine Hormone which causes the
feeling of Euphoria in a Person, Then That
dopamine encourages or In More Scientific
terms Motivates the Brain to Repeat the
Action so More Dopamine can be Released
and So The Euphoria can never end. Soon
The Motivation takes the Form of an
Addiction, Which ultimately results in user
Doom Scrolling. But Soon Brain Halts The
Constant release of Dopamine as
Subconscious Safety Measure which raises
the level of Depression, Anxiety and
Aggression in the Person. And In Some
cases, These very Same Things become so
extreme that they lead a Person to End Their
Journey of Life for good or even worse harm
others. After hearing how Dopamine
Becomes a Subconscious motivation for us
many people would blame Dopamine for
Addiction and Any Harm caused by it, but
they are Wrong To begin with, The fault here
isn't dopamine. Firstly it is a SUBCONSCIOUS
Motivation which means You aren't
potentially aware of it Furthermore
Dopamine itself isn't harmful in any possible
way, it's a natural part of Our Body and
Existence. The ones at fault here are
Companies like Facebook and Instagram for
exploiting the Dopamine hormone released
in our Brain to Trap us into a potentially
endless cycle of Addiction and The users are
to be Blamed equally for Falling into The
Traps of These Companies. Most People
Addicted to Instagram over time develop
Depression, Anxiety, and Aggression
Episodes, In Some Serious cases they May
Develop Parkinson's Syndrome, Panic
Attacks, or Shaking leg syndrome but in
some rare cases it is is can even Trigger
Already Mild or Recessive Psychological
diseases Like Schizophrenia.

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