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Brian Sebade Why Care?
Soils might not appear interest- If you want to seed native plants
ing, but they are one of the most on a bare hillside, knowing the soil
crucial components of a successful texture and whether the seed mix will
garden, ranch, or farm. flourish in that soil texture is impor-
Soils contain different chemi- tant. Here’s an example. Both nee-
Particle sieves dle-and-thread grass, Hesperostipa
cal, physical, and biological proper-
ties that determine their interactions comata, and green needlegrass,
with water, nutrients, vegetation, and Nassella viridula, are native to
animals. These properties are deter- Wyoming and grow best during the
mined by the five soil forming factors early part of the growing season.
– time, parent material, topography, While similar, needle-and-thread grass
climate, and vegetation. prefers sandy soils whereas green
needlegrass generally occupies clay
Soil Particle Size Categories soils. Soil texture can also greatly in-
Wet soil to form a ball There are three general size fluence irrigation amounts and timing.
categories for particles within a soil:
sand, silt, and clay. How to Determine Soil
Sand is the largest particle size Texture
category ranging from 2 to 0.05 mm Soils have different layers. Each
in diameter; silt is the next largest at layer holds its own unique texture
0.05 to 0.002 mm in diameter; and and properties. The uppermost layer
clay is the smallest particle size at greatly influences plants often mak-
0.002 to 0.0002 mm in size. ing it of greatest interest for sam-
Begin squeezing soil between thumb Soils are separated into groups pling. The top layer of soil is just
and forefinger to make a ribbon. (called soil texture) based on the below the litter and organic material
percentage of sand, silt, and clay. on top of the soil.
Knowing soil texture is important be- There are several ways to deter-
cause each texture has specific char- mine the texture of your soil:
acteristics and properties, such as 1. Taking a soil sample and having
water and nutrient retention. Sandy it analyzed at a soil testing lab.
textured soils, for example, hold less This method will cost money and
water compared to clay soils; how- takes time but is the most accu-
ever, water in sandy soils is generally rate. Testing packages usually in-
The length of the ribbon before break- more accessible to plants than in clay clude other information regarding
ing and grittiness of the soil deter- soils. Loamy soil texture has a mix of the pH and nutrient levels of your
mines the soil texture. sand, silt, and clay. soil. Local University of Wyoming

FA L L 2 0 1 4 25
Extension offices can direct you to
the nearest lab.

2. Using the Web Soil Survey, a free

online program courtesy of the
Natural Resources Conservation
Service. This program uses an
electronic soil survey map that
START allows a user to draw a rectangle
around their area of interest to
Place approximately 25 g soil in palm. Add obtain soil texture and other infor-
water dropwise and knead the soil to break Add dry soil mation. Although this is a quick,
down all aggregates. Soil is at the proper to soak up
online service, soils are mapped at
consistency when plastic and moldable, like water
moist putty. a very large scale so may not be
accurate for small or unique areas.
3. Particle sieves to determine soil
Does soil remain in a NO Is soil too NO Is soil too NO SAND texture. For this method, the soil
ball when squeezed? dry? wet?
sample is dried and broken apart.
A set of sieves is then used to
separate the dry soil. The sieves
Place a ball of soil between thumb and
forefinger gently pushing the soil with the will only accurately collect par-
thumb, squeezing it upward into a ribbon. ticles to 0.05 mm (remember,
Form ribbon of uniform thickness and width.
Allow the ribbon to emerge and extend over
sand particles are 2-0.05 mm). The
the forefinger, breaking from its own weight. remaining silt and clay-sized par-
ticles are then placed in a cylinder
of water with a dispersing agent.
LOAMY NO Does soil form a ribbon? The percentage of clay and silt
is calculated based on how fast
YES the particles settle. The method
is technical and takes practice to
Does soil make a Does soil make a Does soil make a
NO NO become proficient.
weak ribbon less medium ribbon 2.5- strong ribbon 5 cm
than 2.5 cm long 5 cm long before or longer before
before breaking? breaking? breaking? 4. Hand texturing is the last meth-
od (see chart left). The hand
texturing method is quick and
simple to use and only requires a
Excessively wet a small pinch of soil in palm and rub with forefinger.
small amount of water, a handful
of soil, and a hand texturing guide.
While not as accurate as sending
SANDY YES Does soil feel YES Does soil feel SANDY YES Does soil feel a sample to a lab, with a little train-
LOAM very gritty? very gritty? CLAY very gritty?
LOAM ing and practice, it can be a very
NO NO NO reliable and useful method. The
hand texturing guide is a prod-
SILT YES Does soil feel YES Does soil feel SILTY YES Does soil feel
very smooth? CLAY very smooth? very smooth? uct from the U.S. Department of
LOAM Agriculture.
To hand texture, grab a handful of
Neither Neither Neither soil and add a small amount of wa-
YES grittiness nor CLAY YES grittiness nor YES grittiness nor ter, mixing and rolling until it forms a
smoothness LOAM smoothness smoothness
predominates predominates predominates

26 B A R N Y A R D S & B A C KYA R D S
ball. Once wetted all the way through,
squeeze the soil between your thumb
and forefinger to make a ribbon. The
length of the ribbon and grittiness
of the sample will determine the soil
texture. For sandy soils, the individual
sand particles can be seen when wet-
ted in the palm of the hand.
Soils may not get a lot of praised,
aesthetic reviews but serve a cru-
cial function in the natural world.
Understanding the soil texture at your
property provides a solid base for mak-
ing smart planting, watering, and plant
variety selection decisions. Hopefully,
this will translate to money-saving
strategies over the long- and short-
term management of your property. Hand texturing, while not as accurate as other tests, can be a reliable method.

No way is Brian Sebade dull. He is a University of Wyoming Extension educator based in Crook County and also serving
Weston, Johnson, Sheridan, and Campbell counties. Contact him at (307) 283-1192 or at

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