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TOPIC- 1B & 1C
(QP & MS)
1 The risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD) can be increased by a number of

factors including diet and a history of thrombosis.

Thrombosis is the development of a blood clot in a blood vessel. Blood clots can

develop in veins and then move through the circulatory system into the coronary artery.

(a) A diet high in saturated triglycerides raises the levels of cholesterol in the blood.

(i) What is the ratio of glycerol to fatty acid in a triglyceride molecule? (1)

A 1:1 B 1:3

C 3:1 D 3:3

(ii) Which diagram shows the bond that joins a glycerol molecule to a fatty acid in a triglyceride?


(iii) The table gives some information about four fatty acids.

Explain which of these fatty acids would have the lowest risk of causing CVD, if included in a diet in
equal masses.


(b) Anticoagulants, antiplatelets and thrombolytics are drugs used to treat blood clots.

(i) One anticoagulant binds to the active site of thrombin.

Explain how this drug reduces blood clotting.


(ii) Molecules on the surface of platelets enable them to bind to other molecules.

One of the antiplatelet drugs affects molecules on the surface of platelets.

Explain how this drug reduces blood clotting.




(iii) One thrombolytic drug converts plasminogen into the active enzyme, plasmin.

Plasmin breaks down fibrin.

Explain how this drug reduces the formation of blood clots.


(Total 10 marks)
2 Dietary antioxidants may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD).

(a) Explain how dietary antioxidants reduce the risk of CVD.


(b) Chocolate contains high concentrations of a group of antioxidants called flavonoids.

It has been suggested that eating chocolate could reduce the risk of CVD.

The table shows some information about two types of chocolate.

(i) Explain whether eating dark chocolate is likely to reduce the risk of CVD more

than eating milk chocolate. Use the information in the table to support your answer.


(ii) The table gives some information about ingredients in three different brands

of milk chocolate and dark chocolate.

Use the information in both tables to identify which ingredient contains the most flavonoids.


A cocoa mass B milk fat

C sugar D whole milk powder

(iii) Describe how a study could be designed to collect valid and reliable data on

the effects of eating chocolate on the risk of CVD.


(Total 11 marks)

3 The photograph shows an adult giraffe.

(a) Estimate the length of the neck of this giraffe from the shoulders, using the

information in the photograph.


Answer . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m

(b) The heart of an adult giraffe can be 60 cm long.

Explain why the heart of a giraffe needs to be so large.


(c) The arteries near the heart of a giraffe are highly elastic.

(i) Draw a labelled diagram of an artery, as seen in section.


(ii) Explain why the arteries near the heart of a giraffe are highly elastic.


(d) Damage to the legs of the giraffe could result in excessive bleeding.

To prevent excessive bleeding, the capillaries near the surface of the skin are very narrow.

(i) Explain why very narrow capillaries prevent excessive bleeding.



(ii) The red blood cells of the giraffe are about one third the size of human red blood cells, so that
they can pass through the very narrow capillaries.

The small size of the red blood cells ensures that the legs of the giraffe have a good supply of

Explain why smaller red blood cells increase the supply of oxygen to the legs.


(Total 12 marks)

4 The diagram shows a coronary heart disease (CHD) risk calculator.

(a) Which of the following is a medication to control blood pressure?


A anticoagulant

B antihypertensive

C platelet inhibitor

D statin

(b) Explain why the risk calculator takes into account total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol levels.


(c) Explain why the 10 Year CHD Risk would change if this person ticked the box next to the ‘Patient
smokes’ on the risk calculator.


(d) (i) State one other factor that the risk calculator should include to improve the

accuracy of the value for the 10 Year CHD Risk.


(ii) Predict the effect that taking this factor into account would have on the value

for the 10 Year CHD Risk.


(iii) A person used this risk calculator.

Explain why the value obtained for the 10 Year CHD Risk may be an underestimate.


(Total 10 marks)

5 The photograph shows a mammalian heart.

The blood vessel labelled X is a branch from the aorta.

The aorta is one of the major blood vessels of the heart.

(a) Explain why it is important that blood vessel X branches directly from the aorta.


(b) The diagram shows the internal structure of a mammalian heart.
(i) Explain which stage of the cardiac cycle is shown in this diagram.


(ii) Draw arrows on the diagram to show the flow of blood through the left side of the heart and into
the aorta.


(c) The graph shows the changes in the internal diameter of the aorta during two cardiac cycles.

Explain the changes in the internal diameter of the aorta.


(Total 11 marks)
6 Excessive energy intake can contribute to ill health.

(a) Most of the energy in the diet is obtained from proteins, lipids and carbohydrates.

Put a cross in the box next to the correct words to complete each of the

following statements.

(i) The bond that joins amino acids into a chain is


A an ester bond

B a hydrogen bond

C a peptide bond

D a phosphodiester bond

(ii) The type of reaction involved in breaking down lipids into fatty acids and

glycerol is a


A condensation reaction that produces a water molecule

B condensation reaction that uses a water molecule

C hydrolysis reaction that produces a water molecule

D hydrolysis reaction that uses a water molecule

(iii) Starch is made from amylose and amylopectin. Amylose is a


A branched molecule that contains both 1,4 and 1,6 glycosidic bonds

B branched molecule that contains only 1,4glycosidic bonds

C helical molecule that contains both 1,4 and 1,6 glycosidic bonds

D helical molecule that contains only 1,4glycosidic bonds

(b) The table below shows the major sources of energy and the body mass index

(BMI) of three people, L, M and N.

For each person, the energy obtained from each food source is shown.
(i) Put a cross in the box next to the percentage of energy obtained from

carbohydrate by person L.


A 20 % B 30 %

C 50 % D 70 %

(ii) Suggest a difference in lifestyle that could explain the differences between

person L and person M.


(iii) Using the information in the table, explain why a doctor might prescribe statins for
person N.


(Total 7 marks)

7 Mammals have a heart that has two chambers on the left and two chambers on the

right. This provides a double circulatory system.

(a) The diagram below shows a heart with its major blood vessels.

Put a cross in the box next to the correct word or words to complete the

following statements.
(i) The blood vessel labelled S is the


A aorta B pulmonary artery

C pulmonary vein D vena cava

(ii) The structure labelled T is the


A left atrioventricular valve B left semilunar valve

C right atrioventricular valve D right semilunar valve

(b) The graph below shows the changes in the volume of blood in the left ventricle during one

(i) Using the information in the graph, calculate the heart rate.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . beats min −1

(ii) Using your answer to (i) and the information in the graph, calculate the

volume of blood pumped out of the left ventricle in each minute.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cm 3

(iii) Put a cross in the box next to the correct words to complete the following statement.

Compared with the left ventricle, the blood pumped from the right ventricle

each minute will be


A a lower volume at a lower pressure

B a lower volume at the same pressure

C the same volume at a lower pressure

D the same volume at a higher pressure

(c) Describe the role of the cardiac cycle in moving blood through the heart.


(d) Explain the advantages of the double circulatory system found in mammals.


(Total 13 marks)
8 Obesity is one risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD).

(a) Coronary heart disease is one type of cardiovascular disease.

(i) Read through the following passage on atherosclerosis, then write on the

dotted lines the most appropriate word or words to complete the passage.


In atherosclerosis, the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cells lining the artery are

damaged. This damage triggers an . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . response.

White blood cells collect at the site and accumulate large quantities of the lipid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
This develops into a fatty deposit called . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(ii) Suggest how atherosclerosis can result in coronary heart disease.



(b) In a study, people were asked to state whether they thought their risk of

developing CVD was below average, average or above average. This was

recorded as perceived risk.

The perceived risk was then compared with their actual risk of developing CVD

determined from their BMI.

The results are shown in the table below.

(i) Using the information in the table, describe how the perceived risk of

developing CVD compares with the actual risk of developing CVD.


(ii) Suggest why some people with a high BMI might not believe they are at an

increased risk of developing CVD.


(Total 12 marks)

9 Blood loss from damaged vessels is reduced by the clotting process.

(a) Name the factor released by platelets that initiates the clotting process.



(b) When blood is stored, it is mixed with EDTA.

EDTA binds strongly to calcium ions.

Suggest why EDTA is added to blood before storage.


(c) During the clotting process, the soluble protein fibrinogen is converted to

insoluble fibrin.

(i) Explain how the primary structure of fibrinogen produces this soluble protein.


(ii) Fibrinogen is converted into fibrin by a protease enzyme.

Suggest how the structure of fibrinogen is changed to form fibrin.


(Total 9 marks)

10 During the cardiac cycle, muscles in the atria and ventricles contract and relax.

(a) The table below shows the pressures in the aorta, left atrium and left ventricle at

three different times, P, Q and R, in the cardiac cycle.

(i) Put a cross ( ) in the box to complete the following sentence.

At time Q, the heart is (1)

A hypertensive B in atrial systole

C in diastole D in ventricular systole

(ii) Put a cross ( ) in the box next to the row in the table that correctly describes

the heart valves at time P. (1)

Atrioventricular valves Semilunar valves

(b) The graph below shows the change in thickness of the wall of the left ventricle

during the cardiac cycle.

(i) Using the information in the graph, calculate the heart rate in beats per minute.

Show your working.


Answer . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bpm

(ii) Name the blood vessel through which blood leaves the left ventricle.



(c) Explain why many animals need a heart.


(Total 7 marks)
11 Lipids are transported in the blood as lipoproteins.

(a) The table below shows some information about lipoproteins.

Put a cross ( ) in the box that completes each of the following sentences.

(i) The density of lipoproteins is inversely proportional to the percentage of


A cholesterol B phospholipid

C protein D triglyceride

(ii) The density of HDL is


A 1.12% less than IDL

B 1.12% more than IDL

C 12% less than IDL

D 12% more than IDL

(b) The table below shows the incidence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) for groups of

people with different blood cholesterol concentrations and systolic blood pressures.

(i) Using the information in the table, describe the relationship between systolic

blood pressure, blood cholesterol concentration and the incidence of CVD.


(ii) High blood pressure may cause atherosclerosis.

Describe how the development of atherosclerosis can result in CVD.


(iii) Suggest two treatments for the group of people with the greatest risk of CVD.

Give one risk for each treatment.


Treatment 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Risk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Treatment 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Risk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(Total 13 marks)
12 Vitamin C is soluble in water.

(a) The diagram below shows the structure of vitamin C.

Using the information in the diagram, suggest why vitamin C is soluble in water.


(b) The relationship between vitamin C in the diet and the relative risk of

cardiovascular disease (CVD) has been investigated.

The graph below shows the results of one investigation.

Compare the relationship between vitamin C intake and the relative risk of CVD in men and women.



*(c) As part of this study, scientists determined the concentration of vitamin C indifferent fruits.

Describe how you would make a valid comparison of the vitamin C concentration of different fruits.


(Total 10 marks)
13 Mammals require a heart to pump blood.
(a) The graph below shows the volume of the right ventricle during the cardiac cycle of a person.

Put a cross in the box next to the correct words to complete each of the following statements.

(i) The correct sequence of events in the cardiac cycle is


A atrial diastole ® ventricular systole ® atrial systole ® ventricular diastole

B atrial systole ® ventricular systole ® atrial diastole ® ventricular diastole

C ventricular diastole ® atrial diastole ® atrial systole ® ventricular systole

D ventricular systole ® atrial systole ® atrial diastole ® ventricular diastole

(ii) At 0.5 seconds in this cardiac cycle, the


Aatrioventricular valves and semilunar valves are both closed

B atrioventricular valves and semilunar valves are both open

C atrioventricular valves are closed and the semilunar valves open

D atrioventricular valves are open and the semilunar valves closed

(iii) The right atrium is in systole at


A 0.22 seconds

B 0.52 seconds

C 0.72 seconds

D 0.92 seconds

(iv) Use the graph to calculate the heart rate for this person.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . beats min −1

(b) The graph below shows the effect of training on the heart rate of a person before,

during and after a period of exercise.

(i) Use the information in the graph to describe the effect of training on the heart rate of this


(ii) Explain why the risk of developing coronary heart disease may be reduced for this person as a
result of the training.


(Total 10 marks)

14 Blood clots can form in large veins. Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a condition

where blood clots move to other parts of the body.

(a) The photograph below shows a cross section of a large vein.

(i) Measure the width of the wall X-Y in the photograph.

Use this measurement to calculate the actual width, in mm, of the wall of this vein.

Show your working.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mm

(ii) Explain why the structure of a vein differs from the structure of an artery.


(b) Clinical measurements can be used to help diagnose VTE. These measurements include oxygen
concentration in the blood, breathing rate and the presence of fibrin fragments in the blood.

The table below shows how these clinical measurements can be used to help diagnose VTE.

(i) Describe how a blood clot forms in large veins.


(ii) Suggest why the oxygen concentration in the blood is low in a patient with VTE.


(iii) Explain why all three clinical measurements are needed in order to diagnose VTE.


(Total13 marks)

15 Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a major health problem in both developing and developed

(a) Atherosclerosis may cause CVD.

Place a cross in the box next to the correct word or words to complete each of the following

(i) Atherosclerosis is initiated by damage to


A endothelial cells

B muscle cells

C red blood cells

D white blood cells

(ii) Atherosclerosis occurs in


A arteries

B atria

C capillaries

D ventricles

(iii) In atherosclerosis, the blood vessels become (1)

A less elastic with a narrow lumen

B less elastic with a wider lumen

C more elastic with a narrow lumen

D more elastic with a wider lumen

(b) Coronary heart disease is one example of CVD.

Explain why atherosclerosis is a risk factor for coronary heart disease.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (c)
A clinical trial was carried out to investigate the effect of reducing blood pressure on the risk of
suffering a heart attack or stroke.

The clinical trial was carried out in Finland. A total of 572 patients with high blood pressure and
ranging in age from 25 to 66 were included in the trial.

Patients were divided into two groups. One group was treated with a drug called

Captopril and the second group was treated with a drug called Propranolol.

The health of these patients was studied for six years. The number of patients experiencing a heart
attack or a stroke during this six-year period was recorded.

The results of the clinical trial are shown in the table below.
(i) Use the information in the table to describe what the results of this trial show. (2)

(ii) Suggest why this clinical trial did not include a placebo.



(iii) Give two limitations of this clinical trial.


1 ....................................................................................

2 ....................................................................................

(Total 11 marks)

16 The circulatory system in mammals has a heart and blood vessels.

(a) The graph below shows the pressure in different blood vessels as blood leaves and returns to the
(i) Place a cross in the box next to the correct words to complete the following statement.

The change in pressure between R and S occurs during


A atrial diastole

B atrial systole

C ventricular diastole

D ventricular systole

(ii) Calculate the percentage decrease in pressure between S and T.


.................. %

(iii) Explain the decrease in pressure between S and T in the aorta.


(b) Explain why the human heart is divided into a left side and a right side.


(c) Explain one way in which the structure of a capillary is related to its function.


(Total 10 marks)

17 The diagram below shows a section of a human heart and its blood vessels.

(a) On the diagram, draw arrows to show the flow of blood through the left side of the heart.


(b) Put a cross in the box that completes each of the following statements.

(i) The blood vessel labelled X carries


A blood low in oxygen to the heart

B blood low in oxygen from the heart

C oxygen rich blood from the heart

D oxygen rich blood to the heart

(ii) The structure labelled Y


A pulls the semilunar valve open

B pushes the atrioventricular valve closed

C stops blood flowing from the ventricle to blood vessel X

D stops the atrioventricular valve opening the wrong way

(c) In mammals, blood passes through the heart twice for each circulation of the body.

Suggest how this type of circulation enables mammals to carry out effective gas exchange.


(Total 6 marks)

18 Atherosclerosis is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD).

(a) Put a cross in the box that completes each of the following statements.

(i) Atherosclerosis develops in


A arteries

B capillaries

C chambers of the heart

D veins

(ii) Atherosclerosis starts with


A an inflammatory response in blood vessels

B damage to the endothelial layer of blood vessels

C decreased blood pressure

D plaque formation in blood vessels

(b) Atherosclerosis leads to an increased risk of blood clotting.

(i) Describe the blood clotting process.


(ii) Name two treatments that can reduce the risk of blood clots forming.



(c) High blood pressure is another risk factor for cardiovascular disease.

In one study, the effect of food supplements on blood pressure was investigated.

A group of 25 male volunteers with systolic blood pressures above 17 kPa were selected for this

For the first week, the volunteers consumed their normal diet but with the addition of beetroot. At
the end of the week their blood pressure was measured.

For the second week, the volunteers consumed their normal diet but with the addition of garlic. At
the end of the second week, their blood pressure was measured again.

The results of this study are shown in the graph below.

(i) Using the information in the graph, describe the effect of eating beetroot and

garlic on blood pressure.


(ii) Suggest two ways in which the design of this study could be improved.




(Total 12 marks)

19 Pulmonary thrombosis is a condition in which blood clots form in the lungs.

(a) Put a cross in the box that completes each of the following statements.

(i) The role of thrombin in blood clotting is to


A stimulate the release of prothrombin from platelets

B catalyse the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin

C stimulate the release of thromboplastin from platelets

D catalyse the conversion of fibrin to fibrinogen

(ii) The ion required in the conversion of prothrombin to thrombin is


A calcium

B chloride

C potassium

D sodium
(iii) Blood clots form only when required because the clotting factors used are


A pre-synthesised in an active form in the blood

B present in an inactive form in the blood

C synthesised in an active form when required

D synthesised in an inactive form when required

*(b) Describe how the human lung is adapted for rapid gas exchange.


(c) Suggest why blood clots, formed in pulmonary thrombosis, reduce gas exchange in the lungs.


(Total 10 marks)
20 Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a major cause of death in developed countries.

(a) The table below shows male death rates from CVD in several developed countries.

(i) Suggest why the data are presented as deaths per 100 000.


(ii) In France, 48 000 men died from CVD in 2011. The male population of France

was 31 000 000.

Calculate the death rate from CVD per 100 000 males in France.

Show your working.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . deaths per 100 000

(iii) Suggest reasons for the different death rates from CVD in Italy and Romania.


(b) Statins are prescribed to reduce the risk of CVD.

(i) Explain why statins reduce the risk of CVD.


(ii) State two risks of using statins to treat CVD.


1 ....................................................................................

2 ....................................................................................

(Total 10 marks)

21 Many animals have a heart and circulatory system.

(a) Explain why animals need a heart and circulatory system.


(b) When the human heart contracts, blood from the left ventricle enters the aorta.

Describe how the structure of the aorta is related to its function.


(Total 8 marks)

22 Diabetes is a condition that causes a person’s blood glucose level to become too high.

Type 2 diabetes occurs when not enough insulin is produced or when cells do not react to insulin.

Obesity, measured using body mass index (BMI), and amount of exercise are associated with the
relative risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

In one study, scientists used online questionnaires to collect information from 84 000 female

The results of this study are shown in the graph below.

(a) Suggest what is meant by the term relative risk.


(b) Using the information in the graph, describe the effect of exercise on the relative

risk of developing type 2 diabetes for the three BMI groups.


(c) Suggest the health advice that could be given to a person with a BMI greater than

30.0, to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.


(Total 8 marks)

23 (a) The release of thromboplastin starts the blood clotting process.

For each of the statements below, put a cross in the box next to the correct answer.

(i) Thromboplastin is released from


A muscle cells

B platelets

C red blood cells

D white blood cells

(ii) Thromboplastin is a


A carbohydrate

B lipid

C nucleic acid

D protein

(iii) Thromboplastin converts


A fibrin into fibrinogen

B fibrinogen into fibrin

C prothrombin into thrombin

D thrombin into prothrombin

(b) Heparin is a chemical that affects blood clotting time.

The table below shows the effect of heparin concentration on blood clotting time.

(i) Using the information in the table, describe the effect of heparin concentration on blood
clotting time.


(ii) Suggest why heparin, at higher concentrations, can be used to treat patients who are at risk of
forming blood clots.


(iii) Suggest one risk of using heparin to treat these patients.


(Total 8 marks)

24 High blood pressure is a factor that increases the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD).

The graph below shows the effects of diastolic blood pressure and systolic blood

pressure on CVD death rate.

(a) Using the information in the graph, describe the effects of diastolic blood

pressure and systolic blood pressure on CVD death rate.


(b) Explain why high blood pressure increases the risk of CVD.


(c) State two factors that increase blood pressure.


1 ...................................................................................

2 ...................................................................................

(d) Place a cross in the box next to the type of drug used to treat high blood pressure.


A anticoagulant B antihypertensive

C plant statin D platelet inhibitor

(Total 9 marks)

25 Atherosclerosis is a potentially serious condition that affects millions of people each year.

There is a link between saturated fats in the diet and atherosclerosis.

(a) Read through the passage on atherosclerosis, then write on the dotted lines the

most appropriate words to complete the passage.


When atherosclerosis develops, fatty deposits called . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .form. These deposits

cause affected blood vessels called . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to harden and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
, reducing the supply of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to the tissues. This can cause a heart attack or, if

the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . is affected, it can cause a stroke.

(b) It has been suggested that high blood cholesterol levels can cause cardiovascular

disease (CVD). Coronary heart disease is one type of CVD.

The graph below shows the relationship between mean blood cholesterol level

and the risk of death from coronary heart disease in two groups of people.

(i) Describe the relationship between blood cholesterol level and the risk of

death from coronary heart disease for people living in Asia.


(ii) Describe how this relationship differs from that shown for people living in

Australia and New Zealand.


(iii) Suggest one explanation for the difference in the relationship for these two groups of people.


(iv) Suggest how the information in the graph could be used to improve the

health of people living in Asia.



(Total 10 marks)

26 The heart is part of the mammalian circulatory system.

The diagram below shows a section through the human heart.

(a) Put a cross in the box that completes the following statement.

The blood vessel labelled Q in the diagram is the


A aorta

B coronary artery

C pulmonary vein

D vena cava

(b) Explain how the structure of a capillary is related to its function.


*(c) Describe the role of the heart valves in the cardiac cycle.


(d) A small number of babies are born with a hole in the septum that separates the

left and right ventricles. If the hole is not repaired these babies may not survive.

Suggest why these babies may not survive.


(Total 11 marks)

27 Every time the heart beats, it goes through a series of stages. These stages are known
as the cardiac cycle.
(a) (i) The table below shows the time taken for each stage of one cardiac cycle.

Complete the table with the name of each stage.

(ii) Using the information in the table, calculate the heart rate in beats per minute.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . beats per minute

(b) The graph below shows the changes in blood pressure that take place in the left

side of the heart and in the aorta, during one cardiac cycle.

(i) Using the information in the graph, state the maximum pressure in the left ventricle.



(ii) At point A, the atrioventricular valve closes.

Explain the evidence from the graph which supports this statement.


(iii) Describe what happens in the heart to bring about the changes shown at point B on the graph.


(iv) Explain why there are pressure changes in the aorta at C on the graph.


(Total 12 marks)

28 The bar graph below shows the number of deaths from cardiovascular disease (CVD)

for some European countries in 2008.

(a) Explain what is meant by the term cardiovascular disease.


(b) Suggest why the deaths from CVD are expressed as the number of deaths per

100 000 of population.


(c) (i) Using the information in the bar graph, compare the number of deaths for men with the
number of deaths for women.



(ii) Suggest explanations for the differences in the number of deaths from CVD in these countries.


(Total 9 marks)
29 Scientists studied the diets of a group of men and women in Northern Sweden.
People were asked to record their weekly intake of low fat margarine and butter.

Some of the results of this study are shown in the graphs below.
(a) (i) Using the information in the graph for men, describe the trends in

consumption of low fat margarine and butter.


(ii) Using the information in both graphs, give two differences between the

weekly intake of low fat margarine of men and women.


1 ....................................................................................

2 ....................................................................................

(b) (i) The scientists planned to continue the study with the same group of men and women.

Suggest two reasons why this was difficult to achieve.


1 ....................................................................................

2 ....................................................................................

(ii) The information in the graphs was collected using questionnaires that were

completed at home.

Suggest one advantage and one disadvantage of using this method of data

collection, rather than face-to-face questioning by the scientists.


Advantage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Disadvantage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(Total 9 marks)

30 A mammalian heart has four chambers and valves that control the direction of blood flow.

(a) The diagram below shows a section through a mammalian heart.

Add arrows to the diagram to show the direction of blood flow during one complete cardiac cycle.

(b) The table below shows changes in the volume of blood in the left ventricle during

one second. The volume is expressed as a percentage of the maximum volume of

blood the ventricle can hold.

(i) Using the information in the table, state the length of one cardiac cycle.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . seconds

(ii) Using the information in the table, explain what happened to the semilunar

valves between 0.4 and 0.5 seconds.


(iii) The maximum volume of blood in the left ventricle is 50 cm 3 .

Calculate the volume of blood in the left ventricle at 0.6 seconds.

Show your working.


Volume of blood: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cm 3

(c) Sandra told her doctor that she often felt breathless and lacked energy. Her

doctor listened to her chest with a stethoscope. The doctor heard a sound

characteristic of a faulty atrioventricular valve.

Suggest why a faulty atrioventricular valve could lead to Sandra’s symptoms of

breathlessness and lack of energy.


.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. (Total 10 marks)

31 Asim has been warned by his doctor that he is at an increased risk of cardiovascular

disease (CVD) because of his current high-fat diet and low activity levels.

*(a) Explain why the combination of a high-fat diet and low activity levels may lead to CVD.


(b) The bar chart below shows how the number of risk factors affects the risk of developing CVD.

(i) Using the information in the bar chart, describe the relationship between the

number of risk factors and the risk of developing CVD. (2)


(ii) Suggest one change in diet, other than reducing saturated fats, which could

help reduce the risk of developing CVD. (1)


(c) Statins can be used to treat CVD.
Give one risk associated with the use of statins.

(d) Diuretics are antihypertensive drugs used to treat some people with CVD. They

cause an increase in fluid loss from the body by stimulating urine production.

Suggest how diuretics can help reduce the risk of CVD.


(Total 11 marks)

32 Blood flows through the heart during the cardiac cycle.(a)Which diagram shows the direction of
blood flow through the vena cava?


(Total 1 Marks)
b) Which row in the table describes the blood flow through the pulmonary artery and the pulmonary


(Total 1 Marks)

d) Describe how the events of the cardiac cycle change when the demand of body cells for oxygen


(Total 7 marks)

33 A diet high in salt has been shown to increase the risk of some diseases.

The graph shows the results of one study into the increased risk of death related to a diet high in

An increased risk of death is associated with a high hazard ratio.

(a) State two conclusions that can be drawn from these results. (2)



(b) The values for the hazard ratio were adjusted for a number of factors, including age and

(i) Explain why age and smoking were taken into account when determining the hazard ratio.



(ii) State two factors, other than age and smoking, that may have been considered

when adjusting the values for the hazard ratio. (2)


(c) Suggest why the hazard ratio for low salt intake was 1.00 for each cause of death. (2)


(d) (i) The results of this study suggest that there is a correlation between salt intake

and cause of death.

State the meaning of the term correlation. (1)


(ii) Suggest why studies of this type are unreliable. (2)



(Total 12 marks)









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