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This declaration is made in accordance with the Conflict of Interest Policy of Tricor Malaysia’s Anti-Corruption & Bribery

Policy (“Tricor’s ACB Policy”).

A conflict of interest arises when your personal interest conflicts/interferes with the interest of Tricor. Conflict of interest
could impair an individual’s ability to perform his or her duties and responsibility objectively. All employees shall diligently
avoid conflict of interest and situations that have the potential to generate conflict of interest. You should bear in mind that
the obligation to declare an interest is a continuing one. Upon completion of this Form, kindly submit it to your Head of
Department or Tricor Malaysia Group Legal & Compliance.

A. Employee Details
Name : Poovenswary a/p Balachandren
Staff ID: MY03589
Position: Payroll Assiociate
Business Unit: TBS

B. Declaration
I acknowledge my obligation to declare any conflict of interest with Tricor or other stakeholders of Tricor in accordance
with the conflict of interest policy provided in the Tricor’s ACB Policy. I hereby declare that:
☐In the best of my knowledge and belief, I am not aware of any actual, potential or perceived conflict of interest
situations between me and Tricor or other stakeholders of Tricor.
☐ I am aware of any other actual, potential or perceived conflict of interest situations with Tricor or other stakeholders
of Tricor.

C. Nature of Conflict
I hereby declare, to the best of my knowledge, an actual/ potential Conflict of Interest as follows.
Please tick, where applicable.
☐Dealings with Suppliers, Vendors, Subcontractors, Agents, Customer and Competitors
☐Family Members and Close Personal Relationship
☐Outside Employment and Activities Outside the Tricor
☐Investment Activities
☐Others: __________

D. Details of the Conflict

1. Description of conflict:

2. Actual and/or suspected date or duration of conflict arising:

3. Details of the transaction/dealings which the employee has knowledge of:

4. Whether the employee has the potential to gain personal interest from the transaction/dealings:

E. Declaration
I hereby declare that:
1. I understand my obligations to declare any conflict of interest to Tricor.
2. For the duration of my employment with Tricor, I shall not do any act or commit any omission which may give rise
to a conflict of interest in the discharge of my work.
3. I agree that upon discussion with the Head of Department or Tricor Malaysia Group Head of Legal & Compliance of
an actual/ potential Conflict of Interest, I’m required to comply with the agreed action plan to resolve the conflict.
4. The information provided in this Declaration is complete and accurate.
5. Should there be any changes to the above information, I shall complete a new Declaration of Interest detailing the

Date: 20/07/2022
Signature: poovenswary

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