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Machine learning And AI
1 Supervised learning and unsupervised clustering both require which is correct according to the statement.
input attribute
hidden attribute
output attribute
categorical attribute
Answer: input attribute.
2 Following are the types of supervised learning________
subgroup discovery
All of above
Answer: All of above
3 Which of the following is a good test dataset characteristic?
is representative of the dataset as a whole
large enough to yield meaningful results
All of above
None of above
Answer: All of above
4 Which of the following techniques would perform better for reducing dimensions of a data set?
removing columns which have high variance in data
removing columns which have too many missing value
removing columns with dissimilar data trends
None of the above
Answer: removing columns which have too many missing values
5 The problem of finding hidden structure in unlabeled data is called______________
unsupervised learning
reinforcement learning
supervised learning
Answer: unsupervised learning
6 If machine learning model output involves target variable then that model is called as______________
predictive model
descriptive model
reinforcement learning
All of above
Answer: predictive model
7 Data used to build a data mining model.
training data
hidden data
test data
validation data
Answer: training data
8 Application of machine learning methods to large databases is called__________________
big data computing
artificial intelligence
data mining
internet of things
Answer: data mining
9 Which learning Requires Self Assessment to identify patterns within data?
supervised learning
unsupervised learning
semi supervised learning
reinforced learning
Answer: unsupervised learning
10 In simple term, machine learning is_________________
prediction to answer a query
training based on historical data
All of above
None of above
Answer: All of above
11 If machine learning model output doesn’t involves target variable then that model is called as_______________
predictive model
descriptive model
reinforcement learning
all of the above
Answer: descriptive model
12 In what type of learning labelled training data is used___________________
supervised learning
unsupervised learning
reinforcement learning
active learning
Answer: supervised learning
13 A person trained to interact with a human expert in order to capture their knowledge.
knowledge developer
knowledge programmer
knowledge engineer
knowledge extractor
Answer: knowledge extractor
14 Some telecommunication company wants to segment their customers into distinct groups ,this is an example of________________
supervised learning
unsupervised learning
data extraction
reinforcement learning
Answer: unsupervised learning
15 You are given seismic data and you want to predict next earthquake , this is an example of__________________
supervised learning
unsupervised learning
reinforcement learning
dimensionality reduction
Answer: supervised learning
Imagine a Newly-Born starts to learn walking. It will try to find a suitable policy to learn walking after repeated falling and
16 getting up. Specify what type of machine learning is best suited?
means algorithm
reinforcement learning
Answer: reinforcement learning

17 Clustering Is A Problem Of?

A. Regression
B. Classification
C. Un-Supervised Learning
D. Reinforcement
Answer: C

18 Whose Machine Learning Type Is Based On Reward?

A. Supervised Learning
B. Reinforcement
C. A & B Both
D. Un-Supervised Learning
Answer: B

19 The Process Of Splitting The Whole Data Into Smaller Chunks Called?
A. Splitting
B. Tokenization
C. Sorting
D. Division
Answer: B

20 Normalize Words Into Its Base Form Or Root Form?

A. Spanning
B. Stemming
C. Sorting
D. Normalization
Answer: B

21 In Which Conference John Mccarthy First Coined The Term “Artificial Intelligence” In 1956 ?
A. Dartmouth Conference.
B. Acm Conference
C. Aaai Conference
D. Aaai Conference
Answer: A

22 Which Algorithm Is Example Of Supervised Learning ?

A. K-Nearest Neighbors
B. K-Means
C. Both
D. None
Answer: A
23 Which Algorithm Is Example Of Unsupervised Learning ?
A. K-Means
B. K-Nearest Neighbors
C. Both
D. None
Answer: A

24 First Robot Was Introduced To General Motors Assembly Line In ?

A. 1960
B. 1959
C. 1965
D. 1956
Answer: A
25 First Robot Was Introduced In 1960 To Which Assembly Line ?
A. Ai Laboratory
B. General Motor’s Assembly Line
C. Allen Institute Of Ai
D. Turing Institute
Answer: B

26 The First Al Chat-Bot Name Which Introduced In 1961 ?

A. Alexa
B. Siri
C. Eliza
D. Cortana
Answer: C

27 On Which Platform Alexa Assistant Is Working ?

A. Pixabay
B. Amazon
C. Google
D. Yahoo
Answer: B
28 Which Algorithm Is Example Of Reinforcement Learning ?
A. Supervised Learning
B. Q-Learning
C. Unsupervised Learning
D. Semi Supervised Learning
Answer: B
29 Unsupervised Learning Solves Which Type Of Problems ?
A. Clustering
B. Regression
C. Classification
D. None Of Them
Answer: A

30 Supervised Learning Solves Which Type Of Problems ?

A. Clustering
B. Regression
C. Classification
D. None Of Them
Answer: C

31 Decision Tree Is Which Type Of Machine Learning Algorithm.

A. Supervised Learning
B. Q-Learning
C. Unsupervised Learning
D. Semi Supervised Learning
Answer: A

32 Deep Learning Is One Of The Only Method By Which We Can Overcome The Challenges Of.
A. Prediction
B. Feature Extraction
C. Training Model
D. None Of Them
Answer: B
33 The Morphological Analysis Of Words Is Done By.
A. Stemming
B. Lemmatization
C. Tokenization
D. None Of Them
Answer: B
34 The Intelligence Displayed By Humans And Other Animals Is Termed.
A. Constance
B. Ability
C. Natural Intelligence
D. Cognition
Answer: C

35 An Evolved Definition Of Artificial Intelligence Led To A Phenomenon Known As The

A. Formulation
B. Data Processing
C. Ai Effect
D. Machination
Answer: C

36 The first AI programming language was called:

ans: c

37 What is the term used for describing the judgmental or commonsense part of problem solving?
c.Value based
ans: a

38 What was originally called the "imitation game" by its creator?

a.The Turing Test
c. The Logic Theorist
ans: a

39 An AI technique that allows computers to understand associations and relationships between objects and events is called:
a.heuristic processing
b. cognitive science
c. relative symbolism
d. pattern matching
ans: d

40 Application of machine learning methods to large databases is called

A. data mining.
B. artificial intelligence
C. big data computing
D. internet of things
ans: a

41 If machine learning model output involves target variable then that model is called as
A. descriptive model
B. predictive model
C. reinforcement learning
D. all of the above
ans: b

42 Select the most appropriate situation for that a blind search can be used.

Real-life situation
Small Search Space
Complex game
All of the above
ans : b

43 The application/applications of Artificial Intelligence is/are

Expert Systems
Vision Systems
All of the above
ans: d

44 Among the given options, which search algorithm requires less memory?

Optimal Search
Depth First Search
Breadth-First Search
Linear Search
ans : b

45 Which of the given language is not commonly used for AI?

ans : d

46 Which algorithm is used in the Game tree to make decisions of Win/Lose?

Heuristic Search Algorithm
DFS/BFS algorithm
Greedy Search Algorithm
Min/Max algorithm
ans: d

The available ways to solve a problem of state-space-search.

47 4
ans : 2
An AI agent perceives and acts upon the environment using___.

48 Both a and c
ans : d

49 Which agent deals with the happy and unhappy state?

Utility-based agent
Model-based agent
Goal-based Agent
Learning Agent
ans: a

50 Automatic Reasoning tool is used in_____.

Personal Computers
LISP Machines
All of the above
ans: c

Data visualization:
1 A probability distribution is a ___.

Library function
Statistical function
Physical property
None of the mentioned above

Answer: B) Statistical function

2 Amongst which of the following is / are the types of Probability Distribution?

Normal distribution, Binomial distribution

Bernoulli distribution
Uniform distribution, Poisson distribution
All of the mentioned above

Answer: D) All of the mentioned above

3 Binomial distribution is a discrete distribution?


Answer: A) True

4 The Bernoulli random variable's expected value is p, it is also known as the ___.

Bernoulli distribution's path

Bernoulli distribution's function
Bernoulli distribution's parameter
None of the mentioned above

Answer: C) Bernoulli distribution's parameter

5 A Poisson distribution is a probability distribution used in statistics to show how many times an event is
likely to happen over a given period of time?

Answer: A) True

6 Amongst which of the following is best fitted to Tableau?

Tableau is a powerful and fastest growing data visualization tool used in the Business Intelligence Industry
Tableau is a people in Business Intelligence Industry
Tableau is suitable for factory industry only
Tableau is a new alternative for data programming

Answer: A) Tableau is a powerful and fastest growing data visualization tool used in the Business Intelligence Industry
7 Tableau displays measures over time as a ___.

Scatter Plots

Answer: B) Line

8 A ___ represents the frequencies of values of a variable bucketed into ranges.

Gantt Chart
Box Plot
None of the mentioned above

Answer: A) Histogram

9 What is data visualization?

It is the graphical representation of information and data

It is the numerical representation of information and data
It is the character representation of information and data
None of the above
ans : a

10 What is true about data visualization?

Data Visualization helps users in analyzing a large amount of data in a simpler way
Data Visualization makes complex data more accessible, understandable, and usable
Data Visualization is a graphical representation of data
All of the above
ans : d
11 Which method shows hierarchical data in a nested format?

Scatter plots
Area charts
Population pyramids
ans: a

12 What are the benefits of data visualization?

Better analysis
Identifying patterns
Exploring business insights
All of the above
ans: d

13 Which of the intricate techniques is not used for data visualization?

Heat Maps
Fever Maps
Bullet Graphs
Bubble Clouds
ans : b

14 A data visualization tool that updates in real time and gives multiple outputs is called .................
a data dashboard
a metrics table
a data table
None of the above
ans: a

15 What is the primary goal of data visualization?

a) To collect more data
b) To represent data accurately
c) To make data more accessible and understandable
d) To hide data from the audience
Answer: c) To make data more accessible and understandable

16 Which of the following is NOT a common visual element used in data visualization?
a) Bar chart
b) Line chart
c) Data table
d) Pie chart
Answer: c) Data table

17 Why is data visualization important in data analysis?

a) It helps hide complex data patterns
b) It makes data analysis slower and less efficient
c) It enables quick understanding and insights from data
d) It is not important in data analysis
Answer: c) It enables quick understanding and insights from data

18 Which type of data visualization is best suited for showing the distribution of a single numerical variable?
a) Bar chart
b) Line chart
c) Scatter plot
d) Pie chart
Answer: a) Bar chart

19 What does interactivity in data visualization allow users to do?

a) Change the color scheme of the visualizations
b) Add more data to the visualizations
c) Explore and analyze the data further by interacting with the visualizations
d) Hide certain data points in the visualizations
Answer: c) Explore and analyze the data further by interacting with the visualizations

20 Which data visualization is commonly used to show the relationship between two numerical variables?
a) Bar chart
b) Line chart
c) Scatter plot
d) Pie chart
Answer: c) Scatter plot

Data Storytelling
1. ………………is the graphical representation of information and data
a) Data Analysis
b) Data Visualization
c) Data Storytelling
d) Data engineering
ans: b
2. What is the foremost objective of data visualization?
a) To convey complex data
b) To convey incomplete data
c) To convey data correctly
d) To make data more complex
ans: c
3. Effective data visualization can help to:-
a) Reveal patterns, trends, and findings from an unbiased viewpoint.
b) Provide context, interpret results, and articulate insights.
c) Streamline data so your audience can process information.
d) All of the above
ans: d
4 A class VI teacher finds that a few students in her class are not able to read and hence
are unable to express their understanding of science concept. Teacher should
instruct students to learn how to read
inform parents about the problem
use stories and science literature
inform a special educator
ans : c

5 What purpose can be served by storytelling?

Coordinating performance with other thematic areas
Develop sensory abilities
Expressing orally using simple intonation and intonation, vowels, consonants, syllables, and slurred voices
Improve basic understanding of the subject matter
ans : b

6 ……… are values for which arbitrarily fine intermediates exist.

a) Continuous data values
b) date data values
c) Discrete data values
d) Categorical ordered data values
ans: a

7 Sequential color scale is used when ______.

a) Colors are used to distinguish discrete items.
b) Colors are used to represent data values.
c) Colors are used to highlight.
d) Colors are used to represent descriptive data
ans: b

Accent color scale is used when ______.

a) Colors are used to distinguish discrete items.
b) Colors are used to represent data values.
c) Colors are used to highlight.
8 d) Colors are used to represent descriptive data
ans: c

9 Which of the following is used to represent proportions?

a) Grouped bars
b) Dots
c) Histogram
d) Pie chart
ans: d
10 Which is not used to represent distributions?
a) Stacked histogram
b) Sina plots
c) Strip charts
d) Stacked bars
ans : d

11 Data can be visualized using?

a) Graphs
b) Charts
c) Maps
d) All of the above
ans: d

12 Which one of the following is a most basic and commonly used technique for visualization?
a) Line charts
b) Scatter plots
c) Population pyramids
d) Area charts
ans: a

13 What is data visualization?

It is the graphical representation of information and data

It is the numerical representation of information and data
It is the character representation of information and data
None of the above
ans : a
14 ………is a methodology for communicating information, tailored to a specific
audience, with a compelling narrative.
a) Data science
b) Artificial intelligence
c) Data storytelling
d) Data visualization
ans: c
15 In data storytelling, internal and external stakeholders are ………..
a)Targeted audience
b) General audience
c) Specific audience
d) Data specific audience
ans: b

16 which of the following is not benefit of data storytelling?

a) Providing a human touch to your data.
b) Offering value to your audience and industry.
c) Building credibility as an industry and topic thought leader.
d) To represent complex data values
ans: d

17 The most popular data visualization library in python is _____

Answer: matplotlib

The process of studying data is called _________

Data Collection
Data Analysis
Data Visualization
All of the above
18 Answer: Data Analysis

KPI stands for?

Key Performance Identifier
Key Performance Indicators
Key Processes Identifier
Key Processes Indicator
19 Answer: Key Performance Indicator

20 Which of the following are direct benefits of Business Intelligence?

Delivers data mining functionality
Decision making
Artificial intelligence
All of the above
Answer: Decision making


IOT protocols
1 What is the full form of the LPWAN?

Low Protocol Wide Area Network

Low Power Wide Area Network
Long Protocol Wide Area Network
Long Power Wide Area Network
ans : b

2 An IoT network is a collection of ______ devices.

Machine to Machine
Network to Network
ans: c

3 Which one of the following is not an IoT device?

Amazon echo voice controller
Google Home
Nest Smoke Alarm
None of these
ans: d

4 ______ allows the user to control electronic components.

Android API
ans: b

5 Which of the following is not an application of IoT?

Smart Grid
Smart City
ans: c

6 Which one of the following protocols is lightweight?

ans: c

7 What is the role of Big Data in IoT's Smart Grid architecture?

Filter the data
Locked the data
Store data
None of the these
ans: c

8 What is the real example of a smart grid device in IoT?

Mobile phone
Smart Speaker
Smart Meters
ans: d
9 What is the full form of the MQTT?
Multi-Queue Telemetry Things
Multiple Queue Telemetry Things
Message Queue Telemetry Things
Message Queue Telemetry Transport
ans: d

10 Which of the following frequencies is correct for the Galileo gen 2 board?

250 MHz
400 MHz
450 MHz
300 MHz
ans: b

11 What is the full form of IANA?

ans: d

12 Which of the following layers provides end-to-end communication in IoT?

Logical layer
Data link layer
Transport layer
Session layer
ans: c

13 Which of the following devices is used to measure the gases or liquid?

Optical Sensor
Gas Sensor
Smoke Sensor
Pressure sensor
ans: d

14 Which interface does the fingerprint sensor use?

UART interface
CoAP interface
SPI interface
I2P interface
ans: a

15 Which of the following protocols is used by USART?

All of the these
ans: b

16 Which of the following topology is used for ZigBee Smart Energy?

Bus Topology
Ring Topology
Star Topology
Any Topology
ans: c

17 What is another name of the tactile sensor?

Weight sensor
Imaging sensor
Proximity sensor
Touch sensor
ans: d
18 Which of the following touch sensors is used in a cell phone?

Resistive touch sensors

Human sensor
Capacitive touch sensor
Follow sensor
ans: c

19 Which of the following IoT networks has a very short range?

Short Network
Short-range Wireless Network
ans: d

20 Identify the protocol used to link all devices in IoT,

ans: b

21 What is the sensor/protocol used in GSN?

a) HTTP protocol
b) CoAP protocol
c) MQTT protocol
d) XMPP protocol
Answer: CoAP protocol

1 Identify the java extension file in IoT.
ans: d

2 Total types of voice communications in IoT environment is?

ans: c

3 The standard length of the MAC address is

16 bits
48 bits
32 bits
8 bits
ans: b

4 Identify the language preferred for IoT analytics.

ans: a

5 Identify the incorrect advantage of IoT.

Reduce waste
Enhanced data collection
Improve customer engagement
ans: d

6 Who coined the term IoT?

Kevin Ashton
Ross Ihaka
Guido van Rossum
ans: b

7 Identify among the following which is not an IoT platform.

Microsoft Azure
ans: d

8 Among the following layers, identify the one which is used for wireless connection in IoT devices.
Datalink layer
Transport layer
Network layer
Application layer
ans: a

9 Which of the following IoT gateway must provide?

Protocol abstraction
Security with hardware
Simple and fast installation
Data storage
ans: a

10 Identify the service which permits the changes to IoT services.

Enable from suspension
Registered service status
ans: c

11 The purpose of WoT(Web of Things) is?

Reduce security
Increase cost
Complexing development
Improve usability and interoperability
ans: d

12 I2C stands for _________

Internet Integrated Communication
Inter-Integrated Communication
Integrated Internet Communication
Internet Instigate Communication
ans: b

13 Which of the following is false?

A. APIs are glue
B. SOA components not loosely coupled
C. Kapua also provides a core integration framework.
D. None of the above
ans: b

14 API architecture not only includes critical elements but also caters for
A. System
B. Devices
C. Network
D. Multi homing
ans: d

15 Global Sensor Network is built for .

A. Increasing cost and increasing time for development
B. Reducing cost and increasing time for development
C. Reducing cost and time for development
D. Increasing cost and decreasing time for development
ans: c
16 ________ in the IoT Architecture is the hardware and software gateways that
analyze and pre-process the data before transferring it to the cloud.
A. Data center
B. Edge IT
C. Gateways
D. Data Acquisition
ans: c

17 are the devices that are able to emit, accept and process data over the network.
A. Sensors
B. Gateways
C. Edge IT
D. Data Acquisition
ans: a

18 _________ an open source stack for gateways and the edge.

19 The number of elements in the Open IoT Architecture?

a) 6 elements
b) 8 elements
c) 7 elements
d) 3 elements
ans: c

20 ___________ is a community that is working together to establish an IoT architecture.

a) Eclipse IoT
b) Red Hat
c) Intercloud
d) Bot 2 Bot
Answer: Eclipse IoT

5G network
1 5G was introduced in which year?
July 2015
July 2016
July 2017
July 2018
ans: b

2 Which country launched the world's first fully-fledged 5G mobile networks in April 2019?
South Korea
ans: c

3 5G is the fifth generation technology standard for________

Broadband cellular networks
None of the Above
ans: c

4 In 5G NR, the NR stands for?

New Radio
Not Right
New Reach
Never Ready
ans: a

5 5G was developed by______

ans : b

6 Which of the following are ways in which a subscriber can be identified in 5G?
Permanent Identity
Concealed Identity
Temporary Identity
Hidden Identity
ans : a

7 What is true about 5G?

A. High increased peak bit rate
B. Lower battery consumption
C. Larger data volume per unit area
D. All of the above
Ans : D

8 Which of the following are Applications of 5G?

A. It will make unified global standard for all.
B. Its application will make world real Wi Fi zone
C. Its application will facilitate people to avail radio signal at higher altitude as well.
D. All of the above
ans : d

9 5G has 1,000x bandwidth per unit area.

C. Can be true or false
D. Can not say
ans : a

10 5G was introduced in?

A. 2011
B. 2015
C. 2016
D. 2018
Ans : C

11 Which of the following are Disadvantages of 5G Technology?

A. Technology is still under process and research on its viability is going on

B. Developing infrastructure needs high cost
C. Security and privacy issue yet to be solved
D. All of the above
Ans : D

12 What is the main advantage of 5G technology over 4G?

A) Faster data transfer speed B) Lower latency C) Improved capacity D) All of the above
Answer: D

13 Which technology is used in 5G for data transfer?

ans : a

14 Which country was the first to launch 5G network?

A) USA B) South Korea C) China D) Japan
Answer: B

15 Which company is leading the development of 5G technology?

A) Apple B) Samsung C) Qualcomm D) Huawei
Answer: D

16 Which technology is used in 5G for network slicing?

A) NFV B) SDN C) Both A and B D) None of the above
ans: c

17 What is the expected latency reduction in 5G technology compared to 4G?

A) 2-3 times B) 5-10 times C) 10-20 times D) 50-100 times
ans: d
18 What is the expected number of connected devices in 5G network?
A) 1 million per square kilometer B) 10 million per square kilometer
C) 100 million per square kilometer
D) 1 billion per square kilometer
ans: a

19 What is the expected network latency of 5G technology?

A) 10 ms B) 1 ms C) 100 ms D) 500 ms
ans: b

20 Which frequency range is used in 5G?

A) 600 MHz to 6 GHz B) 24 GHz to 100 GHz C) Both A and B D) None of the above
ans: c

1 Which of the following choices is a type of blockchain?
Restricted blockchain network
Private blockchain network
Constraint blockchain network
Open blockchain network
ans: b

2 What is the name of the first block in a blockchain?

Genesis block
Origin block
Block one
None of the above
ans: a

3 Can blockchain technology offer access to financial transactions like banks without any intermediaries?
ans: a

4 What is a dApp?
A blockchain network
Type of cryptocurrency
Decentralized application
Hardware component
ans: c

5 What is Proof of Stake?

Method for creation of private keys
Certificate required for blockchain usage
Consensus mechanism
Password for accessing the blockchain platform
ans: c

6 What was the intended objective for creating blockchain?

Research project
Peer-to-peer electronic cash system
Open-source network for connecting banks
None of the above
ans: b

7 What is the first step of a blockchain project?

Planning and specification of requirements
Feasibility study
Definition of project goals
Design of user interface
ans: a

8 What is the block time of the ledger?

5 mins
8 mins
2 mins
10 mins
ans: d

9 Blockchain is a peer-to-peer _____________ distributed ledger technology that makes the records of any
digital asset transparent and unchangeable.

Answer: A) Decentralized

10 Blockchain networks are much _____ and deal with no real single point of failure.

Easier to scale

Answer: B) Easier to scale

11 Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency, which is an application of Blockchain.


Answer: A) True

12 Blockchain can perform user transactions without involving any third-party intermediaries.

With the help of the third party

Without involving any third party
Without involving any owned
Without involving any authenticated
Answer: B) Without involving any third party

13 Blockchain has ____ versions.


Answer: B) 3

14 Who introduced the digital online cryptocurrency known as Bitcoin?

Satoshi Nakamoto
Nick Szabo
Wei Dai
Hal Finney

Answer: A) Satoshi Nakamoto

15 What does a block in a Blockchain have?

Header & Digital ledger

Bitcoins & Input
Transactions & Bitcoins
Header & Transaction

Answer: D) Header & Transaction

16 Transaction 0 in every block of the bitcoin blockchain________.

Is for paying the miner fees

Does not have any input UTXO
Is called the coinbase transaction
All of the above
Answer: D) All of the above

17 What is the genesis block?

Any block created by the founder

The last block created in the Blockchain
The first block of a Blockchain
The first transaction in each block

Answer: C) The first block of a Blockchain

18 What is Blockchain?

A currency
A ledger
A type of currency
A distributed ledger on a peer-to-peer network

Answer: D) A distributed ledger on a peer-to-peer network

19 Which is/are the applications of Blockchain?

Cross-border payments
Anti-money laundering tracking system
Supply chain and logistics monitoring
All the above

Answer: D) All the above

20 Blockchain is a ______ ?

Push technology
Pull technology
Both push and pull technology
None of the above

Answer: A) Push technology

21 Which of the following problems did Blockchain solve for cryptocurrencies?

Double Spending
Destination of currencies
None of the above

Answer: B) Double Spending

22 Blockchain does not provide?

Fault tolerance
Fast transaction time

Answer: D) Fast transaction time

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