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Marco Biagi

Department of Economics

Master’s Degree Programme in

International Management
Master’s Degree Programme in International Management
Marco Biagi 2 years, full time Programme start: September ding and insert the data requested, the quality of the studies. The reputation About Unimore
Department of Economics ECTS credits: 120 · after having obtained the access creden- gained in the research and training- inclu-
tials, do the login and then click on Applica- ding post-graduation and the promotion of Unimore has a longstanding tradition (it
tion for evaluation from the lefthand menu, initiatives aimed at the territory have con- was founded in 1175) and is conside-
· subsequently, to complete the procedure solidated over time, the opportunities for red one of the best universities in Italy for
Teaching Programme Presentation nerships and innovative processes. The connect to the link as specified in esse3 and collaboration with the Department’s main teaching and research. With over than
program also deals with the analysis of in the guide to the application for admission, economic and institutional actors at local, 27,000 students including 3,500 postgra-
The Master’s degree programme in In- industrial structures and productive sy- · complete the application for evalua- regional, national and international level. In duates, it is large enough to offer all the
1° year ternational Management is designed to stems to understand how they change in tion, inserting the information requested. the field of the research the Department facilities one would expect from a major
Industrial economics (6) meet the growing demand of businesses order to keep up with the dynamics of in- · Non EU applicants: If you are positively may rely on an extensive network of inter- university (well-stocked libraries, compu-
Elementary applied econometrics and organizations for specialized gradua- ternational markets. Instructional methods assessed, you have to register on the national relations. It also cooperates with ter rooms, free internet connection and
for international economics (9) tes capable of assuming operational and focus on the integration of knowledge with Universitaly platform that allows you to many foreign universities in various actions study support services) but small enough
managerial roles in internationalization acquired skills, thus encouraging a high
Internationalization strategies (9) pre-enroll in Unimore and request an entry brought by the European Union (such as to retain a personal and friendly learning
processes. The deep changes and incre- level of interaction between professors
Organizational forms and design (9) VISA for study Erasmus+). Students have the opportunity environment. Located in the heart of one
asing competitiveness within international and students. Activities include lectures, to attend courses at the Universities of Eu-
Statistical learning and prediction discussions with business professionals,
of Europe’s wealthiest and most dynamic
markets have led companies to hire new ropean and non-European countries, and regions, which is world-renowned for its
from data(6) seminars, group projects, the opportunity
professionals to promote innovative and Fees and scholarships to realize internships at companies and fo- production of mechanical parts, engines,
Strategy and innovation (9) more effective methods for in order to to spend study periods and to participate reign institutions. Through the Traineeship sports cars (e.g., Ferrari and Maserati) as
One examination to be selected deal with emerging markets. Professionals in research projects abroad. min. €600 – max. €2,200. You can apply Office, the Department promotes and ma- well as for its agro-food sector, ceramic ti-
from: who play an active role in these processes for the following benefits: 1. A scholarship nages the provision of traineeships, using les and manufacturing industries.
- Chinese (9) must possess a keen capacity for analy- with total exemption from tuition fees; 2. A an established network of contacts with Unimore benefits from a longstanding re-
- English (advanced) (9) zing international markets, a mastery of a Career options reduction of tuition (for those not eligible business associations, individual com- lationship with the area’s firms and corpo-
wide range of financial, organizational and for total exemption); 3. A financial aid for panies, professional firms, government rations, which provide private support for
legal skills, the ability to manage commer- At the end of the programme, students
2° year accommodation and meals. The rules and agencies, foundations, and national and university research and a unique opportu-
cial policies, and a thorough knowledge will possess a body of knowledge and requirements for submitting the applica- international institutions.
Business intelligence (6) skills in economics, the management of
nity for on-the-job training before gradua-
of marketing. They must also have solid tion are contained in the “Notice of Bene-
International contract law (6) activities and relations with international
communication skills in foreign languages. fits for Entitlement to Study” (Bando Be-
International trade theory and policy markets, combined with language com- nefici per il Diritto allo Studio) published by
(6) petencies, all of which can be applied to ER.GO: www. Incoming students
Trade marketing and sales manage- Course content manufacturing industries and services as willing to apply for benefits are recommen-
ment (9) well as to other organizations in Italy and ded to contact ER.GO at an early stage
Examination chosen by the student In order to respond to the specific require- abroad. This Master degree programme of their application to the Master, to be
Final examination (27)
ments of the job market, the degree pro-
gramme is subdivided into different areas
prepares for managerial and operational
positions in the commercial and marketing
informed on the deadlines. You may also
want to contact the International Welcome
of study. The first is based on methods sectors playing a fundamental role in the
internationalization processes. According
Desk for guidance on any practical issue, Contacts
of international market analysis and on including applications for VISA.
business management tools which are to the courses chosen graduates will also
employed in the process of internationa- be able to cover positions of international Programme web page
lization. The second area concentrates market and systems analysts within public Marco Biagi Department
on marketing tools to support the action and private, national and international in- of Economics Programme coordinator
of companies in international markets, stitutions, as experts in local production
with specific reference to product poli- systems and as industrial analysts. The Department of Economics “Marco International Welcome Desk
cies, customer portfolio management and Biagi” located in Modena since July 2012
foreign market sales networks. The third integrates the functions of research and Information Desk
area addresses the management and or- How to apply teaching of the former Faculty of Eco-
ganization of company networks at the nomics. The Faculty was established in
local and international level, with specific · Register on the www.esse3.unimo- 1968. It became quickly prestigious than-
reference to outsourcing, forms of part- site under the Registration hea- ks to the presence of valid teachers and

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