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10008 8 Physiology and Testing

of Respiratory Muscles

s0010 INTRODUCTION inspiration, opposing the inflation of the lung (Figure 8-1). This
paradoxic motion is the cardinal sign of diaphragmatic paralysis
p0010 The respiratory muscles are the only muscles, along with the on clinical examination and is invariably present in the supine
heart, that have to work continuously, though intermittently, posture, during which the abdominal muscles usually remain
to sustain life. They have to repetitively move a rather com- relaxed during the entire respiratory cycle. However, this sign
plex elastic structure, the thorax, to achieve the entry of air may be absent in the erect posture.
into the lungs and thence effect gas exchange. Their great
number mandates that they should interact properly to per- The Diaphragm s0040
form their task despite their different anatomic location, geo- The floor of the thoracic cavity is closed by a thin musculoten- p0040
metric orientation, and motor innervation. They should also dinous sheet, the diaphragm, the most important inspiratory
be able to adapt to a variety of working conditions and respond muscle, accounting for approximately 70% of minute ventila-
to many different chemical and neural stimuli. This chapter tion in normal subjects. The diaphragm is anatomically unique
describes some aspects of the respiratory muscles’ function among the skeletal muscles in that its fibers radiate from a cen-
that are relevant to the understanding of the way the respira- tral tendinous structure (the central tendon) to insert periph-
tory muscles accomplish the action of breathing and how their erally into skeletal structures. The muscle of the diaphragm
function can be tested in the laboratory. falls into two main components on the basis of its point of ori-
gin: the crural (vertebral) part and the costal (sternocostal)
s0020 FUNCTIONAL ANATOMY part. The crural part arises from the crura (strong, tapering
tendons attached vertically to the anterolateral aspects of the
s0030 The Intercostal Muscles bodies and intervertebral disks of the first three lumbar verteb-
p0020 The intercostal muscles are two thin layers of muscle fibers rae on the right and two on the left) and the three aponeurotic
occupying each of the intercostal spaces. They are termed arcuate ligaments. The costal part of the diaphragm arises from
external and internal because of their surface relations, the the xiphoid process and the lower end of the sternum and the
external being superficial to the internal. The muscle fibers costal cartilages of the lower six ribs. These costal fibers run
of the two layers run approximately at right angles to each cranially so that they are directly apposed to the inner aspect
other: The external intercostals extend from the tubercles of of lower rib cage, creating a zone of apposition.
the ribs dorsally to the costochondral junctions ventrally, and The shape of the relaxed diaphragm at the end of a normal p0050
their fibers are oriented obliquely, downward, and forward, expiration (functional residual capacity, FRC) is that of two
from the rib above to the rib below. The internal intercostals domes joined by a saddle that runs from the sternum to the
begin posteriorly, because the posterior intercostal membrane anterior surface of the spinal column (Figure 8-2). The motor
on the inner aspect of the external intercostal muscles. From innervation of the diaphragm is from the phrenic nerves,
approximately the angle of the rib, the internal intercostal which also provide a proprioceptive supply to the muscle.
muscles run obliquely, upward, and forward from the superior When tension develops within the diaphragmatic muscle
border of the rib and costal cartilage below to the floor of the fibers, a caudally oriented force is applied on the central ten-
subcostal groove of the rib and the edge of the costal cartilage don and the dome of the diaphragm descends; this descent
above, ending at the sternocostal junctions. All the intercostal has two effects. First, it expands the thoracic cavity along its
muscles are innervated by the intercostal nerves. craniocaudal axis and consequently the pleural pressure falls.
p0030 The external intercostal muscles have an inspiratory action on Second, it produces a caudal displacement of the abdominal
the rib cage, whereas the internal intercostal muscles are expira- visceral contents and an increase in the abdominal pressure
tory. An illustrative clinical example of the “isolated” inspiratory that in turn results in an outward motion of the ventral
action of the intercostal muscles is offered by patients who have abdominal wall. Thus, when the diaphragm contracts, a crani-
bilateral diaphragmatic paralysis. In these patients, inspiration is ally oriented force is being applied by the costal diaphragmatic
accomplished solely by the rib cage muscles. As a result, the rib fibers to the upper margins of the lower six ribs that has the
cage expands during inspiration, and the pleural pressure falls. effect of lifting and rotating them outward (insertional force;
Because the diaphragm is flaccid and no transdiaphragmatic pres- see Figure 8-2). The actions mediated by the changes in pleural
sure can be developed, the fall in pleural pressure is transmitted to and abdominal pressures are more complex: if one assumes
the abdomen, causing an equal fall in the abdominal pressure. that the diaphragm is the only muscle acting on the rib cage,
Hence the abdomen moves paradoxically inward during it seems that it has two opposing effects when it contracts.
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138 SECTION II Physiology

Normal subject Patient with diaphragmatic paralysis

Chest Abdomen Chest Abdomen

f0010 FIGURE 8-1 Schematic demonstration of normal abdominal and rib cage movement (left panel) and the paradoxical abdominal motion of
isolated diaphragmatic paralysis (right panel). The diaphragm at resting end-expiration is shown as a solid line and after inspiration as a
dashed line. In the normal subject (left), the diaphragm moves caudally, and in the patient with diaphragmatic paralysis (right), the diaphragm
moves in a cephalad direction. The anterior abdominal wall moves inward instead of outward.

On the upper rib cage, it causes a decrease in the anteroposter- The Abdominal Muscles s0070
ior diameter, and this expiratory action is primarily because of The abdominal muscles with respiratory activity are those con- p0080
the fall in pleural pressure (see Figure 8-2). On the lower rib stituting the ventrolateral wall of the abdomen (i.e., the rectus
cage, it causes an expansion. In fact this is the pattern of chest abdominis ventrally and the external oblique, internal oblique,
wall motion observed in tetraplegic patients with transection and transverses abdominis laterally). They are innervated by
injury at the fifth cervical segment of the spinal cord or below, the lower six thoracic nerves and the first lumbar nerve. As they
who have complete paralysis of the inspiratory muscles except contract, they pull the abdominal wall inward, thus increasing
for the diaphragm. This inspiratory action on the lower rib the intraabdominal pressure. This causes the diaphragm to move
cage is caused by the concomitant action of two different cranially into the thoracic cavity, increasing the pleural pressure
forces, the “insertional” force already described and the “appo- and decreasing lung volume. Thus, their action is expiratory.
Au1 sitional” force c. The Neck Muscles. Expiration is usually a passive process but can become active
when minute ventilation has to be increased (e.g., during exer-
s0050 The Sternocleidomastoids cise) or during respiratory distress. Expiratory muscle action is
p0060 The sternocleidomastoids arise from the mastoid process and also essential during cough.
descend to the ventral surface of the manubrium sterni and
the medial third of the clavicle. Their neural supply is from
the accessory nerve. The action of the sternocleidomastoids is TESTING RESPIRATORY MUSCLE FUNCTION s0080
to displace the sternum cranially during inspiration, to expand Muscles have two functions: to develop force and to shorten. p0090
the upper rib cage more in its anteroposterior diameter than in In the respiratory system, force is usually estimated as pressure
its transverse one, and to decrease the transverse diameter of and shortening as lung volume change. Thus, quantitative
the lower rib cage. In normal subjects breathing at rest, how- characterization of the respiratory muscles usually relies on
ever, the sternocleidomastoids are inactive, being recruited measurements of volumes and pressures.
only when the inspiratory muscle pump is abnormally loaded
or when ventilation increases substantially. Therefore, they
should be considered as accessory muscles of inspiration. Vital Capacity s0090
Vital capacity (VC) is an easily obtained measurement with p0100

s0060 The Scalenes spirometry, which, when decreased, points to respiratory mus-
cle weakness. The VC averages approximately 50 mL/kg in
p0070 The scalenes are composed of three muscle bundles that run normal adults. However, VC is not specific and may be
from the transverse processes of the lower five cervical verteb- decreased because of both inspiratory and expiratory muscle
rae to the upper surface of the first two ribs. They receive their weakness and restrictive lung and chest wall diseases. A
neural supply mainly from the lower five cervical segments. marked fall (>30%) in VC in the supine compared with the
Their action is to increase (slightly) the anteroposterior diam- erect posture (which in the normal individual is 5–10%) is
eter of the upper rib cage. Although initially considered as associated with severe bilateral diaphragmatic weakness.
accessory muscles of inspiration, they are invariably active dur-
ing inspiration. In fact, seated normal subjects cannot breathe
without contracting the scalenes even when they reduce the Maximal Static Mouth Pressures s0100

required inspiratory effort by reducing tidal volume. There- Measurement of the maximum static inspiratory (PI,max) or p0110
fore, scalenes in humans are primary muscles of inspiration, expiratory (PE,max) pressure that a subject can generate at the
and their contraction is an important determinant of the mouth is a simple way to estimate inspiratory and expiratory
expansion of the upper rib cage during breathing. muscle strength. These are measured at the side port of a

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8 Physiology and Testing of Respiratory Muscles 139

Rib cage tendon
space Lung
Insertional DI
Diaphragm Appositional
“Zone of
apposition” Pab Pab




“Zone of
Appositional force apposition”

Position of
diaphragm in
maximal inspiration
and expiration

f0020 FIGURE 8-2 Actions of the diaphragm. A, Zone of apposition and summary of diaphragm’s actions. When the diaphragm contracts, a caudally
oriented force is being applied on the central tendon and the dome of the diaphragm descends (DI). Furthermore, the costal diaphragmatic
fibers apply a cranially oriented force to the upper margins of the lower six ribs that has the effect of lifting and rotating them outward (insertional
force, arrow 1). The zone of apposition makes the lower rib cage part of the abdomen, and the changes in pressure in the pleural recess between
the apposed diaphragm and the rib cage are almost equal to the changes in abdominal pressure. Pressure in this pleural recess rises
rather than falls during inspiration because of diaphragmatic descent, and the rise in abdominal pressure is transmitted through the
apposed diaphragm to expand the lower rib cage (arrow 2). All these effects result in expansion of the lower rib cage. On the upper
rib cage, isolated contraction of the diaphragm causes a decrease in the anteroposterior diameter, and this expiratory action is primar-
ily caused by the fall in pleural pressure (arrow 3). B, Insertional force; C, appositional force; D, shape of the diaphragm and the bony
thorax at maximum inspiration and expiration.

mouthpiece that is occluded at the distal end. A small leak is and normal values of PI,max and PE,max do not conventionally
incorporated to prevent glottic closure and buccal muscle use subtract the elastic recoil of the respiratory system. Normal
during inspiratory or expiratory maneuvers. The inspiratory values are available for adults, children, and the elderly. The
and expiratory pressure must be maintained, ideally for at least tests are easy to perform and are well tolerated. However, the
1.5 sec, so that the maximum pressure sustained for 1 sec can measurements exhibit significant between-subject and within-
be recorded (Figure 8-3). The pressure measured during these subject variability, as well as learning effect (values obtained
maneuvers reflects the pressure developed by the respiratory improve as subjects become accustomed to the maneuvers).
muscles (Pmus), plus the passive elastic recoil pressure of The normal ranges are wide, so that values in the lower quarter
the respiratory system including the lung and chest wall (Prs) of the normal range are compatible both with normal strength
(Figure 8-4). At FRC, Prs is 0 so that Pmo represents Pmus. and with mild or moderate weakness. However, a PI,max
However, at residual volume (RV), where PI,max is usually of 80 cm H2O usually excludes clinically important in-
measured, Prs may be as much as 30 cm H2O, and thus makes spiratory muscle weakness. Values less negative than this are
a significant contribution PI,max of up to 30% (or more if Pmus difficult to interpret, and more detailed studies are required.
is decreased). Similarly, PI,max is measured at total lung capacity A normal PE,max with a low PI,max suggests isolated diaphragmatic
(TLC), where Prs can be up to 40 cm H2O. Clinical measures weakness.

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140 SECTION II Physiology

1s Peak pressure
0 20 Pe,max

Pressure (kPa) 15

Pressure (kPa)

–6 10

Peak pressure

0 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5
A Time (s) B Time (s)

f0030 FIGURE 8-3 A, Pressure tracing from a subject performing a maximum inspiratory maneuver (PImax). A peak pressure is seen, and the 1-sec
average is determined by calculating the shaded area. B, Typical pressure tracing from a subject performing a maximum expiratory maneuver
Au 6 (PEmax). (Adapted from ATS/ERS: Statement on Respiratory Muscle Testing. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2002; 166:518–624.)

s0110 Transdiaphragmatic Pressure rapid, fully coordinated recruitment of the diaphragm and
p0120 When inspiratory muscle weakness is confirmed, the next diag- other inspiratory muscles. The nose acts as a Starling resistor,
nostic step is to unravel whether this is due to diaphragmatic so that nasal flow is low and largely independent of the driving
weakness, because the diaphragm is the most important in- pressure that is the esophageal pressure. Pdi measured during a
spiratory muscle. This is accomplished by the measurement of sniff (Pdi,sn,max) reflects diaphragm strength, and Pes reflects
maximum transdiaphragmatic pressure (Pdi,max). Pdi,max is the the integrated pressure of the inspiratory muscles on the lungs
difference between gastric pressure (reflecting abdominal pressure) (Figure 8-5). Pressures measured in the mouth, nasopharynx,
and esophageal pressure (reflecting intrapleural pressure) on or one nostril give a clinically useful approximation to eso-
a maximum inspiratory effort after the insertion of appropri- phageal pressure during sniffs without the need to insert
ate balloon catheters in the esophagus and the stomach, esophageal balloons, especially in the absence of significant
respectively. obstructive airway disease. To be useful as a test of respiratory
muscle strength, sniffs need to be maximal, which is relatively
s0120 Sniff Pressures easy for most willing subjects, but may require some practice.
p0130 A sniff is a short, sharp voluntary inspiratory maneuver per- The nasal sniff pressure is the easiest measurement for the sub-
formed through one or both unoccluded nostrils. It achieves ject. Pressure is measured by wedging a catheter in one nostril
by use of foam, rubber bungs, or dental impression molding (Fig-
ure 8-6). The subject sniffs through the contralateral unob-
structed nostril. There is a wide range of normal values,
reflecting the wide range of normal muscle strength in different
individuals. In clinical practice, Pdi,sn,max values greater than
100 cm H2O in males and 80 cm H2O in females are unlikely
80 to be associated with clinically significant diaphragm weakness. Au2
Prs Values of maximal sniff esophageal or nasal pressure numeri-
60 Pmus + Prs cally greater than 70 cm H2O (males) or 60 cm H2O (females)
% VC

expiration are also unlikely to be associated with significant inspiratory
40 Max.
inspiration muscle weakness. However, these reflect the integrated pres-
Pmus + Prs sure of all the inspiratory muscles, and it is possible that there
Pmus Pmus
could be a degree of weakness of one or more of these muscle
0 groups that would not be detected at this level. In chronic
–150 –100 –50 0 50 100 150 200 250 obstructive pulmonary disease, nasal sniff pressure tends to
cm H2O underestimate sniff esophageal pressure because of dampened
pressure transmission from the alveoli to the upper airway but
can complement PI,max in excluding weakness clinically.
f0040 FIGURE 8-4 Relationship of muscle and respiratory pressures at dif-
ferent lung volumes. Vertical axis, lung volume as a percentage of vital
capacity (%VC). Horizontal axis, alveolar pressure in cm H2O. The bro- Electrophysiologic Testing s0130
ken lines indicate the pressure contributed by the muscles. Pmus, The next diagnostic step consists of determining whether p0140
pressure developed by the respiratory muscles; Prs, pressure of the weakness is due to muscle, nerve, or neuromuscular transmis-
respiratory system. (Adapted from Agostoni E, Mead J: Statics of sion impairment. This requires the measurement of Pdi in
the respiratory system. In Fenn WO, Rahn H, eds: Handbook of response to bilateral supramaximal phrenic nerve electrical or
physiology: respiration, Vol. 1, Section 3. Washington, DC: American
magnetic stimulation, with concurrent recording of the elicited
Physiology Society; 1964: 387–409.)

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8 Physiology and Testing of Respiratory Muscles 141

Normal subject Diaphragm paralysis

Pressure 100 100

(cm H2O)

FIGURE 8-5 Examples of the f0050

Sniff Pdi
50 50 sniff maneuver. Left panel shows
a recording from a healthy sub-
ject. Note that the esophageal
(pleural) pressure change is
subatmospheric, whereas the
intraabdominal pressure be-
0 0 comes more positive. Measure-
ment conventions for the sniff
esophageal (Sn Pes) and sniff
transdiaphragmatic pressures
Sniff Pes (Sn Pdi) are illustrated. The right
panel shows an example from
a patient with bilateral diaphrag-
matic paralysis. Note that
there is now a negative pres-
500 ms 500 ms sure change in the abdominal
compartment, because the
diaphragm fails to prevent
Pdi Pgas Pes
pressure transmission from
the thorax.

electromyogram (EMG) of the diaphragm (called the com- discharge rate cause significant changes in the force produced.
pound muscle action potential, CMAP) with either surface Maximum voluntary contractions, such as the PI,max are
or esophageal electrodes (Figure 8-7). If the phrenic nerve is achieved with discharge rates higher than 50 Hz, but cannot
stimulated, the diaphragm contracts. This contraction is called be sustained for long. Stimulation of the phrenic nerve with
a twitch. If the stimulus is intense enough, all phrenic fibers high frequencies is technically difficult to achieve (because of
are activated synchronously giving reproducible results. The displacement of the stimulating electrode by local contraction
intensity of the twitch increases with the frequency of stimula- of the scalene muscles and movement of the arm and shoulder
tion. If multiple impulses stimulate the phrenic nerve, the con- because of activation of the brachial plexus). Therefore, the
tractions summate to cause a tetanic contraction. Thus, if both transdiaphragmatic pressure developed in response to single
phrenic nerves are stimulated with various frequencies (1, 10, supramaximal phrenic nerve stimulations at 1 Hz, called the
20, 50, and 100 Hz) at the same lung volume with closed air- twitch Pdi, is commonly measured.
way (to prevent entry of air and thus changes in lung volume Although technically demanding, this approach has the p0150
and initial length of the diaphragm), the isometric force- great advantage of being independent of patient effort/motiva-
frequency curve of the diaphragm is obtained (Figure 8-8). tion. This also allows for the measurement of phrenic nerve con-
(It should be noted that the usual rate of motor nerve dis- duction time or phrenic latency (i.e., the time between the onset
charge during voluntary muscle contraction in humans is of the stimulus and the onset of CMAP [Mwave] on the dia-
between 5 and 15 Hz, and, because of the steep shape of the phragmatic EMG) (Figure 8-7, B). A prolonged conduction
force-frequency curve in this range, small alterations in the time suggests nerve involvement.

FIGURE 8-6 The sniff maneuver, which makes use of
a nasal bung and an adapted pressure meter. A, Mea-
surement setup. The meter returns a numerical value
0 that is the amplitude of the pressure swing between
atmospheric (0) pressure and the nadir. B, The trace
produced. The meter returns a numerical value that
Sniff nasal
inspiratory is the amplitude of the pressure swing between
pressure atmospheric (0) pressure and the nadir.

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142 SECTION II Physiology

FIGURE 8-7 Electrophysiologic testing: The “twitch Pdi.” f0070

A, The twitch transdiaphragmatic pressure (Pdi) after mag-
netic/electrical stimulation. B, A detailed (enlarged) view of 15

cm H2O
a compound muscle action potential (M wave), where the

latency (time from stimulus to muscle depolarization), 0
the duration, and the amplitude of the electromyogram are –15
evident. a.u., Arbitrary units; L-CMAP, left compound motor
action potential; Pes, esophageal pressure; Pga, gastric pres-
sure; R-CMAP, right compound motor action potential.

cm H2O
(Adapted from Vassilakopoulos T, Roussos C: Neuromuscular

respiratory failure. In Clinical Critical Care Medicine, Slutsky A,
Au7 Takala R, Torres R, eds. St. Louis: Mosby.) 0


cm H2O






0 0.2 0.4
A Time (s)
Amplitude 2 mV


Latency Duration

p0160 However, electrophysiologic testing also has shortcomings. PHYSIOLOGY: THE ABILITY TO BREATH: s0140
Although the conduction time or latency is prolonged in neu-
ropathies that are predominantly demyelinating, it may be pre- THE LOAD/CAPACITY BALANCE
served in neuropathies that are predominantly axonal despite For a human to take a spontaneous breath, the inspiratory mus- p0170
substantial diaphragm weakness. Moreover, when the preceding cles must generate sufficient force to overcome the elastance of
technique is used, it is important that costimulation of the bra- the lungs and chest wall (lung and chest wall elastic loads), as
chial plexus be avoided, otherwise the action potential recorded well as the airway and tissue resistance (resistive load). This
from surface electrodes may originate from muscles other than requires an adequate output of the centers controlling the mus-
the diaphragm. This problem is compounded if the phrenic cles, anatomic and functional nerve integrity, unimpaired neu-
nerve is stimulated by use of a magnetic technique. Classically, romuscular transmission, an intact chest wall, and adequate
an axonal neuropathy is characterized by the finding of pre- muscle strength. This can be schematically represented by con-
served latencies with diminished CMAP. Lack of CMAP after sidering the ability to take a breath as a balance between inspira-
nerve stimulation is an indication of paralysis with the lesion tory load and neuromuscular competence (Figure 8-9). Under
located proximal to or at the neuromuscular junction. De- normal conditions, this system is polarized in favor of
creased twitch Pdi in the face of normal CMAP is characteristic neuromuscular competence (i.e., there are reserves that permit
of contractile dysfunction that resides within the muscle. considerable increases in load). However, for a human to

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8 Physiology and Testing of Respiratory Muscles 143

Energy supplies
(% maximum) Blood substrate
80 concentration
Arterial oxygen
content Energy demands
Energy stores/ Efficiency
nutrition (VT/tl)
Ability to extract V’E
energy sources
20 (tl/ttot)
Inspiratory muscle
blood flow PI/PI,max
0 20 40 60 80 60
Stimulation frequency
Fatigued muscle Fresh muscle

f0080 FIGURE 8-8 Force-frequency relationship of in vivo human respira-

Au4 tory muscles. The force-frequency curve of the fresh muscle is shown
in red, and the relationship after a fatiguing task is shown in blue; a
disproportionate force loss at low stimulation frequencies is
FIGURE 8-10 Balance between energy supplies and energy f0100
observed. (Adapted from Moxham J, Wiles CM, Newham D,
demands. Respiratory muscle endurance is determined by the bal-
Edwards RHT: Ciba Found Symp 1981; 82:197–212.)
ance between energy supplies and demands. Normally, the supplies
meet the demands, and a large reserve exists. Whenever this bal-
ance weighs in favor of demands, the respiratory muscles ultimately
become fatigued, leading to inability to sustain spontaneous Au8
breathing decreased. VT/tI, Mean inspiratory flow (tidal volume/
inspiratory time); tI/ttot, duty cycle (fraction of inspiration to total
breathing cycle duration); PI/PI, max, inspiratory pressure/maximum
inspiratory pressure ratio; V 0 E, minute ventilation. (Adapted from
Vassilakopoulos T, Roussos C: Neuromuscular respiratory failure.
In Slutsky A, Takala R, Torres, eds. Clinical critical care medicine.
St. Louis: Mosby.)

Lung elastic loads Central drive

Chest wall
Neural and breathe spontaneously, the inspiratory muscles should be able to
neuromuscular sustain the aforementioned load over time as well as adjust the
elastic loads
minute ventilation in such a way that there is adequate gas
Resistive loads Muscle strength exchange. The ability of the respiratory muscles to sustain this
Load (per breath) Neuromuscular load without the appearance of fatigue is called endurance and
(PI) competence is determined by the balance between energy supplies and
(PI, max) energy demands (Figure 8-10).
Energy supplies depend on the inspiratory muscle blood p0180
flow, the blood substrate (fuel) concentration and arterial oxy-
gen content, the muscle’s ability to extract and use energy
sources, and the muscle’s energy stores. Under normal circum-
stances, energy supplies are adequate to meet the demands,
and a large recruitable reserve exists (see Figure 8-10). Energy
f0090 FIGURE 8-9 Balance between inspiratory load and neuromuscular demands increase proportionally with the mean pressure
competence. The ability to take a spontaneous breath is deter- developed by the inspiratory muscles per breath (PI) expressed
mined by the balance between the load imposed on the respiratory as a fraction of maximum pressure that the respiratory muscles
system (pressure developed by the inspiratory muscles; PI) and the can voluntarily develop (PI/PI,max), the minute ventilation
neuromuscular competence of the ventilatory pump (maximum
(VE), the inspiratory duty cycle (TI/TTOT), and the mean
inspiratory pressure; PI, max). Normally, this balance weighs in favor
of competence, permitting significant increases in load. However, if
inspiratory flow rate (VT/TI) and are inversely related to the
the competence is, for whatever reason, reduced below a critical efficiency of the muscles. Fatigue develops when the mean rate
point (e.g., drug overdose, myasthenia gravis), the balance may of energy demands exceeds the mean rate of energy supply
then weigh in favor of load, rendering the ventilatory pump insuffi- (i.e., when the balance is polarized in favor of demands).
cient to inflate the lungs and chest wall. (Adapted from Vassilakopou- The product of TI/TTOT and the mean transdiaphragmatic p0190
los T, Roussos C: Neuromuscular respiratory failure. In Slutsky A, pressure expressed as a fraction of maximal (Pdi/Pdi,max)
Takala R, Torres, eds. Clinical critical care medicine. St. Louis: Mosby.) defines a useful “tension-time index” (TTIdi) that is related to
the endurance time (i.e., the time that the diaphragm can

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144 SECTION II Physiology

Energy supplies Energy demands

Blood substrate ↓ Efficiency
(VT, tl)
Arterial oxygen
content VE
Energy stores/ (tl/tlot)
Pl/Pt, max
Ability to extract
energy sources
Inspiratory muscle
blood flow

Lung elastic loads

Chest wall
elastic loads Central drive
Resistive loads Neural and neuromuscular
Muscle strength


f0110 FIGURE 8-11 System of two balances: load and competence, energy supplies and demands. The system of two balances, incorporating the
various determinants of load, competence, energy supplies, and demands is represented schematically. The PI/PI, max, one of the determi-
nants of energy demands (see Figure 8-10) is replaced by its equivalent: the balance between load and neuromuscular competence (see Figure 8-
9). In fact, this is the reason the two balances are linked. When the central hinge of the system moves upward or is at least at the horizontal level, a
balance exists between ventilatory needs and neurorespiratory capacity, and spontaneous ventilation can be sustained. In healthy persons, the
hinge moves far upward, creating a large reserve. For abbreviations, see legends to Figures 8-9 and 8-10. (Adapted from Vassilakopoulos T,
Roussos C: Neuromuscular respiratory failure. In Slutsky A, Takala R, Torres R, eds. Clinical critical care medicine. St. Louis: Mosby.)

sustain the load imposed on it). Whenever TTIdi is smaller system (Figure 8-11). Schematically, when the central hinge
than the critical value of 0.15, the load can be sustained indefi- of the system moves upward, or is at least at the horizontal
nitely; but when TTIdi exceeds the critical zone of 0.15–0.18, level, spontaneous ventilation can be sustained indefinitely
the load can be sustained only for a limited time period, in other (see Figure 8-11). The ability of a subject to breathe spontane-
words, the endurance time. This was found to be inversely ously depends on the fine interplay of many different factors.
related to TTIdi. The TTI concept is assumed to be applicable Normally, this interplay moves the central hinge far upward
not only to the diaphragm but also to the respiratory muscles and creates a great ventilatory reserve for the healthy individ-
as a whole: ual. When the central hinge of the system, for whatever reason,
moves downward, spontaneous ventilation cannot be sustained,
TTI ¼ PI =PI;maxw TI =TTOT
and ventilatory failure ensues.
p0210 Because endurance is determined by the balance between
energy supply and demand, TTI of the inspiratory muscles Hyperinflation s0150

has to be in accordance with the energy balance view. In fact, Hyperinflation (frequently observed in obstructive airway dis- p0220
as Figure 8-4 demonstrates, PI/PI,max and TI/TTOT, which con- eases) compromises the force-generating capacity of the dia-
stitute the TTI, are among the determinants of energy phragm for a variety of reasons: First, the respiratory muscles,
demands; an increase in either that will increase the TTI value like other skeletal muscles, obey the length-tension relation-
will also increase the demands. But what determines the ratio ship. At any given level of activation, changes in muscle
PI/PI,max? The nominator, the mean inspiratory pressure devel- fiber length alter tension development. This is because the
oped per breath, is determined by the elastic and resistive force-tension developed by a muscle depends on the interaction
loads imposed on the inspiratory muscles. The denominator, between actin and myosin fibrils (i.e., the number of myosin
the maximum inspiratory pressure, is determined by the neuro- heads attaching and thus pulling the actin fibrils closer within
muscular competence (i.e., the maximum inspiratory muscle each sarcomere). The optimal fiber length (Lo) where
activation that can be voluntarily achieved). It follows, then, tension is maximal is the length at which all myosin heads
that the value of PI/PI,max is determined by the balance between attach and pull the actin fibrils. Below this length (as with
load and competence (see Figure 8-9). But PI /PI,max is also one hyperinflation, which shortens the diaphragm), actin-myosin
of the determinants of energy demands (see Figure 8-10); interaction becomes suboptimal, and tension development
therefore, the two balances (i.e., between load and competence declines. Second, as lung volume increases, the zone of apposi-
and energy supply and demand) are in essence linked, creating a tion of the diaphragm decreases in size, and a larger fraction of

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8 Physiology and Testing of Respiratory Muscles 145

Thorax Thorax

rib cage

Ppl Ppl
Diaphragm Diaphragm
Shortened (hyperinflated)
DI muscle fibers
2 1
Lower Decreased
rib cage Pap Insertional curvature
Zone of Decreased zone
apposition of apposition

Appositional Medial orientation of

force diaphragmatic fibers
FIGURE 8-12 Consequences of hyperinflation on the diaphragm. A, Normal actions of the diaphragm as in Figure 8-2. B, Deleterious effects f0120
of hyperinflation on the diaphragm.

the rib cage becomes exposed to pleural pressure. Hence, the central fatigue, peripheral high-frequency fatigue, or peripheral
diaphragm’s inspiratory action on the rib cage diminishes. low-frequency fatigue.
When lung volume approaches total lung capacity, the zone
Central Fatigue. Central fatigue is present when a maximal p0250
of apposition all but disappears (Figure 8-12), and the dia-
voluntary contraction generates less force than does maximal s0200
phragmatic muscle fibers become oriented horizontally inter-
electrical stimulation. If maximal electrical stimulation super-
nally (Figure 8-12, B). The insertional force of the diaphragm
imposed on a maximal voluntary contraction can potentiate
is then expiratory, rather than inspiratory, in direction. This
the force generated by a muscle, a component of central
explains the inspiratory decrease in the transverse diameter of
fatigue exists. This procedure applied to the diaphragm con-
the lower rib cage in subjects with emphysema and severe
sists of the twitch occlusion test that may separate central from
hyperinflation (Hoover’s sign). Third, the resultant flattening
peripheral fatigue. This test examines the transdiaphragmatic
of the diaphragm increases its radius of curvature (Rdi) (see
pressure (Pdi) response to bilateral phrenic nerve stimulation
Figure 8-12, B) and, according to Laplace’s law, Pdi ¼ 2Tdi/
superimposed on graded voluntary contractions of the dia-
Rdi, diminishes its pressure-generating capacity (Pdi) for the
phragm. Normally, the amplitude of the Pdi twitches in
same tension development (Tdi).
response to phrenic nerve stimulation decreases as the volun-
tary Pdi increases. During Pdi,max, no superimposed twitches
s0160 RESPIRATORY MUSCLE RESPONSES can be detected. When diaphragmatic fatigue is present, super-
TO CHANGES IN LOAD imposed twitches can be demonstrated. A number of experi-
ments have suggested that a form of central diaphragmatic
s0170 Acute Responses “fatigue” may develop during respiratory loading so that, at
s0180 Increased Load the limits of diaphragmatic endurance, a significant portion
of the reduction in force production is due to failure of the
p0230 Respiratory Muscle Fatigue. Fatigue is defined as the loss of
central nervous system to completely activate the diaphragm.
s0190 capacity to develop force and/or velocity in response to a load
Central fatigue may be caused by a reduction in the number
that is reversible by rest. Thus, fatigue may be present before
of motor units that can be recruited by the motor drive or by
the point at which a muscle is unable to continue to perform
a decrease in motor unit discharge rates or both. The observed
a particular task (task failure). In applying this concept to the
decreased central firing rate during fatigue may, in fact, be a
inspiratory muscles, one could conclude that they may be
beneficial adaptive response preventing the muscle’s self-
fatigued before there is hypercapnia because of their inability
destruction by excessive activation.
to continue to generate sufficient pressure to maintain alveolar
ventilation. Peripheral Fatigue. Peripheral fatigue refers to failure at the p0260
p0240 Fatigue should be distinguished from weakness in which neuromuscular junction or distal to this structure and is pres- s0210
reduced force generation is fixed and not reversed by rest, ent when muscle force output falls in response to direct electri-
although the presence of weakness may itself predispose a cal stimulation. This type of fatigue may occur because of failure
muscle to fatigue. The site and mechanisms of fatigue remain of impulse propagation across the neuromuscular junction,
controversial. Theoretically, the site of fatigue may be located the muscle surface membrane or the t tubules (transmission
at any link in the long chain of events involved in voluntary fatigue), impaired excitation—contraction coupling, or failure
muscle contraction leading from the brain to the contractile of the contractile apparatus of the muscle fibers (because of
machinery. A widely used convention is to classify fatigue as alterations in metabolism or changes in contractile proteins).

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146 SECTION II Physiology

Peripheral fatigue can be further classified into high-frequency other skeletal muscles. Accordingly, low-frequency fatigue occurs
and low-frequency fatigue on the basis of the shape of the muscle in the diaphragm of experimental animals during cardiogenic or
force-frequency curve (Figure 8-8). High-frequency fatigue septic shock. Low-frequency fatigue has also been found in the
results in depression of the forces generated by a muscle in diaphragm and sternocleidomastoid of normal subjects after they
response to high-frequency electrical stimulation (50–100 Hz), breathed against very high inspiratory resistance or after sustain-
whereas low-frequency fatigue results in depression of force ing maximum voluntary ventilation (for 2 min) (Figure 8-13).
generation in response to low-frequency stimuli (1–20 Hz). The clinical relevance of respiratory muscle fatigue is diffi- p0300
Low-frequency fatigue can occur in isolation, but high- cult to figure out, because the measurements that are required
frequency fatigue is invariably associated with some alterations for fatigue detection are hard to apply in situations where
in muscle force generation at lower frequencies. fatigue is likely present (such as during acute hypercapnic
respiratory failure).
p0270 High-Frequency Fatigue. During artificial stimulation of a
s0220 motor neuron, especially at high frequencies, muscle force Inflammation and Injury. Strenuous diaphragmatic contrac- p0310
declines rapidly in association with the decline in CMAP tions (induced by resistive breathing, which accompanies s0240

amplitude. This response, known as “high-frequency fatigue” many disease states such as COPD and asthma) initiate an
(see Figure 8-8), is attributed to transmission fatigue. The site inflammatory response consisting of elevation of plasma cyto-
of this type of fatigue may be located postsynaptically (from a kines and recruitment and activation of white blood cell sub-
decrease in sarcolemmal membrane endplate excitability or a populations. These cytokines are produced within the
reduction in action potential propagation into the t tubular diaphragm secondary to the increased muscle activation.
system) or presynaptically (probably in fine terminal filaments Strenuous resistive breathing results in diaphragmatic ultra-
of the motor nerve or less frequently from depletion of synap- structural injury (such as sarcomere disruption, necrotic fibers,
tic transmitter substance). Teleologically, transmission block flocculent degeneration, and influx of inflammatory cells) in
could be beneficial in some instances by protecting the muscle both animals and humans. The mechanisms involved are not
against excessive depletion of its ATP stores, which would lead definitely established but may involve intradiaphragmatic
to rigor mortis. Normal subjects breathing against high-intensity cytokine induction, adhesion molecule upregulation, calpain
inspiratory resistive loads develop high-frequency fatigue, activation, and reactive oxygen species formation. Cytokines
which resolves very quickly after cessation of the strenuous are also essential in orchestrating muscle recovery after injury
diaphragmatic contractions. by enhancing proteolytic removal of damaged proteins and
cells (through recruitment and activation of phagocytes) and
p0280 Low-Frequency Fatigue. All processes that link the electrical by activating satellite cells. Satellite cells are quiescent cells
s0230 activation of the muscle fiber and the various metabolic and of embryonic origin that reside in the muscle and are
enzymatic processes providing energy to the contractile
machinery are called excitation-contraction coupling pro-
cesses. Impaired excitation contraction coupling is thought to
be responsible when the loss of force is not accompanied by Twitch Pdi
a parallel decline in the electrical activity. This type of fatigue (% of baseline 100
is characterized by a selective loss of force at low frequencies
of stimulation (low-frequency fatigue) (see Figure 8-8) despite
maintenance of the force generated at high frequencies of
stimulation, indicating that the contractile proteins continue
to generate force provided that sufficient calcium is released
by the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The mechanism of this type
of fatigue is not understood. It may occur because of a reduced
level of calcium availability caused by alterations in sarcoplas-
mic reticulum function or a reduction in the calcium sensitiv-
ity of the myofilaments (troponin binding site) at submaximal
calcium concentrations (because of high hydrogen and phos-
phate ion concentration). These defects would reduce the 0
0 10 20 40 60 80 100
force developed at low-frequency stimulation. In contrast, at Minutes after maximal hyperventilation
higher stimulation frequencies, a relatively normal force can Intense diaphragm contraction Sham run
be generated when the interior of the fiber is saturated with
p0290 This type of fatigue is characteristically long lasting, taking sev- FIGURE 8-13 Demonstration of low-frequency fatigue of the dia- f0130
eral hours to recover. Low-frequency fatigue occurs during high- phragm in normal subjects. The mean twitch tension (twitch trans-
force contractions and is less likely to develop when the forces diaphragmatic pressure; Tw Pdi) is shown before and at intervals
generated are smaller, even if these are maintained for longer time up to 90 min after intense diaphragmatic contraction (in this case,
periods, thereby achieving the same total work. As previously a 2-min period of maximal normocapnic hyperventilation) in nine
stated, fatigue develops when the mean rate of energy demands healthy adults (blue symbols). Data in the same subjects after a
exceeds the mean rate of energy supply to the muscle (see Fig- sham (“normal breathing”) run are shown in red. A significant
decline in Tw Pdi is observed that has only partially recovered at
ure 8-10), resulting in depletion of muscle energy stores, pH
90 min, which confirms the presence of low-frequency diaphragmatic
changes from lactate accumulation, and excessive production of fatigue. (Data from Hamnegård C-H, Wragg SD, Kyroussis D, et al:
oxygen-derived free radicals. However, the exact interplay of all Diaphragm fatigue following maximal ventilation in man. Eur Respir
these factors is not yet identified in either the diaphragm or the J 1996; 9:241–247.)

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8 Physiology and Testing of Respiratory Muscles 147




B Time Time Time

e re

Sp I

FIGURE 8-14 Properties of skeletal muscle fiber types. Different fiber types in the diaphragm muscle are distinguished by size, myosin heavy f0140
chain content, contractile characteristics (force and speed of contraction), and fatigue resistance (type S, slow; type FR, fast-twitch, fatigue
resistant; and type FF motor units, fast-twitch, fatigable), as well as myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoform expression (MHCSlow, MHC2A, and
MHC2B). A, Size; B, force; C, size, speed of contraction, fatigue resistance. (Adapted from Mantilla CB, Sieck GS: Mechanisms underlying
motor unit plasticity in the respiratory system. J Appl Physiol 2003; 94:1230–1241; and Jones DA: Skeletal muscle physiology. In Roussos C,
ed: The Thorax, 2nd ed. New York: Marcel Dekker; 3–32).

transformed into myocytes, when the muscle becomes injured, COPD is the paradigm of a disease with chronically p0330
to replace damaged myocytes. increased respiratory muscle load. A major adaptation of the
respiratory muscles is fiber type transformation. The myosin
s0250 Chronic Responses heavy chain component of the myosin molecule constitutes
s0260 Increased Load the basis for the classification of muscle fibers as either (type I)
p0320 Plasticity and Adaptation. The respiratory muscles are plas- or (type II) (Figure 8-14, A). Myosin heavy chain exists in
s0270 tic organs that respond to chronic changes of the load they various isoforms, which in increasing order of maximum
are facing and thus of their activity with structural and func- shortening velocity are myosin heavy chain (MHC) I, IIa,
tional changes/adaptations. and IIb, the latter being the faster (Figure 8-14, C ). The

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148 SECTION II Physiology

diaphragm in healthy humans is composed of approximately generating capacity, diaphragmatic atrophy, and diaphragmatic
50% type I fatigue-resistant fibers, 25% type IIa, and 25% type injury, which are described by the term ventilator-induced dia-
IIb. There are two ways in which muscles can modify their over- phragmatic dysfunction (VIDD). The mechanisms are not fully
all MHC phenotype: preferential atrophy/hypertrophy of fibers explained, but muscle atrophy, oxidative stress, structural
containing a specific MHC isoform and actual transformation injury, and muscle fiber remodeling contribute to various
from one fiber type to another. In COPD, there is a transforma- extents in the development of VIDD.
tion of type II to type I fibers, resulting in a great predominance
of type I fatigue-resistant fibers. This increases the resistance
of the diaphragm to fatigue development, but at the same time
compromises the force-generating capacity, because type I ATS/ERS: Statement on Respiratory Muscle Testing. Am J Respir Crit
fibers can generate less force than type II fibers. Care Med 2002; 166:518–624.
Laghi F, Tobin M: Disorders of the respiratory muscles. Am J Respir Crit
p0340 Adaptation is not only restricted to fiber type transforma- Care Med 2003; 168:10–48.
tion. In an animal model of COPD (emphysematous ham- Mantilla CB, Sieck GS: Invited review: Mechanisms underlying motor unit
sters), the number and the length of sarcomeres decrease, plasticity in the respiratory system. J Appl Physiol 2003; 94:1230–1241.
resulting in a leftward shift of the length-tension curve, so that Orozco-Levi M: Structure and function of the respiratory muscles in
the muscle adapts to the shorter operating length induced by patients with COPD: impairment or adaptation? Eur Respir J 2003;
hyperinflation. These alterations may help restore the mechan- 22:Suppl.46, 41s–51s.
Roussos C, Zakynthinos S: Fatigue of the respiratory muscles. Intensive
ical advantage of the diaphragm in chronically hyperinflated
Care Med 1996; 22:134–55. Au5
states. In humans, this adaptation seems to occur by sarcomere Vassilakopoulos T: Ventilator-induced diaphragmatic dysfunction: The
length shortening. clinical relevance of animal models. Intensive Care Med 2007 (in press). Au3
Vassilakopoulos T, Roussos C: Neuromuscular respiratory failure. In
s0280 Inactivity-Unloading Slutsky A, Takala R, Torres R, eds. Clinical Critical Care Medicine.
p0350 Respiratory muscles do not only adapt when they function St. Louis: Mosby: 275–282.
against increased load but also when they become inactive, as Vassilakopoulos T, Roussos C, Zakynthinos S: The immune response to
resistive breathing. Eur Respir J 2004; 24:1033–1043.
happens during denervation or when a mechanical ventilator
Vassilakopoulos T, Zakynthinos S, Roussos C: Respiratory muscles and
undertakes their role as force generator to create the driving weaning failure. Eur Respir 1996; J9:2383–2400.
pressure permitting airflow into the lungs. Inactivity and Vassilakopoulos T, Zakynthinos S, Roussos C: Muscle function: Basic con-
unloading of the diaphragm caused by mechanical ventilation cepts. In Marini JJ, Slutsky A, eds. Physiologic Basis of Ventilator
is harmful, resulting in decreased diaphragmatic force- Support. New York: Marcel Dekker; 1998: 103–152.

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