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Name : Bella Anggi Fahira

Class : PBI 1
NIM : 1920205043

Impact of Social Media on The Current Generation

Do you know three billion people in the world use social media? Since social media
has such a big influence the current generation does it do more good or harm to us? We all
know we use social media for communication, which allows people to interact. However,
with different social media types, which means different ways to communicate, and we need
to know both the positives and negatives. Social media’s, affect our current generation is
huge because so many people are already members or signing up daily. There are three
advantages of social media such as: helps strengthen your friendship or make new ones, used
to keep business going or to get ahead in the workplace, and easier for students to get
information in the easiest way possible.
First, advantages of social media is that helps strengthen your friendship or make new
ones. It plays an important role when trying to make new friends. “Nearly two-thirds (64%)
of teens who have made a new friend online say they have met new friends on a social media
platform” (Lenhart 1). So, social media has helped the generation put themselves out to the
world to make friends and strengthen the ones they have. It has helped them interact with
more people like them. It has also allowed these people to stay in touch when there is no one
around and are not able to meet or see friends in person. Based on this paragraph, social
media and friendships have worked well together and have helped this generation become
more interactive with one another.
Secondly, in Businesses, social media is used to keep business going or to get ahead
in the workplace. It has become a significant part of marketing your company and it helps
them establish what kind of business they want to be. Since the rise of social media, there has
been an increase of customers that see businesses, which leads to more success. When people
like your business they are more likely to post or share about their experience and when they
do that, more and more people see which leads to potential customers. Social media has so
many advantages when it comes to helping a business and most businesses that use it
understand it helps them succeed so businesses need to get on this bandwagon, so they can
succeed as well.
And last but not least, social media has made it easier for students to get information
in the easiest way possible. If that is from meeting online teachers to looking up how to solve
an equation. In addition, it is used as a tool to talk to classmates about what is going on in
class in the quickest way possible. Allowing for more help when someone is struggling in a
class or on a certain topic. Social networking in class allows for teachers and students to have
better connection outside of school so students can get help on homework or get questions
answered before a test.
In conclusion, so many the advantages of social media on the current generation.
Social media has more disadvantages when doing research on it, but there are still many
advantage to be had from social media and the current generation believes that it has more of
a positive impact to them. Since social media has had such a big impact on the current
generation, we need to know more about the advantages that it has on them and control the
use of social media wisely to prevent harm in social media.

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