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By: Heaven Marie Diez

Initially, when we think of technological devices, these are the innovations that make
long distance communications possible and certain other machines that make work easier. Over
time, varieties of these devices came into existence and it was not long that these same devices
established a significant role in ours: either our destruction or our greatest tool.

In Sherry Turkle’s piece, giving emphasis on how people are drawn to empty connections
rather than substantial conversations, the circumstances mentioned are indeed evident in various
contexts. Believe it or not, I, myself, on random days in my own home, I often think of how
better life is with much less of these technological advances. We are six in the family and each
has their own corners attending to multiple devices. I wonder how things could have been when
we are just making conversations with one another while doing chores: cooking, cleaning the
house and exchanging laughs and sharing horrible experiences. It’s frustrating, it’s sad: which is
why those are the days when I think Bill Cox should’ve been broadcasted worldwide when he
said that, “ Technology should improve your life… not become your life.”

Speaking of communicating worldwide, despite how I think technology has affected me

in deep ways, I cease to think that it is pure evil. These devices are born as tools: as slaves, and
they can remain that way depending on where we, as individuals with the ability to think
critically, position ourselves. Owing to the fact that these are mere devices which do not have the
ability to persuade and force us into submission, I believe that the crucial matter lies in our hand.

If we look on the bright side, these tools greatly serve their purpose considering they
remain as mentioned. The global economy today relies on this advancement in order to smoothly
run its’ course. From global cultural-interactions that maintain the value of diversity: from trade
and international and foreign relations, the aid to make communication happen has helped us in
so many levels. It has primarily paved a path to global unification and understanding which still
remains in our prayers especially with everything going on with Russia and Ukraine, China and
the Philippines, China and Taiwan, United Sates of America and Russia and a few other

Taking everything into account, I strongly suggest that we take control of ourselves and
reevaluate the purpose of these devices. Let us not fall on the illusions that they create and firm
our eyes towards actuality: let us prefer what is real regardless of which way it goes.

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