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Mid Term Examination

(BS IT III) Digital Logical Design
(DECEMBER, 2021)

Roll No. _____________ Duration: 2:30 Hours

Name_______________ Maximum Marks: 40
Q.1: Tick the correct option. 16
1. Which of the following is not a valid rule of Boolean algebra
(a) A + 1=A (b) A= A
(c) AA=A (d) A + 0=A.
2. A 3-variable Karnaugh map has
(a) Eight cells (b) three cells
(c) Sixteen cells (d) four cells
3. Convert binary 111111110010 to hexadecimal.
(a) EE216 (b) FF216
(c) 2FE16 (d) FD216
4. An equivalent representation for the Boolean expression A +1 is
(a) A (b) A
(c) 1 (d) 0.
5. Which of the following is an invalid state in an 8421 BCD
(a) 1100 (b) 0010
(c) 0101 (d) 1000
6. The number of bits used to store a BCD digit is:
(a) 8 (b) 4
(c) 1 (d) 2
7. The BCD number for decimal 473 is
(a) 111011010 (b) 110001110011
(c) 010001110011 (d) 010011110011
8. Which of the following is an invalid state in an 8421 BCD

(a) 1100 (b) 0010

(c) 0101 (d) 1000
9. A 32-bit data word consist of
(a) 2 bytes (b) 4 nibbles
(c) 4 bytes (d) 3 bytes and 1 nibble

10. The algebraic output expression of which of the following gates is Ā B+ A B̄

(a) NOR (b) NAND

(c) X-OR (d) X-NOR
11. Adjacent cells on a Karnaugh map differ from each other by
(a) one variable (b) two variables
(c) three variables (d) depends on the size of the map
12. The two types of gates which are called universal gates are
13. Assume an AOI expression is AB + CD. The equivalent POS expression is
(a) (A + B)(C + D) (b) (A + B)(C + D)
(c) (A + B)(C + D) (d) none of the above
14. The expression X = A ⊕ B means
(a) A OR B (b) A AND B
(c) A XOR B (d) A XNOR B
15. The 2’s complement of 1000 is
(a) 0111 (b) 1000
(c) 1001 (d) 1010
16. The Boolean equation AB + AC = A(B+ C) illustrates
(a) the distribution law
(b) the commutative law
(c) the associative law
(d) DeMorgan’s theorem
Note: Answer the following questions. 6*4=24

Q. 2: 3+3
(a) Make the SOP Standard form of following expression
A + BD
(b) Using Boolean algebra, simplify following expression
(B + BC)(B + B̄ C)(B + D)
Q. 3: 6
Use a Karnaugh map to minimize the following SOP expression.

B̄ C̄ D̄+ Ā BC { D̄+ A C̄ B D̄+ Ā B̄ CD+A B̄ CD+ Ā B̄ C D̄+ Ā BC { D̄ ¿+ABC { D̄ ¿+ A B̄C D̄ ¿

Q. 4: 6
Simplify following Boolean expression and draw final circuit diagram of final expression.

A’B C +A B’C’+ A’B’C’+A B’ C+A B C

Q. 5: 6
Reduce the combinational logic circuit in Figure to a minimum form

Good Luck 

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