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ACTIVITY 1. Match the correct possessive







ACTIVITY 2. Translate the sentences in English or Spanish, underline the possessive

HAS: Tener  He, She, It
HAVE: Tener  I, you, we , they

a. Juan tiene un perro. Su perro se llama Lucky.

b. Karla vive con su mamá y su papá.
c. Su tía es de Alemania ( She).
d. His husband is from Mexico.
e. Sus medios hermanos tienen una tia en Australia.
f. Nuestro abuelo es de Canadá.
g. Él es un oficial de policía.
h. Ella es doctora.
i. Somos pilotos.
j. Ellos son agentes de propiedad raíz.
k. Mi amigo es bombero.
l. Soy vendedor. Vendo seguros.
m. Mi hermana es enfermera.
n. Mi hermano es soldado.
o. Mi padre es un hombre de negocios.
p. Mi esposa es profesora.
q. Mi novio es contador.
r. El padre de él es cantinero/barman.
s. El hermano de ella es mesero.
t. Nuestra hermana es mesera.
u. Tom Cruise es actor.
v. Penélope Cruz es actriz.
w. Rachel es pintora

ACTIVITY 3. Write the correct number with or without letter.

 1,460
 Thirteen thousand, nine hundred and fifty six
 Sixtieth
 Nineteen million and two
 77
 23 rd
 2 nd

ACTIVITY 4. Write the correct month according the number ¿.

01- January

 07
 12
 02
 05
 09
 11
 08
ACTIVITY 5. Write a little text with the following topics.

1. Present a person
2. Write the name, age, nationality and profession.
3. Write something about her/his family
4. Underline the verb to be, every time you use it.

ACTIVITY 6. READING. Read the text and answer the questions

My name is Sangeeta. I am 11. I live in New Delhi, India with my

1. How old is Sangeeta?

2. Where does Sangeeta Live?

3. Who lives with her?

4. Where is she right now?

5. What does her older brother do?

 Write the vocabulary you don’t understand

ACTIVITY 7. LISTENING. Listen the audio and complete the blank spaces.

Hi! My name is ______. I am _____ years old. My parents and I moved to the ____________ from
_________ 2 years ago. I don’t have any brothers or sisters; I am an only __________. My parents
came to the United States because they could not find work in Peru. My _________ and _______
had moved here _______ years earlier and own a restaurant. My father works as a chef and my
mother works as a __________at the restaurant. It is hard work, but they are happy that they now
have enough money and that I have the opportunity to get a good education. Leaving Peru was hard
for me. I had a lot of family and friends there. I could speak very little _______ and my family
didn’t have a lot of money. Things are better now. I have made a few _____________ and I am
learning English fast. I will graduate High School next year and hope to go to college. After that I
will get______ job as an __________ and make a lot of money so that my parents don’t have to
work so hard anymore.

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