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Topic: Prepare a range of Appetizers


Learning Outcome 2.1
Differentiate between hot and cold appetizers.

At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:

2.1 Differentiate between hot and cold appetizers.
2.2 Prepare a variety of appetizers.

Appetizers or hors d’oeuvres - is a small dish or serving of food – just a few bites
- or a drink taken before eating a meal or the main course of a meal. It is meant to
stimulate your appetite, making you extra hungry for your meal. These are one of the
easiest ways to add excitement and stimulate conversation among guests, as well as
add a festive atmosphere. The varieties of savory and innovative appetizers are
endless. With careful planning and advance preparation, these can be made with
minimal amount of time and effort. Appetizers can be hot or cold.

Hot appetizers - are being served while they are still hot and expected to be
consumed as soon as they are served. Most of the time soup-based, made from bread,
fried meats and other sizzling foods. Some people prepared to have hot appetizers
because they believe that it has great impact to their moods most especially to their
stomachs as they move further into eating their main course. It gives them the feeling
of satisfaction and the eagerness to eat well.

Cold appetizers - are being served in lower temperatures. These are made from fresh
seafoods, food wraps and dip-based finger foods, particularly fruits and vegetables. In
some restaurants, bars, pubs, hotels and in our home, there are recipes of cold
appetizers which makes our meal mouth watering and tasty.
When selecting appetizers, always consider some important things like the type of
occasion, menu, number of guests and time needed to prepare each course. Always
choose those foods that can be made ahead of time and frozen, then heated at the last
minute, are good choices.
When appetizers seem to be the main menu feature, plan a wide variety. You can have
an experiment of appetizers that suggest just a hint of foreign cuisine but also serve
other more traditional ones and you will be sure to please practically all your guests.
When deciding to make hot and cold appetizers, you may consider the
1. Amount of space available in the refrigerator or oven.
2. Make dips and spreads ahead of time or in advance.
3. Serve hot appetizers in stages, or batch by batch.
4. Use electric plates or chafing dishes for keeping the food warm.
5. Offer a variety of contrasting colors, textures and flavors.
6. Don’t be afraid to serve exotic or spicy appetizers.
7. Consider the length of time the guests will remain.
No matter what appetizers you choose to serve, remember to keep hot foods hot and
cold foods cold.

A. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if not correct.
1. Appetizers are served before the main menu.
2. There are variety and endless type of appetizers.
3. Cold appetizers are being served in high temperature.
4. Appetizers can either be hot or cold.
5. Before making appetizers, you need to consider the amount of space available
in your refrigerator or oven.

B. Read the situation below and write your answer on the space provided.
You will be celebrating your birthday next month. The only contribution you can have to
help your parents in the preparation is to give suggestions of the different menus that
you want to be served in your party. As you go along with planning, you were asked to
give a list of your favorite appetizers. You may ask your parents about the common
appetizers found in birthday parties.
1. What are the usual appetizers do you see in birthday celebrations?

2. What are the factors needed in choosing appetizers in birthday celebrations?

Learning Outcome 2.2
Prepare variety of appetizers.

Appetizer is the second meal after the soup. One must be able to know the nature of
every appetizer to be served for the appropriate occasion. We must know how to
prepare a variety of appetizers.
We can classify appetizers into.
1. Cocktails - mostly seafoods with alcoholic beverages
2. Hors d’ oeuvres - meals outside the menu stated
3. Canapes - bite size
4. Relishes - raw vegetables and pickled items
5. Petite Salads - seafood mixtures
6. Chips and Dips - flavored substances
7. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
8. Finger Foods
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Cocktails - are usually juices of orange, pineapple, grapefruit or tomatoes served with
cold salad dressings. It may be in the form of a fruit or vegetable juice mixed with little
alcoholic beverage or seafood like shrimps, crabs, or lobsters served with slightly
seasoned sauce.
Hors d’oeuvres -it is small portion of highly seasoned foods, it is a combination of
canapés, olives, stuffed celery, pickled radishes, and fish. It is served on individual plate
when guests are seated. Sometimes this is simply placed on a platter and passed
around. Hors d’oeuvres are served cold or hot.
Canapes - are made out of thin slices of bread in different shapes. The bread may be
toasted, sautéed in butter or dipped in a well-seasoned mixture of egg, cheese, fish, or
meat then deep-fat fried. It is a finger food consisting of three parts: a base, a spread
or topping and garnish. They could be served hot or cold. There are no set recipes for
the making of canapés. You may create your own combination of several different
colored items on the cut pieces of bread, toasted or fried and biscuits etc. The larger
canapés are termed as ZAKUSKIS after the Chef Zakuski.
Relishes - are pickled item which are raw, crisp vegetables such as julienne carrots
or celery sticks. Relishes are generally placed before the guest in a slightly, deep,
boat shape dish.
Petite Salads – are small portions and usually display the characteristics found in
most salad. It is a dish consisting of a mixture of small pieces of food, usually
vegetables or fruits.
Chips and Dips - are popular accompaniments to potato chips, crackers, and raw
vegetables. Proper consistency in the preparation is important for many dip. It must not
be so thick that it cannot be scooped up without breaking the chip or crackers, but it
must be thick enough to stick to the items used as dippers.
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables - are the simplest appetizer. Fruits are good appetizers
because they give an attractive appearance, fragrance, appealing taste and delicious
flavor. For example, you could serve a platter of thinly sliced cucumbers, chunks of red
bell pepper and baby carrots. For a fruit tray, consider serving red and green grapes, as
well as chunks of mango with toothpicks inserted in them.
Finger Foods- are varieties of appetizers wherein the only requirement is that
you keep everything small enough to be picked up with the fingers and eaten with
little mess.

HERE are examples of variety of appetizers.

1. Cocktails

2. Hors d’oeuvres
3. Canapes

4. Relishes

5. Petite Salads
6. Chips and Dips

7. Fruits and Vegetables

8. Finger Foods

Variety of Appetizers

A. Matching exercise

Direction: Match the items on the right to the items on the left.


Hors d’ oeuvres



Fresh Fruits and Vegetables




Name: Grade and Section: Date:

Direction: Answer the crossword Puzzle below.
Topic: Prepare a range of appetizers
1. True
2. true
3. false
4. true
5. true

B. Answer may vary




Hors d’ oeuvres



Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

1. Finger foods
2. Appetizers
3. Chips and dips
4. Hot appetizers
5. Hors d’ oeuvres
6. Relishes
7. Canapes
8. Cold appetizers
9. Cocktails

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