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Name: ___________________________________ Grade & Section: ________________________

Subject: Science 7 Teacher: _________________________________ Score: _____________

Lesson: Quarter 2 Week 5 LAS 4

Activity Title: The Reproductive Parts of Plants
Learning Target: Label the male and female reproductive structures of a gumamela flower
Reference(s): Science 7 SLM Q2 Module 7, MELC,
LAS Writer: Khristy Ann P. Cabidog

The flower is the reproductive organ of a plant that

produces the egg and sperm.
 The sepals are green leaf-like covering at the
base of the flower.
 The petals are the brightest and colorful parts of PARTS OF A GUMAMELA FLOWER
a flower.
 The stamen is the male reproductive organ of a Stigma
Parts of Stamen:
a. Anther- holds and produce pollen grains
which contains the male sperm cells.
b. Filament- holds or supports the anther up. Ovary

 The pistil is the female reproductive organ of a

flower. It is found at the center of the flower
shaped-like tube.
Parts of Pistil:
a. Stigma- the sticky flat top of the pistil. It
catches the pollen grains transferred or
dropped by the insects.
b. Style- is a long, slender stalk which holds the
c. Ovary- the base of the pistil that holds the
eggs or ovules.
d. Ovules – the female sex cells of the flower.

Activity: Name Me!

Directions: Identify and write the parts of the flower in the boxes provided for.

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