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de Inglês

Tomás Ricardo nº24 11ºTM

Prof. Edith Cosme
Module 4 – Media and Global Communication
Lessons nr 1 and 2...............................................................................................3
Lesson nr 3...........................................................................................................3
Lessons nr 4 and 5...............................................................................................3
Lesson nr 6...........................................................................................................4
Lesson nr 7 and 8.................................................................................................4
Lesson nr 9 and 10...............................................................................................5
Lesson nr 11.........................................................................................................5
Lesson nr 12 and 13.............................................................................................6
Lesson nr 14.........................................................................................................6
Lesson nr 15 and 16.............................................................................................7
Lesson nr 17.........................................................................................................7
Lesson nr 20.........................................................................................................8
Lesson nr 21 and 22...........................................................................................12
Lesson nr 23.......................................................................................................12
Lesson nr 24.......................................................................................................14
Module 5 - Young People in the Global Era
Lesson nr 1 and 2...............................................................................................15
Lesson nr 3.........................................................................................................15
Lesson nr 4 and 5...............................................................................................15
Lesson nr 6.........................................................................................................15
Lessons nr 7 and 8.............................................................................................16
Lesson nr 9.........................................................................................................18
Lesson nr 10 and 11...........................................................................................18
Lesson nr 12.......................................................................................................20
Lesson nr 13 and 14...........................................................................................20
Lesson nr 15.......................................................................................................20
Lesson nr 16 and 17...........................................................................................21
Lesson nr 18 and 19...........................................................................................21
Lesson nr 20 and 21...........................................................................................23
Lesson nr 22.......................................................................................................23
Lesson nr 23.......................................................................................................23

Lesson nr 24.......................................................................................................23
Module 6 - The World Around Us
Lesson nr 1.........................................................................................................24

Module 4 – Media and Global Communication
Lessons nr 1 and 2
Tuesday, 16th September, 2021
- Receção aos novos alunos.

Lesson nr 3
Tuesday, 21st September, 2021
- Talking about the necessary material
- Talking about the syllabus
- Talking about the assessment
- Classroom rules

Lessons nr 4 and 5
Thursday, 23rd September, 2021
- Means of comunication
- Reading comprehension of the text ´The Media´

The Media = newspapper + magazines, TV, radio, Internet.

Podcast = Audio material; avaiable on the Internet; to share information, ideas,
etc… (- Free-form – Creative - Personality driven – Simple - Don´t require a lot
of special equipment)
Podacaster = Author of the Podcast.

Page 2
1. Media are organized means of dissemination of fact, opinion,
entertainement, and other information.
2. In newspappers we can find news and information and advertising.
3. The first printed newspapper was printed in 1605.

4. Newspapper circulation is declining in some countries because people
are not buying newspaper that much as they use to.
5. We can classify magazines as consumer magazines and business
6. The first BBC was the 2LO company. It started broadcasting in London in
7. Radio has been interactive since listeners have written in to say there
8. Nowadays, radio doesn´t have a dominant position it once had, but
ironically, we probably listen to as much radio as our parents ever did.
9. We listen to much radio as our parents ever did because of the 24 hour
broadcasting and technological advances.

Lesson nr 6
Tuesday, 28th September, 2021
- The media vocabulary
- Television vocabulary

Lesson nr 7 and 8
Thursday, 30th September, 2021
- Reading comprehension of the text ´´Can TV harm your health?´´
- Radio vocabulary
- Reading comprehension of the text ´´DIY tool kit …´´
- Prepositions of time

Prepositions of Time

in + on+ at+
- Months - Days - Time
- Seasons - Dates - Night
- Years - The weekend
- Centuries - Celebrations/festivities

- Parts of the day

Lesson nr 9 and 10
Thursday, 7th October, 2021
- Prepositions of time: in, on, at.
- Exercises.

Types of newspapers – Britain

Popular tabloids Quality broadsheet

- Small - Large
- Entertain - Dates
- Shock - Detailed information
- Amuse - Good reports
- Well argued opinions

Berliner = newspaper format with pages normally mesuring about 315 by 470

Lesson nr 11
Tuesday, 12th October, 2021
- Phrasal/prepositional verbs
- Exercises

Phrasal/Prepositional verbs
- turn on
- turn off

- turn down
- turn up
- turn over
- turn against
- turn away
- turn back

Lesson nr 12 and 13
Thursday, 14th October, 2021
- Phrasal verbs and prepositional verbs
- Exercises

- 26 de outubro (terça-feira)
- Matéria: Media, vocabulário e gramática dada até ao dia do teste

Coordinate Sentences
Addition = adição = Acrescentar informação
- also, in addition, moreover, futhermore

Time = tempo = Referência a relação temporal

- then, later, afterwards

Comparison = comparação = Relação de semelhança

- similiary, likewise

Contrast = contraste = Relação de oposição/diferença

- on the other hand, however, nevertheless, instead

Lesson nr 14
Tuesday, 19th October 2021
- Newspapers vocabulary
- Analysing a front page
- Analysing a news article

Lesson nr 15 and 16
Thursday, 21 October 2021
- Writting a news article

Page 26 - Writing
Bayern Munique beats Benfica by 0-4
In the past Wednesday, Bayern Munique won Benfica for 0-4 at Estádio da Luz,
on one game counting for the group E in the Champions League.
Leroy Sané opens the socreboard at 70 minutes with a perfect free-kick, in
favor of the german team, that had already seen 2 goals being canceled. At 80
minutes, Everton, from Benfica, commit an error and scores an own goal.
Two minutes after, Bayern increase the advantage, with a goal from
Lewandoski. At 84 minutes, Sané scores his second goal and the fourth for
Bayern Munique.
With this result, Bayern keeps the leadership in group E, followed by Benfica,
Barcelona and Dinamo Kiev.

- 26 de outubro (terça-feira)
- Matéria: Media, vocabulário e gramática dada até ao dia do teste,
- Pag 1,2,3, 4, 6, 12, 15, 16, 17, 21, 24, 25, 26

Lesson nr 17
Tuesday, 26th October 2021

- Written test

Lesson nr 18 and 19
Thursday, 28th October 2021
- Listening test
- Reading_comprehension of the test ´´The Internet´´
- The Internet vocabulary

Lesson nr 20
Tuesday, 2nd November 2021
- The Reported speech – Reporting verbs.

Reported Speech
a) “Google, I need information about today´s weather”
b) “She said she needed information about that day´s weather.”
Usamos o Reported Speech quando queremos reproduzir alguma coisa que
outra pessoa disse.
Por isso algumas palavras da frase terão de ser modificadas: verbos,
preposições, expressões temporais, advérbios de lugar, pronomes.

Para introduzires o Reported speech podes utilizar vários verbos:

Reporting verbs
 Say, tell, declare, inform…

Say – said
Say + something
Ex: Peter said (that) he was tired.
Say + (to someone) + something
Ex: Peter said to Jane that he was tired

Tell – Told
Tell + someone + something
Ex: Peter told Jane that he was tired.

Shift of tenses
Direct Speech
- Present Simple - Past Simple
Ex: I like chocolate Ex: She said (that) she liked chocolate

- Present Continuous - Past Continuous

Ex: I am eating chocolate Ex: She said (that) she was eating chocolate.

- Present Perfect - Past Perfect

Ex: I have eaten chocolate Ex: She said (that) she had eaten chocolate.

- Past Simple - Past Perfect

Ex: I liked chocolate Ex: She said (that) she had liked chocolate.

- Past Continuous - Past Continuous

Ex: I was eating chocolate Ex: She said (that) she was eating chocolate.

- Past Perfect - Past Perfect

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Ex: I had eaten chocolate Ex: She said (that) she had eaten chocolate.

With Modal Verbs:

- can - could
Ex: I can help you Ex: She told me (that) she could help me.

- will - would
Ex: We will go to France Ex: They said (that) they would go to France.

- shall - should
Ex: I shall go to church Ex: She said (that) she should go to church.

- may - might
Ex: I may go to the bathroom Ex: He said (that) he might go to the bathroom.

Shift of personal pronouns

Direct speech Reported speech
I He/She
You He/She/They
He He
She She
We They
They They

Shift of possessive pronouns

Direct speech Reported speech
My his/her
Your his/her/mine/their
His His

11 | P á g i n a
Her Her
Our their
Their their

O que os outros disseram pode não ter sido no mesmo dia em que se reproduz
o seu discurso, dai a necessidade de se alterar a expressao temporal.

Shift of expressions of time

Direct speech Reported speech
This (morning) that (morning)
Today/this that (day)
Now then
(a month) ago (a month) before
Last (night) the previous (night)
Yesterday the day before
Tomorrow the day after
Next (work) the following (work)
Here there

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Lesson nr 21 and 22
Thursday, 4th November 2021
- The reported speech

Lesson nr 23
Tuesday, 9th November 2021

Pages 40+41, 49+50, 51+52 (para avaliação)

Page 41
1. b
2. c
3. d
4. a
1. b
2. c
3. f
4. a
5. d
6. e
1. refered
2. included

13 | P á g i n a
3. used
4. existed

Page 49 – Lead In
I own accounts in a lot of social media, but the ones that I prefer to use
are Instagram, Twitter and Discord. Instagram to talk and share things with
friends. Twitter to be updated about the things that are happening around the
world. Discord to talk with friends.
1 – keeping in touch
2 – making friends
3 – up-to-date news
4 – getting advice
5 – shopping
6 – sharing music
7 – seeing family photos

Page 50
1. b
2. c
3. a
4. c
a. 6
b. 5
c. 1
d. 2
1. D
2. A
3. E
4. G
14 | P á g i n a
5. B
6. F

Writing – Social Networks

In this days, Social networks make part of our lives. There is many
different opinions about them, because they have a lot of advantages and
To start, one of the best advantages of the social networks is without
doubt, allowing us to be updated about what's happening in the other side of the
world, in a question of seconds. An example of that is the social network
Twitter. It is also important to becareful, then, anyone of us can write everything
that wants at the social networks, so, there is a lot of fake news there.
Other of the many advantages, is that we can contact with people around
the world and make new friends online. That was good at the pandemic,
because allowed the people that were in quarentine, could keep contact with
theirs familiars and friends. On the other hand, because of the facility of contact
in between people around the world, a lot of malicious people try to steal
personal information and do a lot of bad things, so it is needed to becareful.
In my opinion, social networks are such a good place to have fun,
communicate and be updated about whats happening in the world, but we need
to becareful and know how to protect ourselfs of the dangers of it.

Lesson nr 24
Tuesday, 11th January, 2022
- Talking about “Digital divide” and the influence of socia media in society.

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Módulo 5 – Young People in the Global Era
Lesson nr 1 and 2
Thursday, 13th January, 2022
- Introducing Module 5
- Teen fashion/trends-discussion
- Dressing code

Lesson nr 3
Tuesday, 18th January, 2022
- Reading_comprehension of the text “Rap style”.

Lesson nr 4 and 5
Thursday, 20th January, 2022
- Reading – Comprehension of the text
- “Trainers are having a fashion moment.”
- Fashion/Style – Vocabulary

Lesson nr 6
Tuesday, 25th January, 2022
- Had better/would rather
- Exercises

Grammar – Had better/would rather…than

Had better = strong advice

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Ex: You had better listen to the teacher.

Would rather… than = Preference

I would rather have Portuguese classes than English classes.
Preferir (Always in the infinity)

Lessons nr 7 and 8
Tuesday, 27th January, 2022
- Making Questions – Questions words / Phrases
- Exercises
- Music Styles

Making Questions
Word Order
(Question word) + Auxiliary verb + Subject + Main verb
(Question Phrase)
Question phrase
- Simple – To do – do/does or did
- Continuous – To be – am/are/is or was/were
- Perfect – To have – have/has or had

Short Answer
Yes/no + Subject + Verb
Personal Auxiliary
Pronouns Verb

- Does she know the secret? -> Present Simple

Yes, she does

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No, she doesn´t
- Did you do the task? -> Past Simple
Yes, I did
No, I didn’t
- Are they doing the homework? -> Present Continuous
Yes, they are
No, they aren´t
- Was she going to Disneyland? -> Past continuous
Yes, she was
No, she wasn´t
- Have you got the drugs? -> Present Perfect
Yes, I have
No, I haven’t
- Had she drunk before? -> Past Perfect
Yes, she had
No, she hadn´t
- May I go to the toilet? -> Modal Verbs
Yes, you may
No, you may not
- Can you help me?
Yes, I can
No, I cannot/can´t
- Will you go to the party? -> Future Simple
Yes, I will
No, I will not/won´t

Question words
Who Quem
What O que
Where Onde

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What time Quem
What kind of De que tipo
What colour Que cor
How many Quantos
How much Quanto
How often Com que frenquência
How long Quanto tempo
How old Quantos anos
How far Quão longe
Which Qual
Whose De quem
When Quando
Why Porquê
How Como

Question Phrases

Lesson nr 9
Tuesday, 01st February, 2022
- Reading_comprehension of the text “The Age of Hip Hop”.

Lesson nr 10 and 11
Thursday, 03rd February, 2022

19 | P á g i n a
- Relative Pronouns.

Relative Pronouns
Who (que/quem) = usa-se com pessoas
- The man who lives next door is a singer.
The man lives next door.
The man/he is a singer.

Which (que/o qual) = usa-se para coisas

- I bought a new car, which is more economical.
I bought a new car.
It is more economical.

Whose (cujo/cuja/cujos/cujas) = usa-se para exprimir posse.

- She bought a new dress whose fabric was soft.
She bought a new dress.
It´s fabric was very soft.

Where (onde) = usa-se para referir locais.

O Rock and Roll, que foi criado na América, nasceu…
Rock and Roll, which was created in America, was born in the late 1950´s.
Rock and Roll was created in America.
It was born in the of 1950´s.

Kanye West que foi um dos produtores do Jay-Z…

Kanye West, who was one of Jay-Z´s producers, emerged in Hip Hop.

This is the house where I was born.

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This is the house.
I was born there.

Lesson nr 12
Tuesday, 8th February 2022
- Oral Presentations.

Lesson nr 13 and 14
Tuesday, 10th February, 2022
- Reading_comprehension of the text.

Used to / be able to / have to

a) You don´t get to do what you used to. – DO SUBENTENDIDO
Tu não consegues fazer o que costumavas fazer.

b) He is able to swim for 2 hours.

Ele é capaz de nadar por 2 horas

c) You have to study more.

Tu tens de estudar mais.

Used to = there was something we did in the past we don´t do anymore.

Be able to = there is something we can do.
Have to = there is the necessity of doing something (must can be used to).
Note! – Be and have must be conjugated.

Lesson nr 15
Tuesday, 15th February, 2022

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- Reading_comprehension of the text “Street Art”.

Lesson nr 16 and 17
Thursday, 17th February 2022
- Reading_comprehension of the text “Odd jobs can pay very well”.
- The future simple
- Exercises

Future Simple
I will need the money by tomorrow.
Tomorrow it will rain.
will/will not (won´t) – Modal verb
 Give or ask for information about the Future
Ex: Will you be here tomorrow?
 Predict the future
Ex: You will be good professionals.

Lesson nr 18 and 19
Thursday, 3rd march 2022
- Reading_comprehension of the text “Future carrer”
- If Clauses

If Clauses

a) If I plan my career, I will be successful.

Present Simple and Future simple

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- Exprime uma possibilidade/probabilidade
b) If I planned my carrer, I would be successful.
Past Simple and conditional
- Exprime uma situação irreal/imaginária
c) If I had studied harder, I would have a got a better job.
Past Perfect and conditional perfect
- Exprime uma situação imaginária no passado
As frases condicionais têm 2 partes:
- a if clause, que descreve a condição e a oração principal, que indica o
A if clause e a oração principal podem trocar na frase, sem alterar o sentido ou

Conditional type 1
If + Present Simple , / Future Simple
Future Simple / If + Present Simple
Ex: If you practice, you will win the game.

Conditional type 2
If + Past Simple , / Conditional
Ex: If you ate less, you wouldn´t be fat.

Conditional type 3
If + Past Perfect , / Conditional Perfect
Ex: If you had been clever, you would have copied the exam.

Past Perfect
Subject + had + main verb + object.
Past Partciple
- regular = +ed
- irregular = 3rd Column

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Subject + had + not + past partciple + object

Lesson nr 20 and 21
Thursday, 3rd March, 2022
- Exercises

Lesson nr 22
Monday, 7th March, 2022
- Exercises

Lesson nr 23
Tuesday, 8th March, 2022
- Exercises

Matéria do teste:
- Tema fashion
- Gramática
- Fashion: Influencia da moda nos jovens (até 100 palavras) – pag.4

Lesson nr 24
Thursday, 18th March 2022
- Written test.

24 | P á g i n a
Module 6 – The World Around Us
Lesson nr 1
Thursday, 18th March 2022
- Introducing module 6 – The World Around Us.

Lesson nr 2
Tuesday, 15th March 2022
- Jornadas profissionais.

Lesson nr 3 and 4
Thursday, 17th March 2022
- Watching the documentary: “The dark side of the green energies”.
- Environmental disasters_vocabulary.

Lesson nr 5
Tuesday, 22th March 2022

Lesson nr 6 and 7
Thursday, 24th March 2022
- ReaReading_comprehension of the text “Warming going global”
- Infinite with and without to
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Lesson nr 8
Tuesday, 29th March 2022
- Reading_comprehension of the text “For things in nature…”

Lesson nr 9 and 10
Thursday, 31st March 2022
- Oral Presentation.

Lesson nr 11
Tuesday, 5th April 2022
- Jornadas Profissionais.

Lesson nr 12 and 13
Thursday, 7th April 2022
- Oral Presentation.

Lesson nr 14
Tuesday, 19th April, 2022
- Jornadas Profissionais.

Lesson nr 15 and 16
Thursday, 21st April, 2022
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- Oral Presentation.
- Consumption and consumerism.

Lesson nr 17
Tuesday, 26th April 2022
- Passive Voice.

Teste: 12/05/2022 (5ªfeira)

- Page 1-30

Written Production (80-100 words): 10/05/2022 (3ª feira)

Tema - Page 25
What is the problem affecting the world that mostly concerns you?
- Which one
- Why – consequences
- Possible solutions

Passive Voice
Subject (Who?) v. Direct object (What?)
Many people use recycled paper.
- o sujeito é posto em evidência.

Subject v. agent
Recycled paper is used by many people.
- dá-se importância à ação.
- voz passiva usa sempre o verbo “to be”. “To be” está no tempo do verbo da
voz ativa. Verbo principal vai para o Particípio passado.

27 | P á g i n a
-ed ou 3ª coluna


Lesson nr 18 and 19
Thursday, 28th April, 2022
- Passive voice
- Reading_comprehension of the text “10 facts you should know about the world
you live in”.

Lesson nr 20
Tuesday, 03rd May 2022

28 | P á g i n a
Adverb = more information :
 Place
 Time Adjective
 Manner  Phrase
 Cause Adverb
 Degree

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