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What’s the tea, mean ?

English Homework
3th Year in the High School
Teacher Adailza

1. What kinds of pages can you find on the Internet?
We can find many types, like newspapers and magazines online; the sales or advertising
websites for community actions; blogs on various subjects.
2. What is your favorite social media app / website? How often do you use it?
So, I really like using to Instagram and WhatsApp, they are my favorites social medial
apps and I check them every day. It about the websites, I don’t know... I think I don’t use a
website very often to have a favorite one.
3. In your opinion, what are some of the problems that social media websites and apps
might cause?
This depends on the app / website and the way it is being used.But it is quite common for
social media to generate anxiety, problems sleeping and performing tasks, image distortion
and problems with self-esteem. This can facilitate the occurrence of bullying and
psychological pressure as well.
4. Let’s watch a video about Social Media Addiction. In fact it is an infographic.
Focus on the numbers that are presented in the video.
After watching the video about Social Media Addiction, match the columns.

5. Observing the numbers given in the infographic, which one do you think is really
disturbing? Why?
The number of teenagers who think that this type of attitude is a problem, as it shows that
very few young people really care for their health and think about it.

What’s the tea, mean ?

6. Do you know anybody who has stopped using social media apps or websites? Try to
find some information about it. What are the advantages and disadvantages of not
using or reducing the amount of time spent on these apps / websites.
I really believe that the problem is not in using apps and websites, but in the way these
tools are being used. Nowadays, it is practically impossible not to use apps, but we need to
know how to use them to our advantage.

Eu fazendo a pesquisa desse


Nome Gabriel Rufino 3ano A

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