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Question #:1

Python language can use "#" at the beginning of a single line of code for code comments.

A. True

B. False

Answer: A

Question #:2

What are the steps that do not belong to the operation of Python file objects?

A. open

B. delete

C. read

D. write

Answer: B

Question #:3

Information theory is a branch of applied mathematics, the main research is to quantify how much information
a signal contains. Who first proposed the information entropy?

A. Minsky

B. Turing

C. Simon

D. Shannon

Answer: D

Question #:4

What is the following description about the positive definiteness of matrices?

A. a matrix whose all eigenvalues are positive is called positive definite

B. the matrix with all eigenvalues being non-negative is called semi-positive definite


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C. the matrix with all eigenvalues being negative is called negative definite

D. and the matrix with all eigenvalues being non-positive is called semi-negative definite

Answer: A B C D

Question #:5

Which of the following options is not how the TensorFlow program reads data?

A. preload data (Preload)

B. feed data (Feeding)

C. read from the file

D. write a file format reader

Answer: D

Question #:6

Recurrent neural networks are more suitable for processing image recognition problems.

A. True

B. False

Answer: B

Question #:7

Which of the following options are concepts in TensorFlow?

A. tensor

B. variable

C. placeholder

D. operation

E. conversation

Answer: A B C D E

Question #:8

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A scalar k multiplied by matrix A is equal to k multiplied by each number in A.

A. True

B. False

Answer: A

Question #:9

Print in Python 3 must be used with ().

A. True

B. False

Answer: A

Question #:10

Artificial intelligence is a new technical science that studies and develops theories, methods, and application
systems for simulating, extending, and expanding human intelligence. It is one of the core research areas of


A. True

B. False

Answer: A

Question #:11

Which of the following options is not the reason why traditional machine learning algorithms promote the
development of deep learning?

A. dimension disaster

B. local invariance and smooth regularization

C. manifold learning

D. feature engineering

Answer: D

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Question #:12

The number or matrix stored in the tensor.

A. True

B. False

Answer: B

Question #:13

The Python script execution model includes interactive mode and script mode.

A. True

B. False

Answer: A

Question #:14

What is the following description about unsupervised learning?

A. Unsupervised learning only deals with "features", not "tags"

B. Dimensionality reduction algorithms are not classified as unsupervised learning

C. K-means algorithm and SVM algorithm are all unsupervised learning

D. none of the above

Answer: D

Question #:15

X and Y are random variables and C is a constant. What is incorrect about the nature of mathematical
expectations in the following options?

A. E(C)=C

B. E(X+Y)=E(X)+E(Y)

C. E(CX)=CE(X)

D. E(XY)=E(X)E(Y )

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Answer: D

Question #:16

According to the definition of information entropy, what is the information entropy of tossing a uniform coin?

A. 0

B. 0.5

C. 1

D. -1

Answer: C

Question #:17

What are the advantages of Python?

A. simple

B. free

C. high-level language

D. rich library

Answer: A B C D

Question #:18

Functions are organized, non-reusable, and are used to implement a single, or related function code segment.

A. True

B. False

Answer: B

Question #:19

Which of the following options is not a tensor attribute?

A. name (identification)

B. shape

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C. type

D. node

Answer: D

Question #:20

What is wrong about hyperparameter description?

A. hyperparameters are the parameters set before the algorithm starts learning

B. most machine learning algorithms have hyperparameters

C. hyperparameters cannot be modified

D. a lot of values of hyperparameters are learned through the algorithm itself

Answer: C

Question #:21

The neural network training process will generate a lot of data. What mechanism does TensorFlow use to
avoid the problem of too much input data?

A. Client

B. feed

C. placeholder

D. fetch

Answer: C

Question #:22

Python tuples are identified by "()", and internal elements are separated by ";".

A. True

B. False

Answer: B

Question #:23

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Deep learning is different from machine learning, there is no unsupervised algorithm.

A. True

B. False

Answer: B

Question #:24

There are many business applications of machine learning services. What are the common businesses covered?

A. financial product recommendation

B. predictive maintenance

C. retention of telecommunications customers

D. retailer grouping

Answer: A B C D

Question #:25

TensorFlow only supports Python and R languages.

A. True

B. False

Answer: B

Question #:26

What are the regularization in deep learning?

A. L1 norm L2 norm

B. data set enhancement

C. integration method

D. Dropout

Answer: A C D

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Question #:27

What are the characteristics of Python code?

A. legibility

B. conciseness

C. fastness

D. scalability

Answer: A B C D

Question #:28

What is not a deep learning algorithm?

A. self-encoder

B. convolutional neural network

C. recurrent neural network

D. support vector machine

Answer: D

Question #:29

What is the correct description of the relationship between frequency and probability?

A. frequency equals probability

B. frequency is less than probability

C. frequency is greater than probability

D. when the number of repeated tests is gradually increased, the frequency shows stability, close to the

Answer: D

Question #:30

What is wrong about backpropagation?

A. The learning process of the backpropagation algorithm consists of the forward propagation process and

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the back propagation process

B. Back propagation algorithm is suitable for a learning algorithm of multi-layer neural network, which is
based on the gradient descent method

C. Back-propagation stage sends training input to the network to obtain stimulus response

D. Backpropagation algorithm mainly consists of two links (incentive propagation, weight update)
iteratively iterate until the target range of the network's response to the input

Answer: C

Question #:31

What is correct about Python?

A. invented by the Dutch Guido van Rossum in 1989, the first public release was released in 1991

B. Python is purely free software, the source code follows the GPL (GNU General Public License)

C. Python syntax is concise and clear, One of the features is to force the use of white space characters as

D. Python is often nicknamed the glue language, which can easily connect various modules made in other

Answer: A B C D

Question #:32

TensorFlow is Google's first generation of proprietary machine learning system.

A. True

B. False

Answer: B

Question #:33

HUAWEI CLOUD EI builds an enterprise intelligent business based on the three-tier service, which of the
following options does not belong to the three-tier service.

A. basic platform services

B. general domain services


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C. industry domain services

D. integration services

Answer: D

Question #:34

the vector is a number.

A. True

B. False

Answer: B

Question #:35

Which of the following options are characteristic of TensorFlow?

A. open source

B. convenient

C. mature

D. flexible

Answer: A B C D

Question #:36

What is wrong with the description of the lambda function in Python?

A. lambda is just an expression, the function body is much simpler than def

B. The body of lambda can be an expression or a code block

C. lambda function can access parameters in the global namespace

D. lambda function only accepts one parameter value

Answer: B

Question #:37

The optimization method that does not belong to deep learning is .

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A. stochastic gradient descent

B. back propagation algorithm

C. principal component analysis

D. momentum

Answer: C

Question #:38

the for loop statement in the Python language can traverse the items in any sequence.

A. True

B. False

Answer: A

Question #:39

Which of the following functions can numerically stabilize overflow and underflow?

A. Softminux function

B. Softplus function

C. Softmax function

D. Softmin function

Answer: C

Question #:40

Which of the following does not belong to the AI school?

A. symbolism

B. statism

C. behaviorism

D. connectionism

Answer: B

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Question #:41

Deep learning is a branch of machine learning.

A. True

B. False

Answer: A

Question #:42

The Python dictionary is identified by "{}", and the internal data consists of the key and its corresponding

A. True

B. False

Answer: A

Question #:150

Deep learning algorithms can be divided into supervised learning and unsupervised learning.

A. True

B. False

Answer: B

Question #:44

What does not belong to supervised learning below?

A. logistic regression

B. Support Vector Machine

C. Decision Tree

D. Principal component analysis

Answer: D

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Question #:143

The following statements about overflow and underflow in numerical calculations are correct?

A. underflow occurs when numbers close to zero are rounded to zero

B. An overflow occurs when the number close to zero is rounded to zero

C. Overflow occurs when a large number of levels are approximated to positive infinity or negative infinity

D. Underflow occurs when a large number of levels are approximated to positive infinity or negative

Answer: A C

Question #:46

What is the correct description about the Python creation function?

A. the created function starts with the def keyword, followed by the function name and parentheses

B. parameters need to be placed in parentheses

C. the content of the function starts with a colon and needs to be indented by

D. use return to return the result, and the function ends

Answer: A B C

Question #:47

What is correct about the dictionary description in Python?

A. each key and its corresponding value must be separated by ";"

B. and different key-value pairs are separated by ","

C. the entire dictionary is included in "{}"

D. the keys of the dictionary are unique and the data types are unified

Answer: A B C

Question #:48

Which of the following is not a specific technology of artificial intelligence?

A. knowledge graph

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B. Machine translation

C. Riemannian geometry

D. Semantic understanding

Answer: C

Question #:49

What is not the difference between Python 2 and Python 3?

A. print

B. Unicode

C. import

D. xrange

Answer: C

Question #:50

What are the following conditions that random trials need to meet?

A. can be executed repeatedly under the same conditions

B. There is more than one possible result for each test, and all possible results of the test can be clarified in

C. all results of the test cannot be clarified in advance.

D. It is not possible to determine which result will appear before conducting an experiment

Answer: A B D

Question #:51

What operating systems does Python support?


B. Linux

C. Mac OSX


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D. Windows

Answer: A B C D

Question #:52

In TensorFlow, data is expressed in the form of tensors and computation graphs.

A. True

B. False

Answer: A

Question #:53

GAN is a deep learning model and one of the most promising methods for unsupervised learning on complex
distributions in recent years.

A. True

B. False

Answer: A

Question #:54

As shown in the figure below, find the value of determinant A.

|1 2 3|

A = |4 5 6|

|7 8 9|

A. 24

B. 18

C. -24

D. 0

Answer: D

Question #:55

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What is not a deep learning development framework?


B. Keras


D. MXNet

Answer: C

Question #:56

X and Y are random variables, and C is a constant. What is wrong about the nature of variance in the
following options?

A. D(C)=0

B. D(X+Y)=D(X)+D(Y)

C. D(CX)=C*C*D(X)

D. D(XY)=D( X)D(Y)

Answer: B D

Question #:57

what is not a Python operator?

A. arithmetic operator

B. inference operator

C. logical operator

D. comparison operator

Answer: B

Question #:58

Timestamps in the Python language are expressed in terms of how long (seconds) elapsed from midnight
(epoch) on January 1, 1970.

A. True


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B. False

Answer: A

Question #:59

What algorithms does TensorFlow support?





Answer: A B C D

Question #:60

Which of the following are cloud services provided by Huawei Cloud EI Visual Cognition?

A. text recognition

B. face recognition

C. image recognition

D. content detection

E. image processing

Answer: A B C D E

Question #:61

Which option does the convolutional neural network structure not include?

A. convolutional layer

B. pooling layer

C. circulation layer

D. fully connected layer

Answer: C

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Question #:62

Which of the following are solutions for Huawei Cloud EI industry scenarios?

A. Intelligent Logistics

B. Intelligent Water Affairs

C. Intelligent Transportation

D. Intelligent Finance

E. Intelligent Manufacturing

Answer: A B C D E

Question #:63

Through deep learning, it is easy to derive simple mathematical functions from a large amount of
high-dimensional data to describe complex decision interfaces.

A. True

B. False

Answer: A

Question #:64

What is the English abbreviation for AI?

A. Automatic Intelligence

B. Artifical Intelligence

C. Automatic Information

D. Artifical Information

Answer: B

Question #:65

Neural network research belongs to which of the following schools?

A. symbolism


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B. connectionism

C. behaviorism

D. neither

Answer: C

Question #:66

What are the commonly used loss functions?

A. mean square error

B. Sigmoid cross entropy

C. Softmax cross entropy

D. Sparse cross entropy

E. weighted Sigmoid cross entropy

Answer: A B C D E

Question #:67

Deep learning is different from machine learning, there is no unsupervised algorithm.

A. True

B. False

Answer: B

Question #:68

Training error will reduce the accuracy of the model, resulting in under-fitting, how to improve the model fit at
this time?

A. increase the amount of data

B. feature engineering

C. reduce regularization parameter

D. increase features

Answer: A B D

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Question #:69

What is correct about the index description of Python?

A. left-to-right index starts from 0 by default

B. left-to-right index starts from 1 by default

C. right-to-left index starts from -1 by default

D. right-to-left index starts from 0 by default

Answer: A C

Question #:70

What are the scenarios or industries suitable for Python?

A. Artificial Intelligence

B. Web development

C. game development

D. Hardware development

Answer: A B C

Question #:71

The correlation coefficient is also called the linear correlation coefficient, which is used to measure the linear
relationship between two variables, and its value is a real number greater than 0.

A. True

B. False

Answer: B

Question #:72

In a large-scale relationship analysis scenario, which of the following options does not belong to the three high
demands of massive relationship processing?

A. need for efficient relationship discovery of massive data


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B. The demand for efficient sharing of massive data

C. Requirements for efficient storage and access to massive amounts of data

D. High scalability and high availability for the relationship analysis platform

Answer: A

Question #:73

What is the correct description of the row number and column number of the determinant?

A. the number of rows is greater than the number of columns

B. the number of rows is equal to the number of columns

C. the number of rows is less than the number of columns

D. the number of rows is not related to the number of columns

Answer: B

Question #:74

Which method is not supported to define variables in TensorFlow?

A. random number

B. constant

C. is calculated from the initial values of other variables

D. null

Answer: D

Question #:75

the trace operation returns the sum of the diagonal elements of the matrix. Therefore, the traces of matrix A
and its transposed matrix are equal.

A. True

B. False

Answer: A

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Question #:76

What are the return results of if conditional statements in Python?


B. 0


D. null

Answer: A C

Question #:77

What is wrong with the following gradient descent statement?

A. Stochastic gradient descent is a common type of gradient descent

B. Gradient descent includes random gradient descent and batch gradient descent

C. The gradient descent algorithm is fast and reliable

D. Stochastic gradient descent is one of the optimization algorithms commonly used in deep learning

Answer: C

Question #:78

Among the following options, what is the philosophy of Python language design?

A. Beautiful

B. Expensive

C. Explicit

D. Simple

Answer: A C D

Question #:79

The history of robots is not long. In 1959, the United States Engelberg and Dvor made the first generation of
industrial robots in the world. The history of robots really began. According to the development process of
robots, it is

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usually divided into three generations. What are they?

A. teaching reproducible robot

B. robot

C. with feeling, robot

D. who thinks, intelligent robot

Answer: A B D

Question #:80

Linear algebra is a branch of algebra that deals mainly with linear problems. The linear relationship is that the
relationship between the exponential objects is expressed in the form of times.

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

Answer: A

Question #:81

For a machine to be intelligent, it must be knowledgeable. Therefore, there is a research field in artificial
intelligence, which mainly studies how computers automatically acquire knowledge and skills to achieve
self-improvement. This

research branch is called?

A. Expert system

B. Machine learning

C. Neural network

D. Natural language processing

Answer: B

Question #:82

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What are the quotation marks that can be used in the Python language?

A. single quote

B. double quote

C. triple quote

D. quad quote

Answer: A B C

Question #:83

What is wrong about the relationship between neural networks and deep learning?

A. The concept of deep learning stems from the study of artificial neural networks

B. a neural network algorithm with multiple hidden layers is a deep learning algorithm

C. and a single-layer neural network is also a kind of deep learning

D. convolutional neural network is a type of deep learning

Answer: C

Question #:84

Which of the following functions does Python support?

A. inherits

B. overloads

C. derived

D. Multiple inheritance

Answer: A C D

Question #:85

The continue statement in the Python language is used to jump out of this loop and then continue to execute
the next round of statements.

A. True

B. False

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Answer: A

Question #:86

Python lists can be identified by "[]", and the default index of the first element from left to right is 1.

A. True

B. False

Answer: B

Question #:87

What is incorrect about the following description of the distribution function, distribution law, and density
function of random variables?

A. The distribution law can only describe the law of the value of discrete random variables

B. the density function can only describe the value of continuous random variables

C. discrete random variables have no distribution function

D. distribution function describes the law of random variables

Answer: C

Question #:88

When was the first time that "artificial intelligence" was proposed?

A. 1946

B. 1960

C. 1916

D. 1956

Answer: D

Question #:89

What is wrong about expectations and variances in the following options?

A. expect to reflect the average level of random variable values

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B. Variance reflects the high degree of random variable and its mathematical expectation

C. Expectation and variance are both numerical characteristics of random variable

D. the greater the expectation, the smaller the variance

Answer: D

Question #:90

What is not a function of the re regular expression module in the Python language?

A. search search

B. match match

C. update update

D. compile complie

Answer: C

Question #:91

Numerical calculation: Refers to the method and process of using digital computers to find approximate
solutions to mathematical problems, as well as disciplines composed of related theories. Which of the
following processes are

involved in solving practical problems with computers?

A. Recognize practical problems

B. Mathematical model

C. numerical calculation method

D. program design

E. computer calculation results

Answer: A B C D E

Question #:92

Which of the following neural network structures will share weights? (Multiple Choice)

A. Convolutional Neural Network


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B. recurrent neural network

C. fully connected neural network

D. all of the above

Answer: A B

Question #:93

What is not an automatic hyperparameter optimization algorithm?

A. grid search

B. stochastic gradient descent

C. random search

D. model-based hyperparameter optimization

Answer: C

Question #:94

PEP 8 stipulates how many spaces are needed to indent the first line of Python?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 4

D. 8

Answer: C

Question #:95

the time interval in the Python language is a floating-point decimal in seconds.

A. True

B. False

Answer: A

Question #:96

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The Python language can use multiple statements on the same line, separated by commas ",".

A. True

B. False

Answer: B

Question #:97

As shown in the figure below, which of the following options are the eigenvalues of matrix A?

A. 2

B. -2

C. -4

D. 4

Answer: A D

Question #:98

TensorFlow is the second-generation artificial intelligence learning system developed by Google based on .

A. DistBelief

B. PaleyFunction

C. ConvexOne

D. Infinity

Answer: A

Question #:99

Huawei firmly believes that the value of AI is ultimately reflected in solving the actual business problems of
enterprises. Therefore, in the development of AI technology, Huawei firmly relies on domain solutions as the
traction and focuses.


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A. True

B. False

Answer: A

Question #:100

The components of the Python identifier include: numbers, letters, and underscores.

A. True

B. False

Answer: A

Question #:101

Does the cyclic neural network use scenario not include?

A. machine translation

B. speech recognition

C. image style transfer

D. text generation

Answer: C

Question #:102

Which of the following options can improve the calculation efficiency of the neural network model?




D. large-scale distributed cluster

Answer: A B C D

Question #:103

Which of the following options is not TensorFlow's build process?

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A. construct a calculation graph

B. input a tensor

C. generate a session

D. and update the weights

Answer: D

Question #:104

Machine learning service is a data mining and analysis platform service that helps users quickly discover data
laws and build predictive models through machine learning technology, and deploy them as predictive analysis

A. True

B. False

Answer: A

Question #:105

Which of the following options correctly describes the relationship between the Poisson distribution and the
binomial distribution?

A. The mathematical model of Poisson distribution and Binomial distribution are both Lagrangian

B. Poisson distribution and binomial distribution when n is very large and p is very small

C. Poisson distribution is not related to the binomial distribution

D. Poisson distribution can replace binomial distribution

Answer: B

Question #:106

Which of the following options is TensorFlow's calculation model?

A. calculation graph

B. tensor

C. session

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D. variable

Answer: A

Question #:107

what are the Python language data types?

A. number (number)

B. string (string)

C. list (list)

D. tuple (tuple)

E. dictionary (dictionary)

Answer: A B C D E

Question #:108

What is the model that does not belong to the recurrent neural network?





Answer: C

Question #:109

TensorFlow supports multi-TPU cluster computing. Correct 5. What is the description about the deep
feedforward network?

A. deep feedforward network is a kind of neural network

B. The deep feedforward network has only one hidden layer.

C. there are generally countless units on the hidden layer of the deep feedforward network

D. the deep feedforward network is used to deal with linear problems

Answer: A

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Question #:110

What is the correct description about Python tuples?

A. the difference between lists and tuples is that the elements of tuples cannot be modified

B. square brackets are used for lists, and parentheses are used for tuples

C. the creation of the tuple is very simple, just add the element in the brackets, and use commas to separate

D. when the tuple contains only one element, you need to add a comma after the element

Answer: A B C D

Question #:111

Artificial intelligence is currently more suitable for scenarios with "known environment, clear goals, and
predictable actions." Deep learning In the fields of image recognition, speech recognition, translation, etc.,
artificial intelligence

basically has human recognition capabilities, and even surpasses humans. Based on these capabilities, it has
been applied to many scenarios, such as medical treatment and public safety. But it is still lacking in reasoning


A. True

B. False

Answer: A

Question #:112

Deep learning is a branch of machine learning.

A. True

B. False

Answer: A

Question #:113

What are the implementation modes of TensorFlow?


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A. stand-alone mode

B. distributed mode

C. reverse mode

D. Forward mode

Answer: C D

Question #:114

TensorFlow framework does not support Windows systems.

A. True

B. False

Answer: B

Question #:115

What is incorrect about the following matrix?

A. Multiplying any matrix with the identity matrix will not change

B. The symmetric matrix A is transposed or A itself

C. The orthogonal matrix A's transpose is equal to the inverse of A

D. diagonal matrix does not exist inverse matrix

Answer: D

Question #:116

What are the core concepts in TensorFlow?

A. grid

B. calculation graph

C. dot product

D. tensor

Answer: B D

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Question #:117

The matrix generated by exchanging rows and columns of matrix A is called transpose of A. What are the
correct properties of matrix transpose? (ABC)

A. matrix A The transpose of the transpose is still A itself

B. The transpose of the sum of matrix A and matrix B is equal to the transpose of A plus the transpose of B

C. The transpose of a number times the product of A equals the transpose of this number times A

D. The transpose of the product of matrix A and matrix B is equal to the transpose of matrix A times the
transpose of matrix B

Answer: A B C

Question #:118

In a neural network, knowing the weight and deviation of each neuron is the most important step. If you know
the exact weights and deviations of neurons in some way, you can approximate any function. What is the best
way to

achieve this?

A. randomly assigned values, pray that they are correct

B. Search the combination of weight and bias until the best value is obtained

C. gives an initial value, by checking the difference with the best value, and then iteratively update the

D. is not correct

Answer: C

Question #:119

In which year did Huawei formally provide services as a cloud service, and cooperate with more partners to
provide richer artificial intelligence practices?

A. 2002

B. 2013

C. 2015

D. 2017

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Answer: D

Question #:120

The matrix generated by exchanging rows and columns of matrix A is called transpose of A. What are the
correct properties of matrix transpose?

A. B. (A+B) T = A T + B T

B. C. (AA) T - AA T

C. D. (AB) T = A T B T

Answer: A B C

Question #:159

Which of the following environments does not support the installation of TensorFlow?

A. Linux

B. Mac OS

C. Docker

D. OpenStack

Answer: D

Question #:122

What is the correct description about recurrent neural network (RNN)?

A. can be used to process sequence data

B. can not handle variable length sequence data

C. unlike the convolutional audit network, the parameters of the RNN cannot be shared

D. the units above the hidden layer are not related to each other

Answer: A

Question #:123

TensorFlow's Operations and Conmputation Graph do not necessarily run in Session.


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A. True

B. False

Answer: B

Question #:124

The author of Python deliberately designed a very restrictive syntax, so that bad programming habits (such as
if the next line of the if statement is not indented to the right) cannot be compiled.

A. True

B. False

Answer: B

Question #:125

the description of the verification set is wrong.

A. The verification set can coincide with the test set

B. The test set can coincide with the training set

C. The subset used to select hyperparameters is called the validation set

D. Usually 80% of the training data is used for training and 20% is used for verification

Answer: C

Question #:126

What are the research areas of artificial intelligence?

A. natural language processing

B. computer vision

C. machine learning

D. speech recognition

Answer: A B C D

Question #:127

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The meaning of artificial intelligence was first proposed by a scientist in 1950, and at the same time proposed
a test model of machine intelligence. What is the scientist?

A. Minsky

B. Zade

C. Turing

D. Von Neumann

Answer: C

Question #:128

What is not a long-short term memory (LSTM) network structure?

A. memory gate

B. forget gate

C. input gate

D. output gate

Answer: A

Question #:129

Narrowing the gap between training error and test error will produce overfitting, how to prevent overfitting?

A. cross-validation

B. Integration method

C. Increase regularization

D. Feature engineering

Answer: A B

Question #:130

What is wrong with the introduction of Python module time?

A. import time

B. from time import*

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C. import time as t

D. from time

Answer: D

Question #:131

Vector group a1=(1,1,1),a2=(0,2,5),a3=(1,3,6) Which of the following options is correct?

A. linearly related

B. linearly independent

C. a1+a2+a3=0

D. 2a1+a2+a3=0

Answer: C D

Question #:132

What are the commonly used gradient descent optimization functions?

A. stochastic gradient descent

B. Adadelta

C. Adagrad

D. momentum

E. RMSProp

Answer: A B C D E

Question #:133

What are the commonly used activation functions?

A. sigmod

B. tainh

C. relu

D. danish

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Answer: A B C

Question #:134

What is incorrect about the description of Python regular expressions?

A. Python has added the re regular expression module since version 1.5

B. re regular expression module makes the Python language have all the regular expression functions

C. re regular expression is a powerful tool for processing strings

D. re regular expression can only handle string data, not numeric data

Answer: D

Question #:135

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a statistical method. Through orthogonal transformation, a set of
variables that may have correlation is converted into a set of linearly related variables. The converted set of
variables is called

the principal component.

A. True

B. False

Answer: B

Question #:136

What conditions must be met for m rows and n columns of matrix A and p rows and q columns of matrix B to
be multiplied?

A. m=p, n=q

B. n=p

C. m=n

D. p=q

Answer: B

Question #:137

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The correlation coefficient is also called the linear correlation coefficient, which is used to measure the linear
relationship between two variables, and its value is a real number greater than 0.

A. True

B. False

Answer: B

Question #:138

What are the application scenarios of break statement in Python language?

A. any Python statement

B. while loop statement

C. for loop statement

D. nested loop statement

Answer: B C D

Question #:139

Python is a completely object-oriented language. Which of the following options are Python objects?

A. function

B. module

C. number

D. string

Answer: A B C D

Question #:140

In May 1997, the famous "Human Machine Battle" final computer defeated the world chess king Kasparov
with a total score of 3.5 to 2.5. This computer is called?

A. dark blue

B. dark green

C. deep thinking


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D. blue sky

Answer: A

Question #:141

The functions commonly used in mathematical operations in Python are basically in the math and cmath

A. True

B. False

Answer: A

Question #:142

What are the service categories included in Huawei Cloud EI Enterprise Intelligence?

A. EI visual cognition

B. EI online game

C. EI speech semantic

D. EI industry scenario

Answer: A C D

Question #:143

The following statements about overflow and underflow in numerical calculations are correct?

A. underflow occurs when numbers close to zero are rounded to zero

B. An overflow occurs when the number close to zero is rounded to zero

C. Overflow occurs when a large number of levels are approximated to positive infinity or negative infinity

D. Underflow occurs when a large number of levels are approximated to positive infinity or negative

Answer: A C

Question #:144

compared to recurrent neural networks, convolutional neural networks are more suitable for image recognition

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A. True

B. False

Answer: A

Question #:145

TensorFlow supports multi-TPU cluster computing.

A. True

B. False

Answer: A

Question #:146

What is the correct description about the Python program? (Multiple Choice)

A. the program is composed of modules

B. the module contains the statement

C. and the statement contains the expression

D. the expression builds and processes the object

Answer: A B C D

Question #:147

Regarding Bayesian formula: P(W|X)=P(X|W)*P(W)/P(X) What is the correct description?

A. P(W|X) is the prior probability

B. P(X|W) is the conditional probability

C. P(W) is the posterior probability

D. P(X) is the posterior probability

Answer: B

Question #:148

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Convolutional neural networks are more suitable for handling speech recognition problems.

A. True

B. False

Answer: B

Question #:149

The number of rows and columns of the three matrices A, B, and C are 3 rows, 2 columns, 2 rows, 3 columns,
and 3 rows, 3 columns. Which of the following operations makes sense?



C. A+B


Answer: B

Question #:150

Deep learning algorithms can be divided into supervised learning and unsupervised learning.

A. True

B. False

Answer: B

Question #:151

Which of the following is not a module in the TensorFlow library?

A. tf.nn

B. tf.layers

C. tf.boost

D. tf.contrib

Answer: C

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Question #:152

vector group a1=(1,1,1) a2=(0,2,5) a3=(1,3,6) Which of the following options is correct?

A. linear correlation

B. linearly independent

C. a1+a2+a3=0

D. 2a1+a2+a3=0

Answer: C

Question #:153

What are the application scenarios of TensorFlow?

A. voice recognition

B. face recognition

C. image style change

D. automatic driving

Answer: A B C D

Question #:154

What are convolutional neural networks (CNN)?


B. ResNet

C. AlexNet

D. GoogleNet

Answer: A B C D

Question #:155

The factors that promote the development of artificial intelligence do not include?

A. big data


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B. computing power

C. algorithm theory

D. blockchain

Answer: D

Question #:156

What is correct about the description of Python tuples?

A. the difference between lists and tuples is that the elements of tuples cannot be modified

B. square brackets are used for lists, and parentheses are used for tuples

C. the creation of the tuple is very simple, just add the element in the brackets, and use commas to separate

D. when the tuple contains only one element, you need to add a comma after the element

Answer: A B C D

Question #:157

Python regular expressions are a special sequence of characters that can easily check whether a string matches
a certain pattern.

A. True

B. False

Answer: A

Question #:158

What are the elements of artificial intelligence?

A. algorithm

B. computing power

C. data

D. scene

Answer: A B C D

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Question #:159

Which of the following environments does not support the installation of TensorFlow?

A. Linux

B. Mac OS

C. Docker

D. OpenStack

Answer: D

Question #:160

A and B can only be added if the number of rows and columns of matrix A and matrix B are the same.

A. True

B. False

Answer: A

Question #:161

The autoencoder is an unsupervised learning algorithm.

A. True

B. False

Answer: A

Question #:162

Which of the following conditions is not a condition to be satisfied by the n-fold Bernoulli test?

A. each test is repeated under the same conditions

B. There are only two possible outcomes per trial, that is, event A occurs and event A does not occur

C. each test itself must follow a normal distribution

D. the results of each test are independent of each other

Answer: C

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Question #:163

Which of the following options is not the central content of linear algebra?

A. probability theory

B. linear transformation

C. matrix theory

D. vector space

Answer: A

Question #:164

What is wrong about the image recognition cloud server in the following options?

A. service can identify specific objects such as skyscrapers, buildings and ships

B. service can also identify scenes such as sea, city and port

C. service can perform semantic analysis on the content in the picture to extract specific abstract tags

D. service can provide object and scene labels, and can also provide more concept labels

Answer: D

Question #:165

Which of the following data types does TensorFlow not support?

A. int8

B. float32

C. double64

D. bool

Answer: C

Question #:166

What are the characteristics of the Python language?

A. explanatory

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B. process-oriented

C. object-oriented

D. dynamic data type

Answer: A C D

Question #:167

the determinant of square matrix A is a scalar.

A. True

B. False

Answer: A

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