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CEO’s Time:

15 Must-Have Dashboards
for 2021
What is a dashboard and what is it used for?

A dashboard is a corporate tool used to visually and graphically represent the most relevant information about an area of activity.

Dashboards include the most relevant metrics and performance indicators of a business area and their mission is to provide a global, clear,
reliable and updated view of reality so that managers can reach conclusions and make decisions based on the data.

The main purpose of a dashboard is to enable executives to make data-driven decisions rather than
letting intuition be the fuel of business decisions.

Pareto Principle

According to the Pareto Principle —introduced by the Italian scientist, economist, philosopher and sociologist Vilfredo Federico Pareto in
1896—, 80% of consequences come from 20% of causes.

The principle has been widely referenced in the field of data science to express a phenomenon that evokes Pareto. Data scientists and analysts
spend 80% of their time collecting, preparing, transforming, consolidating and cleaning data. Only the remaining 20% is dedicated to data

Dashboards' main advantage is that they ease data analysts' job enormously, reversing the law so that data scientists can spend 80% of their
working time analysing data and generating intelligence.
Types of dashboards
There are many types of dashboards. One of the most popular and widely used is
the balanced scorecard (BSC), which reflects, on a single screen, the business
performance and the progression in achieving a business’ most important
objectives (KPIs).

Did you know that…

The Balanced Scorecard was invented by American economists Robert Kaplan

and David Norton, who first introduced the concept in a Harvard Business Review
publication in 1992.

Until then, business performance was solely assessed from a financial perspective.
Kaplan and Norton's proposal completely turned things around with the
introduction of a disruptive new tool that provided a holistic view to the previously
biased corporate view. BSC’s great reform is that, for the first time, business
performance began to be considered holistically, incorporating all key
performance indicators (KPI) in a single environment.

While this is the most generic dashboard, companies also need more specific
dashboards to deeply explore specific areas of their business. In this sense,
departmental dashboards are very common, although there are other dashboards
whose use is proliferating and are proving to have a significant significance in the
achievement of better business results.
01 Finance Dashboard
What is it for?

A financial dashboard fulfils an essential function within any company: acting as

the CFO's main guide and ensuring that the company's finances are on track.

Essential metrics

The metrics or performance indicators of a financial dashboard may vary

depending on the nature and business logic of each organisation. However, any
financial dashboard should incorporate the company's most important financial

Annual budget
Quarterly budget
Expected income
Current revenue
Net profit
Expected costs
Current costs
Accounts to be paid
Other indicators
02 Sales Dashboard
What is it for?

To track sales and their evolution compared to previous periods and to support
management in reviewing the evolution of the sales team's productivity.

Essential metrics

Els quadres de comandament de vendes mostren informació relativa al rendiment

dels diferents grups de productes, així com dels diferents canals de venda i
inclouen els KPIs que expressen la consecució dels objectius de vendes més
importants del negoci.

Current sales
Quarterly sales
Expected sales
Revenue per sale
Revenue generated by customer segment
Units sold by region
Units sold by customer segment
Sales profitability by region
Sales profitability by customer segment
Campaigns, promotions and offer’s ROI
Other indicators
03 Indicators & Dimensions Definition Dashboard
What is it for?

To ensure that performance indicators are well defined, point to the right data and
accurately measure the achievement of objectives. This is a specific dashboard for
the definition of indicators, dimensions and the relationships between them.

Optimises the results of follow-up meetings

Reduces the amount of time spent on reporting
Promotes communication between the IT department and other functional

Essential metrics

Existing indicators Calculation frequency

Purpose Data source
Indicator group Time reference
Perspective Data history
Indicator's person in charge Data format
Calculation's person in charge Process
Measurement unit Calculation formula
Functional areas Other dimensions

Access Indicators & Dimensions Definition Tool

04 Cost Optimization Dashboard
What is it for?

To develop and monitor cost reduction projects and optimise organisations'

supply chain. This type of dashboard is the ideal environment for managers to
analyse all the variables that affect the company's financial performance, draw
conclusions and drive reforming changes.

Essential metrics

Current costs
Quarterly costs
Annual costs
Cost evolution
Historical cost data
Project ROI
Other indicators
05 Customer Segmentation Dashboard
What is it for?

Segmentation dashboards allow companies to structure their market and classify

customers according to established criteria in order to offer them personalised
solutions, products, services and experiences.

This dashboard assists decision-makers and helps them to better define actions
towards the market.

Essential metrics

Total customers Customers by recency

New customers Customers by frequency
Lost customers Customers by revenue
CAC Cluster Matrix
ARPU Sales by segment
Churn Sales by geographic area
Customer segments (age, Sales by period
gender, geographic area) Sales by type of sales
Customer behaviour Other indicators
RFM Analysis
06 Customer Journey Dashboard
What is it for?

This type of dashboard maps and quantifies the customer journey so that
professionals can then develop personalised acquisition and retention strategies
and push customers to the next stage of the conversion funnel.

Essential metrics

It should include all metrics related to customer segments and their behaviour at
each stage of the buying process and the conversion funnel.

Stages of the conversion funnel

Customers for each stage of the conversion funnel
New contacts
New customers
Customers who have made a purchase
Returning customers
Customers who have abandoned the purchase process
Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)
Customer lifetime value (CLTV)
Other indicators

Access Bismart Customer Journey

07 Customer Profitability Dashboard
What is it for?

To segment the customer portfolio by focusing on the profitability of each

customer and help the marketing, sales and commercial team to focus their
efforts on the right customers.

Bismart ABC Client Analysis deciphers the links between turnover, profitability and
customers and enables companies to align their business strategies with
customer profitability.

Identifies strategic customers, high-risk customers, target customers and

unprofitable customers

Essential metrics

Bismart ABC Client Analysis dissects and segments the client portfolio according
to criteria of contribution to turnover and profitability.

Customer portfolio
Gross Margin
Ratio between turnover and gross margin
Classification of customers by turnover and gross margin
Customer life cycle
Contribution characteristics of each customer segment
Other indicators

Access Bismart ABC Client Analysis

08 Marketing Insights Dashboard
What is it for?

Marketing Insights dashboards are used to monitor the performance of the

marketing team and the success of their campaigns and efforts. They also as the
CMOs' main guide when making decisions, measuring the success of the
marketing activity and driving new marketing strategies.

Essential metrics

The metrics included may vary according to each company's strategic marketing
plan. However, some of the most common ones are:

Annual marketing budget

Current costs
Generated content
Generation of new leads
Customers redirected to the sales team
Visits to the website
Social media traffic
Email engagement
Marketing campaign success
Other indicators
09 Social Media Engagement Dashboard
What is it for?

A social media performance monitoring dashboard serves as a guide and analysis

environment to quantify and examine the performance of content and
communication campaigns in the digital environment, focusing on social media

Essential metrics

Social Media Insights dashboards include the most relevant metrics related to a
company's social networks. Therefore, depending on the strategic plan and the
social media presence of each business, this type of dashboards will incorporate
some performance indicators or others. However, some of the most common ones

New visitors
New followers
Interactions (reactions, comments, likes, etc.)
Sentiment analysis
User type
User behaviour
Other indicators
10 Team Performance (RRHH) Dashboard
What is it for?

To monitor and track employees, departmental and business area performance, as

well as to study the profitability of each area, forecast results and identify
productivity problems.

Essential metrics

This type of dashboard contains metrics related to productivity, profitability and

workload. Some of the most basic ones are:

Number of employees
Performance x department
Budget per business area
Net profit
Performance evolution
Profit evolution
Other indicators
Dashboards for specific business sectors
11 Hotel Management Dashboard (Tourism)
What is it for?

Hotel Revenue Management Dashboard is a set of information services under a

single environment designed for hotel chain managers to consult all the indicators
related to their hotels and functional areas. This type of dashboard unifies all
information silos in a single environment, offering a comprehensive portrait of the

Essential metrics

It unifies all the information that any hotel manager may need:

Purchases Staff
Sales Air traffic
Financials Length of stay
Reputation Customer segments
Brand presence Other indicators
Web traffic
Business activity

It also integrates advanced analytics and predictive analytics and enables

managers to predict occupancy and optimise their purchasing.

Real-time occupancy forecast

Access Hotel Revenue Management Dashboard

12 Energy Forecasting Dashboard (Utilities)
What is it for?

Energy Forecasting Dashboard is a predictive maintenance and monitoring

dashboard that tracks the operation of a power plant in real time and predicts
energy production, as well as possible anomalies and incidents through artificial
intelligence algorithms.

Essential metrics

This predictive dashboard features all the essential metrics to guarantee the
monitoring of the activity of the power plant and multidimensional forecasting.

Energy consumption
Energy produced
Local temperature
Relative humidity level
Prediction of energy production
Incident monitoring
Predictive maintenance
Real Time Monitor
Other indicators
13 Covid-19 Prediction Dashboard (Healthcare)
The last two years have been obviously defined by the health crisis caused by a Essential metrics
global pandemic and the collapse of hospitals and other health care facilities
around the world. New patients Treatment received
Patients positive on Deceased
Uncertainty has been a major factor working against healthcare workers. In this Covid-19 Discharges
sense, dashboards that predict the evolution of the virus —still uncertain, Health status Other indicators
especially after the emergence of new Covid variants— have become an essential Disease evolution
tool for overcoming the situation.

What is it for?

Covid-19 Prediction Dashboard is a dashboard specifically design for hospitals and

other healthcare centres working with Covid-19 patients. It monitors incoming and
departing Covid-19 patients, as well as all indicators related to their health status
and evolution during their stay in the centre. The great strength of this solution is
that it incorporates predictive analysis capabilities and, using artificial intelligence
algorithms, manages to forecast the evolution of affected patients so that
healthcare staff can offer the appropriate treatment for each patient's particular

By implementing this dashboard, some hospitals have been able to "identify

common characteristics in relation to history, previous treatments or treatments
received during the disease, and relate them to its evolution".
14 Cross-selling & Up-selling Dashboard (Retail & Consumer Goods)
What is it for?

This is a specific solution for product sales companies. This dashboard

environment applies two commercial strategies —cross-selling and up-selling—
that increase the revenue generated by existing customers.

Through artificial intelligence capabilities, it identifies relational patterns between

purchases, customers and products to generate specific recommendations for
cross-selling and up-selling.

Essential metrics

This type of dashboard features multiple metrics related to the purchases made by
customers and their relationship with the products.

Number of tickets
Average net revenue
Average gross revenue
Type of article
Shopping basket evolution
Product ranking
Products recommended for cross-selling
Products recommended for up-selling
Other indicators
15 Traffic Fatalities Dashboard (Public sector)
What is it for?

Traffic Fatalities is a predictive analytics dashboard used to predict the number

and type of traffic accidents in a given period, as well as the type of casualties and
their potential impact.

Essential metrics

The environment provides all the needed metrics for artificial intelligence
algorithms to find relational patterns in the historical data and to predict the
number and type of traffic accidents that will occur in the near future.

Traffic accidents by month

Cause of accident
Type of vehicle
Victims (number, characteristics, consequences)
Geographical location
Traffic evolution
Other indicators
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We can help you!
We can help you!
Would you like to implement the most efficient business dashboards for
2021? Do you need advice on which dashboards are more convenient
according to your characteristics and business needs?

+34 931 786 880

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