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ACT I: Couple Fight


Francine: [fight with bf]

Francine: He’s so ungrateful! How could he say those to me?

CASTRO (SELF-SERVING BIAS): You don’t deserve this treatment. You wanted him to graduate. You succeeded. He got
good grades and became a dean’s lister. You were his inspiration in his studies in the 4 years you were together.

CASTRO: He lost me, he just lost something big. Everything I did was right. I am better

F&CASTRO: We are better

CABILAO (PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT): And because you’re selfish you don’t want him to go abroad. You shouldn’t
control every decision he has to make. That’s why he wants to break up with you.

CASTRO: Don’t listen to her. He wants to break up with you because he doesn’t see the good things you’ve done for him.
The failure of this relationship is because of him, not you.

CABILAO: Please try to look at yourself and see things you’ve done wrong-


ENRIQUEZ -is the tendency to see yourself in a favourable light.

- Self-serving attributions is a form of self-serving bias wherein we often take credit for our success and attribute failure
to external factors. We exhibit self-serving bias about our future by Unrealistic optimism and Defensive pessimism.



F: I thought I can handle the worst especially when I already knew the big fight was coming.
I finally accept the fact that he’s gone, but not the fact that it’s my fault-.

VILLANUEVA (SELF PRESENTATION):Shhhh.. Your friends might hear you

F: Yes, My friends. They know about the breakup. But they didn’t know the bad things I did to him

VILLANUEVA: They should never know…

F&VILLANUEVA: I’ve put on a good show and presented myself well.

VILLANUEVA: I smiled, adjusted, and I had shown kindness the whole time

F: When my friends asked me

VILLANUEVA: “Why did you break up, I heard it was because you were threatening him and forcing him to stay”


F: “No, we didn’t break up because of that. We just cooled off because we realized that we needed space.”


1.5 mins

Host: Francine chose to admit the reality that most of the problems were caused by her. She overcame her self-serving
bias, self-presentation, and self-handicapping. THAT sacrifice saved their relationship. Now that her boyfriend has
moved to London, and disappointingly cheated on Francine.

F: How could he do that to me? I gave him almost everything

PAZ&CABILAO: But have u asked yourself why things happen the way they do? Was it really his fault bias self?

F: Idk! We were in a long distance relationship!

CABILAO(SITUATIONAL ATTRIBUTON): He wanted to be with you but distance wouldn’t allow it. So he looked for
company that night and couldn’t control his feelings. He did that with another girl because that’s how much he MISSES
YOU. It’s the situation, not his free will.

PAZ(DISPOSITIONAL ATTRIBUTON):: Don’t listen to her. You know that the guy had a tendency of cheating on his ex-
girfriends. You should have seen this coming. He does not deserve you.

CABILAO: Isn’t it unfair to make such a judgment, if you CANNOT understand his situation? Have empathy

PAZ: A guy who truly loves you will not let SITUATIONS compromise your relationship.

CABILAO: Forgive him.

PAZ: Don’t give him another chance to toy with you

CABILAO&PAZ: Forgive,no


CABILAO: situational attribution definition

PAZ: dispositional attribution definition

3 .5 MINS

Host: Just like francine’s,Not all relationships last. Not all relationships are built on love and commitment. Most
relationships today are built on infatuation, temporary feelings that cause these connections to be temporary. It’s
important to differentiate Love and Attraction.

F: After our break up, I realized maybe he was not love… maybe love is always in the wrong time zone.. maybe love is in
New York City or Korea
HERBIAS (LIKING AND ATTRACTION): Maybe everything was just attraction. When you said, “Love wore a blue
sweatshirt, with a smile on his face. Love played an acoustic guitar and knew all my favorite LANY song.” You were fond
of being with him.
F: Just that?
HERBIAS: You should move on, you were only attracted to him because he was close to you AKA. PROXIMITY. You’ve
been classmates since seventh grade.

ESPINOSA: During adolescence, teenagers naturally feel romance and I FIRMLY BELIEVE IT WAS LOVE.

HERBIAS: No way, you know he’s the son of a beauty queen and an actor. He’s naturally born with looks that pull
everyone’s attention to him. You were just a victim of his charm. You were infatuated with his PHYSICAL APPEARANCE

ESPINOSA(LOVE): I’m sorry but I don’t think that’s enough to describe the relationship you had with him. Your love with
him was romantic and companionate. Your passion for him was his inspiration to achieve goals and do things which he
never dreamed he could. Remember he topped the board exams with your constant encouragement.
HERBIAS: No matter what you say, even if they did love each other, even if they had consummate love, no matter how
true it was, it did not last. It was just attraction

F: I’m confused!

HERBIAS: Move on nalang gud! Ang lalaki ang nibuwag, nganong ikaw man ang mugukod?!

ESPINOSA: DILI OY! Kung love jud nimo ang tao, bisag ikapila paka niya pasakitan, dasig lang ug dapat dili nimo siya

F: He loves me, he loves me not (3x)

HERBIAS&ESPINOSA: He loves you not, He loves you

HERBIAS: (Discuss three components of love)


Host: Relationships are important especially in adolescents’ lives. Let us invite Dr. Espinosa to discuss the seven qualities
of a healthy relationship.

ESPINOSA: (Discussion)



Host: Now let’s take a break from romance and talk about another influential factor in social relationshps: PREJUDICE.

Host: let us witness the case of a 15 year old high school boy who had issues with prejudice to the extent that it got him
suspended from his school for beating up an Asian kid and blocking a visitor from entering the school. Let us delve into
his conscience to see how important critical thinking is before we judge and decide to treat other people.

ALMAZAN(PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT): Why on earth did you punch that kid?

PAZ(PREJUDICE): Because of him I failed my math subject. He gave me wrong answers.

ALMAZAN: You just admitted cheating, Why did you even choose him, he had failing grades in precal and gen math?

PAZ: Come on he’s Asian! I expected him to be-

ALMAZAN: If I had eyes like this *pulls eyes* does it automatically make me better in math compared to average
people? Use your common sense.

PAZ: Okay I get it now, stop talking-

ALMAZAN: We’re not done here.

PAZ: What else do you wanna say?

ALMAZAN: Why did you refuse to let your Syrian classmate enter the campus?

PAZ: How could He? THERE’S A RUMOR OF A BOMB THREAT from the gang of muslims across the road from our school!
He cannot let more innocent children die after what happened in Marawi. He is doing his duty as a concerned citizen!!

ALMAZAN: Can I ask you something? Are you out of your mind? If the religion on my birth certificate says ISLAM and I
was born to muslim parents, does that automatically mean that I am a terrorist? Will my parents feed me grenades for
breakfast and raise me to explode around Christians?

PAZ: terrorism is becoming a bigger threat in the Philippines – It’s better to be paranoid than to be in danger.
ALMAZAN: Your prejudice put a lot of people in danger – including yourself. You’re in danger because you got kicked out
of school and you might have no chance of getting accepted by other schools because of your ill-founded beliefs. I hope
you change your mind about how people should be treated based on their background.


Host: You should not judge people based on their backgrounds.

Host: Let us call upon Dr. Herbias to discuss the forms of prejudice.

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