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Class 57

Letters of Recommendation

Claire __________(be) applying to private schools. Most private schools _________(require)

letters of recommendation. Claire ________(not+know) who to ask. She_________(feel) like her
teachers did not know her that well. Claire asked her teachers anyways. Some of them
_______(say) yes, and some of them said no. One week later, Ms. Hershey gave Claire a letter of
recommendation in an envelope. Claire__________(be+not) supposed to open it, but she really
wanted to know what Ms. Hershey________(write).

Claire carefully tore it open and read the letter. She was disappointed. Ms.Hershey didn't write

anything interesting about Claire. Ms.Hershey just wrote that Claire was a smart, nice
girl. Claire couldn't get into her top schools with that letter.

Claire asked her swim coach to write her a letter of recommendation. Her swim
coach_______(know) her well. The problem was that the swim coach wasn't the best writer. He
_________(not+ go) to college. Claire asked him to write a letter anyways. "Of course, I'll write you
a letter. I'll even send it to you," he said. One week later, Claire__________(get) an email from her
swim coach. She was nervous to read what he wrote. Claire was impressed with the letter. Her
swim coach was really funny, yet intelligent in the letter!

1- Write the words in the correct order:

a)very / wasn’t / that / long/ film

b) anything /buy / the /I / didn’t / at /shop

c)anywhere / we / last/ didnt / go / weekend

d)bus / called /They / the / when/ missed

f) wasn’t /The/ too/ guest/good/ party /among

g) disappointed/ They/workshop/ weren’t/ with/ the

2- Look at the street plan and complete the sentences:

a)The station is on the left____________ the university.

b)The university is ___________ the end of this street.
c) The supermarlet is __________ department store.
d) The cinema is _____________ Hotel and station
e) The truck is _____________ the Chocolate factory
f) The Internet café is ___________ the museum.

3- Make the question for the sentences below:

a)_______________________________?  He dropped milk in with Sarah’s dress

b)_______________________________ ?  The weather forecast was pretty unstable

c)______________________________ ?  No we didn’t. We hid under our bed.

d)_______________________________ ?  She met her father in law last summer.

e)________________________________ ? Yes I did. I grew up in Seattle.

4- Make the question below correctly:

a)Why did they put on this? ____________________________

b)Did Alisson work out last day?____________________________
c)When did we leave Brooklyns? _______________________________
d) Dis you heat your meals in the microwave?__________________________________
e)How long did Pedro close the gate? ______________________________________

5-Match a response to each statement. Listen and check

1-Sheraan and Justin can speak corean ( ) Was she?

2-We only spent 52 euros for this ( ) Does he ?
3-Look. Its cloudy ( ) Can they ?
4-We were about fourty minutes late ( ) Did you ?
5-Chloe was off work all last week ( ) Were we ?
6-Edward has a Porsche and BWM ( ) Is it?

6- Complete the sentences with the phrases:

a)I take the bus from Monday to Friday . I ___________the bus many days last month.
b) Molly go out every day. she __________ out last Friday.
c)You pay all the tickets . You__________ the tickets yesterday.
d)The Militaries sleep with uniform on Sunday. They __________with uniform before yesterday.
f)Mark lend his cap to his cousin. He __________ his black belt to his cousin last Saturday.
g) We bite our vanilla cup cakes. We _______ our vanilla cup cakes yesterday

7-Complete the conversation with the past simple of the verbs:

(buy, do, eat, get up, go have, sit, swim, take.)

А: How was your holiday?

В: Great! We ________ late every day and _________ in the hotel pool before breakfast.
А: How was the food at the hotel?
В: Not bad, but we usually ___________ in one of the local restaurants. We _________ some
delicious fish dishes.
А: So, were you near the coast?
В: Yes, we were. We _________ the hotel bus down to the sea and _________ on the beach in the
А: Were there many places to visit?
В: Mark ___________ sightseeing but I wasn't interested. I ___________ some shopping on the
last day. Look! I ___________ this beautiful bracelet at a local market

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