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Why you should keep silent

.Those who perform magic do not talk about magic, unless they want to screw it up

The first and probably most important reason being the fact that magic is actually and process of the
mind, and now while you’re talking to other people about it, you are getting their minds involved in
your magic for better or worse, typically worse, because your mind is not the only mind that has a
link to the divine, and your conscious mind is not the only filter that can block your magic, especially
from those who are ignorant, prejudice and fearful of such things, and even if they’re not fearful but
doubtful and they’re conscious mind is thinking about what you’re doing, is going to end up by
blocking what you are doing, so if you are on social media just talking about magic, or posting
pictures of your rituals, or your intentions regarding future projects, because magic is not only about
rituals, magic is everything we do in life, and then you will have everyone’s conscious and
subconscious mind working against you, and the number of minds involved does matter ! Perhaps
you will get people praying for you, which is a form of magic, aimed at negating your magic. It does
not matter if they’re of good faith or not, if they’re praying with you or against it, the important here
.is their mind being involved in your magic

The second reason you dont talk about your magic is that we are all expressive beings, all life is
expressive, what goes in has to come out in order to complete the great electrical circuit, and by
talking about what you are doing you are actually diverting that energy from what you are doing, it’s
like a water hose that has a lot of water pressure built up into it, and you are trying to hit something
on the other side of the garden with the jet spray, but if the hose has a leak in it, you’re not going to
get that pressure or enough force to do it, the spray is going to dwindle, that is the reason why we
.keep silent, so that our force is focused on our magic and our goals instead of all over the place

Perhaps you enjoy dressing Goth and wearing pentagrams as an expression of who you are, but the
best magicians are the one who blend in with society, it’s those expressions that are going to return
and hinder you for the very reasons that we’ve been talking about. I know as I am writing this
paragraph that I may sound like a complete fanatic, and it’s not that I am against anything anyone
does because he or she likes it, what I am saying is that these kind of expressions are very loud
announcements of who you are, what you like and what you are doing, which are accompanied by
stereotypes and very fixed mindsets. Silence is a form of depolarization, and the way you dress is part
of that, so if you dress extreme you are placing a huge limitation on yourself. That is why he or she
with the pink Mohawk, nose ring and the face tattoo is going a lot more limiting and restrictive
options in life than somebody who just dresses normally, and he or she sit around will sit around and
complain how life is not fair because everybody is judging them by the way they look, and it is
because of the self-limiting thing they put upon themselves, that was a choice that they made, they
restricted their own options only to get validated and recognized. That is why we have to redirect
and focus our expression into our magic, magic being everything that we are doing in life and not
.only the « occultist » part of it

The conscious mind is always wanting to project and express everything, that is why people project
things onto others, onto the divine, and onto anything but themselves, and it would be better if we
took those conscious projections and focused them on our will to make things happen for us instead
.of against us

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