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Research problems

Research problems 1: Enterprise modelling problem

General objective

To formulate a set of assertions based on the empirical studies of the real enterprise modelling


Specific objectives

Develop a methodological framework based on the above-mentioned assertions to guide

practitioners in their enterprise modeling efforts.

Research questions

1. What are the purposes of developing and using enterprise models, and how are enterprise

models actually used? 

2. What activities are most important in an enterprise modeling process? 

3. What are the most important properties of enterprise models, i.e., the artifacts or

manifestations of the modeling process? 

4. What are the most prominent relationships between purposes, modeling processes, models,

modelers and the enterprise that is modeled? 

Research problems 2: Market share models of consumer spatial behavior

General objective

To make use of market research be used to solve the market share as a business problem

Specific objectives

To highlight the operational and conceptual problems associated with market share models of the

consumer’s spatial behavior

Research questions

1. What are the perceived attributes as well as the objective equivalences that determine the

utility of a retail facility to a consumer? 

2. How stable are consumer patronage patterns over time with respect to different product

purchases? Do these patterns vary among different types of consumers?

3. Does the number of outlets comprising the set of choice alternatives vary not only by

product but also in terms of the socio-economic characteristics of consumers?

Research problems 3: Market analysis methodology problem

General objective

Determining the best market analysis methodology to predict the future success of

products/services in a given market

Specific objectives
Determining whether SWOT is the best market analysis methodology to predict the future

success of products/services in a given market

Research questions

1. Is it good to consider Market geography; Market size, Market density, Market behavior,

when customers buy, where customers buy, how customers buy, who buys when seizing

best analysis methodology.

2. Is customer orientation the most important factor taken in consideration to analyze

markets in order to promote brand image of the company.

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